Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1909, HOUSEHOLD, Page 2, Image 26

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Tin: omaha srxDAV v,v.K: DK(i:Mni;u r. mm
- J III II II 1 i -l -.Li!?-
"X. .M'J' '1 I . 1i mm. . T T 1 -
ALL of the Busy Bees know the old saying that "practice innkPH pr
feot." One ot our little Busy Bees from Lincoln, who ha won
many prizes and who writes Interesting storlen on different sub
jects. Is now writing a collection of "Boarding School" stories,
which she may ubllrft. Our Queen Bee Is a clever writer of poetry
and two other Busy Bees have written stories for magatlnes. So writing for
the Busy Bee Tag has been an Inspiration to a number of little writers.
We have a large number of new
the new Busy Bees who wish to join.
which will be printed either this week
A few of the Busy Bees have been sending In stories that they have copied
from some of their books. The children must write the stories themselves
end not take someone else's story and try to win' a prize that way, as that la
not honorable. The prizes are to be awarded to stories written by the Busy
Bees themselves. Not any of these copied stories have been awarded prizes,
but one or them wag printed by mistake two weeks ago. This week two stories
Jt'Bt alike about "The Scarecrow" were sent In, so you see these two little
writers must have copied It from the same book. The Busy Bees must write
their names, ages and address on the stories or prizes cannot be awarded for
the stories.
Some of the Busy Bees seem to, fear Mr. Waste Basket. But. In reality,
he is not very well acquainted with the Busy Bees, for he sees very few of
their stories. Some of the Busy Bees do not keep all of the rules, and some
of them sent In stories written with a lead pencil thfr, week. These stories
will be printed, but will not be awarded prizes.
Prizes were awarded this week to Nellie Dedrlck on the Red side and to.
Myrtle Jensen on the Blue side. Honorable mention was given to Helen John
son on the Blue side. Special mention should be made of the stories sent In
this week by Phyllis Corbett, on the Red side; Ruth Davenport, on the Blue
side; Ruth Rhodes, on the Red side; Ruth Wycoff, on the Blue side, and to
William Davis, ex-king, of the Red side.
Any of the Busy Beea may send cards to anyone whose name la on the
Postcard Exchange, which now includes:
Jean Ue Long, Alnsworth, Neb.
Irene McCoy. Barnston, Neb.
Lillian Mrwln, Beaver City, Neb.
Mabel Witt, Bennington, .'Neb.
Anna Gottsch, Bennington, Neb.
Minnie Uottsch, Bennington. Neb.
Agnes Pimnki, Benaon, lieb.
Aiane Gallagher, cenkeiman. Neb. (bog 12).
lua May, ceniral City, Neb.
Vera cneney, Crolghton, Neb. ''
Louis Haim. David City. Neb.
Knea Freldell, Dorchester. Neb.
Alnda Bennett, Elgin, Neb.
tunic bode, rails City, lied.
Ethel Reed, Fremont, Neb.
Hulda Lundburg. Fremont, Neb.
Marlon Capps, Olbson, Neo.
Marguerite Bartholomew, Gothenburg, Neb.
Lydia Koth, tloS West Kuenlg street. Grand
Island. Neb.
Klia ,Voss, 407 West Charles street, Grand
Island, Neb. '
liftie Ljitnelio, 113 West Eighth street,
Grand Island, Neb.
Jessie Cratord, w West Charles street,
Grand Island. Neb
rauiiue Nchuite, 413 west rourtn street,
tirand Island. Neo.
Martha Murphy, m Fast Ninth street.
Grand Island, Neo.
Hugh Htitt, Lenhara, Neb.
Hester K. Kutt. Lenhara, Neb.
Alice Temple, Lexington, Neb.
Ruth Temple, Lexington, Neb.
Anna Neiiaon, Lexington, Neb.
Kdythe Krelta, Lexington, Neb.
Marjorle Temple, Lexington, Neb.
Alice Grassmeyer, 1545 C. St., Lincoln, Neb.
Marian Hamilton. H)4t L. St.. Lincoln, Neb.
Klsle Hamilton. 202U L St.. Lincoln, Neb.
Irene Dlsher. 2030 L street. Lincoln, - Neb.
Hughle Dlsher, 2030 L street. Lincoln, Neb.
Charlotte Bogga, 227 South Fifteenth street,
Lincoln. Neb.
Helen Johnson, X34 South Seventeenth
street. Lincoln. Neb.
Althea Myers. 224 North Sixteenth street,
Lincoln, Neb. ,
Louise Ktilre. Lyons.' Neb.
Kstelle McDonald. Lyons, Neb.
Milton. Seller. Nebraska City. Neb.
Harry Crawford. Nebraska City, Neb.
Harvey Crawford. Nebraska City, Neb.
Luclle Hazen. Norfolk, Neb.
Helen Reynolds, Norfolk. Neb.
Lttha Larkln, So. Sixth St, Norfolk, Neb.
Emma Marquardt, Fifth street and Madl-
fcon avenue, Norfolk. Neh,
Genevieve M. Jones. North Loup. Neb.'
William Davis, 221 West Third street,
North Plane, Neb.
Louise Ttaabe, 2600 North Nineteenth ave
nue, Omaha.
Fiances Johnson, 933 North Twenty-fifth
avvnue, Omaha.
Marguerite Johnson, 933 North Twenty-
f'fih svenue, Omaha.
Kmlle Brown. 232S Boulevard. Omaha.
Hlrn Ooodrlch. 4010 Nicholas St., Omaha.
Mary Brown. 2322 Boulevard. Omaha.
Kva Hendee, 4402 Dodge street, Omaha.
Harry and the Snow Man
By Helena
snow lay on
A I "'e rUna' heaV'' lld S"OW'
I uch bu 'v to play In
his window In the early morn-
ing. looking out upon the earth
saying mentally: Ah, now,
of white.
1 II build a snow man. And this Is Satur
dayno school to take me from home. I'll
show my ability as a sculptor."
An huur later. Harry, well coated and
nutteiud. was busy gathering together
t"."mv ot snow, ne wanted plenty
ot material beroru beginning to model his the slightest nolse-and was Kpeaking lmr- "Well, what do you thing of that?," ex
snow man. As soon as ho had quite a rledly over the telephone. After having claimed Harry while Ills parents laughed
iime mountain pueu up he begun to work,
nj noon me man s legs were done and
rine pair or legs th y were, too, muscular
uiul strong. When Harry's father came
iul tha feet are wellnlgh perfect."
Harry was so pleared over his father's
pi also at his work that he was even more
particular with tha remainder ot the snow
man's body, and worked a bit mora on
the "flue kue and perfect feet." wanting
tha figure to be Just right iu every pro
portion and angle.
And so Harry worked and worked all
that day and when evening came lie had
only a little raor to do on the snow man's
head. Out as the evening was pretty cold
he thought h would not complete the flg
tir tilt the following morning; go after
supper he sat reading to his mother and
father front a moat entertaining book.
When the clock struck h said good
ahi 10 hi parents and went to his own
loom and was soon in bed fast asleep.
It must hav been almost midnight when
Harry awok. th blight moonlight beam
ing full In hi face. Ha had been dream
ing of hi snow man, dreaming that he had
com to Ufa and was walking about in
th yard, hat and stick in hand. The
dream had been so vivid that even after
waking Harry felt that it must be true.
' and lay In a half dased condition nia.'vel
nig that a anow image should become ani
mated. How d!ii it happen? Ah, h would
astonish th world!
Then a slight nols from th yard below
brought Harry to a mor wakeful mind.
H got out of bad and went to th window,
through which th moonlight was , pour
lug. Looking out Into th yard h beheld
th snow man standing sntlnel-llk, nobis
and silent. Then of a sudden he beheld
th dark flgur of a man or boy dart from
I.- ...i. , .,. ...... .... "" ,,in .... .... l.i:. .- siartiea. Ana men it was tnat 1 went t
" ...... ,.w,i n no nil Uironil, WILI1 ........ , 1 ........ I . , ,11.1 , 1 t r H n II r I . . 1 . 1 1 1 IT 1 1 1 T I , rm VITll. Vlfll. 1 1 1 1 1 1 V a 1 1 1 1 ........
.... v. ,. IM11V whs . ",.v ... u miy mother, me jok is on me. aiio iihj th wllldow to look out ,nd yMW on.
completed that lie declared his son was a their son was there at that time of night sat down and- began drawing on some ,,,.' ,te "rd Th
"real aitiH.'VOr maybe you're an anat- ' Ma bare feet and nlghtrobe. Harry dothea. for he was shivering from the c " ''" , tJJ.
omlst." he suggests, smiling at hit son. ' n"t whispering the alarming cold. . .? . 'el'10' lno PQUce-
"Anyway, you have modeled a fine knee. new ot the house breakers he had seen "The fellowB Intend to have Home fun "An1 'presto, pass' again; and then the
writers this week and we welcome all
Mont of the new writer sent In stories
or next.
Lillian Wirt. iU Cass street, Omaha,
llassett Ruf, 1S14 Blnney street, Omaha.
Jack Coad. 3718 Farnam street, Omaha.
Juanlta lnnes, 2769 Fort street, Omaha.
Meyer Colin, fc4J tieorgla avenue. Omaha,
Ada Morris. 3424 Franklin street. Omuha.'
Myrtle Jensen, 2'M9 liard Btreet, Omaha.
Orrln Fisher, 1210 S. Eleventh St., Omaha,
Mildred Erlekson, ST709 Howard Ht., OYnaha.
Oscar Eticksun. 27W Howard St.. Omaha.
Gall Howard, 4722 Capitol avenue. Omaha.
Helen Houck, 1G25 Lothrop street, Omaha.
Emerson Goodrich, 4010 Nicholas, Omaha,
Maurice Johnson, 102T Locust, St., Omaha.
Leon Carson, 11X4 North Fortieth, Omana.
Pauline Coad,- 1718 Farnain street, Omaha.
Wilma Howard, 4723 Capitol avenue, Omaha.
Hllah Fisher, 1210 South Kleventh, Omaha.
Mildred Jensen. 2707 Leavenworth, Omaha.
Edna Heden, 27M Chicago street, Omaha.
Mabel Shelfelt, 4314 North Twunty-Ilith
street. Omaha,
Walter Johnson, 24C North Twentieth
street, Omaha.
Emma Carruthers, 8211 North Twenty-fifth
street. Omah,.
Qlet0hen Kastman.
130 South Thirty-
eighth street, Omaha. f
Leonora Deniuon, The . Albion, Tenth and
Pacific streets, Omaha.
Ma Hammond, ONelll, Neb.
Madge L. Daniels, Old. Neb.
Zola Beddeo, Orleans, Neb.
Agnes Iiichmond, Orleans, Nab.
Marie Fleming, Osceola, Neb.
Lotta Woods, Pawnee City, Neb.
Earl Perkins. Rcddington, Neb.
Kdna En is. Stanton, Neb. 1
Lena Petersen. 2211 Locust St.. E. Omaha,
lua Carney, Sutton, Clay county, Nebraska.
Clara Miller, Ctica. Neb.'
Mildred F. Jones, North Loup, Neb. '
Alta Wllken, Waco. Neb. i
Leo lteckord, Waco. Neb. -
Mao Orunke, West Point, Neb.
Elsie Stastny, Wllber, Neb.
Frederick Ware, Wlnslde, Neb.
Pauline Parks, Tork, Neb.
Kdna Behling, York. Neb.
Mary Frederick, York, Neb.
Carrie U. Hartlett, Fontanelle, la.
Irene Reynolds, Little .Sioux, la.
Kthel Mulrrolland, Box 71, Malvern, la.
Eleanor Mctlor, Malvern, -la.
Kathryne Mellor, Malvern, J.a. '
Huth Robertson. Manilla. la.
Mildred Robertson, Manilla. Ia.
Margaret B. VVltherow, Thurman, Ia.
Bertlia McKvoy, R F. D. 3. Box 36, Mis
souri Valley, In.
Henry L. Worklnger, care Sterling Remedy
company, Attica, Intl.
Adlena Sorry, Monarch. Wyo. Bo' 12.
Fred Sorry, Monarch, Wyo.
Pearl Barron, Monaich, Wyo.
John Barron, Monarch, Wyo.
Kdlth Amend, Sheridan, Wyo.
Pauline Squire, Grand, Okl. '
Fred Shelley, 230 Troup street, Kansas
city, Kan.
s,,,m . , .
shrubbery to the shadow of the snow .nan.
standing there partly concealed the In-
...... . . t ..lumu u. LlilCfV-LM M lll'llfd
miaer whistled softly. Then another dark
fgU camp from th shadow of the shrub-
bery. Joining the one beside the snow man
n.,.r.. ,. , , ...
iirii it, iui illinium lilt! oo-
Ject of the midnight visitors. They were
house breakers, of course, come to gain
entrance to the house. while the oocupants
mere asleep and unconscious of danger.
In a moment Harry was down the stairs
going in his bare feet, so as to make not
eanea lor police protection he hung up
it rrrv rr Dim van lah, t it t., .
, . .
room. Both father and mother slept
soundly, and It was not till Harry shook
prowling about in the yard, and who were
doubtless trying a window or door at that
very moment.
"We t-hall call the police." said Harry's
fa tlu r. Raping from the bed. "Yes, call
- . i , w --.j r
ifev- ...
The Cowboy
1D1NG 'cross the wind swept plains
Are the cowboys, in their glory;
But their life Is not so full of
As we're told In song and story.
While others sit beside the fire,
Sheltered from wind and snow.
After the half-starved, wandering
The brave covboy must go.
Sometimes he sleeps as on he rides.
In the saddle night and day;
Sometimes he ne'er home returna,
But Is the Blizzard's prey.
1. Writ plainly en on sld of th
paper only ana camber tli pages.
8. XJs pan and Ink, not pencil '
5. Short and pointed article will
be given preference. Do not us ovr
SCO words.
4. Original storlas i lattara only
will used.
6. Writ yont nam, g 4 ad
dress at tho top of th first pag.
First and second prises of books
wiU b giTn for th best two con
tributions to this pag aoli week.
Address all oom m nnloatlons to
Oman a.
(First PrUe.)
The Ocean Dweller's Xmas
Nellie Dedrlck, Aged 10 Years, Sidney, Neb.
Red Side.
Mr. Lobster was seated on a large shell
deep in the waters.
"Wonder what that noise Is for on the
ship," said he scratchlifg his head. "Just
saw the cook come and give a lady and
man another lobster, so I came down here."
He looked around and saw Miss Star Fish
come rushing toward him.
"Oh, Mr. Lobster, today is Christmas,
and we must think of some way to cele
brate it," she exclaimed, "for It seems to
be a great day."
"Wall, we can celebrate, and might as
well begin right away," he replied.
So they began right away and went to
work with a will.
The house they built was made of large
seashellH and the table of stones covcrod
with green seaweed.
Thx Christmas tree was of branching
coral, hung with baskets of presents.
Now." said Miss Star Fish, "U Invite
our friends. Come, we will go together
and Invite them." So they started off.
Soon the guests were arriving. Mr. and
Mrs. Crab came in a seashell drawn by a
out the police," said Harry's mother In
agitated tones. "They may murder us
while we sleep!"
"They can hardly "ilo that, mother,"
smiled Harry, the least excited of the
three. "We are already fully awake,
and I have phoned to police headquarters
for officers already. They'll probably be
here shortly."
"Well, let's take a peep out over the
yard and see what your burglars are do-
lug," said Harry's father, hurriedly throw-
Ing on a. dressing gown and thrusting his
feet Into slippers. Then the three wdnt
to Harry's room and looked from the
window. There, to their astonishment, they
beheld a strange sight. Two large boys
wore busily dressing up Harry's snow
mau. On His head was an old stovepipe
ha; nd on his body an old coat had
been arranged to uang in ver, imturai
folds. A long black pipe projected from
the sill which was Intended for a mouth.
heartily. "Why, on taking a good look
. . . . , . . . . .
be Burton uray ana torn Aaama:
be Burton Oray and Tom Adams! I took
them for men when I first saw them
at your expense," said Harry's father.
"Little do they think that they are be-
JL. MM .
fhmmry Ep-
ing watched." But Just as he said this mysteriously, and which seemed so fraught
a burly policeman I turned In at th gate with danger, ended In a Juke and late re
and, eeelng the youths at work on the fresh ments.
pair of oysters, holding also the other
guests. v
They were all amazed at the tree and en
Joyed themselves very much. '
Now they always celebrate It.
(Second Prize.)
, The Little Sunbeam
By Myrtle Jensen. Kx-Queen, Aged 12
Years, 2909 Izard Street, Omaha. Blue Side.
It was a very rainy day. There was a
frown on Ruth's pretty face as she stood
Idly drumming on the window pane with
her fingers.
"Nothing to do," she pouted, "Can't
even go out to play."
Just then her gaze fell on the little two
roomed cottage which Laura Davis , and
her mother tailed "home." Laura was
lame and circumstances forced Mrs. Davis
to go out dally to sew. The days passed
drearily enough for Laura and as Ruth,
stood at the window, she mentally
wondered what she was doing.
She put on her cloak and hat and saying
good-bye to her mother, ran outside.
In a few minutes she was kneoklng at
Laura's door.
"Come In," was the sweet response, with
which Ruth immediately complied.
"Oh, I am so glad to se you," said
Laura Joyously. "See what I'm making,"
and she held up some doll clothes for
inspection. "I'm making thesa for the
poor children for Christmas," she went on,
"And If sha can Mamma Is going to buy
me some dolls," . . .
Tears came Into Ruth's eyes as 'she
listened to generous Laura's words. For
her she (Ruth) was surrounded with every
comfort and not a thought had she given
4ft this dlrecMon.'
"Please excuse me a moment, Laura,"
she said and ran home. She returned with
a large collection of silks and ribbons.
"Now Laura," she fervently declared,
"I'm going to help you."
Soon they were working hard, Ruth
saying many little pleasantries to amuse
snow figure, addressed them. Harry at
once ran downstairs to explain to the offi
cer that his house-breakers had turned
out to be snow-man costumers, and that
there was no heed for any arrests. The
policeman laughed heartily on hearing
Harry's account of tBe burglars' entrance
Into the yard and good-naturedly warned
them to make earlier calls on their
neighbors' snow men, or to ask permls-
sion to come at such an unseemly hour
of the night.
Of course, the whole affair passed off
pleasantly and the officer was Invited,
along with the "burglars," to come into
the house and have a glass of cider and
a bit of cake.
-We thought Hurry would look from his
widow in the morning and behold Ms
,now rnHn fully dressed, and that he would
declare the figure had become animated
wUh nrt rl Itisr the cold, had nut
upon himself some clothing." So explained
on of the "prowlers" as he munched a
slice of home-mado cake.
i ' . 1 1 n . . i . n i i .. . ,,
.veil, tnawe . uuiit, m uuillliuviice.
"I was dreaming that my
snow man had come to lit and the dream
waa so vivid that I awoke, somewhat
cider and the cake," laughed Tom Adams.
And the incident which had begun so
J.Hinn. wliiisr fneo was bramlng with hap
piness. When Mis. Davis came home they hud
five little dolls dressed ns prt-ttily as anv
of Ruth's large French bniitlvs.
Ruth had gone to the confectionery store
on the corner, where she had purchased
the dolls with purl of her pocket money.
"Won't It he lovely to give these St
Chi'lHtmasT" Said Laura, to which Ruth
nnddi-d assent.
When she wont home with promises lo
come agalu, she felt happier than ever
After that Litura always called her her
little sunbeam, and Indoed she was, for
whenever she came, she came as a ray of
And It all started on that sunless day.
(Honorable Mention.)
Our Four Visitors
T.y Helen Johnson, Aged 14 Years. X14 South
Seventeenth Street, Lincoln, Neb., Blue
Whllo the warm summer winds were
blowing and the birds singing, a great dis
cussion was going on In Mother Nature's
palace. Now this palace consisted of four
rooms. Winter's room. Spring's room,
Bummer's room and Autumn's room.
Winter's room was very .cold looking.
In every corner was a. great throne of
crystal, tinted with silver, and his Icicles
hung around the celllug. On the floor was
his soft blanket of snow. Spring's room
was such a cheerful sweet one. On one
side was a fence made of the dainty green
grass, which was covered with violet buds.
The other thre sides also had fences
covered with half opened roses, daisies and
sweet peas, and long chains cf clover and
bluebells fell from' tho celling. In Sum
mer's room Mother Nature kept her deli
cate colors with which she painted the
skies. The merry chirps of the birds
were heard in her room, and now and then
a soft breez stole from under th door.
All the beautiful birds were caged there,
the robin, bluejay, lark, oriole, wood
pecker and others.
I think Autumn's room was the more
beautiful. Strings of autumn leaves which
were richly shaded with red, brown, green,
yellow and violet hung around the room.
A misty haze which was tinted with pur
ple In some places enveloped the room
which was pierced with the golden sunbeams.
Just a Minute '
By Krna Bressman, Aged 10 Years. 1431
Kmmett Street, Omaha. Red Sid.
"May." said mamma, "coma and mind
the baby."
"Just a minute." said May. '
Just then the baby fell on the floor out
of her high chair and was hurt. When
May heard this she felt sorry and wished
that she had not said that. This taught her
a lesson and ae never said: "In a minute"
The Life of a Pumpkin
itUlil V jUKVli ABTU 11 ICaiS, t V 1 1 W I y
Neb. Blue Side.
First I was a little seed planted In th
ground, I did hot Ilka to liv In th dark
ground, so I came up. , I was little and
round and almost white. ' After I grew
bigger I became yellow then I was ripe.
In a day or two a woman cum and pulled
me, then I was cut In half, and then sliced
and peeled and cut in squares, then put in
th oven and cooked. Then I was taken
out' and the crust of a pie was made and
I was put in tho crust and put on the table.
And that Is why I am hare now Instead of
out in th garden.
How Tommy Got His Thanks
giving Dinner
By Ronald Wyckoff, King Bee. Aged 11
Years, Wllber Neb. Red Side,
"Mamma," said Tommy, "ar w going
to hav a turkey for our Thanksgiving
"No, my dear," said Tommy's mamma,
"papa will not be here and I have no
Tommy was very disappointed. Tommy
went outdoors thinking how he could gat
a turkey for their Thanksgiving dinner.
Tommy walked up the street away. Soon
he met a young gentleman coming down
the street. He stopped and asked Tommy
where Mr. Brown's office was. Tommy
showed him the way, and the gentleman
handed Tommy a one dollar bill. Tommy
thanked him. Then Tommy's heart filled
with Joy. Tommy knew he could buy a
turkey with it. He went up to the market,
bought a turkey for his Thanksgiving din
ner and took it home with him, and they
had a Thanksgiving turkey,
Grandma's Xmas Story
By Rena N. Mead, Aged 13 Years, Blair,
Neb. ExQueen. Blua Side.
It was Xmas eve and th children were
all ready for bed with their little woolen
stockings banging in a row over the fire
place. Grandma crossed the room on hor
way to bed and they ' all clamored for a
story, so she settled tiers If in a big chair
with four eager, little faces peering at
' her from th arms. It had to be an Xmas
story, so this is what she told:
"When I was a little girl my father and
mother thought that It would be nice to
visit my grandparents on Xmas. They
lived fifty miles across the prairies from
us and as there were no railroads it would
take us quite a while to get there.
"We started In a big bobsled filled with
hay and quills and travehd two days, stop
ping over night at a farm house, for the
oxen were very tired when night came
and we got cold in spit of our wrap.
"On the second day w met a party of
Indians. Thev were very friendly for they
had stopped at grandfathers and got soma
very nice esjables. We arrived Just two
days before Xmae. Tiiey were all very glad
lo see us and we were glad to get In by
the great log fire.
"I was soon put to bed so I didn't get
to sea I'ncle John, who had gone to a
neighbors for something. The next morn
ing 1 was tip blight and early and was
hown around the place by I'ncle John.
"In the afternoon we took a ride over to
the villiige. He gave in a whole dollar to
spend Just as I phased and I got some of
the prettiest litlle things..
'! was put to bed earlier than the first
night, but hung my stocking over, the
fire. I never could get along without a
mishap and when I had It nicely hung up
wha) should happen, but the toe caught
fire and l.urnrJ it up. I cried, hut grandma
told me not to worrv. Just hang tip the
Oilier, and l( would be all right.
"And 1' aas all right, too. for Xmas
morning the first thing I took out was a
nice pair of stockings grandma had knit
for me. My stocking was Jtist lammed
full of precious things. I had mils and
randy till i was sick of thm (for on day),
but Aunt Luoy mad some taffy that I
might pull It.
"Dinner was nothing to me, for I had
talon all 1 could, but I took sum goose
and mine pie and I don't know yet whero
It ent. In the evening we all plavud
games and I'ncle John got some apples to
roust on the hearth and some popcorn t
pop In the ashes. It popped all over the
room and t sera mhlNj after It. Silch fun
as It wast.
We went home two days afleiward and
1 hav never had so nice an Xmas. but I
am sure tomorrow will be Just as nice."
Baby had gone to sleep and had to be
put to bed. The rest wanted another story,
hut grandma told them If they stayed up
too. late that Kama might not come so
they all ran off to bed.
Little Fredie.
By Julius Brown. Aged 8 Years. Boule
vard Avenue, Omaha. Red Side.
Little Fredie was a very bad boy.- When
he did something mean and his mother
asked him If he did it. he would say. "No.
I do not know anything about It." One duy
his mother sent him to the store with a
quarter to get a loaf ot bread and bring
30 cents back. When Fredie got to th
store he told the storekeeper he wanted a
loaf of bread and a sack of tobacco for his
father (he really did not want It for his
father, but wanted It for himself, as he
was in the habltpf smoking and using bad
language). The storekeeper at first would
not give It to him, but thinking maybe It
was for his father, he gave It to him. On
arriving home he gave his mother the
bread and change. "My son," said the
mother, "where Is the other nickel?" "I
Inst It," said Fredie. "I am afraid you ar
telling a lie," said th mother. "No I
ain't, mamma. I would not tell a lie."
After supper Fredie went to take a rest,
and in a few minutes was fast asleep. Ail
of a sudden something touched on each
shoulder, on the right shoulder the Fairy
of Righteousness tapped him, who said,
"Come with me, Fredie. and I will Bhow
you something nice." "No," said the Fairy
of Badness, "he Is coming with me," and
she pulled him with her. In a few minutes
they came to a lot of boys smoking and
using bad language and doing all sorts of
bad things. All this Fredie liked, but when
people came by kicked and spit on them
he did not like. Just then Fredie woke
him. "Mamma," said Fredie, "I will never
tell a lie again. I did not lose the nickel,
but bought me soma tobacco to smoke.
Please forgive me."
Moral: Never tell a lie and always ba
Returning Good for Evil
py Oladys Harris, Aged 10 Years, Red
Oak, la. Red Side.
Once there was a little girl named Esther.
Her parents were very rich. Of course she
had everything sh could wish for. But
one thing about Esther was that she was
very selfish. She had a very nice little sil
ver purse. Every time sha went to town
her mother gave her B0 cents to spend as
she pleased. Sh had a nurse named Ellen.
(Now Esther was only 10 year old.) One
day she said to her mamma: "May I go
up to town, mamma, pleas?" "Yes," re
plied her mother, "but Ellen will hav to
go with you." "Oh, mamma," sh said,
"can't I go alon today?" "Well," replied
her mother, "you may go alon this time."
So sha skipped away to, her nurse, telling
her to fix her for town. This was soon
done and she kissed her mamma good by
and away sha flew down tha street toward
town. What did sha 'see tha first thing
but a little beggar girl named Louise.
Louisa came out towards Helen and said:
"Won't you please help a little beggar
girl Ilk me?" "No," .replied Helen, "I
have no us for little poor girls," sha said
harshly. Louis went in an old alley and
cried as If her heart would break. Sh
went down to town and bought some candy,
nuts and some other things. Helen reached
horn and found her father very sick. In
about three days ha died. In about two
months Helen's mother died. She did not
have any placa to go. Now, she too, must
bag. Louisa was adopted by a very wealthy
family. She always took a dollar to town
with her. On day a she went to town
tha first thing she came across was Helen.
Helen cam out and said: "Won't you help
a poor little girl like me?" "Why," said
Louisa, "where do you l!vT" Haln ans
wered, "Oh, I live In the streets and alleys
or any place I can." Then Helen told' her
sad story. Louise told her sha waa a beg
gar girl once, but she was adopUd by
wealthy people. Then Louise said. "Well,
I will see what I can do for you." Sha
took her home and they adopted Helen too.
So, was this not returning good for evil 7
The Lady's Thanksgiving
By Ruth Davenport, Aged 11 Years, 12J2
Norfolk Avenue, Norfolk, Neb. Blue
In a little whit cott lived an old
lady named Mrs. Whit. She was very
poor and she was lame. The only friend
she had was a kitten and sne sat alone
all day.,
Thanksgiving came, she thought mhat
she was going to have to eat. Th only
thing she had was bread.
Some of the neighbor children thought
of the eld lady and planned to take her
a Thanksgiving dinner.
When dinner time came a knock waa
heard at th door." The lady said, "Come
Illustrated Rebus
In," and ihev rushed In with a hssket ami
placed the basket on llm table, while they
emptied it and the lady sat watching the
children. After the children lmd gone tin
old lady looked to ss what they brougl't
her. and this Is what she fvund: Soup, tur
key, potatoes, gravy, dressing. ta, celery,
cranberry sauce, pie. nuts and candy. Not
only the old lady enjoyed It. but the children
did because they had made eom on el.-
Their Turkeys
By Ruhv Kacklev, Aged 10 Years. Moor
croft, Wyo. Red Side.
One upon a time there lived a pair of
twins whose names were Vcre and Vlriu
It was the tlay before Thanksgiving and
their papa could not go out and catch a
turkey. Th little girls went up to the atlo
and dressed themselves up like turkey
and went out to the woods. They hid lit
the bushes and pretty soon the turkeys
came. They went out and each grabbed
two' turkeys.
When they were about home Vera fell
down and one of her turkeys got away.
When they got home their father had
some hot water to dress them In. They
hRd a beautiful Thanksgiving dinner.
Valina's Dream
By William Dalrs. ex-King, Aged Years,
North Platte, Neb. Red Side,
Vallna was reading a fairy story, which,
happened to be "The Fairy Princess," wheu
suddenly shi closed her eyes and a prince
stood before her, followed by a chariot in
which sat a princess. They went by and
Vallna saw a little dwarf, who said in a
squeaky little vole, "Would you like t
visit our city of fairies?" "Yes," said Va
llna, very much pleased. "AH right," he
said, and produced a very small whistle
on which he blew twice, and a very small
chariot appeared. "Oet In," he said. Va
llna looked very distressed, for there were
two seats and neither was bigger than a
dime. The dwarf blew three times on tho
whistle and then a maglo wand appeared
In his hand. Ho waved it over Vallna and
she become very small ajid then she and
the dwarf got into the chariot. They passed
many houses and were soon In Fairyland.
Flist they came upon a group of fairies
painting some flowers. "Weil go up and
visit Brother Moon " Just than Vallna
awoke and started to read again.
Why Poppies Hold Up Their
By Ruth Rhodes, Aged 8 Year, Busln,
Wyo. Red Side.
Most of you know that fairies really are
flowers. There was to be a grand ball at
Queen Rose's palace. All of the fairies ever
known were to attend. It was to be from
o'clock at night until 1 o'clock In the
morning. Queen Rose was very busy dec
orating everything. At last the guests ar
rived. They were led by Lily and Chrysan
themum. Many, many, many more fol
lowed. The bees gave them their finest
honey. They gathered dewdrops, which
were served as a drink. One of th fairies
found a piece of ice and an orange on her
way. She had some of the fairies make
some sherbet out of It. So you see the
refreshments were honey, dew and sher
bet. It waa served in acorns. They bad a
very good tlm after supper playing games
and things like that. All of a sudden they
ran outdoors, got Into chariots, which were
very finely decorated, and began rising up
Into the clouds out of sight
All did this but the Poppy. And this la
why the Poppy alwaya holds up her head,
because she la trying to find out where
they weut to. ,
The Thanksgiving Pies
By Martha Richmond, Agd 11 Tears, 611
North Twenty-second Street, Omaha.
Blue Side.
Nellie, John and baby Helen were kept
out of the kitchen all day. Mamma's
voice waa heard often giving Sadie, th
cook, orders. But they could not hear a
word they said, and were wild with curi
osity. Now. you must know 'twas tha day be
fore Thanksgiving, and the turkey , was
being dressed, the sauce cooked and th
pie baked.
The pies were the moat important with
the children; there were pumpkin and
cherry pie. for they were to have company.
Aunt Mildred and Cousin Harvey, beto1n
big sister Baasle's beau, who liked baby
Helen very much a,nl oftn bought her
You might think children more Interested
in the big, fat turkey, but no; it wae In
the pies.
Now listen. The pumpkins were John s.
All summer he had tended them. Tin
cherries were Nellies. They came from
her qwn little tree, and she picked them.
At last the day came and they bad a
happy, happy time.
Naughty Norine .
By Phyllis Corbet t, Aged 13 Yearn, did.
ney, Neb. Red Side.
Norine was the -youngest child of the
Vanderbelt family. She hud three broth
ers and one sister, who war very fond
of her, although she had a bad temper
and was very apolled.
Norine had ono pet of whom she was
very fond. It was a black cat, whom she
called Tabby. She used her sister's doll
carriage for his buggy ami often dressed
poor Tubby up In doll's clothes arid
walked up and down with 1.1m in front of
the house.
One morning hhe was busily engaged In
dressing ThIi!v up.
"Now, Tabby, you sit still or I'll spank
you, ho I will." said Norine, "and we'll go
for a nl walk, you and I, and Sister
Nellie can't go with us"
At last she succeeded In tying' a doll's.'
hood on his l"4"'' "'"I "tapped him tlglulyf
In the doll carriage. Poor Tabby mewed
l,,teouiy. but Norine had no mercy and
Has sunn pushing the buggy up aud down
on the walk.
Tabby, If you will slop crying I'll ask
mamma if we tan go and see grandma,"
nal.l Norine. " j
"Minimis," she cried as she ran lnt
(he house, 'Tabby and I are going to see
"Not to"aay, deer. Grundma is enter
taining and you might bother her," an
swered her mother.
"But I want to show her my new kitty
and I'se going, so there," pouted Norine,
"You may go some other time, but' not
today, Norine," said her mother.
But a wicked thought tame into Norine s
mind. "I'll go anyway and take Tabhyt
and mamma will never know."
She an soon around the corner aoI
walked a long time.
I gueas grandma moved, Tabby, I
run't find her house. I guess w'a lost."
And Norine began to cry and aat down
on a doorstep and sobbed herself to Bleep,
She never knew when th door opened
ml a klnd-heartd old lady brought heg
Into th house. When she awok all
found herself In bed and aaw her mothvr'g
anxious fac bending over hr It trU 4
sad lesson for Kortn bK H 4WUi4
of Uisobedteuoe. . .