Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 19, 1909, DRAMATIC, Page 8, Image 32

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v -v. "Tin
I in
e Cars
sT" ;) "TT li 'I'H'IMH Mnn
tlllM Ull I !.! .l.I.IHl' n ! l
id K2f WAS IS
IMS teif'o
HE "30" Shaft Drive Closed Car. Fash
ionable Limousines or Landaulets de
signed for the many social and business re
quirements of the exclusive city family.
Operated with ease and certainty in traffic.
.Can be turned without backing in a 35-foot
street. Quiet and luxurious. All pas
sengers face foward. Every detail of up
holstery and equipment insures permanent
comfort and satisfaction.
Roadster, 4 cyl.. 3 passenger . .
Touring Car, 4 cyl.. 6 passenger
Touring Car, ( cyl.. 7 passenger
, .11.100
. .81,380
Coil Automobile Co., 2209 Farnam St.
582 Brandala Building.
The car that solve the delivery problem. Call
i tn for demonstration. AUTOXOaiXD CO.
901 South Tenth street. Donglaa 3784.
Vfallace Aufcmobilo Co.
24th Near Farnam Strait.
Wi Li Hllff 111311 & COi H,ntwS
555UI HupmoDiie, $7.50.
202S Farnam Straat.
914 Jonas St.
Pioneer Implement Co.
Council Bluffs. Iowa.
Mood's Electric
.2024 Firoao SL
Detroit Eloctrlo
a UlS ITD rmm t "PfiSTL
Coit Automobile Co.
2209 Farnam ft.
Doug. 7281
2318 Harney Street.
sun I r aajn lianAH
FREELANO BROS. & ASHLEY. 1102 Firita Jt.
r-v n
9 11SSI
Atlantic inJ Council Bluffs, lawa
H.E.Fredrickson Automobile Go.
Thomas, Hudson,
Pierce, Rapid,
The Locomobile Company of America
J. J. Doright Co., 1815 Farnam Street, Omaha
eright Automobile Co.
Wavorly, Lexington,
1814-16 Farnam.
Henry H. Van Brunt
Overlani, Pope
Council Bluffs, Iowa.
The easiest riding car in the world.
0. F. LOUK, 1808 Farnam Street,
State Agent.
2052 FARNAM STREET PARRY . . $1285
LoooinniobiDe a
Standard Automobile Go.
Garage and icepalrs
Standard SU& Nitlil
750 Fully Equipped -4 Cyl.. 40 H. P.
. L HUFFMAN & CO.. 2025 Farms St.
Nebraska Buick Auto Company
mki riaci III IVTT, lUaM
E I KVUa, 6n l lbai
Buick and Olds?
mobile Cars.
LiaMla Brack, C B. SHORE. IuMn
RR !flFlRAI I Stavens-Uuryia. Cadillac. Stanlay Sttamer.
al Faraaa. Straat.
2026 Farnam SL
Atlantlo and Council Bluffs, Iowa.
2 Cylinder 24 H. p. ninrn i rune cyHar aa
ju h. c. iiiui.ii bbinu ".
Ma Rat
In its class without a peer.
O. F. LOUK, State Agent,
' 1808 Farnam St.
1102-4 Farnam Gt.
WCiflTH Steamer
Wood's Electric
2024 firiin St.
John Deere Plow Co.,. Distributors.
Auto Lamps,
Kemper, Hemphill & Buckingham
Ford Motor 0., 1818 Farnem St.. Omaha, Neb.
Omaha Auto Sealers Preparing; for
Display in February.
MaBUfai-tarrra Make Keailr Double
Output of Thrlr Planta Demand
Kver tirowln In Welt
eru Territory.
Claika O. Powell, director of the Omaha
Automublle Show aaudu.tlon haa returned
from the caat, wtiore ha haa been vlnlUng
tha aupply factorlna and the manufacturer,
of aoffn.oriert. Mr. Tuwe'.l aaya that all
tha factortaa are looking for an enormoua
tncreaaa In bualneaa and many are enlarg
iig their planta. aome even preparing to
double their output.
February H-M haa been doclrted lipon ais
tha data for the Omaha Automobile ahow
at the Auditorium and the dralere are a)
ready pi.paiina to grt Ih a aipply of new
cara cHpeclally for the show.
Nlnce tha show of year many new
autonobile firm have b.n addird to the
list of Omaha dealers and Karnam atreet
from Elihtfnth atreet to Twenty-fourth.
la practically given over to tha automobile
buainaaa. being known aa automobile row
Baaldea the large number of the retail
automobile dealers and eev.ral agencies
which have been tabllahed In Omaha the
large Implement houaea are adding auto
mobile department to th?tr alrvady large
tocka of good, and are eeltlng cara In tie
n edou ouantltl.e over a vast territory
The Implement dealeia were practically
foud to add automobile department to
hold their country agents. Every town and
hamlet In the w.-t haa an automobile
agency and If the implement dealer wlhd
to keep the leading local Implement deah-r
on hi book ha bad to be In poaltlun to
kll lilm automobtle.
Jobber tn aupplUa and tlrea doing bui
na in Omaha have tha entire weatern
field from Chicago to tha Rocky Moun
talna for their territory. Some ell aa far
aouth a the Oulf of Mexico and Canada
on the north. They make a big aavlng for
dealera and Individual ownera by being
abl; to make quick delivertea and by v
ing expresa charge from eastern cltie.
Klv. new gaiagas and aalearooma are In
tha prooa of construction. Involving a
large expenditure and the ptop"cL are
now bright for several new concerns by
tha time the show open but In the spring.
Van thunt t Co. of Council lilufl huvu
recognized the advantage of the Omaha
field and have arranged to have a garage
In this city. The location is Just across the
treet from the Fredrlckson garage on
automobile row tnd preparations are al
ready under way for tearing down the
present frame structure on the site to
make way for a modern garage. II. E.
Fredrlckson bua branched out his business
by arranging to operate a large garage
and salesroom at Lincoln.
The problem of the show committee thla
year will be to find room In the Auditorium
for all the uVak'is who wish to how thulr
cara and accessories. To provide extra
room It la arranged to make the display of
commercial vehicles In tha basement of
the Auditorium. Thla room now haa a
good floor and has been mado popular by
thn government exhibit, which haa been
housed there during tha corn show. A
plan is also being considered for using the
halls of the second story of the Audi
torium. -- ,
The committee Is to follow the plan of
the Madison Puuare garden show at New
York by expending a large sum In decora
tions. To do thla some of the splendid
statuary which was used at the garden
show haa been secured. Thousands of
lights will also b provided to make the
auditorium most brilliant.
The Old and the Aem.
The old-fashioned way of hunting Jack
rabbit was for several hunters to go out
In two big lumber wagon. The wagon
would be connected with a piece of wire
about 200 feet long. This wire dragging
over the ground between the wagon would
tlr the Jack rabbits up and the hunter
walking behind the wire would ahoot them.
It was not an uncommon thing for a bunch
of hunters to bring hi two wagonload of
Jack rabbit as a result of one day' hunt.
The rabbits were sold to a rabbit cajinaiy
and worked up Into canned stuffs for east
ern markets. This Is the way rabbit ar.
still hunted for the tanneries. But the
true sportsmen, who go out for the fun of
the thing, have a new plan now. They
stay in the auto and snare the rabbit with
a wire loop. Kansaa City Journal.
Along: Auto Row
Mclntyr Juto Co. Will Build
Vaw Qarag. Z.onk to Mot
Into Kaw Quarter oa JTarnam.
Now s the time to boost your Christ
mas business by advertising in The Hee.
Hew It Brae a.
aiau u experiencing hi first ache. "It
warn me," h? reasoned, "that I hav vio
lated a law of my nature, and put me oa
my guard against doing so again."
Hut just her. he happened to discover
aome anodyne herb which put an end to
the ache.
"Ha! I needn't trouble, after all I can
go on and do as I phase!" he cxcUlmtd,
hi hly thanking his luck stars.
And fn in aueh beginning rose the great
ail of U .'uluia -i'uek
C. F. Louk will move Into hi new gar
age during the next thirty day, next to
Mclntyr Auto company ha completed
arrangement for the erection of a gar
age on Farnam street, 2103. . This will be
one of the best In the row.
The Mclntyre Auto company has taken
on a slx-cyllnder car which la deatlned
to become popular In thla section. At
present this company handlea one, the
Oakland. j
The Wlttman company of Lincoln, Neb.,
have the care of thlrty-alx of tha forty
five electrlca now In Lincoln, of which
twenty are Waverlej. Mr. Wlttman
saya bualneaa In electric thla year will
be better than ever before, and he Is mod
est enough to believe that h will get the
lion'a share of It.
In speaking of tn Baker electric da
vise Barkalow said: "Practloally every
Improvement of Importance that ha been
made In electric motor car haa been made
by tha Baker company, and I venture th
prediction that the manufacturer who are
now ao vehemently protecting that our new
haft drive models are experimental will,
aa usual, follow the leader, a nearly as
possible, and give belated recognition to
the superiority of the shaft drive."
The building of two dame aero ("Tie Mis
souri river at Helena, Mont., la a two-year
Job begun by tha Stone Webster Engin
eering corporation of Boston. How the
methods of older and more advanced com
munities are transplanted In the execution
of distant contracts of thla nature la shown
In one of the company' first acta after be
ginning work, namely, the putting of a
Franklin motor car Into service. It waa
found that an automobile wa neceasary
for quick transportation along the field of
Fiank . I'armelea, wall known sporta
man and trap shot and on of the most
enthusiastic member of the Omaha Auto
mobile club, haa placed hla order with H.
E. Fredrlckaon for a speedy runabout by
which he hopes to keep out of the dust of
all drivers.
Htandard Auto company received the fol
lowing telegram from Indlanapolla Katur
day: National forty won Fort Lee, N. J..
hill climb today; time. 59 seconds; atock
chassis, four fifty class. National Motor
Vehicle Company.
On an automobile trip, whleh Included a
climb to tha top of Mount Washington, II.
G. Illchborn of Cambridge. Mass., recently
took a party of four from hla home through
Maine and back with a puncture of one
tire aa the ouly trouble of the tour. He
used 1908 Franklin touting car of twenty
eight horsepower and climbed many severe
grades among and about the Whit moun
tains. After starting from Cambridge the party
arrived at the Profile house In ten hour.
Thence they rode around the President!
range, and thereupon It was that they went
up to the top of Mount Washington with
the five people In the car. Descent waa
made by way f tha Crawford Notch,
The trip extended to Stockton Springs. Me,,
the party passing through Ulxvllle Notch,
Farmington, Bkowhegan, Plttsflcld and
Mr. R. E. Davis, who was connected with
the Chicago branch of the Ford Motor
company, la now permanently located with
the Omaha branch aa aaslstant to Mr.
Gould. Mr. Davis expect to get hi share
of the retail business In the city, If hla
Chicago sale record count for anything.
The Ford Motor company received thla
unique lttcr;
"One of my drlvors had a bad ax'dttnt
three or four wetka ago withe my In
Mdl T turlng car which I ben demon
strating with and also yust It aa a l.lvro
He struck a gudsls dog With one hand only
on the stlrlng wheel, with the oder hand
he moshend how Du you Du to the paslng
Partis, and also had to watch the Dog on
the odereide of the car. The car waa going
at a spid of vf To 26 mile pr auer wen he
alruk thn Dog, and It noket hi stlrlng
well out of hi hand, and the car turned
M way round and turnd a sumeraold gllr
ovor and kam back on Its wells, with four
passengers In It. It shook the pasenger
up puda bad, but did not get hurt very
badm only the dreyver got the Vorst of It,
he broke hla ahuldnr blad and also had
hla hip out of Joint, and now I want to tel
you In wat shao the car waa In, wen I
htrd of It. I thout the best thing for ma
to du la to get a lumber wagon and go out
der and Uo It In a dubel wagon box, but
with asurprla 1 exaamet the oar aud found
tha engine In running order and In fakt
noting brok only aome of It waa bend up
pude bad, but the only thing I haf to get
new I the 1 atubs for the front wells, the
(X) cros In the stlrlng wel end tha on
peas of wwmI dat hold the door cloud on
the right aide, and also 3 well. It atruk
ao hard dat some of the srioks ar crakt
witch maks the wells wabel
Derfor I wud lick to no wad It wud cost
me If I wud send dm 2 wells In and haf
dem rlfeld wltrl new sopke and den pandet
the sain aa de wer. and also lat ma no
wader I ken get die peaa of wood dat holds
the dor on the right side of the car pandet
to match the car.
, yours truly.
The much-talked-of and long-lookel-for
automobile bought some months ago by
U. Stora la at last on the way, having
been shipped from the factory ar Buffalo
the latter part of last week.
Thla Is a lxty-alx-horae power Plerca
Arrow car with both touring and suburban
bodies, the selling price being $S,r0.
The adapablllty of the Aniular ball bear
ing wa demonstrated at Frederickson
Auto company's last week to Corn fihow
The front of a Chalmern-Detrolt auto
mobile was Jacked up. The wheel was
turned vigorously and when It had reached
the maximum velocity the wheel was re
leased. The result wa a follows: The wheel,
which was found to be 110 Inches In cir
cumference, revolved 411 times, Indicating
that It had traveled b- this operation 3,776
feet, or three-fourtha of a mile.
W. L. Huffman was busy last week
showing the Hupmoblle to the corn show
vlfltor. This little car has grown wonder
fully popular In Nebraska.
L. t. Doty, manager of the Maxwell
Brlsroo Omaha company, had a busy week
last week. Several cars sent Into th
The Uleason Automobile has made Its
appearance In Omaha. The office of the
new agency Is at the Central Implement
ccmpany building on Farnam. Thla Is a
neat car and will be popular here.
The Sweet Edwards Auto company has
received a new shipment of Parry cara.
which Weatman 1 making popular. The
Moons came In during the latter part of
the week, and will be shown this week
The Standard Auto company haa re
ceived the famous National forty which
broke the world's record yesterday and
the Indianapolis speedway. The National
Is a beauty. It Is the same type driven by
Men in bis record breaking races.
What's the Aasnerf
Hefurms move a alowly in baa ball as
in some other realma. For over two years
aome of the wisest manager hav agreed
that spltballs ruin pitchers aud batter and
yet throw up their hand when asked
what I to be done. I.Ike wine the .pike.
They are condemned and yet nobody haa
been found who will offer a substitute.
Things the Motorist Should Have to
Keep on the Safe Side of
the Road.
There are a giWt many automobile ac
cessories the existence of which ha only
to be brought to the owner's eye to Indue
him to us them. Amongst them are num
bered, too, things that the motorist should
have that Insure his own safety In addi
tion to that of those whom he meets on
the road.
For Instance, there la on the market
an adjustable mirror, which enables one
to have an accurate view to the rear of
350x66 feet. A simple convex glass there Is
nothing complicated about It, yet there are
momenta when one wondera how one ever
did without It. There are, however, many
people who are doing without it because
they have never heard of It.
Again, how frequent are the complaints
of ownera that their car are used without
their knowledge. A device Is now on the
market, however, which make undetected
"Joy rides" Impossible. This stopping of
Illicit spins means a great saving not only
in gasoline, biit alao In repairs. The
mechanism is very simple; the dial I di
vided Into 100 divisions, and each hour's
run will caue the hand to vibrate a cer
tain number of points forward. Thus in
struments, of course, are high priced, but
they sometimes pay for themselves In a
very short time.
There aro a number of American and im
ported horns on the market now, which,
If only asthetlcally, have a decided ad
vantage over the old "honk-honk." Their
cost ranges In proportion to their site,
and consequently the owner of a small
machine can pay the moderate price de
manded for a horn o suit his automobile.
For the man who use an eetylne
lamp, there la nothing more useful than
the modern ga tank. The tanks contain,
acoordlng to six and price, from thirty to
seventy feet of gas. and need recharging
o aeldom that the bother of carbide, etc.,
seem to be done away wtlh almost en
tirely. The Initial cost of the tanks la high
(about SO), but the cost of recharging I
only V-
On tha earn principle la the compressed
air tank for Influtlng tires. When full, It
contains enough air to fill fifteen tubes
and 1 no trouble at all ti ha'ndle or attach.
A pressure gauge should be attached to It.
All tlr give better returns whn pumped
to the right pr.nsur; moat good tlr hav
a special presaure recommended, a, for
Instance, seventy pound for the front tire
and eighty for the rear. The figure
are only an example, however. If tha
owner does not know what la the right
pressure, he should consult hla manufac
turer. A gasoline gauge la a device that la
worth attaching to the tank of your ear,
and In your garage; there there la no
danger of 'running abort. With thla, the
same rule should be observed a with a
speedometer get one with an open, face,
which can be een clearly, or le on is
apt to overlook Ita existence.
These are a few among many mechan
ical devices for lessening the discomfort of
the road, and there are many mora which
have luxury alone fw their Ideal. Tha
latter, however, can be dispensed with;
the former should be In th possession of
every automobilh-t Country Ufa In America.
portron on Weatern Fralrle.
Eqalpped with Modern
Th automobile Is revolutionising the
method of hunting wild game In wetrn
Kanas. No tru.- sportsman now start on
tny kind of a hunt out there without aus,
auto. The old way of hunting from a two
horse spring wagon is entirely too alow
A wolf hunt under the new phui la the
most exciting of all. One man rung tha
auto and another does the shooting. A nia
chine can run mile and mile on tha open
prairie of the warn without coming In con
tact with a fence oi a creek. When a wolf,
or a coyote, as they ar called out there,
is scared up the auto takes after him. Now
a wolf runs In an easy circle. Ha doesn't
dodge back and forth. 6o It la compara
tively easy for tha driver to keep right be
hind him. Hut the, auto must go aome. A
coyote can knock ff thirty mil an hour
with ease. A few day ago some Garden
City hunters ran down a coyote and killed
him with the whuels. That wa considered
a great hunting feat.
When hunters used to chas coyotes on
horses and with dogs, there waa never a
record of where they drove the coyotes to
their dens. But It Is different with autus.
Coyotes ruy until they are about to be
taken lit and then mak for their dena. In
order to "smoke them out" the driver at
taches a rubber tube to th gaa tank of
hi car and run the other end down tn
the hoi. That soon brlnga th eoyot out.
And tha race Is again resumed until toe
animal la bagged.
Auto make good blind for wild duck
hooting, and th.y also enable lo
follow up a flock of ducks from one pond
or slough to another. Frequently the hunt
er will take out after a flock of duck aud
bag several of them before 'they gat out of
rang from th auto. Kansas City Journal