12 TITK TIKK: OMAHA. TUESDAY. DECEMBER 21. 10O0. OMAHA'S HOLIDAY SSI6PPIIIQ CEtlTER OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS n n Only Four J-wJ Store Open Evenings Til Christmas Afore Days J'l! Till Christmas U U THE RELIABLE STORE Grand Special Sale Holiday Leather Goods MKHCHAXDISK OHDKKH ISSIKU IXUt AXV AMOUNT n r 4 fk m 4m j O o) M M O IS 13 I- Ml 'A MJf Open Every Evening Until Christmas Time is getting short now make the most of it. Come to the store that has the biggest varieties to choose from. Christ mas shopping is a real pleasure in this big modern 6tore with its wide aisles and its brilliant display. COME TONIGHT OR EARLY IN THE MORNING YOU WILL FIND SCORES OF SPECIAL BARGAINS Visit Brandeis Big Beautiful Toyland in the Basement and , See Santa Claus All the toys from the immense, purchase of the entire stock of Kice-Stix & Co., St. Louis, are now on sale at the most wonderful bargains ever known in the history of the west. The newest up-to-date toys at positively less than half the regular prices. SPECIAL PRICES on FURS One lot of odd and fancy Fur Scarfs, in Mink, Persian Lamb, Ermine, Krimmer, Jap Mink, Blended PC niiM-ri.l Mr wnrth lin to fc'20.00. at V Blended Siberian Sable and Black French Lynx Sets Large pillow muff and throw, at French and Russian Lynx Sets Pxtra large rug muffs with shawl or throw heavy shirred lining . per set. PU Extra fine, large size set of Russian Lynx with wide shawl and big full rug muff, with head and tail Q j A trimmings, at .vAv Choice, of these Fine Fur Sets, including Red Fox Sets. ,$2i Choice lot of Odd Sets White Asuria Fox Sets, Blue anU Block Wolf Sets, Jap. Mink, Black and Red Fox-fancy shawl and throws with rug or pillow muffs, yuv at. mmmi Brook Mink, Black, and Blue Wolf, Blended f TOWm, XV PI Squirrel, Russian Pony, White Asuria Fox... $1? MTOmIV iff White Iceland Fox Sets at $19.00 Large shawl fll ft S&v AA$Zimi with rug muff, head and tail trimmed. W MrlffilKllI ' 7 31 ihl ' YES,! trmtrii AH Our Most Elaborate Waists and i Imported Waists at Just One-Half Price THESE ARE THE EXQUISITE WAISTS THAT HAVE BEEN SELLING AT $15.00 UP TO $50.00 EACH. 1W mm All the Women's Fine $15 WAISTS at All the Women's Fine $20 WAISTS at. All the Women's Fine $25 WAISTS at. . . . All the Women's Exquisite $30 Waists, at ,$7.59 ....$10 $12.50 $15 All the Women's Beautiful $40 WAISTS at All the Women's Ele gant $45 WAISTS at. . All the Women's Finest $50 WAISTS at Choice of any Woman's KING WAIST in our entire stock ONE-FOURTH OFF $22.50 $25 Visit our Infants' Department on the Second Floor and see the hundreds of appropriate gifts for baby. Wonderful Bargains in Toys We bought the entire Toy Stock of Rice-Stix & Co., of St. Loui3 at 40c on the dollar, and place them on sale this week at biggest price reductions ever known in America. Toj; Moving Picture Machines 500 of ' thera positively worth $3.00. Shop early ,if you want one. Think of it, only' . . .08c $2.00 Toy Moving Ficture Ma chines guaranteed in perfect condition; Tuesday for. . . .49c MAS SHOPPING Four more days and your Christmas dream will have been realized. rour strenuous shopping days are before us. Shop ut Ben- netts, where shopping 1b best; where gifts are displayed in almost boundless profusion, where true economy reigns. Buy early in the week. The delivery service, largely augmented, Is still making deliveries on time. Grocery and meat orders should be especially early. THE CHRISTMAS BOOKS Nowhere in all Omaha Is the book problem so easily solved as at Bennett's. Practically everything df note is represented. Home Made Jingles, by ,Grace tioreuson .... 75 Of Such Is the Kingdom, leather bound, by Richard T. Metcalfe SI. OO The Thin Santa Claus, by author of "Pigs Is Plga" 4Q Bishop Hunhmms, by Hlchard T. Metcalfe, 75 Iatot Fiction, The Sil ver Horde, Calling of Dan Matthews, When a Man Marries, The Knight of tho WlldnerneBB and doz ens of others ... 81.08 if IS1 mm LOE GIFTS No uncertainty in buying1 Gloves at Bennett's. Depend upon ne for Gloves of known merit. We have all the lead ing; colore and sizes, or If you prefer, buy Glove Certlfl- , caul lor any amount m Lamhskin Gloves, all colors $1.00 Women's Cape Gloves, tans only, f 1.25 . .$1.50 Ofre-clasp Mocha Gloves, black and colors, $1.00 and . 81.50 Iteal Kid Gloves, best colors 81.50 Real Kid Pique Silk Lined Gloves 81.75 Soft Cuti Gauntlet $3.00 Gloves ...81.59 Two-clasp Kid Gloves in a fine $1 quality, all col ors, at ' 6) Men's Kid Gloves, at., pair, $1 and 81.50 Fownes' and Dent's 31oves for men, $2, 82-25 Men's Silk Lined Kid Gloves. $1.50 . . .2.00 Men's Fur Gloves, big line, clearing now at about half. HANDKERCHIEFS Women's pure linen hem stitched Handkerchiefs, at, each, 15c, 25c and 350 . Women's pure linen hem stitched, embroidered Hand kerchiefs, 19c, 26c, 35c, 50c and l-00 Women's linen embroidered corner Handkerchiefs, 25c, 85c, 60c to . .81.00 Armenian lace Handker chiefs. 35c, 50c, 6c. 1 to $2 Pure linen Initial Handker chiefs 16o, 25c 36o Men's pure linen hem stitched Handkerchiefs, loc, 25c, 35c and -BOo Men's linen Initial Hand kerchiefs, 26c, 35c and 6O0 Children's Initial Handker chiefs, In novelty boxes, au tos, satchels, etc., throe in a box at 15o Men's Initial Handker chiefs, Japanettes and color ed borders, each xoo Women's Ilnen H. S. Ini tial, Swiss embroidered and lace edge Handkerchiefs, lOo M m mmm ?ost lino of fancy leather goods in Omaha specially irioel. $1.00 Hand Jlaga 49(? $2.00 Hand Hap )8( $:UH) Jland lia.s $1.50 $5.1 M)J land JJas .......... ..3.00 $8.00 Seal Hand 15aga . . . . 5.00 Fancy Opera Bags An im mense lino for selection, spe cial Tuesday 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 Closing Out All Books Our entire stock of Standard and Holiday hooks aro now shown at sweeping price re ductions, liuv now. Men's Bill Books, "Wallets; Cipar and Card Cases, etc. an enormous stock for your selection at special bargain prices, in Tuesday's sale. ,, .t.,. . Most Acceptable Gift Sug gestions of Christmas Furs, silk waists, silk skirts, kimonos, dressing gowns. Most complete and delightful assort ments in Omaha. Special for Tuesday Choice of 500 silk underskirts worth to $10 all colors, great values $5.00 Long Silk Kimonos Values to $10.00, at '..$5.95 Ladies' Sweaters All colors, are worth regularly to $4, at $1.98 $20.00 Caracul and Flush Coat -Handsome long garments, choice Tuesday, at 813.50 . Or M mi M IX SAL! ; : It's our big Christmas event and surprising bar ' Rains 'on fine big beautiful dolls Dressed Dolls, , Kid Dolls, Celluloid Dolls, Rag Dolls, etc., f values up to $2.50 each, for That flomethtiig new and different In toys you'll find at Iietinett's. Lule shoppers find no lack or variety nere. der Xmas Groceries Early These are rush days and the delivery service is crowded . to Its capacity. To assure deliveries on time let us have your grocery and meat orders early. Bennett's Breakast (Joffee, 2-lb. can 480 and 00 stamps Uennett'8 Challenge Coffee, pound 18o and 10 stamps Tean, assorted, pound B8o and 60 stamps Tea tflf tings, pound pkg. 150 and 20 .stamps Bennett's Capitol Flour, sack $1.65 and 80 stamps Corn Aleal, yellow or whits, 10-lb. sack 30o Ue;ii;fctt'H Capitol linking I'owder, lb. can. .840 and 20 stamps Candied Peel, assorted, pound B5o and 20 stamps Kennett's Capitol Mince Meat, 3 pks U6o and 10 stamps Hazel Pimento Stuffed Olives, bottle lOo California Ripe Olives, 40c cans 25o Cream Cheese, pound 80c and 10 stamps Virginia Swiss Cheese, pound BBo and 10 stamps Franco-American Plum Pudding, can gSo and 10 stamps BAISIX4S from ca'irornia. ou save money on raisins here. Three Crown Layer Raisins, pound Seeded KatHns, pound package .... Fancy Layer Raisins, pound package 3olden Eagle Currants, pound package Mignonette Pens, three cans Queen Vinegar, large bottle Ronheur Fancy Oil Sardines, can Rennett's Canitol Mince Mfat. 8 pkgs. . Imported German Cakes Made by Helnrlch Halberleln, New bera;, Germany Macaroni, Kllser, .San Sach, each.. SOo . . .10o 100 180 .190 and 10 stamps .25o and 10 stamps .350 and 10 stamps .SOo and 20 stamps yoo and 10 stamps sea any Delightful Gift Suggestions In Our Furnishing Goods Department Fine Silk Mufflers at 50c, 75c, $1.00 and $1.50 Men's Fine Shirts at $1.00, $1.50 up to $2.00 Men's Fancy Suspenders Each pair in a box, at 39c, 50c, $1.00 Men's and Boys' Gloves Im- 'raense assortment for selection, at. . . . 50c, 75c, $L00 up to $4.50 Men's Wool Sweaters at .98c, $1.50 up to $3.50 Fine Silk Ties 25c, 50c to $1.50 Fine domestic and imported Kid Gloves All he "newest shades shown, at. .$1.00, $1.50 to $3.00 Ladies' wool Golf Gloves Spec ial values, shown at 25c and 50o Ladies' Silk Hose All colors and black shown at $1.00, $1.50 up to $4.50 Men's and Ladies' Umbiellas at $1.00 up to $10.00 Biggest showing and best val ues in Omaha. Toys :s 05. Schoenhut's po lice and soldier quip m ent for buys, the 11.00 kind, from thU Rice ft S t I x purchase, at 39q Imported cample trains on track, engine with brakes, complete with tender and cars, large size . coaches, large size engines with ' cross overs, .lever sold for less than J2.50, at S8o Extra largo rample tea pets, positively worth up to' $3.00 at 85o, 490, 980 Great assortment of Christmas tree ornaments. Christmas tree tinsel, beautifully ornamented glass . balls, Christmas tree candles and candle holders, dia mond dust, etc lo to 100 Quack, quacltf four llttla ducks the new Leh man 26c me chanical toy Tuesday at ISo e'autiful Gifts of Jewelry 600 beautiful Fancy Set Rings, tbat have sold as high as $4; specially marked for Tuesday at, each $1.00 Sterling Silver Photo Frames, all stamped Sterling at, . 50 and gl.00 Women's imported French White Stone Hat- Pins, finest selection ever shown in Omaha, worth up to $7.50, at. ..S1.00 815.00 83.00' ' Auy Jet LaValliers in our Jew elry department at one-half the marked, price, ' All the fancy gold filled Sampie Bracelets, warranted to wear five years without changing, color. In Roman bright gold, set with fancy stones, worth up to $8 at, $2.00 each. Any Jet Comb or Bandeau in our stock at one-half the marked price. Sterling Silver Cigar Cases and Cigarette Cases, stamped 925-1000 tine, at special prices. Fiv-plece Carving Set. stamped Rogers Bros., and warranted for ten years hollow handle patterns, worth $15.00, at S9.50 Bakers' Casserolas, Bread Trays and fifty other useful gifts" in International' Silver specially priced. Silver Quadruple Plate Bread Tray in $1.59 -J 84 7 Kogers Bros.' silver. grape design, worth ?.t0, at....,.... Jet Combs, Barrettes, Grecian Bands and other Novelties, in our Comb section, at reduced prices. Gifts of Handkerchiefs, Neckwear, Silk Hosiery, Etc. Heal Madeira and French hand em broidered handker chiefs, also dainty lues border effects. In new designs, worth up to $1.50 each 50c, 75c, $1.00 Women's pure Irish linen hems tltched scalloped border handkerchiefs, very dainty designs 1 ecUl bargain, at. 15c, 25c and 50c Women's Real Kid and Cape Gloves Woman's real kid and cape Kloves, all the new fchades of wis teria, green, brown red. gray, catawba, also black and whits 1 and S clasps at. a pair $1.50 and $2 GLOVE BONDS Tlx most Dractlral and welcome kind of Kirt. On sal Alain love counter. 8 st m 'Z i 77 Hi "V 4jJJn 111 PRONS FOR MAS Ever) kind of a dainty new style in White Apron is sliown in a world of va riety. Round or small Tea Aprons; Bib irons for maids, waitresses, etc, and Princess styles : .25c, 39c, 50c, 89c to $1.25 Lour SUk Kimonos Loose fitting and shirred effects, In beautiful patterns, ?n.0, J0.95, S&.U5, $10 and (15 Lour Cotton Ortps Kimonos Plain and figured, at tt.2!, l.;t. $2.25. S2.75 and 93.95 Silk Waists New Christmas styles, tailored and braided yoke, taffetas, in all colors 83.95 XTaw Silk Msssallne Waists villi jabot front, at S5.95 Vomeu's Long Cloth Coats Any (45 and $35 colored cloth coat in stock tor $25.00 Bilk Petticoats With snug fitting silk Jersey top and Dresden silk flounce, very new (18.95 Sldsrdown Bath Bobes In ripple effect, red, gray and llKl't blue; at $3.(ir, $5.00, $6.50. $10.00 and up to ...$17.60 SWEATER COATS Younc women simply must have them Never more fashionable than now. We are offering the very finest pure worsted garments in red, white and grav, that aro sold nowhere under $5.00. Our special price $3.00 French Lynx Furs Beautiful sets In rich black and brown pelts, shawl collar and animal muff, each (10.00 rrn fit IRIS IAS CANDIES German Silver Mesh Baga a late shipment just arrived, and the prices are very special. Bonnett's special hand rolled Chocolates in beautiful boxes sizes to cult. Bloli creamy and delicious. . H?nd dipped (ilnce Bun lions, i Candled Pineapple. Christmas Mixed Candles. I Candled Cherries. Cundy Canes. i Candled (linger. Suc;ir Rolled Ptuffed Dates. ' Shelled Nuts. Satin llntd baskets and boxes filled with Candles. ma Woman's C h r lstmas neckwear dainty lacs Jabots, lace em broidered and head ed storks, Dutch collars In Irish cro , chet effects, etc., ondless variety, on 2 bargain squares warth uu to 12. at. each. 50c and 98c Womn's pure thread Italian silk hosiery, slljver lace and laoei boot patterns, black and light shados, . sums silk embiold ir.ii: special at, a pair . 88c, $1.98, $2.00 Give her for Christmas an Appliance for Heating, If it is something ELECTRIC she will find it world-beating; Cooking utensils, flat irons, fine chafing dishes Are things very useful that meet women's wishes. Omaha Elaciris Light and Pcrfar Company Y. M. C. A. BLD3. BOTH PHONES The Bee for Rll the Sporting News it; i,-rvi , and Tree Trimming! at Sweeping Price Reductions. $1.25 Humpty Dumpty Circus, at. . . . .".$1.00 2c Tree Ornaments lc I Xmas Candles, box 8c 4c Tree Ornaments 2c 25c Christmas Tree 5c Tree Ornaments 3c Holders, at 15c Trimmed Doll Beds, $1.00, 75c and. . i . , '. . . 50c Toy Pianos 1 ;25c Big reduction on all kinds of Wheeled Goods. Dig Christmas Grocery Sale Pnrest, highest quality goods at saving prices Intr and satisfaction. S-lb. sack best High Patent Flour $1.40 .4-lb sack best High I'atent Flour, ..760 U-lb! sack best Uuckwheat or Graham Flour for &u :M lbs. Pure Cane Granulated Sugar J1.00 The bost Domestic Macaroni, phg-.-SVic l'he best Cornstarch, pkg oc Hromangelnn, Jellycon r Jello. pkg 7tte Largo bottlo Fancy Assorted I'loklt-s, Tomato Catsup. Worcester Sauce, Ger man or French Musturd, bottle. . H'ao J-lb. cans fancy Sweet Sugar Corn .7'4o -X. cans Wax. String or Lima lleans for 'He :-lb. cans Early June Teas .10c 3-lb. cans Golden Tu-iipkln, Hominy, SriuBvh or Bnked llcnns H'-sC DKIID TKUITS! DRIED PBTJITS! For Your Xinas Fnddlags, Pies and Cakes The best Lemon, urunge or t-iwon rf per pound Fancy Cleaned Currants. 10 . Fancy 3-Crown Raisins, lb ... Fancy Reeded Raisins, pkg . . Fanry Cnl. Heedless Raisins, lb Fancy Sultana Raisins, lb .... 20c 8sc a '-so 8ic 84,c ...12V4C liujing here insures sav- Fancy Santa Clara Prunes, lb 7'4o Fancy California Muir Peaches, lb..S'so Fancy Culifornlu Yellow Crawford Peaches, per lb 10c The best Condensed Mincemeat, pkg. . &Vs,; Funcy New York Evaporated Apples, per pound ' 1 '1 k Fancy California Hartlett' Pears, lb. 1 L' The greatost market In Omaha for But ter, Chaess and Battarlns, at a ssvnig of 85 to SO per cent. BIAS THE BIO TRUSS YXQE TABI.2 Ai. Fresh Spinach, per peck 28c FreHh Heets, Carrots, Turnips or Shal lots, per bunch 2 heads fresh Leaf Lettuce . . 3 bunches fresh Hothouse Radishes Large bunch Texas Radishes Large Cucumbers, each Pr,,wii Cnhhjiire. ner Ih Vrgh ltiitnliHtrnq nir lh IV.!' T art, a V.bu 1'lnnt' each .. ..7Hc and PHI The best Mixed Nuts. 2 lbs. for. Fnncy Navel Oranges, per nr dozen 16c, iOc, -jC .4o . .Be . . "O '. ', 'ic .:bc and I OON'T TRY MYDEN'S FIRST IT PAYO Rollablo Dentistry AT Taft's Denial Rooms OBOOIHY-MW lirOIHH i Tbs rrocrymau scowlsd sua look so sour Baeanss lis nsvsr oonld sell any flour. With, tha "Prlds of Om4ba" hs stocksd his storo, And psopl fluoksd, to boy galors; And now bs mlls from mora to Bight, ror vsross tall him tbv arsaa Is aU rlgbt. MRS. V. J) McLICAN, 1623 Uuulh lgiU UU, UniaiiS.