THE BEE: OMAHA. TTESDAT? DECEMBER 21. 1909. 3 MUSICIANS IP IN AIS Vai on it Dw Xoiaes Over Auditor- j inn TVi?iratira r i . WMSIUJO. CAWCIVAL HAS CALL Iated wrt ..trad ef Feeet ef em A rr m Preee4-r Hair eea 4tee Fir. Xlebt ! "ew Hall. T'tS MOINFJv la . tw-. J. ce-penal Tei rraB A rre.trover ..ha irinn hr ever tb ausrr of the ddiraiion of th r--w oolia-i-utB In Dee Mob. A STf-org ffort wa ma ty tr. ar.e.ican of th city to have the ofm-n.nt e.-rs.r.rf great pm-rrl ar.d iVr ar rrorh rhaerihed to discover lhtt arawarK-eiaerit ha rr. mad that Ml January I tie WlritiM i" tab place wnn a eeri ef jt w ftrhi errt wreaUing niurtm. TMI 1 -u;hg g deal of 113 faellr.g A tet ber.k m Leaverwru-rw. Kn.. b fin mjtt todav in court to prevent tb tie meet of th tetat of J- B Blank, who rnmm:ttl eeteid last un-iraT. arid to de clare that b fanned uh ride. and d1 !' d of lis Hut in a maimer to defraud hi ored ior Th -l"l uiwjertiik tr- hcw tilt Blar.k tntnet-rred J1?,. OP inrti of property ro ''"' J'J1 befor h k.Ud himseif and will ark the court to declare that thi pnperl)' S Iart of tb ;at. rrmtj Mtkn Mlrflt. v u lnurd la rfxrd to l.i pc-tnimm Ira th 1 am aavte iat Hon C. C to-:i fc" 1ihflra-n frvm lb r.T4jrriFKTikJ roe. & (tfkifk fTcmT.a tt tjt a.rr to wui haj-moi-jr in tn rarlt of tti r.roeTs;T I1 ublJoaria ai)J rur(r lor tf e.r u. 1fei ax:toi rn t. ln Tft a T of rrt.;ru4 o rry pan vo ard him arifl fcla fr-rfTta If t-r i any o ih:i: tta.t 1 oar o tt:.. n if iDt .r,' ca 1Ti tt;i Siir;ct ii ar.a if; f F- txat la IB TTJ TOT 1 - .iiu " ita 1 itaj- Uiat It, uocK oz t,k am fiicr to in ttan pwrsoriai amfc;toti. ana at ail itt 1 bar t- ..iii.g lo 6o t a wtiicb aoa moKt rutin of mcu In 1t I rvalia U.a withiranal erf fpnater, paf t-pun B. tt Tt f;kt. ti::iy of na'.r.ff tir f-ra: f.ght ri Un S,flncL 1 aoci.t it. fl.y reaJ.a.ti Jt iat-or rwpwif.Duibn, tut -- urr- t n: Irwiiii ltat 1 M-a-H 6o t!) wtfcir, Rjy jx-mrr to it- t um to ntiorj-. I Of- alr tht ca.p;:rn to orir c me and not Vf jroriaJi-a. r du, -px-rw-nt ba mad the t!-u. l"-rir x u, 1b.ii mrmnon of riirff w ctt-arty a..i3 Uro- I with Uie Ajanch-Cacnoo ana b cotj bark tv in rirff-S r;..-i;Hf.f aia aak the eoaomnarrt of fcia'r.i. 1 t not tR.ou tlat 1 n oit"-.ij to tia t.rra.tiitncin ana t-'i lr It nana ar.d 1 -aeslr that at it aft-roacti-It.s rrimarr tbr! a fu:i ad fur i)nNg by It- republican of thif tnrt on that ia.. Captain Hull at- thrown down the faur of ttuc 1 ocpt it War I llerii4 Aaita. PIERRE, & P., Jfi. ti-ciai. In- urae CotntntKSonr farf-.'rd t.aa rpc-ru ecnilr. to him. abowfcie that nc numbt-r ,f aita lnLiranoa la tfHt slit f or anliono . companje i tncrams rather tban rminihT;c. . He propose to pot a atos to tb work of aulicitir on tb part of axit tar c-oacpanie a hicfc ar at- tsnptinc t do buina in tn rta.1 wiii eut parin, t ta. Tccuired, and a soon u kt to abia to aoruta .tie oemesJArr ei-i-no to jurtlfjr action,' aom of tb -rltiB for aacri oompanie a-iil find them aalrca la court, and aa will b anade if poeaib!. The companie- which ar doinc b7icln without aocarmg Ucenaea ar ot only attempt-in" to beat tb fiat etjtof tb f and tax du. but In caa "tiiey refuw to ly a los tb . . - It V .... m m- . tn Tf-ftllV-rfT aiarry w . - - . win rid tbait b baa o way to pet action . on tb company in tie court of tbj rtat for recovery Drapa Deai at Him. Ht"ROX. fi. D, rt Si-iS;ciaJ Tel m v-Mamr J. Lyncb, i ll of Col- ooei TT. A Lnoh, a former reFid:nt li Davenpart. la., ar.d a firorcinent member 1 f th Scmth rakota lr. drt.ptd dead at ; tb family riiDC Sunday afternoon r,.Tt. cc.r.a-artun of U. l-rain. Colcme. Lyncs wa. abaent from tb city on bu- and aa not located up 10 novu day. Mra. Lyocn wa in he-r usual truui up to tbe moment of ber death. THE B LAC U FOOT B4.I-L I Prlaripal Barr mt Haatlaaw May Rale ; . Aarataat Oaaar. HAKTINOS- Neb, Ic X - j n H Barr of lb Hasting H.h acbooi l (DC L1CU1-I mt - the avm;tpw j i .sadvanxage 01 looiua-i ' ."""'" high scbooka Vpon tb dedocuon to 1 mad Irons tb rejiiir to hi ja.j.'ti probably dp-ds tb future -t U. game in tb local institution. Principal Farr 1. opposed to football for bicb aciiool. belivu. the X-artici-lxt in toon rase are- too young 10 i inT J2"'.r,. ; Tf -"llcal elVib i Statins and ft ate I J-Tnitted the parent of ire w.f.D f f Weather t "m XlX(V?lX?Jtr 'he P.itr'ivTcudy lasting, scboc-h Al the bg .r.t.ig c he J c tfr"?Z.":"l i- j sr.oa I"- " , ?r I 1'avet.port, clear 1 "zl iZirr to aimed to secure vidnc 1 1-esvtr. anew Bonoenung 'h xjrtetio with f&otball in Jfvr'-- rWt-ittve iumu-r of bish ..s ! Helena, cletr aver tb tt It cover a raj.g of , Huron, c.ouaj auLiocia. awr a. ii.r boti, tnanor .ad j 4 ity. car ... r,ovt ffct of fi.oitalt on scholarship North Flat:., cear... aa manifeVr in attendant! and grafle. j Omaha, cleiar n-aaon for profc io of football wherjRai"d Ciiy. clear. tb gato l hot i-ern.nted: personal op n- ' it. Louia. ciear lot. of achat! :ficer j,na iiu-tructcua cou- j "t- I"aul. sn'-a eerninr th delrahll:ty of ih game for j Sail L k City . ele-ar hooi: aggesuon for 1 il'ntr.f, clar th- nlavlr.a inles Cooie of the cuet-tion W il.iston. snoa have been r.t to every high school cf ot is the atai and Mr. Barr a ill coiia". Don't Be Too Economical ECONOMY IS ALL FJCHT. but thera i tuch tKinf; a being too acononicaL TAIVt SOAP, for exasaple. There ia a price, be leyw wVtilcH it ia unwise for you to go. THAT PRiCC ia the price at which Lenox Soap ia aold. - XX5NT go below it. DONT BUY SOAP tmerelw beceuae it 1 cheep. CHEAP SOAPS CLtAN CLOTHES. There ia no aataoatkoa about that. They do more than that. Bcau of the alKali in theta, they ahor-tetk the Uf of e-erythinaj they coame in contact with. IN THE LONG KLIN, it pay to use good. aefe. dependable eoep lihe Lenox. Il coat a trite laora then cheep aoepa. It ia Lenox Soap-Just . car. gr t tt" vkV-tc tt-pf. lLT LIKR MRU, ' .turiM ' Ink "Will "ot laterfer. CHIOW. I T Accord. ng 10 "Tn" Ttr.n;r!.' ZT! i:ht of I ir, a.!'. iK-t oppe tr ir" " T.g iv. r.T.iriir lor t-. lfitfif!j; Oty next Ff-Ti of Jl y " f ccur-. a fw r'i- In I'tah d TtM wr.t . to ft-t ir.r." mH Rjrkurd ! i;t T - 4i irr!cr and fnort of it pcij r t-'r. ur. if bav to apr lo f:i!a n ! t fo w--..i t to do it. 7k ,t Jttti tr-. ar c.-izf to f;fai : I Iak Ctj ' -FRONT MAKES C. P.. LANE JUMP, IT ONCE MEANT HIM w'Ha Wt kr Offiriavl m Haa Fat Tiax ! la TrottT" cai:d th c)rk at th Paitoa bctl. A t.ff man. a iondrou ik-fwtr. with Vroaa ho;ar ard a basdf-ff! fao. iW aharply in ii trackt aod far-d th detk. Tbn b FTE.:'.d tb rail of a b. man. Ttt t m I hx tb can ftT a b1- bT Jt tr.ak in Jurr.p " fc ftad. "Tbrr wa a llza when "front rot-act it, and th b-:t r-en-i to atick" Th naa bo tptkt tbaa tu O.arV R. Lan of Pufralo, cor.rt3 with tb a- couriiim deparnnrnt cf tt "Weft Khor I raflroad. II i in Omaha on a VitU rail may buaiws and called at local bad (juanrit durirp th day. "Th f:rt rri&aey I -rer ea-ried wa n-rwer-r.c l!!l in the old Phermtn bous it? Ch.cafo." be aided. "I a a kid tbem. 14 year old. and rruck it out for reariy two year. " nrwt !n those day nd to b th batrout cf a "treat tTir,y railway offlcia cam. tber to eat and I oon be- ' cam known to ott of ten. Anyway, 1 wasn't lonp tfor 1 Fot a J' in th wim I rtr.alii'-d irbt y-an. Tbn I rot In r'-x-ifl wl-h th lire et a-d went to I Bullalo. aber I t bn ever eince. '1 111 you. 1 arr.ed a rrcmt dral aho-jt ron and tbej" war wlin I wa bopt:r.c tr.s. It a (rood training: iba:' what! f wetan If a bellbty hu f-orn rt.rik-.rrly Food tc Dotic it, . .. .. . , , Jnrt then be-llbcy c.a!ifl for Mr. la.n. ! . , . . .. r- . Th lad held out a tierram. lown went lb bir man' hscd inta r.i trou-i 7ocket ar.d cam out with a n-.a of J.n-fllT-g ooin. H batdd the boy a half Coriar. "Tak that. son. and ptd it for Cbrit rr;aa." aifi Mr. Lane a be tor open the mSBjre. r- .i ...-. ROME, rc- 2B.-Tb cor.d.uoB cf Car- d.raJ Satolli. who i. rufferlnr from ner.b- 1 riii. ya improTe today. a".th:u)rh nil ( irraTe.. Tb phj r.ic-.iar; are worried Tnort by the weakness cf the patient' heart. All ' of ti. cardinal in Rom called at tha , Vttln Utiity, , h. Ujom. OMi3e u,e city ,.3 inquirie and eiprearion of j f ( for lbe j, of bhop of , j-rkXlCtxL Watche-- FRZNZER-riu aj.5 rodse Thc Weather. FOR NEBRASKA Snow; lowly terrjieratur.. 1 FOR JOWA Inrremeing cloodiscM. a trmer in a eat pxirucm. T-t -rfiture- st lrriai,a y-effterrday: Huur. i. a. m f. a. ra ' a- ra a. m Sf a rn 36 a. m 11 a. m II m 1 p. m I p. m... . S p. m 4 p. td 11 II li 34 II li i t Z. m " I1 ni f p. m J- p m iawaij , . , ,, , ,r j ,-j ,.A j i. r-r.A l . - ' - . 1T. ;th conesptmdJig period of th- last Lhr-e 'vein: 1W Utr. li!i Miiiiijn temperatur..... 15. 47 SS ?. iMiT'imum lerxipe-raiure.... 1 L'6 11 I" ! Mean' tir.perature. f 86 Freclpilaiion .w .w Tivieaed the body aad aked a few qu- !;ure aod precipitation departures ' of Mrs. L'immick.. No inaueai wa Ifrcwn i'' norma; m i.nrLna siiice Mtr:b X tnrt c t.iiri n-TlPi t. liiT Tm o Tw.n- Norn.jJ mt-jier- lrnv ' 3f refoe ncy fc.r ti e cay Total eericitncy .nc-e March 1 1H; Normal preclp.taoon K i&ch lff.citno fir ire dav Winch Tc-ti.) rhjifnil f-ince Yareh 1 SS Hincrie Excess smoe March 1 4 4 inches ' Ernest L'iUty of Frjtiid had a narrow es- Ief ciency for cor. period in 1 4 7 lncl-e cbpr, from being run over ty a switch en-lK!',cie-nc- for cor. penod m hr: T.r, ir.che-s ; ;m Suriinnon yard here. She Krpsrti rraaa PtatiOBa at P. m ' Tern. Max. Tern II K Rain- . J. m .... I It) IS 1 14 s Jui! 01 .11 T II I It lo JO 30 1 . 4 2 10 1; It' I 4 T snoewte trace of preriptt alios. L. A. WELSH. Local ForocajFtr. worth a great deal fits the hand Nebraska Chamberlain is Held Not Guilty by Beatrice Jury Acquiti Tetuaieh Baxi-r Aftr Be irff (hit OTer Twesty fcTir Eoun. FEA TRICE. Keb . !- I") Prral Tl . i -v.-, .a?T!tiT''.iiiTi rrf the failed T.-umh br k,r,C he, wa f mr.d ' ..... ,., . . . ..irfr, I lKifl- af-.r bi? bank aa inaoivent at th ; com f tb fr-unh criminal trial rrowlr.g tut of lb fa.iur of tb innf-uUon- Tb i Jury reiired at tr.dr..Kbt Ssaturiaj" Elj;ht j a'.d re-acbed an a4rre3.nt at midn-rht i lal ti.tht. Tb a read in court ' rocrrir.f. Tt ;ffit trial haa Jaia 'f;v akK j Tt r..a.-rK. nraJ of which ri r j ur.-.r-icd, ffT'" out of U batk failure j in IMC Ct.aml-r.aia rd folica ics lb J cratb ar d a aF a fi.r:tiT in Cuba aijd tie j tcnhi et Fira-ly be rwurned and jav Liiru.f afur an a.ttic of four )ar. i On a bal k wrfCk:r- icdctrar.t be aa ; fcnd goLir 1 !&. cour.ty on a ; of vreue arid mittMrt to fire year in tbe JEj:nua,-y. cut tn vrcin -a a re-reawa by the avjireni court. in anoihe ru cbarei lii inert lb Jary d:aa4T4. A T: f r a fcod rtart bad bi in tba trial br on of tbe Jurcr berame iU aid tb triaJ cam t: an abrupt cloe and tfca j-rw't-r.t bt-ar'j.s waa btun. The jrowcuiKn baf br-ea badly haodi c;ia by tb fact that practcaliy all of the bi.k of lb defunct bar.k mhich bad ln usd a videuc ta or of the ca Mir no. mj one tiifht abom two ytar ao '-- "r rt" TcumiL w iino jt iiii -v loeno ii uar on ice , th jiratecuu-jo to make a ca ad It i oor-siderfd pro bail the olier caa wl BOt l U NEFF CASE IS POSTPONED Heart a a- af (ktrir A aval act airrliac Pkrtlelaa la Pat Otet I - 11 . Maath. PC w. . w T".l ' ' . . . , t ' charped by hj aife with an offena ' . . . Mramst bi dcushter. Lora, wa trpecteid . . . . . . . iu come up in QiFirici coun loukj. jd confcert of beta aide It wa aiiowtwl to o over unuU January IT. It aa in tni case that Prof. J. A.. IiicinicJL, ruperin tfcndent f tb Blerlin acioola, who com mittd FuKld iaat tk bad boon luia inorjed a a wjint-FS. It i beiieved to ha ve ttn bi I'roo.hg over tb fact that bi i tame bad ten cor.nertd with the cap I thtt cufd 1 bim.f, I -v- ""rri by the arhool board arid by rworn naiemtet eS lb f:rl in;plictd. Jalat laataJlatiM at Table Rack. TAELE RCKTK. Neb.. IC- "iit i Special.) Th Ancieni C'rdeT of United Woramen at it rweat HieeLiii eifctod the fol"iiig cfficr: Ma;er a orkman. W. tV. Cros: Iorman, O. iV. FeiK-rt: ove-raetr, W. M. Lunn; rec order. FX. C. Cotton; puid. ". A. McCa-.lar-d: financier. C H. Carm.cbat-l; trf.urt-r. ,.. . r.erF; inntr a aichma n , tharie iliack: ph.Vicir, E, L. McCre and W. SL Cherr-. j Tb XH-jp- of Honor, th other branch j of the order. e.!ctd tie fo'iloa-ir.- ofrioer at It meetin- Wednesday nigrht : a-ixb i c. of H-. Mrs. Lyd a ttHiinar; R. of H . 1 Mr. JeiO t"rak; C oi O.. Mr. Netu .'Paxceie; rtcoraer. Mrs. "May tx G4enn; !;. ftnanckjr, Mr. Grao Feller, receiver. Mr. SMn.ry lo'man; u?.i.eT. Mia Leila Buf-h; .... 2 orvanist. Mr. L. P. Orundy; medical xam- Z uitTE. Its. ii. CAerry and E. L. MoCrea. ' Jewnt inrtailation of tb two ordera will '" be btid on the fir moctih tiifht in January. .... 1C Fiaeral at Praf. DlaaaalctK. TECX'M EH. Neb.. Eec The funeral of Frof. J. A 36. 1 Special. IdrnmiCk a as held at the Methodist church In Sterling yesterday afternoon at 2 o" clock and a a conducted by the pastor of the church. Rev. R. L, Loa Tha a-ttendanee a a larce. The body accompanied by the 1 a iaow. the iitue aoti u.a a lew inenas, few frends. iaa lakes to 1-incoln xiiia eve-rui-g. Sanai 1 " in Wjuka cemetery there Monday i ftmrfn at "liek. Poliowina ib rui- TC. rHmTr..rk. kroner Cha,le I " ' " . " . Snell and Sheriff H. U. Miner of Tecumseh, 11.1.4 ,,,. ,r,, -,r.r j.-i.f, tv,t tr.-.f ' h'lmmitk took ows life ahiie znomen- ' larialiy insane. Waaaaa'a Jairw auarwp. HASTINGS. rec. Special) Mrs. I arrived here -frc.m ber bonne, enrout to Grand Island, and wa coinc to tb St Joe A Grand Island depot. While cross- :ng the Burliir.os she alipfd on th ic and fell bttaen the rais. The etigme aas rapio, aia sr. cniea from danger. geit.n off the ra-is a fea second before the engine pa-ed. Kttr .iifisuit case ar.d it contents atre ground to IS ; t ieoe. '.) Near Oor-ola Hlgk sekaal. . OSCEjLA. Neb., I-ec . Specials II C!!ola sencxil d.nrict voted $3i.fxKp bond rday at a special election for the pur t f erecting a i.ew high school build- 1. mr Wl. -.... .... l& V.rJ- 4 w.- -V. and seventy-thre again'- The plan 1 to erect a x.ew modem building for high school purpose only and to oquip th ln-st-tuuon t-eiter than acytiiing eise in the county. Much interest a a shoa-s in th else IK'S az,d it is Intended to have th building finished for ti. oommrnoetneiit of 4 school In tbe fall of 1!L Egiidraaie at tea dree. I CHAI'RON, Neb., t-ec. . c Special CI adron. for th first Urn In it xiiDce. , ha tuch as epidemic that it is under - Qruuiit reg caused ta 0 dea dfcurhter tj Ch W. leodendorf, ax.d Rotrl Buma. aged , Nonhaesicm conductura. a ho leave two ! doubly orphaned children aad aa aged I father and mother. I Trarker't Ceedltlea CrltlraA, LYONS. Neb.. Iec . Speciai ) Mis Aim V . -T 1 mt. ml.. r.?-m-.i rn f( appendicili at her father', bouse ber. on . . , , . baturday. i xa a enucaJ cuciiuon. Ir. lora c-r timatia, who cam to perrarm rr opeiaiKjs gave the family but liuie bop for her recovery. Mia Everett to one of ,tn u-acber. in the Leedam school cf Sioux City. Tb director gave ber a any-day jfurlocgb and ah cam borne a aeek ago .... . . o.iuni vo .iw. or- rk el Table Bleeau ; TABLE HOCK. St. Lec St. Special ! A wreck otx-urred ber thi morning is th lower ed f the railroad yard, being a ; rear-eed culliaioa bcaas twe 1 train, ia w hich the caaooae ef one and 1 the of the other ear speedily put out of buame No on a aa injured. NoreJt-rKi-N2.El; lita and Jjodga Cbamberiatj- a Cough Kemecy bauabe ail tiidcscv tr a aj d awumoaia. ula-uona. Scarlt fever ha Zt raFZt , h T,CV ,iwiJ lh" following : nhs. Marga--", -y ear-old ju-ng term: Mra. T. li Masser, oracle" ! i-f T-raiTi Tii-T.le Mr. Jame Hari5ii v-l . . . x , Nebraska Wife of Auditor Barton is Dead F&neril Will Be Held Wedaeadij Afterzooa .t Tiro O'clock tt Aaron. (From LINCOLN. ESaff Cwrpoaf'nt ) Ic- . .f pK ial Mr. Fiiaa R. Barton, wifa of Stat Auditor Bartin. J difd ylrdiy at JO o'rioxk foLowh.c B ,f tKm Ihcixh a bic b- came airtDly a-riou only a fr day Fa- Tb wraJ arin b bi WaaanitUr -4"trnoon at I oclock from th OwlKian , utt t Aurora, tb pastor of tb cfcurch ! offlc.ia.tlt. Tb pall barr, aJtw from aroona tb leadera of tb Ancieait Order of j i t-itt.A wkm .,n ern--. 3. D. Braytoo cf Br-!ct, J H. Bfift I r.k. in- v- v-.k "tt- t- Louibury cf Aurora, N. KoJij ut Lin- i coin, and A- Galuha of Lincc:n. The toy j will b takes to Aurora Tneaday. ! Beforw br maj-naj-e Mr.. Barton wa ' Mitm H.lea. aj-.d ber bom waa at Aurora, : wbere ber parenia now rw3. Laat Jan- ' uary abt and Mr. Banc rTicve4 ta L4n-" coin ajid only a few month fcro txicaa lo ' kv bona on E rtret. For arra yaar ; Mra. BarloB bad bo in poor beallfc, bc- ! sltatiric on two ocrarion rubmiMoa to ! aa o;e ration. j Pmo remorit- to Lincoln, bowerer. Mr, j Barton had ae:xd to be improiinc and b waa at. to tak part tn tb aociaj affair of tb city, and bad wrn for ber- lf a permannt plaor in tb ae4 o dety of tb city. Hr death waa net x pct4 and ber laat illn wn of only a 1 fw day duration. Auditor Barton waa is Karma City at tb trim she bociume i 'c- rria horn only , rr.iKj - clbt- At tb lira cf tb dijtaoimtoB. Mrs. Barton parent and Mr. Barton' mrtbar wre prnt Neighbor Doubts Claimant to Estate Friend Does 5ot Tlitik Texas Kan is Son of Jnde Wilsoa. TBCTMSEH. Nb., Ie. 3D. Special h Geort W. Iorsy of Crab Orchard, formerly a E.;-hbor of tb John Wilson. jr., for a bom a forum i in aaitihs at Te-umseb. come out witb a letter in a " w cv-n.on ue John Wilson of Houstoa. Ttx the la.?; claimant for the estate, i not the ribt man. Judre and Mra. Jobs Wilson died tn this city leaving aji exxate valued at about IK Of for their son, John Wiiaoa. jr if bs should -claim the suae aiihin fire years. In case the estat ic not claimed by tbe ripht John Wilson aitbin a few months it win go to more distant re-1 ativea cf Judge and Mrs. WEson, Some of tbe old se-tiitr beiiere poaixrrely that the pic ture cent by tbe Texas werman la that of John Wilson. jr rich Jul heir to tbe Wfl sos estate. Pa iinrer Bceaaiei laaaae. LEXINOTON, Neb., TXt -5plal TelegragnJ A pvung snaa -eie from McMinnvfi;. 4Tr t fjt. Pitts .TXuitl, was lakes from" Fsion Paclf5o train N a. 1ft. tii morning, after hajrinr broken arreral car window. His ram aa allows by lee xer is bi possewaion appears to be Anpust Bamik. hi home bdn Wausaw, Wia. He seem to be suffering from son accident which baa caused him to brooeoe violently insane. Relative Is Wisconsin have been notified by Sheriff Whaiey. Xebraaaua Tirara IVatra. PLATTSMOfTH Sunday morniag tb mercury registered J4 degree below leru. the coldesi this moath. m cooK-E. f. osbom or tha Mccook I tTTi"f Jfcf 1 "TVa. V k 1r.ia -aa aar ai..i4 V ... a r. to P. E. Whitney and WaJtr Hosier 1 "i 1.1 ciiy. wno are now in charge of tbe t'"7 . M COOK Today tbe Bee Hive tsar. P. ! fl.'.V'et .r0lOT- theown- I iJ w -. a. j.oyi, jr.. 01 tlcix Eidr. , where be ha been conduct-ag a general merchandise store. CHAt'RON Fiv big snow ttona -this month is making the farmer smile and spena iioera.jy lor t tr.itmai reenta. but and hove snow. PLATTSMOVTH Rev. M. S Poulson aupenntendent of the State Actt-Saiooa league, spoke in the Methodist Episcopal church Sunday morning and in tbe Pres byterian church in th evening to larc audience.. " MCOOK-P. S. Briciie. foreman of tbe f ore now engaged jn rewinnr the Burling ton machine shop and roundhouse at thi a a seriously burned ahn at work thi week and has r: for treaunent. j M'CCCiK J. Roy Weidenbaroer cf this ." ' ""' c..v.iLi. LO o;cti m mis C'ly th finest appointed candy kitcbn in thi oi .-.eoraraa. furnished througbout in handsom mission fixture A.,,m-1 "-n(I manufacturing businea will b trans cted aiso. GENEVA A large amount of perrr thiev ir'5 'n a"11' on at tt, higb-'achcKiL C v- Ul1,!" r" ooat worn by Ne.he Tounger for tb first time. A reaard of Dfi ha been offered bv the school board for it return and capture of the one taking it CHAI'RON Owing to tbe inclement ea.ner ana prevalent r.f the Farmer msutute ihi week irg..v attended. Tbe papers read were .in.11 vaiue arrangement wer- ma to disiribut tbm after printing to xbes who shouia hav thesre. TECTMSEH Tecumseh i prepared to '"'v 1. 1 poor at Chnstma time. Juag J. A Laarence 1 rooelvine tnbutton and be i also raoejving r TT, . ia i is a position u , b)p ib needy and th word ha got out 1 that there shall not b a hungry mouth or I a diaappcartad child is th ,00 mm unity on i Chnsima day. ! HT-NTLET-Daii rA??M'lU:JUr- x P'b: --i- v.. . mararal; M- j 1 " watt, inner aenOre;- V - T A F-ich ! v''w-'ST wTriT ' " H. joaee and I I ThXlMEH-Mr E M MoCroswy and daughter have Wt Tecumseh an w . ' maae trveir future home In fi-.u.., I 1 Spr:rga, Colo., a her they recently bought j lC bOtD. Th IlnYcKkT i S''JTim?tf'r'lTZ J" and had j '.t for tiwird of thirty rear Mr I Mcoky. deoeased. wa on of th city roercr-anta. itiry have friend fc're ho T4rrrt to bare Ibem iee'v. 1 rT K'JC K Tb pubUc schr.l eios-i j aek M V'l"W 'rJ , Z't t'T, Xw'l ' ee-a at. riui Pr-omt on pnncipai. arid Mia Mir.iue Btg c.f the firat graHimar rc'octi ""ii rpaad their vacation at t? 1 noiae 01 ire ii.rzner at wiui V-K x,x ir. a cv,.. .,.-;' '"" ' - v . mis i'. --7 rooisi 'U spef.d her vacaiioti at ber beau at rtiverwlty piaoa Mtss Nellie E. Sooke 4 th eoctfd grammar room at ber borne near Hueitidt step irt ef Giaael Cetieav. WASHINGTON". a The cecisu ba- raau report JC2"3 bale of oortaa gmnei from th grcata of ln t Deoamber 11 compared with ll.! SS bai fuc Ilffa. if rou bar asythlng to sell or trade, advenia Is tb Want A4 nalMmt . ef Th Be rr camn. 0. 71? Tim 1 . Nebraska Two Dead in Wreck at Seneca Hei BrtkezAn &cd Fire nan Loe Liret in Collision cf Train. FEXECA. Nb-. Ic. 30 ?; a-raio A Tlt.cK-id I:tr!ir.(rt .hi 7 !! i frt.ftit ira-n ran into tb er.s r vt tb at i'd of th jarfl fcr Fairaay t-iRh; and ii.Piax.liy ki..d F.mkerr.aj tv. . ? maker. ar.d o M-verely ir.ju?d r.rrr.i.r. JcKj-b I bill J. ho a tikt-n lo Al liance en a fi-i.Ll train, that i Ch- it. lb bo;.iial today a a r-su!i cf lu ujune. G"bt.crt ar F.r Tcr.y on tt n'jiar tram rr ot 'y flipttjy ir.jurt i. 3i --rr. tb r ilc:. r.r:r. a doir.c r.ctk- wrrk on a f-ii.t-c ''"a' '-- n "' '"-' e 1" t--a '-ft could t.oi wr.trwl tbrr.Mjv be- for th areck occurred. Th rrp. i.fibll- ity ha pot b-fc j.'artd. Tb boi cf Braiifrman Fhoe-rr.aker taken to hi heme ai OcccXo. Neb.. lu.iaj u. d that of F' Ph kar All.anc totnorrfew morcir.s Stever. Ittti Wia for ai.l foi BUY ICCIOEMiUI KILLED Hi Fielaa af Llaa Creek la aat r Older Brwtarr. ELM CIU:EK. Neb.. If. "Si-ecia: Te.epram t Harry Fit.cJ wa ac;iaeniai. ahot ax noon Sunday ky Sam Px-.da. aj. o.otr bro;."itj. The bul.ei from a trnail nf. severed tb oi;a 3t abjve t'.t btari and b d.el a lew Ciinuiea Th faiber. S. J. Ke.cs. i? at Hot r-'; ai-3 it not expec'.ed Xo live. The of the l i a .u, rim. JvCQCQ CHEATS MOB AFTER CHASE BY KILLING HIMSELF Pata kl(ia His Breaat l Pall Trifter with To Bawy la DracK ta Tama." AFBSrrviIXE, La.. Ic S6.-A lir.::ir.f man hurt terminated yeatrday e': .00-1 near here, whvn Roy O Hsro. a reyro 6tt pe-rtdo. killed bime-if after a chut. lifi.i.g mc- TiMday. wbn the ne-jrro tht't offi cer Holly aiid Tliomae. At tb ectraric to th Cbotaa hatch nratr.?. a cordon ft 3(K men rurTounded the rjercu Wouhdr-d, bare foot ed and tired, he tn that e-sctpe wa UT.poss.hle, aiic placih th barrel of hi ahoiirun to hi bra.M. be pulled the tr.Erer wnh b. toe Hi body a uei to a busr- and drafted to Abbe-jiiie ajr.d placed in tit court hc,usei ,btre it ihy f,,r etverti hour fiamonds FKENZEK-Xl'-b and rx.da. LIVELY CAY FOR THE HANSENS Pa Biiua, Sa iter-liLiw Affiraaa, la Im Haaay arltb Hta Flat a. Jufiricr from the different tale told ir polio pourt Monday by P. J. Hansen. 1TK Werister street.' and hi sister-in-law, there were Hrtly doinps at ti; Hansen home Sun day Eisrht- Hansen was arrested charred wrLh disturbing th peace and hi wife's sister, who did not gire ber name, appeared to prosecute fclna. Ac-oardirg to ber tory Kies started 1 to abuse bis sick wife and she interfered. She a.ttempyd to caj tb polio rtation. but beJor th couid teJl tr officer the troubles, Kajiseii, she sbid, hit ber is the : Tbe po-lic beard the racket crer tbe tele phor.e. aJK-eruiiried w here the . call casn from ajid seit the auto around, with the result Htnsen wa locked up. Hansen si- his aister-in-law aas raimr.g a disturba.Ti. and that a roomer had hit her. Trie 6 posit.on of tbe case was put over urn Tuesday so that other witnesses ccuid 1 brought ln. DlhTR CH S RELATIVES IN TOW W If-, Daaarbter ill Soi-Ii-Uw oi rraer rbmXa trailer at His Bedside. Mra. C. K. T'leirich.. wife of FormeT ator ri-trich. a ho is ill at the M-'hoii bofT-ital. and Herbert Rr.ox Smii.h of Wasl.irg-ton. P. C. r of t c r ; porations. accompanied br Mrs. Smith, a h:- i Senator I'letrich' daurht"r. are regis tered at the Rome.. At the Methodist hos pital it i stated there is little charge in the smte-sman' condition, al though a dsy or two ago there wa a change for tb ttier. THAW LOSES IN UPPER COURT iJaBtire DfeKeaaa Rrfaaea ta Graat Petit toa far a Writ ef Error. WASHINGTON. I'ec Justice Mc of th Fcprem- court of th fn.ted Siaie today denied a petition of Harry K. Thaw lor a writ of error to the tx-urt of appeal of New Tork in the case in a hich Thaw mad an effort to obtain re-lease from the Matteawtn asylur In that a petition for a arit cf bti-a corpus wai denied and the effeict of Justice MrKer.ns'e decision will be to leave the decision of the court of appeal undisturbed. I irnnTii ntavnuiin irnrirti irTini iir i-r "a'-" Iiistantly Relieves and Cures Catarrhal Sore Throat Do not Deflert Catarrhal sore throit It will sever get betier f f Itself. Cniesi treated in t me it be ! f come chronic, leaci to - . X and serious compiicaiiona. Kondcr s (in aamtary tubes) gives ejeirs re lief, bnuf a bit oi this aromatic, southing. )ieaiit jei y well into the r.tsal pfig w I aLe a tmi.i poriios the throat as lot g a throat well aith ibe Je.i 7 insiar.t lenet. ctt a xjc or o m iuoc loa-y 1,1 j our drugrist or aend penty tosial to us lor tree satr.pla. KiMkiloa HI 3. Cts. ilmaca Ciamujirmutna;umi!CTiixn)iai!i -- 53E3iSC if e t g JOilTl E "That cob pipe is getting Etrcng give him a swell Meerschaum for Christmas." I'VE GOT THEM ALL TIED TO A TREE WHEN IT COMES TO CHRISTMAS PIPES. MEERSCHAUMS, BRIARS, PETERSON PAT ENTS, ALL KINDS IN SWELL CASES OR WITHOUT. CIGAR AND CIGARETTE HOLD ERS, TOO-FIT FOR A KING. LET ME BE HIS SANTA." Says: j Ti a g CENTRAL CIGAR STORE, 321 S. IGTH ST. I half-minute ntohc A e-r-e cf e-'ir aa'.e -i a a frtHf r.-. flcvf tl t"- mirt.)r t T !i riehrd or.e tin t t.. f.rirarl r "7 m e ard rf-Tit -: 1" tl i mJ ' I r you k -w v H a i- ' ,-?rr.-5 trat t;T - r k" n a'l- .. tr face a ! famf-tr. t.; t.u e-.a jf t e c.oi'e iit ?er -" e a t .c-.- r.-r,? . if 1 -j 1 n'v . t.n r wi - r-um t ' f. a f a 1: t nrt f aett. that p'-'t-t. arid it a r-'r'i c-.- -- ""tvf f fJ-'t " to nlr". We cr y c 1 "e l-.'.-Ve-t t" 1 t it . t"vn are rei er af-a d to H:h tarititoal -ti ey tue S'ld rl'tie Your Monsy Back On Demand !i"crt' ' i- 1 ,'m inat am i ' ' r" "THi: HOiK 4 " giAUTV C"11H12." The Neckwear Store Of the Town No other lore ihow uch eitlufiT crticr.s ct o raer.y of tliem. Every Efvk'.Ie tcre .. nide end chcis?B b'-csup cf its r:TCTriios to form a jn cf a per.''"' titir. A refrrfliLg thoi-gl.1 itta joa tak icto coLtid tt vhoiif-kn; of "paudy. cado-to-f ei!" ne-cktiea bt-irg fbown t.out ton. ?e "ur acd jon'il a way 10 five " tiro" an in gift L :i easily aear. Njce'j- boiea if ret: a it-t 50c, 75c, 51.00 1.50, $2. 52.50 Store open evenings ctlil Xmas S&ROlt Table jr v.attr rrom tf. Aocioea J ywat torn. Pira ra-Aoa borue TL oac fcO. VERITABLE FARMER'S PABADiSE eekir. Valley. Attraetlaa Maay a-tjlera Cllamate til -all Coa daclv ta ParaalaaT Coaditlaaa. Nechaco Valley resident old-tlm farm- : erf who have lived th'-re for years, and know th value of the soil and the posti- ' Milt' of tbe country when th Grand : Trur.k railrc'ad is cc.rr.p-ta r add.r.c lard to their aircady aubsttnitil farm. Th fart that they are buying adi'tional j lt-hds, pajirsg for tbem HC an acre and tj wards, tb hirhert price ever ?k-d. 1 - certainly an ina:'rfemT,t that th land i everything thst it most ssxr-uine booster are c".aiT.rng for it. ; For four years Harry Bower of Ne- chaco Valley bt lived there ar.d te-ste-d th;- soil. He also farmed in the A cous-i try. He so!d bi farm there at asd i-ourht an additional 1S2 acre-s from the rS'-imrt Tmnk Pacific Land corrnafiv. ad - joining hi bomesteLd. at tlf, He aas satirfied wiih his four years' remits there, and wanted more land. Hi old Iarm.-r.ow under cuhivattoa aiih beavp groa-ing crop -i.f rtieat. timothy. alfa.fa, ba.r)ev. aoutna etc. arQl pay for the. realy boitpht on. Joseph i-e-aufioin is anoiier Nechano at 'tT aho tK'ueht last month Sid acre from the Btme company. His Tine farm cf lfi! e.cres is groa.rg a crop thi year that the 'a-aer telievt.f will be a record-breker. P.istmasier W. J. Milne cf Nc-chaco is stil noiber purchtsc-r rora th Grand Trunk acific Larid company, and score more ; u'.d be r.amed. urai imga - IXich soil. m..d c.irf.aXe. naturallrnga- .on and healthy surrcyendings. a-ith the -4 w main line railroad, a ill make 3whacoj a paraiife for farmers a rivtl to tbe tst in Canaca and Wt.niiiigion. Thousands of farms have been sold there n the last few jeara. Tb best, the people ha."" which, in my opinion, he not Ji here say. tre the Peter Larson groups. ; ec,-uJ In Uie lnr-th tr.d 1-reiadih cf our Theise th Grind Trunk Pacfic Land com- j J -". It 1 wll named and Cr:.av.a With vifices at 411 New Yo:k 1:X noueiv can testify to it exc'lle-u:-ouoding. Omaha, bought soro years ago. j TT respect I have little talent in ai.d ate to be mJ x-a term t,f ST,4 fluwa and . rfcvmlr.: l:re. tttt "wi". do roy level the ba-.a-nce on eiisy p-yments at f per cent. 10 "ln OT K t U,t :":b "" kf There i no government or railroad land ! ,0 w lra my Chris tt as baking. So ! for prc-e-mpuoi.. This offt-r will w ith- crtan Wter l.e.cember ri. when no mcre Itnd will 1. When the railroad is 1 1 . . f,mshe.d, which it mus-t 1 by Its contract aiih the Canadian govemm'm in 1H mn ho know the c ountry predict that no on-, acre in the Larson group -can be purchased f r a t net under S7i NEAR ZERO IN PANHANDLE Oklabeaaa aad Texas Are hiverla laser (eldest Weather ef seiMia, KANSAS CITT, I'ec. 30 . Southern C'kla- hom aj.d tb panhtiitle of Texa are ex- '; jieneiic.irig Uie coioest veaiher of the sea sen today. Ardmore, Oki.. and Abilene. Tex., reported 4 degrees above and Fort 1 Worth e above. j In Kansas the temperature ranged from tb above at Wichita to xero at Concordia- loss 01 voice, iirj oieaxa lsternaiiv. leaving u. rosnme. ruD tua ?-ou 11 lid .'.most polls, Mlam. mi A r. fSJn ar .V.I4eear f T,7 &a4e V r "f t-rrt' .jriNaia talk Christmas Cigars By Box at Wholesale Prices Our r.firt are ia j-n.---.- ci-rSiiiva nd i tlX: :.;&l i' peiiliT invjied va .! and wi.l be fJn court' us iu -,!t:.-i n-d s.-id suc h c:i-r-. as "o :1: he jn-;-rec-i:n e-d by th smoker. C-.l Ooirf-.n ii his a-t U t on duty from Z-m. tn to 11:IH p m.. at t:e 1 t.ite strt rtore. and coju-J-etfi t r,a expert tttenaants at tha O I 2th isr.a Krn'-y str-ef Tbe brasoa Based balow ar aotB f our ieaoer: I'tti'-le a. Invincible .'. . Seicenhurg After I'jnner. Mortar b.s Rio ii for if.c Tcrsail it bt ret in 1 . Rob-rt Funr . C-Hfr-e'lrr? Club Hon-.. Tom Keen '"jarrtfl S-lerto Gsrr'a Little Tom Toti Mr""r-. Clcb Hoaie . Hoff mar.tte El CapMLii Ce-rml 1.00 for tt SITS far as 70c f or SS ITS lor as oc for as f 1.00 for 11 . for JS (1 OO for SS S4J5 for 60 . 83 oafcr ti . 0c for as .SI-OS far tS . . etcforlS ., FLcf-ras . . eSeforas . J.rO for SO 81.08 f or 5 . . K-eforH . . 8rc for C raoo for as t2 00 for tS braads of .tao forts 6X.T5 for tS arx.oo f r so 110 for as o ith old Ja ,.r:te. . . . B"e-rl Burr., Eric are .. Jl'rTnZlml ." " jBel.v' Nr,on iKiru Alfred l ly.I k n-W XXCWTB IrOOD QTJiUTT. ' '"" Carver C-onrr-s G . . . . I Iji'ptVwi "Coi;Bita " Bftll t fis M F. R nsr Hnviik iRo' t-rt Pirrr! rrf-cio nran1"' r rr ir.r n.TS ijt as AiM l"r tc ary bn of if. or 1'r to b'X rf f.O and w will send by mail or x- prets In tb cbov lt " r, cf th f:n-t P'vr-n lij.d dom-'Hc cirars th market rf fords. EhemiS.n & McCOTmell "DlUg C0, Comer If.b ard Doir gti. ! Owl Drag Co., 16th and Harney. To the Tpdike Milling Co: j Gentlemer.: I see ty th paper that j you wart Jingles to use in advert isirr : your splendid n.ur, ihe "Pride of Oma- Der t"1- Sis-f a acng of "Ppiix "aTiTl, Ocffcra fan cf wheat; axd twenty potanCa af flotT - Per every Jtgi aaat. J Tin tha sacb are opened Tha cock w-iil bUtbely amg. Bread mad from Trii el Ouuaba" Z tit for any king. MISS E. RO3ERTS0X. !.( P. Itn St, Omaha. BOYD'S Tcniht fri. jtarlre Tomorrow aid Xlfbt rnrr IA CRIXI CO. Preserta THE VIRGIIVJIA1NJ Xbu Ere ar-d Xstuva scat, as xrxgbt Tictor "atoor Is -Tb Talk cf SI. T." SEATS TXTO-SSAT XZT W. SATAOS Offer The Merry Widow, with tb. Orasd Optra 1 1 Orlglaal Zev Tork ProdtcUca and Cast Patlre Week Xec sexk Stat. W Tb-ara. act &at. Th Oreetes? Staucal tXeaaatloa cf tb Ar. Jgd. I ail "Kit Ibe-aOe Twice Daily. All Week, ludaiijig Xs&aa 1MKGAV ' MASQUKH4DEHS rXTBATAPAASA AXS T AUTJETXtLB Chora Oirf Ocrt-ert Tr.iay Xifbt XAdxee" rUr-e Slat. Xai.y jxcrpt Xaaa.) tt a:"6. ST art Staa. (7 4Xay, Bio A SXartaa'a Ciy Co. THEATER r 3.1 CI 3 lSc ai. i'c 7 be. Tosnoarr siatzyxe vxhstxesat Ths Eyg Witness gyca ef tb Owaea of tba Sacret Steta ASTASTCrO TUrSTniB Mat- Xeery I vay. u.isi ailing rinuiauu, ail Thi W-k. Lert l-iie. I red,c.aT. j Wytin k L-. Pig Clt rtetl. llo;..j. i risle". Fieri -n, -;-.uir.g e rx. I the Km,-irouie and I! Or;-'Liu v ,uuk ta ' erttexr- l-rie :c ic ax kvc