Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1909, AUTOMOBILES, Page 6, Image 62

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Convention Will Be Remarkable for
Its Remarkable Organization.
nflutlfi o Thl (lathering Will B
Tkm Wba Marc Proa'aoed Bf.
alls In Plant and Ani
mal Brerdlag.
When the American Breeders' association
calls IU annual meeting to order In Omaha,
Dnwmber I. opening a thra days' session,
the city will shelter the most remarkable
organisation ot men who have ever mot
In the city.
Taylng all superlatives aside, the men
composing tha American Breeders' associ
ation are not the ones who have
been directly responsible for the govern
ment anrl states spending millions of dol
lars experimenting with plant and animal
life, but they are the men who for the
most part, have accomplished the work
they hud none Into the work and opened
tha fairyland of science not only to
thousands of men on . the farms, but to
every state legislature and to both houses
of congress.
The reports of the association comprise
A collection of papers read at the annual
meetings, which contain more knowledge
of the laws of nature as applied to heredity
and breeding than the world ever knew
before this remarkable organisation began
Its widespread Investigations Into every
form of life.
Iteports given In Omaha next month will,
In themselves, give the world systematic
ally arranged knowledge science If you
please, which must mem at once, If the
rules are generally applied, an Increase
In production new wealth each ysar be
yond comprehension.
What has the association occompllshed?
It has harnessed the enerrr of heredity
to a remarkable licgtve It Is making tee
changing energy of living protoplasm do
wvtk which man cannot do, as electricity
does work faster than man can do, since
Kdison harnessed the great force.
What Men Who Kuw Bar.
Men who know commerce and those who
l ave studied the sources' of our Rational
wealth, say of the 27,000.O0O,00O of our
annual production, electricity and breed
ing may each be credited with $1,000,000,000.
It Is also estimated that each will have
added another 11,000,000,000 annually by the
time our production reaches 137.000,000,000
They are big figures, but great possibili
ties are before the American Breeders'
association and the thousands which the
organisation Is Inspiring to do Its work.
"As countless water powers along our
streams are waiting for the electrical
engineer to bring them Into the servloe
of man," says Wlllet M. Hays, assistant
secretary ot agriculture, "so the choicest
blood streams nf heredity In the various
speoles of plants and of animals are wait
ing for the plant breeder and the animal
breeder to segregate them and make them
Wlllet M. Hays Is an Iowa man. It was
Hays who organized the American Breed
ers' association and It has taken him fif
teen years to bring It to the great working
body which Is to meet In Omaha, December
(, I and 10, to give the world new light.
Mr. Hays himself will be here to lead
and will be accompanied by William George
of Aurora, 111., vice president of the or
ganisation, and one of Its benefactors;
who wilt be Joined by ad army of scien
tists, men who have attained high de
grees and those who are privates In the
ranks, but working, working to help throw
.plants and animals Into new and Improved
modes of expression.
liars Pioneer la It.
Ml. Hays' experience with legislative
are invited to devote
at least ten minutes
of their visit to our
exhibit. We are dem
onstrating a com
plete Isolated Elec
tric plant for country
homesand farms.The
storage battery sys
tem will be in full op
eration. This is the only
exhibit of its kind at
the exposition and
the most interesting.
Full particulars upon
application. Sales
room 1113 Farnam
Street, Omaha.
Engines of all sizes
for all class of service
bodies and their need of being shown the
Importance ft liberally providing for
breeding led to the formation of the na
tional movement Id promote evlentlfle
breeding. This was centered In the
American Breeders' asaorlatltin, of which ,
Mr. Hays Is the executive secretary. The ;
organisation has nesrly fifty committees
at work on the different phases of plant
and enlmsl breeding. There are commit-
teer on breeding draft horses, drlv ng
horses, paddlers. dairy cows, beef cittle '
and dual purpose nr double-decked cows
good for both beef and milk. Other com- j
mitteea deal with sheep breeding, Im- j
provement of swine, poultry, pet stock.
fur-bearing animals, and game birds and
there Is even a committee on "eugenics"
which Studies heredity In the genus
homo with rreskient Pevld FUrr Jordan
of Leland Stanford university as chilrman.
There are committees which formulate
the best plan for breeding wheat, and of
corn and of alfalfa; and even a committee
on the Improvement of beans, that we may
have better pole beans, better Boston
baked beans that we may better "know
beans." There are committees on plant
and animal Introduction and on the en
couragement of the study of heredity In
the schools.
Only a few years bro the subject of
heredity was not usually taught In our
colleges because the amount of knowledge
In the world on the subject did not Justify
a college teaching the subject. j
Many Report to Omaha. I
Many of these committees are to report
In Omaha. The meeting has been purposely
called during the National Corn exposi
tion. The exhibits gathered in Omaha'a
Auditorium and Its annex are a graphic
answer to what the American Breeders'
association, with Its affiliated teachers
and workers, has been accomplishing. The
members can take any business man or i
farmer Into the exposition and show him
that after a decade of work the scientist
has also proved the broad economist. Proof
that II Invested In breeding experiments
will produce 11 00 or 10,000 per cent on the
Investment will not be hard to find at the
National Corn exposition. Already with
a limited number of experiment stations
and agricultural colleges, It Is a fact that 15
to 20 per cent Increase on $7,000,000,OCO worth
of farm products" annually has been real
ized. The farms produce 17,600.000,000 worth
of plant and animal and plant products
every twelve months. Sclmtiflc breedlrg
Is acknowledged to be responsible for $1.-
600.000.000 of this It Is all added profits to
American farmers and costing a mere
Mr. Hays was one of the first to prove
that a few thousand per cent on an In
vestment In his work was possible and
today foreign governments are beginning
to see that the American experiment sta
tions are virtually bononsas which have
never been worked on the other side of
the Atlantic.
Addltloa In Field Crows.
The men now in charge of Minnesota's
famous plant-breeding establishment, or
ganised by Mr. Hays, say that with an
expenditure of less than 120,000 In 1908, the
field crops of the state have been made
to yield an additional 62.000,000. This figure
Is based on the modestly estimated In
crease of the new varieties above the old
kinds displayed by them of 62 per acre
on a 1,000,000 acres now planted to the
(even new varieties of corn, wheat, oats,
barley and flax first distributed to Minne
sota farmers by Mr. Hays.
What Prof P. O. stolcen, the evangelist
of a better agriculture, has accomplished
In Iowa la well known. The lowest esti
mate ever put on Prof. Holden'a work Is
that he has Increased the value of Iowa's
corn crop 112,000,000 annually. -V
Much fun has been made of the com
mittee on "Eugenics" by the "yellow"
newspapers and Secretary Hays and Presi
dent Jamea Wilson, have had some diffi
culty to get public men to serve on this
committee because of the sensationalism
attached to the appointment of such a
committee. But David Starr Jordan Is not
a man to take hold of a "freak" Idea and.
permit himself (to be made the sport of
yellow newspapers. He paid no attention
to their sensational write ups, but went
into the work with a following ot brilliant
The objects of the commttlee are to in
vestigate and report on heredity in the
human race; to devise methods of record
ing the values of the blood of Individuals,
families, peoples and races; to emphasize
the value of superior blood and the menace
to society of inferior blood and to suggest
methds of Improving the heredity of tho
family, the people or the race.
There is nothing sensational about the
committee. "Eugenics" is a new word to
many and the public, not knowing Its
meaning, the "yellow press" has mads n
big stir ahout Dr. Jordan's committee
Francis Galton has defined the new sci
ence as the study of agencies tinder social
control that may Improve or impair to ra
clal qualities of future generations either
physically or mentally. The science does
not propose to confine Its attention tu
problems of Inheritance only, but to deal
also with problems of environment and of
Thse, then, are some of the lines of
work undertaken by this remarkable or
ganization, which wants the government
to continue spending Its millions for the
benefit of the people who occupy the lands.
Other countriea have heard of their work,
their reports are translated Into many lan
guages and the foreign nations are getting
ready to spend tens of millions In building
up the practice and science of agriculture
and In creating better types of plants and
animals that production may be Increased
The governments of earth have come to
realise that expenditures for research and
technical education In the productive In
dustries are as necessary as are expendi
tures for an army or a navy.
The signs of the times Indicate that the
forces are gathering in America to lead
the world In this great work.
This Is the program of the meeting In
Omaha as nearly as It can be outlined at
this time by Pecretary Hays:
Address by Vice-President William
Oeorge, Aurora. Ill; "Details for a Game
ana risn Breeders' Uw," Dwlght W
UuntlnKton. New York City; "The Effect
or o-operatton In Breeding on Lmb Pro
duction In Central Tennessee," J. E. Hlte,
vBitaini, run.
"Hereford-Shorthorn Crostes." P. K.
FORle. Jefferson. N. O.j "Bibliography of
Aiumai uyorids," Dean F. B. Mumford.
lorumuia. io.; "Urede Brahmin Cattle In
our southern Ktatee," Prof. C. U. W'll
lougriuy. ueorgla Experiment station; "As,
iiin.uii.m r-nncipie in selecting for raoe"
minis, r-ror. w. J. Pnlllman: -A .
i liinnHMw. r-ror. .v. j. bpillman; "to1
listing Associations." Hon. Colon C 1.1
lie. C.uopersvllle. Mich.; "Breeding Milking
Miorthorns. Prof Andrew Boss, Bt. Paul
Minn.; "K-edln the Hi ood How and Litter
lu Swine Breeding,'' William Dietrich, Ur-
"Imperfections of Dominance in Heter
osygoies, ir r. B. Davenport, Cold
Hprlngs Harbor, U I ; "Progress in Breed
ing for Hetter Market Type for fowls."
I rof. H. C. Pierce. Aim-a tu "Tv. uihi..i.
Should be Followed in Breeding for Meat
Production". Prof. W. R. Graham. Gue ph.
r it. . inneruance of the Hatching
in r-ouury. ir. Ray
mond Pearl, Orono, Me.; "Data on the Di
.tn ro" w'h the Domestic
ryi. rrui. i . r;osers Ithaca, N. Y
racis About UieeUuiK for the 20O-Egg
Hen," Dr. Raymond Pearl, Orono, M
"Constitutional Vigor as a Factor in Poul
try Breeding," prof. James K. Htce. Ithaca,
In the Auditorium.
"Sum Principles of Heredity," Prof W.
J. Pplllman. Washington, D C; "Inftu-
noe of Nutrition on Animal Type," presi
dent H. t. Waters, Manhattan, Kan,;
All correct forms in current social usage engraved in the
best manner and punctually delivered when promised.
.Tlfl A
And all other work executed at prices lower thm usually prevail cls&wliere
Douglas 1604
12101212 h
Howard Street
mil Win
to s
I Rich
A 1,000-bu. Hourly
arisoi 'Momatic Sole I
For Country and City Elevators
ito mod:
Will be in continuous operation at the
Exposition, weighing grain containing
cobs and other trash accompanying the
natural grain as received from the farm'
ers. It is expected that this machine
will be one of the sights of the Show.
"Some Problems In Plant Improvement,"
Dean II. J. Webber. Ithaca, N. V.
The American Breeders' association will
Join In a meeting; In tho Audllorium of the
K.,tli,nl Corn show snd will listen to an
address by Mr. J. J. Hill ot ft. Paul, Mli.n
t'Hl.'KtiUAl tVCMMU.
Th. HiriMlnff nf Grain SorKlmms."
C. R. Ball. Washington. D. C; "The Breed
ing of Barley," Prof. J. M. snept-era.
Agricultural college. North Dakota, and
Prof. Alvln Kevser. Fort Collins. Colo ;
"The Breeding of Cotton," Dr. D. N. Shoe
rnsker, Washington. D. C.
"Variability in the Maiie Plant," J. R.
Stewart. Chicago. 111.; "Hybridisation
Methods in Corn Breed ng," Dr. George H.
Sliull, Santa Rsa, Cat.; "The Breeding of
Corn," Piof. D. fl. Kllnck, MacDonald col
lege Quebec, Canida; "Some Oeneial
Principles and Facts in Orape Breeding,"
Prof. T. V. Munson, Denlson, Tex.
"Proposal for a Bystem of Tree Breed
ing," Prof. Freder ek K. Clements, M n
nedpolls. Minn.; "Walnut Osk Hybrids,'
for Breeding and Use of Tree Crops,"
Methods of Tree Seed Selection," Raphael
Zon, Washington, D. C. ; "A pan
for Breeding and I'ae of Tree Crops",
Prof. J. Russell Smith. Philadelphia, Pa.
Government Corn Show Exhibit
A large meaauie of the rapid progress
and development of the great farming
Industries of the country are due to. the
work of the United Blatea department,
carried on through Its several bureaua by
trained experts. An extensive exhibit, com
ing direct from the Alaska-Yukon-Pacific
exposition. Is Installed here by the order
ot Secretary Wilson, upon the request
of the managera of the National Corn ax
posltlon, and adds a most Important and
Instructive feature which cannot fail to
Interest si', visitors.
The Bureau of Animal Industry, which
deals with the control and eradications of
animal diseases, the Inspection of meat
and meat products, animal husbandry and
dairying. Illustrates these lines of Investi
gation by aultable models, specimens, en
larged photographs, transparencies, etc. A
special feature Is made of displaying
tissues and organs of anlroala affected
with tubercuosla and similar material
Illustrating hog cholera.
The Bureau of Plant Induatry ahows
nearly I.0UO peautlfsl execute1 models of
varieties of apples, peaches, oranges, etc.,
filling five double aatlllwn cesas.
Attractively arranged In another series
of rasea Is a most valuable ens' Interesting
co lection of small grains wheat, oata,
barley, rye, rice together with aamples
showing the more Important fungus
disease whloh Injur or destroy thera.
Purs seed Investigation Is a ymr useful
and practical line ot work carried on by
the bureau and here are shown the appli
ances used in seed testing, together with
working exhibit where the actual methods
Of testing forage plant aeeds for mechan
ical purity and germination are carried
on.. Enlarged photographs ef samples
of commercial samples of seeds clearly
Illustrate the Importance of this seed test
ing to protect the farmer from fraud or
prevent him from scattering broadcast over
the land the seeds of pestiferous weeds.
The organisation of th bureau of plant In
dustry, the lines of work which It em
braces, the location of experiment stations
at which Investigations are being conducted
are graphically shown in suitable charts.
The office of experiment stations makes
a special display of the grasses and grains
of Alaska from the experiment stations In
that territory. These demonstrate that
Alaska possesses great possibilities In grass
and grain production.
The office of publle roads makes a unique
and exceedingly Interesting display con
sisting of models of fifteen types ot rosi
cunstructlon showing Just how these roads
are mad, also models oT road machinery.
Including rock-crulllng plant In actual
operation and a steam roller.
The bureau of entomology snows enlarge
models ot Injurious and beneficial Insects
and large collection ot tnaects of eco
nomic Importance, chiefly tho injurious
to corn, grain and fruit trees.
After-Effects of Bis; Thanksgiving
Dinner Too Much' for Chris
tian grfeace.
An Investigation was started at Win
sted. Conn., by Coroner Higgins and Dr.
Hurlburt, medical examiner, into the death
of Spencer R. Woodworth, 87 years old
snd a man of splendid physique, who died
November 25 at his home In Gilbert ave
nue. Woodworth, alio was a policeman, was
at one time a reader In the First Chris
tian Science church. Four weeks ago he
complained of feeling badly or declared
at least that he was being troubled by
some malicious influence. He was advised
to consult a physician, but refused, say
ing the influence would pass. He con
tinued Pis duties for more than a week
after he first complained, but finally kept
to his house and submitted to the absent
treatment of a Christian Science practi
tioner In Hartford.
A few days ago, he appeared among hi
friends and said th Influence working
against him had passed. Thanksgiving day
be was able to sit down with his family
to an adequate meal, at which he partook
heavily of turkey, cranberries and pie, end
ing with walnuts and candy.
Three hours after the rrpast the cor
oner and medical examiner Interviewed his
widow, mother, and motlier-ln-law, and
learned that the dead man, at his own re
quest, bad received only Christian Science
treatment during his Illness and bven per
mitted to have whatever he liked to eat
and drink at any time. His mother de- j
ciarcd he would have died sooner had he
received ordinary medical treatment.
Dr. Hurlburt made a formal report of
Mr. Wnodworth's death to Coroner II g
gins. His report recites the primary cause of
death as pneumonia, secondary or contribu
tory cause "lack of intelligent treatment,"
and under the caption 'Remarks" Is written
"Had no care or treatment except Chris
tian Science."
We are at our old loca
tion, Wagner Bros.' build
ing, 13th and Leavenworth
We are showing a full line
of Emerson Buggies, Car
riages, Spring Wagons, etc.
Also the Emerson Foot
Lift line of Plows, Planters,
Also Emerson Engine
Remember' the location,
13th & Leavenworth Sts.
Come and see us.
Emerson - Brantingham
Implement Company
Emerson Manufacturing Co.
tt you have anything to sell or trade
and want qluek aotlon, advertls It la Tb
ge Want A. Cvlamn.
Daily Bee (without Sunday) $4.00
Keview of Reviews 3.00
Regular price for both one year. .$7.00
Daily Bee (without Sunday) $4.00 1
McClure' Magazine l.w
Woman's Home Companion 1.50
Review of Reviews 3.00
Regular price for all one year. . .$10.00 J
Our Price
Our Price
THE OMAHA DEE. Omaha. Neb.