THE BEK: OMAHA, FniDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1009. Leather Goods i Suggestions For Christmas Wurdnibo Trunks $80 to $78 Hteainer Trunks 15 to $3S Hat Trunks 17 to $35 Lsrtlrn' Shopping lias;, most nrlpct line In Omaha, at ! to $30 Traveling I!as $3 to $50 Pult Cases $1.60 to $43.80 Travelers1 Photograph Frames $1.80 to $7 Drinking Cups anil Klaxks ..880 to $5.78 Jewel and Stick Tin Cases 2So to $4 Coat Hangers 280 to $3 Collar and Tie Caes $1.80 to $5 Manicure Sets $1 to $18 Fitted Travsllng Cases contain everything nercseary for the toilet $1.C0 to $33 Cards and Letter Cases, Bill Fold, each, t 35o to $8 Traveling Cases, not fitted ....$1 to 57 Men's rursn o to $3.60 Medicine Cases, containing from 2 to S bottles, at $1 to $13 Collapsible Umbrellas for suit cases, at, each $3.60 to $9 Music Bolls $1-60 to $8 Freling & Steinle WHERE TRUIWS E MADE 103 FARNAM ST. TEL DOUS. 273 LONGMAN ASKS FOR BOB Notre Dame Coach Would Serve Corn huskers Next Year. MAKES GOOD RECORD THIS YEAR Former I'nlvrrsltr of Michigan Plarrr Was Classmate of Kins; Cole Only Team to A In from the Wolverines. for the varsity and permitted their oppon ents to throw goals at will. In the second half Captain Terry used four substitutes, who played practically as fast ball as tha rtgulars. This was the second gsme th varsity had played this week, the first one took place Tuesday evening with the Young Men s Christian association five. th Corn huskeri winning by a score of 34 to 17. Gossip of Bowlers WE CURE DEAFNESS, CATARRH, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS And all chronic diseases of the stomach, kidneys, liver and liluud. To prove uur ability and that by our methods if treatment these diseases can be oulcklv' arid nermin.'iuly cured, we give two wotks trattnnnt free to nil ap plying at once. Our regular rat for treat ment Is JI per month. There Is only one limit of thin gentfrous offer. We make It to the poor m-l rich alike, tut you must begin the treatment at once to obtain the free olfer. After this month our regu lar rates will lie charged. If we cannot help you wo will not nialie false promises. Only curabla cases accepted for treatment. "Consult u before It Is too lata.'1 Do, BBABAK1AII GO., 308 K. Y. X.ITB BLDO. OMAHA. $5.00 FREE $5. This coupon, If presorted at our office during December, Is good for 15.00 cash, If we fall to give you two week's treatment free. Good for new patients only. ON TOP 2 IVJULWAYS lis Jit! pfsk faun Hgt;'; X ami I . X m WL. Mt aW X rji r w wm tu i. i It 4V II LINCOLN, Dec. 18. -(Special. ) F. C. Longmun, coach of Notre Dame, the team that defeated Michigan and won the west ern foot ball championship last fall, wants to coach Nebraska next season. Ills appli cation was received by Manager Eager this afternoon. Longman has been urged to re main at Nolro Dame next year, but In his letter to the Nebraska manager, he declares he would rather come to the CornhuFker school. The Notre Dame coach Is a former Uni versity of Michigan player, and was a team mate of "King" Cole, the Nebrawka coach, lie was on the Wolverine eleven during the season of 1!03, 1!XN and 1906. Since his graduation from tho Ann Arbor school he has been coaching foot ball teams. In 1K06 and 1907 he had charge of the Arkansas eleven and the following fall he was head coach at Wooeter. Last fall was his first season with Notre Dame. By defeating Michigan, In the only game the Wolvrlnes lost last autumn, Longman placed Notre Dame at the top of the list in wttern foot bail and established a name for himself among till best foot ball coaches of the country. C hurae of Professionalism. Charges were made against the Notre Dame players by Fielding Yost of Michi gan alter tho Catholics had defeated hid team. Yost declared some of Longman's players were professionals, but Waller Camp, who went to Notre Dame as a rep itneniative of an eastern paper, failed to secure uny evidence that would prove the charges made by the Michigan coacn. Camp gives the entire credit for Noire Dame's fucciss to Longman, their head coach, and he says the former Michigan player Is one of the best coaches In the country, lie itltiks Longman devised some of tlio most successful plays that were used In either the east or west. What aciton Ihe Nebraska athletic board will take on Longman s application Is un certain, but two or three of the faculty numbers are in favor of trying him for one year. One of the leading Cornhuskor mti'tors stated this afternoon that lie would voto to hire Longman. Sevtral of the foot ball players were asKed If they would rather have Longman than "King" Cole, and a majority of them were in favor of keeping Cole anotliei season. All the athletic authorities who were interviewed had no doubt that the present Notre Dame coach could give the Corn kuakers a champions! Ip eleven, and they will givo his application considerable at tention during the next two weeks. Ltcal alumni of the university, when they lean ed that Longmhn had applied for the nebd coaching Job, said he ought to be hired at any price. They declared they were willing that the alumni of the uni versity should hire the Nebraska coach fot next fall and were v. lilii g to engage Long man If the athletlo board would permit them to do so. nasket Dall Game. Ihe Cornhurker batket ball five defeated the freshmen quintet in a practice game at the gymnasium last night by a score of 66 to 24. The freshmen were up. match The Klauck Olendales of the Commercial league are no doubt bowling the best of any team In Omaha at the present time, having averaged close to 1,000 pins in their last six games and also having established a new league record for 190, by bowling a total of S,os6 pins. The team Is composed of three old-timers In Lehman, Stapenhorst and Camp, with Klauck and Oodenschwager comp.nlng the team, the last two being considered the pur of any other double In the leaRU", ami It Is now conceded llirt the team that ijtats them out will win the pennant. The Brandels stores have organized several teams and some of the boys are gutting to be the real pln-gltting chaps, Manley, Danforth, Boyd and'EUlnger with a little more experience will be fit candi dates for some of the big league teams. A number of base ball teams have organ ized bowling clubs, the must prominent being the Hollys, Americans, Westaldes, SiRnal Corps, Excelsiors and Yousem's Colts, and they look as good on th alleys as around the diamond. of having more bowlers within Its walls than any other building In Omaha, Post master Thomas Is himself as enthusiastic an any of the others nnd Is at the same time a very excellent bowler. FIRST BALLOT SHOWS TIE Vote for President of National League Develops Deadlock. SPURN TALK OF COMPROMISE Pete Rchroeder should be proud ft. James team of his Kbbrta and Murphy Will Not Consent to Anyone bat Ward -Itomor that Hoblaln Kidnaped. NEW YOKK, Dec. 16.-The first ballot for president of the National league de veloped the forecasted deadlock. Four votes Philadelphia, New York, Brooklyn and Chicago all for John M. Ward; while Pittsburg. Boston, fit. Louis and Cincin nati voted for President Hcydler. Mr. Iirush' suggested that a compromise cindldate be elected, but Ebbets and Murphy declared against anyone but Ward. Their declaration was followed by a gen eral discussion. The absence of Stanley Roblson from the early deliberations of the council started a rumor that he had been kidnaped by tho opponents of Heydler, but Roblson was found and hurried ' to the meeting before the first ballot was taken, Philadelphia's n Owner. With the presidential situation undecided, the National league magnates of necessity confined themselves to routine matters yes terday. Horace Fogel. representing the new owners of the Philadelphia club, was ad mitted to the meeting, but many of the club owners were not satisfied with his statement that Charles W. Murphy of Chi cago and Charles P. Taft of Cincinnati are not the new purchasers. They are seeking more Information along this line. rstitBv.nuv u vr t-"t . i ii'.j ..I'm ."ia rWJW mut .Til '.fflCMJt I i hey may not oo tne nest .i.i..,i ... mmK.,...,h, hnnic. i .I,- i, ... .;. .1 i "' w " """" -.,... id ,,, iiiw iuo.B,t,u uui nicy c i v. vtitr bf-st bunch of fellows of any team. The St. James Social club has been organiznd for the purpose of entertaining their op ponents of their weekly game, and to say they are really entertained Is putting It mildly. Just attend one of them and find out for yourself. The leading question of the Commercial league Is, "Where Is Brunke?" Tho women's department of the Fran cisco alley Is getting to be the one best bet with the fair sex, the manugemeiu having enclosed alleys 8, 9 and 10 with heavy curtains, making them as orivate as possible arid the game la now more popular i him. man ever. however, and Fogel named the officers as being himself, as president; Frank li. El liott, vice president; Morris Scheck, secretary-treasurer, and I. Schwartz and C. II. W. Conway, directors. The claim-of the New York club owners l against the Philadelphia club for damages sustained when the Philadelphia club 'or feited a game at the Polo grounds, Oc tober 4 last, was referred to the new own ers, as was William 3. Murray'B claim against tho old Philadelphia corporation to carry out Its two-year contract with President Heydler announced that Players Moren, Doolan and Knabe, who were fined for their conduct in the game Kvprvhrwlv trat In Una fn (h. nllv fr,,,... nament. A little luck will win first place of October 4, had not yet paid their fines and would be Ineligible to play in tne na tional league until these were paid. and a nice bunch of New Year's money M ASEB Al.I, ABO ALL OTHER C" ii 'in i 'i i in iii i ill AN II!1 TO DATE BEER Jl IT BLIPHOnI VBrWT"vnJt iyDept.Dudl542 to.BlyffsDfpt.80 The Best Bemad or Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung Tion bits Is HOWELL'S ANTI-KAWF Get a bottle today, flSc and BOo, at your druggists or Hawaii Drug Co., 807 609 XT. ltth St.. Omaha. HOTELS. fowYork CHv A Horn of Character and Refinement Seventh Avenue at 55th Street Near Famous Central Park Absolutely Fireproof Adjoining Carnegie Hall, near the Art InstJtuta, and within five minutes walk of th leading theatres and shopping dtrtrtct; tha location It Ideal. A rm-e attention to detail that lend to the home atmosphere it responsible for our many enthusiastic patrons. The Wellington's delihtfjl lounging rooms, handtamt dining rooms and Ens Uth griU room will appeal to your tenet of the appropriate. Hotei Wellington PRE-EMINENTLY THE CHOICE Or DISCRIMINATING PEOPLE Roomi, with Oath, Jj2.(V) xpw&rJ Parlor, Bedroom and Bath, f? weekly and upwaru antf for illustrated booklet J. F. C1IAMPLIN ManaK'r kSoranthAv. atSSth St New York Ciry KM manly Ameri- can's favorite brew A manlu Amortton I'il that means you Aaa ! . taV a .... iinnn'iy 13" I'- ITI THE BEEN YOU LIKE HAVC A CASE BENT HOME DOUGLAS 420. IN0. A-1420 RRED KRUG BREWING Co. FOUNDED BO YEARS AOO MEN HOLD DAMJIET Friends Entertained by Plttsbnrar Champlona at Waldorf-Astoria. NEW YORK, Dec. 15. Two hundred base ball men ciuu u.. lurn, niaiiast is. pmytra and "fans" sat down at tables at the VValdori-Astoria tor.lglu as tne KUvSts oi the world s champion Pittsburg club of the National league. The menu aesenbed the dinner as "tendered . to the ottlcials, past and present, of the National league, visit ing officials of the Americun league, the National commission and the memlwrii nr the Bass Hall Writers' Asso lation of Amer ica by the PIukoui.. iuii ,-inh in honor of winning the National league cham- p.onsuip ana uie world s championship. Ban B. Johnson of the American leno-nn paid a tribute to the late Harry C. Pulliam and praised his successor, John A. Heydler, wnoin ne is Dacking for re-election. Telegrams and letters were received from Vice President Sherman, Charles p. Taft and many others who had been Invited. The vice .resident wrote: "I appieciate your courtesy fully, because I am a great admirer of the national game and beiiovo that it is first among the truly attractive and clean sports of the country." NO SECRET, SAY'S . RICKAKD Prise Fight Promoter Denies Pact Be tween Jeff nud Johnson. . , ;. , NEW YORK, Dec. 16.-"Tex" Rlckard. the prize fight promoter, who has Just re turned here from Boston, denies there Is any secret agreement between Jeffries and Johnson over a division of the 1101,000 purse he offered. "While In conference with Jeffries and Johnson before the final articles were signed," said Rlckard today, "I told them they could divide the purae any way they desired, and even suggesting a B0 per cent division as It seemed that the betting odds would be about even. The fighters dis cussed the matter, but when I told them I would Insist on the public being given the full details they drooped the matter. "I will bet any one $1,000 that there is no agreement between Jeffries and Johnson of any kind, excepting to divide the purse io per cent, to tne winner ana a per cent to the loser. And I will bet Tom McCarey, of IjOs Angeles or any one else, another $1,000 that I did not give Jeffries $1.,000 or any secret inducement to favor my bid ror tne ricnt. "I have not the least doubt now that the light will be held In Salt Lake City." WITH 1Mb. BOWLERS. The Brandels Store boys had their weekly bowling night last night, and had a guod time. They boys are getting the pins now and will make it hard for any team to beat them. Score: 1st 2d. 3d. Total. Manley Ii4 159 772 485 Boyles 115 150 131 V. Melchelm 158 1 23 111 3S2 Meyer 15S 1D3 132 423 Dan ford 128 170 ISO 478 mmm co. COAL South End 16" ST. VIADUCT (HOME OF THE v rnve seta t..4 , Total 713 735 726 2,174 I'liOtV IX. ittCtCitC-Jill iiltll iVUU .la J lit i.wti i.i in i Benefit for Polliam's Sister. The committee- appointed In Louisville last August to arrange for the erection of a monument over the grave of Harry Pul liam, former president of the National league, reported that action of this kind was unnecessary, In that Mr. Pulliam's family had erected a monument. -The league decided to bestow a lump sum, not specified, on an Invalid sister of the lute president and to give her the Interest on $5,000 a year during her lifetime. The president submitted his annual re port, In which he called attention to and deplored the ' many postponements of games. He argued that club owners should show the same consideration to the umpires that they do to players who lose games. The behavior of the players on the diamond last season was better than ever before, said. Heydler. Figures submitted In the report show that the receipts pf the National league olubs last . season, were Just 100 per cent more than In 1903,' (he first year In which National and American leagues worked In harmony. 1 ' - American. ,Leaa-ue Meeting-. The -American ,league meeting recom mended the adoption of a schedule of 154 games for newt season. Joe Cantlllon, .former, manager of the Washington club. , was exonerated of the charge of disloyalty to the league. The club owners' passed up the question of wearing spikes to President Johnson and Charles Comlskey, with power to act for the American league. Charles Somera of Cleveland was unanimously re-elected vice president of the league. The next meeting will be held In Chicago In February. The Boston National league club uncon ditionally released Catcher Al Shaw and the St. Louis Americans will release Sec ond Baseman Williams to Minneapolis If they can get waivers on him. Williams Is destined to manage the St. Joseph club next season, as it Is Joe Cantillon's inten tion to buy the Pueblo franchise and trans fer it to St. Joseph. The Cincinnati club sold Catcher Frank Roth to Minneapolis and Third Baseman Dolan and Pitcher Lower to Denver. Ed Ashenback of Altoona has signed to manage the Syracuse club, and George Heckert, Harrlsburg's manager last sea son, will guide the Trenton Trl-State state team. The Baseball Writers' association of America, at Its first annual meeting, re elected all officers. The Pittsburg orub gave a banquet at the Waldorf last night to newspaper men, club owners and managers. i N ti ra R fyi Tfc I R fl Ik R i (Yl Infill-? I 3 BBS- Si MB I p, y These are all perfect goods fully up to our well known standard of GOOD QUALITY, con sisting of China Closets, Buffet3, Music Cabinet3, Rockers, Morris Chairs, Davenports, Li brary and Dining Tables, Parlor Suites, Roman Chairs and Dressers on sale now at 6- IT ITCH Marts Fl ft Li-J Si UH I'H f.fitW S-'V'r ki-.i "Tt. Jl .Urf-.. fcJ IB a-H Wi L. n " - .1 BBS WlPPMlL fOTw An Early English l $8 Rocker only ... wn Beautiful Bed Davenport, $25 value, Q I n Makes a fine bed W-C- Real Mahogany Music Cabinet. . S3 LOOK! AT THESE BARGAINS 1 'Li' V-.,!. . WrfaxC iiict -a 3 DnsfE I V 'ff in I . n 1 I . H U tea L Ell Sal I i , , -.y Mm YrAMr Sli Bird's-eye Blaple Qi or Mahogany OEi TERMS TO SUIT ALL BUYERS Genuine Early English $20 Ta ble on sale for 209--S- FARNAM ST, $14 Morris Chair, Q 7 Boston Leather. . . W ff 1 (ESTXPLStiED &8J ITTvTy TERMS TO SUIT ALL BUYERS BRESNAI1AN ANDWMTEDIM Two Chicago Boys Box Ten Rounds at South Omaha. BOUT FAST AND FUBI0TJS White Hat Better of Earlier Itonnda, Bat Rival Rallies and Event t'p Matters Two Short rre- liinlnarlet. dk When in Detroit TOP A Hotel Tuller Booms tad ta for 110 op. EUROPEAN PLAN No belter rooioa," cultlna at atrttet cts k bad at double our price ;l rrrcrc tnolet I Honey In WERGENCIES are 'our snevlaity. -liould you find yourself nhort on Caea and long on Otntrotlty at this joyful gift season, come to us fi r assistance. Business sti'letly lonfldetitUl, 90o Weekly Ptyt a $10 Loan Oo Weekly Fay a $20 I.oan BOo Weekly fays a 0 Loan Other amouiui in like proportion. "Ask us about our Frtt Inttrtst plan." TI1K J. A. 1IUTTOX CO.. 814-15 Paxton Blk Doaf. 1607. "Open evenlnKt until Chiistmas." Total iua tiM tw4 . Z.UI ...iuukwil &iiAv.e 4i ikA dSt &KUt 111 l..O ttlcltd CUU.Cd. AC t W.wV O, bv.i MSlU iliu ii.l.y UVI'. UbU XU l'Xt J.U1 lU.Cu a-HB. HB ludt B.utd AVlti U COllLVAi. U0.IVUUU iluUCL- auu win C J. uti.ciaco, una Li.u iimuo iiu luiiuvtina' vtuic. Tota.. Anderson iiD IM 2(A 'Mi lila C J. X'iUll:.acu uj Alt m mki l,lll i iiu vt.iuiii ui in. .ciii. is: . ucy Ijj i-ij nuUkllUII v ijj i-u C iut.ii uii-ii IUO iVia.UcKU UifcLuttatS iiUl llilbu lula. punckuiea ill Lie iiibj uia iwltva UU k.ia u4iloiu..kfeu l..c. Udlwlcuill k.a Mu uia: lot iiiu Aiuua, iiiuii.a 01 lot' total unu lui siua i.v, . 11.1- Ov,Ul.t-itUfbt;r e,ok ttll lui' tlto uitliUaib-, ymi.a uy a eiiitu i..u u. ii uu m ,ut sii.aiu aMiiiu. xuii.ani. iiiuuvaaiu ciuMi.a cUlU O Dllbll'l Aluilbtf Clll'lfebU Mill uun. ocure; isi. m. id. Total. Lehman u-i lv loo uj li,Ulltl lUi lltt OoUll itli .utllllUIll iW lau U. Lamp ilO ltl lot Total MM mj UMAilA ttlCVCXK CO. ooe 2.6UI 1st. in. Sd. Total. Hendrtclis im Lxi lui out) iiun lit XuH loa Buiomoa iiU luj 1. a uu, Uiiurealil 44 un Z.arp M 1U ilO uJ Totals SW i&fi m 2,701 'lug t!oiles gave the Excelsiors a sui piise party last night on the basement ai ieys by ihKiuk uirte straiaiu fci.inu. Uiuton had nia bcore of wi, whim 01.1 11am iiod lii Kame of 2J6. Toiuait tiie Uti by Women Mills will try to lake a a-aiiie or two from the West tildes, tjcure: 1st. 2d. 3d. Total. Ruche 14 146 lcj 419 (Jibson M 1W i0 bji (jillhain Uii Wi . 167 GINTHOHI'E STll.l. HALF OW.VEIt Former Keuraaknn Retains Interest In Denver Train. "1 am still a half owner of the Denver franchise," said J. F. (iumhorpe, who rptnt the aay in Omaha with Mrs. ijunthurpu on their nay to liinver, where they will remde hereafter. "Mr, Burke sold his half inter est to j. C. Maglll, as, of course, you know. " have sold Charley Jones, our. man- auer of last fteuKaii. to fit. PaiiI. fur uu vnil bniin- .I.ipL HnrtrlpkM Af K,rt lL.vnu I will manage tho team next year. We be lieve Lioian, tne Cincinnati snoitstop, will add great streiiKth to the team." Uolan is Sold to Denver. NEW VOliK, lec. 15 Cincinnati today soid Player Dolan to Denver, and pittiouitf purchased from the Milwaukee club the release of Hayer Jj'iynn. Tne lioston Na tional ieafrue club has released Flayer tfliaw. Horace FobcI, new manager of the I'hiladclpnla club, raid today the men who control the club are liuny f. Sauers, a millionaire brewer of; A. 8. L. Shields, a prominent corporation at torney of the some city, and Grant Lat terly of the Orpheum Stock company. Clocks FRKNZEU lilh and Dodrfa. FOOD FOR We "d nervoue mea uuu a"vtt who llnd tnelr pwer NFRVFS work ,nd vouthfui vlr ItLIVTCJ Bon , rtault i.f over, work or mental exertion tbould take GRAY'S NERVE FOOD PILLa. Thty wt! make you tat and tletp and be a mas Uaain II Box; t boxes $2 9 by mall. SIElktiR McCORKrz.1. BBUO CO, Our. lata tad Bodft Strttta. OWL XRUO nOMtlNT, Oot. lata aud Maraty Bia, Ouiaaa, Hea, Total O'Connor L'tt Chudwell 482 111 EXCELSIORS. 1st. 2d. lil 1W looi 18) l.7 163 Bo9 l,6iy Sd. Total. 1 fki 138 iM 11 4io tli 441 1.4(U Tijtal The fact that Chamberlain's Couch Rem edy Is pleasant to take has made It a favorite with mothers everywhere. Bee Want Ads art liublness Boosters. THREE YEAR'S SENTENCE FOR ARKANSAS MURDERER Jnilltr Mnkct Term I. Ik tit Owlnaj to rhytlcal Condition of Prisoner. LITTLE ROCK. Ark., Pec.. 16 Judge Lea today sentenced W. Y. Eilis, who pleaded guilty of killing- N. P. Willis of Indianapolis. Ind., to serve three years In (lie penitentiary. Ellis killed Willis July 27 last in the cir cuit court room' litre during the progress of a sensational trial, In which Willis was attempting to secure the possession of his little daughter from Mrs. Ellis, bit former wife. Judge Lea, In sentencing Ellis, stated that he believed him to be guilty and h!a opinion should receive the full puninhnynt for manslaughter, but on account of the physicians who had examined him. re porting that he was suffering from tuber culosis, he would not make the punishment heavier. Petitions are being circulated In the city and other polnta In Arkansas asking that Ellis bt) parduned. Tommy Bresnahan and Frankie White of Chicago fought ten rounds to a draw at Stanek's hall Wednesday. Lester Mur phy, the referee gave the decision after one of the hardest fought matches ever seen in South Omaha. White seemed to bo landing more blows throughout the con test, but Bresnahan s ability to receive them with untiring ease, however hard they came counted In his favor. In the mean time he landed several good blows In each round. He was not so good at in fighting, but had a stinging right when at the right distance. White had the better of the first three rounds without question, and for a few moments It looked like Uresnahan had met more than he could withstand. Ho grew Btronger In the fourth, however, and in the fifth had 4t on White by a fair mar gin. The sixth and seventh rounds were an even break; the eighth was also even, although White staggered once or twice and Bresnahan slipped to the floor. Neither was able to land a severe blow In the ninth round and in the tenth both men were rushing in for advantage. As the gong sounded Bresnahan had White on the ropts, but the advantage was not ap parent. Keep Referee Boi The fight was full of clinches, so much so' that the reftree had more work at times than either of the contestants. In the second round Brtsnahan's nose and llpa began to bleed and continued to bleed freely to the end. Ho showed no weakness at any time and amlled through the claret stream like It was the usual thing. White hurt his thumb in the seventh round. The crowd was large and orderly and seemed about evenly d.vlded in opinion as to the merits of the fight. All sid It was call for anotlier. Chief John Brings was present. The six-round bout Detween Terry of Kansas City and Murphy of Indian Hill was called In the fiftn round because of the hopoltssness of the fight 011 tho part of Terry. He received a blow In the fifth which cut his car seriously and his mouth and nose had suffered severe punishment. Murphy on the other hand came through almost unharmed. Fltrpatrlck and Storms fought four rounds to a draw which were brisk and fuil of amusing features to the crowd. Loth men will be clever ring men in the course of a few years' training. Mike Malone of Denver, a featherweight of some local reputation and good in the estimation of thosj who have seen him box, has received a challenge from 8a vanah, Ua., before the Southern Athletic association. Carl Marflsi, his manager, who was at the ringside, said Malono would probably accept and go south within a few weeks. Before that ho expects to meet Jimmy Kane of Sioux City. Watches-FKKNZER-lMh and Dodge. El'HKkA ATHLWTIC ILl'B EVENTS Entertainment Will lie Held at Oathoff'a Hall. Thursday evening, December 13, the Eureka Athletic ciub will hold an athletic eii'trlaininent at Oatholf's hull. '1 nis Is a club of colored oung mm, and they will take tho occasion to present two box ers from union llielr own number In the main event, who are suid to be clever and fast. Ted Williams and Young- Spady will go on tor ten rounds. Williams Is put down as champion In his claits of Kansas and Missouri, having won those titles before ruining to Omaha, and Spady is noted among local sports as hard to hest with the iiln. ...... Two preliminary bouts are scheduled, be tween a boy named -lariln. known us ihe "yellow kid," and another boy named Ward and between Jeusun and Uurdon. Eai'h preliminary will go six rounds. Be tween the .bouts the Chocolutt Drop quar tette will sing, and the wmu-up will be a tattle royal with eiht participant wearing haiu-stxe gloves. For the Omaha man who is going to NEW YORK and wishes to transact business in Chicago en route irou can leave Omaha in the evening and arrive in Chicago the next morning in time to spend practically a business day before the departure of the famous 20th Century ( Limited 18 Hours, Chicago to New York Leave CHICAGO - - - 2.30 p.m. Arrive NEW YORK - - 9.30 a.m. Arrive BOSTON - - - -11.50 a.m. If, however, you wish a direct connection, take Lake Shore No. 6 22 Hours, Chicago to New York Leave CHICAGO -Arrive NEW YORK 10.15 a.m. 9.15 a.m. NINE OTHER SPLENDID TRAINS TO NEW YORK Remember: Your Ticket Should Read Lake Shore -New York Central From Chicago The route is Water Level you can sleep. Trains arrive at Grand Central Station only railroad terminal in New York City on subway, surface and elevated lines. J. S. Willebrands General Agent Fas. Dept. OMAHA, WEB. Cltj Passenger Office 1324 Farnam Street. Telephone Doug 673 fnia-.-Tyi-rwi VIII Rl IHW WiWl.JH Tho Comfortable Way To IS VIA FA0F0 "The Safe Road To TraveV Electric Block Signals, Perfect Track Equipment and Service, Best That Money Can Buy 'new steel passenger cars Dining Car Meals and Service, "Best in the World" For literature and information relative to rates, routes, etc., call on or address, CITY TICKET OFFICE 1324 FARNAM ST., PHONES BELL DOUQ. 1828 IND. A323I I