THE BEE: OMAHA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1900. Waotn Ads AtlTrrtiarttirnt. lr,r tkr want rnlninna tll lie inkrn rill 12 m. tnr tkr rtrnlut rriltlnn . nil nitlll 8 ISO p. tn. for Ik morning- and updar edi tion. Cash tun at rromtintiT all tinier tnr art. and no ndertLrment rrlll he- accepted for lea Ih.n 20 cent, tor flrat Inaertloa. Kate apply to either The Pally nnrlnr nee. Alrrny roml .Is word tn a lla. rii nATF.j roB wattt ads. 'IMlll Ml crAIPICATIO'l Oar. friarrilnn, 11-2 eenta per word pad 1 lent per word tor earh afceient Inaertlnn. Facta Insertion mad on odd day., 1 1.2 rent, per wardl 6 kt line per month. Want nda for The Bee may he left at any nl the following drug etare nue li Tour "earner drnaleT.t" they nre all lir.nrh office, for The Be and roar ad Trill be Inserted Jn.t aa I'rnpmtl and oa the aame ratea aa at tlte main office la The Be Rnlldtan-, Hcrenteenlh aad Faraam streets I Albaoh. W. C. 40th and Farnam. nranck. f. A.. 110! 8. Wth pt. Xecht Pharmacy. 720 8 lth Bt. Benson Pharmacy. Banson, Neb. Demls Park Pharmacy, J3n and Cumin. Biake-P.radtsh. $1 Hhei-nfTi Ave. Cntighlin. i?. R.. 6th and Pierce Hta. fiifton Hill Pharmacy, 8213 Military Ave. Conte. J. B., Slat Av. and Farnam. Orlssey Pharmhcy. Jltii and Lake. Conney Pharmacy, 2223 South Will St. Ccrniak, Kniil, VMt-i S. 13th St. I'.hlir. F. H., 280? Leavenworth. Foster & Arnold!, 218 N. 25th St. Freytag. John J., 1914 N. 8U!: St. I'h-iiwr D.-usj Co., I80t N. lSlh St. Florence Drug Co.. Florence. Nth. Goldman Pharmacy. 20th and Lake. Green's Pharmacy, Park Av. ami Pacific. Gresnouxn. O. A., 106 S 101 ll bl. (.rtniuusn, c A., Km il and Hickory. Huvdeii. William, C, 2920 Farnam St. liunscom Pa k Fhar.. 1501 . tuti Av. Hoist. John, tn N. 10th bt. Huff, n. 1-, w:', Leav tuuoilh St. Johsnson Drug Co., 24ih and Spalding Bu. .villi.'. H. B. MH Karlitm oU Kounize i'lavo Pharmacy, 3304 N. 4th A. aire, i-red L., 2019 Centril Boulevard. Patrick Drug Co., 1S24 N. 24th St. Latiuop, Charle E-, 1324 N. 24tli St. leyioi.. I.. E., 4l.'i ana L,even orth 61. sainto Drug tu., 24tn and Ames Ave. StiiaeUr Cut Plic l.rug Store, lath ar.d CiilckKU "l r?.ni-iL-r, August, 21 N. lritu St. bt.uu.itii., J. li., K4tU ai.d Cuuiuirf St 8. isiuiiu i imi'uidcy, loin una Juai lim St.. Walnut Hill liiaruiauy, 4uili uil t-uiiiiu En. v. Piitti niaoy, 20tti and (Jrace fcts. U lnh. O. 11.. Will and Hamilton Sla. DLiATll AM) KtAEHAIi NOT1CKS ur.ui.L-Mary It., wifo of Churles Deuul, I-1 .day noon. ruiif.iul private, Monday morning at 10 o'ciuik, UouKlaa atretl. ltuermeiu X'lotpcCt Hill. , i-i.aiiiliC,11'"'i'"l LOUUE NOTlCii. Attention, lCule! There will bo a rptcial meelini: of Omaha aciiu iso. Hi, F. O. t:. lUonuuy evening at t p. m. Matters of ucipjriani;.-. PP. ana be present. Clx.,AlUt.O UflLLn.iin, secretary , ANNOUNCEMENTS i ii I ( CLKAS Carbon Cooking, Jti.iu. y.J-U (jouiant ic Squire, HUti Far. L). DM S:i!utuiriL Drue Co.. 24th and Amen Ave., cuiaiu t-oiiipuuinlera of pitiscriptioiis. Free uii. very. nLoiu uvn b:ju a. m. to it v i.i. P.ASISKIl.practlcal hatter, 120 S. Htli St. 1' W'lK Haldwln Co.. whoiesalo playt-r piauov jvnani, HHAiUaUu 1A MONEY ii-ii'ii 1 . COilPA.W. i i.U itAll.s' i." ii t.l ior prcb jn rrd u.ul ftu.L cual m.-i Lceti; uiivti ami (4uaibit. l.a. coin Glum i i.'.ttAl iu., 4ivd o iia..uituu Ijuun.u i'liliLlaii Co 'lei. Uuuiaj i.4t. f'llVI. llllnoiB liiini per ton tkf; ".( 4 jtli and ioJc 'i't'l. iitinivy ilbu. AH KliTda of CF.toFNT VVUllK. Utl. ut ti-.Wi.s' B'lfJAt. WOKKS. 4hlli Sc Uodjie. P'l.wt i'ii On. aba eiectrio work repair el. tilCClilC vaiira, loo-iN. Uin. 1J. IxaJ, A-i4.-. tiOOU Mlv.itCilA.TS LUNCH- . i i'l'v- .1. J i-1 b.l. .-UJ U'JUlU. CM. 1 ,. Iw.,--u-iln.- l'lioMPT V'OU. Lv.i..... v.-J., ijili aua l'n-iv uouaia 1141. ...;au. Sum uiid lion Wiiki ui.iKea a ,i ihc uacupc, .nuituib. uuuu i.. . .i. ALUUliU l.Op., 1W ts. lUlll. ., . i, 6 loiid coal; lor paiilcuiars, K. - AJ1- ..i.ol'illuud '-U. li ...w, u.i. ... v-.-v uA-expert watc.-iniukei- and idv.i tiuararuecti. u S. U.u. IliLU CiliAND HOTEL i1:!''1 V:,dv Turkish Baths F1J1TZ E. SAN D WALL JXua.t iuiiutiiy So. oinulia, now Oul i'axton jJik'. '( 1 V I , ll- t,'e;n Trading Stamps vvy1 J v1Ui hum aiid Soil coal. iJco jies Luiil co. XJoug. Jiji; tnd. A-14 J. ( 'ii'-imilir ANU "VtlNO. Twin City CllAL by thu 11ASKKT. ltud. Tioi. liA'lu Ct.iLi.' I'rramei v Co. tll.MAXJ V.luui'.rs will uui.j. m i. Ki iK'ii. IJtj. uuLl. uicL'G CO. 001J, Fr U e., Utl N. y. L. Homeopath Kotcra & Co. 1j6 Jackson. Phone I). 1800. PIANO TUNING Let our expert lake cart, of your piano, lu.iini,'. f-iv- Hepairuitf and reionsnuc Ituo our mtdl apt-t'lalty. J. MAHSHALti bMtllt Co., il-lt S. loth. MonunnntH, J. F. Llooiu & 'Vo lsii Far. Billiard and Pool tciiltoli. K.VlRA.Cl; liiiougli TRACY LRUS. t'ki.Ul STORE, HI.) Douglua. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and wiie tenccs chtaper than wood, j.ast a Lif.iiln.e. 07 N. 17th. Phone lied S14. MISOLHI (iitma iiiade and oid. Ulo llu.taid M TRY our cream bread; always fresh. Leavenworth bt. Lakery. 2.Ji Leaven worth. H. uOi-5. lepositloi. F. J. Sutdlffe. J2S Be Bldg. W. W. SCOTT. PHOTOGRAPHER Photos taken anywhere, anytimo. Call luuglas Sla. MILLER & JAMIKSON. quick rrlntera. 1212 Douglas St. 'Phones, I'oug. 42i&; Ind., A-42.Sn. AUTOMOBILES MIDWAY AUTO OARAGE. Steam heat tpn-e for atorj. repairing done promptly anywhere, dav or night File vulcanl'img. oils and supplies. I.'?) Broadway. Council 1:1 ifl. inu. t'7l. Clack tot). PRNH fur imp !' o ""cx-'o -h.inil carl, DEP.H.i'T AUTvjMOBII.K CO.. 'II Entrain St. W r.lTK tor list VaiKulps t secondhand auto r.obllo II. . FRPJDUICKSON AUTO" C. Omaha. A NTROG E NOUS WEL1 ) 1 N G All kinds of broken cylinders, crank cases and ruatings promptly repaired. All work ' guaranteed. I BEUTSf'HY MOTOR COMPANY, V Council Uiuffs, la. AUTOMOBILES. (Continued ( At'TO STOUAOi:, pilntlne and Itpnlr'nir. HM, PFKIFIiR CAItUIAtiK 'VllllKS, IMh Ave and Leavenworth. IX)N'T havo a puncture. wi treat ynnr Mrea and Ruoranlee thrm for on jvnr. Ne fianka puncture Proof Co . 70 N. 101 h. nAHOATNS In uacd cara. Sfml 'or Council niuffa Auto Co.. B10 Pearl Pt. BUSINESS CHANCES TO GET In or out of bualneaa call on GANGKSTAD. 04 Bee Tilda. Tel. D. HEAVY TIMBER LAND Tou now have an opportunity to make application lor KK) acrea of very heavy tim ber land, not more thnn 100 acres to each applicant, at $J 50 per acre. Location free, IneludlnE attorney : kervicea, very reason able. Call or write 413 Karbach Bldg.. Oman. Neb. $75.00 WILL locate you on KO norca of choice productive land; price 12 60 per acre at time of recuilng title. 413 Karbach biock. THE (JROSS & DIXON GOLD MINING COMPANY OMAHA. NEB. Invest In mining; mocks where von havo no chanco to lose a uold bond to the amount of your Investment delivered with each certificate of inook. We are only too glad to show the finest ore In the city from this mine, also assays, mill treat ments, etc. All communications addressed to this office, no matter how searohinir, will be answered at once. We can operate this mine for one-half it costs In the west. This mine is owned and controlled by Ne braska people onlv. Investigate this. 'Phono DouKlas 2d;a Suite 511. Paxton Blk. FOIt SAL.: The only breeding barn In one of the best farming in the state; 3 imported pedigreed aialllon.s, one standard brod stallion and one mam moth lack; fine locution. Address J. 11 Sherwood, Oxford. Neb. PHYSICIANS PRACTICE FOU SAL13. I iiopimst-d tield In live town in easier Ne braska. JIOwk) business done in ten years Co lection thu host. Will sell for cost of my centrally located 10-rooin home, modern except furnace. Spacious grounds, all needed outbuildings, larse burn, all In first class condition, l'erniniient walks, private water system. Price, Jl.oOO; tin If cash, and will Introduce successor. Address, Y 111, care Bee. FOR KENT. FPACB FOR THE TAILORING DEPARTMENTS. Dry Goods, Clothing. Shoes. Gents' Fur nishings, Groceries and Millinery, in the new and modern store bulkliivg on ltith St., loom tiiASH). two-story and l"i.onient. For paitlcuiars febu II. Kraotic, 1215 Harney :t 1 hollo,: l.' 3M3. VV'ebstei 211. INVESTORS who get back thtir orig inal Investment m dividends every three or four years would Pave a profitable In come. For a short timo omy a limited amount of such stock will be offered at par by an Omaha firm. Address L 6ol. Bee. FULLY occupied rooming house. 2200 Hurncy St. KK1S-KOHN Ptg. Co., 107 S. 14lh St. HURE IS YOL'R CHANCE. 11-r. rooming house, modern, well lur n.sned, location ZM and Doualas;, irloO. Au&ress lii Uol, Bee. WANTED TO PURCHASE Stock of mer chandise invoicing ao.ovO to $lo,ooo. If more, tan Kive ampie security. Will go see at once. Aduress 11. L. Drew, Lincoln, Neb. STOCK dry goods, groceries and general iiiti'ciianUibe. Will invoice about $4,000. block in fcood, clean shape. Corner room,, :ix.- leei; miod baeiiieni; large win uows. Must do sold quick. iNo clothing. i.. li. Boi laud, ray, Colo. WANTED Partner with $400 to take a hair in the tuest manufacturing ouuinesa in Mia city. This will pay a good baiury anu iw per cent profit on the m vtti'.iiii in. Can iio No. 10th St. A.N Li'-UO-DATE liardwure store in a ii.i.j locaLion tor business; only store of Hie K.i.u in town; doing a good ' business uiiu is u iuin'opciiiiig for a business man; iiivitusaiti tins. Nowata Land and Lot. Co., aui.i! (.4 New York Life Bidg. LOOKING FOU A IX3CATIO,N7 ViUiu to i,-t t into business. In a live town? Lai: tun is liu- piacc. A thriving manufao .w.iih auu.l) ot Omaha. Electric light aim lower, te.epbone, electric car line. .ev, two story, pressed brick school build ii. , poaiuiiiic, ii. cozen merchants doing riood Home of Howard Stove '.oiks, .hi own Truck company, Ralston Car works, Kogera Motor Cur Co. " A town witii a big tuture. Splendid opening for bunk, elevator, feed mill, blacksmith and waaoti works, bakery, etc., etc. Address for particulars, Ralston Townslte company, Zw S. 17th St., Omaha, Neb. PHYSICIANS' practice for sale. Unop posed field In 'Ive town in eastern Ne braska. $40,000 business done in ten years. Collections the best. Will sell for cost of my centrally located 10-rooin home, modern excipt furnace. Spacious grounds, all net did outbuildings, large barn, ail in first class condiLlon. Permanent walks, private water system. Tilce, $1,500; half cash, and wbl introduce successor. Address, Y 117, earo Bee. $3,000 COMMERCIAL STOCK, 6 PER CL.NT GUARANTEE, offered In estab lished western business showing tanglblo assets, substantial progress, . unlimited market and large earning possibilities. The kind of proposition that interests live, but onset vathe investors who want to "be shown." Address W 909, Bee. CHRISTMAS HINTS P.l? AXrnK'.lS Cut Slower Dept., south UiWl"l'i-iio aide, new sture. Large variety of Holiday needs. Holly, Holly Wreaths, Mistletoe, Evergreen wrtaths and roping at special low prices for the Holi days; also a large variety of blooming Clants and cut flowers. Flower Dept. wll o open Christmas day. IDEAL GIFTS for men: Box fine ClRars, Humidors. Meerschaum Pipe and Cigar Holders, Cigar Cases, Tobacco Jars, etc.. at MORITZ MEYER CIGAR CO., 1311 Farnam BEAUTIFUL Fired China mokes an ac ceptable holiday gilt. Call UI2 N. llltli. r nWWV'S for Xmas. Saratoga Drug UJ V iNJiiX O Co- 24lh and Ames. Traveling Goods For Xmns Presents WELL, 1 SHOULD SAY. Trunks, Suitcases and Base; large stock; cheapest in the city. Harness, Saddles, Automobile Robes. Alfred Cornish & Co., 1210 Farnam St. Go to KI PLINGER'8 For your Xmas Cigars and Pipes. Distinctive and Artistic Jewelry AT MODERATE PRICES. FRANKS, 1G11 FARNAM ST. BRIAR pipes, 2."iO up; clears, 23c box up; tobacco Jars, smokers' novelties; ladles iu v.ted. Tracy Bios Co., 1415 Doualas St. HOLIDAY MEATS AT THIS SEASON THE BEST IN MEATS Is desired for the Holiday Table, We dress our own meats under the moat sunltary conditions. You will find our market Just the place to buy your MEAT AND TURKEY. J. HOl'SKA, "Home of Good Meats." Both Phone. i;s Sherman Ave. SAVE MONEY ON XMAS JEWELRY Belr.g out of the high rent district, wa can at least SAVE YOU 20 PER CENT on riiMhltiK In the leweli v line. FJUTZ SAND WALL, OU I'axton Block. lfith and Furnam Pts. 1'hoTie Douglas 2V3b. 'OT nVS''16 to order, Imported lea . uiiu luit t i.. best of workmanship. Omaha Glove Mfg. Co., Crounse blk., opp. pot'.tortlce, second floor. '"l'un Christ maa candy; bulk t packages. II. S. King, 24th and Farnam. BKAUTlrUL stamped aofa pillows, la hi. pieces, etc. Ai t net die woik. So order for gifls. stamped a upeclaliy. Mrs il. P. Nile. 4os Broadway, Council Bluffs. i; t ; Mil siwl?-.jar CHRISTMAS HINTS (Continued.) HAND-PAINTED china and water color paintings for sale. 1710 Davenport St. CHINA and water color work for Xmas gifts. Miss Buciiman. 601 Paxton Block. JUST THE THING FOR BOYS OR GIRLS of any age. jne of our rebuilt typewriters. Nothing will please a little boy, a little girl, a big boy oi a bis girl like a type writer. Not a toy typewriter, but a prac tical, sure enough writing machine. We have some fine bargains as low as $7.50. All makes. Oliver. Remington, Smith, Un derwood at all prices. $100 machines down as low as $25. Central Typewriter Exchange 1W7 Farnam. WEDDING rlng made by hand, sold by weight. T. L. Combs & Co.. 1520 Douglas. FOUNTAIN PENS Make Ideal CHRISTMAS GIFTS A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF PARKER PENS 10 Select F,om' 30 PER CENT DISCOUNT to reduce stork. corey & Mckenzie printing CO., 112 S. 141 h St. FANCY CHRISTMAS CANDY. Perfumes, hand painted china toilet Bets, c-tc. Haines Drug Co., ItilO Farnam. JAPANESE art objects, new goods Just arrived, suitable for Xmas gifts. Cor. lfith and Jackaon. THE TOYO CO. XMAS, Jon't miss It, your photo. Stuts man's, Ihe Studio. Give Her a Years' Ticket for the Young Women's Christian asso ciation gymnasium. A TICKET for ten weeks In the sewing classes at Younx Women's Christian tntZ CHRISTMAS GIFT GIVE YOUR MAID UTTu domestic science at Young Women's Chris tian association. SCROLL SAWS For Little Folks. JAS. MORTON & SON CO., 1511-13 Dodge St. irni'SJOV'S BEAUTY SHOP. See our HUDOUil O dollB. wlK, Fin8 1(ne nB,r foods for Xmas. Entrance through Kerns' Millinery Store, 1508 Douglas St. Doug. 21)o6. GAS ant? electric table lamps are al ways acceptable If practical; ours are al ways practical. Burgess-Uranden Co., 1511 Howard fc-'t. 1,000 kinds Chrlatrnvs perfumes In dainty packagtts, 15c to $10. Serman-McConneil Drug Co., ltith Dodge Sta., Owl Drug Co., luth Harr."y Sta. UxUUXVrjLiiJlO children. Ed. F. Pick ering, 10? So. ICth St UNREDEEMED diamond rings l!i ti). Metro. Loan & Jewelry Co., 1124 Dpuglaa. Acceptable Gifts for All A Box of Choicest anjf ou gSt aT" SWEETLAND, TifuSyi. CHOCOLATE DAY. Regular 40c Chocolates, 2Eo PER LB. BRANDEIS, EAST ARCADE. CHRISTMAS candies in sealed boxes, 6c to $5 each. Sherman-McConne'.l DruK Co., 16lh Dodge, Owl Drug Co.. ltllh H.vney. SPECIAL PRICES TO DIAMOND BUYEP.9 FROM OMAHA DURING THE HOLIDAYS. LEFFEHT'S. JEWELERS. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Derby Woolen Mills 103 South Fifteenth. FOR YOUR XMAS SUIT fc1 c nrlrl 410 NO MORE OR NO LESS i,J auu "P10 CHIROPODISTS DR. ROY, 1505 Farnam St Oouslas G42 DENTISTS BAILEY & MACK, 8d floor. Paxton. D.10 t TAFT'S Dental Rooms. 1017 Douglas St. DETECTIVES OMAHA Det Agency. 428 Paxton. D. 1319. DRESSMAKERS MISS STURDY, 2427 Dodge. Tel. Doug. 7635. TERRY College. 20th and Farnam Sts. McDowell drossmaklns school. lo2 Farnam. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN LADIES' EXCLUSIVE FURNISHINGS. YvEIN LANDER & SMITH, 317 S. lotn St. LVl I T T i" The Teddy Bear, 1818 Harney. JJVJUINL' cleaners c Dyers. Both Tels. CHINA decorating; order work a special ty LtsBOiis Tuesday, Thursday and Satur days. Firing dally. Children's classes Sat urday morning. Mrs. C. C. Hunuala, W4 Biaudcia Bldj. Tel. Hed E4S6. YOUR MAGAZINE ORDER mtans $1,000 to the Child Saving Institute; any publication, renewals count; lowest club rales. Gordon the Magaxine Man, Omaha. Phone Doug. 7U3. OL'VXflTr 1 "J bavo Let us make i JliJNiNrjIjlJ O yuur fur hat. Fisk and Broadway Pattern Hat3 V off. Hlller's Pure Food Purt Wine, wholusomu tonic for lUu agtd, women, cnlldrtn; every home bhoulo have it. ilillei'u, LUJ farnaia ARSENIC and IKON complexion wufera makes clear, white skin. By mail L0j and fl.oo. Sherman ac McConnell Drug Co., omaha. W. K. Lee serves special parties. Burt St. 1711. HAIR GOODS. Mrs. Matthews, 332 Neville. EDUCATIONAL THE FIRST WINTER TERM OF BOYLES COLLEGE IS NOW OPEN In both the day and night sessions. Yet it Is not too late to enter. Begin now to gain that mental discipline mat will duuble our earning capacity. Our fa mous froe book, 'Bread and Butter Sci ences," glved full particulars In regard to the following course.: Bookkeeping. Shorthand, Telegraphy and Civil Survlm Call, pliuu or write fur it. Buylo. Col lege, Omaha, Neb. MOSHER-LAMPMAN BUSINESS COLLEGE. Unexcelled couises In business, short hand, penmanship and English. None but experienced teachers. Day and evening session. Most uilei esling catalogue pub lislied in Oi-mha, Sena fur on today. UOSHER & LAMPMAN. Seventeenth and Farnam Street. WINTER TERM Omaha Commercial College, 19th and Far nam; M. O. Ruhrbough, Pres.; E. A. Zart man, V. P. Opens Mondav, Jan. S, 1910. Day and night sessions. New classes In ull oeparimenls. It means verythlng to you to begin at the opening. Couises: Business, shorthand, telegraphy, civil aervlce. Advan tagea: Cannot be excelled. Catalogue: Free, givea all particulars. Send at one for copy. Address M. G. Kohrbough. FLORISTS F W. MEN' FRAY Nursery Co.. 4x2V, B KAN DEI U BLDG., Bed 'Phone Doug, him il!- Positions of all kinds are looking for competent men and women. Better yourself by Answering Want Ads FLORISTS (Continued.) J. H. BATH. Iu22 Haruey. Douglas 3O00 L. Henderson, 1519 Farnam St.. Doug.-1254 BRANDEIS CUT FLOWER DEPT. BENNETT'S Flower Dpt. E. tnr entr'eav A. HONAGUUE, 1007 Fat. D. 1001; A-lOoU HESS A 8WOBOD.V. 1415 Farnam SL HERMAN BROS.. Council Bluffs, la. J. F. WILCOX. Co, Bluffs. Ia.; largest i' rrti H nil toy in tvant Vtat n 1 1 r f i tl f 1 nuara any occaHlon flhlppfd anywuie In U. S. FURNACES AND REPAIRS We have In stock repairs for all makes of stoves, ranges, furnaces, steam and hot water heaters, water fronts, Thermoftadt, laundry tank heaters, Excelsior and Marvel furnaces. Both "phones. Omaha Stov Re pair Works. 1206-8 Douglas St. HELP WANTED FEMALE Clerical and Office. WANTED STENOGRAPHER by Auto mobile Co. Address F 764, Bee. LiADIES and girls anywhere can 'earn good steady pay writing adv. letters for us at home; send 10 cents for forms and full instructions. No more monev re quired; no canvassing. American Sales Co., Dept. F 2, Delaware City, Del. POSITION by experienced stenographer, willing to go out of city or temporary. Ad dress H 82i, Bee. Factory and Trades. 25 GIRLS, sewing machine operators, folders and snippers. Apply at once. Bemis Omaha Bag Co.. 11th and Jones. Housekeeper and Domestic. WANTED Experienced lady cook. 613 W. 7th St., Mason City, Ia. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. 1024 Park Ave. GIRL to do chamber work, or nlghtmald. Phone Douglas 4415. WANTED A girl for general housework, two in family, good wages; must be good cook. Apply 421 North 40th. Phone Harney 249S. WANTED A girl to help with house work; one who can go home nights pre ferred. 2241 Howard. EXPERIENCED girl to cook and do housework In small family; no washing. Apply 21i2 Douglas St. A GIRL for teneral housework. C. G. Powell, 3K7 Davenport. WANTED" A competent girl for general housework; small family; small house; good wages; close downtown; near churches; references required. Tel. D 5411 or apply 312 No. 21st St. WANTED A competent girl for general housework; two In family; no washing; wfiges $7 per week. References required. Apply 1608 So. 32d Avo. WANTED Competent girl for general housework. Good wages. No washing. Mrs. E. V. Lewis. 401, S. 40th. EXPERIENCED Rlrl, in small family. Mrs. Kelly, 1924 Binney. WANTED Competent girl. 2633 Harney St. Good wages. HELP WANTED MALE Aaveats, Solicitor, and saleautrn. WANTED-nA solicitor with bora and buggy to drive through the oouiiity uui solicit itabscriptlotis. Call and see circu lation manager. The Bee Publishing Co. CIGAR'- Salesman wanted. ExD.rHence unnecessary. Big pay. Globe Cigar" Co., Cleveland. O. ANSON.' TEXAS Wnnted Five experi enced townslte men. -300 residence lots and 3o0 trades of land from 20 to 1,280 acres. To be sola in next Go uas. One lot and one tract of land for $150, payable $10 monthly. Quarter million dollars improvements. If you can produce business, we can use you Indefinitely. Immigration Company, Anson, Tex. AGENTS WANTED High grade spec ialty; good profits; easy sales; don't delay; v.rltii today for free information. Bartlett Supply Co., Brown Blk., Omaha, Neb, THE NORTH AMERICAN ACCIDENT INSURANCE COMPANY, CHICAGO, WANTS GOOD SOLICITORS to sell accident and health Insurance, good contracts; liberal policies; old line com pany, 23 years old. Branch office in Omaha. R. S. SCOTT, General Agent. 313-15 Omaha National Bank Bldg. lluya. WANTED Several trustworthy boys: good wAscs. A. D. T. Co.. 212 S. 13th St. Clerical and Office. WANTED An experienced bookkeeper and cashier In wholesale business; give age, experience and references. Address Y 24, care Bee. Factory and Trade. Drug stores (snaps). Jobs. Knlest. Be Bldg. WANTED 5 young men who have had experience in handling boots and shoes to work in slock i.i wholesale store; state acu and whether married or suiKle arid i del slices. Address E 729. Be. Miscellaneous. WANTED Railway mail clerks; com mencement saiar $soO; spring examinations evtiywnere; canuidales prepared free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 192 J, Rochester, N. Y, ASK me how you can start a profitable mail order business at home evenings. Heucock, 729, Lockport. N. Y. EXCEPTIONAL opening for young man desiring to perr laittnUy manage branch office. Otusiuu town. State age and occu pation. Aduress E. N. Cook, Des Moines, la. MEN Learn the barber trade. Splendid pay after few weeks with us. Shop ex perience and wages while learning. Tools, demonstrations, examinations and diplomas given. Start now. Cnll or write, Moler Barber cobege. 110 S. 14th St. RAILWAY mall clerks; spring examina tions; preparation free. Franklin Institute, Dept. 192 J., Rochester, N. Y. MEN WANTED Working men; men of neglected education, middle-aged men, foreigners, men ambitions for advancement and all others, except "don't care" men and "snobs." Congenial fellowship and helpful assistance In Y. M. C. A. classes. Investigate. Call Educational Director, Douglas 849. WANTED Experienced switchmen. Ap ply Room 33. Dodve Hotel. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE lleia and Vcblcle. HALL & MORRIS Ve8turrge?;un,ll specialty. Hospital 2851 Farnam. Both phna. M'CRARY buys and sells all kinds of horses. Blu bor, rear Millard hotel. D.4096. BLANKET BARGAINS Heavy white canvas storm blank. ts; reg ular $6 value, only $3.60. BENNETT'S HARNESS PEPT., BASE MENT. UPHOLSTERED Swell Bos Cutter for sale, $10. 'Plioii. Ham.y 1505. 'If lii:- I t. ? -. J LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Horse and Vehicles -Continued. GOOD street haek, laridaulette style, but little used: new rubber tires; owner paid"', but will sell now for $1j0. Jonnson-Danforth Co., ltitn and Jones. LOST AND FOUND LOST A double Elks' tooth charm, gold mounted, engraved B. P. O. E. 3H & R. U. M. Reward return to Secretary Elks' lodge. LOST or exchanged on Northwestern train arriving at hoon Sunday, a suit cas . with key attached, for one unlocked. In formation, Dr. K. D. Harris, 2403 Emmet. Tel. B-1090, LOST Gold spectacles with Kryptok lenses la Columbian Opt. Co. cafe. Return Columbian Opt. Co., 211 S. 14th. Rewaitl. STRAYED One white-faced, dehorned, 4-year-old cow; branded N7 on left foot. H. A. Nolle, Elkhorn, Neb., or Alex. G. Buchanan & Son, South Omaha. LOST Between Harney and California, or 40th St., or on street car. a gold lion head pin, with diamond In mouth. Return to C. Y. Smith, 1812 Farnam. Liberal re ward. LOST-Ladles' gold watch, E. S. C. on front and 1H02 on back, attached to meial fob. Leave at Bee office or 'phone Harney 15. Reward. LOST Xmas box Dundee cur. Sultahlp reward. Telephone Harney 21-3. Addnas 4905 California. MEDICAL BEST nerve brace tor man. Gruy's Nerve Food Pills. $1 a bcx, postpaid Sherman & McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. FREE medical and surgical ireatmeni at Creighton Medical college. 14ih and Dav enport Sis.; special attention paid to con finement cases; all treatment supervised by oollege professors. Phone Douglas Uui. Calls ai.sweitrd day or night. MONEY TO LOAN SALARY AMU CHAT'lULH. $ $ $ MONEY) MONEY!! TO LOAN. j CHRISTMAS MONEY MONEY. And yours for the asking. It'you should' oe In need of money for MONEY, your CHRISTMAS SHOPPING MONEY, or other necessary expenses call on us and we will loan you Hie MONEY, amount you need on you:- FUR NITURE, PIANO, WARE MONEY. HOUSE RECEIPT, HORSES. WAGONS, PICTURES, etc., MONEY, without removing the same from your possession. We will also MONEY. LOAN you MONEY If you have a steady SALARIED position, MONEY, and you need no other security. REMEMBER, we advertise no MONEY, misleading rates and terms; but are doing the same as we have MONEY, done for years Meeting all com petition. MONEY. GOOD, QUICK AND CONFI dentlal dtal is what you wish at MONEY. Christmas time. This we assure RELIABLE CREDIT CO., ' 3d Floor, 307-8 Psxton Blk., N. MONEY. E. Cor. 16th and Farnam Sts. J $10 TO $200 $ MONEY j FOR I HOLIDAYS 8 DON'T BE BASHFUL g 1$ COME TO OUR OFFICE and iret tl !$$ all the money you need on your f ui til- $1 $$ ture, piano or salary at ins ft V$ FOLLOWING HOLIDAY RATES: $$ $$ . MIC a week pays $10 Loan. $$ $$ 7c a week pays $15 Loan. $$ tl 90c a week pays $26 Loan. & $$ $1.00 a week pays $30 Loan. $$ M $1.50 a week pays $50 Loan. $$ U $2.10 a week pas $75 Loan. $$ $$ $2.65 a week, pays $100 Loan. $1 tl You can pay monthly If you wish. $$ $$ These payments Include interest $$ I and principal; no other charges. If $$ $$ you have ever borrowed money be- J i$ fore you will realize how much easier $$ $$ our terms are tnan those given by 51 H other companies. It will pay you to $$ see us before getting money else- $$ $ where. No red tape. $$ $$ Everything strictly confidential. M $$ Open till 6:"0 p. m. t$ OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., $$ 601 Brown Block, opposite Brandels. JJ $$ . lGth St. Entrance. 3$ : ',a. n,-,iit.' voiit A.9rttit n MWe Will Loan You MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS O W Will Loan it to You KT FREE OK COST TO YOU. IN we've been here EIGHTEEN -years, a guarantee that we will do J as we advertise. Y Omaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade 306 S. 16th. Tel. Douglas 2295. CALL US UP. DO YOU NEED MONEY? Money is no object to us. Wo will loan you any amount on any security. Easy payments. Business strictly POSITIVELY THE LOWEST RATES. NEBRASKA LOAN CO., 'Phones: Bell, Douglas 15ti; Ind., A 1356 Suite 7 and 8, Crounse Block. Cor. 16th and Capiiol Ave.. Opp. Postoffice. MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS Any amount, on your plain note; no security; lowest rates; easiest payments. THE J. A. HUTTO.N CO., 514-15 Paxton Block. Tel. Douglas 1607. HflWVV ON CHATTEL SECURITY MUiNliil AND SALARIES. Low rates. Long time. Business confidential. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL CHRISTMAS. OMAHA TRUST COMPANY. Isi Board of Trade Bldg. YOU CAN BORROW $10. Or more on your own note; prlvato party; no red tape. Be Independent of friends. Get what you need now. 620 Paxton Blk. FURNITURE, llvt, stock, salary loans. Duft Green Loan Co., R. 8. Barker block. MONEY IX3ANED SALARIED PEOPLE. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH BIRS. without security; easy payment.. Oltices In u .principal culea. Toluiau, room 613 New York Life Bldg. SALARY and chattel roans, lowest rates, confidential, open Saturday evening. Both phones. STAR LOAN CO., 644 Paxton Bik. WANS on FURNITURE. PIANOS of 6ALARIES. IX)ANS on your plain not. LOWEST PAYMENTS IN CITY. OMAHA CHATTEL BANK, 1404 FARNAM. MONEY TO LOAN on' chattel security. Room 60S, Barker Block, 15th and Farnam. 6 on DIAMONDS. W. FLATAU. 1514 Dodge MOVING AND STORING Jst-class STORAGE 4 MOVING. COLE EXPKKH.-i. Ulii Cap. A v.. D. 67a A-3947. FOR EXPRESS and hauling near Walnut Hill; best of service. Walnut Hill Transfer Co.. 1420 Military Ave. Both 'phones. EXP. Delivery Co. office 16th and Dav anport Sis, war.hous. 2201-01 Inyd SL ' OFFERED FOR RENT Boardlaa aad Roam. DESIRABLE south front furnlahcd room with board; udmuw booms flu lawn, L4 OFFERED FOR RENT llreardlna; and Hooma Condoned. BOARD and rooms. C26 8. lth St. DltWKT Ku-opran Hotel, 13U and Far nam. COOL, airy room, modern; fine ahad with or without board, to two gentlemen or man and wife. 2404 C.pltol Ave GOOD home rookina. Meal tickets, $4.00 and $4.50. lidS Farnam. Bnnrdlna; and Hoom. Con tinned. LARGn, i.ewiy furnished, modern house; fine rooms and home cooking, at reason abje prices. Ml 8. 24th St. Tel. Rod 6'i0l. Phones Doug. 1111 and A-1411. FnrntaBed Room. VERY desirable larae room; newly furn. fshtd: siao smaller room; fin location. 201 P. th Ave. BEAUTIFULLY furnisned front room In private family, for one or two vming men, very renoiutbl 2019 Webster Bt. DODGE HOTEL Large outside, and steam heat In every ro.mi; rat' s by week. ONE large furnished room, suitablo for two; modern; gentlemen preferred. Board If desired. 2641 Dodge St. NICELY furnished rooms, steam heated, 3d floor. Tel, Doug'.as 5001. 1817 Leaven worth St. ONE nice furnished roo-n. slti;le, mod ern; private family. ISIS Cn'casro. .'ft!, l.'VVTilV..l.nkl. finl.hall r..r.,. excellent board; reasonable; centrally lo rated. 620 So 19th St. FURNISHED rooms fo' gentlemen. 110 S. 13th St. Ihe Chatham ONE extia fine tront room, fine furni ture, modern. $20 No. 20th. No. sign oo house. FRFF 6 ion co; fr particulars, R, 11. Moreiiuu use Co. W.oiuj; B.224;- NiCELY furnished room. Strictly mod ern. 217 S. 16th St. Phone D. 3S37. WARM, looni.-i. $2 per week: free bath. Ogdcn Hotel, Council bluffs, . ROOMS for men, $1 and up. 1617 Cass. STEAM heated rooms. 2013 Harney St. FRONT room, steam heat and bath. Flat 5, Davidge blk. Phone Douglas- 24.8. TWO south front rooms, hot water heat, with or without boaid. 2122 Locust. TWO nicely furnished front rooms, com plete for housekeeping, $15 per month. 2ol8 Davenport. PT.I.: ASANT AVn rmfn,tahla rnnm. Strictly modern. 1901 California St. ELEGANTLY furnished room; private family; hoard If desired. 3017 Pacific St. Tel. ll. 3559. TWO steam heated rooms, 2221 Dodge St. ONE LARGE south room, also one smaller room; modern brick house; walk ing distance. 2608 Dodge St. Tel Harney 2355. NICELY furnished front room; modern home; all conveniences. 642 8. 19th St. NICELY furnished room; gas heat; hot and cold water; 'phone privilege; good lo cation; 2582 Harney St. Tel. Douglas 3472. Apartment, and Flat. t rooms, 2nd floor, 260S Ree street, bath and toilet, $15. IV Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming Sts. TO LET New Cornish apartments, south west corner 10th and William, steam heated and fully modern, location Ideal, easy walking distance from wholesale dis trict and depots. All Farnam cars pass these apartments; one block from Harney car line. Two apartments finely furnished. VV. FARNAM SMITH CO., 1320 Farnam St. Tels. Doug. .106.1, A1S64. FOUR-room apartment, modern. 1748 So. 27th St. Two car lines. Harney 3886. 7-R. flats, 617-19 So. 16th St. C. G. Powell, 2020 Farnam. Doug. 921. NEW 4-room apartment, bath. eas. elec tric light. 2618 Marcy. NEW brick flat, 6 rooms, 2201 Vinton St; modern except heat; $23 per mo.; water free; ground floor. Phone Doug. . 3474. 4-ROOM apartment, new: steam heated: $35. The Manuel, 21st and Howard Sla. 'lei. Red 4487. Housekeeping Roonia, FOUR large unfurnished room. Inqulrs at 1045 S 20th St- A SUITE ot three elegant new rooms, modern. 32o North 2oth. Unfurnished Room. ONE, two, three or four rooms, with or without heat. 2707 Dodge St. Furnished House. FOR RENT Furnished flat; will rent to two couple. 1911 Farnam St. House and Cottage. OMAHA Van & Storage Co., pack. move, store, H. H. goods; storehouse, 1120-24 N. 19th; office 309 S. 17th St. Tel Douglas 1559 HOUSES. Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk FOR RENT 9-room brick house, all mod ern, on car line. C. M. Bachmann, tui Paxton Blk. 21-67-69 PACIFIC, 9-room bricks, striotly modern, excellent condition, $40. BENSON & MYERS CO., Phone Douglas '46. 412 N. Y. Life Bldg. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap frolght rates; moving and storing. Expressmen's Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 29l SOUTH OMAHA Colored tenants con sidered; 12-room flat; could be used by two families. 2919 R St., rent $30; good condi tion. Inquire Gcotge H. McNeill, 2316 M St., South Omaha. 7-ROOM modern house, near depot, 1213 So. 11th St. FOR RENT new 7-room house. 1315 S. 26th St. 8-r. house, 3239 Evans, $10. 7-r. house 2132 No. 27. $12.50. 5-room, modern, 1712 N. 29, $12.50. J. 11. PARROTTE, BOARD OF TRADE. SNAP in winter rent, 6-room cottage, new, luth. brick, cemented cellar, on Wal nut Hill car line. Reduced rent to small family. Inquire at 607 N. l'Jth St. Tel. Red 6264. NO EQUAL Steam heat, all modern. 1 rooms, hall, bath aqd basement. 220 N. 23d. 1 IflTTyVX if' parts of the city. UUUOliO c.elgh Sons at Co.. Bee Bldg 4533 N. 39TH ST., on block from Ames Ave. car. lew 6-room modern cottage; very cneap at $16. J. W. Rasp Co.. Bran dels Bldg. 6 ROOMS, 2d floor, bath and tollev, 2604 ivees Kt.. M11 6 rooms, 2d floor, toilet, 1902 Parker St., $15. 6-room house, modern, 2606 Bristol St., $25. 6 rooms, modern except heat, 409 William 8t, $15. CHRIS BOYER. 22d and Cuming Sts. FOR RENT 3 rooms; city water, 1828 N. 17th St. C. M. Bachmann, 436 Paxton Blk., Tel., 29. Res., D. 6066 4-ROOM. modern. 1110 N. 22d. 5-R. cottage, 3018 Ohio, $20; mod. except heat. Carlberg. 911 N. Y. Life. FOR RENT On or about Jan. 1. 1910. 8 room, ail modern house; combination fix ture. C. M. Bachman. 43 I'axton Blk. 2i DOUGLAS; s-rocm. $77.60. John N. Frenrer. Both Phonea. MODERN s-room house. III 8. 85th Ave. Phoii. Douglas 4147. FOR RENT West Farnam. 2-story, (I room and bath, stairway to floored attic, laundry In basement, furnace, eiectrio and gaa combination, cement basement, heater, gas range and all window shades freo, newly papered and painted; rent $:;0. Apply at house, 4269 Farnam St., or WILLOWS 864 BRANDEIS BLDG. 7-ROOM modern house, laundry, furnsce, park district. $26. Tel. Harney 46$ MAGGARD Van & Storag Co. I). 1491 Pack, slot and ship household good. OFFERED FOR SALE aad C'nttaaje Cnntluued. Walking Distance Brand new. fully modern. !' story, 5 rooms, Dewey Ave. and 2Sth St. Phonn Douglas 12a5. HOUSES, flats. Gsrvln Bros.. 318 N. Y. L. HOUSES-Peteis Trust Co.. N. Y. Life Bldg. nnlldvnaa. M 44 x 44 FEET, ground floor, 10th and Douir las. Paters ft Edhnlm Co. Office.. i , , ALT, or part three floors and basement. 1106 Farnam St. Inrra. .STOREROOM and baaement In Scarp block, S. (... 620 N. 24th. Hall. 433 Ram,.- Bldg., both 'phones. OFFERED FOR SALE Furniture. FOR SALE A fancy buffet sideboard, bircii mahogany finish, bunt especially for club. Also display icebox, serving counter and large humidor. Should be seen to bo appreciated. Very low price lor tmiuedialu sale. Address ihe Brunswitk-Halke-Cul-lender Co., 409 S. 10th St., Omaha, Neb. NICE Iron bed with box mattress, bar gain. 216 N. 22d. TEN rooms of furniture, Including base burner, steel range, gas range, carpets, all or by piece. 939 North 14th. Ma. leal Inatrumenta, IVERS POND piano, almost new; Cheap 106 UcCague J Ik. Typewriter. SECOND hand typewriters sold, repMred. Central Typewriter Exchange. 1'jO.' Faiuain. II Urrlia.tuu", CALENDAR pads. Burkley Printing Co., NEW LOCATION, 417 South L!ih St. iiAr'K. new and second-hand, 1110 Farn. 4728 N. 38th St. tuii SALE New and 2d hand billmrj and pool lanles. We lead tne wornl in cheap bar tiiuures, easy payments. Bruntv-tvtt-k-Baike Cuiltiiuei, 407 So. loth Si. L'RUGS at cut prices; freight paid on ail 10 oideis; catalogue freo. Mierinuu . McConnell Drug Co.. Omana. Neb. SHOLARSH1P on leading business Co.. lege tor sal. at discount. Address P t,u6. Bee- ' COAL!! baskets, tl. Dry kindling, a load, $1 delivered. Star lew & Coil Co. D. 4K.J. Large stock stoves, furnit. Must sell next 30 days. Boll Fur. Co., 1406 Dqihjo. R. slwl. ttlld if.AT If good, try it. Harmou JbJ.UU KjVJIXSj Weoth. Both 'phones. - 9 1IALI 'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 1818 Farna::i WE HAVE on hand a number of ink bar rels which we will sell at 60c each. They are fine for rain water or avhea. Call at preisroom Bee Publlslrg Co. fcf; flf. Pn AT. It,s Bod. try It. Harmon ipo.UtJ VVJLI & wceth. Both 'photus. ABOUT 1,600 feet -lnch wire cable, sec ond hand, will sell at bargain. Apply R. W. Baker, Supt. Bee Building, Omaha, Neb. 9fiO OVERCOATS slightly used, at a bar w gain. A. b SINGER. 416 N. 16th. FOR SALE A good secondhand cash reg ister; suitable for a saloon. Address 821, Bee. 2D HAND oak counter, hand carved mar ble cashier plate, wire wicket about 40 feet odd shape, will fit a room 20 feet wide; can be seen at storage house, for further particulars, phone Douglas 238, Bee Build ing Co. r ok balk two new need go-carts, cheap; In first-class condition. Tel. Harney S233. OSTEOPATHY JOHriSON IN ST., 41 N. Y. L. Tel. D. 1661. Dr. Kathryn Nicholas. 608 N. V. L Bldg. PATENTS V O. BARNBLL. Paxlou Blk. T.l. Red 7117. HUFFMAN. 118 Nevill Bide Book fr.o, PERSONAL liOTT'Tr1 5 tons coal; for particulars, R. IVllirj H- Morehouse Co. W.3106; B .2245. Private confinement home. Mrs. Dr. King, 024 N. 24th. Tel., Web. 2669. Ind. B-l'wJ. -ifiVTO tour corn comes out or your v-tVl' O quarter comes back when you use Corn Jelly. Haines Drug Co., 1610 Far. PRIVATE HOME during confinement; babies tor adoption. Good Samaritan Sani torlum, 740 1st Av.. Council Bluff, In. 7T3Q!nl toupees for men. GRIFFITH, W J.UO22 and 14 FRENZKR BLK. Arlen d Voy. Manicuring and massage. $20 S. 16th St Flat I. Phon D. 768. THE SALVATION ARMY solicits castor clothing; in fact, anything you do not need. W collect, repair and sell at 134 N. Utit St., for coat of collection to th worthy poor. Call ebon Douglaa 4136 and wagoa will call. MME. ALLEN ot Chicago, salt glow, magnetlo and massag treatment, 207 N. 17th St. MASSAGE AND BATHS. R-30S Old Boston Store Bldg., 4th floor. 120 So. 16th St. Stairway on Douglas SL JOS1E WASHBURN'S ow book, Ui "Underworld Sewer," soli at all book Stores, price. $1.60. GOOD appls cider, everybody it. Muller mak th best Tel. Harney 35251. A HOME for women during conf Inemont. W find homes for babies where mother cannot care for them. Babies boiird-t'l-For terms address Mrs. Martha A. Lee. 4ol Bancroft St., Omuhu. Nee, Phoii. Doug las 1921. MECHANO THERAPY Is a druglesa -uro for lost physical vigor. Consult Dr. Mar garita Halloran, 226 Neville block. I'd. Doug. 7761. Under supervision of M. D. f AflMlVTH1 treatment. Mine. Smith. JUAUlNrj 1 JAy w S- Bi third floor. OMAHA Stammerers' Ins.. lUmge Bldg. MASK suits to rent at LIEBEN K. DR. ROGERS' private confinement home. 1616 Martha St. Phone Douflas 6230. MISS LA GRANE, baths, massage. 1617 Dodge St., bu.ieimnt fiat. Hours, 10 a, ni. to 9 p. in. POULTRY FOR SALE Eighteen different varieties of thoroughbred poultry; cocks and cock erels, geese, due., turkeys, guineas, ban tams, dogs and white rabbits. All kinds ot lancy pigeons. V rite for freo circular. D. L. Bruen, Platte Center. Neb. Screening $1.50 100 lbs. Wagner, 801 N. ISta BARKED and White Rocks, prize stuck at bargains. . Win. Fischer, Btruble, la. BUFF Wyandotte. 100 cockerels and pul lets. Geo. M. Deyue, Mason City, la. PRINTING 'PHONE IND. A-262V lor good printing. lY'Kx'Hi Panting t'u.. is in 1 uui 1 oi Ave. REAL ESTATE IliSAl. aCaTATf UU.I.EHI, REED ABSTRACT CO., Est. 1859; promt ervkt; gl our prices. 1710 Fartiur.i St. AYNK INV. CO.. first floor N. Y. Ufa, BENJAMIN R. K. CO.. 477 Brand.! Bldg. Rl'AL KbTATE TITLE-TRUST CO. C11A9 E. WILLIAMSON. Prt.ld.ot. CI'IY I'KOPKHTY FOK BALIS. A GOOD lot on North 27th St., ohaap fir cash. 'Phone Florence lid. 1