Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 11, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 9, Image 9

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Xh ExlcnJ a Hearty j
Uclcono 3 all Corns
You Wouldn't Hind Wear
ing an 10, or $20 Quality
Tells Them to Use Their Knowledge
to Make Profit.
Disparages th Former and Una II
Compliment to Par tho Great
Enterprise Along; the -Eone.
Shan Visitors
Opposite Voolwortti 5c and 10c Store
113 South 16th Street
Wyi'i Udnati mtiv onwu.
Becutifuily Dressed
Balls QHp
(Juiit Like Cut.)
ment. These dolls havo never Bold for
lees than $1.00 anywhere. They
hare jointed lege and arms and
eyes that open and close. Are
beautifully dressed. The colors are
red. white, llht blue and pink.
Shoes and stockings to match.
They are very life-like in appear
ance, tha head and hair being ex
ceptionally fine. Each doll is
packed in a neat, strong paste
board box. On sale Saturday in
me lurniture de- rt r-
partment, first ? V 5
floor; special. JA J
From now until Christmas we
will give away ABSOLUTELY
FREE of cost to you a beautlfally
with each and every purchase
amounting to $10.00 (TEN DOL
LARS) or over, in our MEN'S
MENT. By purchasing these trees and
trimmings in as large quantities as
we do. we are enabled to give you
that would ordinarily cost you at
least $8.60 We will deliver these
trees to you whenever wanted.
Commencing Saturday, December
11, until Christmas eve. An exact
duplicate" of the trimmed trees to
be given away is now on display in
our MEN'S CLOTHING window.
Here is a list of the articles that
go with the tree:
1 dozen Oranges,
1 package Figs,
1 pound Mixed Nuts,
2 pounds Fine Candy,
1 Santa Claus Candy Box,
1 fancy Tree Ornament,
1 string Glass Balls,
1 Drawing Slate,
1 doten Candle Holders
1 box Candles,
1 Toy Watch,
1 Cradling Bug,
1 Carpenter Set,
1 Tin Horn, '
1 Hatchet,
1 Toy Knife,
1 Wood Animal,
1 Spinning Top,
1 Clapping Toy,
1 set Blocks,
1 HollyTwig,
1 Handsome Rattle,
1 Fire Cracker Fan.
rsi.t (trr-rMV ortana.
The necessity of better farming wan
the message voiced by James J. Hill, known
as- the nulldrr of the "northern empire,.'"
In two speeches In Omaha Thursday. Be
fore the Commercial club at a banquet
given In his honor last night, Mr. Hill
spent two hours of earnest appeal 'or bet
ter agriculture, urging Immediate steps
and proposing a plan for the state of
Nebraska to carry the science of the col
leges out to the farms.
"There Is but one way to educate the far
merthat Is on his farm. It looks like a
hard proposition to go out onto the farms
to do all lhat Is to be don. Now If Ne
braska will appropriate $50,000 a yeer, 110,-
000 of that for seeds of the light kind, and
will hire too ybung men from the colleges
and send ' them out ten days before the
planting time with this seed to cirry their
message to the farmers something can
be done. Each man can reach ten farmers
at least. Now that would mean 1.000 farm
ers In the st.ite of Nebraska. Let them
by an actual demonstration show how
crops can be Improved, let them Increase
thst farmer's crop for him and that farmer
will have been taught a leon , that he
will never forget. Let ni tell you 50,000
spent In that way will do more good than
all the lectures In the world.
"You have got to have your colleges,
but let them be the places of scientific
experimentation and study, and let the
farmers have the results.
"Don't shoot over the farmer's head
Show him how to double his crop and
you won't have to teach him again."
Wlisrd with Statistics.
Mr. Hill's speech was a searching an
alysis from his point of view of the social
and economic conditions and to back up his
assertions he delved (Into his own exper
ience and the financial history of many
nations, -With startling ease he quotes
figures and facts from the Industries and
trades of races and nations from every
corner of the globe.
"Our total gold production amounts to
$90,000,000," he said, "less than one-eightieth
of a single year of our agricultural pro
duction. When you dig out the mineral
wealth It is gone. There Is just a hole left.
If we plant wisely we can look forward to
the future with confidence. 1
"What you want to do to make Omaha
great Is to preserve and enhance the value
of the soli on which we live. All prosperity
will come to you out of the ground and out
of the care of the ground."
It 'was with much of mixed humor and
sarcasm the Mr. Hlil related in kindly
words something of his own experience In
his campaign for the improvement of agri
culture In the northwest.
"I have been occupied with this move
ment for twenty-six years," said he, "try
ing to teach the farmers of the north to
play with more than one string to their fid
dle. Their string up there was wheat
farming and they found it easy to work for
four months out of the year and sit on a
keg whittling the rest of the twelve. When
the drouth of 18SJ came I decided to add
another string to the fiddle and spent $260,
000 In Importing and distributing cattle and
hogs of superior breeds. They. Sold' these
high bred' -animals to th Iowa and N-.
braska farmers because they could get a
little more than' for natives. Now they
have got their reward tor this, tor they
all want those cattle back.
"Let me know when I. give another
$100,000 In cattle to them," he added in an
amusingly whimsical tone."
Mr.' Hill deolared that Oreat Britain had
seen Its best days and that the great na
tion was now on the verge of a radical
change In government. He uttered a word
of prophecy, declaring the United 8tatcs
was fast following In the steps of Qrsat
Britain and that decisive measure must
be taken to make this nation secure.
Subsidies and the Canal,
There was much In Mr. Hill's speech, ex
pressed as having a bearii.i on his agri
cultural lesson, that Involved affairs of
large Importance In the world's doing ft
today. In no uncertain terms Mr. Hill dis
paraged the ship subsidy, and he offered
no compliments to the Panama canal
Meanwhile he took occasion to express
himself as favoring deep water ways, but
straightway proceeded to olrcumscrlbe his
approval by sharp strictures.
The most that might be expected as an
appropriation for ship subsidy would be
$10,000,000," declared the speaker. "That
wouldn't be enough to go around among
The good old-fashioned
kind, such as delights the
hearts of the Tennessee
mountaineers and the Ken
tuckey colonels. Noted for
its purity and fine flavor.
Dollar Battles
Four Eottlai Shipped Prepaid
All Brands of
Fina Uhiskbs, Uines,
Liquors, Etc.
Dt lour Traila j Before S D'cUck
Ue Deliver Promplly
oth Phones
1333 Farnan SI.
j1 paa sz
$35.00 $29.75 $25.00 $19.50
Women's Suits, Coats, Dresses $
On Sale Today, Starting at 8 a. m. .... . JI
3 Great
Bids You a
Sale No. 1 consists of over 400 "Women's Coats, including all sizes and scores of styles to
choose from, mad of biack and colored broadcloths, tan covert and novelty materials. They
are positively regular $i9.50 and $25.00 values.
Sale No. 2 consists of about 150 tailored silk and cloth dresses, in scores of beautiful
styles, formerly sold at $19.50, $22.50, $25.00 and $29.75.
Sale No. 3 consists of all our tailor made suits, none reserved that formerly sold for
$19.50, $25.00, $29.75 and $35.00, There are over 300 suits to seleot from in all sizes and
scores of styles. '
The three great important sales condensed are as follows:
Over 400 women's coats, in all sizes, styles and materials. Your
unrestricted choice of over 150 tailored cloth and silk dresses
formerly sold up to $29.75; and your unrestricted choice of over
300 women's suits that were formerly sold at $19.50, $25.00, $29.75
and $35.00.
On sale today; starting promptly at 8 A. M.
$12!? Silk Petticoats $6.75
"We will place on sale about 250 silk petti
coats that would regularly sell for $10.00 or
$12.50; they are made of fancy silk, in Dres
den patterns they are just the kind of a silk
petticoat you should give for a C HP
Christmas present. Today price ... vv 1 0
the ships we hav today, now how could
It be an inducement to anyon els to
build more ships to compete with these
subsidised . vessels and no more subsidy
for hlmf ,
"There is now a body of men meeting
4n Washington urging that we pay taxes
to lath and plaster th streams of the
oountry so that they won't leak. I stand
In favor of waterways, but I don't want to
lath and plaster th streams.
"If you can have a water way with a
channel twenty feet deep you can beat
the box carl but If you are going to hav
a channel of ten or .twelve feet to depth,
the box car will beat your boat line to
Th Panama canal came In for an Indi
rect sort of condemnation as an avenue
for commerce, In the speaker's address.
He pointed out that the United States
was making a play for South Araeiioan
trad as th motive back of th canal, and
yet that there was no great export to the
eastern states of South Amerloa for whlnh
no canal was necessary.
'We buy .our coffee from th Braslllans
and they spend th money In Paris for
wines and silks," he remarked In derision.
Tho Wsaje Problem.
In a discussion of economlo problems, Mr.
Hill ascribed a part of th Increased eoet
of living to the Increasing demands of wage
earners. This, he said, entailed the in
crease In the cost of production that mad
neoeasltlea high. In support of this he
declared It to be a fact that while the
commodities produced In th United States,
the country of high wages, had advanced
30 per cent In the las? ten years, while the
Increase In the cost of th large majority
of Imported commodities, as for Instance
rice and sugar, had Increased In but a
small comparative degree.
Mr. Hill's speech was full of Jolly side
lights and humor. He did not often lose a
chance to poke fun at George W. Hold-
reg of th Burlington and A. L. Mohler
of the Union Pacific, who sat at his table.
T'U get even." interjected Mr. Mohler
from his ohalr, In answer to on of thee
"Which reminds m," rejoined Mr, Hill,
unruffled in th least, "of th time ttvat
Walter Alexander, Mr. Mohler' predeces
sor, refused the Mormons a half rat for
their missionaries. '
" 'I'll meet you in heaven.' said the rep
resentative who asked th rates,
" 'I'll be there,1 was Alexander's reply."
Then everybody had a laugh, wondering
at the same Urn whether It was on Hill
or Mohler.
Mr. Hill spoke In highly praising terms
of the history of th Burlington and its
policy In development, with an added com
pliment to George W. Holdrege. Often
to the course of his speech the crowd rose
to cheers and storms of applause.
Mr. Hill was Introduced by .John U. Web
ster, who outlined in laudatory terms the
message that air. Mill had to deliver,
At the clob of Mr. Hill's speech Mr. Web
sier expressed th appreciation of the
people of Omaha for his visit her In a
pleasant speech..
The banquet was ail that could be asked
In every appointment, from th tastefu
decorations In grains and grasses to the
Appoliuarls. Mr. Hill and bis party left
at midnight on a special, bound for bt.
Thus present at th banquet were;
Charles . Ady,
L. 11. Alien,
E. M. Anareesen,
Samuel Avery,
J. L. Uakor,
ii. 11.. Baldrlge,
i. M. Bsiarme,
M. T. Bariow,
William F. Baxter.
Jo Kelley,
W. H. Koerlg.
H. G. Krans,
Geoi ge H. Lee,
ii. T, Lemiat,
E. V. Lewis.
J. P. Lord.
Victor Gerald Lyford,
B. K. McCague,
J. 1L McCague,
W. H. MpOord.
John McDonald.
J. A. McNaugnion,
John A. Mcshane,
E. J. McVann,
C. F. atanuerson,
A. D. Marriott,
Thomas ii. Matters,
N. Merrlam,
Charles Mets. '
H. O. Meyer.
A. L. Mohler.
C. Ii. Mullen.
F. A. Nash.
U H. Mbrgall,
J. H. Beck,
V. M. Bilsh.
Emll Brandels,
K. E. Brando,
Francis A. Brogan,
Ii. C. Brome,
Cha-les H. Brown,
E. 13. Bruoe,
W. 11 Buohols,
K. E. Buckingham,
H. K. BurketT
Thomas C. Byrne,
R. K. Brown.
M. C Brown.
M. D. Cameron,
W. A. Campboll,
Important Sales
Hoarty Welcome Horo Today
$20 Fur
David Cole,
M. B. Copeland,
Oeorge Coupiaod,
H. U. Culver,
H. P. Oevalon,
C. N. Liets,
Gould LUets,
H. Lt Dillon, 4
m. W. ilson,
Luther Drake,.
John C. Drexel,
O. W. Dunn.
H. O. Edwards,
A. J. Eggerss,
O. 8. Eigutter,
R. R. Evans,
E. M. Fairfield.
J. F. Flack.
T. A. Fry,
Daniel B. Fuller,
Eugene Funk,
Frank A. Furay,
J. E. George,
Henry R. Oerlng,
L. C. Oilman,
W. A. Gordon,
H. R. Oould,
J M. Guild,
R. 8. Hall,
F. L,. Heller,
C. W. Hamilton,
Ed O. Hamilton,
B. R. Hastings.
O. E. Haverstlck,
Wlllett M. Haya,
E. T. Hayden,
James J. Hill,
L W. Hill,
F. B. Hochstetler,
O. W. Holdrege.
H. A. Holdrea-e. .
Robert Holllster,
W. O. Hoerord,
W. 8. Jardlne,
W. W. Johnston,
F. W. Judson.
Harry C. Judson,
J. E. Kelby,
H. D. Neely,
J. C. Kelson,
0. W. Noble.
W. T. Pag. ,
F. D. Parmer,
te. P. Peck.
H. J. Penfold,
R. C. Peters)
W. M. Rainbolt,
. O. C. Redick,
W. H. Rhodes,
F. Richardson,
John Robblns,
U. H. Roblson.
C. C. Rosewater,
C. W. Russell,
C. L. Saunders,
W. H. Schmoller,
John A. Soott,
W. L. Belby.
W, E. Shepard.
C. R. Sherman,
A. B. Smith,
A. C. Smith,
C. E. Spens,
John Steel,
T. E. Stevens,
Adolph G. Stora,
William Stull,
George W. Sumner,
W. Swltzler.
Edwin T. Swob.
W. B. Tagg,
F. J. Tsggart,
Mel tihl, -
1. R. Van TUyl.
A. J. Vlerllng,
E. H. Ward.
O. W. Watties,'
John I,. Webster,
J. R Webster,
R M. Weloh.
P. H. Wells,
B R.. White,
W. D. Williams,
William O. Whltmor.
W. R. Wood.
H. W. Tatea.
After Years of Trial Isbmarlat
Bombs Are Sot in Deep
WASHINGTON, Dec 10, After years of
fruitless endeavor, submarine mines havs
been planted Jn deep waters of th ' Race,"
at th eastern entrance to Long Island
Sound and New Tork Is further fortified
against attack by sea,
Announcement of the solution of this
problem was made today by General Ar
thur Murray, chief of th coast artillery,
In his annual report to the seoretary of
Until recent experiments were made it
was believed by army and navy offloers,
that mines could not be planted in water
deeper than 100 or 128 feet. It was found,
however, by th officer of th coast ar
tillery that It was quite as easy to plant
the mines In deep water as In shallow, if
heavy enough anchors were obtainable. So
with anchors, weighing 1,600 pounds, mines
were planted in the "race" at a depth of
IX. then W0 and finally 900 feet.
is the trade
mark which is
found on every
bottle of the
Scott's Emulsion
the standard Cod Liver Oil
preparation of the world.
Noliiing equals it to build up
thp weak and wasted bodies
of young and old. ah On.
'J Ite.. sue ef rrea4 tfcia ad. toe ear
kx.utiJ Sfl a a ui OkUs's SCslek-
SVuk. SHtlttwWilMLHtNu,
S 75
Sets Today $12L
If you want to save $7.50 on your set of
furs then come here today and choose
from about 60 sets, made of Canadian coney,
wolf, lynx and fox. These sets usually retail
for $25.00; our regular price is (J0 Cft
$20.00; but today sale price is.... vluDU
Switchmen Arc
Making Threats
Vice President Hanhbarjer Says All
Men West of Buffalo May
Be Called Oat.
, ST. PAUL. Minn., Dee, 10. D. A. Harsh
barger, third Vic president of the Switch
men's union, who is in charge of tha
strike during ths absence of President
Hawley, stated tonight that before tho
trilis leaders allow th Switchmen's union
to b beaten In ths northwest, th switch
men on all th railroads wat of Buffalo
will be called out on a strike, Mr. Harsh
baxger said that letters hav been ro
oelved from principally every point covered
by th snlon, showing that switchmen gen
erally are keen for a strlk.
Ther was lltUa apparent change In the
situation- of th switchmen's strike her
today. Interest now centers at Cincin
nati, whore President Hawley of the
Switchmen's union and President Oompers
of th American Federation of Labor will
confer tomorrow relative to the situation
In the northwest. It la thought Important
results will follow tns conference tomor
row. On of th companies supplying coal to
th school board today announced that
It would be unable to deliver coal to th
schools tomorrow, aooording to agreement,
nd ths manager of the company stated
that there was imminent danger of a coal
famine In ths city. This was denied by
other local companies.
Reports from Billings. Mont., stated that
six strikebreakers arrived ther today and
that the situation Is improved. Strike-'
breakers are also reported as having ar
rived at Bralnerd and Staples, Minn., and
Livingston, Mont It was asserted at
strlk headquarters th strikers still con
trol the situation.
SEATTLE, Wash., Dec. 10. Th switch
men's strike on the Great Northern and
Northern Paclflo railroads Is mora than
half broken, according to operating of
ficials of th ronds. The strikers, however,
are still optimistic
On th water front hot a car Is moving.
Th United States transport Dlx, which
was to have sailed for the Philippines last
week, is lying unloaded at its wharf, wait
ing for cars that ars tied up by th
strike. '
Miss Arlsoaa Oweas of Skoahosil
Wlsi Wayer fcr Accomplish,
tog; Feat.
DENVER, Colo., Dec. t Miss Arlsons
Owet.s, who last night completed a 405-mll
alk from BhoshonU Wyo., to Denver,
today showed no 111 effects from her ex
perience In facing an almost continuous
bllisard during her sixteen-day trip.
Miss Owens said she made th journty
on a wager that shs could not accomplish
th feat In seventeen days. She Is small
and almost frail and says she has walked
loag distances before In th south and Is
Missouri. She is a native of Arixoua.
Attorney Ooneral Looks Into notation
of Consolidated) Exchange to
Other Companies.
NEW YORK. Dec . Anottter so-called
trust Inquiry was begun In New Tork to
day by William Orant, a New Tork
lawyer, designated sy the attorney gen
eral of .this stats, to decide whether a
monopoly exists, which controls the pries
of milk In the grfater city. With the
opening of ths investigation, the petition
of th attorney general became public,
gtvlng th names of th firms alleged to
be in tn combine- Collectively they art
th Consolidated Milk exchange, a New
Host Hen would FAR rather have
YEARABLES as Christmas Gifts,
and Palace suggests a few. (
NECKWEAR, la appropriate Xmas boxes, at 25o sjid 7S
HANDKERCHIEFS, of silk, at E&c, 50c ifi Op t 750
GLOVES, excellent wearlnc makes, at 75c to $3.0
MUFFLERS, of silk, at from .BOc to each f3.
SWEATER COATS, comfortable garments 60c to fft.00
GLOVES, fancy knitted kinds, at, per pair, only . . . ...... BOc
MUFFLERS la the celebrated Bradley make, at. ........ .BOc
SOX. "Interwoven" brand, 4 pairs ia box, at, box. . . .. .fl.OO
Bat the best fill it ill wnli U one ef tkose special
$9.75 otctcmU aeoUntJ tfcm -ks mult tpjtre
precitte a wiratli tiring stylish garment ! that hind
1 Double Green
Jersey corporation, and Individually ths
Borden's Condensed Milk company, tha
Sheffield Farms-Slawson-Decker company
and ths Mutual Milk and Cream company.
Noao of Money Just Distributed
Como to This Side of
LONDON. Pec. . This year's Nobel
prises of $40,000 each will be distributed as
For physics, divided between Mr. Mar
coni and Prof. Ferdinand Braun of Strasc
burgj for chemistry, Prof. Wilhelm Ost-
"An Upheaval" m
Diamond Trade
" .-T.:" '."i-"
Hakes an Ideal
Christmas Gilt
Wonderful!" "Just as satisfactory as a solitaire." Scores of holV
day shoppers hav thus voloed themselves In regard to those marvelous
"Solitaire" effect diamond cluster rings Introduced and advertised by
m a week ago.
Since announcing th first arrival of these marvelous rings I havs
"disponed of 41 of them a second shipment ordered by telegraph is just
at hand.
.-t .
As before advertised, I havs the exclusive Omaha selling on ths
clever Invention of a Newark, N. J Diamond mounter, who has Ils
eovered a wa to mount seven flasning, selected, smsll dlamonJs Into
ONE harmonious whole. This manner of mounting ihowa no dividing
line 'twixt th stones, and a mass of diamonds arranged this way
CANNOT be told from an exceedingly higher priced solitaire, two feet
No handsomer or more appealing Christmas gift has been devised la
years you'll enthuse over this new Invention ths moment you sag It
And think of it! a -carat effect at only tSS.
Other Diamond Values, too!
Not only ths above Invention, but th Regular single nton dlsmends
can be purchased here to far better advantage than elsewhere. . Oeo
tltmen's diamond stud ars here ss low as $10; ladles' ear screws as low
as tie; single stone rings as low as $7.60; suff buttons as low as tltt;
locket as low as $10.
Don't make th mlstak of buying a Chrlstmss gift diamond be
fore seeing what I hav to offer.
XMz paying tut 59.75 for
it, would you?
Tou'r "In the rorkef th fllffersne
twlxt Sl.Tt and 129,00, If rU'll bur
that overcoat at th "Palace" tomor
row! Mind you, you are effered he)
"Protector" collar ov.rooatS at l.7S
thoee Convertible" collar styles, at
.7& thoe velvet f-olUr kinds, at tt.TI
Tou'll find tweeds, meltons and ker
seys; you'll find vicuna, and th new
herringbone strip sreys, (th latter
quite stylish now) nnd you'll find
mixtures, blacks, blues, nfni a host of
other fabric, at Is TS. New WHY pay
1S even I0 elsewhere?
But It's a special lot 'twill dwlndi
fast, at only tt.16 each.
Stamps Saturday
wald of Lelpslc; for physiology or medi
cine, Prof. Theo Koch of Berne; for liter
ature, Selm Lagerlot, th Swedish au.
Minority Senator Bleot BflsstaslnntaJi
to Succeed Senator Cul
berson. WASHINGTON, Deo. .-In caucus this
afternoon th democratic senators elected
Senator H. D. Money of Mississippi as
minority leader ot th senate to succeed
Senator Culberson of Texas, whose resigna
tion was presented today.
can now give you the . exact
effect of a single stons
Kt $150 "
Diamond at
(Duly $35