10 w IT ft ITIE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1005. Saturday will be the best day of :: all the season to buy your Christ- mas goods and your fine apparel '. for winter wear. Note these great :: special sales. Only 12 shopping days before :: Xmas, ' . jOD)m Kiery visitor in Omaha at the t :: National Corn Show, and every ': : : woman who appreciates real bar- : grains should come to Drandeis ; : Stores Saturday. See the beautiful :: . Mi I V I I . . .. . 2r2r-irT mt(?7or P'- Keadthese bargains i JJ7T Omaha's One Big Xmas Sliopp THE LARGEST STORE THE MOST BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY THE GREATEST VARIETY THE MOST MODERATE PRICES When you buy your Christmas gifts here you have every advantage. Your Christmas money will last longer here and you can buy more gifts. 1,000 clerks to wait upon you. See beautiful Toyland and Santa Claus in the Basement. Souvenirs for children with their parents. x The Greatest Sale of Women's Cloaks and Suits THAT HAS EVER BEEN HELD. IN THE HISTORY OF THE BRANDEIS STORES If you have been waiting for just the right chance to buy a fine new cloak or a smart suit at a big price reduction, this is the opportunity for you. We never had a sale like this just before Holiday time. This was a big cash purchase from a noted New York maker who was in immediate need of cash. He sold us thous ands of his finest suits and cloaks at the most extraordinary sacrifice. !! Women's Tailored Suits worm up to iZ.ou at . . Includes all the finest broadcloths, worsteds, chev iots, serges, novelties, etc full satin lined jackets and new style skirts all the favorite colors. 0 Alt tbi Vf omen's Yinter Cloaks ) Worth Up to Z0, Saturday.. QJft Every coat in this group is a graceful, stunning style -the long effects in plain tailored or trimmed; all the newest styles and colors. . All Tir fT 1 J If Unicll S lalllirCQ i311ilS iSI ;)Y ortn. up to jo.uu at . . xi Most extraordinary offer in suits. 300 of them in cluding all the very latest styles, colors and materials strictly up-to-date long coats, military effects, roll collars, etc. ti" f omen's Stunning Cloaks Q Worth up to $30, Saturday . . The cleverest new styles of the season -beautifully tailored many extreme novelties, A chance you won't , have again in years. " v CHILDREN'S CLOAKS All the pretty childish styles; worth to - $9S $5.00, at.. Special In Basement $12.50 Suits for $5.00 These suits are In all new styles and colors they were made to sell up to $2.6 (, also choice to $12.60, also choice 6f any suit In our ;" basement ' ; to sell up $5 " Special in Basement ' $12.50 Cloaks for $5.00 ;AU the coats in long black' novelty c)oth and - covert cloths trimmed 'and plain tailored actually wdrth up to $8.60 and $10.00 i at ,. . rt( . .$5 Children's Cloaks Smart and pretty new tyle lonf, warm coats in new effect worth ro $10 .at.. In new juvenile Visit Bifj Beautiful ; T If U A PsJ O In Our Basement Come and see the thousands of new toys. The' chief delight of the little ones. ' A treat they will always remember. - , The celebrated Kestner kid body dolls Doll Outfits Doll dresses, shoes, arms, wigs, at ............2,5c to $7.50 undergarments, ice skates, roller skates, furs, hats, toilet sets, jewelry sets, manicure , sets, doll eatables positively everything for dolls at mpdest prices. ' H Toy Dishes, 10c to $2.0S Drams 25c to $2.B0 Tool Chests, 23c to $7.50 Doll Heads, 40c to $11.50 Mechanical Trains, o u track 25c to $1.1 Juvenile Automobiles, at, each $3.98 to $15 Coaster Wagons, each, at $2.08 to $3.08 Flexible Flyer Sleds at, each ....... 60c to $10 Toy Tranks, 18c to $2.50 Air Rifles. and Pop Guns.. at ...... f .25c to $3.50 B. & B, Skates, pair, at 03o to $4.50 i Stuffed Animals, with voice ........ 10c to $5 Billiken Dolls makes everybody laugh at 49c and 98c Teddy Bears 15c to $2.00 ..25c Sample Pencil Boxes, each, 5c and 10c Sample celluloid Christmas Cards and Fancy Boxes worth double, at .10c to 50c ; SATURDAY Your Unrestricted Choice Any Woman's Hat In Our; Entire Stock All the stunning large hats ...... . All the aigrette hats J All the Ostrich Plume Hats. V All the Fur Hats... .; "All the Turbans All the Theater and Dress Hats All the Model Hats Black Hats "White Hats.- Every new winter model. Hundreds and hundreds of them. Many of these Hats actually worth up to $85.00. This is the Great Annual $5.00 Offer that Hundreds of "Women in Qmaha Wait for. -v Large and medium slie sample Tea SeU, at halt the regular price. Mechanical Alrshipi, Automobiles, Mica, Clowns, Balloons, etc., at 10c to $1.50 Celluloid Horns and rattles a very fine sample lot at halt the regular price. The most complete game department in the west all the new games, pastime and jig saw puzzles . Articles for CHRISTMAS DECORATION Paper Bells at lOo per doien up to, each 254 Paper Garlands, red or green 5S 10 154 Dennison's Crepe Paper the best red, green and white, roll, 104 Pennison's Crepe Paper, decorated with Christmas designs, roll 154 Holly Paper Dollies, per dosen 54- 104 nd 154 Holly Lunch Sets table cloth, napkins, dollies and plates, set 254 Paper Streamers, per roll 5 Diuner Cards Christmas designs, doien 1S4 to 504 Tally Cards, Christmas designs, doien .154 to 254 Holly Paper for wrapping packages, put up In rolls, at 5 Also gold and silver cord, gummed ribbon, tags, labels, seals. ' stickers, etc., -with which to wrap and tie up Christmas packages. Empty Helly Boxes to held Christmas gifts at R. J04 154 jg OeorBstr j JtPCpkJwn I The Best Recent Books FTy iout which 49c Here are some of the most popular novels of the day about which you have head so much. They have been the big gest sellers, "the hits of the year" books that have sold by the thousands for $1.18. We now offer them in splendid new cloth bound editions at, each The Shuttle By Frances Hodg son Burnett. A Little Brother of the Rich By Joseph Medlll Patterson. New Chronicles of Rebecca By Kate Douglas Wiggins. Tb BUek Bar By Louis Joseph Vance. . Satan flandarsoa By Hallle Er mine Rlvea. Tolaada, Maid of Burfnndy By . Charlen Mayor. Tb Ooat of Chase By Esther lucla Chamberlain. THE SECOND CEERAnON MUIPB1M Tho Oroaslng- By Winston Churchill klahop'a maralla--By Houghtora Townluv. Tba oamblar By Katherla Cecil Thurxlon. Tha eardaa of Allah By Robert Hlchens. SmAtw and Old Xrfkoe By Myrtle Haed. Tba Hon and The Mouse By Klein A Hornblow. Bebeeea af Buasybrook Term By K. IX WlKrln. Bib of Way By Gilbert Parker. KesaUad at Bad Oate By Meredith Nicholson. The Traitor By Thomaa DItod. Jr. Tb thepard of the KUla By Harold Bell Wright. Jaae Cable By Gaorj Barr Me- Cutcheon. The rifhtlag Ohnno By Robert W. Chambers. Th Br mb Bowl By Ivouls Joseph Vance. Bab Xamptea f Flae By Randall Parrl-n. The BpoUere By Rex Beach. Mr ZHidy of th Bartb By Randall Parr'ah. The TntBfM Bet By xioWt W. Chambers. Abner Daniel By Will N. Harben. The Doctor By Ralph Connor. Three Weeks By Elinor Glynn. Wlilnpertng Smith. Chip of Flying VU." Yoke By Herbert Wales. Jerry Junior By Jean Webster. Little Shepherd ef Kingdom Come. Awakening of Helen Richie. Half a Regae. Might'a Enchantment. The Gifts & Woman Appeciates Most JEWELRY a'nere is not a tail mat so aeiiffnts w.y, eilverware. Brandeis' stock is complete. Gold filled Bracelets $1 to $20 Diamond bracelets, diamond cuff links, tie pins and brooches", at special prices. International ' Silver Comb, Brush and Mirror set in fancy box (5 year guar antee) fancy design, gray finish, worth $10.00, at ,..,...$4.98 Wra. Rogers 26-piece silver chests six knives, six forks, six teaspoons, six table spoons, one butter knife and 6ugar shell a guarantee with each set at $5.98 '. Specials jn 1847 Rogers Bros, silver wareeach piece in fancy box at mod erate prices. Leather Bags one-piece baby alligator bags, worth to $12.00 ati ...... .$4.98, $5.98 and $6.98 vne-pieoe Bouq leatner Dags an reamer lined, with purse and card case 21-inch brass initial with each bag at . ...$1.00 Japanese imported Card Cases and Bill Books latest for men's gifts, at'. 75c and $1.00 Greatest showing of Sterling Silver at half the jew-' elers' prices. Great sale of women's and men's "Watches at just about one-half regular jewelers' prices. m. m -.ft- a-ida PYROGRAPHY Hundreds of handsome and useful arti cles for holiday gifts. ' Start burning now while the variety is complete. Bass wood handkerchief and glore boxes 10 Gaa Pens, complete, fine work can be done 15 Plate Racks of basswood 27 Inches long, only, t 75 Photo Frames on bass wood, with glass aud easle 15 Pyrography SetSpecial One complete Burning Outfit Beniine bottle, al cohol larap, connecting cork, handle, platinum point, rubber bulb, all packed in basswood bpx. One panel t-ply baasweod till Inches, one panol t-ply bassaood 7x8 shield shape, one can of ab sorbent to prevent explosion and fire, r AO one bottle brown satin, one bottle art Jr3 gloes, one dresser box St in. long, 11 f plat carving aet, IE-color tinsel set Brass Craft Candle sticks, tea pot stands, tie racks, photo frames, at 5c Up. Dig Special Sale China Department Saturday i Large fancy 16-inch china vases, tankards, steins, water pitchers, cracker jars, busts, salads, sugars and creamers 3,000 pieces in all, New York samples. Don's miss this sale. It is positively the best JfK of its kind eyer held in Omaha, fu . Positively worth up to $5.00 your choice See the Beautiful New iars for 1910 Calend We've a bier' variety from the leadinir manufacturers also Christmas cards, tags, seals, etc randeis Hair Shop An evidence of great merit is the adoption by Ladles of Fashion of the Brandeis Originality In the art of Hair Effects. Brandeis Turban Braid. 36 inches long, natural wavy VaiT tVQfi vnlTift ...S2.flR A ...... first quality on sale at.' $G, $8 and $12 ' 18-inch straight hair $1.50 ; value, at C9c - Transformation beet value . in hair goods in Omaha. All shades except gray $5.93 value, for $2.98 Large Auto Nets 10c Turban Caps 75c and Up Out Flower Dept. South sld. new store Bverythlna In fleral decorations for Xmas. Fin Holly, IS- per lb. lJe rine, tleomiof plants. Visiting Cards ' Scotch linen Put up In Holly bo A uaeful Christmas gift, rp.rchau,1aV-...63c per 103 I'JJ A UVi c-B m7 1 mm j i 1 Si. i h vf Is 1 i t