T2 THE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, .... 'JJ i f WILDCAT LIEES MUFFIN; SMBBiaaeaaBBB thirty-FiT Ponnd Kitten Inrade Ex- po'i Domestic Science Kitchen. RECESS IS DECLABID AT ONCE Vownhif Inatraciar KatertaJas Vmrwf Fellae Oaeat VmtU Keoper Hmm Coatee with "Jewelry" Bad V4m Pet Away to Caar. The call of the succulent corn maffln e&preneed In the domeetle science depart ment of the corn ahow proved too much tor Josephine, tha hybrid-wild cat freak on exhibition in tha "Barnyard" aa th cipoaltlofie midway la known. Joaphlna alighted on her aoftly badded feet In tba middle of tha kitchen foundry and purred In her daaraat mezio-eoprano. Oh, feather! How thy did fly. Domestic aclentiata in white capa and aprona fled In fright from tha room. Screams, squeals and Blsle pierced the air. Crab meau -ware left to , bum, but Josephine, thlrty-flva pounda of electricity and ataely sinuous mueclee, neatly done up In pretty apotted velvet fur, became tha ampreaa of tha kitchen for one brief minute, "Now flrla don't be foollah," sounded tha voice of tha instructor la an almost chiding tone. "Why you girls have beer. Beared by one MUle pretty kitten." . Tha doughty Instructor, armed with i broom, tried so trie diplomatic coaxing. "Nice kitty. Want a mufflpr Kitty did and kitty got It, too, from c reapectful distance of ten feet. Tha wild cat swallowed tha delicacy with due appreciation . and arching her back purred aoma more for her admiring and tearing audlenoa. ' Then tha keeper came along with a collar and chain and tha ahow waa over. Joaephlne, the adventuraome kitten, U the offspring of a .South American ocelot, which la a amalt jaguar, and a big Russian house cai. Those who have seen Joslc when aha la Hied aver that there la also predominating admixture of buu-eaw. IMPLEMENT DEALERS KNOCK PROPOSED PARCELS POST Eleveatk fesalon of Interstate A two elation Coneladca Work at Ion. Vails. SIOU FALLS, 8. D., Dec, .-(8pec;a' Xelegram.) Tha eleventh annual cdnven- tint) of : tha net all Implement Deals' &- sedation, of South Dakota, southewestern ' Minnesota and northwestern Iowa was con oiuded here this evening, after tha most successful meeting In the history of the association. Shortly before final adjourn ment the following officers were- elected for the, coming year: , President. E. (i. Wattson, Chamberlain; vice president, J. S. Farley. MUbank; secre - tary treasurer, E. W. Barton, Vermillion , (re-aleoted.) ;. H, C. Meyer, Lake rk, la., and R. E. MoDougall, Brltton, were elected members of the board of directors. The resolutions a . adopted declare against the passage of the proposed parcels post law, opposi tion to the establishment of branch stores In, .country townavbjr jobbers or manufac turers for the purpose of Belling goods at retail and a demand that such houses be eliminated In the Interest of fair play and honest competition. Various other matters of vital Interest to the retail implement and vehtole trade were mode tha sublet of declarations in the report of, the resolu tions committee. Whitewash and Dismissal for Hospital Trio 'ouaty Board Ignores Admission of Criminal Charge and Lets All Tnree (hit. The Board of County Comnilmloners ted this afternoon "to exonerate Miss Lena Higglna," but add d that "for the iake of pence and harmony at the hotpitai ih be not restored to her place aa head nurse." The resignations sf Dr. Bert Torguaen ind E, n. Beasongood, the hospital drug fist, are asked for at the first of the year, nut It la added that "tha board finds no charges rent against them." A change this morning in the attitude of Commissioner Plckard stopped Mis Hla tlns going back to her plaoe aa Commis sioners Tralnor and. Grant favored. Mr. j'lckard aald: "I have heard that Mies Higglna says ihe wilt not stay at tha hospital It re toref to her place, but will resign and :eav ua In the- lurch. Therefore I have jhanged my mind." . Ice Trust Case to Jury Today Attorney for State Says Combine Has Sixty Million in Paper and Twenty Thousand Cash Capital. NEW TORR, Deo. 10. A Jury will decide 'omorrow whether the American Ice com pany shall be dissolved for conspiracy In restraint of trade or shall continue Its tervlcea to 1,000.000 consumers. John B. 3tanchfleld summed up for the defense today ar.d Jamea W. Osborne for the state, began his closing argument late today. . i Mr. Stanchf leld laid stress today on the site of the company, which, he aald, made It a quasi public Institution, Inasmuch as Ice Is virtually a necessity of life. "Tha trial bristle with evidence," he continued, "that there la no monopoly of the supply and, In view of Increasing ar tificial production, can never be." Mr. Osborne arjrued .that no company should serve 8,000,000 customers with a neceeslty of life.' A' thousand dealers In competition were not too many, ha thought, for eo huge a market. . " ."Thla corporation," he aald, "had $00, 000.000 of -paper and K cash capital of only IJ0.000. Then they go ahead and offer J40.0CO.00O of paper to secure $40,000,000 of competition and ask the public to pay dividends on tha wind and water. And what la their - defense? That It waa a foolish thing to try. to create a monopoly in ice, because it could not be done." en's :m and Days' i j Overcoats f at Half Price ul ; fI xnsz Greatest Clolliing Bargains t Year .Saturday Surplus Stocks of J Several Uelj I Itnann Cloih- j ing uanufasturcrs THE RELIABLE STORK fpFW All Odd Lots and Broken Lines frcm Our Own Regular Stock. ' AST 850,080 Stock of High Class Suits and Overcoats At Just Elaif Actual Retail Value Assortments embrace all the choicest fabrics, colorings and pat terns of the season; quality of fabric and workmanship is fully up to highest standard of excellence. The most fastidious dressers can be perfectl suited from the immense special stock. Ken's and Boys' Suits at Half Price MOVING PICTURE OF ASSASSINATION OF IT0 Him PItc HnndM Feet Lon Will Show Every Detail of the Tragedy, VICTORIA, B. C, Deoj I. A moving pic ture of the assassination of Prince Ito at Harbin Is to be used Iti the trial of the Korean assassin, according to advices brought by the steamer, kaga Mam, today. A Russian photographer had prepared to make moving pictures of the meeting of ,. prince Ito and Minister, Kokovstoff and caufht the asslnatlon scene upon his films. Japanaeae offlclaJs obtained a film 600 fet long, showing every detail of the, tragedy. This will be exhibited at tha trial. HALF-CENT WILE RATE FOR STATE AND COUNTY FAIRS laterstete Commerce Comaalaaloa Baaja-eate This aa Price tot , Gxcarslon Ticket. WASHINGTON, Dec .-In a decision to day, the Interstate Commerce commission uggesta that when railroads make ape lal. excureJon rate to state or county fairs or to large state meetlnga the rate be symmetrical with other rates of a similar kind. ' The matter arose In the case of the Weber club .and Iotermountaln Fair as sociation of Og den, Utah, against tha Ore ton Short Lin railway and other common carriers. It la allegd the defendants dis criminated against' Ogden and in favor of Hhlt Lake City, because they charged more for excursion tickets to Ogden than ttiey charged to Salt Lake City for Ilka ex cursions. " . After consideration of aLl the facta, the commission held that bo Undue preference had been shown Bait Lake City, but It sug Ktstad that the carriers Establish a uniform passenger rate of H cent per mile each way to atata and county fair a, Under tha law, however, the eommiaslon could make no absolute requirement that Its auggestion be followed. - . After Safferlng a Year with Raw, . Watery Humoron Hands and face Prescriptions Did Not Do a Bit of Good-Scratched Till Blood Came and Had to Quit Work. COMPLETELY CURED BY CUTICURA REMEDIES "I affervd with ecMina for on yar aad had! two of tha best doctors ttt tows, but their inedt cvne did not help tua, Mrst of all there were small white pimple o my left hand aad I had io scratch until the blood caine. Then they would puff up and toatar would run out. horever ihiM water would run tberaj . ' would be mora pun t)ea cncil my whole left haad was a tnaaa of lores- Tarn mr clhar hand beoame allaated and their Wera like a pteoa it raw meat. Then ft eame oa my faea, neok and under my nu( arm so that I waa unable) to reus ta r arm for two weeks. It booam so bad that I was obliip ta giva up work. " Aboct four moutha ago I started to doctor and 6ha eteotof told tua it waa aeaoaa. Bo he toU - ana to get -oictraoat and aaap. 1 used tham for a month and tar didn't di rna one bit (if good ao I triad another dootnr. He j-sre rna tbre different kinds ol medi CuriM, bat I was vmrr moch put out whan that remedies aid not help roe. I waa unable ta sleep at night and I gaT tip all hor-e until I dcided to try Uie CuMrura lOKaedtea. I uaed twe oakaa ct Outkrura $oar two boxes of Curvrar Ointment and . three bottles rf Cuucurm Kesolresit and I am si ad to say I ara corwd. Ml" Nora Bhulta. tit N-arth WW fit-, lieaUlflt, Fa.. Jan. i aad X. WOSL" . . ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE ELECTS OFFICERS Bishop Luther Wilson of Philadelphia la Chosen President of Oraanlsattoa. CI!CAQO tec .-r-The . Anti-Saloon league of America at Its convention today elected the ' following officers: ' President, Bishop Luther B. Wilson, PhilaVjlph:a secretary, Kev. 8. L. Nicholson, Pennsyl vaala; treasurer, Foster Cepeland, Ohio; general superintendent, Ret. P. A. Baker. Tha convention declared for Interstate shipment legislation Which will proteot the etates In the enforcement of their police lawa. ALBERT RYAN PLEADS ! GUILTY TO MURDER Labor ' Leader Aeknawledaes Kill. In a- let Men la Loa ' Angeles. LOS AKQELE8, Dec 10 -The trial of Al bert Ryan, formerly - organizer for the Western Federation of Miners, who killed two men and wounded a third In a local hotel on the night of July 14, came to an abrupt ending when Ryan pleaded guilty to murder la the first degree. Judge Davis must aentence the prisoner to hanging or life Imprisonment. Ryan waa adjudged sane by a Jury yeaterdivy. His victims were Otto C. Miller and Harry R. Snyder, " - f.nts ahampojaa . ' Hula with Cutimjra fcoap and Ll TOW 1 11 9aia. IliU tmetroeot al. " I,! ttoblag and irritation, deetrora bair '"irtwa, olaansea, puaiiaa and beauU " tea and taud ta fnalie Ua hair gruw upon a ten, btithj Kialri. t.i l.r.. t'hwa. Cow. rmu"' mu .If Clocks FRNZ,ER iLh and Dodge. NO PARTIES, IMPERIAL POLICY Chancellor Betamann-Hollwea- Oa llaea Moapartlaan taaa of Geruaaa Goveraaaeat. BERLIN, Dec. .-Dr. Bethmann-Hollwea. the chancellor, In hia maiden speech In the reichstag today, aet forth that the im perlal government'a policy was to stand aloof from partus and groupa of parties In short, that the government of Germany waa not a government by party.- Govern menial measures would ba submitted to tha relchatag for adoptlm, aald the chin cellor, but he was not disposed to defln tne constellation of parties which he thought would auppoxt these measures. Th recent political crisis over the taxation bill had made no change In Oerman Institu tlons, tha chancellor continued. Dr. Bethmann-Hollweg gave an lmpres slon ct etreneth. Hla voice laoked carry Ing power. tiU gestures were few and awkward and hla dlotton without a touch of fire. Imagination or humor, but hii evry word waa placed with dry effectlve- neas. During the speech the clericals and con err a lives applaaded had the radicals and eodatlata - from time to time uttered es els mat tons of disagreement and protrat. Dan't experiment with unknown medl- elnca when you- -have a oold.- Take Cham erlaln'a Coach Resoedy and t eared. - IT fli'l'wim,a4 1 3,000 tlQen'o Suito 2,500 T-lon'o Overcoats 1,500 Children's Suits and Oarcsah 1,100 Youths Suits and Overcoats The Choicest Assortments and Values Ever Offforod in Omaha at Half lot a Garment From Thoso Great Purchases Reserved. Every Suit and Goat will be Sold During This Sab t cJJillisI Mali!-' IRetaiSl WoipuSh . All the Youths' Suits and Overcoats $7.50 values .$3.75 $10.00 values .$5.00 $12.00 values ...,$5.00 $12.00 values '....$8.00 $15.00 values .;;.:$7.50 $18.00 values ,...$9.00 $20.00 values , 4; $10.00 $22.50 values i .$11.25 $25.00 values $12.50 Sale will continue 'till the Entire Stock All the Men's Suits and Overcoats $10.00 values $5.00 $12.50 values $3.25 $15.00 values $7.50 $18.00 values $9.00 $20.CO values $10.00 $22.50 values $11.25 $25.00 values . $12.50 $28.00 values $14.00 $30.00 values .$15.C0 ?32.00 values $16.00 Has lieen Disposed of. Come Saturday. $35.00 values $17.50 $40.00 values I $20.00 $45.00 values $22.50 All the Boys' Suits and Overcoats s $2.50 values $1.25 $3.00 values $1.50 $4.00 values $2.00 $5.00 values .....$2.50 $6.50 values ,...$3.25 $7.50 values $3.75 Our iriiarantee standa behind every far ment offeered In thla sale. Mail Orders Promptly and Carefully Filled. Special in b ur s-bon't Foet Twy HAYDEN'S FtlPStl it Pays Complete Une of Smoking Jackets. TWO DOMESTIC TRAGEDIES Doable Bhoatlnc at Oakland, Cal., Beanlta in Two Deatha anal Fatal Injury ta Two. niVt.iwn ra.1.. Dec. . As a result of two domestic tragedlea tonight. Dr. Eugene Woods, a physician and Fred Schenca are dead and Gabriel Jacobs and Mrs. J. A. Jonea are dying. ' Vr.' Woods waa shot through the head by Jacoba. husband of the woman named by tha dictor'a wife In her ault for divorce. filed a few days ago. Jacoba shot nimaeu and cannot recover. TTnnn returning to hla roomlntr house to night, Fred Schenclt opened fire with two revolvers upon Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Jones. Mrs. Jones was probably fatally wounded. Her husband escaped, Schenclt men muea himself: , Rphnr is hb Id to have believed that Mts. Jonea waa responsible for hla wife leaving him. HOUSEBOAT WRECKED BY ICE Two gtoan City Yaatha Narrowly Escape Freeilis to .Death Near St. Joseph. v ST. JOSEPH,. Mo., Deo.. 10. With the thermometer at Vfta. L. Murphy, and Harry Turner, Sioux City youths, today had an unusual experience on the Mle sourl river. Just south of St. Joseph. Th y were floatlna down the river In a houso- boat, when they encountered a crush of tee floee, which wrecked their habitation. They fought thtlr way. to shore and-arrlved In St.. Joseph thla evening. They were nearly exhausted. Witches FRENEEK lMh and Dodge. MORE MEN OUT AT LEAD, S. D. I'nloa Watchmen Employed r Home- stake Mlalna; Company Ordered Strike. , LEAD, S. D., Dec. 1 Tha executive oommlttee of 0ad and Central City unions of the Western Federation of Miners today called out all union we ton men and others employed by the Homeataka Mining com pany. Thla order affects about 260 men, who' have' boen allowed to 'Work since the lookout by the mine management. f" ' ' ' - ' 1 " '- . - . , L..:v.. . j . - . . , J. , ' "". 1111 '"IM'1"!P"1,"'"1' ' "Jl """""W"" 'i mi am im n hwiwm" i mi miiwuniuni i ,m iiiinwii j - 1 ' ' " "' ,l M . ')6,.uT'.wV '"''"""jV" " iiimnni nlw.-jBMt.-j.fwijaiu,-niii).ii -W.iat. jr " -"iif-.iT ..in,- ' ri i sunt . . pse JSjew on tfo ee Fourcht r mwmwt J, S. Reclamation Project, I B i j m m m w M w w ill raaarirvsTivai m m w n w v mm mm mm mum' Sea the Parisian Cloak Co., ad. page 9. NEW RECORD PRICEFOR HOGS Dayer at t. Loots Give Elarkt Slmty PIt for Some Pino Bpeclmeaa. ST. LOUI3. Dec. W.-The highest recorded prices for hoga waa exceeded at tha Na tional stock yards today when a buyer gave )W per 100 pounda for some fine apeolmena. ''UNCLE JOE" IS TO CELEBRATE Uncle Joseph Rirmin :ll ba 80 year old Tuesday and he will celebrate with public reception at the Rome Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Redman ta One of the real pioneers of Omaha, aa he haa lived In thla city for fifty-two years. Ha haa such a lexge circle of friends that he cannot ac commodate them In his home, ao he haa arranged to use the Rome hotel Tueaday afternoon, when hla friends will be In vlted to coma and ahake hands with the pioneers and Incidentally to meet many of their old friends. Im mi Cbaaea far Free Homesteads Yea. a few elegant free homesteads can aull be had in Me loo. where many Aaertcana ire now locating. You do not even have to go to Mexico, but are re quired to have five acrea of fruit trees planted within five years. For Infor mation printed In English regarding Mexican homeateads, addreaa The Jao tha Planatalon Company, Block 44 Pitta burg, Pa. You can have your trees planted and your land worked on shares, ao as to bring you a thousand dollars a year. The health conditions ara perfect and the j climate grand, ( I I pel "N I i Migaaaeiaaj V The .Government Irrigation Project in the Belle Fourche Valley of South Dakota will water 100,000 acres of fertile land. ; .Tills land is open for settlement under the United States Homestead and Recla mation Laws a splendid opportunity to secure a home and have your crops pay for it Olai iio Aero of BgIIo Foarefio tand Ban Bo Land In the Belle Fourche Valley has been under private irrig-ation for many years. Oats run 40 to 100 bushels per acre, while from 30 to 60 bushels of other grain may easily be grown. Alfalfa, potatoes, sugar beets, hardy fruits and garden truck are exceedingly profitable. Native hay sells for a high price, fcfr the Belle Fourche Valley is surrounded north, east and west by vast ranges that afford pasturage to huge herds of cattlo and sheep. The Belle Fourche Valley is situated near the best markets of the middle west, including those of the mining towns of the Black Hills .district The demand for fruit, garden truck, poultry, eggs, milk, butter, etc, is constant All such products bring big profits. For accurate and reliable information about how to obtain some of this land apply to the Chicago North Western Railway fof a copy of the Belle Fourche Valley booklet free on request With it we include booklets describing the best countries for the homeseeker to be found in the United States the profitable cut-over timber lands of Wisconsin the dry farming methods and irrigation on government lands in Nebraska and Wyoming and how to secure a U. S. Government homestead. 7 rs n p-nta mm m fr""S!8 nn iR HBrt n iSOQeuQu liMGSiy oy u no uor.ii wcsiorn Hsno llomoscskcrs' Excursions firjttt g Mens I am intcrtittJ in opportunitiet for bemetttktrs. and wuU Hit ytur publications en. Name. AdJrtsi. The .North Western Une enable homeseekers to visit the west and northwest to inspect lands and general conditions with tht greatest economy. Ticket Offices: U0UU0S Farnam St. OmaJta, neb. 4 r