Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1909, DRAMATIC, Page 2, Image 34

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    the omaha ritnday bkk: pecemper s,
Two Young Women Are to Be Intro
duced Within the Week.
t .o- I Alontal of I tlrrlr f Mir hi.
Kan Make .rest I'rf ptrtllcin
for Katertalameat of (!
lege M antral Hob.
hrresa Dreyfnns, to Mn Justin X. Rar-
ii-h of Unroln.
Mr. anil Mn. . It. MiMullen announce
the engagement of their daughter. Mia
earl Minerva McMullon, to Mr. Harry
Hamilton Jones. The wedding will take
pla-e January 4 at the home of the bride's
parent, 424.1 Burdett street.
The marriage of Mien Kdlth Apgar of
Omaha to Mr. r. H. Painter of Oklahoma
Ity took place Wednesday at high noon
the reeldenoe of the bride's sister. Mrs.
Oeorge Ohlt-a Of Des Molne. Mr. and Mn.
PHlnter have gone to Cuba for a wedding
rip Cnd will reside In Oklahoma City.
Mstrlaionlal llltaa.
I'm saving up the dollar now
We're to have a Christmas tree;
Pn I miift save to pny for gift
My wife will give to me.
T. K.
Social taleaa'ar.
MONDAY Junior Bridge club meeting.
Mrs. Harold Kvarts: Mondny Sewing
club, Mix. T. L. Davis; Fort Crook Card
rlub, entertained by Bachelors' club at
Fort Crook.
Tl'KSDAY Tuesday Morning MurU-al club;
Mra. Charles T. Kountie. bridge lunch
eon; Mr. K. W. Dlxotl, bridge luncheon
for Mine Poller.
W EL' N KM OA V Alternate Card club, Mra.
F. J. .lurgennen. hostess.
TIHRKDAY Mrs. Tt. B. Davis, afternoon
tea: Harmony Pleasure club, 'dancing
party at Chambers'.
ritlOA V Dundee 1 lancing club, party at
L'undee hull; Omlkron club, amoker at
home of Mr Paul Beaton.
NATIRDAY-Week Knd club, (lancing
party at Chambers'.
The next fornlght will bring introduction
of two moro debutante. Mis (iladys
Peters, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Milton
l Peters, and Miss toulne Lord, daughter
of Or. and Mrs. John P. Lord. The cards
will be Issued the early part of the week,
atr. and Mr. Peters will give a reception
and dancing party at the Rome hotel Fri
day evening, December 17, to formally pre
vent their daughter, and Tuesday after
noon, December 21, between 3 ami 5 o'clock.
Mr. Lord will give a tea at her borne on
I'arnam street, at which she will Introduce
lier daughter. A supper will follow the
reception for the members of the agist
ing party.
.Both young women completed their edu
cation In one of the funhlouable eastern
flHshlng schools lat year and both have
n any friends among the young set.
Miss Dorothy Morgan, daughter of Mrs
Kobekah Morgan, Is another debutante of
this season, although she Is not to be
formally presented. Miss Morgan is one of
the cleverest young women In the younger
set and one of the most popular.
It Is probable that Major and Mrs. H. M.
' 1ord will nut Introduce their daughter,
Miss Ruth Lord, this season. Miss Lord
Is a gifted musician and wishes to devote
another year to study before making her
, debut.
The local Michigan Alumni are elated
over the Interest shown bere In the concert
Ift be given Saturday evening. January 1
at the Lyrlo theater, by the musical clubs
of lite University of Michigan. The Glee
club travels In luxury In a prlvute car
with extra porters to wail upon the mem
bers. Every place they visit they are
dined and feted and when the trip I
completed, besides the grand time they
enjoy, they are usually presented with
some attractive souvenir. The club this
year will arrive here from St. Paul Satur
day morning, January 1, about 11:30 or It!
o'clock. There will probably be a reception
for the young men some time during the
afternoon so that the Omaha people will
lutve an opportunity to meet them before
the concert. After the musical there will
be a large dancing party at the Rome
hotel, for which about 200 Invitations will
be issued. The young men will remain
In Omaha over Sunday, leaving here on the
evening of January 2. A number of In
formal dinner part It will be given for the
visitors before their departure, and per
Imps a large luncheon at the Omuhu club.
Pleaaarea Past.
Mrs. Elizabeth P. Goodrich gave a small
matinee party yesterday at the Orphcum
Thoso present were Miss Colt of Fort
Crook, M!ts- Katherlne Moorhead, Miss
Frances Gilbert and Mrs. Goodrich.
Mrs. Frederick H. Davis and Miss Helen
Davis entertained at bridge Saturday after
noon at their home In compliment to Miss
Faith Potter whose marriage to Mr. Hugh
Weed of St. Louts takes place December 27
The Delvers were entertained at the home
of Mr. C. M. Hustead, 3724 Sherman ave
nue, Friday afternoon. A literary program
also a guessing contest, were given. Prizes
were won by Mrs. George B. Scott and
Mrs. W. a. Howard. After a luncheon tiie
meeting adjourned to moet December 17
with Mrs. M. Munson, 3711 North Seven
tecnth street.
Mrs. H. Fisherson of Los Angeles, who
Is the guest of friends, was pleasantly
surprised Friday afternoon at the home
of Mrs. J. 11. Harris by a number of her
friends. Five tables were placed for the
game of oh i ds and prixes were given to
Mrs. II. Wolf. Mrs. J. Corby, Mrs. J,
Lewis, Mrs. M. Rypens and the gues
price to Mrs. Fisherson.
Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Whltmore gave
theater party, lust evening at the Boyd
Those present wire Genera", and Mrs
Charles Morton, Miss Eugenie Whltmore
and Mr. and Mrs. Whltmore. After the
theater they had supper at the Omaha
club, when they were Joined by Mr. James
K. Hackctt. Miss Ueckiey and Mr. Hallam
of Mr. Hackett'a company.
The members of the P. B. K. club were
entertained Thursday afternoon by Mrs.
Herman Muentefertng at her home in
celebration of the tenth wedding anni
versary of the hostess. The card prise was
awarded to Mrs. Fred Chambers. Those
present were Miss Barton, Miss Lydla
Pickett. Mrs. O. G. Osborne, Mrs. J. R.
Williams, Mrs. Fred Chambers. Mrs. Noah
Mattlngly, Mrs. Charles Muentefertng and
the hostess.
i Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Rogers entertained
the High School foot ball sqquad at a
evening party Saturday for their son. Mr
Frank Rogers. Chuck-a-lurk and a series
of origin! stunts by the guests afforde
the entertulnment of the evening. Supper
was served later. Assisting were Misses
Kdlth Hamilton, Helen Rogers and Klsa
Rogers. The young men present were
Messrs. Harold Andrus, Malcomb Baldrlge
Richard Balltnan, Carl Bloom, David
Bowman, Edward Burdlck, Hugh Char
ton. Noble DeFrance, Hall, Henry Hanson
Hendeo, Warren Howard, Henry Howes,
Julius Urachman. John Rslley, Reel, liar
old Underhlll. Ralph Welrloh. Kenneth
Hatch. Floyd Fitch. Edward Morris. Cllf
tou Reerle, Hall McFar and, Fred Balrd,
Virgil Rector, Voyle Rector, Elmer Sun
derland. Robert Thompson, Allen Tukey
Waller Klopp, Logan McMennemy, Rsy
Mi Kenny. Hugh Millard, Clarence Patton,
Hugh Mil's. Gordon Mills, Philip Tayne,
Dick Payne and Frank Rogers.
The Twilight Card club met Friday
evening: at the home of Miss Lottie Cun
nlngham, 10 North Twenty-fourth stree
Prises were woo by Mr. Lottie Hense-
man, Esther Peterson, Mr. William Morr
and Ralph Solomon. The next meeting will
be December IT at Ulsa little Heuseman's,
6M8 North Twenty-fourth street. Those
present were Misses Esther Peterson, LI. Is
Brengke, Vera Hustead, Lottie Heiiseman,
Mahle Hatiay, Lottie Cunningham, Messrs.
i Ralph Solomon, Elmer Tlcknor, 11. Scott
Fisser, Frank Newloii, Walter Desbrow,
William Morris.
Personal tie I p.
Mr. and Mrs. F,. M. Fairfield left Thurs
day evening for a short stay In Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Wead leave Sunday
for a sojourn of two months In Cal.fotnla
Mr. Wilson Swltrler has gone to Salt City, where he expects to make his
ome. '
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Sherman Canflcld Friday morning at Sher
idan, Wyo.
Mrs. J. Hlgby and daughter. Miss Ruth,
of Benin, Wyo., are guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Beecher Hlgby.
Miss Phllnmena Rush ha gone to Tulsa,
Ok!., whfere she Will be the guest of her
sister. Mra. Charles P. Morlarty; for sev
eral weeks.
Mrs. Joseph Garneau, who has been the
uest of Mr. Jonn R. for pev-
eral weeks, left lat evening for her home
In New York.
Mr. Trafford Huteson, who for several
ears has lived in Cairo, Egypt. Is the
guet of his brother, Mr. J. C. Huteson,
1S0 Emmet st.-eet.
Mrs. Joseph Garneau, who has been visit
ing her sister, Mr. John Rtngwalt, for
wo weeks, returned to her home In New
York City Saturday.
Mr. nnd Mrs. George Park Moorhead
ave returned from a fortnight's visit with
their daughter, Mrs. Roy Dougall, and Mr.
Dougall In Pittsburg. Pa.
Mr. John D. Crlmmlns of New York City
Is expected Monday to be the guest of his
on, Captain Martin Crlmmlns and Mrs.
rimmtns. at Fort Crook.
Mr. and Mrs. II. V. Trimble of White-
wood, S. D.. who spent the week visiting
Mrs. S. C. Lowry, 1810 St. Mary's avenue,
have returned to their home.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank. B. Kennard will
spend the holidays In Newcastle. Ind., as
the guest of their daughter, Mrs. John
. Goodwin and Mr. Goodwin.
Mrs. H. N. Haskell and children of Fort
Omaha leave the first week In December
for Albany, N. Y., to spend two months
visiting Mrs. Haskell's parents.
Mrs. J. W. Thomas, who has been spend
ing a few months In Germany, Is now In
Dresden for the opera season. She expects
to return some time In January.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pale and small
son, Frank, who visited Mr. Dales par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Dale, have re-
urned to their home In Evanston, 111.
Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Baum, Jr., with
their llttlo daughter, Cornelia, go east the
last of next week to spend Christmas with
Mrs. Baum's parents at Easton, Pa.
Mies Burke, who has Just returned from
South America and who has been spending
a few days the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John
McShune, will leave today for her home
In Seattle.
Mr. and Mrs. J. It. Krittenbrink and
daughter, FranceB, have returned from a
trip to St. James, Neb., where they were
the guests of their daughter, Mrs. II.
Miss Amy Gllmore. who has been visit
ing In Kansas City, and has been exten
sively entertained at social affairs given
In her honor, Is expected home about De
cember 15.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woodward bf Kan
sas City have taken apartments at me
Rome hotel. Mr. Woodward Is the son of
Mr. and Mra. fj.' D. Woodward and
formerly lived In Omeha.
Mis Juliette Moffltt of New York, Who
Is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Mc
Shnne, plans to leave. Monday for the east.
Many social affaire have been given In
honor of Miss Moffltt during her stay here.
Mr. and Mrs. John Thorn left Saturday
for New York City, where they will meet
two sisters of Mr. Thorn, who will arrive
shortly from Scotland. The entire party
will spend the' winter traveling In the
Boutlj and Cuba.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Crawford are settled
at Oxford, England. Mr. Crawford has
matriculated ' at Oriel college and Mrs.
Crawford Is an "Oxford home student," the
organisation for women students at this
Mr. Conrad Ernst returned homo Friday
from Chicago, where he attended the live
stock show with a number of students
from the University of Nebraska. Friday
afternoon Mr. and Mra. C. J. Ernst, Mis
Grace Ernst and Mr. Conrad Ernst left tn
a private car for a short visit to Dead-
Miss Katherlne Virginia Becker returns
today from a two weeks visit In Lincoln.
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Becker and Miss
Becker will leave next week for Chicago
to attend the wedding of Mr. Becker's
brother. They will pend the holidays In
Peoria, 111., returning home the first week
in January.
afternoon In honor of their sister. Mr. M.
Oberfelder of Chlesgo, who Is their house
The Harmony Pleasure club will give a
dancing party Thursday evening at Cham
bers' academy.
Mr. Charles T. Kountxe has Issued In
vitations for a bridge luncheon to be given
Tuesday at her home.
The regular meeting of Temple Israel
Sisterhood ha been postponed from le
cemher ( to December IS.
Mr. B. B. Davl has Issued cards for an
afternoon tea for Thursday from 3 to 5
o'clock at her home on Thirty-second and
Wool worth avenue.
Captain Bundel, Lieutenant McCune and
Lieutenant Short will entertain the Army
Card club Monday evening at the Officers'
club at Fort Crook.
Miss Henrietta Gllmore will entertain
Friday evening, December 17, at her home,
10.?0 South Thirty-second fttreet. for a num
ber of her High school friends.
The Dundee Dancing club Will give Its
next dancing party .Friday evening, De
cember 10, at the Dundee hall. The com
mittee In charge Include Messrs. Barton
Nash, Harold Havlland, Louis Dodds and
Harley Deems.
The conspicuous social feature of the year
among the club women will be the recep
tion to be given Tuesday evening at 8:10
o'clock In the rooms of The Omaha W o-
man's club In the First Congregational
church In honor of the visiting women who
will participate in the Woman's day pro
gram of the National Corn exposition. The
reception, though entirely Infoimal, will
take the place of the annual New Year's
reception of the Omaha Woman's club. All
visiting club women are' invited to attend.
The members of the Oolden Glow club
will hold a reception Thursday afternoon,
December t, between the hours of 2 ind t
o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Rocco. 1703
Dodge street. It has been the euetotn of
this club to make donation twice each
year to charity and this year the Child
Saving Institute will be given the
proceeds. Instead of giving this dona
tion In money, the club will buy material
and make clothes for the little children.
Music will be one of the features of the
reception and refreshments will be served.
Tickets are on sale and can be obtained
from any of the members or at the door
on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs.
avenue, will be
the Fature.
Samuel Frank, 611 Park
at home informally this
Helmet and Frocka to the Discard
I Kansas Cltv'a New Year
Wit It the beginning of the new year the
venerated uniform of policemen the Im
posing helmet and frpek coat vanish from
the moving spectacle In Kansas City. In
its place comes a natty tew regalia pat
terned after the regulation dress of the
United States army a dark blue blouse
without buttons, with military collar and
braid edges. The caps for winter wear
will be counterparts of the West Point
cap now In use. For use In extremely
cold weather there will be a hood attach
ment which will fall to the ahoulders and
fasten under the chin, leaving only, the
face exposed. The material In the cap
for patrolmen will be of the same color
and quality as that of the uniforms. The
visor and a front band are of patent
All brandies of the service, ecpt
clerks, Jailers and drivers, will wear capa
nnd uniforms of the same design. Each
branch, however, will be distinguished
from the other by' markers or chevrons.
Sergeants of patrolmen will wear chev
rons of light blue, such hs are worn now,
with a wreath of light blue surrounding
the word "sergeant" en the front of the
cap. . A patrolmen sergeant's cap will dif
fer from a patrolman' In having a band
of gold. Instead of patent leather. The
crossing (quad, which la rated with the
patrolman branch of the service, will wear
tars of light blue on the left sleeve.
where the yellow wheel row is worn.
The motor cycle squad will wear red
stars on the sleeve and "pop-pop" serg
eants will wear red chevrons. It In Mr.
Marks' idea to increase the force mate
rially, using the men for "hurry-up" calls
at a distance from the stations.
The chief, the Inspector of detectives,
captains and lieutenants will wear no
shoulder straps with the new uniforms.
Instead, the chief will wear a gold eagle
on the collar of his coat, and the Inspector
a gold oak loaf. Captain and lieutenants
will wear gold stars on the collar, two and
one, respectively. ,
Jailers, drivers, .hostler and clerk will
wear their titles lettered On tbelr caps.
Their uniforms will differ In cut from the
regular uniform, and are to be made after
the fashion of the oltve-drab fatigue dress
of the army, which has four patch pockets
on the blouse.
Upon thti cap of patrolmen, pop-pops
and mounted police will be worn a nickel
metal shield, bearing the coat-of-arm of
Missouri and the officer's number. The
higher officers will wear their title on
their cap In gold lotters. Inclosed In a
gold wreath.
The designs for the new stars have not
been definitely decided upon, but It Is
probable tliut they will be six-pointed,
like those now In use, and will bear the
coat-of-arm of Missouri. The number of
each patrolman will be In copper, while
the star Itself la to be of nickel. Letters
on each star will be the branch of the
service to which the wearer belongs.
Store for
3? T7 (TV? 3? J?
01 mmcn's Suits, Coats, Dresses and Furs
Monday and all this week, we inaugurate one of the greatest sacrifice sales of
women's apparel we have ever attempted. Prices cut from 25 to 50 per cent on every
garment on account of the immense stock which has accumu
lated during the very inclement' weather of the past few weeks.
Embracing Over 1,000 High Class Suits
Not a single suit in stock reserved in this great sacrificing sale. You
can buy j7our suit here now to better advantage than during the January
sales because prices are as low and assortments are exceedingly choice.
Remember every suit in our entire stock reduced from 2ofc, o Wc All
alterations on suits cost extra.
Hegular $22.50 and $25.00 Suits on sale at . . .$15.00
.tegular $27.50 nnd $29.50 Suits-on sale at. $17.50
ltegular $.T2.50 and $35.00 Suits on sale at $22.50
Regular $37.50 and $40.00 Suits-on sale at $25.00
. Regular $45.00 nnd $50.00 Suits on sale at $30.00
Regular $55.00 and $00.00 Suts-on saje at $35.00
Values Extraordinary!
Several hundred of these fine coats have just been received and they
include the season's most popular styles also scores of new novelties. Every
one reduced to actual cost of making. Here is an opportunity to procure
your coat just when the winter has fairly begun at from 25f to 33Va
below regular prices.
Regular $15.00 and $16.50 Coats on sale at. .' $10.00
' Regular $17.50 and $18.50 Coats on sale at $12.50 .
Regular $19.50 and $22.50 Coats on sale at $15.00
Regular $25.00 and $27.50 Coats on sale at $19.50
Regular $29.50 and $35.00 Coats-on sale at $25.00
Regular $40.00 and $50.00 Coats on sale at $35.00
Roautiful dresses for Btreet wear in one-piece styles made of fine broad
cloths, tricots, wide wale serges and fine worsteds. Also entire line of silk
dresses included. Prices cut from 20 to 50.
A $10,000 cash purchase of fine furs enables us to offer extraordinary
fur values. Beautiful sets in American; Canadian and Japanese Minks,
American, Russian and French Lynx, German and American Foxes; Blue,
Gray and Black Wolves; Russian Squirrels, Ermines, Stone Martens, Opos
sums, Raccooons and all reliable furs. "We can save you from 25 to 40
on your fur purchases and besides the reputation of this firm for square
dealing stands as a guarantee of the quality of these furs.
Twenty-Five Dollars
Huy a nobby little Diamond Ring for a lady. We havn
nice stock of larger one. You could spehd a few
minutes profitably In our store. Look for the name.
1 mie Dotlrjlas Street
(CIS) UTto
u aa-Ji u a. . m m
i Beet equipped dental office In the middle west.
HI 8 beat grade dentistry at reasonable prices.
Porcelain tilling, just like the tooth. All Instru
ments carefully Sterilized after each patient.
Cur lflth and Karnaiii His.
On Iiollar a, Year.
Christmas purchases on charge account during the month of
December, will, upon request, be made payable In January.
f f Burgess-Granden Company
The Christmas gift of this yearr!
is the heirloom of tomorrow
providing you have been thoughtful In its selection
I a fMMeve I0 liye tititxi
11U iir.yvi rra
be $e1ected with special reference
to their lasting qualities, that
they he selected carefully. Fads
of the time and mere "showi
nes" in design should he passed
hy in favor of the truly 'artistic
' Mrtldlags aad Kanaieati.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ireyfooa announce
tbt aiigsf etneut f thtir daughter, Ml-s
A nssfnJ and
dfk lamp,
with two ink
wsils. Hand
some Terete
and substantial produc- -
tions of the great East'
ern and foreign factor
ies of which we are the repre
sentatives for this territory.
Select now, the stock Is most complete
Our courteous salesmen will assist you in your selection and
you will f nd their ideas well worth while. Gifts purchased be
tween now and Christma will be made payable in January,
if you so choose
We carry a tarter stock of Reading Lamp than aU other Omaha Jealera combined.
Gifts for Ladies
.. ... M I
Bled 1 be
who baa the
art cf making
friend, for It
1 c of Sod'
eat gift.
Tnomaa Hughs
That naa mar
last, but never
1 1 y ? s, rrh
innoh receive
bat nothing
give whom
none can love,
whom nor. can
thank creation
blot, ereatloa
Tho. Gibbons
What make a
merry Christ
mast Oood will,
co'" weatb-r,
ii' warm
Diamond In Any Torm are Ideal
Christmas Gifts.
Special Value. Holltairo Plumowl
Rings, choice selected stone, now,
, at $33.00 and 850.00
lilnmond Rings, email, nli-ely cut
stones, In plain or ftuiry mountings,
at 99.00 to $17.00
Diamond Rings, lurger stone In ''''n
or hand carved mounting, now,
at 820.00 to 933.00
Cluster Rings, very pretty combina
tions of Ilamond and Opul. Diamond
and Fapphlre, Diamond and Alman
dlte, etc., at 93.00 to 938.00
Polltalre Diamond Ring, very fine,
selected stones, beautifully cut. set
In any style of mounting desired,
at 560.00 to 9300.00
Fancy Diamond and 1'iarl and Opal
Brooches 913.00 to 98S.00
Diamond Kar Blu U . 813.60 to 943.00
Diamond Set Hiacclets 923.00 to 973.00
Solid Oold Pra-i lcts 910.00 to 919.00
Pllver Thimbles SOo to 91.80
Solid Quid Thimbles . . .93.80 to 90-00
Should bs Substantial and fcong tast
lny to be Folly Appreciated.
Silver Manicure Artl.-les 35o to 91.80
Desk A .'ct'moi lcs In Httrllng. now,
at 40o to 91-80
Ms nil tire Sets, silver . 91.80 to 920.00
Toilet Sots, sliver 93.50 to 935.00
Boudoir and Trivoling flocks, gilt
und bronse '. 91.78 to 910.00
Opera Climbs 93.78 to 933.00
Pearl Holder Tens 9180 to 84-50
Fountain Pens 92.50 to 910.00
Fine Bilk rnibr?llrH . 93.06 to 918.00
Signet RIuks. ex-nptlonal volu-s 93.00
Siunet Rings, fine variety, ouch 93-00
pet Rings, popular stoix-s and com-
t.Hu.tlons 91-50 to 91400
Fine 'pnl Ring, g.-nulne selpcted
Ops In 93-50 to $10.00
Until Moruli Kings, In genuine stones
st 93.00 to 97.00
Plain Oval or Tlffa.iy s-"lyle Ring,
4 or 18k, seainl.-s niadi, earn.
ut 94-00 to 910.00
Watches '
Oood TlmhP Splendid Gift.
O Kiie, Handsomrtly Kngravcd, UulU
Filled Case. Warru-ited 20 y-ar.
with Klgln Movcni.-Mt 91108
Ham Watch, In slie 910.00
Chatelaine Watch, good movement. In
pretty case 98-00
Hlivvr Chuttlalne Watch fur girls, re
lialip! movement 98.50
I!, st Mikes of lold KIH"d ('', w ir
laiili'd ill year, with Kuaraiitt-ed
movement f any dnd inuke, eai it,
ut 912.50 to 980.60
Sulld Gold Wat-his. plain or nliely
engraved $lt.S0 to 0.00
acoss eotaea
on.1 y to those
who lead the
life of en
deavor. Boosevslt.
Money pnt or
waatsd may be
r?oorerd. -Tim
anoe yon
1 gone for
vr. A good time
keeper 1 a
good time t
er. The nnoertalnty
attached to a
poer watch
cans wast
a a d worry,
fhii a rood,
reliable watch
ereate eon ft
dene and sta
bility la the
ns-r. v
C. 23. Drown Co.
16th and Farnam Streets
- KS'SU.k.l