1 ' ' - THE IEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1P00. The Christmas Shopping Center of . the West We Extend a Most Cordial Greeting to the Thousands of ' VISITORS TO THE NATIONAL CORN SHOW And to the Many Thousands in and Around Omaha to MAKE YOUR HEADQUARTERS at BRANDEIS STORES This is one store thnt never car ries over any Christmas goods until next season. Everything here is new and up-to-date. Our great Christmas. Display is Now at Its Best Don't Delay An other Day in Selecting Your Gifts Buy Them NOW. 1 You will save time by coming here. The store Is . bigger the aisles are wider--there are more clerks. Start Friday. Only 13 More Days to Buy , See the most beautiful in terior decorations ever be- beheld in the west. i See jolly old Santa Claus in his own house in .Toy land. See the Dolls' Ak-Sar-Ben; ball and coronation of king and (jueen. Specials ii Warm Goods for Winter Womtu'st and Children's Warm Gloves and Mittens Heavy wool and niercerlEed black, white and colors worth up to 50c 4 r ' on bargalfl square , ...... Ii)C ff Women's Warm Sweater Neck Mufflers They fit snug about the neck and they keep out the coldest winds look neat an- rA- ; moderately priced at ZiCvUC Men's Extra Heavy Overcoats for $10 Made with those snug fitting ' protector collars warm and stylish as can be up-to-date oin styles, big bargain, at '. JIU Men's and Boys' Fur Gloves and Mitt, at Qg and $1.50 Womta' tftng or. Medium Sweater Coats, at , . . . ...0S and 8398 MenV Warm "Sweater Coats, at . . . . . .'. . . .J8. $1.50. $1.98 Men fl Fv Cap big variety at .$1.50 and $2.50 . Great Special Sale of Blankets in Basement. Xook Over These Big Bargains on Main Floor r REMMANT SALE ; . .. , THU LAST ONE BEFORE CHRISTMAS! " These bargains are extraordinary. All remnants and odd lots' must positively be sacrificed in one day. Yard goods on main floor reduced in prices far below their value. It's a big chance. ;' ' j ' ' r " REMNANTS and SAMPLE PIECES OF 1 n k ftc All' Over Laces, each 1UC-Z0C ''AlsO annlimiPS mfftllinTlS inenrtiAna ti , - i A 1 "vi nuiiOj jjcii I j i ; o twin iancy laces all kinds, white, cream nnH eo l , 1V2 yards in length. ' f ( . . i FINE, FRENCH and GERMAN VAL Laces and Insertions : ' "WORTH UP TO 12 Uc Yd. , ' Torchdn "laces, plat val. laces, insertions' chmv laces many to, match. ODD LOTS OF MEN'S, WOMEN'S and CHILDREN'S Handkerchiefs at 3ic, 5c, 10c EacK Plain white and fancy borders, some are all pure linen, many are lace and embroidery trimmed, also hand embroidered 'initials and Z. (J ' ; . silk embroidered, at, each .J2COC-lUC .11 : : : : Odd lots ol Women's Xmas Neckwear Christmas novelties, some sligntly mussed over a ihndjed styles worth up to 50o on big bar- S)n gain sqfuare, each .1 U REMNANTS OF CELEBRATED IMPORTED Dress Goods Samples 3 to 12 Pieces of a Kind to Match L All this season's best weaves in dress goods ftaistied fancy worsteds, satin suitings, broadcloth and Victoria ..u:,,J i . ,1.1 . v ' to $2 a yard Friday on two bargain squares, each 39C-25 Silk IRemnants 10,ftf)0,yards from our immense stock at half and less . tirn regular , price. Plain and fancy crepe do chine, - ,peau de cygne, satin messajine, fancy . . ftft P( ? ,.drets. silks, etc. worth up to $1.50, at,'.. UvC'v JC DRAHDEIS STORES ADVANCE NOTICES An Extraordinary Special Purchase ' Womeivs Cloaks aad Suits '" From An Eastern Manufacturer Who Needed Ready" Cash So Badly That He -Sold IUs Entire Stock - . J- on Hand at a Wonderful Reduction. ; THE BARGAINS will be the BIGGEST in our HISTORY ' " Watch Friday Evening Papers ' ' ;.'.' r . EXTRA- SPECIAL SATURDAY-' v J'chS Any, Woman s Hat "; In our entire stock no matter what the former V A m trice-erytlilna: included one day only ".V" .. at ......7 r JJJ(11DAYS , . . rr for CHIUSTMA8 SHOmN( HE KARLY. Friday as usual brings a host of special liargabs arranged for a day's selling only. ' Lots on which price has bees, made so low that all will be closed out by store closing. -NEW BROADCLOTH SUJT3 FOR $10.00. Here's a bargain such as we have not had mil season New winter styles, women's broadcloth suits, .with full satin lined, 4 2-lnch coats and pleated skirts; ns choice a showing of din 19. BO values as you ever saw, at vDlvl -J WOMEN'S $10 AND $15 LONG COATS $5- Somethlng like 100 coats to choose from Fine, heavy, long, winter coais in iancy mixtures and plain materials T e splendid styles, Friday, at -WOMEN'S AND MISSES DRESSES $10- A great sale this Women's styliBh one-piece, wool dresses and smart, Jaunty, college dresses for misses, In all colors; serges, diagonals r.nd other weaves CCf $17.50 and $20.00 value, at v&lU riannalatt Gowns for women, with x round and high necks, full cut. hpnvy materials 89o Short Knit Bklrts with borders, and flannelette skirts aa well S9o waatar Coats for women; xed, whlta or gray, all alies, Friday ...91.00 Boiled Waists Lingerie and tailored (tarmenta; were 11.50, at 75o This Is the Best Handkerchief Time Come now for your gift handkerchiefs'. Much larger space has been given oyer to the holiday showing, and, while the selling has been very heavy, the assortments are still Intact and the goods fresh and crisp. Look for the Inexpensive handkerchiefs in the big booth exhibit. ijjnen Hemstitched Kmbroldered Handkerchiefs, at,' each ika ora 9k. in. i Linen Lace Edge Handkerchiefs. 15o, BSo, BOo, 75o, 1 7L ' Linen Armenian Embroidered Handkerchiefs at. ' " y'- Ci eacn . . ...60, , 800, 780. il, $1.60, $2 , Linen Tnltlnl Winr1kiihur. t In box SI.OO Linen Initial Handkerchiefs for men, 6 In box 68o s. -JXl ; T7 ,. A Jk.. fl vy omen s lioliday Gloves r Women's 2-clagp Lajnbskln Oloves, all colors. .' .$1.00 " Women's l-clarD Mannish Cape Oloves In tan. .$1.99 Women's 1-clasp Cape Oloves, blk., tan, gray ..$1.60 Women's 2-clasp real kid Gloves, all colors. . . .$1.60 Women's Mannish Cape Oloves In English tans QOp our f 1.25 quality, special at 0J- Glove Orders are Issued for any amount, allowing recipient to make own selections. i Two new models today. One Patent, and one Gun Metal. Seasonable, stylish and practical. Welted Soles. . BENNETTS 1 Pennsylvania Lino From Chicago THROUGH Glooping Car to Fi n Pin Lvs. Chicago 9:50 p. n. daily 'Via Cincinnati and L & N. 10:00 P. M. Ars. ATLANTA Ara. MACON Ars. T1FTON Ars. JACKSONVILLE! 1:16 A. M. 4:11 A. M. 1:41 A. M. REMNANT-SILKS To clean up our stocks before Inventory we have culled out all the . short ends of silks and throw them on the tables for Friday, selling at half off Dlack and colored silks, fancy and plain crepes, messa- IKS ; ONEtIIALF , PRICE $1.00 DRESS GOODS KEMNA1TTB, B9o Wonderful values," plaids and wool fabrics in cream, pink, light blue, Alice, reseda, old rose find dark f hades, 86 to 44-lnch Kobds, for dresses, waists and children s wear. Fine for Christmas, yard '. CXiOSrNO OUT HEAVY CXiOAKHTOS regardless of real values. New A m -v rur eriect. asiraKnans, DearsKins, auio coalings; vc., an colors its if 59c values to $S.OO, for Xsmnants Wash Ooods Madras, Klnghama, percales, flannelettes 10c. 16c nd-20o kinds 6o X.lnlnt ' BaauiAntos Black S-Inch sateensjoStp quality a rare bar ftaln, yaul lBVio Drssssr Soarfs dnd Lunch Cloths, lx64-inch and ffOxJO-lnch 89e values .... B6o i 1 : riannals, SO Dark Outing 12 Vic Roods styles, ".... 5o' Drawn Dotlisa, isix Inches sqjare, prettjr-iao kinds. at Dark 'Snlrtlars, black and navy, (rips and figured, lno goods. 7Vto Has Your Boy a Hechapical ?Trait? , we have very fine $5.00 Wouldn't a set of tools be an ideal gift for.hUu? chests containing full sets, up from . . ; Barney fc Bsrry loe Bkatss for boys and girts, up from 6uo Pocket Knives for Boys. Wo have a cample purchase here with-values to 65c, for 86o Air aifles Several styles (Including pound .'hot free) .:p from 75o Foot Brills for boys tip from. ..w.76o f .... FnicMu Bars for boys -J1.60 kinds for 3o $1.76 kinds for , . .$1.88 aa-oallbre Kifles, up from.' .... .$1.60 Sttrnan Cotfee Machines, "usual $8 kind .. '.' $3.00 Paroolators, many kinds, $3.35 up ward. , ...... f Boys' Winter Caps Fine warm caps ' with pull ' Jomja bands. We have I1 elzos on sale, ex- I III cellent 39c valued Friday w $2.50 Corsets, Friday $1.29 A half-price day on a line of fashionable, new models Batiste corsets, with long skirted effect and high bust, nicely trimmed and firmly boned. As a further inducement we will eucloae the pur- r )A chase in a -pretty holly box for presentation, at , .$tJ ?6o OOKSETB, 60o In long and medium lengths, good, strong, well tir made garments with supporters attached -. . : . -JJ BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY ' Dining Car . Service Return service through from Jacksonville to Chicago dally over same route, lor rartloolars Address, W. H. ROWLAND, Trav. Pass. Agent, Omaha ee Duuainj Offices for Rent Jan. 1st, 1910 Room 442 fronts on 17th street and has two windows, affording ' splendid light. It is 14x17-6 in size and has a large vault 4-6x5. This desirable room at $27.50 per month. Room 520 is prirtitioned so as t6 afford a recepton and private office: This office is 8V6x22 and faces the west. Rents for $15.00 per month Rdom 523 is close to the elevator, dimensions 14xl9, and has vault ' Rents for $18.00 per month. All the, offices are occupied at the present time, but tenants have notified us they will move December 31. We are, therefore, offering this space for rent at time mentioned. Remember thai ,in .renting an office In The Beei Building, janitor . service, lights, heat and water are --all included In' the 'rent asked for office. Elevators run until 11 o'clock p. m. v . TH BEE BUILDING CO., R. W. BAKER, SupL 17th ud Fainam Sti X COUGH or Cong-hs Zinng Tron HOWELL'S ANTI-KAWF Get a bottle today, SSo and Boo, ' at ' your dVupsl"s or Howall Drug Oo 307 i 309 H. 16th Bt. Omana. The Best Jtemedy or Cong-hs, Colds. Throat ana bias Is Bennott's E x o e 1 s I 6 r . flour, sack $1.76 And 80 Stamps. Bennett's Best Coffee, 3 lbs $1.00 And tOO Stamps. Bennett's Beat Coffee, 1 lb 3oo And 30 Stamps. Teas, assorted, lb. ...68o And 70 Stamps. . Tea Blftlng-B. 16a pkg. for 12o Capitol Baking Powder, 6-lb can .$1.00 And 100 Stamps. Caultol Wheat. Oats or l'ancake, pkg lie And 10 Stamps. Seedless Raisins. 12 He grade, lb Bo Cornmoal, white or yel low, 10-lb. sack.... 180 Diamond 8 Chill Sauce. bottle ISO And 10 Stamps. Pork and Beana, "Best We Have," larce can for ISO And 20 Stamps. Sterltna- Corn Starch, lb. pkg '. So Royal Tomatoes, 2 cans lur .100 And 20 Stamps, v Double Qreen Traalna- Btainps oa Batterlaev SuRr Can Jilce, larva bottle ,.38o And 30 Stamps. Japan Rice, 4 lbs BOo And 10 Slampa. . Navy Beans, lbs. ...B5o' Mignonette Peaa, 3 cans for 5c And 10 Stamps. OOOXISS F r u 1 t and Horey Cookies, lb. ..Ua Candlel Peel, assorted, lb as. And 10 Stamps: Cleaned Currants, lb. 100 And 6 Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Mince Meat, S pkgs BSo And 10 Stamps. Hartley's, Pure Frdlt Jams ; . . . . .BSo And 20 Stamps, ( Blue Borax Starch, per pkg 10 And Co Wiim Free. Beauty Asparagus, per can ,...$0 And 10 Stamps.' Kamo Catsup, .large bot tle,, at B3o And 30 Stamps. California Pitted Plums, per lb lBVfco Cheam Cheese, lb. ..BOo And 10 Stamps. Virginia Swiss Cheese, per lb BSo And 10 Stamps. Neufachtel Cheese. 8 lOo California ' Ripe Olives, 40c cans- BSo Cracker Special 1 8-lb. box Iten's oyster or hodu crackers . . . .$1.15 Plum Pudding, Franco American can BSo And 10 Stamps. Double stamps on Orana- latea Sugar. Sweet Pickled Peaches, qt. Jar BSo And 10 Stamps. Shaker Table Salt, three for BSo And' 10 Stamps. New South Table Syrup, per can BBo And 20 Stamps. Galllard Olive Oil. bottle. at 4So And 20 Stamps. Peaches, 80c cans, "Best We Jlave" brand . .ISO HOTELS. N E XT S A T:U RDAY 850 Hen's Winter Suits from two Prominent East ern Clothing Manufact urers At Thifd Seduction Every' one of these suits Ss just in during the last week. Every euit is the pick pf stock of twd'.of thejbest'lines in America. ' New up-to-date styles and patterns. Bee; the window. Ilead Friday, ads. Come Saturday for real bar gains. BENNETT'S : . .. ana Keimemeoi Seventh Avenue at SSth Street Near Famota Central Park Abiolutely Fireproof Adjoining CarB((e" Hall, near the Art Institute, end within Ave minutes walk f the leading theatres and shopping diitrict; the location le" Ideal. A rare attention to detail that lend to the boras atmosphere Is nsponelblefor our many enthusiastic patrona. The Wellington's delightful lounging rooms, handsome dining rooma and KnfUah grill room will appeal to your sens of the appropriate.' Hotel Wellington PRE-EMINENTLY THE CHOICE Or DISCRIMINATING PEOPLE Room, with Beih, 2.00 upward " Parlor. Bedroom and Bath, ttX weekly and upward You Heet Everybody Eventually you meet all the people of Omnha at our place of business, 115 South lfith street. They are irresist ibly drawn by our magnificent half price Christmas sale, v going on every day from early morn till ten at night. A FEW QUOTATIONS w STERLING SILVER TOILET WARE Brush, Comb and Mirror Sots; regular price $20.50. now 910.25 Gents' Military Brushes and Comb: regular price $12.00, now . . .gn.oo 7-plwce Manicure Sets; regular price $ll.B0jnow $3.75 QUADRUPLE PLATED TOILET WARE Ladies' Brush, Comb and Mirror Sets; regular prices $9.60 to $14.50, now, at $4.73 to $7.25 QUADRUPLE PLATED HOLLOW WARE 4 Piece Tea Set; swell design, regular price $16.60, now $8.25 Bake Dishes; all designs, regular prices $9.75 to $13.50, now, at $4.85 to $0.75 Large, Massive, 5 Candle Candelabra; regular price $23.50, now $11.75 GENUINE 1847 ROGERS BROS. SILVERWARE Doien Tea Spoons; regular price $2.00, now $1.00 V4 Doaen Dessert Spoons; regular price $3.50, now $1.75 4 Dozei Table Spoons; regular price $4.00, now ,..,$2.00 Berry Spoon; plain bowl, regular price $2.25, now $1.15 Cold Meat Fork; regular price $1.50, now 75c All other articles In same proportion. ' t It would be superfluous 'to assure you that no fwh bar gains were ever before offered in Omahn. You will have convinced yourself by one or more visits, or your friends or neighbors have made purchases, which forms the best argu ments. However, the Holiday season is coming near, and we most earnestly ndivse and entreat you to not delay in the selection of your present. ' . AT THE SIGN OF THE CROWN 115 South 16th Street. HHiihii..iii a man n,jy , Opposite the Boston Store. In the Court of Bee Bldg. Friday Saturday and December 10 and 11 The Ladies of the First Christian Church will have a sale .of Christmas Presents ' and other useful household articles. "Fiver" on all $30 and $35 suits and overcoatsrThink of it! TAILORED work: TAILORED styles; tailor's fabrics at $25! Isn't it a POSITIVE emancipation from the ."ready-mide" counters? De a REAL dresser from now on a "tailored man!" Jlig London Jotim Sand for Uhutro4 booklet J. F. CHAMPLIN Sroth At. at SSth St , Nw York City FINE WINES AND LIQUORS FOR CHRISTMAS Imported Bherry and Port Wines, per quart bottli s. ii m. w. California l'ort and 8hc-rry Wines, per iu art bo tt i Callfurnla Muscatel. AnKellca. Tokay and Madeira Wines, qt. bottle ,600 76o .11.00 r.llfrnl. WViltA Vttrt t.Ar mlitrt hflttle. I."'""-.- V... " i K'Ji....ka .r nallon prepared Cocktails, Manhattan and Martini, nan pi..i. 1 rAlLWliruUy M-."b noheWrr!:.r; qu.VV boli.e'o X.ad Olarks la Attandanoa. CACKLEY BROS.. W1NL PltKtHANTS 191 Worth Blitsantli BtTMt. It Ton Cam't Coma, bona. Opposlts rostufflea. ' Both Vhonas. When in Detroit ITOF At Hotel Tullbr BWoms Mi Math for il-0 if. EUROPEAN PLAN' No bottar rooms, culalna ox sorvioo ea4 pa bad at doubU our yrio. . . . . Lrfil us prov it to you. I W. TULJ-ER. Frop. $2, $3, $4, $5, $6 Buys a fine, sieriins; suver puinoi nui.-u uf. miunin nicer for a gentleman's present We are buying sumo beauties. X.OOX TOB Til iM . S. W. LINDSAY, .levvelr "Vxrf' IS te Douglas Slreet FISTULA Pay Vhcn CURED All Kectal Liiseaaas enrsd without ft turgicalav operatios. No Chloroform, Ether or other g eo-i ral aneasthelio ued. CUKE GUARANTEED fj to last a LIFE-TIME. TtJUatiit4Ti0M iib. il wsrrm"pot boos' on p. lbs and rectal diseases with testimonials j DR. E. It. TARRY. 32 Bulldm. Omaha, Mabraska l Piles 0 IT