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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 8, 1909)
THE BEE: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY. DECE3rBER IT??. 1 1 1 OFFERED FCR RENT 4 ettea Is f H. nr, o d 1.. neiv'-i- rmper'M $- ft. sv V'mon '1.. new. miid. -a. lost, t:.'' J-R. ! No 3th -"1.. -nod. -x. hest m. -H. in N. 27: h t mod. -X- heat r. -R. I4 Pnmf. go.d !iou. c!"e to par i'e. nfrty new. ail mod. px. T-R. 014 N. h neeriv n-iT. ail mod- m home on ear llnetv. . ! N h St.. brick, all m od. P-R- r.: Mhwti St., ail modem. i(nn :o- oMoit- tr 1H4 i- et St. 11 modern, hot water h-stlrg pmnt-&i j-n. n. t St.. mrxi. . heat. &-R. ".5 l"imnn r, mod. ex. he- -"i e-ft. r -vr Hnr"ev St.. nw ail mMPn. walking distance, one hlork to ear. r1 v ,n a few dsvs. ;e it. -8- So t,1 Ht.. nr-w. ail mot.. Rn p ai e HAjrflNGS ' n-TTCT. 11 Hart ev St. -II. Mod.. -SiH Jone r" ' S-R. 7:t tw. TT4 "nnrr-ift 12. . 7-R. .'ity water, barn. t'i X. lih Ave., -will nikp needed rpu bat-train S w I.R.-M.wt., oh"lr. 1M rrrbv I (t . R. Mod., 2 'lit?. -TO "tmiltoo t .vi H. Pur ti'.M.. !(.. " ?4th 1? t RUSSKl.L .6 MoIUTRICK CO.. 43 Harris Blcig. !Sih and Hamey. NOT1C1I Hotel for rent, ait newly fur niehed; r'lnntjiif now- propi-efnr got on! ef business. Henry Fleper. Mlndsn. la FQH HENT--room brirk hmiM. ail mo'l em. on pr line. C. M. Bacnmann. t Paxton Blk. HOUSES in all parta of 'he otrr CrelRii Stma it Co.. Bft Bulk NO EQl'AX eam h-at. ail modi'm. 7 mora, hail, baiti and aaaernenu 3) N. BX N. 3STH ST.. one block from Ann Ae. ear. new b-raom moitern eottaga; very cneaa; at Ca. J. -V. Haap Cou dim data B)d-. S ROOM:-. Id floor, bath and toilet. 3bM Bees Uh. nurnt, Zd flocir. toilet. IMS Hnatol 91.. a-mnm houee. modem. 2S Hrietoi t.. C3. a rorrma. modern except beau 409 William St.. do. f rooms, modem nrfT3t Seat, I1C8 JT. 2Sta 3ti. ;i Tenant pavs water. CHH13 Btnsa id and Cumln Sla. T HO MS. modern house. 1M Spruoa dt. H L Plumb, 110 a. 12th St. So. rr4 Seward street, six rooms, south front, lis. o. 1721 diarlea atreet. after wowmD-r 9. x roiitns, paved street, modem except lurnace. rs. j.UKD C. KHNNTDT. IT9 F'rM Natlnral bark i3uiidln. Tel. Iouclaa 73. BRICK, houaa, 3S14 Daway Ave.. 7-rooro. modern. Morar Stationery Ca... 1S1( Far nam Si. HOtrBEHt.'lJJ GOODS pfked. forwarded, heap freikht mtesj movin and stortnaj. aUpreeeuien a Delivery Co. Tel. Doug. 94. FOn REST- meme; cltv water. IS33 X. ITth .'t. C. M. Bachrrann. 4S Paxton dlk. TlI.. .5X3. Rta.. U. Vtoi F')a RliT On or about Jan. L '.F10. V room, ail mortem hoiue: comoinatlon flx tum. C .'d. Biujnman. U Paxton Bile 9-ROTM htmee. ."23 S. rih Ave. DtH 3. 3m. Tel. Harney Inquire FOR RSN'T-S-roora ootta-. Walnu: Hill addition; bath; brick and cemrmci basement. :'nt ow. Apply at S07 N. IStii oc Tel. Red LiU. o-R. rottaite. Ohin. JS": mod. nrcept beau Cariuer. 911 1. T. Lufe. 718 Bancroft rft., rooms, city water. tlZ. 2521 Binney. S-r.. city water, otc. CS. 15'ii itfth sil., rooms, barn, dty water. 12. 121 S '"Inci St.. -r.. ail modern. GO. tre. new -r., strttrtly modern. 13. 2bii. Parker St.. 5-r.. modem ax. fur., CA. W. i. SHH1VER. 11-23 New Tors Life Bide. FOB RKNT Two-tory. 8 rooms and btth; Weet Fairmin; laundry In bauemem; electric and ifaa; cement rioor: stairway to floored aitlc: cornerr 4 j-ears oid; newly papered and painted; gas ranae. heater and window snades ail free. Apply t5J Faraam St.. or Willows. S6 Brandms 31d. Bant Q0. 12 ROOMS MODERN Eaev walking distance, to center of dry. Lunation rnaktia it vary deaur&bia for rutrninn house. NOWATA IVND k LOT Co, tuute Nbw Tors. Wa Bids. 7-ROOM modem housa. laundry, furnace. Hauscoui pais; district. Tel. ilarney ti a DOLTiLAH: s-rooaa, Frensar. Botn Phones. John li. SIX-ROOM cottasa tor rant. 2603 FTana Un. at. ,. f A rrv IT!'1 r treatment. Mme Smith. NEW a-roem house, nwdern. Harney 447. ALjXXJi ILiXIVs m 3 mh gu tbirti aoor t MODERN s-roora house. 2U U. Bth Are. PRIVAT3 HOM1 during confinement: Phone Douglas WL baaiea for adoption. Good Samaritan Sanl- terttus, 740 1st Ave.. Council Bluffs. Ia. 4-BOOM. modem. Ill N. aid. " T , THS "ALVATTON ARMT soilclta eastof HOUaila. flata. Oarvln Broav. 311 N. T. L. ei.tkuig; in fact, anything you do not need. . . We oai. set. repair and sell at 134 N. 'ltd HQ U8ga Paters Trot Co, M. T. Lite Bldg. t tut oaat of oslleettoa to the wortay ' .. " r 7 poer. Call Bteaa Daugiaa Um and wagoa JdA&GAiLO Van Sroras Ca. D. UK will oauL Paca. auara and aaip hsaesnnid sawaa. t-.i.-,- OafAiLA EtaxMlerers" Ins- Umga Bids. WB RENT and repair all make of ew. 44X44 FEET, ground floor. I6ta and Doug- "Jl '"- Ln-. A-U.O. Doug. lava. Patera Sdhatm Ca. c- oarM JAMES Slbi can (rt Imuran oa money by writing jonn or Charley. UE SIR ABLE single aTIe alaa aulta of offlcea. in Conttneniai block. WTfJ5?"" toupees for men. GRIFFITH. - ilJmX .PTu. U iUiiT2 and UFIULNZER BLa. act Fust Nauonal liaax duiialixs. Tei. Oeuglaa 721. STRICTLY prrvale home for cnnflne- - ments; axcallent care; babtea adopted; trained nurse. Kl Davecpart. STORETtOOBs and basement tn Searga Alien da Voy Manlonnns and masaas b.oc-k. S. O.. N. 3sth. H 0, U R mgs Bw a ttth dt. Flat L Phone D. 7 Bids., bath 'pnnnsa, MMB. ALLFN ec Chicago, salt glow. NEW Store, mt Cuming. TsL Wen. UTIt m gnmia and m assays treaunenuw 3ul N. , " - ' ma 8U DESIRARLiE storeroom. No. U0I North . Slth street, waa occupied as a meat market c R- EGtIERa"nrtraie eonflnemsat home, fur over twenty yaaii and ta just in u Maruia dt. D. cation for t hat line of business. 3t - ALiRKD C. KENNdDT. f-iar-n Snita nat LIES UN'S. Sf First National Sank Building. ta8'luo u Howard. D. 4ll I Tel. Douatiae T2 I ilii ' mm ,,. t MAjflAliS AND BATHS. R-m Old Ueatun -tore B.og.. 4th floor. fJPPSrj pfjpj 1 So. lath St. SiAU-way on ogl Su raraltarar. JOSIK WASHBURN'S w book, the "Undsrworid Sewer. " sol at ail book FDR SALE Hard coal stove, conkstov " 'U" and bed. chean. H. Sen warts, mm Hauul- GOOD appis cider, everybody ilkee it. tun street. .Muiler mea the Best. Tel. Harney Every week a remarkable gain in Bee want ads.,. The Bee Dj;tik a big- gain again in its want ada last wetik. It jfTtiw in paid wnnt ads 4 oolumiid over the eorTtsponiiiij wefk idt year, while its nearest competitor increased only 12 coluinna. Eememher, too. that this jrlves the other pa pers eredit tor all sortii of indeeent ads, and fraud ulent :ids such as eiairvoyant, etc., tiiat the Bee, has reji't'ted. Ia n:cst soif-reppeetintr The Ee La the only purer that ireu the door. Unelern, Ln deeent, scandalous and 'sensational newspaper reading u oiijeftionaMe to the intLigent, regard less cf the work they do, or their incomes. Th.? value to the advertiser, of The Bee the paper that sroes to the homes of ail classes, ae oounts fur the satisfactory results from Bee advertiinr. a OFFERED FCR SALE finilnn I mm mvE.s. !htir oed. oot. Amer-cn F-irrtttur Id Ill "tl i N. TAiVIAiNS !n n"pirrd hand F-irnit-jrai rLIOrr.T ai nnT-rtr. n'nnf'.a aai at 1S Hamry. C. H. Thatchr Ci D. iCl rviTRa POND giuio, tiRIDit amw; "ij Xfn nnw !n THI3 N'ETT PUM!, I'UriJS will b he!d for Chritmai deliTry iT dMitrd. SIX OCTMVS FARHAn OnOA.V. aod a npw. Aiao in rrandolln. You rain ;et the" cheap. 211 3. 2th re. SFXDND hand tnsewrltara aolrl, peonlred. 'eniral Typewriter Exchaiice. 1WT Flrnanx lawana)atvi COAU AT CUT PEICE3 save yoii from 3te to on ever ton and fr better coal. We jf'iantrnee oorrert i(ma tiosenbiatt's Cut Price Coal Co. COAI oMketa. O. Dry klndllnc a load, n dellrernd. Star U m Cuai Co. D. Hilk. AFKS. new and second-hand. 1118 Far 71. 4TTS N. 3th St. F'rt SALE New and 2d-hand billiard and po'U tamea. We lead the wor'd in ;heap bar fixtur-a, easy pr.vments. Bruna- irn-Bkiii Cuieridrr. eJ7 do. Itftn Su DHL'ri at cut prtrea; frrtht paid on ail n or d ere; oatiaaoaua freai , Mormu A atrOnnnail Drus Cav. O mail a. Xeb. m Otr ERr OATS ST-IGHTXT CHED, at a bargain A it. SlXiuiia. 41a N. ifiui. Larf nf-H nr". ftimlt. Must sell next days. Bell Fur. Co.. ite D.Ktea. It. S1; 3HUlAiUtllU on leailln buetna -C (or aaie at dlaeaniRt. Addreaa P - V. Harmon pnonem J.UU LUALk wn. Both t!HTTHIQ m typewrtters; Just a 'ew ef eur bargains- Rebuilt No. 3 nrltn Premier. HI; X Oliver. ; No. Rera- n-en. 0S; marhlnea aulpsd on mm oval; no dl'I'lt PeelllreaL TTpawmTa ajt.TpMsaT co.. M dt. Uth dt. COAL, ay thai 'a Call iratanar SWT. 111X1 aaaa. now. 2d-hand. 1X11 Farmun Wl HA Va an tuud a ntunbar of Ink har rim which wa will ami at see eaoa. They ar fine for rain water or aahaa. Call at na Bear PublisliLC Co. ALL. SIZES of emnty boxea and tttndliiui wen far aaie. Apply at office,. F. W. Woot- wnrth a co. aa and las atora. TEN beautiful Xmil (tarda 19 oenta. Sat Infactinn cuarantaed. tKatnyi or stiver. Cen tral Iowa Memauitiie Co.. Covo. La. BIU UTwat AUCTION, SJITH OMAHA. See the bis; livery auction ad under head jf Hordes and V-hicles. F. D. V W P5LT. tha Auctioneer. Phones Dm SS. Ind. A 258. EIGHT storm sashes. 9 ft IB !n. By 2ft. Jood aa new. Cheap. MX 3. ISth St. OSTEOPATHY iOH'SON IN ST.. 4U X. T. L TeL D. 16K Dr. liLathryn lobolaa. l S. T. L Bid PATENTS D O. BAAN2IJL Paxtoa Slav Tat. Sea 7117. Bu'FFMANT BS N-rtIle Bias- Book fraav PERSONAL FREE I tons coal: for particulars, R. BL Morehous 11s Co. W.S106; B.4e f 1 C "V L"r I C ti-eatmenr. Mme. Smith. JJ-1-1 1 LVj & uta St.. third floor. Private confinement home. Mra, Dr. Ting, re. N Mth. Tai, Wea. 2K& lad. 3 :y JOHN CANH Is tn town. Now ts th rim to trtm treea, trelileaa. grape Wnes. Tel. Bad 7704. Ind. A-4-k. Rad uvA, UU Cumins 3t Lis! S. 2ih Ara r-vT-V"C Tour earn amines out or your --H". iJ quarter oomes back when vou use Cam Jeiiy. Uasnea Drug Co.. lfilA Far. c. PEH3CNAL a dru'xi '-ir 'nr ir nnv"ra4 r'lfT. ..'fnan L r. Mnir-t ;iaJ."rwv 2 N bioi k. Ti. bOu. TTrU L'ndrr ipfT nunn f il. D. ( PUT MONTH. awrTir a hirfi fr-!da P'ano n TU J. 3E.N NiiTT FIA.NO Jl-i:a. J "In rwnr. pwsrt j-ma Pum UA UHANS, hatha mumn 'iSlT Dndan St.. bwnmi flat. Hours, 10 a. m. &. m. A H'"M5v fir women dnrina" pmflnemm. find home for haoiea wnen mm li era unnnt (-are for them. Babiea brjirdd. Fir ter-na addrexa Mr. Martha A. L.e. 1 Banomft 3t.. Omaba. Neo.. Phone Dana;. !ae b7L POULTRY creenln. fl.3 IP iba Wmer. Wl I. IWIfc FOB UU-CMn S. C nff Orpin. frri corka. cockerel, herta and ptilleta. Tmilonee iceee. are prise wtnatera, at m baf atn. Peter A. Brehm. HarrarU. No. M. B. TTrRKHTS for a: esrjr ;n eeeon. . IS. iTasran. orth Loup. Neh. :sa L'-NEED-A Phtilhry Timtd for 8 darsi !f your tnrr-aee does not twn pay for your tomo. y-ur money wtll be re funded. D. la. lotMaii Com Omana. Nett. PULLETS tLM aau-h In Lisht Braiimaa. i White Rocka snd Parrr'dre- Wyandottea, . Ctwkerets. for tLU to eax-h (n aarred. j W hits and 3uff P'j-mouth Rorks. White. I Buff. Parrrtdsp. Silver and tAoiden Laced frandottes. ainx'.e Comb Brown and ; Whna Lea-homa. Sinifle Comb White Minor- LiKht Brahmaa. Hoee and Single Como I Rhode island Reds. T irkevs. Durks and i mm. Addi uas W aiter Bosua. Fairfleid. ; Neb. PRIMT1N5 PHONE IND. A-S2S for axiod prlnUna. Ljrr'ST'ad P-Hrrms ' Kn A Csolto Ara REAL ESTATE axA& antTi malsbi. I . IMi: bjomat FarmacZI Si. I meTD ABSTRACT CCJ. wvv; set our artcaa. ITli . r!r QANGgBTAP. m Baa d. Tel. q MW. I "ATM! DTv". CO.. flrst fls It. T. Ufa, BEltJAXIX H. B. CO.. AT Bl aodats BVas. RTTAL XSTAT TTTL It-TRUST" CO. CEU id. WILXJLAMJeuM. citt rmtsrasi'Tr roa balsV NEW 7 ROOitS "MODERN Modern, up-to-the-minute, laraw lot. One ' 01 tba chMceM leaavttena in trie weatam part of tha otty In order to settle partner snip quickly, will sw sesd at a very low VERT EAST TERMS NOWATA LAND LOT Co. rituts ta Now Tar Life Bldb XBI EVANS St., 7 rooms, new. modem, oak and ame finish: near Omaha unlvvr aaty a.7S. CaU W-dSH I WANT an offer on lot X. blac . oris piat of the city ef Omaha, with two hmi- 1MI and UU California streak. Lot xl23 feat. THOMAS BSOTtAS. New I ark Lii BuilsUns. 7-e PACIFIC, l-rowm bricks, strictly modern, excellent oondltlen. No. HEN5!f A MTBRS CO.. Prions Dousias 74L 413 N. T. Life Bids. 7 ROOMS WEST OMAHA Lot 50x112. house one rear eld. built by owner; threw bed rooms and bath up stairs: modern every way; combination fix t urea. $3.500 TERMS Looks like a Christmas sift. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO, Suits S-4 New xork Life Bids. 385 FRJLNKLIN 3T. room strictly modern. rnarter-sawod oast finish, south front. Inlaid wood- ohtna closet, art glaaa windows; new, wii. built. Terms and prtoe right. ELEGANT HOME. 34 Chicago Ax... 1 rooms, south front, large lot. lawn, strictly modern, out fin ish, mantel ; street navwd: near car; gnod. alassry hem. K..IM. Terms. HAN:OM PARK. 4 large rooms, modem, furnae. one year .ild. east front, 'awn. ITth naar Woolworth, barn 30xJ0. Snap at t&COO. Terms. HARW00D & HARW00D. Red 424. 418 Bee Bldg. A-tWO. 9 ROOMS WEST OMAHA Lot Ilxl5lt. moilrrn. oak mantel snd grate: four bed rooms and bath upstairs. one Den room aownstau-s; ironi ua rs r stairwars; bam and .tnveway. $4,600 TERMS A genuine snap. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO 424 New Yaric Lif. NO STORM SASH NEEDED Don't waste your money: equip vour windows and doors with 4olden A.l Metal weather sir p. tend postal to or see dam 1 Dickinson. 321 Ramge Rids. TWO CORNER LOTS First class improvements all around them. City water, -ewer. ga; near oar; j a0x4 feet, each W0. VERT EASI- TERMS nowata Land N. T. LOT CO.. Life. REAL ESTATE r UX AND .. i.1.1 a FOB IAJ.I Celaea , FOR SALE. NO TRADE 10-acre fruit j ranch ln Canon City. C010-, good climate; , water right unqueetionaole; weu set to aw , ainds apples, .hemes, plums and aina.1 , fruit a: good improvements; one of toe pt tleat pt-ea in tee Arkansas Valley; further information if desired; must be seen to he appreciated. Address Leslie W. Thayer. Victor. Colo. 1 J Xlmn ir r win iime 1 i"ni; " 171 Deratur au. Omaha. e 60 ACRES Near Paafio Junition. Lv; 5 acrea ln rn this year: balance pasture: 4-room bouse, i nice grove aiul oicnara: una is etooa iana. niaei.ire ii iraj oeai-tng uate tba Pnoe tat per acre; oaa make turns IM.n day ol -u.r, uy anu net ween i MiKH'IH InvPSUlUpnt Ca ! Bounvuia. St. Luls .a Southern Itanwav , lCV.Uue lilvesULKUli tU., i coinpany. a corper ai;i.n of tn 3:ai of I V)t Dodc St. : M.aeoun. and Ui.s Company aim auii.anaed J ! en oenaif of ttua Cantpan at a meeting rxi I AT $4o PER ACRE V''0'8, neiJ aa 'ha i!u We will sell you a "ao-ax.-e improved I iu "la rainy ausent to and approve the I farm In eastern NeuiasKa. two, miles ! I piiase o i.a i.uii.ut' uia wnuie r a foud. live town and oes market. If yon iy p t i uis ir.m and uinei prap l eiil iosa at tins laud you wui agree that erty ai;d ;rauc:i:-a ji i jr an, .i. it ia v -y eiioa ft. ii inn .ow price in order to settia a partnership quickiy. VERT EAST TEEMS NOWATA LAND- LOT Co. auiia 424 New York I ta B8. OKLAHOMA We have 11 J0i acra of choice land to aeltct from. raiTlng in price from a t rt par acie. T .an t a in th oil ana gas district and you aught get an oil aeu with vnur iana. SO'i AIA LAND ANT) LOT CO.. Suite OA New Turk Ufa lg. ttraaaa. LANDS, $IoPER ACRE Hava same very choice umaer land lo--Uona acre&aibi to ranroads aaa rt vera. r anapni'ed tor, and smia ew said to settiera for fi.Jt par acre la auanutfesv aut sreatr tnt 1st sores tw any aa pas haeer. an; peraen ever years or ae can maaw a? pi.cuoa aitneui Jilarf rranoe witn homa- i eg or other sovamroenL entry nsnia. I T heee land oonta.o meetty cedar and fti ttmoer and wll srarat la aaUmaiea. 13. I u te is.3b. .S) faet per sruartar aneuoa. ml at write tit rbaa Bids.. Oi; Ned. REMEMBER It only taaea wrote wo .if ths pen to mrntiua e tact Uie 1 iO aa w i ia Z bmm. HEAL ESTATE irtintinuM. ) DRi'HMPEH 'J. Wvntnina- !rr-a d and f.r B? 3" w rra inn. ari'i anaw me j 't"arv art.'- twt. Tinw of 't! ;rLA jiht to rr at vvtth wom j Nttr ilm o ttixx anda. Bum I alfaifa maoka. ,mmrir r mark. bi i:na c" b'na. ppiwIH pntaio reilara and ttimmnrts "f 'm nf av.far 0' .if rnanrter f aeil and ima:a oondluon. and iheir cambined trroductlve po W'w want you to ee theee anrte before ron invest a doiiar anywhere eiee. We "know that this is ths iTmo't'lnity for YOL". i whether rou ar" now owner, tenant or iyo'ins; "nan tartrs in Mfe. WRITE TOP AT FCiR FTtFH ILLPS. THATED Bo. KL!TT i ;NTALN LNU MAP all i.mrtMAroT Rend poe'ai hv next mail. Remember the I date: CAilST ACT LA.ND dPtUNii Le 1 oem oer X. L?". THS NORTH LARA MT5 LAND CO.. ABBOTT REALTY CO.. AiiENT. 411 Prandets Bid.. Oman a. Net. l(n rMPTtOTTTD FARMS in central Min nesota; ail eliee; cheap prces; aey terms; always ood title. Write for land '.1st No. 3. Mention 'his paper. C. D. Barter. Fer (iis Fails, Minn. REAL ESTATE LOANS S0 ta S&.ftO on homes In Omaha. O'Kefe Real Estaia Co.. JM N. X. La a. Lous, or A-aat. LOANS ta home ewuei s and heme build ers, with artT'lea-e of maktns partial pay ments semi -annually. Hn ewmmiasl on. W. H. THOMAS, sal First Natlsua Man a Bids. FI"7H PER CIXT MON3T to loan en Omaha Bualneaa P-w petty. THOllAd BRiSNNAN. Room L New Tare Life Bidet WANTED City loans and warrants. W. pttrrl,m aralth Co.. IZ Famam dt. $: to r.a made arwmasly. F. D. Weed. Wad Bids., llth and Famam. SECOND MORTA"I loans necotlsted. Arpiy Roams 417-il First National Bank Bias. Betl pnana Dausiaa Bit. MONET TO LOAN Paj-ne Iaraatment Co. WANTED Oily loans. Patera Trust Co. PATNB. BO ST WICK A CO.. N. T. Lifav Private money, SW ta H.M: low rata. LOWEST RATES lamia. Brands! Bid. REAL ESTATE WANTED VACANT lota and ha buyers. Ml Karaactt Blk. A-444. WE HAVE BUYERS FOR S. and 7-rrjcmi houses. It prices ara right w can sell your property for you. nowata Land and LOT CO. Suite M tt. T. Lif a Biag. SWAPS FOUR fcrnrnn new modern houses, large lota. In souths. estsrn part of Gmar.6, ao Incumbrance: want Nehrseka iand, NO WAT A LAND A.NU LOT CO, aulta aM. New Tarat Lit Bids. TO EXC UA.N 1 i Z IBt acrea land, central Dawson Co.. Neo.. naif cultivation, for mules, horses. Shetland ponies or Nortn Dakota land. T. 5. Wo.fendsn. Cosad. Neo. WHAT have you to tradei for iand? "Nother fellow's; I have a tract of U he owns it. I trade it. Lock Box SM, Omaha. Neb. FARMS and grass lands from tX.3 per acre up. What nave you 10 trade for ianl? I locate on government iand. Write Ed Hansnaw. Laird. Colo. 330 acre of good farm land 4 miles from Denver, cneao. and 19 aires In 7heyenn oounty. Neoraska. for faan or Omana in come property. A. E. 2096 3u Mary's Ave., Omaha. WANTED TO SUY BE.3T pnee paid for second-hand fur-il- tuie. carpeta, ctoitung and ahoca. Tai. ii. ug 1 A niatforrn scale In goocJ condition. Addrcs. Augurv Miller, m S. M i.uLh Omaha, Neo. WANTED TO BUT. JOHX. THE BUYER Se-ond-hand and muiiit cioining. weuaicg areses. ileal 01f)werland Limited ail. 10 am a 7 0S am pru- Phone a B . WiMTrTl TO BFT .. . . - .. . WANT5D at once by party of 3, for 1 or 1 months suns of furnished rooms , with board in pr'va.e family Location . must be good. Willing is pay UbsraUy for aailefactor) reoma. Address W-74L I WANTED Hotel to rent, must be fttr- i nished. Can giv beet of reference as t 1 atuitty and character. Address, Y!. est : Tha Bee. ' ' -l 1 -d WASTED SJTUATIUNS m . LADY with several years' business train- 1 ing desires Li::on selling either in city I or will tra AJ. 1 tarencea. Addr I W tel. cars ITPt;-t-' j twns coai: T UL- a. i..renoua for particulars, R. 1 Co. v? tia. a its. I WA.N'TSD By young man. place to work , tar beard wn.le attending Boyiee aollesa j BujtS i.oi;ea fXPEUT accountant. Invoice work a spet-iaity. C. M. Shonerd. tixford. Neb. LE-AL NOTICES- , Tua MIHaO L'Hi i-AClr'lC lUiLWAl v.x-N 1. SPECIAL' MZETIN-i. I N'V1 IA Hi.rt.dY 'ilVEN thai a sts- I cu meeting of the aiociiuiaera of uis is- ( aourt fali.S a V. ili u 1 riaid at tn. W-ini,i -uttue of aa.a Com- pany. in the kt.wur-. Pacirte Uuliaiug, No. j ?(d Market aLreei. 111 uie Clly of i. nu I Ui.eouii. on i uaauay. the lath day of, January. -V. at niua o dunk in tha fore- newt of tiial a to oonaaer and act upon the foi.owtng rropositlens: lai Ta adupi a cuae of i-.r-iaws for ths ! Company. i 1S1 la lattfy. aaerni to and approve a :,ow;n a ntu ia.i;uau cuinpan:: Liru.a&u aiid n fMrrn iUkAai' k.uii;par,r, .i.u nu vvesieia iUi, i:npaii'. ai. uuui. waa l-i i.i and Cuniiactit-i riivay Company. Senaii , iVumw and lasic.'ii Il,way Cainiiany. Ti.a .fur u esitrru i.iaiiroau Cuinuany, ills .Cenraaua auutj.era n.i'' .un,pan, '.'inane lieu fiailway oinpuy. Omana .-i.uittirn Railway coinpui', i-.flc lla.i t a Comau)' ul .NruilnKa. iae PufUij atiu ata.a iae K.iia Cou.i.iany, ana itausas and Aiaat.saa v ,.tv ita.iwuy. tU) t'r tne puipt .Tt relUi.dli:g mder . r-ng u.urtsae rfii.iia and eqpmrni ouii auciis ox tae Campany and ioi uiher cor porate purticses. in cunaent iu, concur 19 iid aui.'iona an incraauaa ol the Bonded adeeteaneae af ihe Misacuri Pacific fta..' ar Company, by ths a.-iiaunt uf U".(i ur toe ua of iKid unas ot e Com, ay. limned in the aeavegate to ins ,.ucipai ainsunt of at any on' ian ..iniMiii.ri til tttar i n Li M t a mil ' ra qui aftcrea re uw ism nr ' nnunv payable esmi-uiniJy, and a.l ot iy part of such bonda. aa toe Baai d it Kireciuia may 4euium. u. a eunver'tbi th option of 'h huidets ai.d reg:ste:ad saara utattut tnu ai e ut (he ltiway aonpany urt eu r a and attierwis u. .- d ar Liire,-loTS may deter -nine; am eaitsaat to. eane r ia and authorta as eaecuiiea and delivery at a mortgage and aed ot ut en aoa ot tha was it jmr. ot the naiireada aiKt etUar pi operty :.d ftai.cniMfe of una Cntuany w r.utlict w ewited tr hrefier nqu.. to -r .-il iaeun oi bMica kj Ui iaea .f, and LEGAL NOTICES witlnld. to otmairter and a upna laa fm-m snd ter-na -i eurli mnrtsraaa. ta Ta etmernt ta and author's tha our rhaae by this Carai'r frmn tima .o time of not t'i ntH t!i P.9n par vaiua of tne bnnos of 'ha St. Leu.a. Iren Soumain and 3euthm Railway Cempany. t Tm ratlT he pi m edlns of the Board f Dn-eeor heretoltrre taken in and about the nafera afnr'eaid, incinrtlns lbs autnurtaatlan at said bonns and men case anu 'le- ' trtst snd tba uee to n .riale of said bomls. and to consider am act upon such Jther bustneaa as may preperr ne tt-ar-arte si the meeilns. The atous: traneter oooks a the Compaiv wll be aiosed at I P M. an the T:tv dar of Januaiy, 1S1& and wtll remain otowed until 1 A, sL on tba 1ft h day of January, in. rated. Sew York. November ITth. 5SW. By order of -lie Board f Dlre'tors. GFJlwtia J. liOCLvD, Freatdent. A. EL CAJaVF. Secretary. "TSe Mlwurf Purine Railway ifrmpnr. JS Breadwav. New T-rk. Nov. hh. 13 To ths -:vkheide-s of the Mlseouri Pcif'e Rsilway I'lnnrinr Referfnt to the intloe sent to rou November ITth. calMns a r-)ai meetins of the etockhotder-s of me oompanv to ba heid on he lth day ef Jan uary .I8. you are notified that tha stock ransfey bwoka of this oem pan y will be , 'need at t o'clork p. m. lie amber Mh. I!"". irvteed of lannsry "th, Utd and rw. main t"m until e clock a. m. januarv :Sth. :1l. This change tn daia ia made to avoid" any pewihUItv of confusion m deal irgi In tha strwk and rhts ta euber-be to bends, pr-or tn the date of said specal meeting. If ansnte to attend tha meeting pleaew elan and return ths iii" which we have nii-ady eent you. A. H. CALFTF Nov. a to Jan. l srearr ' Nev II ta Jail II GOVERNMENT NOTICES OFFICB OF THS CONSTRUCTING Quar-ermasier. Frt Robinson. Nebraska. December t t" preaiad proposals for fur nishing ail material and labor for addition to and repainns pump bouse, new boilers, new pumps, eto... at For? Robinson. Neh.. will be reratred here until 11 a. m. January J. !!. P'ans and spertflcatlons may be nonsuited at ths of floe of tha chief mianer iniatcr at Denver . Omaha and Chlraaro dennt luartermaster at St. Leuls. and st this office. Blank propesais and lnstrtio lers to bidders may be obtained at the sauna offices. P'ans and apadflcattenFi ftimlshsd upon receipt ef carttried check for riS. ta insure- their return. Envelopes cmtainlns proposals should ba indoraed. "P-obomij for Impnwlns and Rerjalrtnc Water System." and addressed to Captain F T. Arnold. Cfmetruetlns Quartermajrter. Fort Robinson. Nebraska. ra-r-s-s-ls-u CONSrrRUfTTTNf? QUA RTtRM ASTER'S office. Fort Dee Motnsa. Iowa. Novem. bar J. Wm Seaied nrseosaia in ff.pltcal" will bs rcelvd here unttl 1 a. m . stand ard time. Use amber M). 1MI. and then opened for th construction of a post chspel. Wth plumbing. heating. e'artnc , . A - - - . , IT Mnirimm Towa. Dlank' forma plans, epeclf't-aiient and full information obtained at this of-! fire. A dereett of reoutred for drawings and specifications: denoatt will a reftnded on return of drawings her Th. United States resat isa the r-gnt ta reiert or mr- "Pt ail propesais or any part 'hr-of. i .nvsriigatlon to three of the most pruml Envelopes containing pronoeais should s 1 ... indorsed "P-oposais for Post Chapel" and ; bent Kaunas city sfnciaia The man got 1di eased Conetr-jeMng utiar-eTnaer. Fart Lea Moines. Iowa. NJ4-S- Dt-i-1. TWENTIETH CENTUTf FARMER Owe Dorter a Tear. RAILWAY TIME CARP FHIOH STATiaR IOTH Jk MASON Cafes Paclflo Leaye. Arrrre. Overland LlmH-d 7:Mam all.5mn China and Jaran Mall, .a 4.o pin altatara Ores-en and Washington Limited all-el am a '48 am Los Angeles Limited.. . aii r5 pm a ItM pm Portland "eerie... .a.a.aa tun a a 1.41 am a 7:31 am ! jor-.h Platte Local"" .a I 11 am a : pm Colorado Kxnrea rirnit island Lecal a i t pm allt.w am Linceln-Beatrice Local. .bll: ora b l. pm Valparaiso and Central C)ty BiJteJ pm Bl.Bpra CM lea are tlrwa Wearsrrsu Oileago Limited a 30 pm Twin Clly Limned '-S pm a n am Chicago Express .- P Twin City Express. a am a l:iA pm ' . ! ;n-. ""Z .rn r.Ma i rf anherrr Lorai tfrom I Council Biurs) b 5 00 3m 610:15 am i chieaso. XUwa a ka A St. Paal nmaha-Jhso. Exaress.a 7 am a ) J am Colorado !peo;ai a . e am a l:se ara ICeio.-Cailf- Exprosa....a : pm 1 11 pm Pwry-Omaha Looai b :li pm ail.Cn pm , lMmmlM c.u Chicago ETprese a 7 13 ara a3:pra Chicago Limited a .( pm a7:ai M..nn.-Pt. Paul Era a 7 . is am sllnn.-St. Paid Lid a am Omaha-Ft. Dedg Lawal.b 4.11 pm .13 am 1 hU.i ' tU M tw ! Caiojao-Chioasio a 7: am ! Clitaaatt Da iai SliL... a 7 as aia i o e-Chitaao Leea..a. a 1.3 ara a.a am 1 , rMrmqo-Criiiid .a --1 pm a pa i uinaiia-t,m Sialai.a .s pin 'a em ' ' : -itc t-H-ci,.k. ..a . Lest Ans rsnn ' iuui a :ls pm all.-e pm ,iv-i luiiti ....i am a 7 as u a t.a al:Xs Cariwil a fi Vast -iKiai ce,lar nat-a-vii ia - It NTit iV l'iU LiN S .I'OftTML Twin ijr k aa Layngui 4! m al. pm au.4. iu..l lam uir WiuiM a.spm a . 1 am eiuux i.urai.... Laaeiav-ak au. a city ja aia a A. mm pa 1 uiB ia -. a:anj George J01..S. a carpenter rLsloyed at 1 la.i...iaeau.ux City- ail u am 'the !Dinm- -lr1ad that a huieung aae I 0JaTaUTrt Ln11w-T. I -upii-d tr be attaehed to ths . N-f - a I team aii pm , ootloin of the main cage in order to lift; I .ununi-i ii-'s" -r".iis a I 4 l.eaam ', miners frorn the third vein !n ea of ftre : : Auria-Ma JiU. ..o A p:n e 4 pm i iiu-e-ioi a a a at mm - " c -- 1 ' ; Ct -- a . put aa. a rm -... e" pus Wii i ' r a-ill K. C and L. ...a ' am a : au tlr. all.un a l:M pia C. aiU at. 1 t. a. ee rmcifli i j-r Hucnv Miraniain L.d....a 2.4s am a 2:3 am ioea Local a . m 4 pin Lt,tn uav xrresa ..a . m am a.t ,tn jinea Local a 4 .n ai. o J a , .ai j am b is pm Canaan- as e-n Ea a 4 e pm a t u cu-iNi'i4 L.d. a t . im a S.Jt pm : W EST. j CTricago- Netii aaka Lid. i iur iuo,i 3 ara a 5:7 pin i C,j. ana i-- x a 1- pm a pm ! uk, id lexas x a .m p n a ..tat sin 4 .w.t .....v-. IU W.W j,l ' IcaU-taTUS STt lOT - MASON ,,., Denver and Cailtoria... 4'pm .U,"" P" a on th. suaiec., rei aiiiid a- a 4 ..St pia a pin of ameniimants to ths lnterstats commerce Nei.iat .a pjinis .. ..a ..m oiu law. This mesaags will ba sent to oongresa ??lwHlPlU YlVlaM ?S I 7 I 2 1 w :Ih,n - tea day and will go into "seoiatka piiii a k ja a.u a a ll pm i tne details of the charge whioh the preei- l..oo.u iai: u I pm pra I dent believes are needed to make the .mer- chiaKa Et a.n a 4 . pm ' at. morm .. matrument. c" tT :a":".i" pm I ?. The anu-truat law w,U be mentioned only at.i-i-L. -. a .Kin,.-.., . u iu am In a general way in the message aa the .a;---.?J:2 Tn rv5 VI : . - read,- Coioiauu i-in.iia a J8n a T . 7n I ? " -street any specific changes in Ca..--j ijetiai a . -J a n a.i pm 1 the rniprrt lan law. Ci.agJ Ex. a 1 pnt a A. at pm LlilKU rui ........ p.u a am iuii ucii .- -A ; m a. . d.. Lma t-x 4. pin ivaueae Cty 4 OL pm a aia B see C. m SL Joe.. a J iA am a A.iU ;a el i a v., I WKnsTKlt PT i:ia m WR3HT1II Mte-aart rrirto K iliurn Local b I S pm pm Alaiaaaa. sc. rial. i a siia Sienx City Express fe I d pm U s an 'jiaaaa Lal ........ e s.J p:a "lieux City la seen gar... ) I. J pa Tun C:ty P ner ger....k am S'laK City ri...a 4 m am mer Lacai a t.'Jt a;n Scales Balance When Electric Signal Flashes (oTeraTTient EmnioTti Tftlll Hots' o tttu . nr VfimA of Approach of Iaipecton. NEW TOBK. I. . Ramiflcailona of ,t larse table and two smaller an.-a. he scheme Utroush which ihe -vwnment , a,jmte nasketa filled with pink oarnatlnns . ailea-esl to have besot defrauded of '!-iand stevik formed tha eenternlecea for tha Ions of dollars !n duties on eucar were t0jM mnd the pla-e cards wnt heait on into today at tha continuation of tha ,4,0. with deeign of weddlns hetla trial of former employea of the American an( brides roses. Covers were placed frr -uar Reflnins ontnrany on enarara " -ommlracy to defrsud. Frederick B. Paunders, a nesTn irovem- : ment employe stationed for eleven years on tha sturar oompany's doeka testified that he had sen an ateetrtc light Hashed as a elgnai and the eraa hastily bal- ancred by the company's employea whew 1 the customs officials would appear. ; Thomas M. Stetnson. a government , weigher, teaiired that 111 June, IT", he no- 'Iced that the weight wera running lower j than ordinarily at a scale at which Key. 1 hoe. ana of tha defendants, was checking. He called Reyhoe's attention to it and the weights. tha scales were balanced by tha wwgher, went at omre up to nor- mal. Ror-ert Jones, a former company era-! plo-a. who had worked under Spltrar and wher of tha defend ante en the docks, tea- tired that the men who ioeked after the loiwiimmt wetghara ware known about . .he of floe as ths Tolr poly gang.'1 John R. Coyla. one of tba deferaanta, was a ! member of this gang- Ha said: "We ail ' knew on tha dock a. 1 the wltnesa conUn- j tied, that one ef tha roly poly ganaf i- waj- checked the gnvemment wetghers." ' .. 1 Young Woman Keeps Hidden Xill OweJS, Who Held Evidence Alfectiflf Saoib City CfSciBla, Mat la in Crete, 9eb. CRETE. Neb.. Deo. 7. i Special Tele gram! Information cornea today from ILan aa City uiat Levuiy nhenff tsiiwee is on M her to seeura. if ptasibi. Miss Anna Lee Owen, who waa assaulted in jnaaa City last July by a man who the M ; atlempted ta steal papara from her that neia evidrnoe ef great import in the police t the wrong papers, however, at that time. I Ths papers are shorthand net, which ; Misa Owen atone can transcribe. Mine -Owen waa In Crete this fall from 1 tne aner part or aepiemoer to uotoaar is. visitins at the home of Mrs. C. W. Wag- goner, seeking milet after the aseault. No one in Kansas City knew where she was. presumably, except her lawyers. SANSAd CITT, Dec 7. Oovernor Her bert 8. Hadley was a witness before the grand Jury for more than two hours here today, testifying concerning an interview he had with Toney Crura, a convict in the state penitentiary at Jefferson City, oon after Crave Had confessed that bs waa Implicated In the slugging of Misa Anna Lee Owens, stenographer for the police board of this eltyv Misa Owens was at tacked in her office In the D wight building Wf,lle copying notes see had taken during the invest igauon of part menu ths local police de- Governor Hadley testified that In. the j presence of witnesses be read the mnf - ston to Cruye and that Crnye .aid It was true in every detatL Gov err. or Hadley was questioned also about the statement he made before the last local election that certa.T election clerks were unfit to serve in that canacltv He u.d h. m.d. rh. statemrnt, after securing information from the ILinsois City polios department, which had fully Investigated the matter. Third Vein Cap-c fc Not Attached i rimi Sajl TMl -fejlect is CaUie of Semth. f -lea. as Lower Lerel of C-arrj ISLae. CHERRT. 111.. Dec, 1 The testimony taicen today at the coroners Inquast into the St. Paul coal mine dleaater. tn which! m Uvea were lost, waa di cted m:Uy toward showing that th officers of the min. not . ,a rty effort to res- ( lha mjnera i Mrs. Jemima Miller, the widow of a' I miner who Uwt his life in the Are of No- ; vember la, testified she had ssen eoai be- ;n( htrlated fttwii the mine asr laxa as Jt r dork, which, according to other testl- " ! ujuhj, - .w . w n o u . , h , ; fire tn tha mine waa dlaeovered. j to keep the third-rrnn cage In working order ta said to have been directly re spor.slbls for ths death ef nttt jt ths 3 ners err, ployed in the third vein. Diamonds FiiNil isih and Dodge. Special Message ongreaa Jooni Predent Will Bonead Amead' menu to tiie la tenure Com merce Act WASHINGTON. Dee. S President Taf! had an tended conference this afternoon m lh A,tT.ry .J.-.ral Wii-ftsnam and Ser mar Nssei of the Cenar.meni of Cam- mwrs and Lauor regarding lbs apeuiai :nes- CCEAM STEAMSHIPS CA.iaoiaM paotrtc w r.KXLf siwLiwng imriiK aoMT!u a,Lisx. MJtO Lufmm. ro, Moikiag aetlar mm tmm ana rid ttaa war Bmarsaaaa " B. ei.AMl. a mm mm. Ciara mx.. I CX A I ?m asaas. g AA a.- Cisl-ad , 7 o the o h i c ri Fahrnarr 71 day. 4M up. ineludlng anorw auairMana etc. around tn world. Tmra to Sgrepe. ronl a bUste. Ttus Bieg Bcw Tors. W. JL Beak, iM rua at, Uiasliis, Pleasures Pats: at Vea ark fTMa Ceaw!al Fasmls Meet and Jey Tfbaaaaalyaa w Mss Trtameaa. Mr. Ephraitn WMIlams Dixon wns how ewe at a beautifully appointed brMa ilnnrheon rr-y today at her noma nil Sotittt TMrty-etnth street in mmpllineil to Mlrs Fi'.h Potter, who will he one of tha brides of tha month. The aprmintmer'a m in ninW and the mests were seateil Miss Potter. Ml Caffrnan. M'es Mar' on Connell. Miss Hortenee Clarka. Misa Edith Lo), Mm. John L. Kennedy. Mrs. 1wni(i jjm A. S. Rogers, Mrs. Henry pierponu Mrs. Hariey Moorhcad. Mra. Arthur J. Conley. Mrs, George Redlck. Mrs. Forest Richardson. Mrs. i 3. Caidwil. Mrs. N. P Todgw snd Mrs. Dlgon. Tha game of brdge followed the lurwheon. Mrs. Charles T. Kountxe entertained st a bridga luncheon today at her home far lha . members of two nf the Monday bridge uluba. The gueets were Mrs. Frank Calpetxer. Mrs. F. BL Davis. Mra. O. W. Wattles snrt the club members pieeent were Mra. O. T. Eastman. Mr. W. A. Redlrk. Mr J. X. Baldwin. Mi-s, Arthur ReTntnsrton. Mrs. A. L. Keed. Mrs. J. A. Mcpnans. .ura. j. o. Brady Mrs. EL A- Cadshy, Mri. A. Cl. Beeeon. Mrs Itaao . Coles. Mrs. F. P. Kirk en flail. Mm J. E. Baum and Mrs. O. W. Hull. Mr. and Mrs. TI. Towner Cutler gave a dinner Monday evening m hennr of M:sa Marcsret McLafferty and Mr. Wsyt Waitman. whose wedding will take plaoa Der ember 1 Those present wera Mr. and 5,r"- J- Mandelberg. Mr. snd Mrsv W C Price. Mr. snd Mm. IL T. Tutler. Miss Agnes Hansen. Mlse Margaret McLafferty, Mrs. Martin. Mr. John Jone". Mr. Wayna Wsltman and Mr. Alfred Hansen. I Mrs. E. E. Kim her ley entertained a few friends Informally at lunrheon today at her horn in Dundee Mrs. IH E. Hart of Council BlufTa gar . Inn..). iv... .1 . v . . Hm. Vinrate Herbert Gates attended front Omana and covers were piax-ed. for thlrty-rwo guests. Mm. R. J. Shankey entertained La Douaaine club at her home- last evening Those preewnt wera Mioses Blanche Moore Emma Allen. Virgil Redfleld. Maude Ben nelL Emma Allen. Grace Montgomery. Sua Redfle d. Ines Bnnneil, Beatrice RUntner, Fay Lyman. Meed am es Copeiand and R. J. Skankey. Misa Frances Gould gave an Informal afternoon bridge party and tea at her home Saturday afternoon for Mlaa Sara Martin, whose wedding takes placer In January; Those pi 1 sent were Meadamea Fred Ryner. William Bausrhn. Frank Roberta, trerrrgw Johnston. Mlasea Sara Martin. j Mary Ailce Stdwall. Henrietta Benedict. Verne Stockdala, Frances Gould. Peart Fltageraid. Caroline Conklln. Gertrude Brancn AAc T.-nxell. i j Personal Gossip the Feonle Ara, front ThsT Ar ttotas They Expert to Mrs. Milburn and small daughter, who live on a ranch in western Nebraska, ar lived Monday afternoon to spend a week with Mrs. Milburn' s brother, Mr. Conrad Tuing. Mrs. J. J. Brown and daughter. Mrs. D. P. Iuer. and Mr. La iter of L.ncoln have returned from a trip to New Tor City. MU" Lucr polke- has gone to Oak Park, j nl" whrr "ho be M rf t nvrm tor "ra" I Mr" aild MrB" H- We41 who ! t"1"" " at since their wedding. ' " now ln iumnrei ML I M' Chartee Oxford and daughter Va- 1 lesca leave Sunday for a visit of thr months In California. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest M. Pollard and ehll dren spent a day ln Omaha with Mrs. Pol lard'a parents. Mr. and Mrs. Waterman. I Mr. and Mra. Pollard are on their way te '; HaytL where they will spend so era! , Mrs. Edward Lee McShane, who has been ! vistttng her parents. Mr. and Mrs. George Myers, in Cobuuue. Ia.. has eons tn Chi. cago for a short -tat before returning home. Mr. Paul Beaton has been confined to his home for the last fe days with Illness. Mrs. Olive Waison of Lincoln, who has been visiting Mrs. Gould Diets for tli Last ; few daya. turned home- Monday. -"- vi. w. wngnt and children, Janet nd Carl, of Sprlngf'eid. IH.. arrived this morning to visit Mrs. Wright's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Q. J. Bird, untU after tha hoiidaj-a. rs. C. H. Andrews of the Dusany has i returned from Cedar Rapids. Neb., where) "be waa called by the death of her niece. Mlaa Marie Warden. Keep Chamberlain's Liniment on hand. -It la an antiseptic liniment and causes) wounds to heal In less time than by any other treatment. MOTHm SUCCESSFUL Wcnderf ol TrBatrrrt Given to Sir. Z. L. Pardee. ponbuiue or Rium T-t- tnrnt ta Car Cnavs of I a a; AtnntflnaJ. Mr. E. L. Psr-lee's own letter adjrna -eU to the Omaha Radium Modiral and Surgical Institute telle anotner wm.ler ftil Mory ahnut the tui-ceseful Radium 1 A. though 1 has been undr ' lUr" reat spetiallata care for only one i nM,n,i,: r - t- ia, 3tD.. Nor. Zt. 19n..Dear Doctors: I have been taking tils Radium aTeaUp 11 anu wml P'eaned. P-IRDES. -. Omah- "'lum has upset aa many acienllflo '-"""T" a new era in science may at- mot - 1 " have beun. Cert aim ;h" "b,ect of Radio-Activity open. ap nrw cliaiter In physics and there- IZZT' nt'ZuTrT "V' hadow of doubt that tha J Radium treatment la effective In oora.- batting diseases which were fn nerly con- aidered incurablB. Tha Radium treatment stimulate the sction of ths nerve eel la Ail who are stiffertns from chronic dU eaaws are cardially Invited to call at the I offices of ths Radium Medical and Surgi cal Inst It me for free mnsuitatlon and a.l v tea. The Radium treatment la espe cially beueftriai In the cure of suctt dis ease aa rheumatism, diseaees of nerves, blood, heart, stomacn. kidneys and User, paralysia. epilerisy. catarrh, gaii-sutnaa, .1 ropey and srrofuis. . The Radium Medical and durgical Inatt tute is lurated st the nerthwaet comer of Thirteenth and Far nam streets, Gtafia, Neb. Office hours t a. da. Im I B. in. iundaya, from 3 t:4 1