Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 12, 1909, Christmas Edition, CHRISTMAS, Page 3, Image 3

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I V Vjf -ft lit:? I f...-V ' 'L.s
M 1
V !
Owner. 'Would like Lawi the Sunt
in Different States.
Aa Effort mill B Mad te Hae
basse Lleeaee remit Owift
Drift (ran Oar tate
Vniformity in eutomolil law i at let
berinmnc to attract th ttention tt
dreerre throughout tb oountrv. Score nf
sieU aa Delation and club nave for Htni
1 in recognised thi necessity and bave
been working for Ita aoeoTrH.llsr.ment In
mobile or motorcycle, under eor.grsied
treffi condition, and after an examina
tion alao a to hi ttiechanloal knowledge
Another thine that will be urged on the
legislature by the association will be. It )
aald. that any owner cf an automobile who
max b present 1" the vehicle when the
law la violated shall ha equally guilty v1h
tbe driver of tha name. A yearly tax on
automobiles and v motorcycle, aaid us to
be baaed on thai horse-power of tha ma
chine and at tha rata of tl per horse-power,
la another of tha purposed reform.
Along Auto Row
Vropatatiaa Are Baiar Xi far tha
AatomcbU tJow la rbrmary TnUm
ties TaVrrto Oaanot Xaet Bamaad
John P. I-.. maxifr of tt Piom-er ,
Auto company, aaid that the comitit; m-
1 the
rirat la Alway Be Ready for te numbei- of Cr of all mne to mfet Ihe j
Break. i demand
Ex-ery motorlut hou)d hava rad- at all
time the tlra repair VU furnished with c. L. Herrihg. president rf the AUiitic , I j
fke tlra or one eoua.Hv a riKxl. and in Auto oompny. Bald tht he will not h
the win be found errrr'hlr.i necery ' able to eetibllsh an crncjr hiere for hi !
a company, aaid that the comitit; a- Ki-dtr. i i . 2 r"-enrer
will be one of the reteet In the hie- ff - -m T-urlna rr. 4 cl.. i r"ni"
of automobile poopl-. He ha. v.aited ; j faArf T"vrl" C,r- r l- 1 J"-""'"
fartonr. and doe. not ee how j iVtUJ T-U J rtCrnfjVfJ Pfj,, 2209
urer can porfb- turn o-Jt a mfflclf-nt ! JflW - WW., t.ww
m I n i Tbcmit, Rudtcn, ntrtt, U"i
Firnara$!.lUlld"IICId Ubl1 U'1 204MS41 Ftmm Jtrwt.
J. M. rilKERTON,
S824 Brandel B.ildint.
. a ra A
Jn Detroit liiocirio
Goit Automobile Go.
to make repair miiio conilnu a Journey
In event cf tire trouble. Having lorated
their reaporttve ,tat. The leaiaiatir ho)t ,n th iubr ,na marVri .round It
boar4 of tha Aroerieaa Automobile aeeol
avion, which firot advocated thi policy
of uniformity Is Automobile law a a ub
jct deaerrlQS of the earn caref ul atten
tion Whicb for year ha boen given to
many other Jefa queationa widely
reOaTUA4 aa vrgently needlnc uniform
Irf Illation, la about to bring the mauer
more prominently before the coumry at
large by the flrat national le;ialttre con
venUon. which will be held In Washing
ton, D. C. February li It and 17.
The purpoae of thl convention were
learty explained by Charle Thadl4ut
Terry, chairman of tb legislative boai-d,
at the recent annual meeting of the Amer
ican Automobile aaaoolation l:i Kew T.r
City. A a further evidence of the in
creasing Intaeeat In the Importanoe ft
equitable automobile legutlatlon It 1 worthy
of not that Mr. Terry haa been Invito
by tha offioer of the national civic fed
eration to apeak before that body on thta
eubject at the national conference on unl
furra legirlatlon to be held In Washington
January IT. Id and IS. JuM one month oe
fore tbe convention under the auenicea ot
the national automobile body cf the l.'nlted
At thl February convention delegate
from all the cluba in the naitonal organi
Sklion have ln requested to attend, and
invitation have btivn extended t the gov
ernor of all the tatee in the union, in
viting them to be present In person or
by on or more officially Lccredited rep
Ice ntatlvec.
Aak. (rrarl Aid.
The puipoM- of tht conention 1 two
fold: Flret. to M-cure the passage in con
grm of the fedaral motor vehicle registra
tion bill, and eeoend. to bring before the
ofriclal dolegatto if the variou state the
necessity of enacting a uniform Ule motor
vehicle law.
Uniformity in laturoobiie legislation In
the United States must be attained la these
two directions. Tbe federal registration biil,
which has been ad von tad pei'sistenUy by
the legislative board of tbe AixtartrAa Auto
soblle aasooiaUos for more tha two years,
seeks to permit Interstate travel of motor
can by a almpla method of ooe recistratloa
through a pat tonal rwgistraxloa bureau, this
regulation to be operative la all state,
without the neessltr of awourmf a spe
cial M oense to tour In A do sen or more
vtatam, aa Is wow tbe prevaiXIcig yatean.
The national registratloo bill was intro
duced bito oongress last year, but sing
to the tariff agltt oa, it failed te obtain
a hearing before the Judiciary committee,
to which It was referred. The bill will be
reintroduced Into congress at an early date.
A hearing then will be asked for and it
1 the Intention to have the hearing set
for one of the days during wtft;h the con
ention win be la session, thus permitting
all of the delegate te bring their argu
ments to bear for the reporting of the bill
favorably te congress.
Rlft-hta Arc Igaared
-We believe.
cm. By distribution of territory
loss he will go to rf Mc,ne Inptrad.
with an Indelible pencil that there will be
do difficulty in finding It again, proceed
In tbe following manner: Tlret Take
piece of coeree emery cloth or sand paper
and rub the surface of tfc rubber for sev
oral Inches around the puncture. Then
clean thl urfac with benine. though If
hone 1 available. goiene may be used.
Roughen the urfae of the rubber patch
j in th nam manner, taking cr to se'.nct
one hlch wL'l cover the noie cy a wia
margin. And aleo clean off with bensine or
ansolene. fSecond Cover well alth rub
ber cement the space around the puncture
and the rough side of the rubber patch,
thl 1 to be done two or three times at
intervals of five to fifteen minuter, the
coaling being applied when the pj-eceding
one i perfectly try. Pre tbe patch
against the tube firmly and thoroughly to
remove all air beneath it and to Insure
proper adherence of'tb surfaces. Remove
all uncovered solution with bentine and
spread some sospetohe. talc powder or
French chalk, all cf which are synony
mous, over the covered surface, so at to
prevent the tube sticking to the cover.
Among the precautions to be observed are
that the surfaces be well roughened and
cleaned before application of the cement,
and that the solution be given ample time
to dry. If th cement Is not dry and tacky,
the patch win not adhere as It should, and
might loosen while the tire I being put
into the casing; the same result would
obtain If the rurfso was not properly
cleaned or roughened befor? pplicetion of
cement. Before th tube I put into th
casing, plenty of talc powder should be
sprinkled Into the latter. If the hole in the
casing la small, n will not be ner.nary
to repair tt until the oompletlon of the trip,
when it should be filled with rubber by
TUioanlsatlon before it 1 extensively veed,
for It neglected It will permit water to
enter the tire and rot th fabric If the
hole la of considerable sis the Inside of
the shoe abould be thoroughly cleaned
around It. And rubber solution applied,
after which one or more layer ef friction
fabric should be oemeated so as te cover
the hole, the amount of fabric nsed de
pending upon the else of tbe opening, if
thi precaution Is neglected, th tub will
blow out through the case. It is well to
cover suck a cut with some form of casing
protector, of which there are legion on
toe market.
America a Aasortatlaa Saaetleaa ladU
aaaaolia Meet.
NEW YORK, Lea ll.-Announceme.rt has
been mads by the conteat board of the
Amei-ican Automobile association that an
official sanction has been granted tbe In
dianapolis motordrome for the reoord trial
that will be held there on December
17 and 38. While there was no doubt in
th minds of the promoters that the stamp
of the American Automobile association'
said Mr. Terry In hi an. I PProvel would be placed on the roeetina.
tiual report before tbe American Autoroo- j th "'"ntlng of It through the regular
bile association, -that there 1 no adequate ' ch1 makes every detail oomplete for
s rimer to the expediency and the legality I "J0 mgnts or the big racers.
of the measure, except it prompt enact
ment Into law, and any and every con-
grexsman who seeks to evade the question j
or te attempt an argument in opposition
should be met fairly and squarely by bet
ter arguments, and that Is not difficult.
Tbe full rights of eutamobilltt have bean
too long Ignored. To a large extent. It may
tie said that hostile automobile legislation
ou the statute book I there largely be
cause we have emrsetves been las and In
d iff treat about It. We want, aud must have,
Uie same kind of work a ha been done
In New rrk. Pennsylvania and Michlgwn,
in every state In the union."
In referring to tbe work: eooompllshed
since IsOT for a uniform state motor ve
hicle law, Mr. Terry aaid that the progress
made thus far waa highly encouraging. Iu
twenty-eight etalea. which he cited at con
siderable detail, some of tbe norm Import
a.nt features of thi state law have already
been enacted. Those states Which now ex
empt non-residents from paying an addi
tional registration fee, provided such motor
user have complied with tha lew In their
bona states, are; New Tork. California.
Illinois, Indiana. Iowa, Mtohigan, Minne
sota, Missouri. Nebraska. New Hampshire,
Nona Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, South Da
kota. Utah, Washington and Wisconsin.
In Massachusetts, Vermont and Pennsyl
vania nonresident are exempt from regis
tration and license fee fur tea day; In
Rhode Island for twenty days.
The retistrelta fees, however, vary
greatly. In Nebraska and South Dakota
Hie fee Is U; In Minnesota, tl W; In Ten
nessee. Utah. Maine. Virginia. Wehingteri.
Wisconsin and Florida. K; in Oregon. Mico
igan and Maryland. IS; In Ohio. North Car
olina. Missouri and lorn a. $. in New Hamp
shire, fcO; an these beizg a flat registra
tion fe without r. sard to the horse-fKiwer
of the machine.
The new Michigan law, enaeted at the
- last seskion ef trie legislature, is copied
more nearly upon th of the American
Automobile asawciatioo uniform automobile
etate bill than that of any other state,
demonstrating, says Mr. Terr., the effec
tiveness of the persistent effort of some
of our prominent members in th stat of
MictJgan, to-wit: particularly P. n. Wal
don. Roy V. Chapin. William E. Uetxger
and ethers. Th statute prol.lbita local ord
inances except In the matter of speed.
Judging from reports that have eman
ated from the Hooier capital, the so-oailed
record-breaking meeting should develop
some of the beet racing "of the year. It is
a known fact that th ulterior motive of
tha speed earnlval is to show that th In
dianapolis motordrome's new track 1 a
ny la the country and to prove
to the motor world that better time is pos
sible at Indianapolis than was mad at the
opening of the Atlanta track last montb.
As a matter of fact the Hoosier mnge-
ment forecast that the car will surpas
tns time made at Atlanta by three seconds
te the mile. Jt is pointed out that the en
tire roadbed has been reconstructed. A
layer of brick has been placed on top of
a concrete bed. The brick will be covered
with A surfacing material. After this haa
been accomplished it Is planned to send a
number of heavy chassis around the cir
cuit. Thee cars will reel off hundreds of
miles, pounding down the roadbed and as
suring everything being In perfect trim for
j the best efforts of the racers on December
17 and 1.
Western drivers who have seen tlie re
constructed track 'state that unusually high
speed should be attained. While there
have been a few unfavorable comment
about the brick layers. It is believed that
the substance can stand the strain a well !
as sny other material. At any rate, it I
will be put to a most thorough test. . )
Very pretentious doings will attend -.he j
final preparing of the track. With auspi
cious ceremony and appointment the iat
btkk of th costly speedway, a go.d
plated. regular sised block, will be laid
some dy next week. The bikk will seal
a hat has oo.i more thao rron.Out to com
plete. The program for th meeting 1 being ar
ranged, and will include events fur rsrs of
class 1C1 to es) cubic lnche; class Z. 301
to tut cubie inches: olas t, SI to 300 cubic
iccha ; dsns 4. Kl to ;,m cubic Inches, and
class &. 1 cubic inches and under.
Each one of Ihene ikiwt will have trials
Harry H Van Brunt of Council Bluff
said that the Overland Is one of. th grest
est cars that h ever saw. In Us clssf.
Mr. Van Brunt recently spent several
months In Europe and rode in a U of them
over there.
Th Wallace Automobil company ha
received Its serenty-hors power Stearns,
which attract a grat deal of attention.
The Locomobile 1 being pushed vlgor by the J. J. Deiiaht company. Thi
ia one of the great cart of th country.
It is a car of ped. of power and endur
ance. J. T. Stewart aaid: "It la claimed that
the P.ambler, bee us of It offset crank
shaft, can be operated most' smoothly and
steadily when running even a slowly a
three mile an hour under load. In crowded
traffic or on a hill or sandy road.
"A pr1e was recently offered by H. T.
I. Wilson. Houston, Tex., to the car that
would mak a quarter of a mile In high
gear at the lowest rate of speed.
"By the rules of the contest th driver
were compelled te use the high gear
throughout th raoe.
"Th object of the rece wa to demon
strate which machine could best be oper
ated on a crowded throughfar on high
speed without danger of colliding with
other vehicle.
"Four car entered. Two were disquali
fied, being unable to travel this distance on
high gear at such a low rate of speed
without killing the engine.
The Rambler won the event consuming
four minutes and thirty-five second of
Colon 1 Delight said that the show in
February will be one of the largest held
In this part of the country.
"Mr. Powell bat Just returned from the
east and I have called a meeting for next
week to make preparation for It At this
meeting w will Allot space, asd determine
Just what part of the corn show space
we shall retain." He aaid that at this
meeting provision would be made for all
dealers possible. There are many more
than last year and It is likely that space
win be much smaller.
H. E. Wilcox, president Standard Auto
mobile eompaiy, haa returned from the
factories of th Standard Six and National
Care, and announces thet be will have all
of the urgent orders. He thinks that the
coming season will be one of the largest
automobile people have ever known.
W. L. Huffman i riding around In a
Hupmobile, provided with Landonlet body.
It is attracting a treat deal of attention
and Is destined to be popular.
L. E. Doty, manager of the Maxwell
Briscoe Omaha company. Is spending sev
eral days with hi father's family in David
Manager Gould of the Ford Motor com
pany, haa received a handsome bunch of
Ford cars. Mr. Gould is preparing to get
Into the game in earnest and proposes to
make the Ford one of the popular care in
thl part of the country.
The car that solvo ti e flellv-ry problem. Call
l- for demnrnlrarinw
101 Booth Tenth Ctreet. Douglas 1784.
XtOt Ferntm St
24th-Ki.rFtrMm.ifMU Bo. 7211- 2318 Harney 6tret. -A-2I11
Headquarters 4CjIIndir Ciri
Irtter-Sttte, 11,
$650; Ropmftblii,
V. L. Huffman & Co. SiEfflason
,a, .tea. $650; Kupm&lti $7.50. uwmw-w m
Pioneer Implement Co
Council EUufft. Iowa.
Atlantic anJ! Cuffs, Iswi
Mood's Electric
2824 Firma SL
Stevens-Oiirea, Cadiifac, Stanley Steaaer.
tot Paraass Street.
H.E.Fredrickson Automobile Co.
Thomas, Hudson,
Pierce, Rapid,
origiit Automobile Go.
rYararly, Lnlitgton,
1814-16 Farnam.
2026 Far cam SL
Henry H. Van Brunt
Overland, Pope
Csuncil Bluffs. Iowa.
:aker electric
Elcctrlo Garage
2211 Fintsi Sired
10 RD,
ati Aimn AiiTminDii c on
Atlantic and Council Bluffs, Iowa.
The easiest riding car in the world.
C. P. LOUK, 1808 Feumxn Street,
State Agent
M03a $1500
PARRY ....$1285
1811 Ftraza it
Standard Automobile Co.
Garage and Repairs
Standard Six A Nitlsul
$1750 Fully Equipped 4 CyL. 40 H. P.
. L HUFFMAN & CO.. 202. Farnam SL
Nebraska Buick Auto Company
and the records In the separate classes a ill
be kept. The list ef event w ill lnclud? the
quarter mile, the half mile, the kilometre,
the one mile, the five-mile, the ten-tuile,
tbe twenty-tulle. Uie ftfty-raile and the 100
nuie. also trials fur one hour's running.
Mcinitj t.f tht "Windy City.'
Iiiaktt.r4. far t a lea a.
I Tbe Chicago MwUr club la spending the
WAITS AUTOMOBILE COMMISSION ! ,um of c m 10 tte "ctJo" of 'n't
vwuu'ua boards on SM of ruads in the
-alea Law te Make Owser stajaally
t.elltr valla Driver.
If the National High ay Protective eseo
ciatloo has Us way New Tork' aulunb!le
leer U1 undergo considerable change iM
inter. The secretary of the association
aay that a higtaay oommlaslua apjluted
by the governor of the state is the aolutiea
of aom of th present aMfflcuitlea. Tli
ooamiaeion should liave sole poaer ta .aiu.
lu.-nsa to drivers of automobiles and raa
torrydea. euch lionises te be Issued cnty
after the apnllcast haa raseaj aa
ratio as te-hts ability te Ariva aa aute-
II tm Patvrltatlaaa.
" Vlaudie." siud Algy. "1 tuid Ibttas vt
our er.gageBTieci th ouier dsy."
"What did he sayT"
"Weil. )mi Just ought to Lave tita.-'l
"Dtd he congratulate youf
Tnd he aongretoiete dm? Well. I should
W hat did he eey?"
"O. vugha t te ask me that."
"Tea, but 1 a act te kjtow."
W . he ar aaid, yt.n lucky ogr"
Chloaa Tribuna.
Joe alataon. real estate agent.
This is the vay the famous pilot of
the Chalmers-Detroit Bluebirds, now sign
hin name.
The popular Joe is now the owner of
real property. He picked it out for him-
st If he likes It and he say be 1 going to
harg on to it.
Joe hew weeUth conriet of lot 4M and
. in block IL on a certain map entitled
"Msp of Property of the Queens Land
Title Company, Uassapequa, Iong Is
land. Section 'I. surveyed 1W6, and duly
flied In the office of the clerk of Nassau
county in the year lWT. and which aaid
lots on being taken together; according
to aaid map. are bounded and described
as follows:" Then folios a minute de
scription of Mr. Watson' own property,
which goea on to show that they are
real. fjr-eure. lots in a real, for-sure and
promising townfclte.
Watson, driving a Chsln-vers-fetroit "30."
won the liassapequa trophy in the Vander
bilt race this year. Incidentally ceiling a
new world' record for speed for light
After the race the Queens Land and
Title company, which is selling out tbe
townsite of Maasapequa, L- 1., informed
Matson that they would present him with
two lots in recognition ef hi victory in
th MaKapciua trophy raoe. After Mataon
nd Billy Knipper got through with their
clean-up down at Atlanta, Mataon went to
New Tork and wa taken out to Maasa
pequa, looked H til over and picked out
th twe lots that looked best to bim. The
company gave him a deed duly signed by
Allen T. Height, the president, and the
ether officers.
"1 haven't jet ducided what I am going
to do alth thtse two lots." said Mataon.
"Mr. Height told me that each lot was
worth H.OM,' so I am feeling rather riOj
all at once. It ftele pretty good to be the
owner of a piece of dirt and feel that It
belongs to you and nobody else. What J
want to do ia to go there and build a
fence around these lota, and then go over
in th middle of It, and sey to everybody
who comes along, 'you can't get In here,
becauke this tmloags to Joe Mataon and
luitsdy else.' Maybe when I have won a
few mure recea. I will build a suburban
home en one of these lots and rettre. I
uao sell the ether one. or I can build a
aetrne aa it ere rent it. Anyway, it feels
pretty good to be a land proprietor ."
When Guy U Smith, the local Frackne
agent, drew No. 12. utider ablch te oomprte
fur tha World-Herald trophy In the Re
liability run of the Omaha Automobile
club, his friends urged bim to protean
against tbe ua of tbe number If he would
avoid all kinds of disasters, but Smith
a a Abd urate, -'-'-"'m LLat thirteen, twen-
lraKa. Lit ICFT, Enage
I t sTOLES, tail Isstfe-
Buiek and Clda
moblla Cars.
Lana Baatk, 1 1.
ty-three or anr other number could not
keep the Franklin from winning. And sure
enough the Franklin won against a large
field, carrying away not only tbe grand
prise, but the club trophy aa welt
There were three reliability contest
held In Nebraska thi er and the Frank
lin won each of them, beside winning the
Kansas City Star cup. competed for dur
ing a four 4s y run from Kansas City to
Omaha and return.
During the seavon thirteen seems to
have been associated with th Franklin
as a lucky, Instead of an unlucky, number
and many uuntesta have been won by a
Franklin entered at No. 1J. The three first
places were won on the thirteenth day of
the month in tbe W or chaster, Maas.. en
durance run, out of which the Franklin
was the only car to come to snpenallaed. I
The Oklahoma endurance run. in which
first place in Class A was awarded a
Franklin, after it had travelled over 22S
miles of road thick with mud, and the
lenyer-Pueblo reliability run, in which
the Franklin had lea than one point pen
alisation and attained first place in its
rlaaa, in a run of lit miles, were each
tarted on Friday.
Among the events during the season in
which tbe Franklin carried the contest
No. U. were the Bretten Woods reliability
run and. the Ghdden tour, in both of which
a perfect score was made and the Harris
burg reliability and endurance contest and
the Philadelphia-Pittsburg contest, which
acre each won by a Franklin.
The first year' output of th Franklin
Motor car was thirteen.
2 Cylinder 14 M. f. pmCp I CV1C .am'
n. f. iiiukii kkiiiw
4 e-lia4r 91
. . 1 1 4A
In iti class without a, peer.
C. F. LOUK, State Agent,
1808 Farnain St,
1102-4 Farnam St.
WCflflE Steamer
- V?8ofs Electric
3624 FtrciB SI
VEUE AUTOMOBILE CO., 1202 Fttrean St.
Jchn Deere Flew Co.. Ciitrlbstsrs.
Asti LarsL
Kemper, Hemphill & Buckingham
. H TstrpltaaeOea". 74
IT Jj P ! ji f Temporary Location
rOrtl LiOtOr b0.s 1S18 Famam SI., Ocna,
1333-1334 Ulehiraa Are.,
Chicago, ill.
We have just purchased another eruirmous
consignment of two hundred aulorootoiles,
Including small and large runabout, road
sters, touring cars, snd some light de
livery wagons. Ail machines in good work
ing order. Write and tell us what you want.
Get our Bulletin and list sent free on re
ouest. BRANCH HOVSES-New Tork City.
Kansas City, tt. Louis and PhKadelpnia.
No cur a.t double the price cqliy do
more work or better work than the
Actsncbili, u ted Traetisc
Any one ef tbea mm nay
b oeaapiewd la ttiree niiuiiii.
Tbe mt eonpi.te si4 srsril-
cal oonre off srso by snr suhouj is counur. FlII
urply of automebiie. aa eaclnea for frantic, eiru
oeiila tau.lit set oaiy is baadj. autnnioblire and
eaa-iDfia. bui te saake all rniairs. cu4 tor ..i.Ittw.
f'f.fag corapl.t. Uifurma&iim. Tra oaa enter aor
t'na. Tour tmsner a nre'r eecka, or Uire. uesUM
e-ow tb aa? you eturr. Addre
Hlghlaaa Park C'allegw ta Mataee, la.
expents is reduced to a mlninmutn
and with It every running expense
is lessened to the same extent a road
bhocks are reduced. A few American
makers have Always advocated this type of
car. but the buying public sppears not to
have bean fully alive to the advantage
gained or mtre of the manufacturer
would have found it to their advantage to
have fallen Into line alth light bigb-grade
machines. Still, the utiqueetloned success
of these practical and economical type are
bringing to their makers a ejuantity of busi
ness which In time aill affect the entire
One of the tendencies toward change In
automobile construction that a as most for
cibly in evidence at the London Olympic
how. just closed, a as the many high
class light car a hie h m ere brought out ty
many of the aell established builders. In
t . , ... .11 nM V.m r' " riA mm T. r . , 1 A
. .... . ... ... ,. . 1 pushli.g it aJao. ' Jt 1 a clean, graceful
tor 110 were built aith small motor and r "
I ml v . r. A l ! 1 1 1 . tTiiila.
the weight- These. ai-ith few exceptions,
are but cheap cars, but light ones built of
tbe best materials obtainable.
Wrth the prke of crude rubber constantly
advancing, with no relief In eight; a
kaoaledge that eatets to all titaeeea of
buyers that large motors are decided fac
tors in shortening the life of th entire car,
manufacturer have beea forced to bring
out Iiew models, high In quality, yet
eoonomicai ia op keep and long of rife
It has been ak.i talned that by aa Intel
ligent reduction of both weight and hurse
poner the maintetianee eoat may be re
duced fully H per cot without ria II y
affecting tla efrkk-ncy of the car. By the
aae of large tires on these litrht car, tire
Drummoitd ia placing the Whit iv. earner i
In Uie forefront as a great ear In Nebraska 1
and loss. It 1 more popular bow than
ever. The White people have put a gaso
line car on tbe market and Drunuaond l
Otto Nestman thinks thst the Parry,
brought out by the Pweet-Edwarda Auto
mobile company. Is one of the moat grace
ful little cars that he ever saw. It ia at
tracting a great deal of Attention.
H. E. Fredrirkson will establish a branch
agency la Lincoln and handle the Thomaa
and Pierce Arrow.
4 e4-be!er"s ate flee I teas.
Inuume turns Into outgo even before it
Conscience doth mak eewarda of us ail
for fner we'll get found eat.
Girls know better men to love A taan
for any other rwes un than yuat ta be la Urea.
Bum men team te be afraid If they dos t
V. "7 1 j. .j'..'. - 'TT.
Don't be satifefied to accept this statement without
proof come in and let us show you. You -will marvel ajt its
peed and power and room its 6ilent running and easy con
trol. You will find this car doing its work better than the
larger orjes, and wonder that it can be 6old for such a low
Bring a mechanic with you and subject the car to any
test you will.
2044-46-48 Farn&in Street.
Al&o agents for the Thomas Flyer, Pierce-Arrow and
Chalmers-Detroit. Fritchle Electric
make a fua about their meal tbetr wire
might leva them.
ftie trouble with college I it' eurh a
long time before the boy gel out and has
a chance to learn something. New Turk
Tbe Anther Bag.
Wlllujn 1 7 years old. and has already
deraioped what his fond father on Us "the
author bug." Ills governess read several
dg etoriea ta him lately, which tmpreasad
him aa deeply thst he trted aus baby hand
at what be railed "the story of a ttt Ber
nard AcNt" la which tbe UtUe fallow ra
leiaa. among ethers, thl atartllng incident
ia large aad wail formed letter: "On oay
he went out to walk 1tb his niistreea, A
alnd came up so stror.g that It could lift a
sagun. The wind taoe. up bis mistreae and
she waa vary much beared. AH the people
raw., out of their houses. And when they
sea- bis antstreee they ware scared, too. for
she fail Into a snowbank and begin to atnk.
The dog jumped In te sea if be oould net a
her. but he could not. The woman kept an
alr.king and sinking all tbe time, and tbe
dog wa vary saA. o were all the other
paople. Whan toe nnrlrg ram. and the
enow was gotta ana was found, but she was
dead." New Tork Trtuune.
If Ton bare eurtbrng ta eel! ar trade,
advertise In 'he Want Ad column af The