Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 8, Image 8

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i i i ii .in - 'i 'mi i" ii i.wiiiii'.ij
Some Things You Want to Know
mi ro i
lawyer Disbarred Files Petition and
Sigui Himself Attorney.
The American Congress Procedure in the House.
tfrm K Think the Supreme Coart
Will Take It a a Vlotattoa of
Iti Order 'ot to Prnc
tlee Lavr.
He Irnathi J. Punn, aaaiatant city
attorney f Omaha who, Indefinitely
debarred from practice bV thft I""m'
urt for contempt, thrown down the
gauntlet to tht aua-ust holy?
Mr. Punn Tiaa entrred a petition In county
eaurt and Binned hlmrelf one of the
attorney for the plaintiff.
IXiea thla conatltute "Practice?" Mr.
tninn think not and thinks he la Mfe.
"Oh no, I do not rccrd thla aa a viola
tion of the court's order," said he. "Still.
I don't know what the court will think of
it. Oh, my name still appears on papers
of record and In this case I am only ap
pearing for a plnlntiff who lives out of the
elty, at Hastlnrs"
"I'll ralfe an l!!ue," said Dunn as he
handed In the petition to a clerk In the
office of the county Juris.
The suit Is not an Important one In It
lf, hut at the e!oe of the petition ap
pear the words, "By his attorneys, John
C. Stevens and I. J. Dunn." The names
are In the handwrltlnp of each signatory.
The suit In which Mr. Punn thus ap
pears Is brourht for Carl J. Miller, "dolna
kufinees aa the Queen City 5tem Marble
and Granite works." aanlnst M. M. Wlsner,
mnfi la for $ over alleged violation of
Some attorneys express doubt that the
aupreme court will pay any attention to
tfce matter because, sny the lawyers, tha
eoi'nty court Is not a court of record.
Punn, they arpue further, Is not now an
attorney at all and It ha slirns himself one,
It Is for the county court to determine
whether or not he has thus offended. It
la a question also whether a man must b
admitted to the bar to appear before the
eunty court.
Tha efficacy of Chamberlain's Liniment
la the relief of rheumatism la being de
monstrated daily.
Wiley Poison Squad In Feorta.
PDOrVTA, Pec. 7.-Ir. II. W. Wiley,
arovernment chemist, with hla entire "to! en
aqued," la In Peoria for the purpose of
twrtiryina- in the case n ttve redersi court
to which the United States la testlnr tha
uurty of preserved eps, forty cases of
Whleh wera selaf-d by a government In
spector four months a (to.
0mj Less !
The legislative machinery of the house
of representatives differs essentially In
the fight last spring. It was claimed that
It would go along way toward overcoming
character and purpose from that of the what many representatives have considered
senate. It Is so constituted that measures
Involving no party opposition or other eon
test rass through it without any friction;
measures opposed by the leadera of the
majority party ar killed even if supported
by a majority of the whole house, and
measures favored by the majority party
are carrlfd through without the slightest
danger of mutilation at th hands of tha
opposition. Although open to many obj'e-
the unpleasant necessity of a personal
Intercession with "Fncle Joe" to allow a
favorite bill to come up. Under the old role
the speaker could tell the member ha would
see him In some warmer climate before he
would reeognlze him for the purpose ef
calling up that bill, sometimes placing a
few forceful adjectives ahead of tha bill.
If tha speaker had no objections to Ita
coming up, however, the member could ask
tlons. It l nevertheless true that tha heuwe for unanimous consent once, and if It waa
rules do operate to expedite the public refused, he could ask again at a more
business and reduce tha danger of wanton opportune time.
or corrupt obstruction to the minimum. Under the "calendar Wednesday" rule a
At the same time they give to that small bill which is favorably reported by a com
minority composed of the house leadera rnlttee of the house may be placed on thla
tha power absolutely to obstruct legislation calendar, and take its turn in being called
even In defiance of a majority of the rep- up rrom tne calendar. It so happens that
resentatlves. if it la a measure the speaker objects to, a
After a bill la Introduced and referred noa er tne j,eS(J or a wink 0f the eye will
to a committee, and that committee makes pIO(jucft an objector Instantly, If It appeara
Us report, it may take one of several t0 nlrfl a harmless measure It might stand
courses. If It Is a privileged matter, hav- Bome chance were there not a few Robert
lng special rights under the rules of the Bruce Macona whose sole opportunity for
house, it may be given immediate consld- participating in the real affalra of the
eratlon. If it Is simply an ordinary bill, It house Is to declare, "Mr. Fpeaker. I ob
must go to one of the house calendars j.t." jf ,ny one of the chronic objeetora
and there await Ita turn. If it relates to i8 pr8riti the bill called up from the
the expenditure of money under tha big "unanimous consent calendar" has about
appropriation bills it will go to the eem- moeh cnance ef Bippin, past him aa an
rnlttee ef the whole house on the state of lclcI BBi e, a melting pot. And
the tmlon; 'If it Is a public bill and makes when euon enee made the bllle
no appropriations, it will go to another ehanee 8f passage under unanimous con
committee ef the whelo, and If tt la a prl- Bnl Ia an(j ron, for,veT; f9r the rules
vate hill, It goes to the committee of the pr.Tne. Under the old method thera wag
whole; all are one and the same prae- jUBt g feo(J ft chanr, ef t9 ,,ttlng past
tleally a dlatlnetlon without a difference- t)l- there la now. And thera waa
a slight ehanee that the Robert Brure
Maeene mught bo caught napping. New
they are always en notice When unanimous
convent is to be asked, and their efforta
will transform thta rule from the bread of
except In nasse. .
After this stage eemea the seeend read
ing, an then its paeeege to engresment
and third reading. Then it la ready to be
put upon its Here Is where the
track, of lealllatlen are eloared If there la TtM Into a stone of unfulfilled
a paniean iigni nana. 11 m nun mj promise.
that wonderful and powerful triumvirate,
the three majority members of the commit
tee on rules, and tke "previous question"
la its engine. Thla eoramime on rulea, by
a report whteh the three majority mem
ber may make, may;, shut every opening
The speaker of the hense has entrenched
himself abnelctoly In his power of recog
nising whom he will. In 1?M the rules
committee decided that discretion in the
matter ef recognition ought to be reposed
In the speaker, and the very next year the
and make it Impossible for any minority th sr,e,ker declined to entertain an ao
proposal or amendment to receive consld- p, hls aeclsl8n en a question of
oration and the measure aa prepared by rtcornltlen, although the rules specifically
tha leadera has a clear - track to the aKy that shall dee(,e all que8tion8 6t
senate. erdfr, aubject to an appeal" to the house
One amendment made to the house rulea by any mtmb,P. A11 ef the apak,ra alnee
at the beginning of the prejent congress Ranflall haAe a,nle(, tn, r,eht ef tne hous.
or its members to question their decisions
waa designed to give the minority one real
opportunity to get a recorded vote on any
in recognising whom they wilt. In the
See our
Tables chuck full of
the kind of gifts cultur
ed ones like to receive.
Kvery picture a treas
ure, and deeply under
priced. from these tables one may choose
hundreds of high graded
"ChriKtmaBsy" pictures
frames In mission, gold, arts
and crafts, and soma in oval
TABr.rc No. 1 Includes 35c
to tOc values at only . .
TABLE No. 2 includes BOe
to 7bc valns at only.
TABLE No. S includes 76e
to $1 values at only...
TABLE No. Includes up
to 1.60 values at only. . . ,
iii JO
1513.1515 Douglas St.
(8, tOO Square Fret of Floor
' Pfmec Just Added.)
Recognition goea to the first man who ad
dressee the ehalr. and the senate reserved
the right to determine who that Individual
la whenever It desired to do ao.
The committee of the whele house on
subject It It provides that after procedure.
lOi previous ijurBUQH Dimti iim.c ucci,
dered on the passage of a bill or Joint
resolution, one motion to recommit shall
be in order, and the speaker shall recog
nize a member who opposed the measure
for the purpose of making that motion.
The first opportunity to test the efficancy the state of the union Is the step In the
of this provision was on the passage of house procedure, where the member from
the tariff bill by the adoption of the con- Wayback comes Into his own. While there
ference report thereon. The minority had is always a particular measure before this
laid its plans with great care. Champ committee when the house transforms it
Clark had arranged to have Representative self Into such a body by the speaker's
Mann of Illinois, a republican who op- handing the gavel to another whom he des
posed the bill on account of the duty on Ignated as chaliman, yet everything from
wood pulp, make the motion to recommit. jjan to Berclweba, from Alpha to Omega,
But when the time came to recognize a from a postofflce at Podunk to a half mil
memMr to make that motion, Speaker Can- ilon dollar appropriation for deep water
non recognized Mr. Payne, tha majority WRygj may be discussed. In the beginning
leader, who promptly moved to recommit ef a sesglon 0f congresa where there Is llt
and to lay that motion on the table. U(J real work t0 ba donei thl, nornmiUee
Of course, the minority strenuously ob- btcom th(9 ereateBt scene of talking "for
jeeted to this procedure as being in direct b mbtf. tn w8rld ha8 ,v.r witnessed,
contravention of the recently adopted rule. expressive phrase itself
put Asher Hinds the house parliament:- J happened
Ian, Informed the speaker a conference " .
report ia not a bill or a joint resolution. hat men,b6r. f,om Buncombe county,
and that therefore the minority' could not North Carolina, was speaking in this com
elaim the right of preferential recognl- mltteo when he was chlded for his pro-
tlon. It was a splitting of hairs, but the longed stump speeon tie repuea mai ne
minority concluded that the reputed use- did not give a continental for the house,
fulness of the new rule waa over-esttmated, but waa talking for Buncombe,
if It U to be subjected to Interpretation by In thla committee Is produeed the grand-
Asher Hinds and application by "Cncla tlequent section of that widely circulated
Joe" Cannon. periodical, the Coogroeiiional Record. And
It la a favorable declaration ef Speaker in it are delivered moot of the speeches
Cannon that there never la a time the that are frankod ont to the eenstitueato
majority cannot legislate and even depose back heme. Leave to extend one's remarks
the speaker If It wills to. While theorotl- lB th Record l a favorite reouest in the
oally this ia true, In actual practice there Bu, although it ia not reeegaiood In tke
would bo so many parliamentary fsncos to ,nata.
ellmb beween the doolre and ita aooom- T ' tfc hUB, mrooeduro it mav bo
Burlington to Carry Buzs Wafoni on
. Steel Freight Cars.
Aalemoklle Dealero Ara In Happy
Humor Onr Prospect of Having ,
Now EQlpment In Opera- .
tlon by prlna-.
Recognizing the extenalve growth of the
automobile trade In the west, the Chicago,
Burlington A Qulncy railroad haa placed
an order for 509 steel freight cara to be
devottd exclusively to the shipping of
automobile. A elreular from the Chicago
offices of the eompany has just been re
ceived by local officials and tha Omaha
dealers In motor cara.
The big order calls for 300 cara fifty feet
long and 800 cara forty fceet In length. The
big frelghtera wl'.l be specially constructed
to handle automobiles and will be equipped
with wide doors at both ends and at the
sides. It la specified that the order be
delivered for the spring trade.
Omaha dealers In motor cars are elated
over" the order. There haa been difficulty
In receiving orders at times, especially In
the spring when shipments are large. There
has been a crying need, too, for cara
specially equipped for currylns automo
bjles, aa there haa been difficulty In load
ing and unloading the big ones, because ef
the small doors In freight cars.
The Burlington route Is the first road
operating west of Chicago to recognize the
Importance of the automobile Industry. Like
other reads It haa In tha paat furnished
Ita largest freight cara to the trade and
tha enormous furniture cara hav also been
presold Into service. There has been car
shortage at times whleh haa delayed manu
facturer in delivering order en time.
. Rejalpmeat Badly deeded.
"The new frelghtera will fill a long-felt
want," commented a local dealer In tour
ing cara. "Wo hare oxperlenaed maeh dif
ficulty at times In unloading th big fel
lows from the ordinary freight ear be
eausa ef tha narrow doora and tha necessity
of turning a ear about in order to got t
out the door, With doora at the ends of
the ears, automobiles may be loaded and
unleaded freely without trouble and with
out scratching or marring the machine la
any ay.' It will mean a big boost to th
"We 'hav been constantly reminded of
the growing trade in automobiles'," said
a Burlington official. "Wo need new car
anyway, and while w are about lt,we
ara going to have some specially made
to handle motor car. Shlpmenta Into
Omaha have grown at lengthy strides In
the last two years.
"Our attention has often been called to
the faults In the ordinary freight car for
handling automobiles. Wo . are going to
eotreet the principal objection the matter
ef doors by placing roomy doers at the
ends of the cars.. All th frelghtera will
be of all steel construction they will , bo
ef pondorous construction and strongly
built to guard against wreck."
plishment that a house probably weald pre
fer at all times to travel the long highway to
the expiration of the epeaker'a term t
cutting across lets t depose htm. No
speaker ever has been deposed, and none
; has resigned under fire. Henry Clay re
elgnv twice, and Andrew Stevenson once.
kui In neither case waa ' It because ef
adverse sentiment,
It is almost as important t
bxry a watch from a regular
jeweler as to get one made as
the Waltham is made. The
best watch in the world may
have met with some accident
in transportation or mar need
oBh or rejjulatinjf. Only a
good jewTler edueaHd in KU
trade can be sirre of selling
yon a wateh in good running
N. B.-Whcn buying a VTaltham
Witch mlwaya ask your jeweler
for ova MiJJuBted to .temperature
aaf position.
said that the whole purpose of the rule
la t enable tke majority to drive legisla
tion through under bit and spur when that
is deotrable, and to lot tt through of It
own accord when there la no aerleut rrppe
aitlsn. To use another figure, the rulea
(urn a bridge whereby th majority may
oros the stream of opposition without get-
Tk. i,nnlmmi rnnont 1nA r" R mt lln
. " " . - ; ... 9f IIMKa J. 1CABXX9H.
rovuu ifc vla ef Jaeas Malt.
tn th rules of th house a
Annapolis Man'
Charged With
Forgery Here
Alfred C. Owens, Member of Good
Family, Accused of Using
Brother's ftame.
Do a Trained Jurso
$25.00 a Week
An opportunity It offered to youn wnaea vho w1h to
Eci tiJurd attrwM to eiu. o f tut boil Yralnin
B4.U00U t Ci'MMo. KflM.r.4 anrvet ri 00 ft
tM. Gndu.wiof tbls cuoolar lijilbl to nibrlnp
a SlAto&iiil Ktluol Ajocitluua o NtinM. Tb oiu
oivpfiM t Tri ot crftjnin to iiraolwl nd tueorvnt-nj
anrslnf ajdl Iboroitub In aU hT-.nvhcaf tbt virk Tul
!. b-ianl tDi tautidrv fn..antani .11 ruamnerllonaftvr
triKtmnntll. Tlia phTflmU.inuiala,ttl imh:! wetta-9 of
aawicata araearafulijr g named, r r pa,riioiiri., a.i,lraa
L&faooM Hjp(lal Training School for Nurias,
4I4T tAai aVSHU. CHICA09. ILL.
UUU h rtad war m
work o atoatal exoriloa Mowid in.
fiufi Ktm roop nui Taoy u
luoko ra oot oltwp be atta
II oi t boaoo li lt by Mali.
Mmu mi oo.
ear. iota aa anrw.
'iw tvaitm,
IXOh aiaraor tit, mU, w
Alfred C. Owens, a graduate of the An
napolis Naval academy and apparently a
retired naval officer, who haa been In
Omaha for several months, during a por
tion of whleh time he worked In the Jnlon
Pacific shops, Is locked up at the police
station, charged with the forgery of his
brother's name to a chock and passing It
en Mrs. Templar, a widow who keeps a
roaming and bearding house at Hit Capitol
Aa lnvoetigatlen atada by th polte re
sulted tn their teaming . the lafenaattoa
that Owen eowtea from a good family la
the oast. Through loeal frloada who ist
of thooo fa eta tha ox-aaval man was oa
ablod to ooeuro a potation at tha Uatea
PaHfle ehepe. About two wttki age ha
lest his job.
Mr. Templar charge that Owens wod
her a month's board, IM, and that a day
er two ago ha tendered her a eheek In the
sum of $2T on the Glrard Trust company
of Philadelphia and algned by Owens'
brother, who, It develop. I a prmlnat
phyrtotan and . aurgaon la Philadelphia.
Mrs. Templar aaya ahe pav Oweaa ber
personal eheek for Vf. tltat bolag Ue dif
ference between the board bin and the
amount of the bogus chock tendered her.
The check for V waa eashed by Owena at
the 'Hotel Loyal, where h waa seen last
evening, a hort tim prior to hla arreat.
The police hav eent word to Philadel
phia, pending an answer to which no action
has been taken against Owens.
James Morrison
Causes Worry
Young Wife and ;Montana Friends
Wonder at Absence of Rich
Where Is James Morrison, a wealthy
ranch owner of Harlem, Mont., who la sup
posed to have come to Omaha to attend
the hearing of the Wisconsin Cattie com
pany case against the railroads? This is
a question that is pustllng his 19-year-old
wife and witnesses who expected that Mor
rison would be present at the trial.
Mrs. Morrison believes her husband dis
appeared from, a sleeping car In the local
railroad yards, for, when she, awoke, ho
was not on the train. Thinking at first
that h may have gone on t Chicago and
Cincinnati without her, Mrs. Morrison left
for th east, but found ne trace of her
apoua. Ha had talked ef going to Cincin
nati before returning to their Montana
The youthful wfo la now returning to
Montana without her husband. Sha In
curred at local tlokot offices to see If Mr.
Morrison had purchased a ticket for the
oast, but fernd no trae ef htm. She had
no explanation to offer for his mysterious
disappearance and fears ho may have not
with an aeeldent.
"He waa always a model husband and
haa never acted like thla before," aha said.
'1 don't knew what to da."
Tke forty or mere witneaees In the trial
dlaouaaed the matter at the Parton hotel.
TUey wore unable to rr tb nrMtrr aa4
toft for Uorr hoaao in th woo witkout
gaining knowledge tk aboaat wltaoaa.
miXXK irrk and Dodgax
Karbach Tblnka tt Wa Mtroglrcerla
that Caused the
"I have not the slightest idea who could
want to Injure m or my tenants by at
tempting to blow up tha building," said
Charles Karbach, proprietor ef the Kar
bach bleek, whleh wa the aeeno ef a
mysterious explotden at 1:41 Monday even
ing, "but of on thing I am eonvineed,
that it waa nrtroglyooria which caused
tha damage. On th walla aad aaetacnu
where the exploatoa oetrarrod aro avtdeoeta
of coma II aid boing aplllod and every
thing soont to point to aewte explotave
contained tn a bottle betng thrown
against the rear ef the building. I fool
certain now tt did not come from one of
the tipper floors of the building, but that
It was thrown from some point In the
Iti pure Natural Carbonic Acid Gas
acts ts a Gastric Stimulant and Toole
and promotes tke DiUiea and Asiimitatioo
ei erea ike Rkhsst Feed.
Advocate Cleveland Golden
System af Dealing; with
' the Erringr.
Benjamin Fay Mill wa th guest of
honor at the regular luncheon of the Social
Service elub Tuesday at the Toung Men'
Christian association and made the prln
clpal address. Judge A. L. Sutton presided
and Introduced the apeaker. Mr. Mills
subject wa "A City In th Life Saving
Business." Ho said In part:
"The administration ef the Cleveland
criminal system la remarkable. The chief
of polleo, 1 called 'Golden Rule Kohler,
and the polio department 1 governed by
th f!lwtaoT rat:
" Ttrat. Jvia41ea aro never placed la
prttoa. Vhr ar oaken Ikotato or th au
eoU aont for and th Md tnrnod war
to thaan for paroatal oorrooUoa.
" 'aotd. Th naoaahor at th t
Lboir klaaly otYor tn cetag the frlottoai
and in temper between man and nav
wherever and whenever It makes IrsoW
" Third. That the boot policeman I the
one who manage th offender with the
least show er display of authority.
"Fourth. That some men fell through
some unfortunate circumstance and ar
not chlmlnal at heart and should be treated
accordingly, In which case results might
be obtained with a well applied reprimand.
" 'Fifth, Officer ahould have sufficient
evidence of a competent character to se
cure conviction before even eonaidt-rlng th
Imprisonment of a person on any charge
" 'Sixth. Any apparent violator who
were known to be at good character and
reputation were to be accompanied to tha
precinct stall on shirt th matter would
ho carefully luulrd lata by the officer
la charge and the proper action, a apota
fled by th ownraca oona poltor, hakoa.'
"Th oycteoa . haa boon la operation for
eighteen aoonlha aad ia thu Unto bero
haa boon a deoroaao of M.aat atieon from
tko recced of Mel. BoMor than that, there
ha boon a dooMod decree ee la th a an cant
of ' crtato aad stolon pt on city aad an r
erono U the najaaher of real or hat Waal ap-
1) vii
ROOT VALLEY, f.Cont., Will Pay You an
Income of $3,003 to $5,000 a Year Hot
The best investment in the country, secur
ity and returns considered.
We plant, irrigate, cultivate and care
for your orchard for you.
Don't fail to see our apple exhibit at
the Corn Show. Just inside the main
If you are interested in irrigated fruit
lands, clip the attached coupon, sign your
name and address and bring it to our ex
hibit and receive a Mcintosh Red Apple, the
only apple that can be safely eaten in the
dark. Rot a worm in a carload.
W Pf I?
I am Interested in Irrigated fruit
landa and would Ilk. to know more
about your proposition and receive a
famous Mcintosh Red Apple.
Nam 4..
Talce a lomesfeai in Ptataa
You can still get a 160-acre or
320-acre homestead from the Gov
ernment, tn Montana, alonrf the new
SOUND RAILWAY. Within the last
four years the crop-produefntf posi
feHtties of these lands have been
abundantly proved.
The araftable hemestead lands are
extremely f ertfle. Wonderful crops
have been .frown on Eastern and
Central Montana homestead lands
tn the past few years.
Owin to the fertility of the soil of
these lands, there has been a great
demand for them, but many thou
sand acres are still available. Close
to 2,000 homesteads tn the Miles
City and Lewtstown districts were
ftled upon In the first six months of
1909, and thousands of acres of new
lands were put under cultivation.
Wheat, eats, barley, alfalfa, potatoes
and vegetables, corn, fruits and sugar
beets have been successfully raised
en Montana homestead lands. Mar
kets for the crops raised are aseured.
If yem vrawt m Kantem hommtAomi 1m km Qt railway, you should
tnvmtW tfe tattan mtml Mm nbwtorm the better lands
re tekeav P.acaripthre UUreiure are.
aBeT Aftemt
O.n.ra.1 Ag.nt
1524 Farnam SU, Omaha
Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway
One dollar a day will
buy a home
Tkii tmoBiit to $30.00 pr atwrntk, in a yr $365.00. A small
rash payment doiro and $30.00 per monta will buy a nice, cozy,
little both, one that will bt all yotir own.
. In the real estate columns of Thnrsday's Bee you will find
sereral choice properties to select from.
Thursday is home day
protieaded aad pvatafced. 'ArroaxUo dar'
aad 'ediilm day' ar bow aatvr of
fraai .ooarroaoo.
'rfco ofctof ear: TU od wal ar
a. aiapreid to bo iaiiloarfoal ra ool
aaaa 'of toMa; tavaro haa bM a roaorat
toarac ap mt attiaj a ire fa potto aoattoa
aad ooaitiooat. wlila I app-rootabhj
to b aaaraa) .PawrfaT. W hooti aW
to do aar oatlroljr arltk ta aaakatldlac
pro fa aaaa! paamblr, wh aaade BMauof out
of ia aararaiaaaae plaood b prlaoai. Uader
ow a oleaa .rait aad bU ok tap II aad atoe
Wa ao taafooaiblo, Tfce alUaooa, aa rM
aa Mm aad Mm pwblt areaa, baw
oaaotiy armat tbr aaa poet, prtrridod
hoy oBp)r wtt tk ralo laid doora.
wMh ar yrm k-novra. W hav ard oa
aa avra- of l.M porvoa from th polio
ort roowrda, whleh anean that w ara
at auaUnr aeodleae (Bfloiiac or aiaBaraaa
tartac aoeoad offoadora. Waoplns wlvea
aatd relative a. lonror throaf th polio
aaailoa, ah art docket ara kt fre (or
th evnotdoratioa ( mora laaportaant aaea
and th pl1e have mare Una aad mt aoa
4untly mor ircUv,' M