10 Want D Ad; Advertisement tmT th want (oliHiii wilt be taken 411 . tot the eealK edition aad til B18 . a. for tbe rsernla aad Saada edi tion. Csaa moat Noniwiir orders f will ads anil an advertisement wilt fee aeeeated fop lees tha aft seats e first laxertlea. It a tea apply ta either TfcS Dally li4T If. Always eoeat si word ta a Una. CASH nATKl rOR WAST ADS. IIRnFUR CLASSIFICATION oa Insertion, 11-1 peat per word aad 1 pent par ward far earn nbeqaeat Insertion. . Earh laaertloa naad aa add dri, 1 LI eeats Bar wardi t.B per line per aaaatk. Want ada for Ta Baa mar a left t aar at tba fallowing dra stares la roar "ecratr dragls-at" tbey are all branrb afflees far Tba B and rr ad will ba Inserted fn aa prapmtly aad aa tba same ratea aa at the mala office la Tba Be Balldlaa, ereateeutb aad Faraana streets I Albach. W. C. 40th and Farnani. Beranck, S. A.. 14f R 1Hh t. Becht Pharmacy, 720 S I6th "t Benson Pharmacy, Benson, Neb. Beml Park Pharmacy, S3d and Cuming. Rlake-Rradlsh. 281(1 Sherman Ave. Caughlln, O. R.. tb and Pierre Sta. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. t2M Military AM. Conte. J. B . Jlt Ave. and Farnam. Crlssey Pharmacy, I4tii and Lake. Conney Pharmacy, 38 South 16(b St Cermak, Hmll, 12S4-B 8. 13th St. Ehler. F. H.. 2W Leavenworth. Foater A mold I, 213 N. t'th 8?. Freytag. John J.. 1114 N. 84th St. Frvcaar Drug Co.. ItM N. lGtta 8t Florence Drug Co.. Florence. Nh. Goldman Pharmacy. 20th and Lake. Grten's Pharmacy, Park Ave. snrt Pacific Greenougn. O. A., 11 S. lOih 1st. r:,..nmiih 11. A., loth end Hickory. I- M Myden, William. C. 2920 Farnam St Haiiscom I'a.k Pasr.. 1501 H. Wth Ave. Holit. John. 624 M. 16th St Muff. A. L., f.'M Leavenworth 6t Jehanaon Drug Co., 24th and Spalding Sta. Kim;, H. b . l-arnam St. Kountze Plar Pharmacy, 8304 N. 24th. Mates, Fred U, Stilt Central Boulevard. Patrick Drug Co., M24 N. 24th bt Lauirop, Charge K., 1324 N. 24th St. Peyton. I. E.. 4Ui and Leavenworth BU Saratoga Drug Co., 84tn and Ainea Ave. bohaaler a Cut Pries Drug bvore, 1WO and Chicago Wt. BVher, August, 2W. N. 16th 81. Schmidt J. li., 24UJ and Cuming Sta. Storm pharmacy, 16th and Murllia bit. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cuming Sta. Walton Pharmacy, 20tn and Grace Sta. Y.'irth. O. U.. tSth and Hamilton Sta. DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES ELSASSER-John, Monday morning, of heart failure; born in Worihinguurg, Germany. April 12, UU. Funeral Friday afternoon at 2 p. m. from tanilly residence, Kuu2 South Twenty third street. Interment Laurel Hill ceme tery. Friends invited. PROCHA6KA Anna, beloved wife of Joseph FrochaHka, aged t4 years. Funeral Thursday at 2 p. m. from resi dence, 1111 South Fourth street. Interment Bohemian National cemetery. Friends In vited. rbaaVaUfe BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births P. Shirley, 3S70 Farnam, boy; AM.mi Kinhtnda. 2819 Dewey avenue, girl; t.v.,,1 Fielder. 3t02 Charles, girl; F. De Luua; 1121 pierce, boy; Arthur Cummings, llli South Sixth,' boy; John Bowman. Douglas' County-hospital, girl. Deaths Kutii I. Worth, Metnodist hospi tal,! niontii; Joe wnlie. Locust, 6 months; Joseph Wagner, 2112 South Twenty-third, i; Harold Tanner, Ancon, Valiums fi! William Lewis Street. Thirty- fourth and -Meredith, 65; B. J. Benon, Fifty-fourth and Grand, 08. .. JttAHRIAGE LICENSES. The following marrlagej licenses have been issued: Name and Residence. Age. Hwrv C. Tavlor. Omaha 21 Klla C. Goodwin. Omaha 20 ANNOUNCEMENTS A T CLEAN Carbon Cookli coutant & Suulres, 14U6 F Cooking, 6.W. ar. D. KiO. HuratoEa Druar Co.. 24th and Ames Ave., accurate compounders of prescription. Free rt Iverv. Store open :au a. m. to u p. m. 1T ATAQsaldwln Co- wholesale player X J. JA-TN V pianos, organs, 106 McCague B. MONEY TO LOAN LOW RATE, In sums to suit, 210 Bee Bldg Phone Doug. 29 4. UNION LOAN COMPANY. Douglas, Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. COAL Illinois lump per ton P. J. Creedon & Sons. $6.50 46th and Dodge. Tel. Harney 2160, All kinds of CEMENT WORK, DUNDEE CEMENT STONti wokks, 4btn at uoage VlA.!nOiilia electric works repairs ele- jZiiecinc val , .Si 10s m. nth. d. usi. A-ms. GOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH, r (TTX A. JETkiS, 1JB Douglas St. " -- OMAHA Safe and Iron Worka makes a specialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and safes. G. Andieen, Prop., 102 S. 10th. A. CKCHA Expert watchmaker and jeweler. Repairing guaraneed. 1248 8. 13th. 1 : 1LER GRAND HOTEL Finest in the west, loth and How aid Sta. Turkish Baths COAL Andovcr, Egg and $6.50 Lump. K. H. More- iiouao Co. W. 3105. B-2246. COAL AND KINDLING In- any quantity, by Frank Stroud & Co. Also express and baggage. Tel. Doug. 6547, lnd. U-ii076. 1616 California St. Boiler Repairing M0PT Boiler Co., 19th and Pierc. Douglas 1141. KRITZ E. SANDWALt,! iter & JDliclan. formerly So. Omaha, now 601 Paxton Blk. C. JARU keys and gen. repairing; location, 1709 Leavenworth. new ItOBT. J. HAMILTON. PLUMBING. STEAM and GAS FITTING. 2231 Leaven warth St Pbonea D. 4961. Ind. A 4366. rVVAT 8. A il. Green Trading Stamps with hard and soft coal. Peo ple's Coal Co. Doug. 3471; Ind. A-1468. r- anr'.no- AND DYEING. Twin City t. . v l've Work 407 S' 1Btn st- COAL by the BASKET. Red 7565 DAVID COLE Creamery Co. HINDOO . TABLETS will Lulld. brace, Strengthen. BOc. BKLL DRUG CO. WOOD. Dr. O. 8., 621 N. Y. L. Homeopath. OTFlcirs'TATioYEiiY fi$j Kouta &' Co., 150J Jackson. 'Phone D. p60. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and wire fencaa cheaper than wood. Last a Lifetime. iffl' ft. 17tU. 'Phone Red 814 MISSOURI Howard St. filters made and sold. 1310 PIANO TUNING. Let our expert take cara of your piano. Ttntng. $2.50. Repairing and reconstruc tion our great specialty. J. MARSHALL SMITH CO., 308-310 8. 18th. ' Depositions. F. J. Sutcllff. 628 Be Bldg. W. W. BCOTT. PHOTOGRAPHER Photos taken anywhere, anytime. Call Douglas . . TRY our cream bread: always fresh. laVorth St. Bakery. 270711worth. II. 60u6. M1LLKR A JAMIFSON. quick printers. 1U2 Douglas St. Tel. Doug. 124; Ind., A-429. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) Billiard and Pol Pent tables ai etien: cnurteoua at tention. KNTRANCR through TRACY BHDS. CIGAR STORK, 1415 Douglas. Monument. J. F. Bloom A Co. 1X16 Far. Pin no Tllnl'nrrF'tl"',,,,1C'',, J 1 UU1I1 Thatcher, 19 men. C. H. 19M Mar. DS012 RAMSER, practical HATTER. 220 S. 14 St " ' , , - -.j r - --3 AUTOMOBILES MIDWAY AUTO OARAGE. Steam heat apace for atorave; repairing done promptly anywhere, dny or night. Fire vulcanizing, oil and euppllc. 1.129 Broadway, Council Bluffs. Independent Cil, Black m. SEND for eur Hot of second-hand cars. DERIGHT AITOMOB1LE CO., 1&14 Farnam St. WRITE for list of second-hand automobile bargains. H. K. FREDRICKSON AUTO CO., Omaha, ANTROOENOUS AVELDINO All kinds of broken cylinders, crank cases and castings promptly repaired. All work guaranteed. BEKTSPHY MOTOR COMPANY, Council Bluffs, la. AUTO STORAGE, Painting and Repairing. WM. PFE1FER CARRIAGE WORKS, 20th Ave and Leavenworth. DON'T have a puncture, we treat your tires and guarantee them for one year. Ne braska Puncture Proof Co., "06 N. ltith. BARGAINS In used cars. Send for list. Council Bluffs Auto Co., B10 Pearl St. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of business call on GANGESTAD, 404 Bee Blug. Tel. D. 3367. HEAVY TIMBER LAND You now have an opportunity to make application for 160 acres of very heavy tim ber lund, not' more than 160 acres to each applicant, at 12.60 per acre. Location free. Including attorney's services, very reason able. , Call or write 413 Karbach Bldg., Omaha, Neb. 175.00 WILL locate you o'n 160 acres of i.)inlrA nrstil livA land- nrlr'A 1'.' TiO nir acre at time of securing title. 413 Karbach DIOCK. THE GROSS & DIXON. GOLD MINING COMPANY OMAHA. NEB. Invest In mining stocks where you have no chance to lose a gold bond to the amount of your Investment delivered with each certificate of stock. We are Jny too glad to show the finest ore In the city from this mine, also assays, mill treat ments, etc. All communications addressed to this office, not matter how searching. will be answered at once. We can operate this mine for one-half It costs In the west. This mine Is owned and controlled by Ne braska people only. Investigate this. Phone Douglas 2532. Suite 611. Paxton Bin. FOR SALE The only breeding barn In one of the best farming communities In the state; three Imported pedigreed stallions, one standard bred stallion and one mam moth Jack; fine location Address J. H. Sherwood, Oxford, Nebs PHYSICIAN'S PRACTICE FOR SALE. Unopposed field In live town In eastern Ne braska; $40,000 business done in ten years; collection the best: will sell for cost of my centrally located 10-room house, mod ern except furnace; spacious grounds, all needed outbuildings, large barn, all In first-class condition; permanent walks, private water system. Price, $4,500; half cash, and will introduce successor. Ad dress Y 117, cara Bee. FOR RENT-SPACE FOR THE TAILORING DEPARTMENTS, Dry Goods. Clothing, Shoes. Gents' Fur nishings, Groceries . and Millinery, In the new and modern store building on 16th St., room 6iix90, two-story and basement. For particulars see H. Krasne, 1215 Harney St. 'Phones: Douglas 3943, Webster 2911. $4,000 wanted to complete an Investment guaranteed to net you $1,000 profit In four months. . security given. Money wanted at once. Address J 218, Bee. FOR SALE A small stock of Imple ments, well located near Omaha, at the right price, at your terms. Address Y-118, care Bee. BLACKSMITH shop for sale. Only shop In good town. Plenty of work for two men all the time. Also residence and six lots. J. H. Crelghton, Benedict, Neb. WANTED Bv an exDerlenced rjhvsiclan. a first-class opening In Nebraska. Address with full particulars, L 820, Bee. FULLY occifpled Harney St. rooming house. 2208 REIS-KOHN Printing Co., 107 S. 14th St. HERE IS YOURCHANCE. 11-room rooming house, modern, well fur nished, location 23d and Douglas. Price, $450. Address K 681, Bee. HOTEL'and restaurant near depot; cheap rent; best location and business in town; about Jf-00 cash will buy; see this at once. Address Wm. S. Bishop, Weeping Water, Neb. FOR SALE Drug store; clean stock; in voice $3,500; dally receipts $20; have other business; can't run both. Wm.' Hleber, 62S Farnam St., Davenport, Ia. $3,000 STOCK In live local corporation, of fered to Increase facilities for handling rapidly growing business; unlimited 'mar ket; exceptional earning capacity; a re sponsible guarantee will be given purchaser to buy back stock In one year at par plus 6 per cent Interest If not satisfied with the Investment; will stand sarutlny; a gilt edge opportunity for a prompt Investor. Address K 836, Bee. STOCK dry goods, groceries and general merchandise; will Invoice about $8,000; stock In good, clean shape: corner room, brick, 26x90 feet; good basement; large win dows; must be sold aulck; no clothing. E. B. Borland. Wray, Colo. AN UP-TO-DATE hardware store In a fine location for business; only store of the kind In town; doing a good business and is a fine opening for a business man: better investigate this. Nowata Land and Lot Co., Suite 621 New York Life Bldg. FOR SALE 160 acres choice land, well Improved, 4 miles from county seat, at $110 per acie, will take up to $10,000 In merchandise and carry balance on arm; but prefer to sell for cash. Address Lock Box, 32S, David City, Neb. CHRISTMAS HINTS lI A X'TVTC! Cut Flower Dept., Bouth jJtirvj.1 uiuu siu0i nrw glore xarge variety of Holiday needs. Holly, Holly Wreaths. Mistletoe, Evergreen wreaths and roping at special low prices for the Holi days; also a large variety of blooming plants and cut flowers. Flower Dept. will u open Christinas day. IDEAL GIFTS for men: Box fine Clgara, Humidors, Meerschaum Pipe and Cigar Holders, Cigar Cases, Tobacco Jars, etc, at MOR1TZ MEYER CIGAR CO., 1314 Farnam. BEAUTIFUIj Fired China makes an ac ceptable holiday gift. Call 1842 N. 19th. Webster 639. T nWVVV'Sl,or Xmas. Saratoga Drug Distinctive and Artistic Jewelry AT MODERATE PR1CE8. FRANKS, 1611 FARNAM ST. BRIAR pipes, 26o up; cigars, 25c box up; tooacco Jars, smokers novelties; ladles In vlted. Tracy Bros. Co., 1416 Douglas Su, Traveling Goods For Xmas Presents WELL, I SHOULD SAY. Trunks, Suitcases and- Bags; large stock; cnaapesi in the city. . Harnesa, Saddles, Automobile Robes. Alfred (ornish & Co., 1210 Farnam fit. rjTWlVSi Made to order, Imported I ea hip. Omaha Glova Mfg Co.. Crounse blk., opp. pomomce, second noor. CHINA and water color' work for Xmaa gifts. Mis Bachman. 601 paxton Block FANCY CHRISTMAS CANDT. Perfumes, hand-painted china toilet sets, etc. Haines Drug Co., 1610 Farnam. TITE BEE: OMAHA, "WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 22. 190H. CHRISTMAS HINTS tContlnued.) BEAUTIFUL stamped sofa pillows, table pieces, etc. Art needle work. So order for Xmas gifts, stamped a specialty. Mrs. H. P. Niles. 408 Broadway, Council Bluffs. HOLIDAY MEATS AT THIS SEASON THE BEST IN M EATS , desired for the holiday tabla. Is We dress our own meats under the most sanitary conditions. You will una our market Just the place to buy your MEAT AND TURKEY. J. HOUSKA, "Home of Good Meats " Both Thonea. 2023 Sherman AVe. Cixjnv Let us make you a price or. xnui. Christmas candy; bulk or package. H. S. King, 24th and Farnam. SAVE MONEY ON XMAS JEWELRY Being out of the high rent district, w can at least SAVE YOU 20 PER CENT, on anything In the Jewelry line. FRITZTSANDWALL, 601 Paxton Block?Y 16th and Farnam Sts. Phone' Douglas 2338. HOBSON'S BEAUTY SHOP. See our doll wlrs. Fine line hair goods for Xmas. Entrance through Kerns Millinery Store. 1308 Douglas St. Doug. 2960. JUST THE THING FOR BOYS OR GIRLS of any age, jne of our rebuilt typewriters. Nothing will please a little boy, a little girl, a big boy oi a big girl like a type writer. Not a toy typewriter, but a prac tical, sure enough writing machine. We have some fins bargains as low as $7.50. All makes. Odver. Remington, Smith, Un derwood at all prices. 1100 machines down as low as $25. Central Typewriter Exchange 1607 Farnam. WEDDING rings made by hand, sold by weight. T. L. Combs & Co., 1520 Douglas. FOUNTAIN PENS Make Ideal CHRISTMAS GIFTS A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF PARKER PENS To Select From' 30 PER CENT DISCOUNT to reduce stock. corey & Mckenzie printing co., 112 S. 14th St. CHRISTMAS TOOL CABINETS The largest line ever shown here. Jas Morton & Son Co., 1511-13 Dodge St. JAPANESE art objects, new goods Just arrived, suitable for Xmas gifts. Cor. 16th and Jackson. THE TOYO CO. XMAS. don't -miss It. vour Dhoto. Stuts man's, The Bassett Studio. Give Her a Year's Ticket for the Young Women's Christian asso ciation gymnasium. A TICKET for ten weeks In the sewing classes at Young Women's Christian makeCsaflnS CHRISTMAS GIFT GIVE YOUR MAID a ticket for ten lessons in domestic science at Young Women's Chris tian association. ' GAS and electric table lamps are al ways acceptable if practical; ours are al ways practical. Burgess-Granden Co., 1511 Howard St. 1,000 kinds Chrlotmas perfumes In dainty packages. 15c to $10. - Sherman-McConnell Drug Co., 16th and Dodge Sts., Owl Drug Co., 16th and Harney Sts. SET OF CARVERS haavc; a beautiful line at any price you wish. DUNNING HDW. CO., 1612 Harney. UJ.V115ItJl(liLiAC5 chlidren. Ed. F. Pick. erlng, 105 So. 16th St. UNREDEEMED diamond rings $15 up. Metro. Loan & Jewelry Co., 1124 Douglas. Acceptable Gifts for All A Box of Choicest a.nyoutlgne! 1$ WEETLAND, ThSy L CHOCOLATE DAY. Regular 40c Chocolates, 25c PER LB. BRAN DEIS, EAST ARCADE. CHRISTMAS candles In sealed boxes, 5c to $5 each. Sherman-McConnell Drug Co., 16th Dodge, Owl Drug Co., 18th Harney., Derby Woolen Mills 103 South V Fifteenth. FOR YOUR XMAS SUIT d,-l c nriJ d-io NO MORE OR NO LESS vAO UUU. JpJ-O SPECIAL PRICES TO DIAMOND BUYERS FROM OMAHA DURING THE HOLIDAYS. LBFUERT'S, JEWELERS. COUNCIL BLUFFS. ICE SKATES that stay one Brownie line from 75c up warranted. DUNNING HARDWARE CO.. 1612 Harney. CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY, 1506 Farnam St. Douglas 6497. DENTISTS BAILEY & MACK, 3d floor, Paxton. D.1085 TAFT'S Dental Rooms. 1617 Douglas St. DETECTIVES OMAHA Det. Agency. 428 Paxton. D. 1319. DRESSMAKERS MISS STURDY, 2427 Dodge. Tel. Doug. 7635. TERRY College, 20th and Farnam Sts. McDowell dressmaking school, 1623 Farnam. EDUCATIONAL THE FIRST WINTER TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN. In both the day and night sessions. Yet it la not too late to enter. Begin now to gain that mental discipline that will double your earning oapaclty. Our fa mous rree Dook, ureaa ana nutter sci ences." gives, full particulars In regard to the followlrg courses: Bookkeeping, Shorthand, Telegraphy and Civil Service. Call, 'phone or write for It. Boylea Col lege Omaha, Neb. MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Unexcelled couise In business, short hand, penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers. Day and evening sessions. Most Interesting catalogue pub lished In Omaha. Send for one today. MOSHER & LAMPMAN, Seventeenth and Farnam Streets. V- . WINTER TERM . Omaha Commercial College, 19th and Far nam; M. G. Hohrbough. Pres.; E. A. Zart man, V. P. Opens Monday, Jan. S, 1910. Day and night sessions. New classes in all departments. It means everything to you to begin at the opening. Courseu: Business, shorthand, telegraphy, civil service. Advan tages; cannot be excelled. Catalogue free, gives all particulars. Send at once for a copy. Address, M. Q. R o h r bo u g h EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN CHINA decorating; order work a special ty. Lesson Tueeday, Thursday and Satur days. Firing daily. Children' classes Sat urday morning. Mrs. C. C. Hungate, 894 Brandels Bldg. Tel. Red 6486, HAIR GOODS. Mrs Mathews, SX2 Neville. Competent Help. Is always to be had. ; The IV publishes practically a complete list of all the people la Omaha who want help, so any one oat of work aJway looks In The Dee to find place. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN (Continued.) YOUR MAGAZINE ORDER means tl.OnO to the Child Savin Institute; any publications, renewals count; lowest club" rates. Gordon, the Magazine Man, Omaha. 'Phone Doug. 71S3. I IjiN IN rjJLiLi O yc(r fUr hat. Flfk and Broadway Pattern Hats one-half off. Killer's Pure Food Port Wine, wholesome tonic for the aged, wompn. children: every home should have It. Hlller's, 1309 Farnam. ARSENIC and IRON complexion wafers makes clear, -white skin. By mall BOc and 11.00. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. W. K. Lee serves special parties. 1718 Burt St. FLORISTS F. W. MENF.RAy" Nuyery Co.. 4S24 BRANDEIS BLDG. Hell Phone Doug. 30T.8. A. riONAGHUE, 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-1001. HESS & SWOBODA, 1415 Farnam St. J. H. BATH, 1623 Harney. Douglas 3000. L. Henderson, 1519 Farnam St. Doug. 12M. BRAN DEIS CUT FLOWER DEPT. BENNETT'S Flower Dpt. E. Btore entr'ce. J. F. WILCOX Co. Bluffs. Ia.: largest fixeenhouses In west; bc.utlful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere In U. S. FURNACES AND REPAIRS WE have In stock repairs for all makes of stoves, ranges, furnace, steam and hot water heaters, water fronts. Thermostat, laundry tank heaters. Excelsior and Marvel furnaces. Both phones. Omaha Stovo Re pair Works, 1206-08 Douglas St. HELP WANTED-FEMALE Clerical and Office. I need BKPRS., STENOS, SALESLAD IES for openings, which must be filled AT ONCE. GET BUSY AND SEE ME. CARSON. THE REFERENCE MAN, 574-6 Brandies Bide. a , : Housekeepers aad Domestics. WANTED A' competent girl for general housework; ' small family: small house; good wages; close downtown; near churches; references required. Tel. D. 6411, or apply 312 N. 21st St. WANTED-A good girl for general house work; two In family. Reference required. Call Douglas 3339. NEAT girl for general housework; small family; good wages. Inquire 2523 Capitol Ave. GIRL or middle-aged woman wanted; no laundry work-. 38th and California, north west corner. Phone Harney 4892. HELP; WANTED MALE Agents, Solicitors and Salesmen. WANTED A ' solicitor with horse and buggy to drive through tho country and solicit subscriptions. Call and see circu lation manager. The Bee Publishing Co. CIGAR salesman wanted; experience un necessary; big pay. Globe Cigar Co., Cleveland, . yhlo. ANSON, TEXAS Wanted Five experi enced towusibermen; 300 residence lots and 300 tracts of jland from 20 to 1,280 acres. To be sold "In next 60 days. One lot and one tract of Isfnd-'ror $150, payable $10 monthlv. quarter mittloa dollars Improvements. If yuu can proauce Dusiness we can use you Indefinitely. Immigration Company, Anson, Texas. nr AGENTS WANTED-Hls-h o-rorto cialty; good profits; easy sales; don't delay: write 'today for free Information. Bartlett Supply Co., Brown Block,. Omaha, Neb. CIGAR salesman wanted In your local ity to represent us. Experience unneces sary. $110 per month and expenses. Write for particulars. Monarch Cigar Co.. St. Loiils, Mo. ' SALESMEN The only proposition in America .of. Its kind. If you . can earn fl.wo a year and expenses answer this ad. Give references, age and experience first letter. Address B, Box 413, Waterloo, Ia. Boys. WANTED Several trustworthy boys; good wages, i: A. D. T. Co... 212 S. 13th St. Clerical and Office. 3. We IF in need ol a position, SEE , US can place yoni on short notice. WESTERN'-TtEF: & BOND ASSN..' INC - ;x-? x. juue joiatf. WANT ED-A first-class office man, with cirnt. nee is uuoKKKreper and on general office work.' Snlary to start not over 3100 Address H 8H4, Bee. . FOUR bkprs., $75-$100. Stenos., collectors. Salesmen, all lines. GET BUSY AND SEE ME. CARSON, THE REFERENCE 574-6 Brandels Bldg. MAN. Factory and Trades. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs, Kniest. Bee Bldg. WANTED 5 young men who have had experience, in handling boots and shoes to work In stock In wholesale store- stau ago and whether married or sinv'le and five references. Address E 7.3 lice Miscellaneous. WANTED Railway mail clerks; com mencement sala- $so0; spring examinations everywhere: candidates prepared free Franklin Institute, Dept. 192 J, Rochester N. Y 1 ' HOVV MUCH of the world have you seen? How erect are you? How much mus clo have you? How much do you know? Do you know a trade? How much money uu ?uu aave.- now uo you like your pres ent position? How much chance have you of btlng promoted? Do you ever expect to be a success? What Is there In the future for you? How much ambition have you? Become a bluejacket In the United States navy and you will see some of the United States maybe some of the world; you will become erect, muscular, powerful- learn by travel, study and high cluss associates may learn a trade; can save money as nearly all your expenses ars paid; will like your Job most boys re-enllst (t5 per cent re-enlisted last year); If you are the iH;ht stuff you'll get promoted; and the training you get In the navy will help mightily to make a success even if you leave the navy. if you are 17 to 35 years old; right mor ally and physically; and your future at home doeko t look bright", find out what the United Stales navy has to oiler you You will be surprised. Knowing a trada is an advantage in Joining the navy. 92.0UU applied for positions last year. Only 19,0u0 yer accepted. Navy department doesn't urge you to en list. Only urges you to Investigate. Talk, It over with the recruiting officer today. He will tell you everything. Call or write. Navy Recruiting Station, P. o Bldg., Omaha, Neb. ASK me how you can start a profitable mall order business at home evening. Heacock. 739, Lockport, N. Y. MEN Learn the barber trade. Splendid pay after few weeks with us. Shop ex perience and wages while learning. Tooia, demonstrations, examinations and diplomas given.. Start now. Cull or write, Moler Barber col.ege, 110 S. 14th St. RAILWAY mall clerks; spring examina tion; preparation free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 192 J., Rochester. N. Y. MEN WANTED Working men; men. of neglected education, middle-aged men, foreigners, men ambitious for advancement and all others, except "don't care" men and . "anobs." Congenial fellowship and helpful assistance in Y. M. C. A. classes. Investigate. Call Educational Director, Douglaa tn. HELP WANTED MALE MlarellaBeoa.it Coat Inaed. WANTED Will buy a good diamond; will pay cash and must be a bargain. Call at 413 Karbach B ock. EARN $10 to $15 a week during spare time; we as manufacturers start you and furnish everything; no canvassing; 8 sim ple, successful mail order plans to keep our factories busy; we coach you and show you how to get business; you pay usxln 3 months and make big profits; spare time to start; write today for positive proof. Pease Mfg. Co., 635 Pease Bldg., Buffalo, N. Y. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE florae aad Veblclea. HALL & MORRIS 'J'Ta specialty. Hospital 2858 Farnam. Both phns. M'CRARY buys and sells all kinds of horses. Blue bor, rear Millard hotel. D.409t. BLANKET BARGAINS Heavy white cnnvus storm blankets; reg ular Jo value, only $3.50. BENNETT'S HARNESS DEPT.. BASE MENT. UPHOLSTERED Swell Box Cutter for sale, $10. 'Phone Harney 1566. FINE Drummond depot carriage. Must sacrifice, at club stable. Tel. Harney 623. GOOD street liaclrr landaulette style, but little used; new rubber tires; owner paid Sl.lOu, but will sell now for $250. Johnsot'.rDanforth Co.. 10th and Jones. LOST AND FOUND LOST Gold spectacles with Kryptok lenses In Columbian Ont. Co. case. Return Columbian Opt. Co., 211 S. 16th. Reward. LOST Between Harney and California, or 40ih St.. or on street car. a gold Hon head pin, with diamond in mouth. Return to C. Y. Smith, 1812 Farnam. Liberal re ward. BULL Dog, female. Boston terrier pup. Zettes Slmonsen, 2T02 Blond o. LOST Small purse, lined with red, con taining shout $11; call Webster 4923 or Douglas 7703. Reward. WHEN answering these advertisements, kindly mention The Bee. MEDICAL BEST nerve. brace tor man. Gray's Nerv Food rills, (1 a box, postpaid. Sherman 4k McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. FREE medical ar.d surgical treatment at Crelghton Medical college. 14th and Dav enport bta. ; special attention pa-.j to con flnement cases; all treatment supervised by college professors. Phone Douglas uw, Calls answered day or night. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AND CHATTELS. t$$$$$$$m$$$$$$m$$$$ff$$$$$$$$m$$$$$$$$$$$$$$s $ MONEYI MONEY II TO LOAN. ClHiiSTiuAo MUiNJlil MONEY. And yours for the asking. If you V should, be in need of money for MONEY, your CLLRISTMAS SHOPPING MONEY, or other necessary expenses call on us and we will loan you the MONEY, amount you need on your FUR- N1TURE, PIANO, WARE MONEY. HOUSE RECEIPT, HORSES, WAGONS, PICTURES, etc, MONEY, without removing the same from your possession. We will also MONEY. LOAN you MONEY if you have a steady SALARIED position. MONEY, and you need no other security, REMEMBER, we advertise no MONEY, mihleading rates and terms; but are doing the same as we have MONEY, done ror years Meeting all oom petition. MONEY. GOOD, QUICK AND CONFI dentlal deal Is what you wish at MONEY. Christmas time. This w assure you. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., 3d Floor, 307-8 Paxton Blk., N. MONEY. E. cor. 16th and Farnam Sts. $$t$$$$$$$$$$$$$)$r$$$$$$$$$$$$;$$$$m$fm$ $$ $$ $$ $10 TO $200 MONEY FOR HOLIDAYS nriXT'T liiV. Ti A KTTTrTTT. ii s$ $$ l ti U1' w" Si IS COME TO OUR OFFICE and get $$ $$ H the money you need on your furni lure yiniio ur aumry at 1110 it FOLLOWING HOLIDAY RATES; W 60c a week pays $10 Loan. $$ 75c a week pays $16 Loan. $$ UOc a weeK pays o L,oan. u tl.vO a week pays 30 Loan. $$ $1.50 a week pays 150 Loan. IS - $2.10 a week pays $75 Loan. $ $2.65 a weeit pays $iU0 Loan. 1$ You can pay monthly If you wish. S$ These payments Include Interest $$ Wand principal; no other charges. If $$ Si you have ever borrowed money be- SI $ fore you will realize how much easier $ SS our terms are tnan those given by J fS other companies. It will pay you to $$ fc$ see us before .getting money else- SS ii where. No red taue. SS Everything strlcJy confidential. Open till G-.Z0 p. m. OMAHA FINANCIAL C0n SS 501 Brown Block, opposite Brandels. ii 16th St. Entrance. tf 'Phones Douif. 2036. A-J036. $$$;$$;$$$$$ss$$Si.i$$i444S$s$$ssss$ M O N E We Will Loan You MONEY KOH CHUISTMAS We Will Loan It to You FREE OF COS! TO YOU. We've been here EIGHTEEN years, a guarantee that we will do as we advertise. Y Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade 306 8. 16th. Tel. Douglaa 2295. CALL US UP. DO YOU NEED MONEY T Money is no object to us. Vv o will loan you any amount oil any security. Easy payments. Busineas strictly urlvute. POSITIVE THE LOWEST RATES. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., 'Phones: Bell, Douglus 1J5U; lnd., A 1356 Suite 7 and 8, Crounse Block. Cor. 16ih und Capitol Ave., Opp. Pusloffic. MONEY FOR CTHilSTMAS Anv amount, on your pinin note: i security; lowest rules; easiest payment. THE J. A. IIUITO.N CO., 514-15 Paxton Block. lei. Dougl; 1607. ..nVTLU' ON CHATTEL SECURITY MUaNJJjI AND SALARIES. Low rates. Long time. Kiislncss confidential. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS. OMAHA TRUST COMPANY, 437 Board of Trade Bldg. YOU CAN BORROW $10. Or more on your o n note; private party; no red tape. Be Independent of friends. Get what you need now. 620 Paxton Blk. MONEY WANED SALARIED PEOPLE. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH ERS. without security; easy pavment. unices In 68 principal cities. Tolinau, room 613 New York Lit Bldg. FURNITURE, llvb stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., R. t. Barker block. SALARY and chattel loans, lowest ratss, confidential, open Saturda: evening. Both phones. STAR LOAN CO., 644 Paxton Blk. LOANS on FURNITURE. PIANOS or SALARIES. IX3ANS on your plain not. LOWEST PAYMENTS IN CITY. OMAHA CHATTEL BANK. 1404 FARNAM. MONET TO LOAN on chattel aecurlty. Room 60s, Barker Block, 16th and Farnam. i on DIAMOND8. W. FLATAU. 1614 Dodg MOVING AND STORING i. -l.-a RTORAGF, A MOVING. COLE'S EXPRESS. 161 Cap. Ave, D. 70. A 8937. rvp Deliver Co. office lth and Dav enport Sis, warehoua ZKhta lssrd St OFFERED FOR RENT Bearding Roorna. mrtinimn south front furnished room with board; summer home; fins lawn. 12i 8. 2fith Ave. DEWET European Hotel, Ula and Far nam. COOL, airy room, modern: fine shads with or without board, to two gentlemen or nin and wife. S04 Capitol Avs. home cooking; rates reasonable; gent.emen only. 408 S. 24th St. r-nrataaeel Rbobis. Wtt rt.lrhl larr. rnnm- newly furn ished; iao smaller room; fin location. 301 8. 26th Ave. on-a tTTTfrtTT.r.v fnrntuheil front room In prlvat family, for one or two young men; very reasonable. 2019 Webster St. TkAnnw UrtTrr T a , it A Aiil.idl). and steam heat In every room; rates by week. ONE large turntsnea room, buiibuio iu two; modern; gentlemen preferred. Board ii desired. W44 uoage st. itr.Ll lurniFneu luuiim, Sd floor. Tel. Douglas 50ul. 1817 Leaven worth St. rkv-m ni.. h,.ni.h. ffln-n alna;le- mod ern; private family 1818 Calcago. FURNISHED rooms fo gentlemen. 110 S. 13th St. The Chatham nHiir- . , . rin. t.nnt rnnm fine furni ture, modern. 820 No. 20th. No. sign on house. i NICELY furnished room. Strictly mod ern. 217 S. 26th St. Phone D. 3847. WARM, rooms. $2 per week; fres bath. Ogdcn Hotel, Council Bluffs. ROOMS for men, $1 and up. 1617 Cass. STEAM heated rooms. 2013 Harney St FRONT rnnm. ateam hesvt and bath. Flat 6, Davldgo Blk. Phone Douglas 24J8. TWO nlcplv furnished front rooms, com plete for housekeeping, $16 per month. 2018 Davenport PLEASANT AND comfortable rooms. Strictly modern. 1901 California St. ONE LARGE south room, also one smaller room; modern brick house; walk ing distance. 26U8 Dodge St. Tel Harney 23u5. LARGE, nicely furnished rooms, every thing modern, steam heat. 211 N. 18th St 2221 Dodge St., two steam-heated rooms. Asarnneata aad Flats. ( rooms, 2nd floor, Z60t Rees street, bath and toilet, $16.0tf Chris Boyer. 22d and Cuming Sts. . TO LET New Cornish apartments, south west corner 10th and William, steam heated and fully modern, location Ideal, easy walking distance from wholesale dis trict ojid depots. All Farnam cars pass these apartments; one block rrom liarney car line. Two apartments finely furnished. W. FARNAM SMITH CO., 1320 Farnam St Tels. Doug. 1064, A1S64. 7-R. flats, 617-19 So. 16th St. C. G. Powell, 2020 Farns.m. Doug. 921. NEW 4-room apartment, bath, gas, elec tric light. 2618 lYlarcy. Housekeeping Rooms. FOUR large unfurnished rooms. Xnqulr at 1045 S. 20th St A SUITE of three elegant new rooms. modern, mo North aitn. Houses and Cottages. OMAlfA Van & Storage Co., pack, mova Store, H. H. goods; storehouse, 1130-24 N 19th; office 309 S. 17th St Tel Douglas 1559 FIVE-ROOM cottage, city water and sewer; gas; newly papered throughout. 8009 Lecatur ou i pwr iiiuuui. W. J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO.. Tel. Doug. 6108 or A-2033. 836 N. Y. Life Bldg. HOUSES, insurance. Ringwalt Barker Blk FOR RENT 9-room brick house, all mod ern, on car line. C. M. Bachmaan, 43 Paxton Blk. 2967-69 PACIFIC, 9-room bricks, strictly modern, excellent condition. $40. BENSON & MYERS CO., Phone Douglas '46. 412 N. Y. Life Bldg. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 294. SEVEN MODERN rooms near Kountze Plae, lot level, east front, 1 blk. to No. 24 th car, at West Maple. Nearly new, excellent condition. Shades and screens. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1001 N. Y. Life. Douglas, or A2152. 8-r. house, 8239 Evans, $10. 7-r. house 2132 No. 27, $12.60. 6-room, modern, 1712 N. 29, $12.50. J. H. PARROTTE, BOARD OF TRADE. SNAP in winter rent, 6-room cottage, new, bath, brick, cemented cellar on Wal nut Hill car line. Reduced rent to small family. Inquire at 607 N. 19th St Tel. Red 6264. NO EQUAL Steam heat, all modern, 7 rooms, hall, bath and basement 220 N. 23d. HHTTKlTS 1 ah parts of the city. HUUOEiO Cielgh Sons & Co.. Bee Bldg 4531 N. 89TH ST., one block from Anie Ave. car. Lew 6-room modern cottag; very cneap at $16. J. W. Rasp Co., Brao dels Bldg. 6 ROOMS, 2d floor, bath and tollev, 2U04 itees St.. SIR. 6 rooms, 2d floor, toilet, 1902 Parker St., $15. 6-room house, modern, Z606 Bristol St., $25. 6 rooms, modern except beat 409 William St., $15. CHRIS BOYER, 22d and Cuming Sta. FIVE-ROOM cottage. In good repair, modern except furnace. 3011 Decatur St. $15 per month. W. J. DERMODY INVESTMENT CO., Tel. Doug. 5108 or A-2033. 836 N. Y. Life Bldg. FOR RENT 3 rooms; city water, 1828 N. 17th St. C. M. Bachmann, 434 Paxton Blk., Tel., 2639. Res., D. 6066 4-ROOM, modern. Ills N. Z2d. 6-R. cottage, 3018 Ohio, $20; mod. except heat. Carlberg. 911 N. Y. Life. FOR RENT. 716 Bancroft St., 6-r 3220 Charles St.. 4 rooms ..$10 .. 10 .. 12 .. 12 .. 20 8 1017 Center St., 5 rooms 2T.21 Blnney St., 6 rooms 2216 Grace St., 6 rooms, modern 2218 Grace, new, strictly modern, 8 rooms 1539 N. 19th St.. 7 rooms, partly modern. 25 vacant January 1 20 W. G. SH RIVER. 1023 New York Life Bldg. FOR RENT On or about Jan. 1. :10, 8 room, ail modern house; combination fix ture. C. M. Bachman. 436 Paxton Blk. 7-R. house; furnace and bath, $25 per mo. 2618 Woolworth Ave. Tel. Harney 2167. HOUSES-Peters Trust Co., K. Y. Life Bldg. 2ix DOUGLAS: l-room. $27.60. John N. Frenrer. Both Phones MODERN l-room house, 218 8. 16th Av Phone Dougla 4UI7. FOR RENT Wet Farnam. 2-story, fi rooms and bath, stairway to floored attic, laundry in basement, furnace, electrlo and gas combination, cement baaement, heater, gas ranus and all window shades free, newly papered and painted; rent $30. Apply at house, 4259 Farnam St., or WILLOWS IDA BRANDEI8 BLDO. 7-ROOM modern house, laundry, furnace. Haiiacoin park district, $26. Tl. Harney 468 MAGGARD Van A Storage Co. D. ItHe. Pack, store and ship household good a HOUSES, flats. Oarvln Broa.. 318 N. Y. L 7 ROOMS, modern house. 1608 Spruo St II. I. Plumb, 110 8. 13th St OFFERED FOR RENT tlonaea and rnttasjre atlae4, BRICK house. 214 Dewey Ave., 7-room. modern. Moyer Stationery Co., 161f Far nam St. NEW HOUSE FOR RENT. Seven rnoma. all modern, lust completed. at southeast corner of 29th and Hamilton 8ts. $27.60 per month. W. l. L'bHiYlUUI IN V f.M I mn-n V.VJ., Tel. Doug. 6108 or A-2033. 8.U N. Y. Life Bldg. HOUSES For RENT. J J79 Webster St., 8 rm., fully modern, IT' 3710 Davenport St., 8 rma., fully mod ern, close in ii.m PAY N E INVESTMENT COMPANY, 1st Floor, N. Y. L. Bldg. Ballet bb. 44x44 FEET, ground flftor, 10th and Doug las. Paters & Edholm Co. tares, STOREROOM and basement In "cars Mock. S. O . 620 N. 4th. Hall, 431 Ramgs Bldg., both 'ohones. OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. FOR SALE A fancy buffet sideboard, birch mahogany finish, built especially for club. Also display Icebox, serving ceunter and large humidor. Should be een to be appreciated. Very low price for Immediate sale. Address The Bruns wick-Balke-Col-lender Co., 409 S. 10th St., Omaha, Neb. Musical lastrameats. Cheap 10 McCagu Silk. Typewriters. SECOND hand typewriters sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchang. lw7 Farnam. MUeeltaaeeaa. m A T AT CUT prices V A J A I , We save you from 50c to $1.60 on every ton and give better coal. We guarantee correct weights. Rosenblatt's Cut Price Coal Co. COAL 6 baskets, $1. Dry kindling, a load, $1 delivered. Star Ice & Coal Co. D. 4469. ALL of the exterior lumber st the Cajn show, all new, bright stock. See A. Patrick at the building or 421 Bee Bldg?. CALENDAR pads. Burkley Printing Co., NEW LOCATION, 417 South 12th St SAFES, nsw and second-hand. 1110 Faro, FOR SALE Nsw and id-hand billiard and pool tables. We lead th world In cheap bar fixtures, easy payments. Bruns wick-Balk Collcnder. 407 So. 10th 6u DRUGS at cut prices; fre'ght paid on ail (10 orders; catalogue free. Sherman a McConnell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. SCHOLARSHIP on leading business col- t .. ....... a. I Alinnunt & itt r... a hJtfl lit J. Large stock stoves, furnlt. - Must sell next 10 days. Bell Fur. Co., 1408 Dodge. R. 8531. HALI 'S safes, new. td-hand. 1818 Farnam WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink bar rels which we w,lll sell at 60a each. They are fin for rain water or aibe. Call at orersroom Bee PQbllsIng Co. fc On Pfl AT. sT0J. try It Harmon !J0.UU WAL & Weeth. Both 'phones. ABOUT 1,600 feet 94-lnch wire cable, sec ond, hand, will sell at bargain. Apply R, W. Baker, Supt. Bee Building. Omaha, Neb. 900 OVERCOATS slightly used, at a bar gain. A. B SINGER, 416 N. 16th. FOR SALE A good secondhand cssh res istor; suitable for a saloon. Address 82L Bee. 2D HAND oak counter, hand carved mar ble cashier plate, wire wicket about 44 feet odd shape, will fit a room 20 feet wide; can be seen at storage house, for further particulars, phone Douglas 23 , Bee Build ing Co. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON lNST.iilM..r. L. Tel. V. !. Dr. Kathryn Nicholas, 108 N. Y. L. Bldg. PATENTS V O. BARNELL. Paxton Bile Tel. Red 7117. HOFFMAN. 218 Neville Bldg. Book frea, PERSONAL Private confinement home. Mrs. Dr. Klag, 1324 N. 14th. Tel., Web. 3669. Ind. B liJ. ppjij-KJO Tour corn comes out or jrour xi-tix U qUarter comes back when you use Corn Jelly. Ha4nes Drug Co., 1610 Far. PRIVATE HOME during confinement) babies for adoption. Good Samaritan Sani torlum, 740 1st Avs.. Council Bluffs, la. WTl'l3a"d toupees for men. GRIFFITH. VV lUO,3 aml FRENZER BLK. Arlene da-Voy. Manicuring and massage. 120 S 16th St Flat 8. Phone D. 7484. MME. ALLEN of Chicago, salt glow, mag netic and massage treatments, 207 N. 17Ui. SWEDISH massage. 207 N. 17th St THE SALVATION ARMY solicits caatof clothing; In fact, anything you do not noed. We collect, repair, and sell at 134 N. Uto tit., tor cost of stolleotlon to the worthy piov. Call L-hon Douglaa 4135 and aagea will oall. MASSAGE AND BATHS. ) R-S0S Old Boston Store Bldg., 4th floors 120 So. 16th St Stairway on Douglas St JOSIB WASHBURN'S M book, '- "Underworld Sewer," sol At all book stores, plica. $1.60. GOOD apple elder, everybody likes It Muller maka th best Tel. Harney 35251. A HOME for women during confinement. We find homes for babies wnere mother cannot care for them. Babies boarded. For terms address Mrs. Martha A. Lee. 401 Bancroft St., Omaha. Neb., Phone Doug las 1921. MECHANO THERAPY Is a diugless "uie for lost physical vigor. Consult Dr. Mar garita Halloran, 226 Neville block. iVI. Doug. 7761. Under supervision of M. D. XT A nMlVTTn treatment. Mme. Smith. MAUXMJ111L i22 s. 16th St.. third floor. OMAHA Stammerers' Ins., Itamge Bldg. MASK suit to rent at LIEBEN'H. DR. EOGERS' private confinement home. 1616 Martha St. Phon Dougla 6230. MISS LA CRANE, baths, massage. 1617 Dodge St., basement flat Hours, 10 a. m. to 9 p. m . POULTRY FOR SALE Eighteen different varieties of thoroughbred poultry; cocks and cock erels, geese, ducks, turkey, guineas, ban tams, dogs and whit rabbits. All kind of fancy pigeon. Writ for free circular. D. L. Bruen. Platte Center. Neb. Screenings $1.60 100 lbs. Wagner, 801 N. 16th BARRED and White Rocks, prise stock at bargains. Wm. Fischer, Slrubls, la. BUFF Wyandotte. 100 cockerels and pul lets. Geo. M. Deyoe, Mason City, la. PRINTING PHONE IND. A-262 for good printing. Lyngatad Printing Co.. 16tb A Capitol Ave, REAL ESTATE RIAL ESTATE, DEALERS. REED A BSTRACT CO, Kst 1874; prompt xrvlc; gt our prlca. 1U Faraau St PAIN! INV. CO.. flrat floor N. T. Ufa BENJAMIN R. E. CO.. 477 BrandeU Bldg. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRUBT CO. CHA8. K. WILLIAMSON, Praaldcnt city rHorcKtr rug sal A GOOD lot on North J7th Street, chap for cah Phone Florence U