THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEB: DECEMBER 5, 1009. r 1 PROBE FOR COUNTY HOSPITAL T'S A FIGHT TO A FINISH declared that ha would not pass upon the ecu tors' petition tot Instructions, tha petition suggesting the famous extmpro mis, until after the district court had set tled the ending litigation there. This ease Is duo to enmo up Deeember IK. ' "Then," sals Mr. Kellar with energy, "this petition for Instrsetlems will be with drawn December 14. We den't propose to go Into district court for A contest there and have a proposition of compromise pending. "If the ootwt does not have confidence enough In the Integrity of tha executors to believe that they wltt be fair, he ought to discharge them and appoint someone else." Judgs Leailo said he had felt all almg that If the bequest for ths working glrl home la valid at all, It covers the who: amount. C. J. Smyth said that he understood the secuters had asked their lawyers If the bequest was. In their opinion, valid and the attorneys had replied In the affirma tive. CORRECT DKE:HS FOK MEN AND tlOYS FOR THE CREIGHTON RESIDUE Inrestig-ation to Follow Bursting of Bomb and Dropping of Heads. IKdUTRY INTO ELSASSER BIQIME Last f kaaeo of Comarosnlse KaoekeA Oat r C. . Keller la roaaty Coart. The fight ever the $101,000 residue of Ouhjp IPIhiom2 Count Crelghten's estate will go to a finish. What chenoe there was. If any, of a com promise was dissipated Saturday morning IRsiinio Sterling Ware tt fdg by an announcement by C. B. Keller, ons of the attorneys for the heirs. Jetter's Oold Top Beer delivered td any part of the city. Telephoris No. I. o o o o Judge Leslie, following argument, had u - i i 3 i ; 1 - -u at " 5- V i 1". 1 ' " lfi'h ;aV ; mm,- :m- m yesterday morning, and we were asked if we had something that was pretty good at the price we mentioned in the daily papers. Our reply brought this response: '.'We'll be right up." "Say, Mister," he exclaimed a little later, after he had slipped into one of our big, long, graceful great coats, with military collar, "There's some class to a coat like this. That is certainly a swell shoulder and the fit of that' collar is about the best I ever saw. I've had coats before, ready and custom made, but never any thing equal to this one. Does all your clothes fit that wayt If it does, it's a wonder to me you don't sell all the clothing in Omaha for every other place I have bought a suit or overcoat they have practically made it all over, and then it was wrong. As long as you have the garments that fit and look like these, it's me and my friends for you." In any garments we have $10.00 or up to $35.00 we guarantee entire satisfaction. Holiday fancies for the men and boys have prominence just now. Don!t overlook our number. i i ' " i - Ladies Hani Haq Sale mi Other Leather Goods CO $ 'llll i - I. HI. Jill I ill ' Commencing Monday morning, Dec. 6th, we will start our annual Leather Goods Sal. Wo have a much larger stock this year than ever before, con sisting of Ladles' Hand Bsgs, Travel ing Kolla, Pocket Books, Card Cases, Medicine Cases, Etc., Etc. The sreeter portion of the line con sists of camples at greatly reduced prices. We are especlaUy strong on Ladles' Hand Bags, ranging In prices from II. B0. each to $25.00. The line consists of only one of each kind. Come early to get the best selection BRIEF CITY NEWS Mysrs-Dillon Drug Co. 16th and Farnam Streets OMAHA IS CP, SAYS COSGROVE -s y .V - ' - to Well Up in Accounting as Any City Ho Visited. THINKS HIS TRIP PROFITABLE Brlmsa Inforiuatloa He Believes Will B Useful to Comptroller la Sub . salttlagr Plan to the City Coaaell. Deputy City Comptroller Cosgrove has re turned from his trip of Investigation Into municipal accounting of American cities. Mr. Cosgrove has been In a doien states and has met and conferred with the principal accounting officers of about forty different cities. II has gathered a mass of Informa tion and a stack of blanks that he says will prove of great value to the city offi cials of Omaha In framing up the new forms for the occupation tax collections and bookkeeping. "Omaha la really as far ahead as any city In Its essential accounting," said Mr. Cos grove. "By that I mean our checks on the cash box are as effective and accurate as any I have seen. There are some methods Of distribution, however, that are admlra tie. For Instance, here we have four funds -general, sinking, school and water board. In many cities they have a much more ex tended system of municipal division of funds, by number or letter Index, and some divide their moneys differently from our plan. Thus, under the head ot public safety, will be all the moneys for the fire and police departments, and other divisions 1 are made along lines that suggest them stives as sensible and feasible. I believe, with the Information at hand now, that Comptroller Lobeck ana myseu will soon be- able to submit a plan or sug gestion that will commend Itself to the mayor and council. Perhaps we can do this within ten days or two weeks. That my trip waa worth while will be Indicated by the fact that, on meeting the tax commissioners of New York state at Albany, I wao able to give them some In formation they considered valuable, be cause I was fresh from an Investigation In several cities that are now dealing directly with problems tlxat were puzzling the New York officials. 'In Che matter of cost to Omaha, for the Information gained, this city will fall very much short of what similar work has cost other cities. We get for a few hundred dollars, through the uniform courtesy and helpfulness of a large number of well posted city . officials whom were Inter viewed, what It coat Baltimore, for In stance, 150.000 or more. Mayor Mahood told me they paid experts $40,000 for a gen eral outline of a system that would prevent mishandling of city funds. To bring that system down to details and make it work able, another $10,000; and he expects It will cost S10.000 to 115.000 more before they have the plans all put In operation." Have Boot Mat I. V T. Swososa Certifies. Aeoonntaat. aUashart, photographer, llth Farnam. Lighting rixtaraa, Burgess Oranden Co. Xya, photo, removed to llth Howard. Equitable Xdfe Policies sight drafts at maturity. H. D. Neely, -nanager, Omaha, risher leads Bagles -K. S. Fisher was electe worthy president of the Eagles last night and w. m. BpocKnam waa namea vice president. Bis per eent paid on savings accounts. $1.00 to $5,000, by Nebraska Savings and Loan association, 106 Board of Trade build ing, 1603 Farnam. pence Williams Pleads ITot Guilty Spencer Williams, a supposed partner of Albert Prince in robberies, pleaded not guilty to a charge of highway robbery when arraigned in district court Sr. Iioveland Talks on Tennyson Rev. Frank U Loveland of the First Methodist ohurch will addrkss the Omaha Philo sophical society Sunday af S p m., In Barlght hall. Nineteenth and Farnam. on "Tennyson, the Leader of Modern Thought." Dlvoroe Petitions Dismissed Both peti tions for divorce reciprocally asked by Hannah Falk and Qus A. Falk were dis missed by Judge Estelle in district court The court said nothing In announcing that the divorce fight is a stand-off, except that he would allow attorney fees for Mrs. Falk's lawyer. Wells 4' Rosewater. Sstabrook Comes on Joslyn Case The Joslyn castle dispossession suit will come up on -Its merits before Judge Troup next Friday. The attorney for Joslyn had word Saturday from Henry D. Estabrook, coun sel for Joslyn In the former, that he will be here next Wedensday and will tea tlfy. Breaks Arm on Slippery Walk While going to work at 8 o'clock Saturday morn lng John Hurd, 3303 Ohio street, a Shipping clerk In the employ of the People's store, slipped on the Icy pavement at Sixteenth and Dodge streets while alighting from car and sustained a broken left arm. . Judge Mutton Pleads Wet Quilty Carl Rolf, 17 years, and William Hearn, aged 1$, faced Judge Sutton In district court on a charge of breaking and entering a cigar store owned by Andrew Swanson and George Seletos. The county attorney recommended that the -younger boy be turned '.over to the Juvenile court. Judge Button entered pleas of not gully for both and decided to confer with their parenla before acting. XUnesa of Child Softens Parents Illness of Dernlce Blackett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Blackett, may prove a further mollifying factor in relations between the little girl's parents. Not that they will be brought together again, but Mrs. Blackett whose wrath at her husband has been less of late Is now feeling still more dls posed toward giving up her design of prose cutlng the child's father for bigamy. Jewells Will right the Case James J. Jewell and his wife filed a formal tender In district' court of property to satisfy the mortgage on the Prairie Park property which was mortgaged to them by Mr. and Mrs. Richard Moore. The Jewells offered $20 In cash and an insurance policy for $2,(00. The mortgage on the property come to $2,050. The Jewells have retained at torneys and are prepared to fight the case, which is the one where conspiracy is charged by the plaintiffs In the transfer of the houses to a colored pair. ISaupla at Boolal Soitnce Club Officers of all the local unions of Omaha and South Omaha have been extended an Invitation urging them to be present Monday after noon next, when State Labor Commissioner Maupin will addre.ts the social science brunch of the Omasa W omen s club t I Ms Fiist Ccingresalional church. Mr, addre!-a himself to existing the child labor and femal M(l IK yuu iinvr riii in inv tiar or otner SWnntTtllS. nrlpmn nvm,lt latva f (h. H-lik if any of your ancemry ha been troubled with M.ltiev disease, you shmild loo no I ., h. . .,,,.. , ,',.,, ,. time In rutin a bottle of Warner's fun an,1 hei.n ikm i r,r..hrt women, he will enCeaor to Interest the Warner's Ssfe Cure Is made frnn the fre'h Juloe of 1ann sn4 me.ilolnal roots, I officials of the various unions In a cam trie various quarters or the globe. Men skilled in palgn to head off law violations snd abolish it is prfnni to me tseie ana tagreesr.te to t'ie,,nrilt, t)iat rAlly now- exist. Oa Matter to Com Before Comfnls. slosi is Protest Recently Filed Asialsist Retora of the Head Jilt". The resignation of E. R. 8eannooi. druggist at the County hospital, has been mailed to the Board of County Commis sioners. Mr. Season good's action, which Is not voluntary. Is the newest development In the situation at the hospital. This ends for the time being at least the severance of employes of the hospital fom their positions. It Is regarded possible that the Investigation, which begins Monday after noon, may develop facts which will lead to the chopping off of other official hoadi The whole conduct of the Institution since O. Fred Elsasser became superinten dent Is likely to come up for review be-fore-'the Investigation Is ended and Mr. Elsasser msy be afforded a chance to demonstrate how well or how 111 he has served In the position. One matter which will certainly come up before the commissioners Is that of a pro test against Miss Lena Hlgglns' return to the hospital recently. Miss Hlgglns, fol lowing her discovery at the hospital, 'fell 111 and was absent from the hospital for several weeks. Protest Against Her Return. When she was about to return the other day the unpleasant news was communica ted to 'Her that a protest had been slgnod by a number of nurses of the hospital against her return to the place as head nurse. Miss Hlgglns believes that this petition was not spontaneous In Its origin, that the nurses would never have signed it unless urged by some one, and she has a good working idea of Just who this some one is. Mrs. Elsasser, wife of the superlnten dent. Is blamed by Miss Hlgglns' friends for the circulation of the petition. If they have the proof of this, It has not been produced. The matter will at nil vents be thoroughly sifted at the coming inquisition. The protest against . Mips Hlgglns return Is now in the hands of the chairman of the committee on the county hospital, Jeff W. Bedford. The Board of County Commissioners met as usual Saturday morning, but the hospl tal matter did not corns before It In any shape. All business was of a routine na ture. Clocks FRKNZER 15t and Dodge. BIRTHS AND DEATHS. Births Martn Murphy, 2046 North Twenty-first, girl; Nick Posa, 1724 WebKter, girl; V. B. Kinney, 21!17 Burt, boy; George Macklln, 2913 Cuming, girl; Frank dress, Omaha General hospital, boy; Herb rt H. Stubbendorf. 818 North Sixteenth, girl. Peath Walter P. Vandorvoort. Kansas City. 33; James Smith. 12S Harrison, 48; O. H. Oroff. Swedish Mission, 2; Silas W. Herring, Uintah apartments, Wt; Dorothy Barth. Methodist hospital, r.5. Diamonds i'RENZh.lW tsth and Dodge. Aggravated Bladder The Followint Letter Written by Mr. William C. Morion Proves Without a Doubt What & Wonderful Remedy Is WARNER'S SAFE CURE - For Kidneys, Liver, Bladder and Blood. "Gentlemen: I have been suffering for several years with an aggravated .case of bladder trouble and received no benefit until I began the use of Warner's Safe Cure. I am now on the second bottle of our remedy and am improving daily. 'What It has already done for me warrants my feeling that a complete cure will be effected by con tinuing Its UFe a while longer. I cannot speak too highly of your remcly. which has worked such wonders fVr me and I will always keep it on hand." WM (. MOK'tON Ji:i Warren Ave., Chicago. 111. , ' Alter lu tinnv fir viir, Mr Mnrtnn nnfen mark,! I, nn i.n- tuinn, the second bolt!--. ; Mauplo will There Is no rase of kidney or bladder trouble that Warner's Safe Cure will not ! Violations of relieve almost immediately f"TS" A satnerta si me limner , in m botany and chemistry compound It. most st-nsitlve stomach. Constip3tion, Biliousness and Indigestion v nen tne Dowels tio not move freely, a shows thst the liver Is Inactive, and the bile. Instead of being eliminated ry the Intestines, U taken up by the blcod. In consequence the internal or;:in, are deranged ami you hve a tlllous attack. After frequent attacks the ekln becomes rulloA and rough. Vou are troubled with headache, const I rail n. coated tongue, bad brtath, sour stomach, lo s of appetite, pains In the sue and you feel out of sorts, and should take Warner's Safe Pills, purely vegetable, augar-coated absolutely free from Injurious substances, a perfect laxative. They cure Indigestion Bil iousness, Torrid liver ar.d Constipation. They do not gripe or leave anv bail sfter effects. WARNER'S KAKK ( I KK Is put up In SOe snd $100 slies and is sold by all druggists. Winner , Safe Pills 2ic a box of 40. Sampla E0ttl8 and To tonvlnf. tvtrjt Offerer from dli- B-i flf tt'U Frsa ,a" of ,ne k,fn,V. "ver. blalder liJX 01 ritia rrSi and blond that1 WARNbtvs SAKti CURE will absolutely cure, a sample bottle and raninle box cf Warnrr's Ssfe Pills will be sent FRFB OF CHARUE poet raid, to any one aho will write WARNER'S 8A CLKEHI Rochester. N. T and mention having seen his liberal offer In The Omaha rtee. The genuineness of this offer is fully guaranteed by the jvubilabar. 8N r pi ' V i in... n iii -Jj Gug2cnheim Divorce Vnl ic Inventor's Genius Goes for Pittance W. J. Points Car Patent Were Sold for $700 Now Hit Associates Hay Eealiae Fortune. How an Inventor once again sacr.flced his chance at fortune, sold for a ptttanoe that which would have made him rich, Is demonstrated In the caae of W. J. ('Points an employe in the McKeen motor works until death. Points sold his half Intern In a patent to a St Louis man for S70J, the sale covering the American rights, Bartholomew Jullen, his associate, also let go of his American rights, but stands to win $54,000 a year royalties, It Is said, for the Buropcan rights. Points sold his Eu ropean privileges for another pittance. H. W. Mc Dan lei waa first appointed spe cial administrator of the Points estate, but Mr. Jullen, who Is general ear foreman at the McKeen shops, was named adminis trator Saturday by Judgs Leslie, following hearing of the contest. There does not seem much likelihood that Points estate will amount to much now.' He left 2,IW In other property. The patent Involved Is that for a device In rear-end car construction. 1L 1 1 Talk about a coon trap catching peni coming, and oing -thatps. what thbugliit we. were In wliet! our contest was Hiel'd-up, le and we found It Imeosslb K to countermand orders for car load after carload of eastern made pianos, You can't imagine a worse predicament to be in. Here we were nearing the last month of the year. Hopes raised high because of the fav orable outlook for this which was to be our greatest contest. Then all those hopes dashed to pieces by the stop order of the Post Office Department. - But ther is no such word as glre-up'in our vocabulary.' We determined to face the sit uation. To make the best of it. Even though our estimated profits for the year 1909 were sadly reduced. Our first notice to music lovers was on last Tuesday. We stated the facts," ,Told intending piano buyers how our salesroooms were loaded from basement to roof with pianos. We adopted extreme mensures. Named prices that proved irresistible. That met with a quick response. If we .had only the stock which was in our salesrooms at that time to reduce, we would now be on easy street. But seven carloads of pianos ordered for the contest, which orders we en deavored to cancel, were hurried forward to Omaha. Four More Carloads to Be Sacrificed Four of these carloads are here. We are still facing a crisis In our business. We haven't room for all those pianos notwithstanding the heavy sales of the past four days. It is either sacrifice these pianos as we have sacrificed our other instruments or else pay heavy, storage charges to the transportation companies. We are not going to pay the railroad companies one cent more than we are obliged to. When here is on opportunity to offer such instruments as: FANNING AND M'DONALD WILL VISIT THE OLD WORLD They AreColn- to Egypt, Where Kikg rkaroak Worked tha First Cora Corner. Colonel Charles E. Fanning and John McDonald will start In January for a trip through Egypt and the lands thereahoutj Fanning win not aamu mai me aeniruc ticn of his pet paving exhibit on Pouth Eighteenth street Is driving him abroad, but men who know him well say that happening has undoubtedly had Its effect "Mr. McDonald and myself have been planning this trip for some time," says the colonel, who Is not on Governor Shal lenberger's staff. J The Sues canal, Port Said 'and several other features and lo calities of the Egyptian landscape appeal to me," said Colonel 'Fanning. "I prowl through Kipling's word paintings a good deal and have a great desire to see for myself whether It Is true, as some folks Insist, that the Ten Commandments are no longer governing In this section. "Kipling says there sre no Ten Com mandments east of Sues, and also that the best are like the worst In that preotnet. I want to see If that Is really true, and It It is I desire to else up the resulting con dition and compare them with what we have in Omaha. Kipling klso is authority for the statement that it is not difficult to sccumulate a thirst In these camel countries, which, of course, presupposes that the thirst can be arsusged at the time when It Is most oppressive. There are those who -Insist that thirsts do grow in this region, too; but we are in the same breath told they may not be allayed with out transgressing the law. "We are anticipating a moat delightful trip on this winter vacation to he spent In summer iands. and If the camel plan of going dry for long spells appeals to my friend and myself, we may devote some careful study to Its essential points." Weber, Steger, Hardman, Emerson, Ilehlin, HcPhail, A. B. Chase, TtHieelocli, Stuyvcsant, Steck, and the well Known Hand Hade Sclinioller & Mueller Pianos ELECTION CONTEST STILL GOES ON IN COUNTY COURT JSew Ycrk Appellate Court Holds Decree Granted Mrs. Grace Gug genheim is Le.Tal. NEW YORK. Dec. 4-o far as the New York state courts hsve determined, the divorce li!ch Grace B. Gugqe nhe m ob tained fropi William Guggenheim eight years' ago Is valid. ThUf is the gift of a decision rendered by the appellate division cf the supreme court here today, sustain ing the dismissal ot Mrs. Guggenheim's second action for s divorce brought here to test the legality of the Chicago dlvoree. both parties te the msrrlage contract terminated by the Chicago dlvoroe of 11 have remarried. Maay Pulata Raised AsjaThat Plata tiff's fesisetesey by Lawyer for Fire aad Police' Boers. Verbal srgument In the fire and poltci board election contest was mails before Judgs Leslie In county court by W. W. Giller and Lysis I. Abbott. Judge Leslie will rule on Ciller's motion to dismiss, Tuesdsy or Wednesday. Mr. Gilltr argued at length that the plaintiff's petition does not state that he Is a cltlsen of the United States, does not state he is a resident ot Nebraska and Douglas county, and does not state, as re quired by law, that a contestant or candi date for the office shall not beengaged In the liquor, tobacco or fire Insuranoe busi ness. Mr. Pomers Is not a candidate him self, of course, but If he Is te be considered such for the purpose ot the suit, his peti tion Is then faulty In the points Indicated If not considered a candidate, argued Oilier further, then the suit ought to go out en that ground. With the exception of Steinway, at prices from $100.00 to $200.00 below regular retail quo tations. ' And to place these instruments in the homes of music lovers, for every piano sol dunder these conditions will be a lasting and effectual advertisement for the house xf Schmoller & Mueller It will mark the time when we give to music lovers in Omaha, Nebraska and the West all of the regular profits we would regularly secure. Selling such world famous makes at wholesale prices in order to escape the impending crisi la our business history. . V So here goes. Commen,cing Monday room ing (our men are now getting the instruments ready for inspection) these pianos of household fame will go to first comers. To those who rea lize what we are doing when offering these pi anos at wholesale prices. And making a genu ine out and out saving of from $100.00 to 200.00 on each instrument purchased. Think, pleaBe, what we do for you who have long desired a High Grade Piano, you who have always found PRICES and TERMS to be insur mountable obstacles. Pianos Selling Regularly at $450, now $350 Pianos Selling Regularly at $425, now $325 -Pianos Selling Regularly at $400,; now $300 Pianos Selling Regularly at $350, now $275 We go further than cutting the very heart out of these prices. We make terms that are at onco the delight of music lovers and the consternation of competitors who are unable to mutch terms like these: No Money Down. 30 Days' Free Tria.1; Free Stool, Free ScaLrf, Then $1.00 Per Week. Now here is your opportunity. Never have we in our history of fifty years been obliged to go to such extreme measures to relieve ourselves of overstocked pianos. Monday Morning, Sharp, at 8 o'clock, these carload shipments of brand new instruments, frrsh from eastern factories will be ready to inspect. These pianos that will advertise throughout the West the manner in which this company met au issue fairly and squarely. Giving piano htivvs Prices and Terms on High Quality Instruments of such a character asNto mark on epoch in piano history. , ' v ; SclinioMor I LHIer Piano o 1311-1515 Fai-pam Street Phonn -Douglas 1625 Ind. A1625 Schmoller & Mueller PUno Co., Omaha, Neb. Gentlemen: I am Interested In your Golden Anniversary Piano Sale, and if I can save moner, secure a high grade Instrument at the terms which you name, I shall be pleased to hare all Information that will enable me to decide whether to authorize you to make a selection for me. Please send cata logues, your complete list ot bargains and all other information. Name Address B . c