OMAIIA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER 12, 1009. A TTTE TOPICS OF TllE DAY OF REST "Feast of the Lights" to Be Held Sun day at Temple Israel. CALLED HAHUKKA CELEBRATION Benjamin Fay MI1U to Contlnos Lee tnm at I.yrle Theater John liar Rnhns, Teacher from Orient, at Y. M. C. A. The Ilnnukka entertainment, or the Feast t,t the Ushts. will be held beginning at t o'clock, KuniUy, at Temple Israel, by the children of the religious school. The pro gram for the afternoon is as follows: Festival March-By V. C. Bennett. Hannukka fcervlce-By girls and boys of the confirmation class and of the school. Lighting the Eight Llghts-By eight little boys and girls. Invocation Miss Jennie Splgle. , Hanukka The festival hymn. Festival Poem Rosalia Kohn. Kecitotlon 'Young Yankee Poodle, Benedict Klein. The Iaisv Chain Liiclle Ooldstrom, Minnie Wolff, Ilena Snyder, Stella Wolsaon. Coren Ettllngir. Jeanette Goldsmith, Eefr Newman. Klleen Brodkey, Dorette Adler and (Vila Ulchards. Uecltatlon, "Tho Practice . Hour, Gelia Fox. , ,, Piano duet, June Abraham and Hanna Kopald. Recitation. "Captain of the Nine, Her bert Mayer. VT Hecltation. "Teddy Smith," Norman Na thanson. Recitation, "Our Country," Edith Alper son Lottie Horn, Blanche Monhelt and Hanne Graetz. Violin solo. "Tho Falms," Arthur Levy. "Jack Horner Boys," Moiei. Kahn, Irv ing Klein, William Degan, Harold Klein, Herbert Strauss. Harry Harris, Bert Sny der and Rubin Mandelson. Recitation, "The Prescription, ' Ralph Cohn. Violin solo, Blanche Monhelt. Playette. "Manic Charm," Elltabeth Hart, Louise Kehonberger, Isabel Radman, Madcln Cohn, Michael Goldsmith, Cclia Fox. Xylanphone solo, "Stars and Stripes, Hugo Hoyn, accompanied by orchestra. Violin solo, "After the Bail," Marie Ad ler. March, the Heyn orchestra. Omaha Now Thought society, Lyric thea tor. Nineteenth and Farnam-Sunday aerv icea, 11:30 a. m., address, "What Is the New Thought?" Benjamin. Fay Mills. Spe cial vocal music by the Happy Hollow quartet. v Tha United choirs of the North Bide Christian and Plymouth Congregational churches will render the following music at the evening service: Opening sentence, "The Lord Is In His Holy Temple" Invocation Response Gloria Fntrl Anthem Oh, Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem Walter Cady and Chorus. Monday evening, under the auspices of the Men's club, at the First Presbyterian church, Dr. Millener, the noted experi mental electrician of the Union Pacific Railroad company, will deliver a lecture on "The Power of the Past, Present and Future." Music at the First Christian church, Twenty-sixth and Harney, Sunday: MORNING. Anthem Christian, the Morn. ...... .Shelley Solos By Misses Irene Van Noy, Ina Fitzgerald, Messrs. F. L. Rowify and W. B. Graham. EVENING. Anthem The Radiant Morn.. Wocdard Trio Praise Ye the Father Verdi Mrs. F. E. Thomas, R. 8. Cutler and W. B. Graham. ' LoulKe Shadduck-Zabrlskle, organist; W. B. Graham, choir director. . Bishop Scannell will preach at the 11 o'clock mass at St. Cecilia's cathedral to morrow morning. -. Y. M. C. A. Notes. John Hay Kuhns, who has been a number of years in the Orient teaching In the schools of Japan and China, and who has also spent some time In the Young Men's Chris tian association at Shanghai, China, will address the men's meeting at the Y'oung Men's Christian association Sunday after noon at 4 o'clock. Mr. Kuhns had an In teresting and varied experience in the Orient and was in a favorable position to view the work, which the association was .,..... AS ttin lnnanMA Anil f ' h ! n u UUlllft l"l fcn, ...v i - - young men. His address will relate par ticularly to what W. W. Lockwood. the general secretary, Is doing In Shanghai, the New York City of the east. J. Dean Ringer f South Omaha will address a meeting for boys at 3 o'clock In the rooms of the boys' department and Gilbert McClurg will give an illustrated travel talk Tuesday evening, December 14. In the assembly room. The subject of . Mr. McClurg'a address is: " "O. Brave, New World' of Texas, Conqueror or the Desert and Master of the Sea," which will be lllus-ated with 300 superb colored stereop tlcon views. Admission will be 16 cents to members, 26 eents to nonmembers. Superintendent W. M. Davidson of the public schools will address the Life Problem Groups .of the high school boys at the association building next Friday evening while they are gathered for cupper. A popcorn social was given for the new members Friday evening. Mr. Wallace of Wallace's Farmer, who is director of the Young Men'a Christian as sociation at Des Moines, and J. D. Hoffer, physical director of tha above association visited the Omaha association Thursday on a tour of inspection, gathering infor mation preparatory to the new building at Des Moines. An interesting exhibit of Chinese curios and views of tho Shanghai Young Mens Christian association has been placed In tha lobby. Dean Ringer, coach of the South Omaha foot ball team, will speak to the Young Men's Christian asoclation juniors Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Y. W. C. A. Notes. Clasa tickets. are now being Issued for places In domestic science for the term beginning January 3. The demand is very great and the only safe way to secure a place ia to ect a class ticket early next week. Miss Lillian Fitch becomes a member of the association faculty January 1 and will teach oratory and expression. - Members of the association may secure a ticket for the entertainment course for 1910 by applying to Miss Lillian Loftus, membership secretary. This lecture course Is free to membrs. The first entertain ment will bo given January 17 by Mifses Luella Allen and Lillian Fitch. All women are invited to attend the veeper service Sunday at 4:30 o'clock, when Miss Theodore P. Wilson, religious work director, will deliver tho th'rd of the Christmas gtrU-s on the "Ancestors of Chrlrt." The fubjoct for Sunday Is "Huih." Solos by Mrs. Florence Loftus and Miss De Graff. Social hour at 6:30 o'clock in tha club and toard rooms. Next wek will be tha last of regular class work In the association until the v.eek. beginning January 3, except In torn classes where special arrangements may have been made with the teacher to make ud soma lesson omitted. Every year the educational committee of the Young Women a Christian association plana an entertaining course of five or alx evenings with tha. best talent It can procure. The course ticket Is given free to every member. The course for the year Absolutely Fireproof E.70ADWAY, CORNER OF 29th STREET Most convenient hotel to a!l Subvaya and Depots. Rooms $1.50 per day and upwards vith use cf baths. Rooms $2.50 per day and upwards, with private bath. Best Restaurant in New York City with Club Breakfast and tho world famoa-i "CAFSELYGEE" EW 1910 begins January 17 and tickets m7 be had by members upon application to the membership secretary. Miss Lillian M. Loftu. The outline for the year 1910 la as follows: January 17, violin and dramatic readings, MIshos Luella Allen and Lillian Fitch. February 21, lecture, "Jean Valjean," Rev. R. Scott Hyde. March !1, evening with Sir Walter Soott'a "Ivanhoe, Miss Alice Howell of tha Ne braska State university. . April IS, to be announced later. May Id, stereoptlcon lecture on London, Dr. W. O. Honry. June 20, lecture by Thomas J. Kelly. The work Is offered as a part of the edu cational work of the educational depart ment of the association and the entertain ments are always given on Monday even ings as scheduled. Miscellaneous Announcements. People's, Charles W. Savldge, Pastor Morning, "Have We a Living God?" even ing, "Bible Repentance." Prof. Mertes haa charge of the music. ' Calvary Baptist Branch, Thirty-fourth nnd Seward streets, Sunday S:J0 p.. m. Bible school. First Reformed, Central Boulevard and South Twenty-third, F, 8. Zaugg, Pastor school at 9:30. Preaching services at 11 and 8. Christian Endeavor at 7. Unity Church, Seventeenth and Cass, Rev. Newton Mann, Minister Lecture at 10. SO, "Benevolent personal lLffort for Social Uplift." Sunday school at noon. Church of the Covenant, Twenty-seventh and Pratt, Rev. R. T. Bell, I. D., Pastor Services at 10:30 and 7:30. Sabbath school at noon. Endeavor society at 6:30 p. m. Second Church of Christ, Scientist, Nine teenth and Farnam, Lyrlo Theater Sunday school, 9:45 a. m.; service, 11 a. m. ; subject lesson sermon, "God, the Preserver of Man." Hirst Memorial Methodist Episcopal, Thirty-fourth and Larlmore, William J. Brlent, Pastor Morning, "The Standard, Chrlstllkeness;" evening, "Pilate's Ques tion." First Presbyterian, Dodge and Seven teenth, Kev. Edwin Hart Jenka, ' D. i)., Pastor Morning service, 10:30; evening, 7:30; Sunday scnool, noon; Chilstian Endeavor, 6:15 p. m. First Church of Christ. Scientist, Twenty fifth and Farnam. Chambers' Hulldina aui aay school at 9:45. Sunday services at U and 8. subject of leisoa-sermon, "Uoa, the Preserver of Man." . First United Evangelical. 2422 Franklin. Rev. y. A. .Deck, atior Worship at iv.ju. Sunday school at noon. Hoilnesn meeting at i. Revival meeting at 7:30. Miss Daniet- son, singing evangelist, will sing. First Christian Church, Twenty-sixth und Harney, J. M. Kersey, Pastor Serv ices at 10.30 a. m. and 1:30 p. m. Bible school at 12 noon. Young people's meet ing at 6:30 p. m. You are cordially in vited. Trinity Methodist Episcopal, Corner of Blnney and Twenty-tirst Streets, Q. W. Abbott, Pastor At 10:30 a. in. preaching by Dr. William Gorst. In the evening the pastor will preach, subject "The Appeal of the Church." Grace Baptist, Tenth and Arbor, B. F. Fellman, Pastor Sermon by tne pastor at 10:4i, ouuuuy scnool ai noon, xoung peo- pie's meeting at 7. Evening service at 7:46. Wlfsion Sunday school, Fourth and Cedar, meets- at S:i0. Church of St. Phllln th Dencnn Twentv- flist Near Paul, Rev. John Albert Williams, t-neei noiy communion at 7:30. Matins and Li i any at 10:30. Eucharist and sermon at 11. Sunday school and catechism at 13:30. Evensong and sermon at 8. St. Mark's English Lutheran, Twentieth and Burdette, U Gron, Pastor "Every Teacher of Religion Must Be a Faithful Steward" at 10:4. "A Joyful Outlook or Hope" at 7:30. Sunday school at noon. Young people's meeting at 6:46. Westminster Presbyterian, Twenty-ninth and Mason, Rev. Charles E. Brandt of Chicago, field secietary of the board of foreign mission for the northwest, will preach at 10:30 and 7:30; Sabbath school at noon. Izard Stree Sabbath school at 3:30. Plymouth Congregational, Twentieth and Spencer, John 1. Clyde, Minister Morning worship, 10:3o; theme, "A Lesson of Cnrlst's Coming;" Sunday school, noon; Christian Endeavor, t:30; evening worship, in charge of North Side Christian church, 7:30. Spe cial music. St. Mary's Avenue Congregational, St. Mary's and Twcniy-sevemn, Rev. Lucius O. Baird, Pastor Morning worship at lo:30; sermon subject, .'"i'ne Stimulating Christ." Sunday school at noon. Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor at . Pleach ing at the city mission at 8. Hanscom . Park Mothodist Episcopal, Twenty-ninth and Woolworth, Rev. R, Scott Hyde, D. D., Pastor Preaching at 10:30, "Tha God of the Cornfield." Even ing preaching service at 7:30. sermon by Rev, John Dale. Sunday school at 13. Bart Wilcox, superintendent. First Congregational, Nineteenth and Davenport, Frederick T. Rouse, Pastor Morning worship at 10:30: subject, "Tho Wall of Partition and the Christmas Spirit." Evening worship at 7:46; subject,- "For He Careth for You." Young People'a Society of Christian Endeavor at 6:30. McCabe Methodist Episcopal, Farnam and Fortieth, Rev. John Grant Shlck, Pastor Sunday school at 10. Kpworth league at 6:30. Tho pastor's themes will be: Morning, "The Pathos of the Empty Seat;" evening, "The Burnt Offerings of Christianity." All will be welcome to the services. Grace Lutheran, 1322-1326 South Twenty sixth. Rev. M. L. Mellck, Pastor Holy communion services at 10:16. Church serv ices at 7:30. Subject of sermon, "What It Is to Believe in Jesus." Sunday school at 12:15. Luther league at 6:30; topic, "Waa Christ's Last Command Meant for Me?" St. Paul's German Lutheran, Twenty tlghth and Parker, E. T. Otto, Pastor Service at 10; theme, "A Stone of Stumb ling and a Rock of Offense;" evening, advent servico coming Sunday in German, 7:45; Young People's meeting, first and third Thursdays of the month, 8 p. m. Central United Presbyterian, Twenty fourth and Dodge. R. H. A. McBride. D. D.. Minister Morning worship at 10:30; sermon subject, "Doing the Father's Will on Earth." Evening worship at 7:30; sermon subject, "A Lesson on Prayer." . Sabbath school at noon. Young people'a meeting ana leacnei st meeting at 8:30. Immanuel Baptist, Twenty-fourth and PInkney, P. H. McDowell, Pastor At 10:30 a. rn., "Living Links in an Endless Chain;" a; 7:b0 p. m.. "Why I Got Back to Jaoan." Mlsa Graca A. Hughes, missionary from Japan. Sunday school at noon. Baptist loung people s union at 6:70. Mid-week meeting Wednesday evening at 8. North Presbyterian. Nineteenth and Ohio. M. V. Hlgbee, D. D., Pastor Morning wor ship at 10:30; theme, "Thanks for the King dom." Sabbath school at noon. Sabbath school at 1S06 North Twenty-fourth at noon. Young Peonies Society of Christian Rn. doavor at 6:30. Evening service at 7:30. Prayer meeting at 8 Wednesday evening. Clifton Hill . Presbyterian. Fortv-fifth and Grant, Thomas B. Greenlee, Minister public worship at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Sunday school at noon. Junior En deavor at 3:30. Senior Endeavor at 6:30. Mid-week service Wednesday at 8 p. m. The adult Bible- clas.i meets at the home of Mr. Roberts, 4247 Ersklne street, Tues day at 8 p. m. Third Presbyterian, Twentieth and Leav enworth, Rev. 'William E. Todd, Pastor Sunday school, 9:30 a. m. ; aermon, 10:46 a. m. ; Senior Christian Endeavor. :: d. m. : evening sermon at 7:30, pastor'a topic, "Dis carded sins, or Saving to the Uttermost;" at night, "World's Voices All the World of Man Must Hear." Adult Bible class at noon. All are welcome. . . . First Baptist, Twenty-ninth' Avenue and Harney, Rev. J. W. Conley, D. D., Pastor Services at 10:30 and 7:30; morning ser mon, "Finding God;" evening, "The Fourth Commandment, Remember What Sunday Is For;" Sunday school, noon; Young Peo ples meeting, 6:30; atereoptloon. Bethany branch, SS63 Leavenworth. Sunday school at 3; gospel meetings conducted by the pastor during the week, each evening at 7:46. North Side Christian Church, H. J. Kirschsteln, Minister This congregation holds union services with the Plymouth Congregational at Twentieth and Spencer streets. At 10:30 a. m. Rev. J. P. Clyde will preach. At 7:80 p. tn. Rev. H J. Klrschsteln's subject will be "The Privi lege of Prayer." Bible school at noon. Christian Endeavor at 6:80 p. m. A cor dial invitation la extended to all these services. RESL1N YORK AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAIIA Good Government League to Pick Out City Candidates. WILL ABAHDOS PASTY LUTES Joventle Officers Take Three Oldest Children of Mr. and Mrs. Pete Dml la Charge Bun day Services. The Good Government league of South Omaha met last night at Masinlo hall and discussed In committee tho preliminary af fairs of the spring campaign for the mu nicipal election In South Omaha. Tha league proposes to do some active work in both parties to get good and responsi ble men to become candidates for tha city offices. Tha organisation haa declared Its purpose to fight every man whose record has been bad who ahall beoome a candi date for office. Promlsea of financial aid have been made by numerous citizens to assist the league In carrying out Its plan for tha betterment of local politics. Party lines are not to be considered by the league In its efforts, but it la proposed to assist all worthy candidates in the primaries. The officers of the club were to have been chosen last night, but U waa thought better to wait a less rigorous season and secure a better attendance. The election will ba arranged at a later date. Duval Children Detained. Tha juvenile authorities, who nave al ready taken the three oldest children of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Duval, now are said to have determined on taking tha other three, which are younger. The older children range from 12 to 16 years of age. The other 'children are very small. Mr. and Mrs. Duval were arrested Friday on the charge of conducting a disorderly houe. l-i ve of the inmates were tried In pullet court Friday morning and three were found guilty, including the cierk or roustabout of the place. Several times In the last few weeks tne place has been raided and in mates taken. The police had given suf ficient warning to the family to cease ques tionable piactices. The Juvenile autnorl- ties will have charge of the disposition ot the remaining children. William Stephenson Arrested. William Siephenton, a colored man, was arrested last night by Officer Jake Small. He iiad a lot of dishes in a sack and the otttcer suspected that they did not belong to the colored man. Some of the dishes were examined at the police station and found to be pieces of hand-painted china. No such loss has yet been reported to the police, but the officers will hold Stephen son until satisfied that his right to the property is beyond all Question. Services at the Churches, A congregational meeting is called at the First Presbyterian church at the Sunday morning service. In the evening prof. Nathan Bernstein will address the Presby terian Brotherhood on the topic, "The Rest less Jew." Rev. R. W. Livers will preach from the topic, "The Path of Peace," Sunday morn ing. The Luther league will meet In the evening. The noly communion will be celebrated at St. Martin's Episcopal church at 8 a. m. Sunday. The Sunday school meeta at 10 a. m. The morning prayer will be read and a sermon will be delivered by Rev. Alfred G. White. His topic will be. "A Voice in the Wilderness, and a Practical Metsage for Today." Sunday, December 19, a special musical service will be conducted at 4 p. m. to introduce the new pipe organ to South Omaha. 'A Spiritual Church" la Rev. George Van Winkle's Sunday morning theme at the Baptist church. "Divine Healing" is the evening toplo. - Dr. Gorst will preach at Lefler Memorial church Sunday evening and a communion t-rvlce will be conducted. The first quar terly conference will be held Monday. Ail friends of the church are urged to attend these services. W. L. Cullen, a lay reader of St. Clem ent's church, will conduct the morning prayer service. The subject of his address wll be, "Christ's Messengers, An even ing prayer' service and choir practice will be held Wednesday evening. Services will be conducted at St. Edward's mission at 4 p, m. by Mr. Cullen. The holy communion will be observed at 8 a. m. The Sunday school at St. Clement's mis sion will be held at 10 a. m. hereafter. The Junior, auxiliary of St. Clement's church held a pleasant meeting last Satur day at the residence of Mrs. Hill. Sunday will be the third In Advent. Wednesday, Thursday and ' Friday are the "Ember" days. Rev. J. B. Jackson will preach morning and evening , at the United Presbyterian church. ''.' Y. M. C. A. Notes. Frank Shlgemato, the popular Japanese boy who Is to run the "Spa" at the Young Men'a Christian association, Is ready to serve good home-made soup and coffee In the lobby. Frank has the place well sup plied with dishes and utensils. The spa method Is "quick service, which Indicates that the place will be popular with busi ness men who want a small lunch, and the high school boy, whose sole desire Is pie. The lunch will be open from 11 a. m. to 10 p. m. every day except Sunday, and Is for the use ot women as well as men. Mr. P. Petersen, the candy man, has loaned his tables and chairs to the associa tion. Visitors are cordially welcomed. Magic City Gossip. A lirn crnwil attended tha annual ball of the Union Stock Yards ReAet associa tion last evening at the exchange dining hall. Selling out for less than cash a bankrupt stock of floe pictures on gold framea which will make nice Christmas gifts. A. N. Hughes Paint Co. : Clyde J. Wright will glvt a lecture .his evening at the National Turner hall. Twenty-first and U streets, on the "Threat ot Socialism." Superior lodge No. 193 elected the follow ing officers: Lyda Rhyno, G. of H.; Roxle Nice, L. of H.; Mary Avery, C. of C; Anna Royer, recorder; : Kate Routt, financier; Frances Benson,' receiver; Mary Nice, usher; Charles Avery, outside watch; Amelia Green, inside watch. Magic City lodge No. 840, Modern Broth erhood ot America, elected officers Thurs day as follows: B. F. Marshall, president; James Austin, secretary; August Bock, treasurer; Katharine Broderlck, chaplain; Hattle E. Angermann, conductor; Mary Berlage, Tuard; Jessie Vansant, sentry; Mrs. E. Landers, muslolan; Thomas Mason, Mary Marshall and Gus Bystrom, trustees. TECl'MSKH MAN TO OMAHA J. C. Beaver Will Come Here at Once for Nebraska Telephone Company. TECUMSEH, .Nb., Dec. It (Special.) Local Manager J. C. Beaver of the Ne braska Telephone company has been pro moted In the service of his company to a position on the general staff at Omaha. A. J. Wright, who has been a local solocltor for the company, has been given the posi tion of commercial manager at Tecumaeh, the plaoe Mr.. Beaver la leaving. Auditor J. EL Wllber la In the city checking the affairs of the office and making the change. Mr. Beaver has been local manager for over two years and the affairs of the com pany have Improved wonderfully under his management. He Is a courteous, affable of ficer, who makes many friends and adds strength to the concern for which he Is working. He will go to Omaha at once to assume his new duties, leaving his wife and child at the home here for the present. Later the family will move to the metrop olis. . ) .bbHHK9BI3QB9B9SRS ffW-BWff!rSSB5ES!"'--"" jLtMajsftsiLjiMMajLaijia HI i --. I'i 1 V J -"fJ I '. i ;l I IJ 1A Liza I . ;-rT5-l u r l o 1 1 , rCTTlnli 17th and Howard Sts. il'r'-C-' u -iv, S , (r;".v-. j Central's H'PSi- V9mMr IJilNl Lr-d' V Christmas Jg?S VM WT KfP fm rSSf . Greeting Mahogany Parlor Set Divan, Arm Chalf and Rocker massive frames In the very latest design. The finish is perfect, hand polished and rubbed; seats upholstered In genuine leather over plenty of good springs A set that will grace any parlor Credit for tQA TIC the .asking; per set $ fall 1 9 Dressers Solid oak, mahogany and walnut; In all styles. Princess and all kinds; large and small; also chif foniers to match Credit for the asking Pay when most convenient. Body solid oak, French plate mirror. 2 small and 2 large drawers, at, each ; VALUATION OF RAILROADS CoBtly Service Authorized by the Last Legislature. EAPLDLY EXPENSES- MOUNT Owner of Wayne Normal School Headr to .Transfer Same to State Baker Refuses ' Statates. (From a Staff Correspondent) LINCOLN, Dec 11, (Special Telegram.) E. C. Murd, engineer In charge of '.ha work of flndlna; the physical valuation of railroad property under the provisions of the physical valuation law enaoted by the recent legislature, has submitted his report to tha State Railway commission and It has been made a part ot that body's report to the governor. . Mr. Hurd assumed the duties of his office May 20, and the expenses to November 30 ill yersrDiUon I iV1 LEATHER GOODS STORE On Sale Now 1250 Ladies' Red Rubber Toys.... We have just received our usual shipment of the finest TOYS, made for young children; made of red rubber reasonable prices. Ladies and Gents Traveling Cases... a Large assortment, ranging in price from $1.50 to $35.00. CUFF and COLLAR BOXES, HANDKERCHIEF BOXES, MANICURE SETS, Traveling Clocks in Leather Cases, Etc. Myers-Dillon Candy Dept. Is the place to obtain candy that is always fresh and pure. Made by' ourselves, of our own special receipts, we have no hesitancy in guaranteeing it will please for Christmas. - u 1 at the Avtetf&rfl tjiLa 6 n? m t m t n iiia KOmmxS CKAERa No bet ter present than a big, revt- ful morris chair. 80 dif ferent styles; Boston lea- 5;B' S4.85 $8.25 have been $, 510.62, spent for salaries, traveling, postage and express, printing, procuring real estate transfer excerpts and furniture and Incidentals. . Mr. Hurd has prepared form blanks on which the railroads are to make their re ports and has organized his work. The following progress ' has been made with the work of securing Information: Station maps and rights-of-way maps, covering 1,3X0 miles of roadway, have al ready been ' received from the several re spondents, also profiles giving detailed In formation covering 716 miles of roadway. Three hundred and forty-seven copies of standard plans of roadway, bridges, build ings and structures are also in hand, nearly the whole of which haa been canvassed for the purposes desired. Much more of this class of Information Is undergoing preparation and will be furnished promptly. Field Inspection and local Investigation covering 1,S7 miles of right-of-way, espe cially mentioning twenty-seven of the mor Important' towns, haa been accomplished, while 1,680 miles of roadway, Including the bridges and structures thereon, have been Inspected, necessitating 1.611 miles of addi tional travel. The methods of travel em Is the 1500 Ladies' Hand Bags Prices Ranging From 75c to $25.00 Gents Card Cases Ladies Card Cases Change Purses i Pass Books Bill Books All Samples. Only one of each kind. Come early to get the best selection. Ranging in price From 10c to $2.50. We wish you to feel and know you can come to The Centrnl nt any time, pick out what you want and pay when most rnn venicnt. We carry every thing for house-keepinff furniture, stoves, rantfe, carpet, etc. -Visit The Central whether you wish to buy now or later, as we , wish to prove to you per sonally it pays to trade at The Central, and why? You will find In our store the choicest of Christnfaa gifts. Articles of furniture make the most practical gifts be cnuse they are the most durable and lasting The special holiday display in cludes rockers, morris chairs, music cabinets, dressing tables, writing desks and many other articles that are particu larly appropriate for holi day gifts. CENTRAL Complete Home Furnishers 17th and Howard Sts, ployed f .t the latter-mentioned Inspection have been varied, vis., by gasoline car, regular train and special train. Complete notes of the various inspections made are a part of the Information In hand. Excerpts from the records of real estate transfers of property lying adjaoent to the different railroad lines within sixty-six counties, have been procured and within the remaining twenty counties the same Is being prepared. Card correspondence information of land values In all the counties having railroads within their borders, the same furnished by local parties well versed In the knowl edge of such values, has been secured. Much further general and miscellaneous information has been gathered, with the process still continuing. Ready to Transfer School. Ex-Senator Bressler, representing the trustees of Wayne Normal school, was here today, and with the attorney general prepared the contract by which the state takes over Wayne Normal sohool for $70,000. The trustees of the school agree to transfer the insurance now on the property to the state, the state to pay the unearned prem ium. The warrant for the achool will be Drug Co, B BOOK CASES nniT writing desk coHiL)irii), tnadf of qutirterprt mildon onk, finished and beautifully carved. The French lievc.l -.ilrror Is pattern shaped and adds much to Its benuty, each $10.26 t: ''l;UftiM 'A. ? RAIiblia Top cooklnK surface 80x36, 8-in. holes, oven 12-lns. high, 16 Inches wide, 21 ln. deep, balanced oven door. Bod ies and oven of the highest Krade cold rolled steel with a- h..(na llnnri 1 1 1 u nrlfarl nt S3 1 E253. CX35 delivered to the trustees after the normal board holds Its meeting at Alllanoe Jan uary S. The school will be managed as) now until the close of the blenntum, by which time tho legislature will have mot and appropriated money for Its mainten ance. llearlns; on Telephone Request. The Burt County Telephone company has asked permission of the railway commis sion to issue stock to the amount of $75,000. This company owns telephones at Oakland, Lyons and Decatur, in all, about 1,000. As the new stock would mean about $1,000 a telephone, the commission has set Decem ber 15 for the appearance of the Interested parties to show cause why tho stock should be issued. Business Increases. The department of Insuranoe during tha fiscal year endlngk November '30 has col lected In fees and taxes a total of $119, 7S4.42. For the year 1908 the total collec tions were. $117,022.77. Canaht In the Act and arrested by Dr. King s New Life Pills, bilious headache quits and liver and bow els act right' 2ro. " For sale by Beaton Drug Co. T ESaU vlttitW? ft Will 1 IWSfAk 1 6th and Farnam Streets As -long as they last Only one of a kind 'm; ta mm k . " jiv-h.-' . . .iter