Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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Governor Will Listen to Charges on
Law Enforcement Saturday.
7 1 f f
Nebraska g
I.' 1' :-
All Interested May ; to Lincoln and
Take Tart In Final Prorfed-
fader Baekett
(From Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Dec. 4 (Special Telegrarrt.)
Ooveror Shalleiibergcr tonight fixed Satur
day, December 11, at 10 a. m. as the hour
for the f.'nal hearing under the Eackett
law of charges made by Elmer Thomas
and other anti-saloon workers against the
mayor of Omaha and the Board of Fire
and Police Commissioners for alleged fail
ure to enforce the state laws with respect
to the sale of liquor and gambling.
The ordr Is In the nature of acltatlon of
the officials named and specifically In
cludes Chief of Police J. J. Donahue of
Omaha. They are asked to appear at the
hour named and show cause why the gov
ernor should not lssus Instructions to the
attorney general to begin quo warranto
proceedings under the Eackett law and oust
ttn'tn from office.
The order also says that all parties In
terested may appear, hence the conclusion
It Is a final hearing In the case, as was
promised when the matter came -up before
the chief executive at an earlier date.
At that tlmo. Governor Shallenberger said
he would not take action until both sides
had been heard. lie also Intimated that
the complainants should proceed In the
luurts anil show actual violations of the
w conclusively. Since that time one
rjmplalnt lias been filed and the case is
now pending for the alleged operation of
a gambling house.
Secretary Revenwe Prodneer.
The receipts In the offloe of the secre
tary of state for the last sir months sur
pass any former period, so far as anyone
around the state house remembers. The
total receipts amounted to $177,0001.47. Thla
waa divided as follows: Articles of Incor
' poratlon, l.',4'.tu.32; notary commissions,
' 380; motor vehicles, $4,323.85; brands, $234;
certificates, $030.1.'.; corporation permits,
$39,160.85; penalties, $2,010; trade marks, $6;
other sources, $1.
To Inspect Omaha Companies.
v Major E. H. Phelps, Inspector of the Na
' tlonal guard, will be In Omaha December
20-21 to Inspect the companies at that
place. Adjutant General Hartlgan Is go
ing to see to It that every company comes
up to the standard or be mustered out, so
the Inspection by Major Phelps will be a
very thorough one.
Teeley Succeed! Haya.
T. J. Tooley of Anselmo has been ap
pointed a member of the state normal
board to take the place of D. W. Haya of
Alliance, "whose term expired last June.
Mr. Toolsy's term of office begins at once.
The new member Is a banker at Anselmo
and has represented Custer county In the
legislature and has twice been its county
superintendent. Mr. Tooley will be eligible
to to with the board on Its trlD to locate
the new normal sctioooL
Cosd Men Bur.
The coal dealers of the Walsenburg dis
mal ui vuiuruw nave aaaea ins state rail
way "commission to Join with thetn In a
complaint to the. Interstate Railway com
mission to get better coal rates to Ne
braska points. Kansas has already Inter
vened. The Nebraska commission has
written the Colorado people for Informa
tion regarding the amount of coal shipped
Into the state from that district to see If
It will pay to take part In the pro ecu-
Teat of Telephone Act.
The county attorney of Madison county
. .... u . . f.i vjch.i. u ..v.,
Vtrainat the Adams and Pacific Express
companies for refusing to comply with the
orders of the railway commission Instruct
ing the to Install an Independent telephone
In their office at Norfolk. The case Is to
test the law.
Good Honda Delegates.
The governor has appointed the following
delegates to represent the state of Ne
braska at the National Good Roads
soclatlon which meets in Topeka on De
. comber 14 and 15:
" L-vO. Johnson. Omaha, city hall; Dr.
SteI..rt Livingston, I'lattsniouth; Jesse
Fouls, Dlller; J. F. Walsh, Humboldt; Dan
V. Stephens, Fremont ; Fred Hunker, West
Point; Alfred Kllliau, Wahoo; liana Selk,
Elgin: Thomas Garrison, Kearney; James
II. McDonald, North Platte; James Alo-
T Id Marnell, Nebraska City; H. A. Oelrlch,
i , Iljtte; - Charles Coffey, Chadron; Oscar
4 a, Suedburr. Holdrege: John Klmmmm
"I MaMtiiK: H. C. Davis, Nebraska City;
Jacob Klein. Beatrice; Dr. Robert Darnell,
ll-sl Cloud; Ernest Bosemeyer, Jr., Superior;
John Modlin, Heaver City; Koss Moore,
Broken Bow; Colonel J. J. Derlght, Omaha;
Charles H. Fanning, Omaha; Flndley
Howard, Grand Island; D. C. Heffeman
jt luboard; W. K. lttum, Tekamah: Walter
1 Phillips. Columbus; J. B. Murnan, Scott
villa, Aaditor Writes Ben liar.
In concluding a letter to John C. Sny
der, supreme scribe scribe of the Tribe
of Ben Hur at Crawfordsvllle, Ind., State
A 1 1 . 1 1 f ft r rt n n In.t.u . . .
"I want to state to you In most ex
plicit language that I believe practically
the same conditions exist in your organ
isation that existed in-some of the com
panies brought out by the New York in
vestigation. W find that the salaries ofearh of
the supreme officers were increased at
the last session, that throughout your of
fice force are sons-in-law and relations,
making It practically a family affair. If
this wan a representative form of govern
ment and the expenditures were made
that are made and the representatives ap
proved Uils, It would ameliorate the con
ditions, but not being representative, we
feel it is absolutely unjust to the hard
werklng class of men and women who
t make up your organlsatloa to allow the
present conditions to exist.
"In conclusion, I desire to say to you,
as slated in my letter before, that If I
" not receive tangible evidence that your
organisation will be made representative
at the next session. In May, you will not
be permitted if the law will sustain me,
V to write another certificate In the state
of Nebraska.
' "If you care to know the definition of
the word "representative," I would re-
Visitors to Omaha and the Corn Show Make This Store Headquarters.
To Those Making Up Gift Lists
A few minutes spent in viewing our comprehensive lines of Christmas Merchandise would be productive of more sug
gestions than would come in hours of .thought at home. In this ad we mention a small list of meritorious articles se
lected rom our large stock:
GF.XTLEMEX'8 CIIIFrXlROIlE (like illustra
tion) Made In genuine mahogany, con
veniently arranged for clothes, compart
ments for hats, with dressing or shaving
mirror, 21 Inches hy 40 inches long, special,
at $36.00
DRESSIXQ TABLES Golden oak. Imitation
mahogany, bird's-eye maple, toona, curly
birch and dark mahogany, large line to
choose from 12.50 to 875.00
POSTER BEDS In general mahogany in
three quarter or full size, antique design,
special, each $35.00
The greatest collection of Art Objects in brass,
bronzen, English china and Rock Crystal glass that
e have ever shown is now on display for your in
spection In our Brlc-a-Brac Department.
Electric Reading Lamps from $7.50 to $75.00
Gas Table Lamp from $7.50 to $30.00
Fern Dishes, pottery 50 to $2.50
Fern Dishes, brass f)5 to $15.00
Jardiniere in pottery $1.50 to $6.50
Jardinieres in brass $2.50 to $25.00
Desk Seta, for ladles and gentlemen, from, per
set S5.00 to $40.00
Candlesticks in old brass from . .$1.00 to $16.50
Ash Trays from 25t to $5.00
Smokers' Stands J-S3.75 to $10.00
Smokers' Set $2.50 to $50.00
Cigarette Humidors from .JM.50 to $15.00
Cigar Tuml.lors from $5.0O to $35.00
Florentine Fern Dishes $1.25 to $10.00
Our stock la complete in every detail. We show
more styles and more colors than ever before at the
lowest prices.
$5.75 bordered Curtains In all colors, reds, greens,
browns. Great value $3.75
7.85 mercerized Portieres, newest styles, all colors,
at $7.85
119.50 velour Portieres with dado at bottom, im
ported, per pair $19.50
$3.95 Couch Covers in Persian designs, 60 inches
wide, 3 yards long $3.95
Kitchen Dept.
This department offers hundreds
of suggestions in fancy and useful
pieces. (Inspection invited.)
Curving Sets $2.25 to $18.00
Knives and Forks, silver plated, set $3.25
Chafing Dishes, nickel plated, copper and
brass $3.75 to $25.00
Thermos Bottles $3.75 to $15.00
Percolating Coffee Machines for making
and serving coffee at table, $J) to $11
Percolating Coffee Pot $3.50 to $5.50
Baking Dishes, copper and nickel plated,
at $2.00 to $8.50
Crumb Trays and Scrapers, 50 to $3.50
Caloric Flreless Cookers, $9.00 to $20
Fancy Flower Baskets in nests of 5 and 6.
at 25 O to 75
Roasters, a very large line, 25 to $3.50
We show without question the most ex
tensive assortment ever displayed in the
west. There are so many pretty and inex
pensive practical pieces to choose from
that it would pay to Inspect this superb
AUTOMOBILE ROCKER (like illustration)
Made In genuine leather seat, back and
arms patterned after the front seat of an
automobile, back is continuous from the
frame up, permitting resiliency not obtained
in other chairs. We are special agents for
this practical and comfortable Rocker, and
place them on special sale at, each $10.50
BOOK BLOCKS Unique designs In quarter
sawed oak and genuine mahogany, price per
pair $4.50 to $12.00
TIP TOP TABLES Inlaid and plain, variety
of patterns $15.50 to $75.00
at, pair
in mahogany, per pair,
$2.50 to $18.50
(Like Illustration) Comes in genuine ma
hogany, curl birch, polished finish, or dull;
30 inches long, has two large drawers, dou
ble swell front, trimmed with wood knobs,
interior is conveniently arranged with best
grade of lid supports. Price, each $18.50
Large line of other desks In all woods and
finishes $4.75 P to $100.00
MUSIC CABIXETS Our new line of Music
Cabinets, fitted with automatic Eliding
shelves, an excellent feature. Music Cabi
nets are in golden oak, mahogany finish and
genuine mahogany, also in walnut. Prices
range from $6.00 to $50.00
MEDICIXE CABIXETS New line of pretty
v white enamel cabinets with French plate
mirrors in doors ... .$5.50 to $12.00
Ours is a most wonderful display, an almost bewildering assortment of new, unusual and exclu
sive Toys. Our Main Floor is a veritable Toy Paradise that will amuse both parent and child.
Every Toy is new, this season's stock, not an old or carried over Toy in the lot. Come, see Omaha's
Greatest Toy Display. (See our Mechanical Toy Window.)
Christmas Gifts from our Eug and Carpet Section are most appropriate, as the receiver has the
benefit of the gift during the entire year, hence appreciates the remembrance the more. A few of many
useful and practical articles suitable as Gifts follow. A visit to our second floor will pay.
Many Have
Coffs to t ths nuM of hsadaohsa,
sleplsaneas, ate Thsrs's sar relief
la chsnxtnf to
"There's a Reason."
Pitad Tha Road to WsUrUls" In pkgm.
(Like illustra
tion.) Frame
made of se
lect oik
b e a u t i f ul
brown fumed
finish, iat
and back fit
ted with loose
leather cushions, back adjustable to several
positions, each $18.75
SERVING TRAYS Our line comprises the
choicest designs in wood frame, also metal
frame, in brass and nickel finish. Most of
them fitted with glass, $3.75 to $18.00
sler Special is made of select quality of oak.
golden or bog finish, contains all the best
conveniences. Special,
CARPET SWEEPERS We carry the Blssell in all the new
finishes, ball bearing improvements, priced at f 2.00, $2.25,
$2.7S, $3.23, $3.75, $4.23 and $5.00. A most suitable gift,
Axminster Rugs in all colors, both floral and. oriental
styles, assorted in over one hundred different patterns and
color combinations. Sixes and prices of a few rugs follow.
Ask to see them.
any room or made to carry out any color etfect. Our pres
ent assortment is the finest we have ever shown, embrac
ing French grays, two tones and other novelties. These
are priced at, each , $2.33 to $30.00
ROCker or Hrm Chair
(Like illustration) Stickly Brothers' make,
quarter sawed oak, a beautiful nut brown
finish, seat upholstered In best quality of
Spanish leather, special, each . ...$S.50
frames, a large line of patterns; colonial
and antique reproductions, $38 to $375
BUFFETS Our line comprises the choicest
patterns in various woods and finishes.
Pretty golden oak buffets, thoroughly con
structed and well finished, $21 to $100
18x36 Axminster Rug. $1.13
27x54 Axminster Rug. $2.00
27x60 Axminster Rug. $2.50
30x60 Axminster Rug. $4.23
36x63 Axminster Rug. '$3.75
36x72 Axminster Rug. $4.25
36x63 Blgelow Aim. . ,$e.75
36x63 Saxony $10.50
WILTON RUGS, in small and
large sizes, the finest American made rugs, suitable for
ORIENTAL RUGS The growing demand for these rugs as
gifts prompted us this year to put in a larger, better Una
than ever before. Several bales having reached us during
the last week make this line a very interesting one. A
large number of ery choice small Shervan, Khwa, Klr
manshah, Cashmere, Kazak, Bokhara and other well
known weaves. We invite you to look this assortment
over during the coming week, while It is complete. Tha
prices range, each, from $10.00 to $073.00
and most modern
Children's Kindergarten Set
(Like illustration) Very
substantially made pieces in
solid oak, fumed table is
15V inches wide by 25Vfe
inches long, is substantially braced, chair and rocker is thor
oughly made with Spanish leather seat. Price, per set, $10.50
Choice of pieces $3.50
Genuine mahogany Smoking Stand with
metal ash tray, cigar holder and match
box holder, each , . .$2.50
CELLERETTES in golden and weath
ered, imitation or genuine mahogany,
at $14.00 to $75.00
MORRIS CHAIRS Holiday assortment,
golden and fumed frames, imitation
and genuine mahogany, our special,
quarter sawed golden oak or Imitation
frame Morris Chair, spring seat fitted
with loose reversible plain or figured
velour cushions $9.75
WORK TABLES New line of mahog
any Work Tables, very excellent ex
amples of antique and colonial pieces,
large assortment, from $12 to $50
(Like illustration) Made of Bolid oak, with
drawer fitted with writing table bed, firmly
constructed, fumed oak finish, generous
size undershelf, top is 26x40. Special, at,
each .$12.00
CEDAR CHESTS New line Just received,"
made of genuine Tennessee red cedar
brought out in unique designs in all sizes,
running from $9.00 to $22.50
CARD TABLES Folding, feather weight,
covered with excellent quality of felt top,
ach ........... $3.50
Imitation leather top Card . Table, painted
checkerboard top, each -$5.50
spectfully refer you to the supreme court
declsloas of this state."
Nebraska. Gets Carcass Prise.
Prof. - Bmlth has telegraphed Chancel
lor Avery tfiat Nebraska captured the
grand championship carcas exhibit at the
National Cattle show, the total prizes be
ing 900.
Coartet at Penitentiary Famished for
Practising: with Tarnlp 1b
Dials" Room,
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Dec. .-(Speclal.)-One big
base ball fan is wasting his enthusiasm
before a very unappreclatlve audience and
there seems no help for it, unless 1'a
Hourke and the rest of the magnates g?t
busy for him. Ills name Is Boynanovlc and
he Is a convict In the state penitentiary.
According to the monthly report of War
den T. W. Smith, this man has been pun
ished for twenty-two hours "at the bar"
for laughing at everything that comes up
and "throwing a piece of turnip around
the dining room and acting as though he
was playing a game of base ball."
Another convict named Reynolds sent to
the bars for taelve hours for being Inso
lent when he waa ordered to do his work
The rerort of the warden shows that on
November i there were 431 convicts In the
prison and now there are 43ti. Ten wera
discharged during the. month, 11 paroled,
24 committed, 1 returned from parole and
1 recommitted.
Large Deficits
Arc in Prospect
at Institutions
New Steel for Mlaaoarl Pari fie.
PLATTSMOUTH, Neb.. Deo. 4. (Special.)
Nine carloads of Oreeks have arrived and
will nukke their headquarters in this city
while laying new heavy steel rails on the
Missouri Pacific track from this city to
Omaha. Several carloads of material for
the construction of a new steel bridge
across the Platte river at Oreapolls are In
this city, and several carloads are on the
sidetrack at La Platte. Work will be be
gun on tha new structure In about two
Record of Expenditures So Far Soei
Not Presage Good Showing
for Administration.
(From a Staff Correspondent)
, LINCOLN, Dec. 4. (Special.) The condi
tion of the maintenance funds of the va
rious state institutions at the beginning of
winter, after running seven months on the
new appropriations. Indicates that unless
the heads of the Institutions do some re
trenching there will be a great big deficit
at the end of the blennium. In all but a
few of the Institutions the superintendents
have exceeded the allowance for this period.
In some Instances at the present rate the
deficit will be large.
The biggest deficits will be at tha Lin
coln asylum, the two soldiers' homes, the
penitentiary and the state public schools.
The heads of the Institutions have carried
their charges through only the summer
months, so It is probable the deficit at the
end of the winter months will be much
larger than now, as the expenses will be
much heavier. The following table shows
the appropriations for tha maintenance of
the Institutions and the total amount spent
out of that fund for the last seven months:
Appropriation Spent In
Institution. tiiennlum. 7 Montns.
Asylum at Hastings ta&.uX)
Asylum at Lincoln
Ai) um al Norfolk
Institute for Blind
Liistitute for Deaf
Institute. Keeble-mlnded
Ctlrls' Industrial School.,
11 ' Industrial School..
Ind. Home for Women.,.
Orthopedic hospital
Htate pblie
large card and hung up In the local busi
ness houses.
Debates Friday
Two Omaha Men Will Take Part in
Contests with Minnesota
and Iowa.
LINCOLN, Dec. 4. (Special.) The
fourth annual debates of the Central De
baling league, composed of Minnesota,
Illlncis. Nebraska, Wisconsin and Iowa,
wul take place on Friday evening of next
wutK Each school will be represented
by twe teams which will debate with,
tij.inis from two other schools.
Nebraska's opponents will be Minnesota
and Iowa, the Gopher debaters coming to
Lincoln and the Hawiceyes being met at
Iowa City. Teams from the same schools
drlxjteq last year, Nebraska winning from
Iowa and loBlng to Minnesota.
Omaha Is represented on both of the
Nel'iaka teams this year. Herbert W.
Three Years for Hobber.
PONCA. Neb.. Dec. 4.-( Special.) In the
district court today tha jury in the case of
Edward Bum, charged with robbing
Adolph Ilennig of Concord, at Emerson
last rummer, found Bunas guilty, and the
motion for a sew trial was argued this
evening. The motion waa overruled and
Bunas was sentanc4 to three years In the
penitentiary, at hard labor. Judge Welch
gar Bunas some very wholesome advice.
33 2 . 5
hool ld
BuMiers' home. Or. Island iwoul
Suldiers' home, Mllfoid...' ).
Penitentiary 121.'i0
Kearney Normal 1,
Peru Normal ZZ,(M
is::; i
6,iai. o
i 46o.
2.4:i;. u7
7.641 as
.; 62
39 4 .t
a.. 71
Two Swindlers F.x
STELLA. Neb, Dec 4. (Special) Two
sw indlers whs are working southeastern
Nebraska had their graft exposed publicly
at Stella this week and were forced to give
up the money they collected here. One bad
lost an arm and he was making a house-to-house
canvass for subscription to an
eastern- magazine, charging 60 cants In
stead of the regular price of IL The other
solicited advertising at H for a certain
space, the advertising to bs printed on a
ii a
numphreys' Seventy-Seven
Famous Remedy for Grip &
Potitr and Ben Cherrlngton are the two
young men. Potter is on the team that
will inert Minnesota and Cherrlngton is
on the one chosen to meet Iowa. The
other TK-mbers ol the two teams are:
Mlnnebolii four: J. R. Rice, J. T. Vo
tova and Harry English, alternate. Iowa
four: S. P. Dobbs, Q. A. Foster and C.
Marcellas, alternate.
Prof. M. M. Fogg, Instructor in argu
mentation, expects his two teams to win.
K'ih debaters this fall are among the beat
that ever represented Nebraska, and be
Is confident that they have prepared so
well that they cannot be defeated. ,
The question which will be dlscuspd
Is: "Resolved, That Graduated Income Tax
With 111 Exemption of Income Under
$5,000 Ter Annum Would be a Desirable
Modification of Our System of Federal
Taxation." At Lincoln, Nebraska will
have the affirmation side of the question
and at Iowa City it will uphold the negative.
County seat Plant In Garaea.
CHAFPELL. Neb.. Dec. 4. (Special.)
The governor has called an election In the
new county of Garden, which was cut off
of this county (Deuel), and residents have
begun to liven up and will have a real
county seat fight on soon, 'as Osbkosh
supposed there would be no opposition
whatever to locating the county seat there.
Now comes up Lewellen, however, with
J10.0U0 raised for county buildings, and the
fact that It has always been a good, clean
town will weigh heavy with the voters,
and there promises to be a lively contest
To guard against the sudden, changes
that are responsible (or most Coldu
be gure to carry a rial ol "Seventy-
seven" taking a dose at the "first feel
lng" of lassitude and weakness (don't
wait till you begin to cough and
sneeze) 1 and you will never have
"Seventy-eeven" breaks op hard
stubborn Colds, that hang on-Grip.
Handy to carry, fits the vest pocket
All Druggists, 25c.
Humphrey's Honieo. Medicine Co Cor.
William aud Ann Straits, New York.
January 7. The disagreeable weather was
the cause.
MINDEN The roads have never betn
worse In the hlatory of this eounty. Tney
are next to Impassable. Tha ground is In
splendid condition and wheat is In fins
HUMBOLDT Miss Llnle West and John
Mbson, a young couple from south of town,
went to Falls City Wednesday and were
married by Judge Gagr.on. They will re
side on a farm.
BEATRICE Frank P. Mcllayes. while
hunting near this city yesterday, shot
and killed a larxe possum. A number of
these animrls hsve been klld In this
vicinity the last few weeks.
FALLS CITY Mrs. L J. Girt attended
the joint banquet of the Nebraska Societies
Daughters and Sons of the American
Revolution, held at the Rome hotel in
Omaha, Tuesday, November 90.
TECUMSEII Snow has been falling over
Johnson county today. The long continued
wet spell has greatly retarded the gather
ing of corn and has put the roads In al
most an Impassable condition.
FALLS CITY-Mrs. Ellen MeCarty died
November 29 at her home In this city at
the age of 70 years. Three children sur
vive her, Dennis and John of this place
and Mrs. Mary Kennedy of Shubert. v
HUMBOLDT-The Methodist church Is
now without a pastor. Rev. A. 8. Tluiil
and family having departed yesterday for
Lyons, where a vacancy occurs. The dis
trict superintendent will send a substitute.
BEATRICE The Blue river and tribu
tary s tree ms are overflowing their banks
on account of the heavy rains of the last
week. Trains are being operated with
difficulty on account of ths soft condi
tion of tracks.
MIIJX5RD The Congregational church
people are building a new parsonage and
the Ladies' Aid society held a bazar and
gave a chicken pie dinner last evening,
from which they realised the Bum of Ilia
tor the parsonage fund.
STELLA The sun shone a short time a
week ago today, and tonight marks the
close of the seventh day since It showed
Its face in this locality. All day today
snow has fallen, and this la the eighth
consecutive day of snow, rain, fog or-mlt.
NEBRASKA CITY Because of the ex
tremely muddy condition of the roads, the
rural route carriers have not been on titrir
routes out c.t this city for the last three
days. The roads are lb such a condition
that It Is difficult to even travel on horse
back, and then without any load.
PLATTSMOUTH Edward, the son of
Mrs. Will A. White of this city, died in
Wllklnsburg. Pa , Friday afternoon, with
typhoid fever. His mother was with hltc
and will bring the body here for burlaL
He was highly esteemed by all who knew
MINDEN The Mlnden fire department
met in regular meeting and eleoisd oft cen
for the ensuing year. I W. Untrue Wat
elected president; II. T. Campbell, vice
President; C. P. Andrrbery, secretary, and
ohnson Black, chief. The department 1
In a florUhing condition.
CHAPPELL It has been raining hcra
more or less for the last three days, and
with fourteen Inches of snow which fell
and melted off two weeks ago, the ground
la In excellent condition and there are sev
eral of our farmers now breaking prairie,
and fall grain Is looking green and nice.
CHAFPELL The Board of Education has
Installed a new heating p'ant in the kchoul
building here and otherwise Improved (he
?itmles by cement walks and trees. Four
eachers are now employed and Chappeil
has one of the best school In the went,
under the suprevlelon of Prof. A. L. Gash.
FALLS CITY The Falls City Ministerial
(Continued on Fourth Page.)
Nebraska cvs Notes.
FALLS CITY Benjamin Wiser, formerly
of this county, died In Denver last wee.k.
FALLS CITY The work on the paying
has been resumed after a delay of several
days, caused by wet weather,
FALLS CITY H. Morehead, executor fnr
the Cusey estate, sold the lands advertised
Monday, the sale bringing fcJj.Sou.
GTNEVA Mrs. Psgfl, wife of the county
sheriff, has been called to the home ot her
mother at Western, as shs is sick.
TECl'MSEH The Teoumseh basket ball
team defeated the Adams team at the
onora hoi:ss here last evening, by a score
of 42 to 16.
GENEVA About six Inches cf snow fell
yesterday. The ground was very soft from
the rains and had not frozen, making
travel bad.
PLATTtSMOUTII Nelson Jones, aged St
yens, passed away In his home In this
citv Friday. He Is survived by a widow
and their two daughters
FALLS CITY-Morrls Joy died November
3u st the home of his slater. Mrs. Dick
Jones. The funeral was held from ths
Catholic church Wednesday.
TECUSMEII-Ths members of the Te
ouinmh firs department have postponed
their annual bail, which was to have been
held this svenlmj, until JTrlday svening.
Fads for Weak Women
Nine-tenths of all ths sickness of women is due to tome derangement or dls
esse of ths organs distinctly feminine. Such sickness can be cured is. cured
every day by
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription
It Makes Weak Women Strong,
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It sets directly on the organs affected and it at the same time general restore
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local treatment to universally insisted upoa by doctors, and so abhorrent t
every modest woman.
We shall not particularize here as to the symptoms of
those peculiar affections incident to women, but those
wanting full information as to their symptoms and ' t
and up-to-date Edition, sent frit en receipt of 21 one
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Address Dr. R. V. Pleree. Bnfslo, N. Y.