Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 21, 1909, Page 8, Image 8

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Simms Gives Oran Recital
St. Martin's Church.
rom pound Fruotore la Caused hr Fall
an lev "Ireet John Frederick
l)lr Saturdnr Nlht at
rrof. J. II. Slmms' organ recital at St
Martin' Episcopal church Sunday after
noon was attended by aa many as tho
church could accommodate. This program
... tr ii,. niirnnup of nreeritlng tho
merits of the new Instrument. The pro
ram consisted of a number of clarsiral
election calculated to show th? qualities
Amnna the numbers most
appreciated were Handel's "Largo." "The
sr" bv Mendelssohn and the
"Swedish Wedding March."
The program opened with a processional
Onward, Christian Soldier," with a new
oiilnir Mrs. A. L. Hranstead sang a
solo, accompanied by the organ and vlO'
lln. She chose "Easter Even."
Rev. Alfred O. White gave a short form
of the evening prayer service and followed
with a brief address on the general topic,
The offertory march by Prof. Slmms was
much appreciated. The recessional waa, I
The Church Hath One Foundation,"
which waa rendered by the choir. The con
gregation Is more than pleased with the
new liiHtrument.
James t haddock Breaks Leg.
James Chaddock. 4fl0 , North Twunty
fourth street, fell on the Ice In front of
E. T. Miller's restaurant Saturday after
noon and fractured one of his legs. Hj
was passing along rapidly In haste to get
home, when the slippery condition cf tha
street caused him to fall. A compound
fracture resulted. He waa taken to the
South Omaha hospital ' In the police etn
fculance. Dr. John Koutsky attended him.
f He Is comfortable as possible under tha
circumstances at present, mis is me most
evero of a number of accidents which J
have occurred within the last few days. i
Masfe city Unanlu.
Sandwall, Jeweler, 001 Paxton Bioek.
Jetttr's Gold "fop Beer delivered to any
part of the city. Telephone No. 8.
Tho funeral of Suniui.-I K. Collins win be
held this morning at St. Bridget's church.
Some of the big corporations are ex
pected to pay up their annual taxes this
Mr. and Mrs. ' A. C. Cllho celebrated
their silver wedding anniversary Saturday
Mrs. Button Wallace of Kansas City
Is tho guest of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. M. Henry. ,
' A. Q. Nelson reports the lofs of carpen
ter tools irom the Jetter saloon building
at Twenty-6lxth and streets.
Miss Emma Irwin has been cal'.ed to
Denver on account of the serious Illness
of her sister, Mrs. P. H. Carey.
Edward J. Dee has purchased a number
of cottages offered by the railroad com
pany tn Albright and Sarpy county.
City Treasurer C. A. Melcher has not
yet received the additional assistant for
the work of collecting tho Douglas county
tax. ,
D. D. Ringer was suspended from the
police force Friday for al eged breach of
the rules 'regaj-ding drinking while on
Tho city council meets ' tonight In ad
journed session. The Introduction of the
ordinance dividing ..the city Into seven
wauls Is expected. .
Life Savers
Render Aid to
Marty Persons
Number of Rescues Wh. . Victims Are
Kot Involved in Mariae Disasters
Review cf Year's Work.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 2J.-Asido from
having Ijfciflreds of lives nml millions
of dollai v worth of property Involved
In marine dluastrrs, the United Slates
life saving service managed to ren
der assistance, to many unfortunate persons
In distress. The annual report of the sup
erintendent of the service shows that a
woman "about to be hurled over a bluff"
was rescued by a Ufa guard; while Intoxi
cated, a man about to fall off a dock; a
man who had lost his way In a marsh; an
other, who had broken through the Ice;
two others, who had climbed 100 feet up
the face of a cliff and were unable to de
scend; and still another who tried to com
mit suicide came within the vision of the
vigilant guards. . were saved. -
Five automobiles. Imperilled In marshes
or quicksands were rescued.
During the last fiscal year there were
1.JT6 marine disasters, involving the lives
of 8.900 persons that called the, life saving
service Into ' activity.' Ssventy-two vtssj'.s
were totally lost; although only thirty p;o
ple gave up their lives In consequence. '
The total value of the property Involved
in these disasters was tU.106,CS0, the va u
of properly lost being t2.S9S.3S0. Of the
1,370 vessels meeting disaster the life sav
ing swvlce rendered old to 1.313, valued
with their enrgoea at $I3.?1G.S10.
Superintendent Kimball of tho nervlce
comments in his annual report upon the
remarkable scope of the life saving opera
tions by the uso of power 1-fo boats.
Train Strikes l?ue IVaaou.
DAYTON. O., Dec. 20. The Pennsylvania
flyer, westbound, tiiruck a flic department
hone wugi.n al the Wayne avenue crossing
tonight. Four firemen were si-rtously In
juied. The. train barely missed a hook
und ladder waguit from the same engine
house Klnj; to tho ame fire and a mo
ment later struck the hime v.a.on, demol
ishing It. The tiatn a few bhicks further
jumped t,h track. Noiio was Injured
when the train left the track.
- - AT
Always Ask For It.
uecbaco ua
Tho Ming of Fortunes.
Union Pacific, Northern Pncific and
for Iowa and Nebraska the Dakotas, Idaho and "Washington
opening up a vast territory that has become the richest agricul
tural section of the United States.
You know the fortunes that have been made by those who
were shrewd and fortunate enough to buy land in the early days
along the routes of these railroads.
You know that similar chances to secure valuable land at a
low price are exceedingly rare and fast disappearing.
You know that an opportunity to do so cannot last long and
is not to be overlooked.
You know or should that just such an opportunity is
offered to you by the construction of the Grand Trunk Pacific
Kailroad through British Columbia to Prince Rupert.
adiffnranno There is one difference, however. In
U II I ClLnUBa stead of the immense tracts of open
country and prairie tapped by the two former roads', the Grand
Trunk Pacific runs through a rough and mountainous country
nearly all the way from the eastern slope of the Rockies to the
Pacific Coast. Agricultural land along its route ia limited. But.
on the other hand, what farming land exists is exceptionally rich
and fertile, beng owned and held for sale by land companies who
have taken up all that was available and of value.
TUn fVrtim The cream of this land is contained in
I iiS W Udlili what is known as the NECHACO VAL
LEY, which lies in the middle western part of British Columbia,
between the Rocky Mountains and the Coast Range, within a hun
dred and twenty-five miles of the Pacific Ocean, just north of
Here the mild climate, the wonderful productivity of the soil
as evidenced by the wealth of natural vegetation, the abundant
water supply, the numerous lakes, rivers and streams, the beauty
of the landscape, the markets and assured transportation all
make of this an unsurpassed agricultural district for highly suc
cessful farming.
Government Reports: ?te2S
one of the most greatly favored by Nature in the whole of the
Province The Nechaco, with its level valleys and rich
deposit, offers special inducements to farmers. Its advantages
are many; the land is level; the soil is rich; and to a great extent
open; the climate is mild; the principal crops can be grown with
out trouble; and the general altitude is much lower than that of
the surrounding country.' Extract from Government Report.
(The above and following extracts are taken from the Cana
dian government report issued by' authority of the legislature
assembly at Victoria, B. C, and compiled from reports made by
the Government experts, A. L. Poudrier, D.'L. S., W. Fleet Rob
ertson, P. M., and J. II. Gr,ay, C. E.)
While the statements made are official and absolutely un
biased you will see that they agree fully with what we have said
of this valley, and the complete confirmation of our claims.
Rivers and Streams. f:tlS;"sst
flows the Nechaco River, five hundred to a thousand feet in width
and navigable for light draft steamers for practically its whole
course, a most beautiful stream
Gruesome Tragedy
in New Jersey
Bodies of Acd Sisters Indicate
Suicide Pact or Fatal Fight
with Hatpins.
NEWARK, N. J., Dec' 20,-Two aged
spinster sister. Frrnces nnd Isabel Richie,
were found dead today In their home here.
Tho sisters had lived alono for twenty
years In the same house. Their source of
income was mysterious. Frances was found
lying on the floor, while the body of the
sister dangled from a piece of clothesline
made fast I above a door.- A small box
waa found In tho dinln.? room, on the
"over of which had been written ihese
'Frances hung herself at 1:30 Saturday'.
Me too."
This "ed to the belief that the two old
women had carried out a sulcldo pact,
Frrnces hanging herself first and the
body being cut down by the sister. But
further Investigation brought to light more
gruesome tales. Underneath her clothing
and sticking In the breast of Frances wu
i hstpln, burled in the flesh up to Its
black head. Tho pin had boen driven close
to the hesrt . to a depth of about four
Inches, similar wounds, but of not Buch
a serious nature, were found on the other
body, which leads to tho belief that the
Msters may have quarreled nnd fought.
Whether Frances deliberately hanged her
sister, then kil'ed herself with thff hat
pin, or whether the sister found hanging
stibbed tho other than the-n ended het
life, w ill perhni'H never I o known.
Threw Men (baree vrlth Murder.
LOGAN, In., Dec. 2T t Special.) The pre
liminary hearing for Henry Marley, Guy
Marley and Ira Brundildge to be held here
for the alleged crime of inurd"r, will occur
Monday, December 20, before Justice
Creager. The search warrant liquor cas
from Mlssotwi Valley will come up for
You know what the
building of the
Great Northern Railroads did
of cool, crystal water, winding
hearing before Justice O. L. Case of Logan I
Tuosday, December 31, and the liquor In
junction ease from Missouri Valley also,
will be tried before Judge Wheeler at Coun
cil Bluffs, Thursday, D:ember 23.
Mlsslonnry Snys IleKlon Will Itecome
Important Source of Fooil
S ripply.
SIDNEY. N. . S., . Dec. 20 That Lab
rador will become an Important source of
food supply, exporting large quantities of
meat, cereals, etc., as welt as its present
fish shipments, Is tho opinion of Dr. Wil
fred Grenfell, the noted missionary, au
thor and' lecturer. - Dr. Grenfell and his
bride, formerly Miss Clanahan of Chicago,
are on their way from the United States
to Labrador. The doctor Is enthusiastic
over the outlook for extending his herds
of reindeer, Imported from Lapland, to all
parts of Labrador
"There are excellent prospects of this
developing into a most profitable Indus
try," he raid. "Their flesh makes splen
did food, and I look forward to the time
when large quantities will bo exported to
supply Uie meat markets of the world.
"Barley, oats and otbtr hardy cereals
will also flourish and lumbering offers a
big field for development."
Charles K. Hamilton Makes Im
promptu Trip of r.levcn Miles
In Twelve Mlnntes.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Dec. 20. Charles K.
Hamilton, who has Just concluded a sc-ies
of flights In hia Curtlss bl-plnne here, '.his
afternoon succumbed to the temptation ot
a four-mile wind and, starting from th? lee
on Lake Contrary, made a flight of twelve
minutes' duration, in which he circled the
lake eight times and covered a dlstancj
of approximately eleven miles. Hamilton's
flight was entirely impromptu and waj
made Just after he had taken hl3 aero
plane out to test Its machinery. Six hun
dred skaters on the ice cheered th aviator
loudly at the close of his performance.
Mr. Tuft Strolls Thronah Washington
Parks Unattended for Two
WASHINGTON, Dec. 20 -Facing a sharp
wind most of the time President Taft,
without a single companion, spent moi'3
than two hours this afternoon In walking
througn the parks lying to the south of
tho White House). His' hands he kept
thrust ueepr4n the pock-its of his heavy
overcoat, while his head wan bowed as
If ho were meditating deeply.
A Fortune te Texan.
E. W. floodloe. Dallas, Tex., found a
sure cure for malaria and biliousness In
Dr. King's New Life Pills. 25c. For sale
by Beaton Drug Co.
Next Annas?! Oatherlnsj to Be
Atlantic City, New Jersey, Sep
tember IT to 84.
CHICAGO, Dec. W. Samuel R. Vsa Bant,
commander in chief of the Grand Army of
the Republic, announced here that the ex
ecutive committee today set September 17
to 21 as the time for the next national en
campment of the Grand Army of the Ko
publlo. at Atlantic City. N. J.
Chamberlalr'i Cough Remedy eurs the
wont co:da. Tiy t
back and forth between and around the numerous islands and
bordered by wooded banks that dip to its embrace. Into this feed
a number of smaller streams that both water and drain the valley,
cutting it into rich meadows that yield bountiful harvests for the
mere tickling of a hoe.
Rich and Fertile Soil. 3?
quality and fertility, being rich in natural plant foods and entirely
free from sand, gravel, stone and alkali. With even a minimum
amount of cultivation and care this land can be made to yield
diversified crops the equal of, if not superior to, those grown in
any of the most favored parts of the continent.
"The soil everywhere is of the richest quality. It is composed
of fine deposit soil with clay sub-soil; in some parts the deposit
attains a thickness of over forty feet. Not only is the grass very
luxuriant on the prairies, but even in the wooded portions pea
vines and vetches of different species grow to such a height that
it renders traveling very difficult." Extract from Government
I or ttfi Prn While, prior to the coming of the
Lalg6 UlOpSi Grand Trunk Pacific, comparatively
little farming has been carried on, this has been due solely to the
lack of transportation facilities. Had it not been for this draw
back these lands would have been settled and cultivated long
before much of the country further east, as they are much super
ior in every way. Yet,' in the face of this difficulty, large crops
of grain and vegetables have been raised, crops that would com
pare favorably with those from any part of the country. !
"In previous reports I have described the flat country of the
Lower Nechaco as constituting the greatest connected region sus
ceptible of cultivation in the Province of British Columbia." Ex
tract from Goverment Report.
flii Omaha filan's Report. pibrLvIie1!'.
Abbott of Omaha, who had been in the valley, states: "At Quesnel
we saw on July 20th, oats fully headed out, their tops touching the
extended arms of a six-foot man. We gathered and brought with
us peas of a heavy yield just beginning to ripen; potatoes larger
than a man's fist; and rhubarb with leaves thirty-six inches in
width, the stalk thirty-two and a half inches in length and five
inches in circumference. I picked one head of timothy ever twelve
inches in length, the growth coming from seed thrown upon the
unprepared ground of a burned clearing. From the data I col
lected I could multiply evidence
tiveness of this wonderful garden
fin lr!ftl PliniA
fill IUISUI 191 mill Id
out a good climate. You want
well as prosperous. The Nechaco Valley offers all three. Spring,
summer fall and winter the year through the climate is all you
could ask, for health, for comfort, for the raising of a wide variety
of crops.
The moderate and even climate of this valley is due in part to
the protection given by the surrounding hills, the remoteness from
snowclad mountains, the nearness to the Pacific, and the fact
that the intervening section, between the Nechaco Valley and the
ocean, has a lower altitude than any of the surrounding country.
This low belt of-land allows the warm. southwest winds, which
blow steadily the year round, to
President !
At the Theaters
"The Virginian" at the Boyd.
A play, In four acts by Owen Wlster and
Kirk LaShelle. " The principals:
The Virginian William L. Gibson
Ut.cle Hewie Harry Holiday
Trampas , Marshall Farnu.n
Steve , W. E. Knlbloe
Honey Wiggle. .'...John C. Hiekey
Sponlsh Ed , Charles Gilbert
Moily wood Mabel Wright
Mrs. Hewie , Eleanor Wilton
There is evidently no diminution of In
tel est in "The Virginian," and those who
go now to see the Wyoming play are plainly
as deeply Interested as audiences of past
years in the courtship of Molly Wood by
tle man whose name is never spoken. As
evidenced yesterday, the mixing up of the
babies Is as mirth-provoking as it used to
be and the Judge Lynch act and the duel
scene are as productive ot as much tension
as before. , . i
While the play gives these evidences of
continued hear'ty i;fe, It may nut do so when
ll falls Into the hands of an inefficient
coiT.pany. This catastrophe has not as yet
occurred, for it- Is now being played by a
troupe of even excellence.
Mr. Gibson Is highly satisfactory In the
leading role. His playing Is considerably
more convincing In the more serious pas
sages than In the few lighter moments,
but he Is not Inadequate at that In the not
numerous oomedy lines which fall to him.
Except by the caramel contingent, the
character of Trampas la held as much
worth while ft that of tho Virginian him
self. Consequently as much depends upon '
the casting of this part as the other. Mar
shall Farnum has Indeed an even heavier
task than the other player, for the reason
that there is a general unanimity that of
the two well-known actors who previously
played these parts, the man seen as
Trampas excelled the actor of the Vir
ginian. Up to this difficult standard, Marshall
Farnum measured well. His Trampas Is
an ugly, malevolent brute, docsedly mean,
a character Intensely positive In Its vlclous
ness. Only In respect to the shading of a
hint of cowardice in the character does he
tall short of the ' great achievement of
Frank Campeau In this part.
There have oen a good many Molly
Woods and MIks Wright Is equal to any of
her predecessors in a role not remarkably
thankful. The school ma'am of the play U
not given a really great deal to do besides
being sweet, pretty and sympathetic. The
minor parts are well filled throughout. The
Spanish Ed of Charles R. Gilbert Is par
ticularly well done. "The Virginian" will
bo repeated throftgh Welneslay.' 'Un the
usual matinee.
Vaudeville at the Orpheum.
People who have heard or read of a
teamster killing a fly with his blacksnaka
and who have disbelieved the tale, should !
sea Fred Lindsay, the Australian bushman.
Mr. Lindsay can and does flick off the
ashes from a lighted cigar held In the
mouth 'of an assistant twenty-five feet
away. Lindsay snuffs out a lighted can
dle at the same distance, and likewise a
lighted match, also held In the hand of the
assistant. The mathematics cf the curves
described by the tip of Lindsay's whip
would exhaust the differential calculus.
Lindsay's Is about the most remarkable
exhibition of physical skill ever seen locally.
Bert Leslie Is jointly headlined with Lind
say. Leslie Is the king of hlckdom on
stage. But his characterisation of a Bow
ery character is not only a wall defined
piece of acting but Is a producer of laugh
ter in unmeasured quantity. A competent
company, including Josephine d'Arcy, a
of the almost tropical produc
No locality, whatever its other
advantages, is desirable with
to be healthy and comfortable as
moderate the temperature and J
411 HEW YORK LIFE BUILDKIG, Omaha, lieb.
young and pretty actress, supports Leslie.
Ethel and Emma Hopkins are daughters
of . Colonel John D. Hopkins, the veteran
showman and theater owner who recently
died, and who introduced vaudeville Into
the west many years ago when he took
the Trans-Oceanic Specialty company on
tour. The Misses Hopkins sing sweetly
and their natural loveliness is enhanced by
the mechanical and( scenic effects used In
the offering, which la called "Luna Land."
Ed Wynn and Al Lee In "The Bllllken
Freshmen" have made a big success
around the circuit according to reports, and
will meet no bumps here. They have taken
the old-fashioned rapid-fire repartee act
and modernixed it. Wynn In particular Is
a genuine comedian one of the bright and
resourceful kind, varying his patter from
day to day and afternoon to evening.
Other acts on the bill, which is the best
In several weeks, are the Big City quartet,
the best In Omaha since the four were here
last; W. Flemen,a monologlst. who suf
fared yesterday from a cold and hardly
did himself Justice; and Spalding and
RIego, a pair of gymnasts. Those who
like to see new variations of the "glant
swlng" on the horizontal bar will enjoy
the one while the other is grotesque almost
to the point of pathos.
" i
"The Candy Kid" at the Krngr.
A rapid series of contrasts, melodrama,
desperadoes, heroes, heroines and villainy,
then a bit of blithesome song, Jocularity,
I lquant femininity and sauclness, that Is the
"Candy Kid."
' Now in pursuit of a deep-laid plot, now
engaged In the frivolity of a playful chorus,
the production rambles on, generally Inter
esting, frequently laughable. The plot con
cerns itself In a timely- sort of way with
the troubles of a South American republic,
whose revolutionists extend their opera
tions Into the love affairs of Eddy Edson,
the "Candy Kid" of Tale, played by Ray
mond Payne, who acquits himself well and
with plenty of dash. He Just has a Jot of
fun being a cutup and a serious hero, too.
Wanda Ludlow, as Bonnie Bosworth, is
pretty and charming for herself alone. She
is altogether pleasing in her experience of
being kidnapped by conspiring villains, and
in the rescue in deliclousty Impossible ways
by the hero.
The note of tragedy seems to be done to
the limit. If not a bit over, but it at least
serves to throw up snarpiy tne more
worthy comedy of the production.
The chorus is better than the average
and there is some neatly good dancing,
with plenty of costumes and sprightly mu
sic. "The Gay
Masquer ders" at the
This outfit Is gay, all right; the masque
rading part Is not so well borne out. To
mask one Is expected to put on something,
and about all these gay young persons put
on Is a bit of rouge and some rice powder,
which Is quite easily seen through. But
as none of the girls is eligible to entry at
a home for the aged, the management need
not apologize for what is shown. And the
proceedings are snappy and so full of ac
tion that something worth watching Is In
progress all the time. The fun is of the
knockabout order, and goes with a whoop,
while the songs and choruses, the marching
and dancing, are all given with a vim. One
girl, whose Identity is not disclosed by the
program, does a buck and wing dance In
a way to win several recalls, and another,
equally concealed, contributes a bit of vio
lin playing and some fiddling that also
proves popular. The company abounds with
good dancers. The "Scotch Macks," who
Joined the company at Kansas City, Batu
day, are a team of clever dancers. The
Pronounced "Nco-chaw-Etah,"
prevent extremes of either heat
ment is due to the iact that the .Japan I urivnt, with its wimn
influence, swings nearer to the land at a point due of tho
Nechaco Vallev than at any other place
ftiild Winters.
cannot drift to nny extent on account of the sheltering hills that
surround the valley. Volunteer crops of potatoes, have grown
from those left in the ground the preceding autumn. The" aver
age summer temperature is 80 degrees, seldom higher, and is kept
from being oppressive by the constant blowing of a refreshing
breeze from the west that makes even the hottest day comfortable.
The rainfall, which comes during the growing season, is ample
for all crops. Heavy storms or destructive winds ro unknown.
"The climate is all that could be wished for, no extremes; the
days during the summer months, though hot, are never uncomfort
ably so. During the winter the snowfall i3 light and the climate
mild. Settlers informed me that they never thought of feeding
their cattle until about Christmas, and that in March they could
be, as a general rule, turned out again." Extract from Govern
ment Report.
it ! 1(111 wUjdi came from four sources. It is an
old story. The sea, which contributes two or three per cent; the
farm, the forest and the mine. 1 want to raise my voice always
on the side of what I conceive to be the foundation of the wealth
of our country the farm. The crop of last, year amounted. in
money to nearly nine and a half bilion dollars more than the
entire trade of all the continent of Europe. This year it is unques
tionably over ten billion.
"When a mine is exhausted
When the forests are cut down, in
have sand ridges, but with a good
can be cultivated and will renew itself in tho most kindly way
Mother Earth will take care of her children forever and forever."
I rtrtlr FHinirl Look ahead. Think a little. Try and
LQOii Hl.Gc.Ui realize what the Nechaco Valley will
be next year and the year after. Discount the future. You know -farm
land is the safest investment in the world. You know nature
is creating more people, but no more land. You know'advances in
real estate values have made most of our rich men Nechaco Val
ley offers better opportunity to make money in farm lands than
did any part of the West fifteen years ago.
H..,- fSnr9iiMi4's But t buy oU niust buv at
I Olll UppOriUnny. once. The total amount of good
land was limited in the beginning. It is much more limited now.
There is none available for homesteading. There is no railroad
land. That held by land companies including our owu is going
fast. Already over fifty thousand acres of Nechaco Valley lands
have been sold to settlers and investors and most of it sold in a
few months. That which is left will go even faster. .
' This your opportunity and your last one.
Upon application at our office we will gladly give you de
tailed Government reports, giving you a pen picture of each farm,
and surveyors' field notes, together with photographs of each par
ticular piece of land, and strongly urge you to take prompt action
while yet you have the best to pick from.
Terms $2.00 per acre cash
girl executes the difficult and Intricate
sword dance perfectly, and a hornpipe and
reel quite as well, while the man does both
soft Bhoe and wooden sole Jigs, and sings
two or three Scotch songs well. Barney
Duffy is proving a live Issue with his
grotesque dancing and clever acrobatics.
And there are others. Mile. Anl shows very
well on the trapeze; she is splendidly de
veloped and executes her hazardous feats
with great ease and grace. The Melvln
brothers are sensational acrobats, doing the
most wonderful "casting" act seen here
up to the present. Frankle LaMarche and
her dog, as Buster Brown ar.d Tlge, also
score a hit. The living pictures will not
challenge very serious attention from stu
dents of art, but persons interested In the
human form divine may get their money's
worth from the exhibition.
The theater was packed at the perform
ances yesterday, and so enthusiastic was
the reception last night that the show con
tinued till well on to midnight.
They and City Attorney Propose Ordi
nance to Protect the Boys
from Them.
Rusa da Fossa lost 27 in a pool hall at
Tintleth and Pierce streets. Abraham
Curlan dropped t2f In the rame place, and
other boys of the same ages 16 and 18
have also let go of large sums of money
In tho establishment, vhlch Is conducted
by a man named Pilgrim.
Two boys were before Judge Sutton Sat
urday on a charge of forgery. They lost
the money In a pool hall. Another bov is
also In Jail for theft, the pioceeds of which
vtre lost In a place of sort.
The downward start of 100 boys on the
Blatz Company,
802 Douglas St., Cor. 8th.
or cold. Another tempering ele
As a result the winters are short an
mild, and the liglit falls of snow
of the riches of the world
you have a hole in the ground.
most parts of the country you
farm you have fertile soil that
balance in six years.
records of police and Juvenile court la
traced to pool hall gambling.
These aro some of the reasons why Mogy
Bernstein, City Attorney Burnarri and Cap
tain P. Mostyn of the Omaha police force
are fathering a city ordinance which shnll
put all pool hall proprietors under bond
The bond to be forfeited if minors are al
lowed Inside the resorts, or If gambling la
tolerated In the places.
Jewelry FRENZER loth and Dodge.
Will Leave It for the New .
with Considerable Cere
mony. Home
Preparatory to moving Into their riw
quarters, the local lodge v of Elks has
planned two holiday social features as a
farewell to the present rooms In the Waro
block. Thursday evening, December 23,
there will be a "good bye social" and
Wednesday night of ,thls week the last
formal dancing party will bo given In
the old rooms. ,
December 80, will be the first of moving
days. The Elks will occupy the third floor
of the building located at the northeaHt
corner of Fifteenth and Harney ntree;ts.
This structure, formerly - known as the
Granite block, has been purchased by
the local lodge and will hereafter bear the
name of the Elka' building. Fe;bruary 7
the new lodge rooms will be formally dedi
cated. This will be on the twenty-fourl It
anniversary ef the institution of the ordi r
In Omaha. t
It Is expected that Judge J. U. Samrais
of Lcmars, la., grand exalted ruler of the
national order, will be present at the cer
emony. v'i-
, AS -'
Wholesale Dealers,
Phone Douglas 6662