' eiflj t J . ..-11 Want - Ads velamae Trill be (nfcen nnlll 1 a m. for lap rvralnt Pit Minn and nnttl Kt.lA M. far 4ke moraine anil gapday " flame. Cash snaat apprnnpnay all order " wot art aad an advprtlapmpnt vIH fce erppatpd for leae than 2(1 centa for flrat Inarrtlea. Ra apply la elttipp The Dally naday Brt. Always ceant alt worde ta llae. CAB RATE FOR WAIT ATI". RKOtlAR CI, !FICATIfHf OnP tnaprtloa, 1 ). rrnt pre veard nnA 1 per prard fop parti aabeeqarnt Insertion. Fprh Insertion made dd day. 1 1 -Z ppata per vrordi 91.Bv pp Hap apr tnfwtk. Waal ad far Tke flpe map Ipfl at air at a fellewlaar drag i(rM e la year "loraM dragi" tar r all Vaak offlaaa far Tke ad roar ad evIU ka Ineerled leaf as prepmtly aai Ika ansae rate) aa a tkp rnala off! la Tka Be alldlaar. pvpafppotk aad Paraaam afTPPt t Albach. W. C. eWk and rernam. Roreoeb, W. A.. 14at lth l Beeht Pharmaey. 71 lth "t, ttanaan Pharmry, Benson, Neb. Jr"la Park Pharmacy, S3a and Cuming. Blafcp-Bredlsh. 816 Shei-man Av. Ceughltn, C. ft.. th and Plprc fits. Clifton Hill Pharmacy, Jil.1 Military Aw. Conte. J. B., Mat Are. and Farnam. CrUapy Pharmacy, 24ii and Lake. Cannpy pharmacy, tH South 16th SL Oermak. Kmll, l?4- llttn St ' F.hler. F. ft., tgfit Leaven worth. Feeter Arnold), tJ9 N. IMh St. Freytag, John J., IBM N. Hth St Kraawrr Drug Co.. faw N. IGth fit. Flvrewce Drng Ca.. Flerence, Nh. Coleman Pharmacy. 30' h and Lake. Od'ii'i Pharmacy, Park Ave and Pacific. UmMill (V. A., M 8. 10!h tit. Urecpeugh, U. A., lth and Hickory. iur. William, V.. Sra Farnam et. Biimv Pa-k Thar, 1M1 S. inn Av. Illat. John, M K. llh Bt J luff. L.. KH Leavenwenk St be-.en Drue Ca-. Nth and Spalding Eta. Kmc. H. ft . ) Farnam at iveualo Place Pharmacy, MM K. 2Vh Jikira, ?TPd U, Ctatral Bulaard. Patrick Vrvt Co..J N. 2Ul t. Latnrop, Ctiurlea t itU N. 14th St J'ayton, l, a., th nd Lkvo worth Bt. aaratafk Urxig Co.. nth aod Atni Ava. athairr'i Cut Prlca Utut biora. I'Jib and Cklcaa Bt.-htbter, Auuat. mi N. lttb St ciiir.tdt, J. 11 , Wth ai.a Cumlrif Sts. Morm i'ha,iuiNcy, 16ih aaj Maltha 5ta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 4ih and (Jumlnf ta. W'klton Pharmacy, 20n and Orac Sti. Wlrth. O. H.. 0th and Hamilton 6ta. DEATH A If D FCItHRAL ROTICES Hntcl!r.:1 vn 1 1. m uri CALtWEL,t, Frank, ad years 1 uioktha. Oldest ion of Mr. and Mrs. Frank t aia ell, at resldnoa, 2bl9 FranKlm trrt, Upctmbcf 7. ltpmalns to b shipped to Peoria from Gantieman's ehapel, lui4 Chicago stret. HIRRJKANN Alkert, (red 81 years 10 laontaa. Survived by fatnar find mother, atao by Iw Harnnanii, a brother, ana ' Annie Herraiann, a sister, of Otnaha, and rs. er.kpr. Grand Rapids, Mich. Funeral from Oantleman's undertaking riHMns, i14 Chicago streat, Thursday morn ing at 10 o'clock. Interment private. SMITH Sfarv C, beloved wife of Charlaa fc. Jmlih. fcaturday morning. Decembrr I. Funeral from Calvary baptist cnufon, Twenty-sixtn and Hamilton, Vvetlnesday at i f. m. interment Forest Lawn. CAatB F T1IAXK9. Wa with to atand our sincere thanks ta pur frt.ua aim relatives, alo tne inera liara of A.nsius et l ytn.as tnang e No. 64 ic a court No. U, Tribe of Ben Hur, lur Uipir aiiiiincan a.ioun us uunr.n me sail LurYinent of our tilfe an4 mother. . U. it. BAKTH AN1J FAMt'LT. V vlab ta thaiik eur many friends who yiuiaibuiad kith us In the loss of our uitkii Lciuypd buban, sou and brother ana fur Ui many dowara sent. nlKa. MiutL OllAFF, Jicuii CUtAFIT AMD FAUILT. Ulttrila AND p BATHS. Births Cburi4 K.ttniaa, IT II keuth laniu, tri, CarUen, IiO Saward, bvy, vi.l V'. Hw.urau, tiacfud and bvnng. alii, iuus Huiuan, 'itt rln fx.ar.ly kixtu, bgy; Jwuu kiunajf, M1 Cumi,. a'ii irf.iae rirr, j Lcatur, bw , i.vy i-aauiar, Nurtu Twanty -(uuru, U. VV. TaiUbt, ilul Wamlaiaon, girl; Aibaii Urla&l, 1114 Muuln Twanty-tlrat, a nl; lkuai T. liuimaa, 1111 Marth 1 wauiy-rif vn, girl; L,aoDard aCohn, 114 buutu Tuiriy-litvn, girl. Uaatlis Jun klauiay, 4)1 iouth Thlr tkutn, ; i unit 4iu, 71 (oulii l'liuty twurtn, 47; Thorna J. Hyan, 24lt Bart, hi, John .ilpn, J4il laiker, 6s; iviar- Laret iialdaman, Burehard, Nab,, 1; Larle Hansen, 417 fcouih T wanty-aighi.i, JatABKIAOB L1CE.K9. The fallowing marriage license were le aned yesterday: Ruawell A. ( oovira. Perelval, la La Lira Itasletnn, Perelral, la SI Suiy i lrio, Omaha il Franeeeca Cinnoialo, uinana at Joseph Barret, 0:naha tl kiarvet Jonnaon, Omaha la Nls Hansen, Omaha k JtMlen bmevlk, Omaita n Waltef II.. Ilawley, Omahk H Helen K Doulnaky, Omaha 19 Pan I el TThyte, Payette, Idaho it Frances Hall, UeWltt, la 4J AkiiOUWCtLitkTS 1 1 1 A I CUBAN Carbon Cooking, 16 0. (,'outent Squires. 140 Far. U aJj Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Anie Ave., ac euiat vumpoundera of Juesei iiUiOns. Kite delUetr. More open (;2u a. rn. to U p in. RAMRER. practical hatter, 120 8. 14tli Ut. Billiard and Tool tentlon. mtrtnea thiougb TRACY UKOtj.' CIGAR bTORE. 1410 L'euglan. WEDDING rings made by hand, sold by elgl,t T. L. Comlta A Co. LAi louUa. PI A NOR Ba'.dwln Ca.. v-holpsalo player I 1A1' piapa. omans. IWiicCague U. If AlfPr 10 WAN - LOW MONEY 1-aene Deu. iM. . tMOrt Lua pi COM PAN V. lr.U IUJur t,U ler ren on hard and aafe- coal and Iwi, ! aad quuntuy. Lincoln Oram it Cal t.. d a. Maiitiitun. Lougias MlntlMC Ce Vat. L-enttas HI. lY)r IlUnola lamp per ten ri 4lth and Dodge. Tel. Uarney 1140. AU Mode ef CtMhtsT OKI. DUNDEE CkklENT STONE WvlatKg. 4ith Lodra. Flfipirif Onibli ateetiie warks rapalia ele. U.1CC ti tc ! aiera, M si Uth. U 1181. A Hp?. OOOD fctCJtCMAtiYa LUNclT a in A. Jk.kk.PV 14 Leuiea be O V lO CLUKIMi AM D DTK1NJ The beet aer. Iwia City lre X rks, 47 8. 1Mb, bt. FOR watchea aad Jewe.rr reimirs see baaiafson Ji Henrtekeon. tul N. u,tn ft Boiler Impairing omi-t v. TOILER CO.. keth aad Pierce Douglas 1141. CfctAatA re(, aa Iren W.iiks make a aJ,.,iy ei Cit aauaatee. ahuttert doers ,.d ai U AimiHa, Prop., lit X lOtk. I'TH t 'vns ci; far pai tlcnlar. . A Ati-A-i j. Jui-icwae Ca. pv.r.ea. Ike Lmi t.iwi have bee asarrted ky ike R. C. kavldae aad he Is praying te l.-kc t( l.t it waal him to o.errf ) - kaai t taa4T UU ar K-ltM. 4e pin klONTIt are the terms In THE lIKNkTr PIANO tXl:8. The kea; anakee In the ceuniry te eeleet from, Jols A. CECIIA Frpprt watchmaker and jeweler. Urijalrlng guaranteed. Liu! a. liui. bow.. . ANNOUNCEMENTS (( onilTiud.) A SPECIAL OF1TJI IB days we will fit your eye with rrcee. lanees, prerrlptlnn quality. K'rkl and aluTril" frams . Oold fliirfl fr-T)s gt Ul OCR OTT! 'A Ij IncrAnTMENT muKt be IXTROLHTRD to the ppoplo. FHpn nnnDKOAARn m , Ji:VEL,rRS AM OPTICIANS. 116 So. lfith St. ILER OKANI) HOTEL Fii ret In th wet ICth ft Hrward Pt Turkish Baths f'HAT s- G"en Trsdlnir Stamps VvV7U W)h j.lSr() an(5 goft col peo. pie's Coal Co. Iour. 3471; Ind. A -148. COAL by the BASKET. Rfd. 7:5. HINDOO TABLKTS Will Ml! n Mronglhen. Ke. PELL, DltUO CO. PAVID COLK Creamery Co. CEMENT BLOCK f best euailtf. Manufartnred kT the IDEAL CLMKNT BTONE CO. WOOD. Tr. O. .. Bl K. T. L. Heaseepatk OFFICE STATIONERY ;,T Ketera Ca., 1M Jackaan. F M7. A-4aT. Ml50i;m filters mads and said. Ult Howard Ft- Deposltlons. F. J. Sutcllffa. B2S Bea Bldg. ORAVE', ROOFING. J. R. Stevenson Roofing Co., gravel and composition rooflrg. Ill B. NHh St., Omaha. Tels. Toug. S119; Ind. A-17&2; res., Webster . PIANO TUNING I-pt our expert tske care of your otano. Tunlntc, $5 BO. Repairing and reconstruc tion our great epclaltv. J. MARSHALL SMITH CO., 30-S19 S. ISth. ANCHOR FENCK CO. Iron and wire fences eheaper than wood. Last a Lifetime. ?07 N. 17th. Phone Red 4. Monuments, J. T. WIootw eV Co., 115 Far. AUTOMOBILES 1905 WHITE STEAMER top complete, geod running condition 4W). 1906 WHITE STEAMER repaired and painted, hew, rood rurnlns; condition, top and all equipment II, W0. VEL1E 30-HORSE 1909 model, top and all equipment 11.100. BAKER ELECTRIC CAR all new batteries and tires, leather top, $000. DRUMMOND ISth and Harney. WHITE STEAMER AGENCY 6ENr for our list of eeeond-hand cart. DERIGHT AUTOMOBILE CO.. M Farnam EL SELL cheap or exchange, 1908 Bulck and Auburn touring pars, full equipment, ex cellent condition. Phone Tlack 1S5S. Dr. Rlcard, 501 Frank St.. Council Bluffs, la. MIDWAY AUTO OARAOK. Steam heat space for storage, repairing done promptly anywhere, day or night Fire vulcanlartng. oils and supplies. WW Rroadway. Ceunell Bluffs. Ind. 071, Black a. BARGAINS fn used cars. Send for list. Council Bluffs Auto Co., 610 Pearl St. AUTOMOBIK, CARRIAGE PA INT! NO. niacksmlthlug. woodwork and atlto tops a specialty, can store automobile. WM. TFEIFER CARRIAGE WORKS, ttth Ave, and Leavenworth. CALL us for demonrtratlon of Colo "30." Midwest Auto Co., Uth ar.d Farnam Sts. AUTO storage. J5.00 per mo. 401 6. Wth. FOR SALE or trade, nlco 1909 touring ear; full equipment; no Junk. Address K, care Bee office, Council Bluffs. AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds af kreken cylinder. crank eases end eeln-s promptly repaired; all weik gvaranteed. BJCRTbCHr UOTOR CO Ceuaeil Bluffs. Ia. WRITE far list nt aeeandhand automobile bargalce. ' 11. 1. FKEDRJCKBON AUTO C. Omaha. DON'T have a paneture, we treat yt'ir tlrea and guarantee them for one year. Ne braska Puurture rtoef Ca.. 74 N. Uth. BUSINESS CHANCES TO C tT en jr eut of bualaees caQ en UANOUkTAl. m Mil&s. Tel. D. T. FOR BALE Flret-f lass peel and billiard parior and kewlltig alieya. Write or call ii khrtloh i bene, St. Joseph. Mo. ILEAVY TIMBER LAND Teu new hare an epertanlty ta make apyiioailen lor lt a.-ie et ery heavy tim ber iand, not n.oie than 1M aores to each aw'icent, at M 43 per neve. Location tree, Ineiuamg atteiney'a cervices, very reason able. Call or write 4TS Kareaeh Elflg., Omaha, .. pv&.e WILL locate fou on 160 acres of choice eiooucilve land; price Vi.&Q pu acre at time ot becuilng lit.t. 413 Karbui.u k.eck. TIN SHOP far sale (including tools), on account ot eld ae. OooU location. John (.atjt. Deaison, ia. CAPITAL FURNISHED. Industrial, mamuaeu.r.ht,, mining, oil, gas and railway sicca and bond Issues sold aircct to Investors; commission basis. Sam uel urahsru 6 Co., selling brokers, Iew Vork Llie Bldg., Montieai. Canada. FOR SALE Established hard a are ami Implement business. Invoicing about $7,o00; nlceiy located In the richfM part of ttouih Dakota. Address Scott & L'ecker, Caaas toia, fi. D. FOR RENT, SPACE FOR THE TAILORING DEPARTMENTS, I):y ggous, CiuihuiK, bhiati. uents' Fur nishings, Orocfiios and MliUnery. in tho new and modern elore b'llliling on Kith tit., Kjoru i.uxJU. t o-story ai.il la.euieiit. Fur liaiUcuiara see li. Kiaautf, 1J15 lianey St. 1 hoik: Douy.as SJii. vtbster Call. A GOOD Nevada mlnirg stock for sale, ccmpn.) niatiubvu by on auu ptopie; 2uc a naie (or a slioil time oi ly, ore runs Jium U i j - ' 1t '.on i ins piuperty has a splen did showing, is aJvautuiieouj.y Jocaitu and ia uoriliy of your inveaiiguUon. Cad oi sOiJkss. ROUT. C. DKUEi?EDOW, 4W-K0 Nt-w York Lue Biug., Omaha. INVESTORS who get back their orig inal uivesiilicnt in dividends every tilled or lour aio wo'iid nave a profitable In come. For a rhoit tun otuy a. iliaiied amount oi anch btoik will bu ottered at par by an Omaha lain. Address D Lul. Bee. FULLY occupied rooming house. Slot Hal in. y Bt. B1Q LIVERY AUCTION, SOUTH OMAHA. See the big livery auction ail under head of Homes aid Vehicles. F. D. VAvi Pc.l.1', tke Auctioneer., Phones Do us.. 2o, ind. A RE1S-KORN Ptg. C., 107 S. 14th St. BLACKSMITH shop and complete outfit for aale o0. Call and see it si Leanara, Keb. Adaress A. J. ueen. Leshara, Neo. FOR SALE A very geod paying saloon In bullngs, Mont., nhicn has in connection II rooms, lunch counter and employment aa.ei.cy. HI hcaith the cause of soiling. Ad dress Y 106, care Omaha bee. CHRISTMAS HINTS Gloves for Xmas Gifts 'fp rd Wethers, bast ef ferkmanahlp; for men, aremaa and children. Gleraa repaired OMAHA O LOT E M FO. CO.. Craunse ik., Otp. Peetefflee, M Fleer. jy reur aiane kjr joining one ef TUB BENNITT COMPANY' Plane Cluba. sea Bpcure the eaay terms on a high graa Piare, surb as 'iilE BENNETT COM PART acl.e. IDTTAL GIFTS for men: Plox fine Claera Huralilors, Mternhauni Pipe and Cigar Holders, CUar t 'airs, Totecco Jars. etc.. si MolvlTZ ML I LK. ClOAR CO., LS14 Faroam TIIE BEE: OMAHA; WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER R, lfW). CHRISTMAS HINTS (Continued.) HIGH GRADE b'Syer.' M TlHffi'F l'IFf1I'S 'aor. 1 rop, 60o iiiitnii i ir.tio, hone AU ror $1 w WARRANTED w,"le thy ast- V AXiXVikAN IXiU. LunnlnK Hard- RAZOR SET HarrpyCo ' mi Sign ot the To turn Pole. iriVTTiriTijrirpd China makes an ae- erpiante holiday gltt. tail lati N. lBtii. Vvrh. fc. Ir f iniXfTrf4 ln- Peo our line I XliXVr UMUjO j.,. CHRISTMAS. H. F. KING, 14th and Parneun. lowney's :.xu;rTA D Dietinctive and Artistic Jewelry AT MODF.RATX PRICES. FRANKS, 1611 FAUN AM ST. BRIAR pipes, e op; etpare, Jc box upi tobacco jars, smekarB' novelties; ladles In vited. Tracy Bros. Co., His Douglas St. BEAUTIFUL arlamped sofa pillows, table pieces, euj. Art needie work, fo order for Ames gifts, stamped a epeoaJtv. Mrs. rrrVntinV'R PKAUTT SHOP. See our llJUOJi O 4ng' wrs. fine line hair roods for Xmas. f.Titrmme thro?h Kopm' Mtillnery Store, 1SH Louglaa St. Uoug. 29u. Acceptable Gifts for All A Box of Choicest STS? n" aaeh S W E E T L A N D. Every T-V. . . h Jk m Tt fa CHOCOLATE DAY. Regular 4tr Chacelates, I6e PER LB. BRAN DEIS, BAST ARCADE. . ..1.1. l.wo. mrm l. lijin m.mm iltu iv ' ' " - - wars aeoeafakle If practical; eui are al- . A, , . , . v. A m I r 1H11 wars preeriemi. huiib-wiiu" v.t Howard St. PHONOGRAPTIS We buy all ktnds of second hand pheneg:raph records. B i9A Reo. ' CHINA an water color work for Xms gifts'. Mtee Bachman. twl I'axton Bioek. CJTRISTMAS candle In sealed boxes, Be to tt each. Sherman-McConpell Drug Co., ltth Dodge, Owl Drug Co.. 16th Harney. SPECIAJj PRICES TO DIAMOND BUYERS FROM OMAHA DURING THE HOLIDAYS LEFFERTS. JEWF.LERS. COUNCIL BLUFFS. 1,000 kinds Chrlklmas perfumes In dainty ackageu, lBo t 110. Serman-McConne,! rug Co.. 16th Dodge StB., owl urug -o., 16th Harney Sts. lTC"RT?"ITT'aT A C2 For men, women and child i on. Ed. F. Pick- erlng. 105 So. lth St FOR Xmas present have your photo taken at Stutsman's. The Bassutt Studio. UNREDEEMED dlatrond rings lb up. Metro. Loan &. Jewelry Co., 1124 Douglas FANCY CHRISTMAS CANDY. Perfumes, hand painted china toilet sets, etc. Haines Drug Co., 1G10 Farnam. Derby Woolen Mills J?BS. FOR YOUR XMAS SUIT 41 nnrl 1 R NO MORE OR NO Lt-fcS H,XJ HUU "P10 YOUR CHRISTMAS PRESENT WILL 'LAST ALL YEAR IF IT'S A Y-M. C. A. MEMBERSHIP WEDDING rlngTB made by hand, sold by weight. T. L. Combs 4k Co., IK JO Douglas. ICE SKATES WARRANTED , The Celebrated Brownie Line from 90e to I2.E0 per pair. Dunning Hardware Co., If 12 Harney. Goed Luck Totem pole. CHIROPODISTS I iR. lioy, IMI Famese beuglas 64:7. DRECtUAKERS MISS 6TURDT, I4g7 Dodge. Tel. Doug. 7035. TERRY Callage, ttth and Farnam tsts. TRRRT COLLWfGE. WAHOO. NEB. DRESS P LB ATTN 6, buttons covired all t.t. asd pwee. the lal Pleating Co., les Douglas U;. Beth 'ahenes. TERRY COLLEGE, CRD NEBRASKA. TERRY COLLEGE. Grand Island, Neb. McDowell dressmaking school, 1623 Farnam. EVERYTHING FOR WOMEN LADIES' EXCLUSIVE FURNISHINGS. VElNLAiNDER.& SA11T1L at &. tut su liYYUNIl ih 'ie4ay Bear. lsl$ Harney. a clantie c ijyeis. tiom ieis. CHINA tlecuiatina: oider vtork a special ty. Leosoii Mup(lay, 'li ursuuy and baiui da)S. Fllliie duliy. Children e claaoes bat- in (jay mol ilalia, mi s. v. j. iiunie. ai BiuudeU Lildg. Tel. Red 46. LADUrS WEAR RL'UJUH GLOVES. Oxualia Rubber Co., 160a HAKNUV ST. "JUST AUJuMi 'A'tiU CORNER.' AKsLMC aud IRON complexion wafers lUaKea clear, white akin, iiy mail t0o ami ( I it j. blierinan & WcConnell Drug Co., Ouiaba. UulLi-.I and Sweet Cider at Ak-Sai-Ben Cluer Mill, luU V liuyn bu Hlller's Pure Food Port Wine, wholcsomu lomc tor toa aged, women, c.UJrtn; every home siiouia have It. lliller's, l-0j r arnam. Fiericu Dry cHiuitig Works.'', lloth T ela. Heat work, pi on.pt service. Vn'Pll" ''V The enilre st-ck of hlb'li- u 1 XV-Xj araJe hair goods from iars Little of Denver. Coio.. will be ciosed out al iiofagon's Beauty Shop, IaU8 Douglas, second tloor, starting Dec. 8. "BUNIONS" Oh, don t they hurt! Get a t'ROTHCTOH from tiie Bell Drug CO. YOUR MAGAZINE ORDER mean C.fOO to the Child Saving Institute: anr publication, renewals count; lo'Aest ciub rates. Gordon the Matfaaiiie Man. Omaha. Phone Doug. 71iiX CLEANING AND DYEING Twin City Dye Works, 407 S. Uth St. EMBROIDERED sofa pillows and towels; order work a specialty; stamping done. Woman's Exchange. 1&22 remain St. x x.XjLxj o your fur hau Flsk and Broadway Pattern Hats Vs off. EDUCATIONAL NEW CLASHES BEGIN. Depember 4. OMAHA COMat kRCIAL COLLEGE. ltk asd Farnam. U 41. ROHRBOUHH, B. A. ZARTIMAN. te. V-pree. BOTH DAT AMD HIGHT ICHOOL roUkCfMS Bavlnesa tkerthand. Tale grecSr eaa Civil aerrlre. w 1 NT r, R lERM-Opena January i, CAYALOej Hmt free te any addrpaa. TtLK(RAHi FOLDER Talis about Tplrararh departmtnt sent fre. PeaiO-.na goal antred Addrves: M. G. Rohrbough. Omaha, Nb est D. AAa mt A-2la. Dargains In automobiles cither or used are found under tho "Automobiles" on this EDUCATIONAL (Continued. t MOSH&R-LAM I'M AN BUSINESS COLLEHU. Unexcelled couises In business, short hand, penmanship and F.ngiiah. None but experienced teachers. Day and evening sesalona Most mteresUng caialosue pub lished In Omaha Hentl for one today. MOSIiKR A LAMPMAN. Seventeenth and Farnam Ktreets. THE FIRST WINTER TERM OF HOY LES COLLEGE IK NOW OrKN In both the day and nlitht sesalons. Yet It Is not too late to enter. Begin now to nln that mental discipline that will double your earn tag oeportty. Our fa raeoa frpe book, "Bread and Butter Bol tacea," alvaa full partlratara In l-egwrd te tke rellewlag nnnm: Beekpewlg, Pberthaad. Telegrapky ana civil pptticp. ('all, pkeae er writ rr It. Veylea Col laeve. Oseeba. Keb. Nrw ktwbt d-Awnrs FO CIVHj SERVICE Just formtna. Railway Mall, Carrier, Ftenography, Bookkeeprng. Boyles Col ore, ttth and Harney bis., Omaha. Catalogue free. Both phones. WINTER TERM Omaha Commercial College, 19th and Far nam; M. O. Rohrbough, Pres.; E. A. Zart man, V. P. Opens Monday, Jan. i, 1910. Day and night sessions. New classes In all departments. It means everything to you to begin at the opening. Courses: Business, rhorthsnd, WegTaphy, civil service. Advan tages: Cannot be excelled. Catalogue- Free, gives all nsrtlculars. Send at onco for a copy. Address M. Q. Rohrbough. DENTISTS BAILEY A MACK. d floor. Pakton. D.lOi TAFT'8 Dental Rooms. 1M7 Douglaa St DETECTIVES OMAHA Det Ageney. 4M Taton. D. 1319. aomsTS F. W. MTCNrilAY Nursery Co., 4K2'4 BKANDE1S BLDQ., Ball 'Phone Doug. 306. S. H. BATH, 1623 Harney. Douglas 3000. L. Henderson. 1619 Farnam St.. Doug.-1264 BRANDEIS CUT FLOWER DEPT. BENNETT'S Flower Dpt. E. store entrC4k A. DONAUHUE. 1607 Far. D. 1001; A-100L HESS & SYt OBODA. 1415 Farnam St HERMAN BROS.. Council Bluffs. Ia. J. F. WILCOX, Co. Bluffs, Ia.; largest greenhouses In west; beautiful flowers for any occasion shipped anywhere In U. S. FURNACES AND REPAIRS Wo havo in stock repairs for all makes of stoves, ranges, furnaces, steam and hot water heaters, water fronts, Thermostadt, laundry tank beaters, Excelsior and Marvel furnaces. Both 'phonea. Omaha Stove Re pair Works, 1206-8 Douglas St. T HELP WANTED FEMALE A greats aad Salesladies. INTELLIGENT, refined ladlea, over 25, who can travel if necessary; good salary. Call 613 Ware block. Clerical and Office. STENOGRAPHER. Inu' src 5"$. Billing: clerk, grocery experience H5-I50. Jeweny saibiau .u ,.,. CO-OPERATIVE. Rr.FERENCE CO.. 6i6-T7 Brandels Bldg. HaaaekPPpers and Domestics. - WANTED Girl or middle aged woman for general housework; no washing. Apply to Mrs. C. C. Crowell, Jr., 4J15 Cass St Phone Harney 87S5. . . A GTRL te assist In housework; no wash Ins, best wages. 1X23 South 81st. ( WANTED Competent maid for general housework. Apply to lilt S. 33d St. Phone Harney leg. WANTKD a houskePTver; family of three; aWe referee res. Address R. H. Duke, Druggist, Mason City, Neb. WANTXD A ' housekeeper; four In fsnally; will pay good wages. Call after 4 p. m. 1M N. Hth St. Tel. Webster 1225. GIRL for general housework; three In family; best wages. 2023 Wirt St. GIRL wanted for general housework; small family; pood salary; no cooking. iiaa Capitol Ave. WAKTlP A girl for housework; four tn family. RS S. 29th. COMPETENT girl for general homework wanted at once; small family. 8112 Wool werth Ave. 'Phone Harney 1839. WANTED Competent girl for general honsewerk; small family; good wages. 615 S. Md Bt, WANTED Housekeeper at onco. 26S9 Spalding. TO GIVE excellent, good home and wages to reliable woman or girl; no chil dren; small family. Mrs. H.H. Neal, care Gen. Del., Omaha. WANTED Competent girl for general houejrerk. Mrs. F. I. Wead, 602 S. 40th St. Phono Harney 171. GIRL for general housework. 2221 Doug las St. WANTED A neat girl or mlddlo-aged lady for genersl housework. Mrs. E. E. Person, 8r-20 Sherman Ave. WANTED A cook. 8G12 Farnam. FAMILY wahln and Ironing neatly and quickly done. Webster 739. EXPFRIF.Nf'ED nurse maid for child 4 years old. Mrs. W. .1. Hynes, SS16 Harney fct.t Phone Harney 4760. Bllacellaneoae. ' LK.ARN hair drpsslng; It pays; you can family earn S'w to $2i weekly. Full coursa tsught. nridfls Hslr Dressing Dept. LAD1T.S earn $10 weekly dscoratlng rost- cards, dime brings packsgo beautiful sain- r' an ptrt'.eula rst Orange, N. J. rs. Bans-fiernett Co., HELP ?;ANTED MALE Areata, RoHeltare and slpsnaeu. YOUNG man af at least hlrh school elu catlen to repraaent Nailonol Prets asso eJatjen. Cea.tntton about tSa monthly. Ill Ware Bleek. WANTED A solicitor wuh horse and bnaejy ta drive ihrougn Hip coan.iy mrl rellrlt ubr!ptloi:S. Ca'l and fee elrcu latien mnaar Tke Re Publishing Co. HITCHCOCK-HILL CO., Wholesale Grocers. Chicago. Want repreeentatlvee te sell groceries di rect to families, farmers, ranchmen, etc.; steady work, good pay; goods first class, net weight; meet competition on price; five eiietemera five days' examination; ro und money If not satlsfnctory. Give ref erence ant experience. If any.- CIGAR aleman In your locality to rep resent tie; experience unneeteeary; 1110 per rr.e. aad eanaa Write ua for pellicular. Monareb Clar Ca., Bt Louie. START la buetne: be Independent; I eearted a an ajreat; am new big manufac turer raekmg heueebold npopneitlpa; have hondreee ef agente working: I'll start you: won't let yen fall; agent a of ability wanted te open breneh affleea and employ ub agenta. Write me fully and frankly. C. . Swartsbangh, Teledo, o. Beya. WANTED Several trustworthy boys; good aea A, D. T. Co 111 I. Uth bt ,.:ir,i now head page In;'- v!!,:!,;;iiti!jiv HELP WANTED MALE no a loalinard, WANTF.D-Offlre boy by large mercan tile establishment; good chance tn work up to position of e'erk, bonkkpeppr or salesman; state age and saiaiy wanted. D 6N), Bee. Clerical and Offlp. TRAVELING SALESMAN- tlOi. Traveling salrsman, young man, some ex perience preffrred i'5. Epeiiencrt correKpond'-nt 4"'. Rcelvlng elerk-fMi. WESTERN nv.r. tr BOND A.-N'N. (Ino.). 71V N. T. lyifp IlMg. erTENOGRAPHkR. prtth Premler-f Beekkeeper, luinbpr prsrteri rt. tHanegTwaber, Frataapt, Neb -44. CslTle aterk. gved peiiiaawi Ceneter, snarrtad nmn, tH and eommls-rlen Stock ffleTk, she exaairlpnce M A0. Two offlee beys CO-OPalHAIlVl. REFERENCE CO., Ts-TT Brandels Bldg. SEE MS FOR OFFICE PORITIONH. CARcJON TUB REFERENCE MAN. 674-6 BRANDEIS BLDG. WANTEP Butter fat clerk for creamery; tats experience and salary in first latter. Address P 667, ilee. Factory bad Trades. Drug stores fsnaps. Jobs. Knlest. Bee Bldg. WANTED 5 youna: men who havo had experience Jn handling hoots and shoes to work In Stock In wholesale store; state age and whether rnsrrUd ar single and . . ..... i .1 l .. -ua give rrit'rrnns. auuicn dm ic?. ua. WANTED Men to learn barber trade; thorouehly practical tralnirg by free clinic and careful Instructions; tools given, board provided. Moler graduates command high est wages. Our diplomas recognised every whpre. Sop experience and wages before eowrplotlng. Call or write, Molor Barber College, 110 S. 14th St.. Omaha. WANTED One or two good, reliable married tnen to run wagon; average salary earned teS per month. Alamlto Sanitary Dairy Co., IHth and Farnam. POINTERS WANTED, j Three Job and newspaper foremen, four machinist linotype operators at $20 per week. 48 hours, and six Journeymen at $16.69, steady work; permanent positions tor right parties; rereTenres requirea; state experience and qualifications. Address Y W, care this paper. WANTED A good mechanic. If you have tho ability to Install the Goldon's all metal weather strips. Come and see mo. 321 Ramgo Bldg., Dickenson. WANTED Competent printer, with ref erence; shop equipped with Simplex and power; state wages and when at iiDerty. Wagner Leader, Wagner, S. D. Mlecellaaeoaa. EARN $10 to $15 a week during spare time; we as manufacturers start you and furnish everything; no canvassing; 3 sim ple, successful mall order plans to keep our factories busy; we coach you and show you how to i'-t business; you pay us In 3 months and make big protiis; spare time to start; write today for positive proof. Pease Mfg. Co., 636 Pease Bid., Buffalo, N. Y. WAJNTED Railway mall cieras; com mencement saiaiy, $500; spring examina tions everywhere; candidates prepared frea tianklln Institute, lam I. Rochester, N. Y. HOW MUCH of tho world havo you seen? How erect are you? How much muscle have you? how much do you know 7 Do you know a trade? How much money do you save? How do you like your present position? How much chance Have you of being promoted? Do you ever expect to be a success? What la there In the future for you? How much ambition have you? Become a bluejacket In the United Slates navy and you will see some of the United States maybe some of the world; you will bpcema erect, muscular, powerful; learn by travel, study and high class asso ciates; may learn a trade; can save money as nearly all your expenses are paid; will like your Job moot boys ro-enllst (65 per cent re-enlisted last year); If you are tho right stuff you'll get promoted; and the training you get In the navy will help mightily to make a success, even If you leeve the navy. If yeu are 17 to 8T years old; right morally and physically; and your future at heme doesn't look bright, find out what tho United States navy has to offer you. Yeu will be surprised. Knowing a trade la an advantage in Join ing the navy. MM applied for positions last year. Only 13, Of were accepted. Navy department doesn't urge you to enl'st. Only urges you to Investigate. Talk It over with the recruiting officer today. Ho will tell you everything. Call or write. Nsvy Reerultlng Station, P. O. Bldg., Omaha, Neh. RAILWAY mall clerks: swiinr examina tions; prpart1nn: fre. Frsnklln Insti tute, Dept. 192H. Rochester. N. Y. FREE Employment I ept. Business Men's Ass'n: no fees. Call 44tt B. of T. Bldg. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE tlarae and Vehicles. Auction Big Livery Sale In South Omaha, Neb., U24-26 North 24lh Stieet, Thursday, Dec. 9, 1 p. m. sharp. MUST AND WILL BE SOLD. 13 head horses, 17 sets harness, 21 carriages, burg es and wagons, 1 landau, 1 brougham, 7 tons hay and many other articles. For further information call on. pnone or sddrnsH Col F. D. Van Pelt, the auctioneer. 1C1 r arnam St., omana. Phones: L'cog. 2'iS, Ind. A-22i8. RUNABOUT with rubber tires; reirular valuo. ,iK, nius'. sell now for 800. JoliNSON-LANF'UtTH. lOrh & Jons. O. S. WATSON, the well known horse- thoer. 612 N. 2ist St D. 2ub7: Ind. 3211. HALL & MORRIS vS?yl,,nn specialty. Hospital 28i8 Farnam. Both phns. HORSES BOARDED at COLE'S EX PRESS barn, 2104 Cuming. 'Phone D. 4,'27. M'CRARY buys and sells all kinds of horses. Blue bor, rear Millard hotel. 1.40M. LOST AND FOUND LOST Gold spectacles with Kryptok lenses In Columbian Opt. Co. case. Return Columbian Opt. Co., 211 S. 10th. UewarJ. liOST Green ernvas covered medium size square trunk, dark trimm.ng and two leather straps, half way around, mad) by the Omaha 'lrunk Factory. Tel. Doug las 216. Reaard. LOST A large silver belt pin. Reward for return te 4M Be Bldg. i LOST Jap mink rug muff between Thompson Blden's and the Owl Art Co., 16th and Howard. Liberal reward for return to 22u Farnam. Tel. Doug. 6,02. MEDICAL BEST nrve brao lor man. Gray' Nerv Food Pill, $1 a (.on. poatpaid. Shermaa A McConnell Drug Co.. Omaha. FREE medical and surgical treatmpn at Crlghton Medical collect 14th and Dv npert Sta i apeeiel attention paiJ to con finement ea; all treatment aupervied by college piefeaaera. 'Phone Douglas 1U?. Calla anawerad day ar bight MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTELS. IJAN9 on FURNITURB. PIANOS or SALAHIFS. LOANS on your plain rota. LOWIiST PA T M EKTB IN CITY. OMAHA CHATTEL BANK. 14 FAKNAJ4, MONEY TO LOAN Salary aad twattel Cwaltaaed. nmsM . . $ $ MONEY; MONEY!! TO LOAN. $ I $$$ jimp? m jrmrnwwTTM ww$ CHRISTMAS MONKY MONEY. And your or tho asking. If you ' snould be In need of money for MONEY, your CHRISTMAS SHOPPING MONLY. or other nee.aiy expenses call on us and we will loan ou the MONEY, amount you need on your FT' R- MIL'RE, IXAiNO, WAKi-V-MONEY. HoUSW RECl-.U'T. liOllfhS, WAGONS, PICTURES. etc.. MONEY, without removing tno same fron your postSHion. We will also MONEY. XjOAN ou MONEY if you have a steauy SALARIED position, MONEY, eud, you need no other security. l:j;V. r.M bl-.It, , advertise no MONEY, mlaltadlng rates and terms; hut are dolni; the sornp as we havr MONEY, dese for years Meeting ail com- priLton. MONEY. OOOD, QUICK AND CONFI daatlal deal Is wipat you wish at MONET. CAuleusMUi line. IVra aw enare lUiaLIABLE CREDIT CO., Id Floor, SU7-8 PaxtsaV BLk., K. MONEY. 1C. eor. lUi and rmraua Bt. wtwu4i)Wpitnrri 4&iW4apmr4 $10 TO $200 MONEY S FOR HOLIDAYS DON'T BE BASHFUL i COME TO OUR OFFICE and get tl all the money you need on your furni- tt i ture, p.ano or feaiary at the fi FOLLOWING HOLIDAY RATES: fOc a week pays lONLoan. 8 75c a week uuvs IT, Ioan. i Lou n. i.W Loan. i$ "Jo a week pays J2u f si.tv a week pays A U.M week osva Loan. 4 ti 10 a w-eek navs t,A Lnsn. $2.65 a week pay $!00 Loan. ii H You can pay monthly If you wish. If II Thews payment Include Interert II U and prlnclpsl; no other charKee,. It h sou have ever borrowed tnnnev he- $) r rore you win realhre how mtrh ensier f oor terms are than those given by ff other companies. It will pay you to S soe hs bt t'ore retting money else It where. No red fare. a EvorythlnK rtrlctly confidential. 9 oren tin : p. m. n g OMAnA FINANCIAL COn M 601 Brown Blork, opposite Brandels. i $ lftth Ht. Entrance. it 1 We Will Loan You ,f- MONEY F'OR CHRISTMAS O We Will Loan It to You vr FREE OF" COST TO YOU. X We've been hero EIGHTEEN P years, a guarantee that wa will do JJ as we advertise. YOmaha Mortgage Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade 806 S.' 16th. Tel. Douglas 2296. CALL Ub UP. MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE, WOMEN KKLP1NG HOUhU AND OTH ERM, without securlcy; easy pavments. Oil ices In 08 principal citiea Toluiaii, room VS New York Life Bldg. QUICK LOANS by private party; 'low rales; get terms before borrowing else where; confidential. Address Box 796. 6 on DIAMONDS. W. FLATAU. 1514 Dodge SALARY and chattef loans, lowest rates, confidential. Open Saturday evening. Both phones. STAR LOAN CO., 644 Pax ton Bik. MONEY KSRI" Low rates. Lonft time. Bushiest confidential OMAHA TRUST COMPANY. 437 Bourd of Trade B.dg. MONEY TO LOAN. FROM $10 to $100 on narary, furniture, pianos, etc.; no publicity; lowest rates; weekly or monthly payments. THE J. A. HUTTON CO.. 614-16 Paxton Bik. Tel. Doug. 160" MONEY TO LOAN on chattel security. Room 606, Barker Block, 10th and Farnam. FURNITURE, live stock, salary loans. Duff Green Loan Co., R. 8, Barker block. MOVING AND STORING Ist-eless STORAGE & MOVING COLE'3 EXPRESS. 161U Cap. Ave. D. (70. A-&937. TXP. Delivery Co., office Wth and Dav enport Sts, warehouse 2207 09 Izard Bt. FOR EXPRESS and hauling near Walnut Hill; best of service. Walnut HU1 Transfer Co.. 1420 Military Ave. Both 'phones. OFFERED FOR RENT Baardlna; and Hoocaa, EXCELLENT board and pleasant room for man and wife; reasonable; modern and homelike. 627 Park Ave. DESIRABLE south front furnished room with board; summer borne; fine lawn, 128 S. 26th Ava. DEWEY European Hotel. 18th and Far nam. COOL, airy room, modern; flna shade with or without board, to two gentlemen or nan and wife. SC4 Capitol Ava. Foralsfced Rooraa. VERY desirable large room; newly furn ished: also smaller room; fine location. 201 S. 26th Ave. BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room In private ianilly, for one or two young men; very reasonable. 2019 Webster St TWO elegant rooms for permanent or transient roomers. Reasonable prices. 647 6. 24th St. LARGE, newly furnished, modern house; fine rooms and homo cooking, at reason able prices. 611 S. 24th St. T1. Red 611. Phones Doug. 1411 and A 141L TWO nicely furnished rooms for gentle men. Steam heat; use of piano and phones. Breakfast optional. 306 S. 26th St. NaATLi furnished room, modern. Williln walking distance. On first floor. 2669 tiarney Bt ONE nice room for transient roomers. Walking distance. 618 S. 22d St. ONE nice furnished room, single, mod ern; private famll) U18 Chlcaxo. Practically a complete list of all Rooms for Rent in Omaha on this page - OFFERED FOR RENT Faralahed Hoeiaa natlnafd. Two modern rnnms fr transient rorn ers. Within walking distance. 653 S. '.! Ave. rt"R RENT DeslrrWe furnished rrom; ixcMlent board; lesrnnable; centrally lo catPd 670 8o. 19th St. FURNISHED rooms fur gentlemen. 110 B. 13th St. The Chatham. ONE extra fine rront room, fins furni ture, modern. 310 Np. roth. No. sign on lv ute. T,"l Tr" Tf 8 tons coal; for particulars, R. A Ai-L,li II. Morehouse Co. V.3IA.; R 2T.i. NICELY fdrnlslied room. Strictly mod ern 217 8 . 26th St. Phone I). SW. ROOM for transients. 1708 Davenport. One largo room, also one smaller room for gentlemen only; 211 N. 19th St. WARM, room.-i. 12 per work: free bath. Ogden Hotel. Council Bluffs. RtKlMS for men, $1 and up. 1617 Cass. pTEAM heated rooms. J0U Harney St. fNE newly furnished room; all modern eonvt-Trtencps; on car line. SIS N. 20th St. BEAUTIFUL room In new home for rp flneel grentlrmen; only those who can ap preciate a nice home need apply. 207 N. Ith St ELEGANTLY furnished parlor, piano, steam heat, new and modern, also on lront room. Reasonable. M2 S. lUth St Both phones. ONE single room, cheap. 418 8. 2fith St. HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. 11-r. rooming house, modem, w II fur nished. ln-aUnn 2:1 and DoukIas; pr ce, 4o0. Adrlreas H 8H1, Re. FRONT room, steam hrat and bath. Flat 5. 1'avidMtt 111k. Fl.one liouglas 24j8. NICELY furnjshrd, steam heated rooms, Sd fliKir. Tel. Douglns 60ul. 1817 Leaven worth St. LARGE nicely furnished room, modern. Within walking distance. 2212 Cais St. ONE larr.e. nicely furnished room, all rnotlrrh, for t" rtn ar.ent or transient roomers. 211 S. 25th Ave. FINE warm rooms, board. 2i,l0 Dewey Ave, PARLOR and two bedrooms. 1911 Far nam St Apartments and Flnte. 6 rooms, Ind floor, It06 Rees street, bath and toilet, $15.00 Chris Boyer. 2-id and Cuming Mr TO LET New Cornish apartments, south west corner 10th and William, stenm hettU'd and fully modern, location idel, easy walking distance from wholesale dis trict and depots. All Farnam oars pass these apartments; one block from Harney car line. Two apartments finely furnished. W. FARNAM SMITH CO.. -1329 Farnam St. Tels. Doug. 1064, A18i".l. 6-ROOM. modern lower flat at 804 Leav enworth St., $20 00. Tel. Harney lad. CORNISH APARTMENT Southwest corner 10th and William St., NEW, first-class, up-to-date heated apari ments; furnished or unfurnished. Janitor 111 utve prices. A BEAUTIFUL apartment at 33d an.l Farnam will be vacant soon on account i f party leaving city. Call Harney 2215. Wm. K. Potter. THE SHERMAN An elegant 6-room apartment; menu heat; Janitor service. Phone A-iSiWS. Webster 716. MODERN St Louis flat, 7 rooms, 60S S. 22d St. Inquire 625 S 17th Ave. ELDERLY lady will rent five-room apartment, furnished or unfurlnshed, to couple without children who will give her room and board. Apply No. 7, The Uintah. Hoauaekeeitlnic Itoosna. FOUR large unfurnished rooms. Inquire at 1046 H 20th St LIGHT housekeeping rooms, nicely fur nished. Cheap. 618 So. 22d St LIGHT housekeeping rooms. Mrs. Geo. Scott, 1718 N. 24th St A SUITE of three elegant new rooms, modern. SM North 20th. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, all modern; gas for' cooking and light, furnace heat 3018 Webster St Harney 733, B-2028. THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms, modern except heat; $8 per month. 1328 N. 40th St THREE nlco rooms, nicely furnished, gas, bath, heat, $7. 616 S. 22d. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, modern. Apply 2103 Miami St., or 'phono Webster 8,67. TWO modern housekeeping rooms. 211 N. 18th. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms. L404 Cuming St TWO suites light housakeepelng rooms, newly furnished; light, heat and bath; reasonable. 607 S. 20th. TWO modern rooms for refined couple. 1919 Chicago. MODERN furnished rooms for housekeep ing. 2020 Burt. MODERN housekeeping rooms. 2024 Cali fornia. ONE front room with large alcove, also suite front rooms. 2426 Dodge. FOR RENT Three furnished rooms for housekeeping; references required. Inquire 625 S. 20th St. TWO rooms on first floor, modern. 2603 Dodge. TWO nle.ejy furnished rooms for house keeping. 2MH Davenport. TWO excellent, completely furnished rooms for housekeeping. Including cooking gas light and heat; 'phone In house. 2674 Harney St. FRONT parlor ar.d back room for light houjfkeoplng. 241 Lodse. ITonaea and Cottacea. AWl n 1 a. a. r-A nark, mort store. H. H. goods: storehouse. 11M 84 N. 19th; office 89! S. 17th St. Tl Doualaa 1559. HOUSES. Insurance Rlngwalt. Barker Bik y n r t 1 1 ! f r