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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1909)
lr, THE HER : OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMnES 8, 1P05. V TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE LOW RAILROAD RATES. COME TO OMAHA AND DO YOUR SHOPPING AT Only IB Mora peya for Xmtl (hop. pin The Greatest Christmas Buying Center You can select your holiday gifts from the largest and best variety ever seen in the west. Two big stores filled with holiday goods. Toyland is Open in the Basement Santa Claus wants to meet every little boy and girl in Omaha in his own house in Toyland. We Invite Ali Visitors to the Corn Show to Make Them selves at Home in Brandeis Stores. Clicck your baggage and parcels free. Make use of our free waiting rooms and rest rooms. Checks on all banks cashed free. The Best Selection of Winter Goods in Omaha Priced Moderately Everything for cold weather for men, women and chil dren. We are complete outfitters for everybody. : JMw1 Golf Gloves and Hittens Warm and comfortable just what you need this weather black and colors, all wool worth up to "I Oio 50c, at, pair il)C"&UC Women's 35c and 50c Neckwear at 15c. Lace jabots, lace embroidered and beaded and tailored stocks silk and maline bows, worth 11 -up to 50c, at - SPECIAL SALE OF FANCY JEWELRY t'HTB g n. w; m -Br;. v Hn bttu hd ra.-n a a is u ins ii;!J Entire drummer's sample lines from Johnson, Haywood & Piper, 56S Broadway, New York, at less than the regu- ar prices. Men's and .women's cuff links, fobs hat pins, pearl belt pins, fancy belt pins and bucWes, brooches, aide combs, child ren's bracelets, etc., worth up to $1.00, at each Handkerchiefs Women's and men's hemstitched Handker chiefs, all pure linen fine, sheer and heavy, all widths of hems, 1 An eaoli . IvC Women's and men's all silk Handkercliiefs, . plain and fancy embroidered border, silk embroidered initials, fA iC at, each.... ..... lUC-ZOC 50c Handkerchiefs at 25c Women's and Men's Pure Linen Handker chiefsPlain cross bar and drawn -work; hand embroidered initials, lace borders, etc. worth up to 50c Ort each, at . . dwOC 4 in fancy, box, for . . . .$1.00 Put Your Christmas Presents in Holly Boxes Adds greatly to their appearance Empty boxes in various sizes Stationery Dept., each, at . . ; .5c 10c and 15c P 3 j fO'Je Si IH j I I See the Deautlful New Calendars fiop ISIO We've a big variety from leading manufacturers, also Christmas Cards, Tags, Seals, Etc. Women's Sweater Coats The ost practical garment you ean buy for every day, winter wear. They are Tory stjlish and they are snug and warm Indoors or out. New long or medium lengths, reds, Vhltes and oxfords. Special prices Wednesday. Women's Sweater Coats, worth up to S4.00. l '$1.03 Women's Sweater Coats, worth up to $6.00, ftt - 82.50 Women's Sweater Coats, worth up to $6.00 Bt 82.0S Women's Sweater Coats, worth up to $T.B8, at S3.0S TIM .Mil I7TMTT v i v -4 ttJ 1 1U jvst 15 snomxo days to cimrsTMAS. Bennett's Merchandise Certificates. Glove Orders and Magazine Orders Simplify your gift problems by the purchase of our special merchandise orders as above. We Issue them for any amount, allow ing recipient to make own selections at any time. Holiday Novelties in Art Brass Conspicuous aiaong the myriads of art objects on our big second floor Is the display of Karnak Brass, Spun Brass and Japanese Brass Ware. From an artistic standpoint these goods excel any heretofore shown and are rapidly finding their way into the homes of discriminat ing people. Spun Brass Jardinieres with ring and Hon head handles, 10 Inches high, 11 inches across top, for , $4.0S Brass Smoking Stands, complete $5.00 sets, for 52.08 Brass Umbrella Stands, made for $7.60 selling, are $5.00 Brass Candle Sticks, with engraved brass globes, $3.00 values, 51.08 Brass Japanese Finger Bowls, engraved, 7Ec values. 50 Brass Japanese Fern Dishes, with lining, 76c values 50 Brass Trays, round and oblong, 16c usually, for .....10 LOYS and Passtime Puzzles Parker Bros., Passtime Pussies are popular and 'entertaining We have a very large assortment F now. A few are specially prleed for Wednesday. A 25o Jlg-a-Jta; Pvieele Ito , ttlnt Balls; extra larre, ?Sc T'esittme Purale . ..o . novelty, for 99a tl Pastlme Fuaile ..Mo Toy Brais Be4teafTs n.oilmt PuzkI. for ....91-95 Seild. brass with mattress. It 10 iplrte I villus, fer . .800 I Boys' Air Rifles, special Ito ar i mm U mitlrae P I tit Bra Bassinettes iS for trimmed complete A Fine Sale of New Long Military Capes CT "f! 7 iCh fh Choice of Caoes 2.HJLP Worth to S22.50 Fortunate indeed are you to be able to buy such extremely popular and fashionable styles so greatly underpriced. Absolutely choicest garments we have shown up to $22.50, in navy, green, gray, cadet, catawba, etc., at $12.00 Another Shipment $25 Cloth Dresses at $15 Just like finding a ten dollar note when you buy these dresses they are new and designed on fashionable lines, embracing mirage effects la serges, second $15.00 valn es, broadcloths and diagonals It's our p f( purchase of this kind this season CI)jitwV Vftltl6S &t eeet4eeee Tcmen's Worsted Suits A Sale JGO suits at ths one prlee $19.60. Suits with long, fitted coats of Ljvansvllle worsteds, made perfectly plain, Just as the fashions of the ay denand. They are tailored to win the approval of most exacting wenen. They are refined, perfect fitting genteel suits, nufle for 111.99 ana sa.60 selling we nave a ran range 01 sices and colors, the price $19.50 Silk Waists Tailored or trimmed, green, hello, navy, gray, brown and black; all new ....$3.95 Jtew Sweater Coats for Women- red, white, gray; double breasted 53.00 all pure wool Knit Top ttteoat with high trade, cetceu and marine flouneee, e,eh, at 91.79, 33.S0, 83.98 and 89.0 Flannelette Gowns of heavy ma terials, white and stripe effects, at Sl.00 rnirr i ..... , itJ ALWOIS Albums holding to 300 cards 1 Albums holding to 400 cards 4ft Albums holding to 600 cards 08 (QnrtateaM Oe.rdS) also peat cards, holly tars, labels, seals, tissues, ribbons, etc. Baa Beska Untearable and washable So, loo, l8o, 19o, sso aad 4Se Christmas Soestioas in the Hardware M. 4-0 Bnrney tc Berry Ice Skatee for boys asid slrls. The?e are the best known maVes, on ale, tip irom 65e JPoot Balls for Tsoys, up from 73c FnncUlag-s $1.60 kind e&c $1.76 klna l.iu A 4 fl VJV eualitles ef goos, dollar Motels la cerseU Wedaee- Aa.y ?Ve kare all iImi; ket styles, tee. la regular way ttief aetl at 1. eur arte aew two BENNETTQ BIO Cat tioilc A.EtIcIeo Bpeoia-lly d for Ohritsuui Print We've a big assortment ef taese goeds, laslsdlag a large assert lueat of prayer books. Here are a few suggsstless tkat will skew tke lew prices at which we sell them Vrrr Book "Key of .Other Prayer Book, up ..00 ii.jttn,' a small book with large type, con tklua I'iatlea and Uoa pia. Flexible leather ilndlng. S"l' edea; a treat Largnln. at . ,34o "Veet Pocket" Prayer linok, containing all the neoe-nary praor end Kpletlea and Goepola large type, gold eilea. flexible leather bludirm'. at 35o Chlld'a Brayer Book 11 hitrt.rt. f'eyt' lea ther binding, gold dc , at ' SSO to Catholio Bibles, eacb. at i.a to eO.48 Seapulara 60 to 4So Holy riotoreo - Large, variety, at 16o, ISO, 860, 89o, 49o aad up. Etatnea Made of bisque. at Boo, 3 be, 49o and up. CruolfUea Hlnck polish ed croee with nliite In ure, at 8S0, 49o and 9o Alao laricr one i:n hand coloiefl figures, at each . . . tl.M to $5.00 Br is Oraolfixea. Kely Water Boats A fine line at 44o Others at . . lSe to $3.00 Bosartca -eil beads 19o B5o, 3 So and up. Blitk beads . . 10c to 48 0 Colored Heads 16o fc 85o Bosarles Hold plated, put up In dainty boxes, very attract! e for glfta with arnethyet. fcarnet, emerald, sap phire and other beads, t 1.4t Others at . 91.98 to 810 Kosary Cases ISo, aso snd 4oo 'A 1 1 Lrx DRAWDEIS STORES Lj Bennett's Oelden Ceffee, lb An 89 Green Stamps. Bennett's Challenge Cof fee, lb ice And 10 Green Stamps. Teas, B. F.' Japan, Oun powOor, Oolons and English Breakfast, lb., at 38o And 40 Green Stampa. IBc lb. I 120 I Ilea Flftlngs, Cleaned Ciirrants, lb. 100 And I Green Stamps. Bennett's Capitol Mince Meat. 8 pkgs 830 And 10 ..Green Stampa. Cruefcero. large assort ment, plre; 19o Aad 10 Green Stampa. Double Stampa en But ter! ae. Jant Jar AM 1 Catwts. Perk and Beana, Bet Wo Have'' brand, ran, at ISo And 20 Green Stampa. Mignonette Feas, t cans, for 85o And 10 Green Stamps. Tanky Rose Toilet Sor. 1 cakes, for 3o And 0 3ren Stamps. Diamond S- Chtll Saooe, bottle, at Its And 10 Green 7 Stamps. Pwansdewn Ceiflah, I pkgs., fer Ks And 10 Oreew tamrs. Ml Creasn Choeata, lb., at , 8a Aad It rea tttaisi. GKOCCRY wlaa Cke ftM Stamjye. oat We- Virginia is, at And 19 Orees f'ina.e Have." arated, ease, far Ito n GI3RISTL1AS 3CCE3Tli5::S SLIPPERS SLIPPERS We. can suggest nothing better than slippers for Christmas. ' We selected "his" Christmas slippers some time ago. .Drop in and see them and we'll put them aside until Christmas- and say nothing.. Opora Qllppvrs Fdust GlippBra Romeos and Everett V $1, $1.50 to $3 FRY SOOE CO,, The Shotrs 16th and Dounhs Streets t a w uses "mat 01 om&ha. r rtsittug ent 071 Wert Bedgs Rtvoai, Bajoytiyr tho sjgltts eat cheers 1 BTbrytbisg'S lbtvry and vsry good bread As tksy ttse "Trtfle ef Omaha" here. - Ner. U, 1909 tTpdlko Milling Co., ' Omaha, Neb. Dear Srs Tn leklng ever the paper I sotleed your Ad and thought I would try to win a 241b. sack of your flour. My home is near Underwood, Iowa, and my gTeeerymtn are Messrs. Reed tt Masters. I have used "rlda ef maha" floor over a year, a sack each week, and eouldn t keep house without It. Am spending a few days with my son on West Dodge street, Omahaj and they use "Pride of Omaha" and like. It, very much. Tenrs very respectfully, MRS. WlLLIiM YlrSS-ET. TTnSerwel, Iowa. Riley's Songs o'Ghder Riley's Child Rhymes, Riley's Farm' Rhymes, Riley's Love Lyrics and other popular books from the pen of the famous Hoosler poet, at 050 Holiday Stationery Quality goods ltt attractive gift boxes Half Price. , Sexss Worth, up 1 Boxes worth up 1 Boxes worth ue . 6.f : ... 25c I X V. ... 49c 1 . . . 79e Brass Desk fleeap sold In sets or tn individual pieces nk welln, paper ellpe, letter trays, paper kntvee, twins exes, book racks, etc., all pretty gift suggestions. BASE BURNER STOVES Clearing our entire stock at 2Q per cent or one-fifth off regular marked prices. ' High Grade Peninsular Stoves The 150.00 line, for . . . .JJ-10.00 The $48.00 line, for '. . . -538.40 American Beauty Corsets in Holly Boxes These are charming, dainty gifts, especially those in silk brocade, in white, blue or pink. Then there are others, too, of finest imported batiste sumptuously trimmed and fashioned on lines that are acknowl edged by fashionable women to be absolutely perfect, 11.00 te We shew twe I A x f0 TTo eontlaue lii JfiJQ sale of bat a batiste eerseta in loag skirted, hlrh bust snedeis. Tkeee are very desirable garments aad Bleely trlBinied. Prompt Sanicc Bar ing t!i3 Corn Show Ter'the benefit of oat-of-town peo ple 'w4" are prepared to get cleaning and pressing out In one day during the Cera shew. Bring or send it in by 8.80 and you can have it that after mepn. PRICE LIST: 3 LADIEV LIST aid Btw OsiaatMr aad TSf g j kTuc sent out a promise as binding as my note, whenever I take a man's $2.50 or $3.50 for a pair of Onirnod Shoes "No doubtful leather; no questionable style; no hurried fitting with these shoes. It'a a caie of honor with me I must keep up the reputation I've bwlt on men's Onimods." -BOB HAAKER. Regent Shoe Co., 205 53. 15 m St. mi FLORIDA CUBA Gulf Coast Resorts New Orleans, Mobile, Pensacola v and sll ether prlndpsl resorts in the south reached bv quick and convenient schedules of the Louisville & Nashville R. R. either In solid through trains or sleeping cars from Chicago, St. Louts, Cincinnati, Louisville, Evansville and Indianapolis. Complete dining tar service. Round trip tourist tickets, limit May 31, en sale daily at reduced fares. Grester variety routes than any ether line; diverse route to Florida if desired The Most Attractive Way South .Per full eertleulsrs, rates, tickets, desertpthre lllus t rated booklets ssd sleeping csr rnsrvatieae address P. W. MORROW, N. W. Pass. Agt, CHICAGO J. E. DAVENPORT, Dir. Pass. Agt., ST. LOUIS Yg vltrr a;tTw.'gyM Ssx; Do You Use. Whiskey? ' Guckenhetmer Rye, per gal. . . .f3.B0 Overholt Rye' per gal ...X0O Bariy Times Bourbon, per gal... 93.00 Old McBrayer Bourbon, per gal., 93.041 Maryland Rye, per ca) 98.80 Nelson County Bourbon, per gal S3.B0 "Whlre CT IsVey ( moonshine) , pe gallon a.M per quart 7Bo Oacketihelmer Kye, bottled tn bona, run quart 91.00 ....860, 3SO SA4 AOo California Port, er quart Lady Clerss in Attendaneo. CACKLEY BROS., 121 North lGth St. h .. OpToalko Vostoffloo Both Vhoaes, lag Hiii KaJst...-! 911k TTalata f Fiala Bains. . Plaltea 9klrts tktrt and prm.. Jatreto, (sISert),, Hned 4 Lawh. on'14 Ci .S on ....I - .U .... l.M III 3.6ft . ratenettes MEN'8 LTST Er rt I i.o J.9 J.60 .50 2.60 P Peat, Xreevftisr IVeaiatar ftuts Costs VO!t Pants pvereoata . ...... t'letere, (heavy) 11.60 ..16 .50 .50 1.60 2 .00 .10 .10 1. 60 75 1.00 a. 60 3.00 Royal Temateea, 2 ttij fer See And 20 Gren Stamp. Bennett's Capitol rure Maple Syrup, qt '. .400 And 20 Green Srames. Bennett's Capitol t,t trsrts, bottle ... ...ISo And 5 Ore. a Stamve. Beauty Aasaragua, raa. at SM Aa4 It Oreen 9natya. Kam. Cataas. Iarye bet tie fer Sa Aad Oreen ataanf. Oaeo t.SSS iVe. mw evaerate4 seechaa lim aaaJlty, t. ..So Neckties We hate spared no expense In mak ing euf plant the biggest and best equipped in the west. We gtiartntee yonr work satisfactory or no charge. The Pantorium sassl yrs." Hock Hmmi. 4Oua4 181 oue 9. rraxaagaaHiaa va,ni"tL.' :tfaron''acg3a."iH,-ia';a,aai'B'3:,ff Spend a Few Minnies , In our store. J-eek ever our lino ef artieleo suitable fas' imm gtfte Watca.a. Dt.aaeada, Jeselry and aevaltle. CLUBBING OFITERO Daily Bee (without Sunday) ........ .$4.ei " Review of Reviews 3.00 Regular price for both one year. .$7.0d Daily Bee (without Sunday) $100 1 McClure'a Magazine 1.53 Woman's llome Companion 1.50 Review of Reviews 3.00 Regular price for all ne year. . .$10X0 J fcir ?rtt 07TLY $5.20 Ccr Price ONLY, $6.90 THE: OMAHA DEC, Om&ba, hh. AfrfiS all 1 in tl tin' i'iiii line i .1 ' 1 ',; ' wygli ta m twc nrtii rmo urn IMX AS)9 HSXIT 19 UtaJI dta. IS. frco icnua DREVINQCo. VOW MM M VMM AaMI 9"rr ; f i TRACKAGE PROPERTY . ..... . . . ', .- , We offer for rent the building located at 914 Farnani Street, which is . a one story and basement building. Dimensions are 20x86, approximately 3,300 sq. ft. An addition to alley could be built to suit tenant This is in the wholesale district, being convenient to car line. For further particulars call The Bee Bxiildmg Co. Riones xougia 938 j , 17th and Faxnam Sta Independent A-1B38. BAILEY & MACH DENTISTS ' Best efloipped dental office In the middle west. f ' I Highest grade dentistry at reasonable prices. LJ Pnreaiain filitnes. lust like the tooth. All instru. fy 'P' oients carefuiry sterlllied after each patient XH1KD FliOOK- - rAAiua uasja .. , ! Cor 16th aad Farnam fits. 1 . A FISTULA-Pav When CUltED All Rectal Disewes enrtd without a wrglcal'' ion. No Chloroform. Ether or other gen- eral anetrtheUo Osed. CURE GUARANTEED to last a LIFE-TIME. BmxaiuATioti fsi. WRITE FO BOOK OM fLES AMD RECTAL PI SSES WffH TESTIMONIALS tB. E. St. TSKKT, e""'" i nVarViril i ' II Ca Csrij . Cpschl , Fer nEDRESDAY Peanut Brittle ; ... 15c ; per pound box. ! Dru Co., Pf-MJ-F-TiViS r.rr trr-mff er J wA W4 kJ. ST- I. Wi, aa.a. - ee Duuampv Offices fer Rent Jan. 1st, 1910 Hocm 442 fronts on 17th street ' and h two windows, affording splendid light. It Is 14x17-6 in site and has a large vault 4-6x5. This desirable room at 37.50 per month. Room 620 is partitioned so as to .ffnr-a a ncuntnn and private office. This office Is 8x22 and faces tie - west. Rents for 18.oo per mosw Room 523 is close to the elevator, dimensions 14x19, and hs vault. Rents for l.eo per month. AH the fflcw are occupied at tae present e. fcnt tenants have nettfled ns taey witl ssere Devest ser II. We are. taerefere. frlag tmls saee fer ret at rise. . Eeawmber that in renting tn fflee In The Bee ltilldfiif . Janitor service, lights, heat and water are all fnelnded In the rent asked fer office. Elevators ran until 11 o'clock p. . THE BEE BUILDING CO., R, W. BAKER, SnpL 17to tai Faraiu Stt, TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Tfco Boat . Vara Paper. ltTsll. fow Ycrfc OT r r T. (1 fit A florae of Character and Refinement Seventh Avenue At 55th Street Near Famous Central Perk Abiolutely Fireproof SCHOOLS. Send For Our BUt Free Book St a aC , C- -tJ-. 1 1 J LBV. T-- 71IIKV " Ka, shUmj ks vVtf sloe.SM9at t bt- 9 aMf 4 atiCattSMiV Sa 1IT-v - Sf las BaUvaf ataa) Sarrlee W Adleinlog Caroecie Hall, near the Aft tnadtute. and within Ave oilovtes walk al the ieadlac thtatraa and ehupping dMrlet; the location la Ideal. A rare attaattoa te dctala. that lend te the ii i eaeeiiere fa i ssseaalble for our siaaj evthariaanic sBaa. TtM ISVOhastea'a detlstitnU loon1n ae eDalas reeraa aad gftl reeai wfll asaaal to your ssass ef the aareert.ta. Hotel Wellington MlC-r.MDrrTTtY THE CHOICC Or DISCJUMINATUK FtOPLX Rooms, with Bath, 12.03 trpwaral Parlor, IMroom and Bath, $33. weekl and upward Sand hr Bhutratud booUtt J. T. CIIAMPLIN sTTTO Maoagor v Seventh A. atSSth St , New York City fJlaVV Whon in Detroit oTTSWr A Hotol Tuller m 9e mm. 1 1 1; 1 1 (&) Bee Want Ads Boost Your Business nUfiOPCAN PLAN ms rdm tyata tin 3. W. LINDOAY, Jwsi, 105 Ddsuoj-ssssi atrmmm t'.TTT. e tenia) eadi awa fnti wr S't te as aiara ii te Ton. le If 4 TVUJC9L m& v.-