THE BKK: OMAHA, Tl'KSTlAV, TlECKMItKK 7. innn. B.'Sl n m IT rrri i wt"m m m tm-rv-m, m v m n wwm 1 1 n Don't Fail to Visit Toyland Now Open on Main Floor rhTPTvnxTTPwwfn Take advantage of the low rail road rates to Omaha, Dec. 6 to 18 Only 16 Ilorc Buying Days Until Christmas TOYLAND IS READY In Brandeis Basement Jolly Old Santa Claus wants every boy and girl in Omaha to visit him in his own house in Toyland. lie has a present for every child accompanied by parents. See the ' doll's Ak-Sar-Ben Ball and Coronation ceremonies. Tuesday Brandeis Stores Special Bargain Day SILK PETTICO ATS $1 S8-s298 Worth up to $5.00, all co.ors and black on sale in basement Made of good quality taffeta in blacks and colors, including evening shades make very acceptable and appropriate gifts for" Christmas Basement. $1 Black Cotton Petticoats at 49c Made of sateen and moreen plain or fancy trimmed all sizes, Win worth to $1, Tuesday special . . . ft JC . 50c Dress Goods Remnants 19c Yard Double width serges, suitings, etc. worth up to 50c a yard main fO floor, per yard J. JC sm iiU, rift r... Manufacturer's Samples and Odd Lot. of Women's 5bc Neckwear at 15e Lace and embroidered jabots-lace and tailored stocks, Dutch collars, silk bows, Venise lace yokes A r beaded and braided stocks-over 200 style's J worth up to 50c, at x JLOj Women's $2.5o Shawls at 49c Knitted and Hani Croohated ShawU. Serf and Cape, kxtra, large wze blacks, white and all colors-some - hand-crocheted-fine zephyr and Saxony a wool, worth up to $2.50, at JIC All Wool Gloves and Mittens Worth up to SBc, at 16c Women's, children's, boys, and Infants' sizes single and dou ble knit finest Saxony wool, all colors worth r 35c pair, at, pair IOC Cigar Jars and Tobacco Jirs Worth up to Si, at 25c and 49c Silver plated tops that are war ranted to wear Colonial cut positively worth up to $1.00 Tuesday special. 25C.49c $3.50 Bath Robe Blankets at S1.25 These blankets are the very largest size manufactured. One is neP,ded for a. robe for lady or gentlemanverv -ciRui aim many colors and patterns. Never c -e made to sell for less than $3 to 3.50 here is noth. ' ing more suitable for a Christmas gift, special A. Extra Special Rosebud Choco- late Creams, at lb 10c BRANDEIS STORES Linen Bargains Beautiful hemstitched gets 2 yard table cloth, and one dozen napkins, 15.00 values, at, set $3.93 neautlful figured Huck Towels, hem stitched, 20c values, each 13Vso 3Dc Hurk and Damask Towels, ex tra largo .viae, eaoh aSo Siainped center piece and dollies worth up to 26c, at, each.... So 8 R a a M 11 H d j u ii n a B a ts H a n m u n B a i D B a .re .ft E EI a D a u n a b B a N a R B a i B a a 1 Y77 " .r t i XI I 1 3iioppinu unyi until Aiiias i Women's Long Coats LATEST WINTER MODELS A Sale, Every Colored Cloth Coat in Stock. $30.00 Colored Cloth Coats $35.00 Colored Cloth Coats V $40.00 Colored Cloth Coats $45.00 Colored Cloth Coats A decisive raarkdown for Immediate clearance of every one of the higher priced coats in the house. This embraces finest broadcloths, serges, wldewale diagonals and coverts, handsomest Wooltex coats Rnd other exclusive garments representative of the most select of the year's outergarment styles. First time at this price Tuesday. The choosing is excellent for those vho come early. The tailoring, linings, materials, etc. are unexcelled. Just as the head lines tell it, you get your pick now for $25. rt As F9 r5 M n n a n ti i a a R B DREXEL'S XMAS SLIPPERS Popular Jtjmz Underwear Hand Trimmed Underwear for Women at Popular Prices Most satisfactory undergarments made perfectly finished, cor rectly proportioned and manufactured under strict sanitary conditions. Forest Mills undergarments embody every desirable feature peculiar to women's wear. Prices, too, are uncommonly reasonable. t Vest and Pant, fleered BOo Jl.oo woool. 11.85, $1.60 and fa.00 $2.00 tl n in h D R V a The early Christmas shopping is oh. We are fully prepared to show you the blpgest and best line of Christmas slippers ever shown. Fur Trimmed Roroeos, in red, green and black; for women and children. Prices range from $1.00 up. WOMEN'S CARKIAGE BOOTS $3.50 io $5.00 MEN'S KOMEOS AMI OPEItA SLIPPEIIS, riLACK AND TAN $1.00 io $3.50 For old people we have a fine line of felt Sole shoes and slippers from $1.00 up. Trade Early Catalogue f rrr for out-of-town customers. Drexel Shoe Co, b g 1419 Farnam Street. g m"m m , 49t vest ana rant, fleered . . TyriSAf Af t Vest and Pants, wool ... i "rTJ""" Vest and Punts, all wool ii t'nlon Suits, cotton fleeced 51.1 .-f'1Sif' AflyPi t'nlon Suits. 70 wool t' t tyML l f i-j Vnlon Suits. 80 wool 2.( mSf -ZZ! Union Suits, silk and wool 92.33 to $3. . .91.00 75 OO SO Boys' Overcoats $5 Sizes 18, 17, 18 and 19 only, and only a re.w or these that accounts fir the low urlce. Mtlton and cheviot coats, plain and fancy, with velvet collar; $10.00 values. Who Needs Blankets? Either In wool or cotton Blankets, and Tuesday's offerings at Dennett's are best. The winter season Is well under way and stock reducing Is In the air here. It means savings such as these: x WOOL BLAIfXETS 11x4 Wool J5.U0 Blankets S3. 98 11x4 Wool $6.00 Hlankets $5.00 12x4 Wool $7.50 Hlankets 98.00 COTTOH BLANKETS 10x4 Cotton Tic Blankets 49o 11x4 Cotton $1.98 Hlankets 91.69 12x4 Cotton $2.75 Blankets 93-99 Comforters Extra large and heavy, sizes 72x90, knotted and stitched; JO 25 $2.9S values for . V.u Bennett's Big Grocery j TEA SITTINGS For Tuesday special; our 15c quality, per pound 12o Bennett's Golden Coffee, lb., 860 and 3U stamps Bennett's Teas, assorted, lb., 6o and 6U bluiiuh Candled 1'eel, assorted, lb., 950 and lu stamps Seedless Halslns, 12',c quality, lb So Cloaned Currants, per lb., 10c and 5 stamps Evaporated California I'eaches, pound ..130 And 10 stainDs. String Beans. "Best We Have brand, 15c qunl- Ity 100 Navy Beans, clean and hand picked, 6 lbs., 85c Double stamps on Gran ulated Suar. Wiggle Mirk Bluing, 3 lui' ooi and 5o iut'KDg6 waxer iiee. Jap itlce, tour lbs....S5 And 10 stamps Capitol Baking I'uwdeir, t-lb. can lao lo at p Craoksra for larg oon suiuors note I h, res taurants, boarding nousetr, etc., Iten s irosli baksd, crisp Soda ami Oyster Crackers. 18-lb. box for 81.15 California Itlpe Olives 40c cons for $5o Yankey Rose Toilet Soap, 3 for 35o, and 20 stamps Bennett's Capitol Mince Meat, 3 for 2Sc, 10 Ht'ps Hartley's Imported Fruit Jams, jar, 83c; 10 sfps Blue Borax Starch, pkg., lOo, and 6c waxer free. DUunond S Chill Sauce, bottle ISo and 10 st'ps Akparagus Bale Beauty jiapaiagus, tender and 8ect; Tuesday only 80o And JO stamps. fOtuio Catsup, large, 23o . And 30 stamps. Pitted Plums, lb.. . .12140 s a ti a a a a B a 1 B B a I H a; H a B a a a a a ii a E m I SlS T ft s ; A ) i ! L I I Ii I TU- r l.. n.jj ct.. V ' ! rit.ini-i . - ll -jj U 1 I'Jm v3 f I I uuiuuiy louu juoc . it-ySl Fll - 1 V T 1 V f A thiwhatyouwantinahoe? Y " m-ff : m ; I BENNETT'S I ' 1H I . ' - - - . III 1 rsx "Pride of Omaha" FLOUR Choicest yield of sun and rain, Cream of old earth's guidon grain, The housewife greets with loud hurrah Her Joy, the "PRIDE OF OM AHA." Omaha, Nov. 29, Updike Milling Co., Omaha, Neb. Gentlemen: Pursuant to your enclosed adv., I submit herewith three "jlngies on luur 'Pride of Omaha Ploui." Permit me to auu that alter using one tiack of "Pride ot Omana," 1 be came so enthusHd over lis general ex cellence ana xuperior qualities that, Nvitu fcuch a prouuet for my tneme, 1 found It easii r to write tnree "jin Siis' on "Pride of Omaha ' than it uould i.ave been lor me to ever at tempt such a task In relation to otai nary brands. This will explain to you Ju.t why three "Jingles' are enclosed lierewiui, Instead ot one, as suggesttd in your idvertisement. Thanking you In advance, for your :onsideianon of what 1 herewith offer, ind hoping that they one Or all three of them will lesult In my securing u sack of "Pride of Omaha," 1 roniain, lours very truly, MRS. ART W. GIRD, J032 8. 33d St.' Omaha. DIG OARGAINS IN i OOKS Wednesday Mi THE RELIABLE STORE Sea Announcamenl of't Creatast Clothing Salt , Here's Garment Bargains IVorih IViiilo Every day the interest in our Great Manufacturer's Stock Sale increases. A customer totlay remnrktul: ."I al ways watch llaylcns ads., because I know I'll pet the values there." Such values as we are offering in Tuesday's sale will prove n great surprise to even those expecting most. 500 Handsome Long Coats Values to $15.00, ir black, colors and fan cies all newest -Si EI styles, at pO $20.00 Tailor Suits $10.00 Serges, broadcloths,' cheviots and Venetian cloths, colors and black; 175 in the lot long coats, pleated CIO skirts Zlu Wm WWW $50.00 Brook Mink Coats- With shawl and collar; three styles for selection, at S39 Fur Scarfs, Sets and Muffs of all kinds, at sweeping price reductions Tuesdav. ee Building Offices for Rent Jan. 1st, 1910 Suite 509, 511 and 513, contain ing a total of 715 square feet, nicely arranged on court of fifth floor; will be available January 1st. The sizes of rooms are 16x14, 15-4x14 and 18-6x14, having a vault in con nection 4x4 feet, and each room has two large windows. Rent, $53.00 per month. Room 442 fronts on 17th street and has two windows, affording splendid light. It is 14"xl7-6 in size and has a large vault 4-6x5. This desirable room at $27.50 per month, Room 520 is partitioned so as to afford a recepton and private office. This office is 84x22 and faces the west. Rents for $15.00 per month. YOUNG WOMAN CARRIES HER BABY IN TELESCOPE GRIP Kluda it a Good I'lan While Trnvel ln( on tbe Tmli from the (unit), Among the belated pan.sfntere who ir prd from an uibouiid train at Union atatlon was a young woman who attracud ixraiderable attention. She ws clonely bundled up and wore a varl-oollorcd icarf about, her head and houlders. That she was froru the rural proclncis of the west u quit evident from her manner and dresa. Health glowed In her cheekn, be speaking of outdoor life. She alone waa a picture of country life, but In her hand she carried a small wicker telearop upon which tha crowd curiously fixed lta attention. From the Innermost recesses of the telescope Issued loud cries. But the young woman ai not pertuiheJ. Hh went to a seat In the waiting room and removed the well ventilated cover from the travellug vase. She lifted from It, not Pet Poodle, a fluffv klttn nr, t.i iiea pig. but a real, live, hungry baby, j "That's the best system I ever followed I f totins a baby 'round the country." i tf.t said. "The little one never cried onoo j i ;.;il the train stopped In Omaha. It ' Just lay in there as snug and warm as ; could be and wasn't any bother at all. We had a long drive through the country before boanllnK the train. It's cold too, out on the prairie." "Another tiling," she added, 'The kid is a gnat deal easier to carry this way, ; because, w ell beca ise the basket has got a handle on it. Ain't that sensible?" A Serious Ureskfows results from chronic constipation. Dr. King's New Llfo rills cure headache, stom ach, liver and bowel trouble. 23c For sale by Beaton Irug Co. Five Years (or llataost. CHARLESTON'. W. Va., Pec. .-Former Ashlsiant Adjutant General A. H. Hutsoii. who, on a second trial was fund guilty of n.lHpproprlutlnii state funds, was today sentenced to the ixnUiuiary for five taia "Uniform Heat and OeanYiness, tod Commends an Electric Flat Iron to you. It's Cheaper and Better and saves lots of walking Gives people who use them more time for their talking." Room 523 is close to the elevator, dimensions 14x19, and has vault. Rents for $18.00 per month. All the offices are occupied at the present time, but tenants have notified us they will move December 31. We are, therefore, offering this space for rent at time mentioned. ' Remember that in renting' an office In The Bee Building, Janitor service, lights, beat and water are all Included in the rent asUed for office. Elevators run until 11 o'clock p. m. THE BEE BUILDING CO., R. W. BAKER, Supt 17th and Farnam Sts. Rcliablo Dentistry AT Tail's Dental Rooms Silks at Half Price Tuesday Thousands upon thousands of yards of Beautiful Silks. REMNANTS from the JEFFERSON SILK MILLS All newest colorings and weaves, in lengths suitable for dresses, waists arid trimmings. Just the thing for Holiday gifts-all at HALF PRICE. SOI Big Sale of Jewelry This Week If you want something good at a splendid price saving, now is your best opportunity. Ladies' Gold Filled Watches 20-year guaranteed hunting case, fancy en graved, fitted with Elgin or Waltham movement, the most deiiehfui ho.oin o,V,. . fc.n Men's Gold Filled Watches Elgin or Waltham movement, choice. .$9.85 Men's $4.00 Gun Metal Watches Lever movement; on sale Tuesday, choIco 82.08 9tin nn Ladles' 14-K Gold Watches $15 00 values, Elgin or Waltham movement, at Sl 8"i Ladies' Gun Metal Matches Guaran teed, very special values, at S3.50 to S7.00 Solid Gold Cuff Links Values to $0.00; on sale Tuesday, choice for $2.00 Solid Gold Stick Pins Values to $4.00; on sale Tuesday, choice for $1.00 500 Beautiful Gold Filled Sample Bracelets Plain, engraved, signet, fancy stone and genuine cameo settings all the newest Ideas, regular 12 00 to $6.00 values; Tuesday, at $100 '53 BLANKET SALE ' Owing ta the large amount of fine Blankets on hand, we will make the following cuts for Tuesday: 100 pairs of Peham Wool Blankets, gray. 11-4. extra heavy and sell for 13.50 pair (two pairs to customer), at, pair do 00 Or&y colored, 1-4, extra heavy and good, sells at $2.60 pair' (two pair IUuUi Edgemore, a fine heavy ii-V gray Blanket,' sells 'at' $2!50 '(two pairimlf at, pair q.-t 00 Edison, a fine 11-4 Blanket that sells fpr $3.00 pair (two 'pair' ifnT.ut pair About 100 pairs of all wool traveling men's samples, slightly soiled '"sold from $5.1)0 to $15.00 pair; in two lots, at. pair $3.38 and $-1 38 Read the Dig Holiday Grocery Sale X.ay in your supplies now for Xmaa. W save yon from 35 to 60 per cent. BUY FIOUB NOW. IT WIXL PAT. 48-lb. sack Bsst lllKh, Grade Patent Flour, made from the finest No. 1 wheat, per sark A $1.40 19 lbs. best Pure Cane Granulated Suqar for 11.00 d lbs. choice Japan nice 25c 8 lbs. best rolled Breakfast Oatmeal.. 25c G lbs. best I'earl Tapluca, Sago, Barley or Furlna 25c The best White or Yellow Cornmeal, per ark 15c The best bund picked Navy Beans, lb. ..5c The best Domestic Macaroni, pkg....8Hc The best Corn Starch, pks; 5c Bromangelon, Jellycon or Jell-O, pk. 7 He The. best Domestic OH or Mustard Sar dines, can 4c All kinds Breakfast Food or Corn Flake-t, pkfr 7'4c Quaker Wheat Flakes, pks; 7Hc Durkee's Worcester Sauce, per bottle.. 10c Large bottles Pickles, Horseradish or Pure Tomato Catsup, per bottle .... 8 '-s c 2-lb. cans fancy Sweet Huejar Corn.. 7 Vic 3 lb", solid packed Tomatoes S'iiC DBIXD FRTTIT rOa TOOK CKmiBTMAB PUDDINGS, PIES AMD CAKES Fancy Cleaned Currants, per lb 8Vjc Fancy Muscatel Raisins, per rb. Ri,o Fancy Muscatel Seeded ltnl-lns pks;. S ''-', Fancy California Sultana Kulsln ;, lb. 1' ' .n Fancy t'nlon I'ark AprlentH, per lb . 15c Fancy Yellow Crawford I'eachcH. lb. Sao The best Mince Meat, per pk 8Se Duffy's Boiled Cider, per bottle 20n Fancy California Cooking FIks. lb. ...giao The bet L,einou, Orange or Citron I'ecl, per lb 20c FOB rBISH VrOITABIS, ETC., TRY HAYDEK'S rlHST. Fresh Beets. Carrots, Turnips Ic Shallots, per bunch tc Large bunches fresh Rallshes New Calibage,. per txmn 1 lVjb Fancy Wax or Green Iteons, per II)., l"c (me pound is equal to two iii.irts. Two heads fresh Ltaf Lettuce "' Large Cucumbers. i each "c I.Hi tie Eg I'lunts, each , I"c Two heads fresh Celery ": P'ancy Ripe Tomatoes, per lb I"C Fancy Cauliflower, per pound l;'o Good Cooking Apple, per f'-i'k Larice IMneapples. each 1 -i'5 Large Orape Fruit, each, So, 7V4c and 10e Anytblng- yon want w lv It in rresb Vsgstables. OOMT FORGET TRY HAYOEirs FIRST IT FAYD fTinriBTsTMaif1':'!J'iaa CLUOOIHG OFFER Daily and Sunday Bee $6.00 1 Qyp Pf iCC McCmre's Magazine l-ou Woman's Home Companion 1-50 Review of Reviews 3 00 Regular price for all one year. . .$12.00 J ONLY $8.90 THE OMAHA BEE, Omaha, Neb. IF YOU SEE IT IM A !2 OTHER PAPER, READ THE BEE TO FIND OUT IF IT IS SO. HOTELS. Omaha Electric Light and Powar Company Y. II. C. A. BID 3. -BOTH PHDXE5 -lis Best Tor Snorts Tie n II01EL ROME i. . ' ' ; f r v 9.1 tatli AND JCKON Vbum114 lor Its keautr aad Moasra Appotntmsata. ROME MILLER TRACKAGE PROPERTY We offer for rent the building located at 01 -t Farnam street, which is a one story and basement building. Dimensions are 20x8f, approximately 3,.'J00 sq. ft. An addition to alley could be built to suit tenant. This is in the wholesale district, being convenient to ear line. For further particulars call The Bee Building Co. 17th and Farnam Sts Fnonaa Sottflaa tJ XndspsadSBt A-1338.