Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1909, Page 3, Image 3

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.1 Tri TTVTT'Ti
me u v
Victor Herb ert wanted
ON "
because he believed it wasthe only sound
reproducing instrument that fulfilled all
Conditions, and because he believed that
by means of an Edison Phonograph only
could the widest distribution be given
to good music.
Victor Herbert makes good music
now malcintr it for're-
1 v J - - ft "
v J production in the- Edison Phonograph
j . and is himself supervising: the work of
JT . . u: u:. "!-' .k-
jus own m iiianiug 111c
? Records.
Victor Herbert's Records are but
one of the many attractions which the
Edison Phonograph offers you.
How about an Edison Phonograph
Kdiaon Phonnerapria can We had from $12.50 to""$lt-,00
Eillaon Standard Recorda .SS
Edison Ambcrol Record (play twice aa long) .50
Ediaon Grand Opera Recorda - - 73c. and $1.00
There are Ediaon dealer everywhere. Go to the near eat and
hear the Kdiaon Phonograph play both Edison Standard and
Amberol Recorda and get complete catalogs from your dealer
or from us.
Natiomal Ffconearaph Coti-paar. 78 La ---de Ave., Orana. N. J.
( M
ta ' i i i
renistent Rumor in Lincoln Normal
Board Hat Decided.
O'Neill Making Ktrenaona Effort
Pall Down rer Simmon Ns t'oart
Opinions Rendered Thla
' Week.
Acta directly and' .peculiarly on
the blood; purifies, enriches and
revitalizes it, and in this way
builds up the whole system.
Take it. Get it today.
In usual liquid form or chocolated
tab I eta called Sarsatabs. 100 Doors $1.
Witne$i in Grand Island Murder Case
Telli of Crime.
Nebraska Cycle Co.
represents' the National Phonograph Co. in
Nebraska, and carries huge stocks of
Edison Phonographs -
including fhe models mentioned in the Na
tional Phonograph Co.'s announcement on this
page today, as well as a stock of
Ovet 100,000 Records
IebroLska Cycle Co.
15th fcnd Harney' &ts., Geo. W. Mickel, 334 Broadway,
Omahi-. Nb. " Manager, Council Bluffs, la.
sT.' 'jL1i.irtl
Falrborr Yonth Gangrht with
V ' l.rev Anton pte.
FAIRBURY, Neb., Decv . (Special.)
Hart Llndhohti'- and William Smith, re
pectlvely li and 13 years ef acre, were ar
rested -here last night for robbing the
United States malls.
Some time ago: "Postmaster Shelley be
cpie suspicious 4jBjtlljya1.iot.cJght
from the large number of complaints he
received of losses and a secret Investigation
Was commenced. -Later a large amount of
rifle roall was .found In the rear of a
machine shop 'near the postofflce and all
thla proved to be from the boxes In the
postofflce, and It was then plain that some
on had been taking advantage of the
many boxes that are always left unlocked
to help', themselves , to mall when there
were' few ;n. the lobby! A watch was Im
mediately Instituted which resulted last
night In catching the lads above referred
to In the act Although young In years
they had been operating on a large scale
and their sagacity at concealing the facts
when questioned was amasing. The Smith
boy has been In several other similar
scrapes, and waa up before- the county
Judge on charge of stealing a couple of
months ago.' At that time, owing to his
-age, be Was allowed to go free after he
had promised the judge -that he would
coma around and report his conduct once
month. This tie had never done. The
articles known to have been stolen include
several checks of large amounts, besides
soma money and mei ehandtse.
They were taken before County Judge
Boyle this morning, when they pleaded
guilty and the older of the two boys was
sentenced to a term In the reform school,
while the younger on waa virtually paroled
on tke promise of his parents to look after
Mm more strictly In the future. '
. Farmer Dresi Dead.
EEWAKDi Neb., Dec 9. Special Tele
gram.) Joseph Sampson, a wealthy land
owner of this vicinity, dropped dead from
heart failure today at his home near
Bernard. Mr. Sampson, who was the uncle
of former Chief Justice 'Norval, leave a
widow and two sons, who are In business
in Seward, one caughter In Seattle and on
at home.
Jerome Wlltse and Wife Complete
Fifty Years of Married Life.
FALLS CITY, Neb.. Dec. . (Speoial.)
Jerome "Wilts and his wife,.. Mary
Wlltse, vTdedaycelebra'tecvth.e. golden to
ri verary of their wedding.;' The member
of the family sought to surprise their par
ents, but the vigorous old pioneers were
not taken by surprise, but were overjoyed
to meet their sons and daughters-ln-laws
on their fiftieth anniversary of married
Mr. Wilts Is In his seventy-fifth year
end Mrs. Wlltse is enjoying her seventieth
The members of the Orand Army of the
Republic were represented and those of
the family who 'were present at the anni
versary of the wedding were C. P. Wiltse
and wife of Newport, Neb.; Dr. B. W.
Wiltse and wife of Modale, la.; O. W.
WiltaVof Dawson. Neb.; C. H. Wlltse and
wife of Preston. Neb.; John Wiltse of this
city, James Wiltse of, Rulo. Neb., and Miss
Mary Wiltse of Stella. Neb. Of the mem
bers of the family living there are. eight
sons, one daughter and eighteen grand
children. '
Norfolk Preea la Trooble.
NORFOLK. Neb., Deo. . (Special Tele
gram.) Backing a moving van up to the
door of the Norfolk Weekly Prenyl, a paper
published by W. H. Weeks, Constable
Flynn today served executions on two
Judgments scoured some time ago by Mapes
at Hasen, lawyers, seising - all available
articles belonging to the editor. Among
them was the editorial desk. Job stock, etc
These will be sold at publio sale.
Engineer Wright Dead.
LINCOLN, Dec. . (Special Telegram.)
O O. Wright, the Parsons, Kan., engineer,
hurt In a train accident on the Rock Island
yesterday died today. He ia survived by
a wife and children.
as a pleasant thought
of an old friond-
A crisp, golden brown food,
made of corn, with an ir
rcsistiby delicious flavour
that delights old and young.
-The Memory Lingers"
sold nr GROCERS.
' " ' - -
' Made at Pure Food Factories of . nl
Poitum Cereal Co.. L,td.. U&ttle Creek, Mich.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Dec . (Special.) Originating
at a source that cannot now be traced Is
a story going the rounds that Alliance Is
going to get the new normal school and
that this was settled during the legisla
ture providing the new normal board bill
then pending did not pass. Treasurer Brian
said he had no idea where the new normal
school would be located and could not say
which town he would favor until he had
looked over the proposition made by the
various towns. Secretary Ludden denied
that he had ever heard that Alliance was
to get the school through any deal made
during the time the bill was pending, or at
any time since then. He, like Mr. Brian,
said the school would be located In the
town that the board thought would be the
best location for the school.
Now that the time Is fast approaching
when the board is to start out on Its tour
of Inspection of towns in northwest Ne
braska, the interest hi the location of the
school Is becoming Intense.
Information has been received that
O'Neill has submitted a proposition for the
school to the new board and that Secretary
Graham of that defeunct organization sllll
had the papers in the case and these would
be ordered sent to the regular board. Oscar
Snyder and R. R. Dickson of O'Neill are
said to be working overtime for O'Neill
and the propositions prepared by the Holt
county people will shortly be on file with
the regular board. They are claiming that
O'Neill would serve, more people than many
of the town wanting the school.
Alllanoe, Chadron, Crawford, Atnsworth,
Gordon and the other towns which want
the school offer the same kind of argu
ments, however, so it will take a personal
inspection of the board to decide which is
entitled to it The board will start out the
first week in January on its trip of in
spection. v
No Oplalona Thla Week.
It Is very probable that the supreme court
i will hand dpwn no decisions at the sitting
this week. The court is very anxious to
olean up as much business at this time as
possible, In order to carry few cases over
Into the new docket to be made up January
15. For that reason the time of the court
at the session this week will be. devoted
largely to passing. on motions for rehear
ing a.
Objects to Ctgrarette ImokUg,
'Attorney General Thompson has received
a letter from a school teacher at Schuyler
asking him to use his office In preventing
the publio amoklng of cigarettes. This
teacher writes that such occupation ruins
the health of the person working at It, and
also that of those who have to sit next to
him or be with' him during the operation.
The .writer ;alsn aske the -attorney general
to favor the enactment of a law which Will
prohibit the marriage of , persons who
smoke cigarettes. . At Schuyler, he said, a
paekage of clgaretjlft Sapors Is' given away
with each t-oent package of tobacco. The
legal department of state has the lnforma
tlon given it under consideration.'
Democrats Bear Old Clothes.
ine democratic administration, now
that it la up against a deficiency in prac
tlcally all of the state institutions, or at
least a majqrlty of them, has started a
campaign of retrechment . '
From some of the Institutions there haa
gone forth an appeal to relatives of in
mates for help, either financial or for
old clothes, or anything that can be used
In order to aave the institution from
deficiency.. '
The matter of this appeal for old clothea
has been heard by members of the State
Board of Public Lands and Buildings,
and It Is very probable some action will
be taken by the board. These members
have no objection to relatives who are
able paying the way of their unfortu
nates in a state institution, but they do
object to an Indiscriminate begging of
old clothes for the wards of the state.
It is not Improbable that the board will
take some action in the matter.
Walden Case Appealed.
The Bankers Life asnoclatlon of . Des
Moines has appealed 'from a decision of
the Phelps county district court, in which
Mrs. Dora F. Walden secured Judgment
for the amount of a life insurance policy
held by her husband in that company. It
was alleged by the company that Dr,
Walden, the husband' had taken his own
lite within five years of the date of the
policy, which rendered the policy void. The
doctor was found dead In his office and
by his side was a gleas, in which It was
alleged there had been poison. On the table
there were two letters bidding his wife
good-bye and telling her he had taken the
poison. At the coroner's inquest the Jury
held the doctor had committed suicide.
At the trial the two letter could not be
located and neither could the verdict of
the coroner's Jury. Witnesses testified to
having read ihe ieiief and one limit swore
that they had been written by the doctor.
Thla witness was attacked on his repu'a
tlon and therefore It was not proven con
clusively that the doctor had killed himself,
aa there, was doubt of the identity of his
hand writing.
Tripped oa HI Nana, Maybe,
William Jennings Bryan Gellus, a-year
old son of the deputy game warden, fell on
the Ice and broke his arm yesterday. The
little fellow was on his road to school
when the accident occurred. He kept on
his way and took his seat In the school
room and remained there until the teacher
noticed something wrong with him. Then
be waa aent home.
Mellor Hoaae froaa Dee Molars.
w. u. Mellor haa returned from Des
Moines, where he went to deliver an ad
dreaa before the tSate Board of Agrlcul
ture on state falra and exposition. Mr.
Mellor went to eDs Moines from Chicago,
where be attended the meeting of the
National Shorthorn Breeders', association
and assisted In naming five wetaern mem
bera of the board of directors of eleven
air. Mellor waa a member of a commit
tee appointed to prepare a uniform classltl.
cation for the use of a) latata fairs so
that persona making entries will know
Just what ha has to do In the several
states and that the requirement will be
the same In all states.
count of the mud and snow farmers are
unable to get Mr In. Rural delivery car
riers have been held up for several days
by the roads. ' "
Woman at Plckrell Discovered by
Haabnnd la 'Closet
BEATRICE. Neb, Dec.' a (Special Tele
gramsMrs. Mary Plerson was found fload
about noon today In a atoaet at her homo
at Piokrell by her husband, Oeonre Plerson,
upon his return home from Work. Ex
amination of the" body developed that death
had been caused from a' bullet wound Just
above the right ear; suppod to have been
self-inflicted. After flirting the body,
Coroner Reed and Sheriff Trude were noti
fied. Upon their arrival at Piokrell Plerson
was taken In custody and nsld,
perdlng an Investigation by tHe coroner's
Jury. It Is alleged when . neighbors wont
to the house oon after finding the body,
Plerson refused them admlttanco. He said
to the officers that his iwife had recently
threatened her life and apon leaving home
he locked his revolver 1n his trunk and
tooktho keys with htm. Upon his return
he found his wife having secured the
weapon by prying the lock off the trunk.
Mrs. Plerson waa 38 years of age and
leaves a 5 months old bady. She was v.ot
right mentally and iPerson Is said to be
affected in a similar way. He Is only 26
years of age. Mrs.' Plerson ' waa the
aughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Roller of
Love for State Laaarae.
LINCOLN, Dec. ".(Special Telegram.)
Mayor Love plans to organize a state
league of municipalities and la planning to
lasue a call to tbe mayors of the several
el ties of the state to meet and organise.
Cera Dasaaated ta Field.
fit; WARD, Neb.. Dec a. (Special Tele
gram.) Immense damage haa beeu done to
corn in this county by the recent weather.
Corn has been loft In the field and eu ac-
Nebraaka New Note.
GENEVA-Th) Rlornlnff thn 'mrMirv
reacnext the lowest till season. 11 belnar
ero. .J
BEATRICE Th' 1xl ' ei ' a .
i r inetuni last evening and decided
to hold a fair here during the holidays.
BEATRICE David RVnnn an nl
dent -of Y vmnre . v.atrvia w mrtrni
He was a native of South Wales and came
to thla count rv In lkufi H i nnriui
wiaow ana live oniiaren.
ttf'ATIUCE Word was reolvat h-a
eaterday, announcing the death of Miss
aroeane rucKer oi wvmori whlnh ni.
curred in a hoMottal at nmii Rh
.. jrnn oi airo ana a auirer ot Mrs. Oeorgo
numniaer or wvmore with whom ah mat,
her home.
MUTTON At the Decamhar tnulln. nr
me jrioara ot Education, it was voted to
give i wo weens ror the holiday vacation,
Deginning jjecember 17. Miss Tooker, who
resigned last week to take effect thm firm
or. me year, withdrew her resignation be
fore the board met. i '
BEATRICE The monthly w
made yeeterdajr bv rronntv Trnmnr
Barnard with the state, city and school
iatriot. The total oavment waa 1x2 S7D 29 at
which the state received tl2 h nitv
jl jrnTttwu-e, Kf.ou.tu: tne ftcrnm mat-Tint
l8.SSl.6i; and 'he bond fund, t2,0S0.16.
BEATRICE Fred Robtnaon nt T.lnnnln
Who shot and killed hla wife here ahntit
a ween ago ana inmeted a dangerous gun
snot wound on himself, is recovering at
Fall's sanitarium. He 'will be removed
to the county Jail aoun to rma.1n until
the date of his preliminary .hearing which
ha not yet been fixed -
KEARNEY In ' the ease tt tha tRata
against Scars In the district court, defend
ant being charged with aeinng intoxicating
.i.ji.ur in ma cuv or kearney without a
ncenBe, judge Hostetler dismissed the case,
adjudged the defendant not guilty. Sears
took the stand and claimed that he did
not soli whisky, but apple .older which he
cuiom wun cnerry ayrup.
KEARNEY--A. F. Kehr a mornhant .f
Amherst, , appeared In county court of
jnunaio county and askad -that ,Hnrv Rnh.
erts De placed under bond to, keep the peace
in tne village of Amherst. The natitlnn
alleges that Roberta insisted en' entering
n. v Biuro oi mi. aenr ana assaulting Mm
with Intent to do great injury. oBth men
wore face that resembled that of a pug
ilist, mat nad bean knocked out In the
lurijr-imn rouna.
GENEVA Last night the Modern Work
men of America lodge elected the following
uuiccn, vice conaui, j. it. warlrur
worthy adviser. Bert ' Wllllar emit,.
banker. J. F. Hampton: clerk. W. K.
rfigenDaum; workman. Johon Kualck
ser-lry. Cecil ' A. Flory; manager. Joe
nraaiey; physloians, R. Wood and Dr.
neck; escort, W. J. Coleman. This lodae
i over 800 members: four candidates
yotea on last night
BEATRICE The thre days celebration
of the fortieth anniversary of the Metho
dist church at Blue Springs closed Tues
day evening. Sunday addressee were de
livered Dy Chancellor Huntington and Rev.
E. L. Barch. The sneakers Mnnriiv and
Tueuday were Ret. Charles Burns and Rev.
rt. w. urrm. Tuesday afternoon the old
settlers had charge of the program which
consisted of a paper by S. H. Smith on
the History of Blue Sorlnaa." ajirt nn.
by Mrs. Smith on "The Church and the
ocnooi irom 1S57 to 1809."
(Continued From First Page.)
out alterations. Mr. Lonsdale stated fur
ther that the explorer's report waa founded
on these and dictated by Dr. Cook to him.
no other person having anything to do
with It Loose and Dunkle, Mr. Lons
dale added, were guests at the Waldorf-
Astoria during Dr. Cook' stay there, but
the explorer' acquaintance with thorn
was slight
The committee which will examine Dr.
Cook's records was composed of the fol
lowing: President, Prof. Ells Stromgren
director of the Astronomical observatory
Dr. C. F. Pechule, astronomer attached to
the observatory; Gustave Holm, explorer
Prof. A. B. Yensen, president of the
school of navigation; Dr. Royder, director
of the meteorological office, and Dr. F,
A. Engstrom, director of the Lund observa
lleaey Salt Not Yet Filed.
NEW YORK. 1HM. . The libel suit tor
xxiu.uuo, wnicn r rancla J. Meney, specie
proMHCtitor in the San Francisco Kraft
rases, ia saiu to nave oegun in Iw Hoik
agalnat William 11. Crocker of San Fran
ciaco has not yet taken definite form.
cai.vass of the various courts, faderai and
state, ahows that tne case haa not ve
been docketed. It was learned today that
tha suit will be filed within the next few
days. '
Chamberlain' Cough Remedy cure the
worst colds. Try It -
The Weather.
FOR N E BRAS K A Partly cloudy; slowly
rising temperature.
Full low A Fair; lowly lining tempera-
Temperature at Omaha yetserday:
Hour. Dec,
6 a. m...
6 a. m...
T a. m...
8 a. m...
a. m. ..
1 a. m...
11 a. m...
12 m.....
1 p. m..
t p. m..
t p. m..
p. m..
I p. m..
1 p. m..
T p. m..
I p. m..
I p. m..
Attorney for Defeadaat Will Aaeert
Killing- Waa Reaalt af taddea
Quarrel la Which Victim
Waa Aaarraaor.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb., Dec . (Special.)
In thea-ease of the state against Ernst
Stout for the murder of Joaeph Rlcheson
tha a lata placed on the stand a its first
witness It most Important one Carl An
derson, an employ ot Stout's who wa the
first to see what waa going on In another
portion of the hay Yield, In which he was
Anderson has been held by the county
ever since the alleged crime was committed
on August 19. He stated that he was at
tracted to the place where Stout had gone,
to see why the old gentleman, Rlcheson,
by the hearing Of a noise like "smacking." J
lie leaped upon a nay duck ana couia see
Stout, hi arms in motion aa If pounding.
He saw the downward motion of the body
about a dosen times and heard about a
dozen "smacks." He called a fellow em
ploye's,' Gosnell's, attention to It, and also
hailed a 'third employe, Scott who was at
some distance. The three started over to
where the trouble between Stout and the
old gentleman was taking place and were
on the way hailed by Stout who asked
them to bring th Jug of water. One of
them did ao and ran to the place. They
Saw the old man lying on his side, hla face
badly beaten, both eyes, shut, the blood
running out of his mouth and the man
Whip la Evidence.
On the suggestion of the other two em
ployes, Anderson started to get the doctor,
hut before he a-ot started to aet tha horse
and get away he waa called back by the
other two employe, who related that
Rlcheson waa dead. The whip, which waa
found near by, and with which,. It Is al
leged. Stout beat the-, old man to deatH,
wa submitted In evidence a wa also a
map drawn by the witness, Anderson,
showing the relative location of the vari
ous object In the field at the time of the
happening th hay stack, the hay buck,
at which Goodell and Anderson were when
the latter heard tha sound of the blows,
th place, where Rlcheson lay when the
three came up to Stout and Rlcheson, and
the cut and uncut tract of hay. The de
fense objected to this, on the ground that
It waa not true and not drawn to a icale.
The court overruled the objection on the
theory that tha distance were given on
the map between tha' various object and
tnat tma waa more aeximte man a scaie
of distance would be.
Stout 1 a young man of 28 year of age.
weigh 130 pound and Is robust Anderson
described the deceased a a man about M
year of age, weighing about 130 pounds
and aa to stature, "a little, shrivelled up
old man," which description, however, waa
tricken out on the objection that It waa
not responsive.
In hi plea of self defense, the defend
ant will endeavor to prove that Rlcheson
wa the aggressor In a sudden Quarrel,
when Stout went over 49 remonstrate with
him a to cutting hay, that Rlcheson swore
at Stout- that the latter turned away
amused, that Rlcheson followed him, strik
ing him 'with th whip, that Btout In self
defense, struck Rlcheson twice . with the
only defense God had given man, the fists.
and that the cause of death was really unknown.
In getting the Jury for the case two full
day were consumed and ninety-five Juror
and talesmen were examined. The state
used all sS Its six peremptory challenge
and the 'defense seven of It sixteen. In
only one previous murder case In this
county have more talesmen been sum
moned than in thla, that case being the
second Turley trial.
In the cross-examination of Carl Ander
son, the state made a severe test or his
recollection and an effort to break down
his story, but aside from a few minor
points the witness well sustained hla state
ments. The deense brought out from him
the divergence Rlcheson made in mowing
the field of hay from the directions given
by Stqut The day waa consumed by the
taking of this and the testimony of Ira
Gosnell and Earl Scott, the other laborers
in the field at the time of the killing of
Rlcheson. Bosnell related a conversation
had with Stout while Anderson waa sum
moning the sheriff, in which he said that
It beat what trouble a man had with
his tock."
Gosnell, on cross-examination, after con-
i :
The weather of last Friday waa abominable and few r-nplw ven
tured out. ' We don't blame tlioni for ataying at hni. t.r of the men
who waa In. however, aatd something worth rieatlna. "I am pretty
particular and don't buy In a hirry W 1 ae evmy r-ne buying In,
a hurry It make me hinry and you fnlke are e hujj pi good n
that I always wait for bad weal her. You never nwh me, but I feel a
little freer to take my time when no one ele la waiting-"', Jf course
our time la yours any time, but It la a fnot that b't't of people who
could conveniently shop In mld-we k 1 wnlt until Saturday and then
make hurried piriliaa"a. We like for people to buy loHurely here and
we recommend dull duy shopping to all who tan practice it .-
Your Monry Hack On Demand
Ti'i 1 - ..T mi IM 1
.. ,
Two Ywth Yfliile Items
For Friday X v
(3 to 16 yrars.)
Knickerbocker tulta for the older boyg, Rus
sian and other Juvenile styles .for little fel
lows. Good, heavy cheviots coats well lined
and trimmed, cuff sleeves, various-colors
$2. B0 values . .
31.75 -': .
Doys' Wnlst Oarfjnlno
(All Sixes.) i
About 100 dozen madras and percales; all
new Btrlpes, checks and patterns 76c Had $1
values , ,- -
Corn Show Visitors Invited to in
spect Omaha's Greatest Men's Store
1 1 ! " t I
rT.'' I
. o miKtf 1
Milling (a
Sunkist Flour makea delic
ious bread and biscuits
Sunkist is made from Nebraska's finest wheat.
Each kernel must be sound, plump, sweet. The wheat
is thoroughly cleaned and reduced . to flour la the t
most modern of sanitary mills. The process Is auto
matichygienic insuring absolute purity. No hu
man hand touches the product from tre time the
wheat enters this mill until the flour enters your
kitchen. ' '. ' '
Uf Sunkitt Flour for all home baking
At Last A Rice Food that Melts in Your Month
THIS nrm rice food Is so different, so delicious, so delicate In flavor,
so satisfying that you eat it (or pur enjoyment and forget Its
health-promoting properties, till tuay show rtnltt in new energy,
fine spirits, good digestion. Your lamlly will all share your delight ia
Kellogg's Toasted Rice Flake
IBlnty crlup tot rice, the choicest of grains rolled Into tiny trans
parent films then toasted Just ngnt to ormg out ineir irue.aeuciona, .
nut-like flavor. Klceis the world'a greateat food the moat dljjetlble.
Toasted Klce Flakes are no taa upon the weakest stomach ot kidneys.
Another New Food Toasted Rice Biscuit
Served alone, or with cream or fruit, they bring a new Joy to the palate. These are tha latest
products ot the treat lood laboratories affiliated with The Battle Creek Sanitarium, where
they are constantly prescribed and used.. Changt tolay to this new, dulluious food, - '
thm KeUocat Toeualed Rice Flak & Biscuit Co, r-vBattl Crek,' Midi.
dtnerout mcitart -
UwjjpiHa'J .imn.1114 i'" wt w
tradictlng the record, declared there were
many mistakes In recording his statements
at the coroner's Inquest by Stenographer
Abbott and that he had called attention
to them. Scott, In addition to corrobo
rating Anderson's direct testimony, de
clared that Stout had told him that while
Nlson waa away he could have sat down
on the old man and witness replied, "Why
didn't you? It would have been better."
Yaaai Man In the Toll.
KEARNEY, Neb., Deci . (Special.)
Frank Knoles, a Ift-year-old student In the
first year of the high school, was arrested
late Wedensday evening by Policeman''
Smith on the charge of forgery. So far
three checks have been found that Knolea
confesses" to have written and cashed.
When Interviewed In the city jail Knoles
seemed not to realize wha he had done.
He was asked if he had any particular
reason -and he said he did not. His father,
William Knolea, Is one of the most pros
perous farmers In Buffalo county and ac
cording to the boy's story, was not at all
close with the boy with money. Th chocks
recovered so far aggregate but about t20.
One Is signed "A. J. Hall" and the other
two "Charles Smith," and were cashed at
a grocery store, restaurant and clothing
Va yosfsse? fcf
. btulacai Ufa la
aiodcra. SNKtkal achooL
i Wa eScr unev-lk4 ad- .
natra No auooM la
Liacula t' 900 enidcm
aarsaaasi Ian ytar. -Holasraalaar
T diploma coauaua taa beat tltaatiaaa.
W Writ lor stowectu and (M full tntenaaiico.
I SO N. 131k BtraM, LhMaia,
establishment. Young Knolea told how he
had spent the money and according to
thla account he did not lead a' fast Ufa.
as all the articles were, clothing or books.
He Is to be arraigned before Judge Rellly
Thursday morning. Several merchants al-.
lege that Knolea haa wanted i-o cash
checks at their places of business at dif
ferent times. K1 . .
, Diamond FRENZIIV ILth and Dodg.
Wetehea FRENZ.ER lMh and. Dodge.
Every mother should know that Cham
berlain' Cough Remedy Is perfectly safe'.
Sterling Ware FRENZER It and Dodge
The Modesty of Women
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of the cure which dispenses with the exam- 'I J I
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sional endorsements should have far more weight than any amount of the ordi
nary lay, or non-professional testimonials.
The most intelligent women now-a-days insist on knowing what they take ai
medicine instead of opening their mouths like a lot of young birds and gulping
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POSITION. It makes weak women strong and sick women well, v
Dr. Pierce's Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay ex
pense of mailing only. Send to Dr." FL V. Pierce, Buffalo, N, Y., 31 one-cent
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If sick consult the Doctor,' free of charge, by letter. . All such communica
tions are held 6acredly confidential. ; - ,
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets invigorate and regulate r stomach, liver an4
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