TlIK pKK: OMAHA, FIMIUY, DECEMBER 10, W0!. The Omaha Daily Kee FOLKDiy) Bt EDWARD ROSKWATER. VICTOR ROSE WATER, BIMTOR. Entered at Omaha postofflce as sacond- alass matter TttRMsnr Ascription. , Pally Bee (without' Sunday), one year..4JJ fcally Hee and Sunday, one year 00 I'EL.1 VFRKI) BY CARRIER. Pally Ree (including Sunday), par wek..l Pally Hoe (without Sunday), per WMk..loo Evening Pee (without Sunday), per week sc. Evening Kee (with Sunday), per Surday Bee. one year ,in Saturday Itee, one year 1 -w Addree all complaints of Irretrularltlea In delivery to City Circulation Department. OFFICES. Omaba The Bee Building. South Omaha Twent v-fourth and N. Counrtl Hluffa 15 Hcott Street. Lincoln 618 Little Hnlldtnir. Chicago IMS Marquette Building. ! New Vorh-Rooma 1101-1102 No. M Weat Thirty-third Street . M Washington 728 Fourteenth Street, I. w. CORRESPONDENCE. ' Communications relating to newa and edi torial matter addreaaed: Omaha Dee, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or poatal order payable to The Hee Publishing Company. Only t-rent atamna received In payment or mall accounts. Personal, checka. except on Omaha or eastern exchange, not acceptea. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. Bute of Nebraska. Douglas County. .: Oeorge B. Tsschuck. treasurer of The Bee Publishing Company, being duly aaya that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Dally. Morning. Evening and Sunday Bee printed during the . month of November. was aa iouowa 43,070 ; 43,050 ' 43.700 4160 49,460 efl.lTO II. 41,-50 It II It i9 U 43,190 41.S00 41,390 41,50 40,340 41.M0 7. M.. I ' 41,t30 1 43,10 14... 10. ... . . . 11... 12,. 11 14... Total . A 4130 41,760 43,800 41,780 15 41,700 21.. 27.. 21.. 43,340 41,810 40,400 41,350 41.380 40,100 t tt. 41,800 10. 1,353,880 Returned Coptea NeT6tal. i. ... .1 . . . .1,343,005 Dally Average. ,....,..' 41,7e GEO. B. TZSCHUCK. Treaaurer. Bubacribad In my presence end-sworn to before me itM lav day of December, lfttt. (Seal) v ' M. P. VVALKKR, Notary Public f bacrlbera leaving; tae city tem porarily koaltl kave Tke Be nailed to theai. Address will be ehaaa-eil aa often aa reqaeeted. After.'theplUBu bat, man Is capable of &,'.j!, i? And now the thud of the fatal basket ball Is heard In the land. The copper merger has the appear ance of-lelng submerged. The question promptly arises, What Is the knead for a bakers' combine? If the aeroplane cannot be made stable otherwise, why not gyroscope it? And In the meantime, so far as ana American heiress Is concerned, no lord ...T.'iwn.! iui . - need apply. 1 , Keep in mind the zero spells for the ice man when he talks about no crop next summer. New York puts up with the six-day bicycle race, but Butte cannot stand for tho'Marathon waits.- Oaynor may be making up his own slate, but it looks as though Murphy were supplying the pencil. Leave it to a referendum vote of the ultimate consumer and there will be no general railroad strike. The pooling of the wool crop in Ken tucky may bo only another excuse for the activities of the Night Riders. The Iron box concealing the Cook trophies at Copenhagen forms a wel come relief for. the brass tube. The ship of state launched by the last democratic legislature In Okla homa seems "to have run on a hefty snag. 1 With' his coUBtuntly recurring law suits, Boni must be. almost as much of a nuisance to Arfha as before the di vorce. While the women are decorating the waterways, let them not overlook the opportunity for beautifying the canal boat niuli Vl mT , : Does the county attorney prosecute for and in the name of the people, or for and In the name of the Dahlman Democracy? Zelaya seenis to be as competent a suppressor of truth among his follow ers a was Castro. The end is likely to be identical. Governor Hughes has appointed a mountain climber to the supreme court bench, but no Polar claimant has yet landed the ermine. If Zelaya thinks Mr. Knox doesn't mean It, let him read back In the files about that Atlantic City scrap in which a Pittsburg rowdy was routed. Congo natives who have suffered from the Belgians' . tyranny may now draw lessons from the spectacle of Leo pold confronting the king of tyrants. The South Omaha Commercial club has for Its slogan, "Kill the knocker." If they will only succeed-In doing that, what a service they will render the public' The young . woman missing from Kansas City has been located not very far from the Nebraska state capital. Sh was looking for quiet, and knew where to find It. i v S ' The courts have decided that the neighborhood of J. P. Morgan Is. not .''iviuslirVJ. evldeuljy cqnsld6rln hat If i really wished to make U so he could readily buy It up. Oar Vait Beiourcet. The National Monetary commission may be considered to have rendered a marked service to the country In com piling so completely the united bank resources of the country, for its method of taking account of stock 1b more strlklDg in Its results than any tabulations hitherto shown in the cen sus reports. For the first time the American citi zen Is able to grasp the immensity of the resources of the various banking institutions of the nation, exceeding twenty-one billldns of dollars, and cov ering actual deposits of fourteen bil lions at a given date. The Individual share in this vast investment is $213 per capita in the entire United States and Its ' Island possessions, and it should be a matter of state pride that Nebraska's per capita exceeds this av erage. The significance of the commlsfelon's report must come home to the thought ful citizen as demonstrating the urgent need for devising some permanent method of administering and safe guarding this tremendous capital. It is the greatest object lesson yet of fered In the campaign of education that the commission devised to lead to currency reform. Such a fiscal giant should not be left at the mercy of such flings of misfortune as In the past have crippled It, and it must be evident to all that the best method for bulwark ing the banking interests ought to be discovered with as much speed as Is consistent with safety. Canada 'and Annexation. While the liberals are having their own troubles in England, those in Can ada seem to be having everything their own way, for they have Just demon strated strength enough to indicate a complete change of plan in the matter of naval enterprise. It is now evident that the Laurler government has suffi cient votes to put through its proposals for the construction of a fleet of cruis ers and torpedo-boats and for the sub sidizing of shipyards and drydocks. But these, It appears, are to be used exclusively for the dominion's interests, and will not be a contribution to Oreat Britain as originally proposed. Sir Charles Tupper, former premier, may be held partly responsible for the triumph oij the Laurler policy, for at the last moment he came forth with a recommendation that Canada's war ships should be Its own, and not a part of tho imperial navy, coupled with the warning that it was time for the Dominion to recognize the danger lurk ing across the borders, that of annexa tion, his conservative spirit seeming to have been stirred over the fear that the United States contemplate forcible seizure of the country to the north. This is . the second time within, a few weeks that .a distinguished Can adian has set up this cry of, "Wolf!" and one cannot but marvel at the fright that the bugaboo seems to inspire at Ottawa. Sir Charles Tupper may be right in his claim that the fixed policy of all parties in the United States ' Is for annexation, but on this side of the border that at present is not what one mlgbt term a dominant issue, and if there 1s any-general desire on the part of the American people to present the Dominion territory to Uncle Sam, it will be as some future ChrlstmaB gift, not this season. We might want to marry Miss Canada, when she grows up, but we have no Intention of doing any kidnaping, Sir Charles! The Public's .Share of Guilt. While pointing a finger of scorn at the sugar ring, let us pause for a mo ment and see what- the cold-blooded government thinks of some of the other offenders. The voice Is that of the secretary of the treasury, and he minces no words in summarizing his views of the general evils underlying the customs house disclosures. The influence of local politics comes in for Its share of denunciation, as pro motlng that "laxity and low tone which prepare and furnish Inviting soil for dishonesty and fraud." The secretary is undoubtedly right in his conclusion that "unless the service can be released from the payment of political debts and exactions, and from meeting the sup posed exigencies of political organlza tlons, big and little, it will be impossl ble to have an honest service for any length of time." But offensive partisanship In the customs is not so clearly shown by the secretary as Is the general public's share of guilt in the demoralization of the service. Mr. McVeagh makes clear that the widespread disposition of returning American travelers to evade the payment of customs duties has greatly helped to create the condt tlons wh'lch have become Intolerable. "Those Americans who travel abroad, he says, "belong to the sections of peo ple which most readily create public sentiment and are most responsible for it; and the fact that in so many tn stances these travelers are willing to defraud the government out of consid erable or even small sums, creates an atmosphere on the docks that strongly tends to affect the morale of the entire customs service. And when to this is added the frequent willingness upon the' part of these responsible citizens specifically to corrupt the govern ment's men, then the demoralization Is further accentuated." In other words, the secretary of the treasury convicts the American peopl at large of being a nation of smugglers The virus of this trait has been in man's blood from the day of the first excise law. How tolerant of Its exist ence the race has been, the American himself does not realize until the U confronted by the dUrry of such an amazing development of It, and then he realizes that any form of smuggling on lesser scale as well aa on greater. Is fraud against the government and gainst the citzen who pays his honest ues. Will it Be a Whitewash t TheT" Hoard of County Commissioners has had before It for several days the results of an Investigation of a scandal at the county hospital. The stories told the board were most circumstan tial, and contain direct charges of not only scandalous, but criminal, conduct on the part of some of the county em ployes. After hearing all the testi mony the board took the matter under advisement. . Just what there was to give delib erate consideration may be summed up In one of two propositions. Either the witnesses lied or they told the truth. As the employe most seri ously accused is reported to have con fessed In detail tne crime charged against him. It would seem that In his case, at least, there was very little to deliberate over. The county attorney declines to go out of his way to take cognizance of the conditions developed by the inves tigation. Is the matter to be hushed up, or will the authorities go to the bottom of it, even if it should result in the removal of a democratic pap-sucker from his position at the public trough? Wirelesi Development. While there is criticism that we lag behind other nations in the matter of military aeronautics, it is evident that we are up with the procession in that more useful service, wlreloss teleg raphy. It must be a matter of satisfac tion to the citizen who favors cultiva tion of the latest scientific equipment for the defensive service ot the nation, that tho navy Is about to embark on one of the greatest of tests to demon strate the possibilities of wireless de velopment. What the navy Is striving for Is an absolutely , reliable system that will transmit messages for at least 1,000 miles under any and all conditions, and for 3,000 miles under favorable conditions. Two vessels, the scout cruisers, Birmingham and Salem, are already equipped with apparatus de signed to accomplish these results, and if they demonstrate the trust worthiness of the plan, then all the ships of thenavy are likely to be equipped with similar devices. The two fleet vessels are to make what will be practically a tour of the world, exchanging messages constantly at a distance of at least 1,000 miles from each other, in all waters,' In all climates and weathers. They are also expected to maintain . communication with shore points 3,000 miles distant. The program Is such arv ambitious one that the results will, not be known till late next year, by which time the Navy department hopes to be able to demon strate to the world that it has uttered the last word in wireless efficiency as applied to men-of-war. No proof was required to support the proposition that Nebraska badly needs a new state capitol building, but this will not lessen the regret that valuable books in the state law library have been Irreparably damaged by reason of the insecurity of the room in which they are stored. To provide proper housing for state offleemr and records is a most Imperative duty and cannot be much longer evaded. Parisians are likely to frown se verely on the violation of the code in Bolivia, where one dueling senator killed the other. On the same date two famous Frenchmen aimed thejlr pistols at each other, exchanged kisses and honor was satisfied. Oh, no, a Parisian could not live in Bolivia. What a pleasant, picture of co-opera tive housekeeping is afforded by the governor of Kansas throwing his kitchen open to his neighbors during the cold spell! Natural gas may cease to flow, but Sunflower Stubb's milk of human kindnees goos on forever. Even during the stress and discom fort of the weather man's unaccounta ble behavior, Omaha citizens can find some grains of consolation In reading reports from Kansas City and other nelebborlng communities. It is not as bad as that In Omaha. The New York Board of Education has barred foot ball from the public schools of that city, notwithstanding the plea of the game's supporters that the rules are to be reformed. The board evidently wants to see the refor mation first. Of course, James J. Hill knows that Nebraska Is not always covered with snow, and besides, he has encountered cold weather before. But the warmth of the welcome he receives in Omaha will more than offset the frigid climatic conditions. The gentle spirit of levity has broken loose again among our co-eds tn the east, where a girl who rooted for the wrong team was painted red and thoroughly iced, thereby demonstrating the admirable qualities of her bazers. The fact that yellow is to be substi tuted for white In the signal service of some of the railroads does not alter the standing of the yellow journals. In the newspaper world white will con tinue to be the signal for safety. Omaha is closing the year at an In dustrial and commercial pace far ahead of its fastest former, gait. The In creases In every line of activity prove jthat the growth of the, city has Just tcgua .-.. , THE MESSAGE IN THE WEST. I. a it's Delays. rv Mnlnea Register and Iveodor. The stouaeet part of the messa la that In which he deals lth the ne'rtW d'Mays, apix al and costs of l;al procedure In the t;nltr-d States. It Is here that he knows his sround.and he talks with absolute assur ance. And It Is here that he can do a real servIO to the country, for If Justice was ever slow and ooatly, where It anould be cheap and pedy. It la with us. Clear, raaasart aad Complete. Sloax City Journal. Aa a report on "the state of the union" Prealdent Taft's flrat measaee to congress la clear, compact and complete. As an outline of .the administration program It Is Incomplete, several of the most Important Items, Including the "paramount Issue." having; been Irft for future presentation In special messages. A Coatraat. ' Kanaaa City Times. Nothing .better mark the contrast be tween the present administration and that Immediately preceding than a cumparlmui of today' roesaage with the representative Itoosovflt eommunloatlons to conaresa. The difference In temptr as well as In aubatance la strikingly apparent. But It la a difference for which the country waa fully prepared. Heaiarkahle for Oaalaalona. Chicago Tribune. The presldent'a message ls remarkable for Its omtsalona rather than for Its con tents. It la so' neutral In tune and ho large a part of it is given to the recital ot unimportant, nnncontroveralal or quasi controversial dlptomAtlo questions that It reada rather like an English speech from the throne than the mnaaage to which our ears are. accustomed. gonad. Virile Doonment. Chicago Record-Herald. In characterising the message as a w hole we should kay that It was a sound, virile dooutnent. The views expressed tn It are dearly set forth In a frank and atratght forward manner, and for the " moat part they will be Indorsed by the groat body ot the paopre. But he who la searching for. highly sensational paisasjoa will have his labor for his pains. Reaalader of iMatforat Pledaea. St. Loula Republic A portion of the meaaage that will at traot wide attention la' that In which tha president reminds the republican congress of the Chicago platform'a pledge for a law forbidding, except In emergencies, the Issue by the federal courts of Injunctions, tem porary or permanent, without notice to the parties agalnat whom the Injunction Is sought. Litigants, especially the leaders of labor organizations, will await with solicitude the action of congress on this recommendation. CUTTING DllWJi KXPE'SKS, Extravagant, E)a lata tea Pared Down to Actual Needs. Baltimore Sun. That the estimates of the coat of con ducting the business of the government are more than 1100,000,000 lesa than the, ap propriations made for the.sajne purposes last year Is an evidence that President Taft intends to keep hie promise of econ omy. It haa been. 1 the established custom heretofore for each department of govern ment to ask corigiless for moral money than was really needed.: The expectation was that the amoutit aaked would not be appropriated,- and,, therefore, each depart ment gave Itself aome rootn to be cut down A more unbusinesslike 'method could scarcely1, be devised. A surer way to pro mote extravagance it would be difficult to find. Congress ' could place no reliance upon thfe ' estimates, which were always misleading. ' ' Under President Taffs direction the dif ferent departments have furnished con gress with a statement of their actual needs, and the amounts, Instead of being padded are cut down, tt 1b said, to the lowest figures consistent with efficient administration. This Is a sensible and proper method. It shows that the president Is tn earnest in, his desire to safeguard louder than words. This practical method of saving money will be more effective than pages of admonition In annual mes sages. It will now be for congress to do its part of this good work and keep within the estimates. I'ndolnur a Combination. New York Journal of Commerce. The Rock Island combination Is an ag gravated txamplc of the holding company. which the state of New Jersey has Inflicted upon the country for the propagation of trusts and combinations In restraint of trade. The mora such as these can be un done and defeated In the purpose for which they were created the sooner can we get to the solid ground of genuine Investment and honest corporate management. How the Troable Started. Cleveland Leader. Congresman Fowler of -New Jersey de clares that "unless the republican party gets rid of Aldrlchlsm and Cannonlsm, the people will get rid of the republican party." It Is only a few months since Can non dropped Fowler from a much-prized committee chairmanship, a circumstance which may have whetted the edge of the Jerseyman's criticism and clouded his prophetic vision. Good Word In Season. Detroit Frea Press. We can speak a good word for Chm pay-as-you-enter car. In the first place, you don't have a conductor walking all over your feet and crowding you off your bal ance so that he cen grab a transfer from the man Who Cot on by the way of the front door, and your thoughts urxn't Inter rupted now and then by a haughty woman Insisting that "you got my fare half an hour bko,'' Another Fight Ahead. Springfield Republican. The. flrat sentence In Mr. Bryan's Com moner thla week Is: "The people have an other fight ahead." They have many ahead, but the one the Commoner haa In mind la the central bank Issue. For the present, there are no slgna that the cen tral bank question threatens our Hbertle3, and Mr. Aldrlch tnu.-t be disappointed In the small conflagration It has caused. Aastralla Kuani. New York World. While many people are grumbling about the number of Immigrants we are getting, Australia haa aent an agent to New York to see If it cannot lure some of them away from us. And Australia knows! ('a rage Banked with w hlakera. Bt. Paul Pioneer Presa. An Omaha judge haa decided that a barber Is not a profeasional man. Doubt leas that Judge wears full whiskers and haa his wife iU his hair, otherwise he would not, dara talk that way. '.. A of Pre aa red aeaa. Washington Post. Mr. Taft may have to rub the dust off the pig stick before he gets the national Incorporation act through congrei Poor Old Jackass aome Breeay Raatarka aa tbe Demooratlo AjUmaJ the Watar Wagon, and ib jugular Driver ,' Charleston News and Courier (dem.V, The poor old democratic JsckaM haa had a hard time of It for the last thirteen years. Instead of ploughing the furrows straight the driver haa been going in end out, cutting fancy curve, going deep some times and ploughing the air on occasion so that the poor beast haa been so ccm fuad that he has lost all Idea of propor tion. The political crop which has followed this novel farming has been the saddest that the eye of mm ever gazed on. Re markably arable landa have ben aa barren as the rock farms of New England, and the plants that In the belnlng bloomed hopefully, hive withered before they had time to put out fruit. Diversity of crops haa done no good. The general ruin has tx'en nil embracing. However, the jackass has befn told to take new courage, that the farmer lias a new Idea, as the opportunist always haa. Mr. Rryaii has discovered a new para mount Issue, and It Is prohibition. He has studied the statistical tables, he has wept over the tales of wrong and misery which the teetotalers have presented to his view he has sren tlio wave of fanat icism sweeping from one end of the coun try to the other. In the repeatod vic tories of the "drys" he espied the silver lining of the cloud and he has been qultik to take advantage of It. He has virion of an immense water wagon, himself on the front seat, moving with Irresistible force to Washington. H has dreams ot Carrie Nation, as the representative of Kaunas, delivering phllllplra In tho capl tol of the nation. Ha sees himself bela boring the patient Jackasa, who is draw lug the water wagon, and bothlnks him celt to summon Mlnnemoacot back from the Gold field brewery to aaaist In lUa glorioua work. It is well that the peerless one has es caped appointment to the supreme oouit, else how oould he again save the country? It Is unfortunate that the "Incarnation of Disaster" has espoused a cause which has heretofore given evidence of popular sup port. On the heels of the announcement from LJncoln of the new paramount issue, the voters of Alabama gathered them selves together and administered such a blow to It as ncer before have they ad ministered to anything. Is it possible that Mr. Dryan Is a hoodoo when we all thought him a nillikln? Is he the antithesis of the swastika? Have his ropeattd sacrifices to strange gods availed nothing? Has ha withered the power of the Penates .of the domooratlo household? Is the Jackass, which was so cleverly guided in the brave old days, now tantalized into usnlessnes by repeated Injections of bitter and un palatable medicine? . " .The platltudlnal Nebraakan wrltea know ingly, calling to the attention of the publto many things which they have had the honor to know for years. "The aaloon "Is next-to-kln to the brothel' and the gambling hall; it la the rendezvous for the element and the willing tool ot the cor rupt polltlclana." So IS the great "Mystery of 1!0S" explained. Without this "corrupt tool" tlie democracy would have marched In triumphant splendor .from bleak N; braaka to hospitable Washington and "The Boy Orator of the Platte" would have shared his domicile with the monosyllable from Indiana. The saioon robbed tho nation Of a president and made a protective tariff possible. "A drunkard robs his wife and children, and he may finally make hi family and himself a charge upon society; has society no right to protect ItBelf?" It has. It has a right to protect Itself from the drunkard, from tuberculosis, from Idiots and from demagogues. It has a right to protect itself against Incompetency in high places. It has a right to demand success and to refuse to condone repeated failures. It has a right to Insist that Its leaders should be men who think, who study, .who can tell a neceaslty from a noise and not confuse their personal am bition with the needs of society In gen eral. Yes, society has many rights even if democracy seems to have none. Of course, some time in the distant fu ture, when the Utopias of the dreamers have become tha realities of aoonomlcs, when the brotherhood of man haa been achieved, when human nature has been changed and the new evolution has per fected man and society, then the historians in looking back over the dark days of the present can write in glowing terms of the greatest dreamer of them all, the man who saw things as they were to be tn the time of his children's great grandchildren, the leader who sacrificed the probabilities of the present to the possibilities of the future, who had visions of a mlllenlum brought about by his magic wand, who changed In a few short years millions cf practical men Into dreamers like himself, whose aspirations reached to the farthest limit of the skies to meet his negatlvo achievements; the man who knew no equal as a political prestldtgltateur, and rose stronger and more bcatlfio from every tumble. It Is the future, not the present, which belongs to the peerless one. fit Is the Immortality of hope and the In consequence of reality. The man who can not pluck a rose without being pricked by the thorns Is harnessing the Jackass again. The overworked animal Is about to be hitched to the water wagon and be driven he knows not where. PERSONAL NOTES. While It is true that James J. Hill la a remarkable proptn t In that he give dates he makes them far enough ahead to avoid a come-back. It may or may not be true thaj;.a. Call fornia bellboy received a llg Tegacy as a reward fur good service, but let u circu late this Item, In the hotels, anyway. Americana are said to be coining money in Ilrklsh cities by revival of the rollet skating craze. They not only run the rinks but they equip ithem almost entirely wlt'l American skates. ' Mrs. Humphrey Ward boldly takes her' place among tho!e who do not care to vote, and do not regard the blacking of a policeman's eye as a logical and adequat bid for the franchise anyhow. T. P. OGonnor, at a dinner In New York, said in rceponse to a toaat of Ireland: "1 am In agreement with the young man in Albert hall. An anti-budget duke waa pro claiming from the platform: 'What Is It that has mado England what it Is what has made England what it is what haa made England mighty, revered and loved? 'Ol n land!' the young man ahouted from the gallery." In his "Recollections of O rover Cleve land" Mr. Oeorge F. Parker glvea a pari of the credit for the high phrase, "Public office a publio trust." to Secretary La moot Mr. Cleveland's idea had bttn that public officials were trustees of the people, and the skilled brain of Mr. Lamont condensed the thought Into e taking headline for a pamphlet. 1 mvm Sammy Livatsky was a good little Jew, and slowly and painfully learned the Hebrew alphabet, but the temptation of the Christ mas of the Krishts was too much for little Sammy. This pathetic story, "The Tool Chest," by Bruno Lessing,is a Christmas story from an unusual point of view, and is We of the best things its author has done. HOLIDAY COSMOPOLITAN 15 Cent a Copy All Newt-stand BRYAN AND EDINBURGH. Specalatlnar on tha Chances for a , I'nlveralty Degree. Springfield (Mass.) Republican. Tho fact that Mr. Bryan has an engage ment to deliver an address In Edinburgh, Scotland, next Spring arouses g6sstp.' Natu rally, Such an engagement seems out of his line. As the foremost down-and-outer in America, he can scarcely get engage ments in his own country, so why should Edinburgh take him up? Astonishment deepens over the strange development when the detail is added that the address la to be in some way under the auspices of the University of Edinburgh. This scents un thinkable, for the University of Edinburgh is one of the leading Institutions In the British Isles. And, thereupon, the disturb ing question arises whether the university Is to confer upon Mr. Bryan an honorary degree. Ordinarily, the degree Is associ ated with such appearances by foreigners of reputation. Will Mr. Bryan get an LL. D. or a D. C. L. ? There la more than one board of university trustees In Amer ica that would be harrowed to hear that the University of Edinburgh had thus taken Mr, Bryan to Its academic-bosom, for not a single Institution in this country has thus far "doctored" the Nebraakan. For hint to receive hts first honors of this sort from an eminent British university might make several of our leading university and col lege presldents-wlnce a bit. For Mr., from their point of view, Is unthinkable. If the degree Is given, possibly we may account for It on the ground that Mr. Bryan Is a devoted and steadfast Presbyterian, and In Scotland the Presbyterians are S power. CHEERY CHAFZ "I know one thing which will make a woman change color quicker than any thing else." "What la that" "When she gets blue because she finds out she's gray." Baltimore American. "Can openers?" said the salesgirl. "Yes, ma'am; what kind?" "Any-good kind will do," answered Mrs. Lapallng. "I've heard my nephew Bertram speak of tha arma vliumque can opener. I'll look at one of those. If you please.' Chicago Tribune. "Father," aald the amall boy with the thoughtful. Intellectual fact, "how do you differentiate between an ambassador and a minister?" "Differentiate! gasped the father, struck A Complete, Equipped With Full Library of Music. Ready t fltxy. at Think of that for an enthus. lastlo CHRISTMAS gift! And think of the enjoyment EVER t. ON 8 will derive yrom It An In strument atandlng ever ready to render the world's bast mualo In BETTER atyle than can be ren dered by ANY performer among your acquaintance- If Intereated In this, come to our establishment and aak to see and hear the "BOUDOIR" PL.AYKR PIANO. Yea, it may be played by hand In the eld It ma way If you wish, to play It in that manner and the mechanlam la concealed juat aa It la la the very muoh mora xpenalve makes. $2.00 Per Wook Pays For It 1513-1513 DOUGLAS ail of a heap, but recovering hirtaelf, "we pay the ambassador about $5,600 more salary, my son, than we do the minister." Chicago Tribune. "I see there is a correspondence school of poetry." "1 suppose It charges by the jiumber of "Or else by the reading of the meter.' ClsvelandLicader. - . ' B. - Oinner--The caddie laughed utt when I foosled that I felt like braining him. Friend Why didn't you? B. I didn't know the proper club to use. Boston Transcript.! . Poor Richard was writing;" "early to bed and early to rise." "Why didn't you include early to shop?" we asked. Sadly he confessed himself behind the times. New York, . Suh. , . "His brother is fh a very shady busi ness." "Whafs that?" "Awnings." Prlncetoa Tiger. I EEEETTIN'. . J. M. Lewis in Houston post. The days are grlttln' shorter,'' And although I thought that I Would be glad the long and glary I jays of summer had gone by. Yet I catch myself a-wlahln' For the summer days once more. For the bare feet of the babies Of a mornln' on the floor. Uaed to be when days was longer, When the daylight oame at four, I would hear a sudden patter And the oreakln' of a door. I would hear a little giggle. And a footfall on the stair, And I'd fix myself all ready For a most outlandish soare. But f'd keep right oh a' eatln' Like I didn't hear at all. Didn't hear the little giggle,' Pldn't hear the witchin' Jell Of the bare feet of the baby Comln' down to s'prlse her pop, Just a' eatln' and a-estin' - LJke I never meant to stop. Then there'd be a rush and SflramMa, And. a giggling, shrieking: "Boo!" And a daddy ao excited That he ecarce knew what to do. Then a babe in a white nightie, With a tousled yellow head. Sitting snuggled to hor daddy Munching on a pleoe of braadi Now the days are so much shorter That I finish up, and take j Vp my hat and dinner bucket 'Fore the babies are awake; And. I seldom get to see them Till the night time, and that's why I'm regettln' that the long days Of the summer tiro are by. , . ,. Brand Now 1111(D) S3 75 It is fitted wlfh wvmrr drrica what . sua better. Ul -ttotMiK U Juat ar a a tie to fit ANT PlTaCX .if CJT P Yaur nd to bur ene IfOW, a. will .apply a fraJ i,.1"' v.f wth it, ii.n Player bench, and will Insure It ai JJjrur fir, and death laaunu," ..TJ?J ''n't another gift like this at la all Omaha you'U admit It when you ae lu 1 i . -""i an. iook at the -ea- ,rm'y EA8Y payment plan upon STnEBT. pjviAHA 1 'A 1 i ! 1 i ajrw ? A-' Pi