Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 6

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Coroner'i Jury LIsteni to Testimony
of Death of Harry Long.
rnlra Wfco lajnred John Doll Mmt
Mand Trial nida on PaTlna
Will D( Tabulated
"We, the coroner's Jury, sitting In Inquest
over the hody of Harry bong. lying dead,
express our Judgment In the case In that
we hereby find Harry Long came to his
death by a gunshot "wound, said shot sup
posed to be fired by the hand of Wesley
McBrlde on the 27th day of November. 1909.'
about the hour of 3 p. m., In the city of
South Omaha, Douglas county, Nebraska."
This verdict was signed by W. P. Adklns,
foreman of the Jury, and J. F. Shultz, J. J.
Ryan, R. D. Wclr, P. J. Martin and O. E.
Bruce, following the coroner's Inquest Fri
day at South Omaha over the death of
Hurry Long.
.The examination of witnesses was con
ducted by the county attorney, James Eng
lish, and the defense was represented by
J. II. Van Dusen. The witnesses were
Andrew and Louis Jounschlet, Fred Hen
derson, Lehelgh MrFarland, J. F. Marvel,
Henry Elsfelder. Dr. E. 1 De Lanney and
Captain P. H. Shields.
Andrew Jounschlet was with Wesley Mc
Brlde and Harry Long from the time they
left their homes until they had tramped
over the river bottoms for some hours and
had made a campflre in the willows oppo
site the foot of Missouri avenue. There he
left the other two boys and returned home.
They had spent the afternoon hunting and
shooting at marks with the revolver which
Wesley McBrlde carried. He said Wesley
told him ho had bought the revolver the
night before at a store on N street and
with It a belt, scabbard and box of cart
ridges. Boys Meet Harry Lonf.
Most of the time was spent shooting at
bottles and tin cans. Wesley McBrlde and
the Jounschlet boy left the home of the
latter early In the afternoon and on tho
way met Harry Long. Harry Long went
with them from that point, but without
any special Invitation. On the sandbar
near the place where the shooting occurred,
Jounschlet said Wesley McBrlde said sev
eral times, "Shall I shoot hlmT" Indicating
Harry Long. He seemed to say It In a
Joking way and laughed when he said It
The Jounschlet boy said he thought he was
only joking, but told him "no" and not to
shoot anybody.
When Jounschlet last saw them, Harry
Long had kindled a fire and was gathering
dry wood to keep it going, and Wesley
McBrlde was seated by the fire.
Fred Henderson and Lehelgh McFar-'
land discovered the body of Long about
8 p. m., while they were hunting rabbits
In the willows. When they came upon the
body they were first attracted by seeing
the hat and shoes. They approached the
boy and found him lying on his face with
his hand pressed on one of the wounds
In his cheek. Ho was dead, but the fire
was still burning and seemed to have been
recently rekindled. They saw no one about
the body.
On the ground for a distance of thirty
feet were marks of blood and evldenoe
where the boy had twloe fallen and finally
crawled along on the ground. On the trees
up to the height of four feet were blood
Mains aiso Indicating that the boy had
been on his feet part of the time. These
two boys gave the alarm. Officer Marvel
corroborated the circumstances of the find
ing of i body and told of tracing foot
prints on the sandbar leading finally to
warn Kouth Omaha.
Boys See Wesley McBrlde.
Louis Jounschlet said he and ' another
boy met Wesley McBrlde about 4 o'clock
and that he was pale - and asked It he
looked pale. He told them he was 111 and
went on toward home.
Elsfelder told o finding the gun In what
appeared to be a. washing machine on the
back poich. He gave his opinion of the
mental condition of Wesley McBrlde, also.
Dr. DeLanney conducted the autopsy.
p. H. Shields told that on the way to
the police station Wesley McBrlde told of
the shooting and said the first shot was
an accident.
The attorney for the defense did not
tnttr Into ar.y lengthy' cross-examination
of the witnesses.' 'Ihe Jury made up Its
verdict In a few minutes.
J. II. Van Dusen, representing McBrlde,
was the only one appearing, neither Wes
ley McBrlde nor any memoer of his fam
Uily being present.
Probable Outcome.
County Attorney KngiUh said after the
hearing: v "i Ins la -one of those unfortunate
casts which cannot be passed over lightly,
and of course there will liave to be a hear
ing before the courts. 1 presume a com
plaint with . the' proper charge will soon
be filed. It will probably be second de
cree murder. In that ease the defense
may have a hearing on the present state
of the boy's mind after the preliminary
trial, or If mental affliction Is to be! the
defense that may toe advanced at the triai
before the district court."
The name of the dead boy Is Harry Long,
a confusion having resulted on the night of
the death.
Two Poles Arraigned.
While waiting for the coroner's Vjury in
the. Long case, the county attorney sub
mitted a complaint and arraigned Joe
Scsurtk and Joe Caja; on charge of assault
' with Intent to do great bodily Injury. They
were chaigfd Mlh assaulting John Doll
on the night of November 25, and fractur
ing his ikull, betide laying open the brain,
with a hatchet. They were said to have
been Incensed against Doll because the lat
ter had had them arrested for breaking a
gun and (or assault In connection. They
were tried. In the former suit before Judge
Caldwell and fined 125 and costs. The anl-
nnia at 1 1 it u In I he t flaVt Bllrl that nr.
vlous quarrel stirred them up to the last
attack against Doll while he was seated at
Fat V', This Month
Should Interest You
This kind of weather is the very kind
fat people should take advantage of and
remove their fat without any fear of ex-
t.imttnr lh.m..l.. On In vnur itra.l.l
no matter where vou live. end buy a
of the famoua Marmola Tablets. Just tie
same as. the world-renowned Marmola
prescription, and take one of these tablets
her each meal. Your lat will disappear
at the rate of from It to IS ounces per
a ay ana you will correct the digestive 1 l'r- u u. Howard estimates the loss from
Juices of your system so, that they will no ', malaria at $100,000.0u0, and from Insect di
lunger turn your food into rat. They will1 eases at $200,000,000. Care of the feeble
make you stronger and they will not harm I minded and Insane make a tax of $& 000 000
snyone. No matter whether you eat at I according to Charles L Dana
home or away from home, your Marmola Dr. George M. Gould estimate, that death
TmlVi? C" e1Wy,' ! rr,M V-'and sickness altogether cost $3,000,000,000 a
will thus be free from Juy.worYy about year in the United si.t.. ft.,i,lrJ VYi ,
that whjrh you eat. These tablets will stop n,-thlr(1 of thU
all fan.iaklng. and Ihe beauty of them,' J? "' h D'vea.
lies in the tact that they Mill not leave "The trouble Is the public does not be
huge wrinkles after the lat goes away. If IlleVe in this waste from Just Doorly' and
you will 1ST them Ju.t one week you will J , to be about'" he .,. t L.
become on of the thousand lo whom we , aooui. ne argues. it has no
rta refer you. Marm.ila Vablet for sale ! conception of the difference between work
by all druggists everywhere, or, if you ing with a clear brain and steady hand and
prefer send the price of a case (7. cts with a dull, nerveless tool. They must be
to ihe Maruiola lompany, Dept. bit. 77 "'
Detroit, Mich., and they will send same to ) cor ;vl,lc1 mehow."-tit. Louis Post-Dls-you
by return mail in plala package. Adv. patch.
thn snpper table at the home of Joe Ma
dura, where he resided.
Doll has since been confined In the South
Omaha hotpttal, where he has been slowly
recovering In spite of the fracture of the
skull and the laceration of his brain. He
is about able at present to appear against
the two alleged assailants.
These men are still prisoners at the South
Omaha Jail. They will be given their pre
liminary trial early In the week.
City Clerk Tarns Ore Bids.
The city clerk , turned ever the bids for
the numerous paving contracts to the
city engineer for tabulation. The city
clerk held the bids until a record could
be made of them In the Journal of the
council proceedings. The city engineer has
his office force working on the details of
tabulation and this work will probably be
completed within a very few days. But
prints will be struck of the tabulations
and from them the engineer will prepare
the total sheets by which It will be pos
sible to determine the cost of any of tho
several classes of paving.
Services fn the "
Rev. Arthur O. White will conduct the
service at St. Martin's Episcopal church,
consisting of the celebration of the holy
comunlon and a sermon on the topic, "A
Fact Realized, a Condition Certified."
Mastle- (ltr Gossip.
Paul MscAulay has returned from an
official visit to Geneva, Neb.
Another petition has been filed against
the petition to grade J street.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jameson, 1417 D street,
report the birth of a daughter.
One of the novelties of the Corn Show
will be one of Jones' Merry Mixers, which
is en Invention of a South Omaha man.
John Butkis was sentenced to serve fif
teen days yesterday morning. He was
found guilty of stealing a lot of carpen
ter tools,
A branch of the Junior auxiliary has been
organized untcr the direction of Miss Mon
ica Lauer. They held their first meeting
last Saturday.
Charles Gaffy has (riven notice of dam
ages In the sum of $400 for personal In
juries from falling in a hole at Twenty
fifth and O streets.
The Women's auxiliary of St. Clement's
church met st the home of Mrs. May
fle d. 308 T street, Friday afternoon. Light
refreshments were served.
Rnsle Hrbek has filed a damage suit
against the city on account of water which
overf'owed on her property, due to alleged
defects of the South Omaha sewer sys
tems. She wants (220.
Man's Valor Flarared at $00 at Blrtb
and 4,100 at the Ace of
Religion teaches that a man cannot give
more than his life for another.' The scientist
after cold calculation says that the gift of
a life cannot be more than a gift of 14.100.
That Is something for every person who
loves his own life or somebody's else to
think about. The scientist adds that he must
be in his prime, 30 years old, to be worth
14.109. The chances favor his being worlh
only $2,900, for that Is the value of the
average life In the United States. How
many would sell .themselves to death for
Almost every one Indignantly denies that
he would seh himself so ' cheaply. The
scientist replies that In 1907 43 per cent
of the deaths In . the United States were
unnecessary at . that time. They could
have been prevented or postponed If ; the
victims had known what they might know
about the care of their health.
These heartless facts have been given
publicity by the United States government
In a pamphlet by Prof. Irving Flaher of
Yale university on "National Health," Prof.
Fisher has reduced life, death and Illness
to a matter of dollar and cents In an
effort to prove the economic wisdom of
teaching the Inhabitants of the United
Stales how to live long and keep well.
He bases his computation of the value
of the average life on a table prepared
after the study of similar tables made In
England. His table is founded on the es
timate that the average worker in Amer
ica, considering all grades, from railroad
presidents to day laborers, earns (62 i a
year. His value is then the capital that
would cam $523 a year at prevailing In
terest rates, averages, as to length of life
and revenue-yielding activity being con
sidered. A youth with 40 years of work
ahead Is worth much more than an old
man near retirement. Calculating from
this, Prof. Fisher- finds a baby Just born
Is worth $30. Mar Is most valuable at
30, when he reaches $4,100. Then he de
clines, until at 0 he Is only an expense,
and his value is placed at $700 less than
Such is the trivial worth of the individ
ual life, but the grand total value of all
the ft. 500,000 of us Is $200,000,000,000, making
the men, women and children worth more
than all the other national wealth. How
many of us would trade our Individual
lives for the cash value of the lot cf us?
Bui sickness and preventable death come
in and take a toll approaching every year
$2,000,010,000. They steal what we say We
would not give up for 'millions. Of those
who die 42 per cent might have livid if
they had profited by what is known about
the care of health.
There were 1,500,000 deaths in the United
States in 1907. Of these 630,000 mlgnt have
been prevented or postponed, and by such
postponement 830,000 lives, worth on the
average $1,700 each, saved.
In other words, unnecessary deaths every
year cost the nation $1,000,000,000 In capi
talized workers' earnings. In addition to
that 1,000,000 workers are ill every year, and
the wages lost during their Idleness
amounts to $00,000,000.
Illness and death also collect a heavy toll
In the bills of doctors nurses, druggists
and undertakers. The' L'nited States com
missioner of labor finds that the average
American working-man's family spends $27
a year for the care of death and sickness.
Since there are 17,0u0,000 families in the
nation, the total cost of doctors, druggists,
nurses and undertakers Is fu0,000,00. Dr.
Biggs of New York, arguing that tubercu
losis cost the patient "K50 a day, and other
diseases more. places, the total cost of the
care of illness and death at $1,500,000,000,
three times the figure accepted by Prof
I lllne8" n1 hn. not Including loss
I we" a,tor dath' creat annual
loss In the care of patients and loss of their
earnings during Illness, of $400,000,000, plus
$0OJ,0u0.0CO, or $i.w),000,000. Add to this tho
annual toll of $1,000,000,000 taken by prevent
able deaths, and the grand total national
sost in money values of preventable deaths,
and illness Is J1.9CO.O00.O0O.
Tuberculosis costs $l,o0u.000,000 every year
in lobs of earnings through Illness. In pos
sible earnings stopped by death and in the
expenses of sickness. At least three-fourths
:"' lhese C08t r Preventable. The con
' umPtlv bear $600,000,000 of them
I Penonally; the remaining $440,000,000 fall
upon the public.
Typhoid fever, says Dr. George Kober.
costs $350,000,000 a year In the United States.
Eichardi, Coinitock and Other. Lose
Out on Their Appeal. '
Defendants Only r.eresne New la
to Carry the Case to the So
prune Court of the l'nited
rxvajcTixs rom x.ajtd i-katjds.
Bartlett Blchards, S1,S00 fine and one
year la Jail.
Will O. Comrtoek, 91,500 fine and one
year la Jail.
O. O. Jameson, 9500 fine and eight
noatbs la JaU.
AqnJJla Triplet, 9500 fine and eight
months In Jail.
T. W. Huntington, 91,000 fine and three
months la Jail.
A. B. Todd, 91,000 fine and three months
In JaU.
Tred Koyt, 91,000 flne to remain In
Jail until same ia paid.
ST. PAUL, Minn., Dec. S. Bartlett Rich
ards, president of the Nebraska Land and
Feeding company; Will G. Comstock, vice
president of the same concern, and Charles
C. Jameson, the secretary and treasurer,
with a number of others who were Inter
ested in alleged land frauds against the
government, will have to serve JaU sen
tences ranglng from stx months to one year
and pay fines of from $500 to $1,500, accord
ing to the opinion In the case here today
handed down by Judge Hook of the United
States court of appeals. The cases eame
to the appellate court from the United
States district court of Nebraska.
The Nebraska Land and Feeding company
ran their cattle on what Is known as the
Spade ranch In Nebraska and controlled
several ranges, and had at one time as
much as 800,000 acres of land, much of It
belonging to the government, under fence.
Lawyers Not Decided. '
R. S. Hall, the principal attorney for the
defendants In the Richard, Comstock, Jame
son and Trlplett cases, has not been offi
cially advised of the decision of the cir
cuit court of appeals.
"I do not know what we shall da," said
Mr.. Hall, 'until we can see the decision.
All we know Is from the press dispatches.
We are completely at sea in the present
status of the case, as I have not heard
a word from 6t Paul relative to the
W. F. Gurley, of Gurley & Woodrough,
attorneys for T. W. Huntington, Ami B.
Todd and Fred Hoyt, said:
"We do not snow from the press dis
patches whether our clients are included
In the decision, affirming the Comstock and
Richard cases. "Consequently we do not
know what further steps we shall take."
"We have heard nothing further regard
ing the case," said United States District
Attorney Goss," than appears in the press
dispatches. I do not know that the, Hunt
ington, Todd and Hoyt cases are Included
In the decision, although the issues in
volved were exactly the same as in the
Comstock, Richards, Jameson and Trlplett
cases. We have wired to St. Paul to get
further information as to the' full scope
of the decision, but owing to the absence
of Clerk Jordan, we have not yet re
ceived a reply.
. Conrt of Last Resort.
"The only recourse now left for the de
fendants lnplulejd in the decision is to ap
ply to the supreme court of the United
States for a writ of certiorari, which Is in
a measure equivalent to1, an appeal from
the decision of the circuit court of ap
peals. ' Whether this will be done Is a
matter that remains wholly with the at
torneys for the defendants."
The argument for the appeal before the
circuit court of appeals in May was par
ticipated in on benalf of the defendants
by Judge John Lacey of Wyoming, C. J.
Hughes, Jr., of Denver, present United
States senator from Colorado, with R. S.
Hall of Omaha. The government's inter
ests were looked after by District Attorney
Charles A. Goss and 8peclal Assistant At
torney General S. R. Rush.
In the trial of the case In Omaha, the
defendants, . Richards, Comstock, Jameson
and Trlplett, were represented by R. S.
Hall, John F. Slout and H. C. Brome of
Omaha and Judge A. W. Crltes of Chadron.
The government end was looked after by
DlFtrlct Attorney Goss and Assistant At
torney General Rush.
Down Come Peaces.
After a long fight both In tho circuit and
district courts of the United States Com
stock and Richards were compelled to re
move their fences.
Irving L. Baxter was at the time of the
initial proceedings in the case Unlfid
States district attorney, A. W. Lano as
sistant district attorney, T. L. Mathews
Urlted States marshal, and Ssivester R.
Rush special assistant district' attorney.
An agreement was reached between the
United States district attorney and Klch
erd 8. Hall, the principal attorney for
Comstock and Richards, whereby the de
fendants, W. O. Comstock and Bartlett
Richards, should enter a plea of guilty to
the original indictment, assurances having
been given the land department that the
unlawful fences had been or were being
The plea of guilty was accepted and late
that evening, some time early in Decem
ber, 1905 the accused men were arraigned
before Judge W, H. Munger for sentence.
Neither of the accused men had anything
to say why sentence should not be pro
nounced. Mr. Hall, their attorney, asked
that the court grant a minimum sentence,
as, owing to the prominence of the ac
cused and the fact that their offenue ut
the best was but a technical one, the ends
of Justice would be amply subserved by a
nominal sentence. To this proposition the
district attorney acceded.
Baxter and Mathews Go Oat.
Judge Munger thereupon sentenced Will
G. Comstock and Bartlett Richards to pay
a fine of $300 each, and to be "confined In
the custody of the United States marshal
for six hours."
The t fine was promptly paid. Marshal
Mathews was not in the court room at the
time of passing sentence, but reached the
court house a short while afterwards, even
before Mr. Hall and his clients had left
the building. Being Informed of tho sen
tence, he turned the two men over to the
care of Mr. Hall as special cutodlan, and
they were taken to the Omaha club and
entertained there for the stx hours limit
of their sentence.
A report was sent out that night by
telegraph that Mr. Hall and his c lenti
were being entertained at the thenter and
were having a good time generally.
As a result of this report which reached
President Roosevelt the following morning
States Marshal Mathews by telegraph,
the president ordered the removal of United
Nor did the precldent-a Indignation end
here for a few days later he ordered the
removal or demanded the resignation of
District Attorney Baxter on the grounds of
Inadequacy of the prosecution of the cattle
Char es A. Goss was subsequently ap
pointed to succeed Mr. Baxter as district
attorney, and William P. Warner as United
States marshal to succeed Mr. Mathews.
The defendants were charged with con
spiring to defraud the government by ob
taining fraudulent entries to public lands
I i 'J Hi1 Pay a Little ? r--
P J Down on a : j '
I I J Biff Bill. ; ':
Round, six-foot extension,
solid oak, extra well made,
rubbed and pol- t I ft Crt
ished, each JIUiOU
Large assortment oak, ma
hogany and wal- (fp "fr
nut finish. Priced An. 3
low at, each ""M
Economy Real Saving of Money
Timed to win the largest appreciation,
and of subornation of perjury In Betting
cntrymen to commit perjury In making
false oaths to homestead affidavits.
At the - following; session of the federal
grand Jury the accused men were In
dicted for conspiracy to defraud, suborlng
peiflury and maintaining unlawful en
closures in violation of section B440 of the
revised statues of the United States.
Appeal Pending; Since Slay.
The now famous Nebraska land fraud
case was argued In the court of appeals in
May of last year and has been since pend
ing. The decision is considered one 'of the
most Important affoctlng Nebraska handed
down in some time, the case be ng the
largest lan.d case t In the history of this
state and requiring thirty days in which
to try. -
The land company was made up of Bart
lett Richards, Will O. Comstock, and C.
C. Jameson, a clerk. Along -with the of
ficers there were indicted Thomas ,W.
Huntington, a soni.of Prof. DeWltt C.
Huntington, former chancellor of Nebraska
Wesleyan university; former United States
Commissioner Fred Hoyt, A. 'B. Todd, an
old soldier, and Aqul'.la Triplet, who acted
as an agent for the land company.
The company held possession of several
hundred thousand acres of government
land which, it is a'.leged, they fenced in
under the nRme of Spade ranch. The
operations of the company. It is claimed,
were extensive and enormous. By. means
of fraudulent entries the government was
defrauded out of much of Its land In the
western portion of the state.
The men were Indicted under the same
charge, but there were two separate trials.
Richards, ' Comstock, Jameson and Triplet
were tried together, and Hoyt, Todd and
Huntington together.
Year In Jail for Principals.
MessrB. Richards and Comstock were
fined $1,E00 each and sentenced to one
year In the Douglaa county JaU; Jameson
and Triplet were fined J500 each and sen
tenced to serve eight months In JaU; Hunt
ington and Todd $1,000 each and three
months In Jail and Hoyt $1,000, and remain
In Jail untltl the fine was paid.
The men, along with F. M. Walcott and
James Reld, were indicted by the govern
ment on June 14, 1906, charged with con
spiracy to defraud the United States out
of title, use nnd possession of vast tracts
of public :ands, and with subornation of
perjury In procuring entryman to file on
these lands In Sheridan and Cherry coun
ties, Nebraska, in the years 1904 and 1905.
Rlcharfls, Comstock and Jameson were
president, vice president and secretary
treasurer, respective,' of the Nebraska
Land and Feeding company. Triplet, who
lives in Alliance, Neb., acted as representa
tive of these men.
Trials Continue Loaa?.
The trial of the first group was begun
November 19, and concluded December M,
there being twenty-four dnys of actu il
trial. The four defendants were found
guilty as charged; Walcott, who was tried
In the group was declared not guilty. The
four were found guilty of thirty-six of the
thirty-eight counts In the indictment,
which, by the way. was the largest In
dictment ever returned In the United States
courts In this district. It contained over
BOO typewrlten pages and was of forty
count?, two of which were dropped before
trial of the first group was begun. The
Jury was out but two hours for Its de
liberations. The trial of the first group was before
Judge W. II. Munger, while Judge T. O
Munger presided at the trial of the second
group, begun on April 8, 1907. The men
Huntington, Todd, Hoyt and James Reld
were In this group, but Reld was not tiled.
This trial lasted but ten days, the verdict
of guilty bting returned on April 18.
B ntence upon the men found guilty on
December 21. 1S03, that being the first
group, was pronounced on March l 1SK17,
while those of the second group were sen
tenced on June 20 ef that year.
The tint muy be N taken to the United
States supremo court, If a writ of error
is allowed by the high tribunal, bu In
such cases the chance is extremely re
Former Iowa Conarreasiuaa Will
Locate In - Wash Ins; toa to
I'ractlco Profession.
CRESTON, la.. Pec. . (Special.)
Colonel Hepburn, former congressman of
this district, has announced his intention
of opening a law office In .Washington,
D. C. where he says he will practice his
early profession and abandon politics. He
states he will continue to make Clarlnda
Bee Want Ads are Bualnesa Boosters.
Thin Easy rayment Dan of The Central in differ? nt from all others.
five you every consideration at all limes. It Isn't tho oM-fashloned rretlit
plan, but a method of doinK hunlneM, which make dealing with The Central
pleasure. Any arrangements you mnke with us are strictly confidential.
Just Select What You
Want and Charge It.
Yon pay less at The Central and the credit privilege for the asking.
Roman Soatc
In oak and mahogany finish; 18 In
ches high, top 12x20 Inches, aj
Plush-covered seat trim- y
med in gold, each V "J
-Thnt's the keynote
because it's a good
Complete Homo Furnishers
and Howard Streets
United Brethren, Church to Be 'Dedi
cated Sunday.
Missionaries Elmore nnd Wife of
India to Take Irt In Services,
Also Rev. Henry Wllllama
Chore h Notes.
The United Brethren church at Nine
teenth and Lothrop streets will be dedi
cated Sunday, December 15. The morning
service will be at 10:30; evening. 7:30, and
a meeting for men at 8:30. Bishop W. M.
We.okley of Kansas City,-Mo., who was
present at the opening of the church a
little over a year ago, will have charge of
the dedication program. Those who heard
the bishop at ;he opening will want to
hear him again. A hearty welcome Is ex
tended to the people of Omaha to attend
any or all of these services'.
Rev, Henry Williams, district secretary
of Des Moines, and Rev. and Mrs. W. T.
Elmore of India will be guests Sunday at
the Immanuel Baptist church, Twenty
fourth and Plnkney streets. Missionary
Elmore la a Nebraska boy, a sem.nary
classmate of Tastor McDowell. Rev. and
Mrs. Elmore have Just returned from India
I after nine years' service there.
Missionary Elmore will deliver an ad
dress at the morning service on "The Work
Among the Telgus" and In thj evening will
talk on "India's Call to America." Mrs.
Elmore will talk during the Sunday school
hour on "The Boys and Girls of India" and
In the evening will give an address on "The
Women of India Their Need and Appeal."
Dr. Williams will lead the services
the afternoon service and at the young
people's service.
The musical service at the North Pres
byterian church on Sunday, December 6,
will be as follows:
Anthem Consider and Hear Me
Carl Pflueger
Anthem Bow Down Thy Ear
Horatio Parker
Solo I Heard the Voice of Jesus ay
. Mrs. J. Ptanley Hill.
E. F. Williams, director, s
Irving Sielger Cooper will give a aeries of
free lectures under the auspices of the
Omaha Theosephicul society, beginning De
cember 20. These lectures will be free to
all who are Interested and the place of
meetings will bo announced later.
Mi. Cooper1 is a deep student and handles
his subjects well. Among the subjects will
be "Psychic Phenomena," "Reincarnation,"
"Karma," "The Masters and Their Rela
tion to Humanity," etc.
.Mr. Cooper leaves for India In the early
spring and It will be some time before tho
people of Omaha will have another oppor
tunity to hear him.
The party scheduled for December 7 at
the residence of Mrs. Dr. P. T. Condan, 1821
Blnney streets by the women of the Colum
bian circle of Sacred Heart parish has been
postponed Indefinitely.
An exceptionally fine lecture on "Syria
and Palestine" will be given Sunday eve
ning, December 6, by Charles A. Payne of
Milwaukee. Mr. Payne, who has become
famed as a traveler and lecturer, has re
recently returned from the Holy land with
100 unique and wonderful lantern slides.
The lecture will be free at the First Con
gregational church, corner Nineteenth and
Davenport streets, at 7:46 p. m.
At the Calvary ' Baptist church Sunday
morning Mrs. J. Stanley Hlil will sing the
solo, "Come L'nto Me," by Blschoff. The
pastor will bet In a series of services Sun
day evening on modern life problems, the
first to Le on "Books and Plays." The
Sunday evening services at this church
during the winter will be evangelistic.
. The second of the fctrles of Sunday eve
ning organ recitals at Trinity cathedral
will be given by Ben Stanley on this Bur
dxy at 7:20 and In connection with evening
prayer. The recitals occur monthly on the
first Sunday evenings of the month.
The officers and teachers of the Kountxe
Memorial church Sunday schoolevulved a
novelty at a recent meeting In the shape
of a "Sunday school party" that was given
In the parlors of the church Friday evening
last. It was very largely attended and the
hilarity was unbounded, and the pastor to
requesting vote as having more of that
and Howard Stroct
.ing of
riaoed absolutely
on free trial In
yonr home. Hijh
grade at a low
of The Central,
time for HOME
Well made of whito
wood, full size, two
50-lb flour bins, two
drawers and mold
ing board, each
sarr.e congratulated the youngsters at their
ability to make a noise. The success in
sures three or four more every year in the
President A. E. Turner of Hastings col
lege speaks at the men's meeting at the
Young Men's Christian association Sunday
at 4 p. m.
. Miscellaneous Announcements.
Dletz Memorial, Rev. I,. Q. Parker, Pas
torServices ieci mber 6, morning and
Calvary liijr.?;. Bra.icti, Thirty-fourth
and Reward 4iiole school Sunday at 6M. services i'nday at 8.
People's .Church, Charles W. Savidgo,
Pastor Morning subject "Work of Minis
try," evening suoject "Barabbas." prof.
Mertes has charge or the music.
bt. Mark's iutti trail, xwtntieth and
Burdette, U. Groh, fastor At 10:4o Prof.
J on n H. Kuhns will soeak on "the Hoiy
Land and the Unholy Ztui There."
Church, of the Covenant, Twenty-seventh
and Pratt, Rev. R. T. Bell, Pastor Ser
vices at 10:3u and 7:30. Sabbath school at
Vi m. Young Peoples' society at 6:M p. ni.
Bethany, Branca First Baptist, 'iHfii eav
enwurtli eunaay school aU p. m. Every
nlKlit meetings during the week, beginning
Monday. Preaching by the pastor, special
becoiid Church of Christ, Scientist, Nine
teenth and Farnam, Lyric Theater Sunday
school at 9:45 a. m. ; service ut 11 a. in.
Subject lesson of sermon, "God, the Only
Cause and Creator."
First Ketorn.ed, , South Twenty-Third
Street and Central Boulevard, F. S. Zaugg,
Pastor Sunday school at 9:30 a. m., preach
ing services at 11 a. in. and 8 p. m.,Chrisi
lun Endeavor at 7 p. m.
St. Paul's German Lutheran, Twenty
Eighth and Parker, E. T. Otto, Pastor
Services at 10 a. m.; evening service. In
English, at 7:45. Confirmation class in
English Fridays, 8 p. m.
First Church of Christ Scientist. Twenty
fifth and Farnam, Chambers Building
Sunday school at 9:45; Sunday services at
11 and 8. Subject of lesson sermon, "God
the Only Cause and Creator."
First Presbyterian, Twenty-first and Em
met Preaching morning and evening by
the pastor, Dr. T. H. Hanna. Saobatn
school at noon. Young People's Christian
union at 6:30 in the lecture room.
Westminster Presbyterian, Twenty-ninth
and Mason Preaching at 10:30 by President
'1 inner of Hastings college. Sabbath school
at noon. Izard street Sabbath school at
3:30. Preaching at 7:iJ0 by Rev. M. V. Hlg
bee, D. D. ,
First Christian, Twenty-sixth and Har
ney, Rev. J. M.-Kersey, Pastor Services as
follows: Preaching at 10:30 a. m. and 7:30
p. m.j Bible school at 12 noon; young peo
ple's meeting at 1:30 p. m. You are cor
dially Invited. i
First United Brethren, Eighteenth and
Lothrop Dedication services. Morning.
10:30; evening. 7:30.; men's meeting, 3:T.0.
B shop W. M.. Weekley of Kansas City,
Mo., will preach at all three services. M.
O. LauKhlin, pastor.
Trinity Methodist Episcopal, Twenty-first
and Blnney, G. W. Abbott, Pastor In the
morning the pastor will preach a short
sermon and administer the sacrement. In
tho evening the subject will be "Wonders
of Yellowstone Park."
Lowe Avenue Presbyterian, Fortieth and
Nicholas. Rev. Nathaniel McGtffin. Pas
torMorning worship at 10:30. Men's bible
class and bubbath school at noon. Christian
Endeavor at 6:30 p. in. Evening worship
and song service at 7:30. v(
Seward Street Methodist Episcopal,
Twenty-second , and Seward, Frank A.
High, Pastor Morning worship, W:m,
i-vciiing service, ):i0; Sunday scnuul, ll:k,
Miwoiih league, :4. i ne pastor will
picacu bom morning and evening.
hi. Mary's Avenue . onsiej unonal, St.
Gary's Ateuue ana Twenty-seventh, Rev.
Lucius O. feaird, Pastor Morning worsnlp
at 1u:j0; Sunday ecnool at t in., M. H.
toOMwicK, auperini.enuent; Young People's
Society of cnr.suan Lndeavor at 1 p. m.
'irimiy Meilioaibi, 'iem-iirt and Bln
ney, Rev. U. W. Abbott, Pastor Morning
suviue at 10:o0, at which time the firs.
Loiiiinunlon services of the conference wld
be held. In the evening the pasior will
give a lecture on "Yellowstone National
Castellar Presbyterian. Sixteenth and
Castellar, Ralph H. Houseman, Minister
fuulic worsnlp, communion and memuer
khr recettlon, 10:30; mt dilation, "Tne Law
of Christian Vitality;" 12 m., Bible school;
8:30 p. m.. Christian Endeavor j 7:30 p. in.,
"Servants of Satan.''
Plymouth Congregational. Twentieth nnd
Spencer, John P. Clyde, Minister Morninn
worship at 10:30, theme, "Memory and
Character;" Sunday school at noon, Chrla
tian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m., evening wor
ship at 7:30. In charge of North Side Chris
tian church. Special music.
First Baptist, Twenty-ninth and Harney,
Rev. J. W. ("onley. Pastor Services at 10:30
a. m. and 7:30 p. m. ; morning sermon "A
Psalm of Praise," evening "The Third
Comrnandent. or the Folly nnd Sin ft
Swearing;" Sunday school at 12 m; Young
Peoples' meeting at 6:30 p. m. .
First United Evangelical, 2422 Franklin,
Rev. Q. A. Deck, Pastor Worship at 10.30
Sunday school at noon. Holmes meeting
at 8. Revival service at 7 :3ti. ihe revival
meetings will continue throughout the week
with Miss Marie Danlelaon. evangelist
singer, in charge of the sung service.
Walnut Hill Methodist Episcopal, Forty
First and Charles, K. E. Mosman. Pastor a. in., public worship; Sunday school
at noon. George T. Lindley. superintendent:
6 .XI p. m , Lpworlh league. Miss ltutli
Camp, leader; 7:30 p. m , public worship.
pastors theme, Ihe Masquerade In Life.
H an scorn Park Methodist Episcopal, Cor
ner Twenty-ninth and Woolworth Avenue,
Rev. K. Scott Hyde, D. D.. pastor Preach
ing by the pastor at 10:80 and 7:30. Morning
theme, "iiie Unavoidable Christ;" evening
Vj.'i.i.'cttuA.' ,r
jr . r nrr r ia "
" . ' !V
We sell
such celehr.ited
lines an
Medal, lockah,
Hi-aver Charm, etc
Prices as low as . .
f r
L. it w
m -. 1 ' .
Ranps .""$21
Top cooklntt
surface SftxSS; i
Inch hole; oven
12 Incites hlsh, If
Inrhes wide, 21
li.rhes dei'p; bal
t,li. -ed oven door,
bodies nnd ovens
of hlg-hi'Ht grade
cold rolled steel
with utbeMos lined
All sizes, for
heatlnir o n e
room to whole
'.louse; priced ai
low ns
ji hi ipaJ
: u.: r,
theme, "The Great Alternative." Sunday
school at 12 m , Bert Wilcox, superinten
dent. Church of St. Philip the Deacon, Twen-ty-tlrst,
Near Paul, Rev. John Albeit
Vvllllani, Pastor Holy communion, 7:30 a.
m. Matins and LHany, 10:30 a. in. Clioial
eucharlst and sermon, 11 :W a. m. Sunday
school and catechism, 12:80 p. m. Evensong
and sermon, "The Final Judgment," 8
St. Mark's English Lutheran, Twentieth
and Buidetie, Rev. L Groh, Pastor 10:15
a. m., sermon by Prof. John Kuhns; 7:JM
p. m., sermon by Rev. Ralpn Livers; Sun
day school at 12 in.; young people's meeting
at C:4i. The pastor will oKlclate at Stan
ford. Neb., 300 miles southwest from
Cennal United Presbyterian, Twenty
fourth and Dodge, R B. A. McBrlde, D. D.,
Minister Morning worship at 10:.W; sermon
subject, "The Coming of the Kingdom."
Evening worship at ,:3o; sermon euojeit,
"Forgiveness and Gratitude." Sabbath
school at noon. Younc people's meeting and
teachers' meeting at 6:30.
First Congregational, Nineteenth and
Davenport, f rcuerick T. Kouse, Pastor
Morning service at 10:Sj. Communion and
reception of membets. iivenlng service at
7:4. Illustrated address on "Syria and
Palestine ' by Cnaiits A. Payne of Milwau
kee, recently returned from the Holy Land
with original views and description.
Grace Lutheran, 1322-1326 South Twenty
sixth, Rev. M L. Meilck, Pustor Survicei
at 10:45 and 7:30. Morning subject., "Tiit
supernatuialness and the Pre-eminence ot
jesus;" evening subject, "Christ the Ex
alted." Sunday school at- 12:15. Luther
league at b.M). Prayer meeting Wednesday
nignt. naiar and supper Thursday after
noon and evening.
Third Presbyterian, Twentieth and Leav
enworth, Rev. , W Uliam E. Todd, Pastor
Sunday school at 9:30 a. ill. I'asLor's adult
bible class at noon. Young people's meet
ings at 3:30 and 6:30 p. in. Sermon at 7:30
p. m. Topic for morning sermon, "The
Unspoken Answer;" evening toplg "Tho
New View of Opportunity, or How to Get
What You Want." All welcome.
Clifton Hill Presbyterian, Forty-Fifth
and Grace, Thomas B. Greenlee, Minister
Public worship and reception of new mem
bers at 10:0 a. in., evening service at 7:30.
Sunday school at noon, Junior Endeavor at
3:30 p. m., Senior Endeavor at 6:30 p. m.,
adult Bible class at home of D. M. Pottr,
4329 Burdett street, Tuesday, 8 p. m.; mid
week meeting Wednesday, 8 p. m. 1
Calvary Baptist, Twenty-fifth and Hamil
ton, Rev. E. It. Curry, Pastor Services ut
10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Morning theme,
"Ihe Cloil of Witnesses;" evening theme,
"Books and Plays." At the close of the
morning sermon the Lord's Suppi r will be
observed and the hand of teiloAahip glveu
to new members. Bible school at noou.
Young people's meeting at 6:30 p. m.
Kountze Memorial Lutheran, . Twenty
sixth and Farnam, Rev. John E. Hummon,
Pastor. Services, 10:30 a. m... and 7:45 p. m
mbornlng subject, "The Common Service,"
evening subject, "A Neglected Grace." Sun
day school, 12 m. Classes for all ages; two
mixed adult classes. Christian Endeavor
devotional meeting at 6:30 p. m. Mission
Sunday school at 2:30 p. m. Catechetical
classes every Friday at 4 p. in. and at 8
p. m.
North Presbyterian, Nineteenth and Ohio,
M. V. Hlgbee, Pastor Morning worship at
10:30, evening at 7:30. The pastor, will
preach In the morning on the theme "Tho
Ethics of Giving." Dr. A. E. Turner, presi
dent of Hastings college, will speak at
the evening service. Sabbath school at 12
m. Young Peoples' Society Christian En
deavor one hour before every service.
Prayer meeting on Wednesday evening at
t o clock.
MeCabe Methodist Episcopal, Fortieth
and Farnam, Rev. John Grant Shlck, Pas
tor Sunuay school at 10:30 a. in.; Epwortlt
league at 6:30 p. m.; preaching at 11 a. m.
ana 7:30 p. ni. The pastor will preach at
Ihe morning service on the theme, "The
Pathos of tne Empty Seat," and at night
on "The Sacredness of tne Commonplace."
Class meeting will be held at the close of.
the morning sermon. Prayer meeting on
Wednesday evening.
North bide Christian, (uniting with the
Plymouth Congregational, at Twentieth and
Spencer, pending the erection of the new
building for the North Side congregation).
Morning sermon at 10:30, by tne Rev.
Clyde of the Congregational church. Even
ing sermon at 7:30, by Rev. Klrschsteln cf
the North Sido Christian, subject, "The
Authority of the Bible." Bible school at
noun. Christian Kiideavor at 6:15 p. m.
The choirs of both churches wil unite for
both morning and evening worship. Mem
bers and friends of both congregations
Invited to all these services.
First Methodist Episcopal, Frank L.
Loveland, 1). D., Pastor The morning serv
ice at 10:30 will be the choral communion
service, in which Dr. Loveland will be as
sisted by visiting pastors and the vested
choir. This service Is not exclusively for
Methodists, but for all who desire to come,
and a cordial Invitation and hearty wel
come Is extended to the public. Sunday
school at noon In the Sunday school rooms
Ciassrs are arrangtd for all ages of peo
ple and you are invited to come. Evening
service at 7:30. when Dr. Loveland will
preach on the subject. "The Glory of Our
Common Humanity." The Epworth leaguers
will have reception committee In the bal
cony and at the doors to welcome strang
ers at the evening services. If ycu are a
stranger in the city come to the services
and gat acquainted-
Mrs. U'llara tinllty.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., Dec. 4.-Kpeclal
Telegram.) Mrs. Cecil Oilara tr ,i
as a result of the Bouquet hotel ruld. was
round guilty by Police Judae Palo.
fined 1100 and costs. Notice of appeal was
given. The charges against Bouquet have
not yet been tried.
Novelties-- RUNNER iota and Ifed,
111 a. '. 7 i ?-Y