Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1909, AUTOMOBILES, Page 5, Image 61

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    .. 4
1. JrFn'r
s t i
i 1 J
taw . I sf ..
A Word About
Question Agitatti Kindi of Motor
Hieing Enthusiast!.
the Jfranklm
v ....
6-Cylinlfr, 42Hor Tower, $t7.0. Top Katra.
All along the Franklin has dem
onstrated its wonderful power of en
durance; its absolute reliability to go
anywhere and to return safely; its
economical up keep, its ample speed,
its grace, its beauty, and all along it
has won the admiration or Ameri
cans from one end of the country to
another. Its remarkable perfor
mances are not confined to any par
ticular section. It is awarded prizes
for important contests in Nebraska
as well as in New York. It goes
against all comers regardlessly it
wins when there is a ghost of a show
for a car to win.
I am proud of the Franklin. I
love to sell the Franklin. It is the
best car, I conscientiously believe,
in its class and its class is the best
class A demonstration will put you
in love with the Franklin..
Qui L.
IUMI fil I that Kf4irir Mill
Be Hallt fr t airaa. Ma lr
Waald m Sea.e I. i -rely
Biarfiac far flam.
r" vgy i
Iludscn ''Twenty"
For Ite hytklan, li e talcmn,
the architect, the iilumter. tb
builder, the basine;?. utd. Kor
anybody lo hom minutes mwin
money, anJ hofe time Is broken
into intermittently.
The most nouderful tniall car
ver made, and the first euctefsful
tuunuoblle ever built and sold at
lets than $1,000.
100-inch wheel babe.
3:-itich wheels.
-u H. P. A. U. A M.I
4 f-ylindrr motor.
Selciive, tliding trausmisjsion.
Three tpvt'ds forward and rt
er.e. x
Shaft drive.
Constant leel tubi it ation.
Equipment of highest quality.
We are anxious to tell you why
are buying and urine the above car
cf dolcg o by mailing us a postal ca
Cfialmers-Detfoit "30"
KoadMer $I,500.(M
Touring Car $l,oOO.OO
Tony Tonueau t. .1,00.00
Bought by men who know.
Men who know about automo
biles who are motor car educated
ard who have the means to buy
anything they want buy Chalmers-Detroit
cars. The Chalmers
Detroit "20" at Jl.iOO and the
Chalmers-Detroit -40" at JI.750
t-hare equally in this desirable an l
convicting patronage.
Men who can afford to ray any
price for an automobile find all
that they want in the medium
priced Chalmer-Detroita.
The"y are good enough for the
most discriminating.
Are they good enough for you?
the most careful buyers In America
. Won't you glT us the opportunity
rd bearing your name and address?
!!. E. Fredrickson Aufomobila Co.
4t--8 la mam fcu Omaha, .b.
Open evebinga durlEg National Corn Espobition.
Thm .!! l-'K-oinf cf the CVIh? i;p su'.o
mob:i rc? Tf. qufston h rn ri
tating Via irilii'i" of motor racing enthuM-t.-ts
nr.c the Urn hri the t'nd FlandF
froriting the lxiwcll-Croau Point ln1
ic-y. here the evtr.t w l?ed lt
June, were ton down. The tuturt of Uie
ro-ca!id "Western Varxjeibilt" i indepfl
tlng-S with urict-rtainty. Whether or not
the rac will be held and if o. where?
Is the Fltuation. For wek. paM. there
have err wird tales jut of the wet.
The Cfbe' cvp iai to be rtagWI at the In
5uinaio)i tnotorOome. at W iwonFin
cour.. at Or-ard P.b pids. and where not?
Hoaever. nthjti(t definite has fc-n done.
The very latoyt in cup vision iF
that a fpfflwiv will be tuilt mar Oiicajo
and that the a,et-rn r'ttxl ciasflc ill be
held af a track nmL Moreover. thre it
talk of b-jlldlrp u second rpwedr k) near
Chlcfo. In that event there would be a
lively bidding duel for Chicago's motor nf
llum. It i plarm'H) to construct o:k' of the
ipeedwaya fiuth of Chicago and the other
on the liie of the- Nortbwortrrn iciai. It
look a.! thouph it ill be a race tten
the promoters to .e- h:ch can put the
t roJ-ct In working order firrt. It docs not
i--:-eni probable that the mid-lle wet me
tropolis could Kupport two motordromp.
It Is reported that the Chicago Automobile
ciub is c-ontid' nt.; the prujet-t very perl-ousl-.
IlowfVfr. in the event cf the
Fptedway proposition not materialiaing,
there is tiie aClpin offer. A fraternal lodre
at Ulgin is making a ttrong bid for a MO
revival of the Cobe cup. and it may be
that the Chicago organisation will look
upon the latter project In a tavorable
Oapoel a Track..
Judging from the opinlcms of sereraJ of
fice: of the Chicago Automobile club, that
body is not inclined toward having the
Cobe cup staged on a track- They oint
out that the road evont was a uuccess from
every gtaudr'oit;t lat tumroer. except a
financial one. While the speedway scheme
would uv-rrome thu defect, it would rob
the race of its identity a. road event. It is
common gowip in motor circles that the
1H Cobe cup wa one of the beat policed
road event of the year. When Ira Cobe,
president of the Chicago Automobile club,
donated the cup bearing name he In
tended it as a trophy for a big road con-tet-
To change the race to a track event
would be to Chang the spirit of the be
quest. Vleweilrom any conceivable angle,
it la hard to Imagine bow the Cbicag
Automobile club will countenance the 1?1
Cobe cup content as a speedway event.
Then there Is another proposition that
may materialize. Fort Wayne automobile
promoters have entered the Hst- The
Indiana motorists offer roadways wert of
their city where it la said faet driving U
possible with safety to pilots and pec
tat or s. The course Is eighteen miles, with
two rifht-ajigle turn and aeveral aharp
be:ids. However, several driver have de
clared that an average speed of over sixty
mis an hour could It maintained. The
country is level and the road are smooth
ajid level, with no railroad crof sings,
(obe Pleaaed Tilth latereat.
Prelider.t Cobe, the donor of the cup. is
pleased with the interest manifested by
the bidders. Speaking c.f the situation re
ceiiUy a leading member of the Chicago
c.uh said:
"If this bidding -wrd exploitation for the
.Mstern stcik c' as.-i:; ciassic for President
Ira M. Cobe's bit: cup runtinuec we mar
eet such advani'.tvous conditions that
en t! : Vanderb'lt cp event as It re
crr.tiy v as run T ill t-e ovihadowed.
-.Ss i'. Mat. da. the promoters of the
Indianapolis speedway are etger to add the
Cote event to tl.eir prorrajn. Wlsconaln
motor enthusiast haxe found a hiffhway
course admirably sr.'ted f r road racing
pjrin..trs tr.d aou'.u like to have the Cobe
trophy de.iied the" r,xt season.
'Jin tmlryo Fjiwtlu r;; vropos-ition iieie
in Chiraeo h-s behit.J '.t son-.e men of
chpital who have hiih bo pes and ambi
il.ns and a desire to dedkgle the proposed
tew track -vitn vhe running cf the Cobe
race. The more aggressive men of the
"iiirapo Automobile club serioualy
conaldeiins the proposition of the club
have it ovn big. permanent teedway.
on which the Cob classic would be an
annual feature, and the Crown Point
motorist who have the old Crown Polnt
Lxiwell roadway cuerrangular course at
their disposal, the one on which the Cobe
trophy we first run. aie still In the field
for the 'Western Yar.deri-ilL'
"No one knows what the decision will
1; but it is likeiy tt.tUie trophy wilt
have Its daed of gift changed lo permit of
lis decision on a racing speedway !n a
few year. Next year, however. It looks
like a roaJ event. "
1 I
40 H. P. With Magneto, $1,700.00
40 H. With Magneto, $1,700.00.
Oakland Motor Car Co.'s 1910 Models
New Cars Just Arrived, Dont Fail to See Them.
The Car That Made Good in 1909
The Oakland 40 Entered in Eight Hill Climbs, Won Eight Firsts.
At Morgan Hill Climb Logansport, Ind. At Hoopeston Hill Climb Hoopeston, HI.
At Ft. George Hill Climb New York City. At Newport Hill Climb Cleveland, 0.
At Giants' Despair Hill Climb Wilkes Barre, Pa. At Algonquin Hill Climb Chicago, I1L
At Mt Vernon Hill Climb Mt. Vernon, N. Y. At Ft. Ancient Hill Climb i : Cincinnati, 0.
The Oakland 40 has defeated every car in its class that it has ever met. We
can show you an official report on each .event, and it is interesting to read.
We Dont Know Whether We Can Be Beaten or Not.
We Never Have Been.
Iklntyrc Automobile Co.,
City Sales Agent
Gen'l Western Sales Agents, 6th and FaciGc Sts., Omaha, Ntb.
30 H. P., With Magneto, $1,250.00.
30 H. P., With Magneto, $1,000.00.
rrr :
H i I " aaaaaaaaaasM
European makers to fall in line. As a
matter of fact, many are fighting hr of
the Grand Prix for thi very reason. There
is no limitation on the engine dimensions,
which means a revival of Bennett Cup
days. To offset this slate of affairs a stock
car Orwnd Prix baa been suggested by
many Continental followers of the sport.
Several prominent European manufactur
ers refused point brank to enter a Grand
Prix unless it was closed to sUck car.
This means that the stock car slogan of
tle- Ameriacn delegate to the interna
tionaj racing rules conference will be ac
cepted favorably by Uie Europeans. It is
a known fact that it Is the intention of the
American racing bodies to promote inter
national contests between stock models.
Instead of the unusually high-powered
"speed monsters."
$1J50( High Grade
HnpoMle, $750
AiM "Sir, $1,800 j a Fair pnee fPeTaniMe, $650
You will want our agency before the 1910 reason clows. Some
open territory left. We absolutely guarantee delveries at specified dates.
2023 Karri am St.
A Dee Want Ad
will rent that vacant honse, fill those vacant
rooms, or secure boarders on short notice
at a very small cost to you. Be convinced
Pro Relal ef t.raad Prix la
I'irU Mar Kali TkrSitk After All.
NEW TOKK, IVc. 4.-1 1 appears as
' though the old world auto racing game,
j whKh the I several erti aga had
resurrected and placed in very giod siand-
ir.g with the annuuncement thai a reviraJ
J of tha Grand Prix would be staged next
summer, J0 perhaps doomed to rest in its
sepulchre. Reports from France are any
thing but encouraging on the subject. It
was decided to bold tha race if forty-five
en trie were in the bands of the committee
by November at.
A private concern deems thirty entrkw a
sufficient number to warrant the sia'icg
of the evei.t and In case the
Automobile Club of FraiK-e givt-s up the
project for Uie reaaoa that forty-five ma
chines are not available this private or
ganisation may step Inie the breach and
i cor. duct mattera It would be easy to get
thirty entries. Tao Dieppe curcuit com
mittee, over whoae raceway the contest
will be held, baa agreed ta bel out br
bearicar the greausr baraea ot lbs orgajils
ing expenaea.
An Amerioaa aatamabllist, recently re
turned from abrtava. had some interesting
things to aar aboat ta Grand Prix actua
tion on his arriraL He declared that a
stock car race Is the only thing that 1U
save the event. Tbe discarding of the old
"speed creations by the American manu
(aoturers and I lie aubsecjueat subatitutlun
of slock car bas caused the
Great (.rawtk aad saleadld aaeeeae r
Honia'i I rateraal lawf
a are Order.
The Woornan Circle, an independent
suxillarj". bas proven a worthy sister of
the Woodman of the World in the success
acheived in the past ten years. This period
bas been remarkable for the immense
growth of the insurance business. Many
cororanies have started with tiny begin
ings to acheive a success which was sur
prising even to the most hopeful pro
mote. In lias period cf general succa
the Woodman Circle has shared in no sma'.l
d-Kre Omaha has thus been the home of
K-wrt' insurance ventures which have de
veloped mtt satisfactorily.
The Woodman Circle was incorporated
under the lew of the stale of Nebraska
In lS.t5 as a fraternal Insurance orier.
Mrs, Emma Manchester was elected lis
presiding officer. In March, four year
later she found bcrself in charge of a'
organisation of scattering memberstiip of
about .. no apparent resources snd
more than tSO.OUP outsandtng and unfaid
tin. Manchester went to work Today the
Woodmen Circle has nearly l'tJ.4.) mem
ber and more than Jl.ulO.m) in the re
serve fund. Furthermore the trdr ha
paid in death benefits above tr.iQ. and
does not ow e a dodlar.
Ten years have sufficed to aceomplith
this. Meanwhile tbe rates of aaaesament
bava ya-lce been raised with the Inevitably
consequent loss of membership, which al-wayt-eome
to an order with such a charge.
The program has nonetheless earned
through to the finish and the rat are now
established in aet-oidaD- e with the schedule
required by the National Fraterr.ial t-on-grrss.
Tre Woodmen Circle is now increa
ing in membership at a record making pace
of between 2.0KS and 4 tS) members a month.
Tbe rateof growth which tbe order is
now enjoying augurs tbe mast prosperous
future and the prospect that the Woodmen
Circle wil continue to be tbe busy sister
of the Woodmen of the World. The great
attainments reached in the comparatively
brif space cf ten years indicates greater
successes ahead for this order.
Tha acoombiishments of tha Woodmen
Circle are highly complimentary to Mra
Manchester who baa been the executive
force which tarried the order througn to
ita ultimate success from a beglning which
perhaps may not bava been tb most en-
He Sends Up His lamentation, at the
i Departure of Summer.
Makes the Obaervatioa la Trxlas;
ta Fnk the Ball Over the
Maay Llaka Agalatt
the Vilaa.
NEW VOKK. tec . This i the season
of the year v.nen the ney-golfer sends up
his lament at the departure of the good
old funiiuir lime, Its many heloiiis
factors toTcerd low score. Worm casts
trd dampness en clayey course checks the
roll of the hall-topped shot, which, unoVr
summer conditions, ofu-n rolled quiti as E3 a cleanly-hit ball, and otherwise
Interferes witb the indifferent player's
M a hie approaches aimed to reach spots
Just short of the green that would roll
nicely up to tbe pm. now slop yard short
of where the go fer expect them to. or
-re wijely deflected by wormcasts, which
often make thern jump off sharply at an
ang'.i. arid stop at unexpected iti.
ATain, hls'h winds, aoucmparilr d by a
chill, make the of certain hole
agaiust the gale uua difficult for the
player unskilled in the low penetrating
ball that aeems u go on ita way uri
swerred and almost unchecked by wind
Under cond. lions of a bigh wlud the un
certain or Indifferent driver usually gels
little for hi effort, the ball - sway
fee-bly and ilki on the wind for a dis
tance and Is then blown back a lew yards
I-fore it come lo earth. If he U iiic!m-d
to book cr pull. tr. j wind cxaggrius the
error, mak.rur the game mure bopeliss
Kven when playir.g befit the wind the
aeak driver U pei.aliscd by it, for stta:iuj
to overcome ihe stroke lust ou tbe last
bole against the elements now that con
ditions seem to favor him, he presses and
the extra effort coupled with tendency of
the wind to deflect the circle of the. club
bead to tb balL tops the ball and suffers
whatever penalty there may lie ahead of
tb tee.
Against the wind it is beet lo flatten tbe
swing to the ball and play for a slight
book so as to get a low ball. By play
ing the ball a trifle further toward the
right, bringing the club stealer to tbe body
ou tbe back twU.a and endeavoring to
flatten the stroke, the desired bail may
be secured. Practice alone will give con
fidence In seeking distance with consis
tency under this condition of going.
Before the wind the ch4ef effort should
be to get the ball well up ar.d cleanly
away. A ball that ordinarily would not
go over V yards in still air will freguentiy
fly and roll to ITS feet before a wind. A
following wind in some way or other tends
to prevent the club bead geltintc down to
the ball. Therefore, it is safest to per
haps make the stroke a Utile mere verti
cal, being suie to get the ball cleanly off
the center of the club face.
Playing golf in the chill of the early
fall and winter seasons after month of
summer practice seems to char.fce the
whole game. The wearing' of a heavy
sweater cr coat appears lo check the snap
and cerlalMy of the swing, and feels as
if he really could not get hold of the
ball with sufficient certainly tu play with
his accustomed skill. Then aijain, uin--.
able to plav with t:lov . the l ands Oon'i
foel al home on the grips. "
Even hgri-clss player feel the char.pes
in conditions. Jerome I. Travis, former
amateur champion, openly admits that he
can never play hi game when it is cold
and windy. No one can play the wind ar.u
utilise il any better lhan he can, but the
c-o!d blast seem to cramp him up in a
knot a it were, affecting his swir.g prob
ably through his Jess secure grip on the
On the' other hand, Walter J. Travis Is
the only player on this side hf seerr.s
to be able to piay his game repardiess ol
conditions. Thai marvellous score cf
in a gale and rain, at Garden City,
In the ejualifylng round of a tournament
there a few yeais ago when Travcrs ma Je
10s and all the other crack were in the
iiinties and early hundreds, showed tne
Perhap. also, this marked difference in
their ability to play und. r adverse c hilly
and windy conditions, so prevalent atroad.
account for the glorious vicioiy of ti.t
ilritisii e hanipiun.-l,lp by Wa.ier J.
mere in 1M, arid the esr:y Uefeai of
Jerome l. Tiavi over Ihere year.
Model IB
Solid Tire
Hiafr Wheel
IJyspeau rhileaapar.
Most good fellow are only thai
away from home.
The only idea some men nave of geiung
to the front is by pushing others back.
tioriie men wouid be willing lo pay long
distance telephone rates to tell their
Of bourse two can Uv as cheaply as one.
After they get married they generally find
that Uiry hate to
The people wLj na tbe greatest opinions
of themselves aie frequently the pool est
;udtfe cf human natuic
Jt soaieuuie happens thai a letter is
opened by mistake, also a man who i
oiraicd i,ih.-u for nt.dicituv-.N's Voik
1 unea.
With tirvs that do not punc
ture although driven over
the wort roaJ conditions,
and all ti t- year round.
Most men like a sporty car,
hut can't afford a sporty car
to ) ued months in the
The Fuller runs every day
in the vear.
Pioneer Implement
tall Bluffs, la.
(Had to tend you circulars
if you will send us this uL