Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1909, SPORTING, Page 2, Image 30

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EStuis loess OSCice
Ojyi A n A
f f '"J C'"""'! 'a
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As advertised in The Omaha Bee.
tl. mum u
As advertised in The Omaha Bcoi
N i I
As advertised in The Omaha Bee.
As acVortise'd in The Omaha Bee.
' I
i" i1 'IM-'LU. JL. 111 '.I.L !.".'' 'J-'.l.LLg'lL 1 -' - '. 11 " ,'. '.'5.'. " '" ,,,. ...l I Ml im J I ,
No cards will he given to children
th Hastings' goal for a tuuehdown. Beck j
kicked an easy foal.
Hulti Oatclaeaed.
Thla touchdown made Peru stronger and
Hatting weaker. Peru's defenae strength
ned and It was hard for Hastings to make
her downa. The ball In the flrat half wi
In the middle of the field moat of the
time with the exception of the touchdown,
and the time when Hastings waa advanc
ing to loae to Peru'a foal. Hastings re
lied upon forward passe and ahort klcka
a great deal, although they recovered the
bail but a few time on their ahort kick.
Moat of their forward paaaea In the aecond
half war apolled by Peru'a taoklea break
ing through and capturing the paaeer be
fore he had time to make the pass. Beck
Of Pent outpointed his opponent, hla punta
averaging- forty to forty-five yards. Peru'a
line did exceptionally well on getting down
on punta, and oa almoat every punt the
Haitlnge back field man waa downed In
hla tracka and In aeveral Inatanoea when
he fumbled, a Peru man captured th ball.
Short klcka and crosa bucka war Peru'a
airongeat offemlve playa, while Hasting
played forward paaaea and Una plunges.
Skinner, Stoddard and Shaver In Peru a
tine did fin dttfanslv work. Otlmore. Beck
and Gelwlek were strong tn the back field.
Stewart waa again hurt In the flrat half
and retired early In th aecond.
Peru has won four, tied ona and lost two
Karnes In thla aeaaon. The two gamea lost
were the flrat two of the aeaaon. The
Peru followers have no excusea to make
for their misfortune, but they only wish
that they had had their game with Poan
a little later In the year. The season's
scores are as follows: Tarklo, 11; Peru, 0.
Doana, IT; Peru, (. Waaleyan, t; Peru, t.
Midland, 0; Peru, 1 Kearney, 4; Peru, t
Second Nebraska, 0; Peru, S. Hastings, 0;
Peru, 4.
Coach E. M. Burnett haa fired the Peru
boys with tha true foot ball spirit He
coaches clean ball and atanda for high-
class, clean athletics. H I positive. In
sistent, exacting, but kind, good-natured
and knowa foot ball men from long asso
ciation with them. Hla work at Peru haa
won him tha hearts of th faculty, ath
lete and atudenta generally. H knowa
tha game and can make a team know It
and play It Ha haa certainly transformed
foot bajl in Peru, both In spirit and In
praotice. He can have work In Peru aa
long aa h wants It, but It la feared that
an Imperative business call to a lucrative
position in Boise, Idaho, will be too strong
to resist. The universal verdict la that
he la not only a genial gentleman, but an
athletlo coach of remarkable genius.
Cap! a las t laws Teams.
IOWA CITY. la., Dec. . Special Foot
ball captalna have been elected at prac
tically all of tli leading Iowa collegea for
the aeason of 1910. Shlnstrom, halfback.
v.'ill lead Grinnell: CflDDess. halfback. n
selected captain of Cornell; Hyland. end.
win neaa me lowa eleven; Hcott center,
was elected captain or Ames thla week;
"Jim" Wilson, tackle, was the unanimous
choice of Drake, and Hamilton, tackle, la
the chosen leader of the Hlmpson eleven,
which will probably be coached by "Clilck"
ivira again next aeason.
(Continued from Flrat Page.)
poaed "Big Five" among tha members of
Will have to bo brought to bear to Indue
him to withdraw hi opposition. Th Ne
braska mentor believe th alumni of th
Hawkey Institution have th power to get
th Iowa athletlo board to accept Ne
braska'a proposition, and to get Prof.
Smith to step out of the way. Iowa
alumni living la Nebraska are being asked
to help out th plan for an annual gam In
Omaha, and It la very likely that some
thing will cense of th caaspaign be-fore
"8om Influence must be exerted by the
Iowa alumni to get thetr athletic board te
schedule tha game with the Cornhuskers
Iowa la ust a little reluctant now, but If
approached by th right people will come
around all right
"Th relations of th two state In every
line would make th annual gam. In
Omaha each Thanksgiving day, for I know
Omaha to be a good foot ball town. "
An Iowa-Nebraka game In Omaha would
be th event of tha foot ball season at both
schools and would draw a large following
of each team to the metropolis. It would
be the occasion for a reunion of old
"grads" and for the nu-etlng of friends.
In addition to thla It would b a good
thing for both schools financially, for
Omaha would turn out well to a Thanks
giving day game, and the two schools
would profit fully as well aa Kansas and
Missouri do by their annual gam In Kan
sas City. This, at least, la what Manager
Eager of th Cornhusker declares.
Manaarer Kurr for It.
This year." explained tha Nebraska
manager. "Kansa and Missouri drew a
crowd of 16.000 and the gate receipts were
more than IW.OUO. Nebrka and Iowa
could draw nearly aa large a crowd at
Omaha one of the big events of th fall
In th Missouri valley. It would be a so
cial occasion and would be Just th thing
I Ames and Nebraska decided at th Ivs
MOiries conference mwimi ti iu
arrange a foot ball gam for next fall. The
two teams did not meet this yer and both
wer anxious to get together for next fall.
The game a HI be played In November aid
will tak place at Lincoln, although next
Analysis of Work of American Association Pitchers
MILWAUKEE. Wla.. Dac 4,-Kargar Of
St Paul waa th leading pitcher of th
American association tor th ssasna of
lies, according to th official pitching and
fielding average Issued today by Presi
dent Joseph O'Connor. Karger woa seven
and lost three game for a percentage of
,7'JO, and Olmatead of Minnesota was
second with twenty-four woa and twelve
lost for .67.
Th champion Loulsvlll team led In
team fielding with a mark of .t3, with
Milwaukee second with .9b.
Thlelman, Louisville pitcher, who played
seventeen game In th outfield. Is the
only player who appear with an avenge
of lOuu, He accepted thirty-eight outfield
ehanrea without an error.
Following are th official pitching aud
fielding average:
year would be Nebraska's turn to play at
Ames, th Aggie having had no gam In
Iowa with th Cornhusker In several
The Netraska atheltlc board will prob
ably take some action on the election of a
foot ball coach during the next week. A.
meeting will b called for Tuesday or
Thursday, when the situation will b dis
cussed. Johnny Bender la the only ap
plicant for th position. "King" Col ha
not resigned and he la known to wish to
keep the place for another aeason.
Many alumni hav written member ef
th athletic board espreeslng an opinio
on th coaching question. Several letter
hav come from Nebraska graduate reel
dent In Omaha, and th majority of thee
request that "King" Col be r-nga4
for next fall.
A captain for th ll Cornhusker elevea
will be slect-d thl wek. The letter m
who wlll'vole on the captaincy hav not
been named yet. but th board will dee 1-1
early In (he week upon a aw plaa fur
grantiag Mters and will select IM sea
son's "N" players
and Ann will wpplaate4 by Xefcraefc
arid Illinois. MiaSnt he Hit) la ea
rno witn etthr e the nn emUunrl
Iowa S'heole u4 II ta I kir tteat eg 'a
tlon of tl. Lo-ue alumni fer gw iti
I'llnwi la ft Leslie mi'.l a gral. ar
v Kied It eaa b arras-- la ta: ewe ta
annual av wi-a vt atttaa a-
! ba ptr4 la r luau. ii r4 at ail.
Nebraska ar4 M.eon ay caa m at.
Jweph. a laa enarrfcent ar (aa tai ntf
era hot after tk gsma. Oeiaaaava w
considered as a t,, gaica tki4 ta
"itnanara" st fTt anltatM .-.-' .-ty rn ira
arecis. far M m ri stuj ar.t a- a y
4vrtlstng la tn ajaaeat aa4 -v. lake
en the na-ttr wuaaal avarwwrdar ir.g
ta acoaauia.
Mlsaaarl May Play Jlekewka.
rOM'MBIA. .. TV. 4 partal
Noihina ilefinlte has bn g!v-n o it yl
-oicerning the Hl't foot b'll a. had'jia f -r
Ul'sourl, but iiKlicatuina are that lrake
O. IP. AH. II PS. 1IB. BR. H. WP. W. L. Tie. O. IP. AB. H. Ft H B. BH R". WP. W, L. Tt- '
flever 41 1T HM M 114 I lo Ut I f 11 1 Tuugherty .. i it le; tit So Tl 1 II II 1
link U lr i 1H 14 11 140 14 n U .. Ckril V )S l 1J6 0 H 4 ?S 1 T 11 1
It M 11 44 114 4 41 r t Me'ilyn ...44 44i If 3U4 l.T lit 14 T 17 II i
Uoodwts) ....46 10 tn 1J4 1 10J Ti I It li .. BVhneiberg.. S k'4 7Jt 1-4 14 44 St 4 11 U ..
h.,ua J? IM M M 1 T 11 .. Wackar . ... iti t-4 li 41 I J4 44 I T J 3
V,et 44 K.T l.M 131 1 71 ia U 14 t sart H 11 A 1n4 11 J i 44 si I IS 14 1
Mca.irdy ... 41 rl 'f lit t 41 4 I II It .. luick M ,1 iJ 11 I V 1 14 14 1
tsoainiraa ... aa t 4 . 1J tl lt V It .. Mrrty .... XI v J r k LI 43 4 U t ..
Kl kaJ 1T Tl W t 14 14 II 1 tarter S3 E 4 Im t I 4.1 II li U
(,iM 4 t Vi tt M l IM I 11 It I l oio.r U i - 11 14 14 17 14 I 14 I 4 44 tt 1-4 14 l It 4 V 1 Le Hoy 41 II 1 .M 1 KT I Tt 1 K 1? 1
p m 1-4 lv .r 1M 14 II t I 11 ., Ci-hring M 4 y. 1 J w t M I' a I 14 IT 1
(.,. 3 II 11 T r 1 It 1 W .. Hll M ri S 14 ? 1 Tt I 4 U
Ku.iper ....! TWT444tli 144.. Kitrey tl lo lj 1,4 7 14 T M 1 II ..
Jui tt ....... 1 4 )rt ktt 44 U 4 T 1 4iHiata4 .. 4t a4 In ! l W 41 111 4 4 1J
,.i M I I avl U: W 4 4 at 1 1? U .. 't.i z i-.J M 1 -i tt 7a 1 4 1 ..
a :i-v 41 ;.H 11 11 K' II U Yum. M it, 1.-7 a T r 1 I n H ..
It.inl .... 4 4 ? lit U 1 te 4 14 1 Wiw a t In ? ii.t H t 41 44 I 4 ,.
ti .4- li4 ja j 4 1-4 I" 11 ? II I r-u-...a ....- 9U4 1 7M t .) M I 14 1J ..
V '.ima ... JO 1 S-M k'.' f 1 tt k 1 14 T Atuvt U M e itJ kl 4 1
.-o. M k4 - 4a 11 It i: . i U I
It Mo Tell '-n -Hornet hlng!
Any Suit or
I)o you nc io what we rv of
ferinr. W will make to your
measure any uit or overcoat in
the house, value up to fl5.M),
for only
in piic we ere mi;i aie ridtuluely low We know Ihia. an 4 w
know eleu .',! ino aha r vl kli.siy cjii! n't with "'Sy afilva.
Iiul a are p'ilvrly rt.utig Just ml at w y VV ere oitrli t a a -ouot at
Ilia t wsrin SMintr ahuh e"iitiaul airing tne fell. Inetetora,
ar a.akli.g i ruaa i u.o- in go.!. Aay auil er aiy 114.
tl lull 14-- gtre.
tisraog. K1
Lafal Betel awtlalar
In Drc:nin2 of Xmns
don't forget to provide yourHf with
new taUoraJ-to-moaaur clothe, auit
all for ach aa Important occalom.
I t)frr yoa Jist th fabric and
fashion yoa delr. workmanship
thai oxrolg. aa4 (It. hto and
lllDcUvao that will ploaae.
I f uarantca the roat shape) and lin
ings for a yr it ttuty (all to wear
right you gft m now deal. !5.00 and
p. Com ovr today.
Afler o4 month's trrtment at the
Ra! taj Inatitato, IL K. llccao,
ht perfect use of hand
tbat waa paraJvxed
and naclrsa.
13 U FTnaKikOnub4 ,
0;a EvenJag Too Lus iak
U Chutl to CI os.
Aa aa txanipl of th wonderful etiret
efTectod t th Radium Institute, follow
ing Is a I tier from a grateful Omaha man.
whs thro xgh Ui'u system of treatment re
calved t a ua of a hand that was pi
aiysad aid ao utterly useleas that he hsl
a contr I of th muscles ef th entire
arm. We hare other letter on file at tli
laatltut as convincing of th vlrtae of
tha Radt. m System aa la tha followlrir:
DMAh i. Neb., Nov. II, 190. Rsdlum
Uedlcal vrd Burglcal Inatltut. Oinal 1
Neb.. I ar Lioctors: I want to thsna
u for your treatment When I cam
to yau c r laft hand and wrlat waa par
alysed t tho extent that It waa uele..i
to m. Vfter on manth of your trt.
mem 10 an rny mends. Tours truly.
fact us at It A great many people ak
mm abot-i your treatment and call on m-.
TM can refer anyone who Is skeptical. I
tak ilea vrs ia reoommendlng yrtur treat-
ent u all vm friends. yur truly.
R. K. HXKta, nit r'Wniam Ptrert.
Omaha." .
Toura tt ly. R. E. REESE. :S1J Fartuitn
si re st. C i nana."
Prnatt you ar Buffering from a like
dlseak. n' you afford to go throuh-ii
lif with auck a handicap or can you af
ford to Irttrjat your case to aom on.i
who 1 r,;t fit In knowledge or ei)ulpnieii!
a giv ; mi in, uccful treatment an I
effect jn a cur aa th above? Tn-
speclalis a men of long experience
Thev ha 'a vry equlpnent Known to tiw
professl. n, their record of past sm
css a 13B won tl.slr efficiaat y t-
baadla y . r eaa.
Aatho , Bronchitis, Catarrh. Rheum a-
tism, tl 1-4 tonea. Stomach. Kidney, Uvft
Ulood i Irln dlaeasea ar best treat I
by Uie i on-terful Radlwa 6ktem. and i
thee tr n auccesa has keen
They -. recently movew trvm tl e ii '
of fire th Patterson block, and ar
now lo a'ed at the northwest corn, r
of and streets, f"
trait re. .14 boulh Thtrteemh street, li
larger Ski tera to haadl llu-lr luiu. r
ria.tlr. a -i.i hav ad.ted eminent pl y
alv-laaa o their staff. Remeioher the D
J4reaa. 4-i ButH Thirteenth BU4iL