Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1909, HALF-TONE, Page 4, Image 24

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    THE OMAHA SUNDAY UKK; hlXKMBKIt :. 1!0:. li
Wc extend a hearty welcome to all Corn Show visitors. You'll find a p.fl
visit to our store not only pleasant but very profitable as well Use our free check stand,
telephone, etc. Make yourself perfectly at home here. The savings shown in our special offerings will interest all buyers. Try Hoyden's first.
n T7rr3nn
Sheetings, Sheets,
Muslins and
Heavy Domestics
In Our Famous Domestic
10x4 Heath Sheeting, bleached:
regular price 2Xc, at ... .22'i
8x4 Roach dale Bleached Staeettng:
regular price 26c, on sale liftH
. Brookdale Muslin, worth 8c, at 5
Product JH
Unbleached Muslin, N. N., worta
8c, at (J
Dictator, worth 8c. at f (
suv. i : t s
81x90, worth $1. N. N 05 1?
TL'xSO, worth 90c, N. N ,"iO
81x90 Bergen, worth 76c ..48c4
lbc Honey Combed Towels 3
10c Towels, good and large 7'
irir Towels, good and large
Good, fast colored apron ginghams.
worth 7c, at , 5
12lic, 15c and ISc Flannelettes.
at 10k
10c Kiaunelettcs - TVa
1 0t: Outing Flannel T''C
1 2", ir Outing Flannel 106
Several other fine goods on sale
at equally low prices.
Grand Ruching
35c Ruchings, at, yard 10c.
"We arc denning up our
stock of 2oe. imd :)w fancy
Hucliings, Mt, yard. . . 10c
We can save you from
'2)fc to 3)fc on high grade
Switches. We will match
your hair crfectly. See the
very Special Values in
Switches; on sale Monday at,
98c, $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00
New Hair Light Crown; on
sale at .50(;
Silk and Hair Nets All col
ors; on sale 5t lOc, 15c
New Coronet Braids, Monday, at.
, eh ; -83.50 and $4.50
Ladies Hand Bags, regular $1.00
to $6.00 values, 40
$1.50 to T$3.00
Men s Card Cases and Bill Books,
Ladles' Vanity Bags and Card
Cases, special values Monday,
at .... . 40 to $2.50
Aw Dress friniuiiiiKg Most com
plete and desirable lines of dress
trimmings In Omaha; all latest
novelties, in gold and sliver
trimmings, specials 1J), 25
aD1 35
Special Holiday Reductions
In Our High Grade Linen Department Monday
Tnble IiaiiiHsk, :o inchrs wide, pure
linen, full blenched, worth $1, Mon
day, yard 780
Hemstitched Tablc-loths, warranted
pure linen, full Bize, worth $2.75.
Monday, each $1.60
Hemstitched Towels, duck and dnm
iixk white and colored borders,
worth 39c, Monday, each 85c
Lace bordereil r'-scr Scarfs and
otlipr fancy linens In one lot, 12.00
values, Monday, ach 98o
Blue Enamel
L'vrry piece guitriintrcd perfect
violet blue outside, white lined In
ilde. b-qt. I'rwerrlng Keltle. worth 4f.e,
only . 95o
l-lt. I'offee (& 'I'eapom, only a&c
6-(t. 1 'of fee or Tivipots. worth tii'c.
only 36o
lV-ttt. Rlie Boiler, -vorth 0c....3Bo
"-cit. Rlc Itoller, worth 7Rc, only 40o
No. H Teaklile. worth $1.2o. only 76o
4-ul. Ciiiltllnc H.itiK, -vorth XRc....lSo
aoHwiM uu, Fmioa
II nlxe Urge, oval rt.iHSterK, only 6So
Cold handled Kry l'aria. worth I'Rc.
only 10c
Sheet atcel riip i'aim, any lr.a. worth
up to 60c, only XOO
I'aniake Uriddiea. No. M aiite, worth
4l only So
The genuine WaKtier Waffle i'roin.
worth $I.U.. onl' .. . 70
V.iuc H.xlilioai dH 19c
lolly Washboards loo
iitc t'orn I'oiiiirrt Cracuerjack ..19c
Curious Capers of Cupid
hnllt V.alrloiuulal Parr.
VKHl'.TT WILLIAMSON". 20 v,-i:-s
W. I 'U. cleik III the office of H.
,1 f I Minneapolis ,fc St. Louis rail
road in t nicugo anil son of an
official iit that load s traffic de
drpartuieiii. on ThmiksKivtni!
day married Mies JoM'pliii.e loidoii. 17
ears old, 2M4 Portland avenue. Mlnm-atiolis.
afcer defying her parents and outwitting
the police, who had bcn et to Mop hint.
Williamson was u member of the St.
1ouls rodTs staff while It maintained lis
branch In St. Paul und was removed to
Chicago when the' branc h was transferred,
lie had long known Ml hs tiordon, but her
parents objected to their marriage uii loe
grounds of their younth.
Without telling even his bride-to-be. Wll
liamon arrived in Xt. Paul, secured a
license at the Hennepin county court house
and called at the home of the Uordou. He
asked Ming Gordon to accompany him dow n
town and on the way they met Mtas Agnea
Lut.dboliii. ul4 luiversity avenue, whom
tbey asked to accompany them.
Williamson led the party to the home
of Hev. tl. Keihle. 700 Eighteenth avenue,
Minneapolis. -
"Why this Is a ministers house," it d
the girls.
"Oh. jes." aid Williamson. " thought
I would come heir, as Josephine and I art
going to be married."
'JJarrtedr quoin Miss Josephine, "Why,
Draperies and
Best 45-Inch Madras made, plain
white, cream or colors, the genu
ine Imported article, yard, 69c,
and &9
3 C-itu h Genen Taffeta, handsome
designs, yard 30
4 6-lnch dotted and figured Swisses
-the kind you generally pav 39c
for, at 23
Figured Etamlne, spring designs,
t ISC1
Ruffled Net Curtains, the $1.98
quality, per pair S1.24
Ruffled Swiss Curtains, $1.98 val-
t $1.10
Fine figured Tapestry Table Cov
ers. $3 goods at $1.39
$2.30 goods at $1.69
$:t.00 and $3.50 goods at $2.48
Nottingham Curtains, pair, 8 nr.
B 0c, fi 9c. $1 up to $5.00
S-M. Novelty. .pair. $l.3, $2.50, f3.0O,
83.50, up to si a. so
grade lmportil Hum- princess
loclmss hrusxel. pair,, $18.00., tas.oo. up to 550.00
Grandest line of Portieres from
I:'. .'ill to 40 per pair In Omnha.
Rugs and Carpets
We are now showing all
the new 1910 patterns. By
buying direct from the
mills we are always able to
show them first.
. Don't Miss Monday's
Special Bargains.
$30.00 Axminster Rugs
Uxl'2 size, 43 patterns to
select .from, at. .$21.98
French Wiltdn Rugs 36x
G3; on sale at $8.98
liu nil liar Kugs, 36xG3, on sale
l $0.48
Kest AxininMei- ltujrs, 36x72, on
8le t $3.49
Best Axminster Rugs, 27x54. otr
Bale t $1.98
foO.OO Itaxdad Wilton Hugs,
9x12 size, rich patterns, at,
each $42.00
$18.K) Tapestry Brussels Rugs,
seamless, 9x12 size, on sale at,
each $13.75
$35.00 Ilodf Brussels Rugs, 22
patterns for selection, on sale
at ' $25.00
Tablecloths, unheimned, border all
round, slxe SxlO. silver bleached,
German make, Worth 13.60, Monday,
MHiiiiuoth assortment tmportrd Cluny
Pieces, Mexican drawn and real
Irish hand embroidered scarfs,
square mid circulars, all marked at
reduced price Monday, comment in
at $-'0.00 down 10, each 19c
All mail orders filled with care.
Ware Sale
Knameled handle HoIIIiik I'ins lOo
HO C'liithespliin, three Oc ackaKes loo
( hopping Howls, only . . 130
KoldltiK Ironinif Hoard with atand'8o
: -Hny foftce Mills 35,,
Hquitrn Ash Hitters, only 'la
i'l'l "urIll''''d WrlPKera. worth
ti bo
The famous Western asher. ! K3.98
The Kasy yankec Waaher .
6 rolls Kic Toilet paper for ... SSo
Hiiuare Ulrdcattes. worth S5c. only 490
hnamvled I'lshpans iSo and lo
Sue Parlor P.roonis. special 36s
Aiiy brand food Chopper made, worth
$1 25. only B9o
Galvanized Waahtubs. on sale.. 40c
8'.c Flour ('ana, SO-pound nlze 6So
r.e Hread Boxes, on jale at 48o
Wo. 8 Xtiak, coppor bottom haavr
oli. 15
No. 8 ( opper Boiler. H-oz. copper all
over, w.iod hundleu on sides and
cover. --worth S3 everywhere, siie-
'a' t f (3.98
Fviieti. uj.iit do you meun? I'm not
fixed up."
"Oil. that'll be all risht." soothed Wil
liamson. And the knot was Immediately tied, with
Miss Lundbohu as a v Itness.
The parents, suspecting, put a pohcemsn
n the couple's trail, but they got away
from him on u street car, the gates closlni'
just the policeman came puffing up. He
caught ihem down town afterward, how
ever, and look them to tl.e (Vniral po
lice siatlon. wl.ere the told their story.
They were held untill Mlsi Lundbohn,
summoned post haste by phone, arrived
wltu the iiianlaKe certificate from. the
I readier. The paieiu and the police
looked mis over and the couple were te
leased. ( Hlai Hrldr et lira.
An ocean romance, culminating in mar
riage at Whitesboro, Y.. when Robert
Ablelt, a wealthy knit goods manufacturer
of that village, and Miss Lliia Lillian llosl
of L' West KInely-sixth slreet. New York,
a former employe t,i a department store
In New York, were married al Mr. Ablelt s
The aieamer Majesilc. sailing from New
Wk on July 2, i,,,, carrleJ Mr. Ablelt
and Misa Hose. The two. neither of whom
bad seen each other before, were bound
for London. Mr. Ablelt on pleasure and
Misa Rose on a business trip They were
introduced, ll waa a case of love at first
Silk Remnants From the Jefferson Silk Mills
Thousands of yards of Black and Colored Silks of every description, secured in this Great Mill
purchase for cash at a very small fraction of their actual value. All newest colorings and weaves,
in lengths suitable for waists, dresses and trimmings. Your greatest opportunity to secure silks
for holiday gifts-IIALF PRICE.
Not only do we lead in Black
$1,25 Black Taffeta-
Oil boiled, ''W-iu-OiT-.
wide, on sa le . . . O O C
Comparison is all that's necessary to prove superiority of our
Most Wonderful Garment Values ,j Season Mon day
Our Cloak Buyer has just returned from New York, where he found manufacturers greatly over
stocked on account of the unseasonably warm weather prevailing throughout the United States.
Bargain getting and bargain giving without precedent in the history of our Cloak department is the
outcome of his selections. High class outer garments can be bought here from now till Christmas
at prices prevalent in February Clearance Sales. Delighted crowds thronged the department Sat
urday, and Monday's offerings will undoubtedly bring the greatest selling of the season.
Beautiful New Dresses for street
and evening wear, richest new
colorings and fabrics, values to
$40.00; on sale at $25.00
52x54-inch Coats, in fancy mix
. hires, Kerseys, broadcloths, etc.
values to $15.00, at. .$5.00
Fine Mink Fur Sets; at
$75.00 to $300.00
$7.50 or above
Long Silk Kimonos for Christ-1
mas gifts; prices $3.98 to $30.00
Stove Dept.
Specials Monday
" - .
Here's some items of most satisfying
quality, at very distinct price savings.
All Cast Cook Stoves, nickel trimmed,
with 18-lnch oven, at $14.50
11-in. Oak Heating Stoves, special, at,
each $4.23
Euclid Cook Stoves All steel and mal
leable, with 18-inch, square oven, full
nickeled, combination grate; $28.00
value. at $10.05
Makado Steel Range $35.00 value;
all steel and malleable, with high
closet, 6-hole top, 18-inch oven, full
nickeled, Monday, at $20.50
Stove Pipe, Monday, per Joint . . . .7
sight, and before they parted In the Brit
ish cupital they were engaged.
Mr.' Ablett Is a widower, 71 years old. He
bus beeu connected with the knit goods
business since ID years of aye and has
amassed a fortune. He lias no children,
his only daughter, Mrs. Powell, dying
about two years ago. His bride is about
years old.
Married Sun's ll vorcrd Wife.
When Thomas Fenley, -71 yesrs old and
wealthy, married Mr. Annie Keuley, of
Phlliidllphla. he not only took a bride
twenty-nine years younger than himself,
but became the husband of his son's di
vorced wife.
Fenley, whose home is In Woonsocket,
K. I,, is now the bridegroom of his daughter-in-law
and. is stepfather of hi own
grandson, Walter Fenley, who is a young
electrical engineer. '
Secrecy was observed in the wedding ar
rangements, and the ceiemony was per
formed by a magistrate within an hour
after the license was granted. Kven Mrs.
Fenley'a son was surprised when he heard
of it last nigiil. The elder Fenley's chil
dren were said to be dumbfounded when
word was sent to them.
According to a friend of Mrs. Fenley, the
bi Ide was divorced from her first husband.
Kdward Fesley, about five years ago. He
U still liviig.
Since lir divorce, Mrs. Fenley lived in
Philadelphia with her two ana rr led alsters.
The husband of one sister Uvea in Frank
ford nd the husband of the other resides
iu MaaaahuselU. . Neighbor say that the
famBy circle a increased by the ad eat
Silk showings, but you'lalways
$2.00 Silk Serge HG-in.
$2.00 Cashmere
.".(J-in. wide, on
sale, at, yd
Tailor Suits
175 Samples at Half Newest
'styles, richest materials and color
ings No two alike.
$75 Tailor Suits S37.50
$65 Tailor Suit $33.50
$50 Tailor Suits .. $25.00
$40 Tailor Suits $20.00
75 Fur Coats Sable, Coneys, Astra
kalins, Russian'ponfey, etc., regular
values to $45.00; greatest values,
ever, at ...$19.90
Underskirt to every purchaser of
Ladies' Sweaters on sale; $3.00
and $4.00 values $1.98
Blanket and Comfortable Sale
$1.00 A pari) e Red Blankets, at,
Pa'"" 74c
$1.98 1179 Assorted Fancies, on
.Bale' at $1.24
$2.50 1187, 1188, 1189. your
choice .: $1.36
Cotton Blankets, from 25c each,
to, pair $2.50
Wool Itlankets Eight different
makes of all wool blankets, $5,
$0.50 and $6.9, all bunched to
gether, for . .$3.38
Six different brands of the very fi
nest All-Wool Blanket, matte. Koine
are slightly soiled; all bunched l
iretlier; worth pair 87.50, $10, 818
$15.00, per pair B4.43
Best fartory made Comforts In world
now In atorli, 69o, 750, 85c, Sl.OO,
1.99, (l.SO tip to .819.60
Our own haiuf-inade comfortable.
heft allkollna. patina, cretonne and
hst wlilte medicated cotton, $1.95,
$3.35, $3.50, $3.00 and $3.00
of the elder Fenley some months ago, but
It was supposed lie was visiting his grand
son. Mrs. Fenley is a good leaking woman
and appears younger than her real age, 42
years. Her new husband shows his 71
years and seems to walk with difficulty.
Many Miles for a Hrlde.
For thirteen yeurs Albeit A. Kendrlck of
Los Angeles called daily on Hiss Mabel K.
Young of Wilmington, tventymlles away.
They were married by the ltevVj. L. My
eis of Hie Broadway Christian church.
Ourlng his long courtship Kendnck lias
not missed a single day of the 3U0 each
year In culling on his fiancee. Before the
street cars connected Wilmington and Los
Angeles he rode the twenty miles each way
on a bicycle, and before he had a bicycle he
walked it or drove or rode horseback..
He has used every means of model n loco
motion except the flying machine, and he
said today: "If she hadn't consented to the
wedding this time I guess 1 should have
had to get a balloon or an airship."
In all he has traveled at least litt.Koi) miles
to win his bride.
-I his Wradlag a Porut. '
A genuinely poviic marriage was the one
at Calvary Baptist church, Middieton. N.
Y., uniting Clarence B. Crane, a young
business man of that city, and Miss Luella
May Clark, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Isaac M. Clark.
The .Kev. John A. Courtrlght, pastor of
the church, performed the oeremony, which
aa nearly all la poetry, and the service
was so impressive that it promises to be
come a popular fad with those eligible for
A 41 W "III
find quality here at lowest prices.
$4.00 Crepe Melton 45-
& f 50
in. wide; beau- CO5
tiful fabric. . . .
4 I
Stylish Dresses, in silks, Jerseys,
broadcloths, prunellas, serges,
etc., all colors and sizes; up to
$20.00 values $8.95
165 Tailor Suits, worth to $27.50,
broadcloths and fancy worsteds
45-in. satin lined cotits; on sale,
a at ..$10.00
Genuine Blue or Black
Wolf Sets.. $25.00 Up.
anv dress skirt in. the house at
' . . . . FREE MONDAY.
Infants' Sweaters; regular $1.00
values; on sale at 49c
Fine Holiday China
From France, German-, Holland, Kiir
land, Japan, Italy and a magnificent
line of the very best domestic produc
tions. Bon Bon Dishes, Hair Receivers,
Powder Boxes, Sugars and Creamers.
Cups and Saucers, Cream Jugs, Olive
Dishes, Hat and Stick Pin Holders,
Chocolate Pots, Fern Dishes, Plates,
Bouquet Jars, Crumb and Dresser
Trays, Salad Bowls, Vases, CrockB,
Jars, Syrup Jugs.
it iiiu iajth
Special . $1)25
Lot 2
Special .
Lot 3
.More comiriete aHNiirtment u-or
never shown in Omaha, and values lie
yond quest ion the best ever offered.
the ceremony. Mr. Courtrlght only re
cently assumed the pastorate of the churoh,
and hia remarkable. Innovation in wedding
has been a decided hit.
Confederate Weddinar.
With the church draped in confederate
colors, the bride and groom dressed in
confederate gray and the minister and
ushers, confederate veterans In full uni
form, a unique wedding was solemnized In
Atlanta. (!., recently.
The bride was Miss Lodl Will Byrd, the
daughter of a confederate veteran, and the
Bridegroom, t.'eorge K. Morgan. The cere
mony was performed by General Clement
A, Hvuns. dres.-ed in complete confederate
uniform. Six veterans of the confederacy.
In uniform, acted as ushers and General
A. J. West. In confederate uniform, gave
away the bride, who was attended by six
girl frlende; also iu confederate gray. Con
federal., airs were played and "Dixie"
was rendered as tile wedding purty left the
Wooa taJ Wilis In One Ua.
Accompanying his puMor, Hcv. K. U. 8.
Burdette of Fvansville. Ind., to Mauuie,
III., a few days ago to attend a Christian
Kndtavor convention, Claude Sandefur, to
years. old, a bachelor, met, wooed and won
Mrs. May Quails, a widow, all in the same
day. They were introduced to each other
by Rev. Mr. Burdette and he married them
at Maunie.
Wedded Fire Words.
MUss Ida Echeid of Springfield. Mo., had
ber wish to be married In secret gratified
la aa unexpected way. MIm Beheld tu the
High Grade Wool
Dress Goods
" Another Great Reduction
From 8 to 12 A. M. Black
Dress Goods only, Priest
ley's, Lupin's, Arnold's, etc.
All $1.00 Black Goods 74
All $1.25 Black Goods Q4
All $1.50 Black Goods $1.12V4
All $1.98 Black Goods $1.25tt
All $2.50 Black Goods ..$1.38
All $3.00 Black Goods ..$1.05
All $4.00 Black Goods ..$2.00
All $5.00 Black Goods ..$3.74
From 1 to 6 P. M.
Colored Goods Only.
All $1 Col'd. Dress Goods . .68
All $1.25 Col'd. Dress Goods HOC
$1.60 Col'd. Dress Goods $1.10
All $2 Col'd. Dress Goods $1.20
$2.50 Col'd. Dress Goods $1.4()
All $3 Col'd. Dress Goods $1.00
All $4 Col'd. Dress Goods $2.03
All $5 Col d. Dress Goods $3.68
Assortment, quality and
prices leave nothinfr to bo
desired.. Magazine Racks7
Cellerettes, Tabourettes,
Music Cabinets, Side
boards, Buffets and China
Cabinets, etc., in complete
assortment at lowest
Many Monday Specials.
Ladles' Fancy Sewing Rockers,
$1.50 to $4.85
Arm Rockers, sample line, at,
each $1.05 t $0.50
Music Cabinets, each, now,
t $4.85 to $28.50
3-plece Parlor Suites 30 dif
ferent styles for selection, on
sale $10.85 to $110.00
Combluatlon Bookcases 35
patterns for selection, special
Monday $14.25 to $33.00
Morris ' Chairs and Turkish
Rockers, at $8.05 to $50
Buy now; make a small pay
ment. We will deliver at any
time you direct.
Grand Holiday Reductions In Bed Spreads, Sheets and Pil
low Cases In Our High Grade Linen Department Monday
Imported Marseilles Bed Spreada full
mie. Knot tec iringe, js.lttf value;
Monday, at $3.88
Spoclal Imported Marseille Hed
Hpreads. cut corner a and knotted
frlng-n, 15.00 values, Monday, $3.60
Special Crochet Bed Spread, heavy
fringe and cut corners; regular 12.25
values, Monday, each .$1.60
Special in Bed Sheets, size 81x90,
seamleaa; the very best values ever
Read the Big Holiday Grocery Sale
Lay In your supplies now for Xmas.
We nave you from 25 per cent to 50
per cent.
Buy Floor How. I Will ray.
48-lb. Backs best high (trade patent
flour, made from the finest No 1
wheat, per Back $1.40
19-lbB. best pure cane granulated
t 1.00
d-lbs. clioire .In pan :'lce 26e
-lbs. best rolled breakfast oatmeal.
at 25o
( lbs. best pearl tapioca, sago, barley.
or hominy at ii5c
The boHt hund picked navy beans, per
pound 6c.
The best while or yellow cornmeal
per sack 16c
The best domestic macaroni, pkn S'jc
The bent corn starch, pkg oc
Dromangelon, Jellycon or Jello, per
fiackuge 7Hc
le best domestic oil or mustard sar
dines, can 4c
All kin ls breakfast food, corn flakes,
pka- 7.Sc
Quaker Whcad'lake, pkg 7Vc
l)ecker's Worcester Sauce, per botile.
at 10c
Large bottles pickles, horseradish or
pure tomatoe catsup, per bottle
;-lb. cans fancy swvet sugar corn
S-lb. cans solid packed Tomatoes
at c
noon hour went to the court house with
Claude O. Buckner and obtained a marriage
license. They met Justice of the Peace
Hubbard on the court house step's and con
fided In him their desire.
"Clasp hands." the Bgulre said. They did.
"Man and wife, $2," the Justice whispered.
The passing; throng never guessed ttiat
the marrying Justice of the Ozarks had tied
a nuptial knot in record breaking time.
Available Devices, the t if of Wale
Would Diminish l.uas of
Commenting on the coal mine disaster at
Cherry. Jll In whloli nearly SU0 men lost
their Jives, the former president of the
I't.lted Mine Workers. John Mitchell, sup
ported with these figures his assertion that
"coal mining Is the. most hazardous In
dustry In ihe I'nlted States:"
Four men out of every 1,M employed in
cotd mines In Hie t'nlted States are killed
every year, in the continental countries of
lVirone less 1 1, an one out of every 1.000 is
l ifie.ii ii, en arc killed In coal mines in
tile t'nited i-ilates each working day. There
are about 200 working days In, the year,
making thd annual sacrifice l.ooq lives.
In review of the death toll of coal mines
in the world today, Hartley M. Phelps says
thai 60 per cent of all fatal mine accidents
and 9 per cent of all non-fatal accidents
In this country are d.ue to falls of roof and
coal, the I'nlted States leading all nathins
In this respect, with a ratio of 1.70, which
High Grade Wash
Goods Dept.
Christmas Wash Goods Sale
Arnold's Mercer do Soie
beautiful shades and print
ing, half silk 50c
Arnold's Coral de Soie, fine
goods, half silk ...... 39c
English Poplins, fiest pop
lin made, f)0c shndes, 50c
Anderson's genuine Scotch Ging
hams, 500 patterns .t....25
Serpentine Crepe, new shades,
firm colors 1&C
All wool Eiderdown, 28-lnch, reg
ular price 50c, on sale .... 15
All wool Crinkledown. regular
price 59c, on sale , ,25
All wool Eiderdown, yard wle.
sells for $1 yard, at 35
Several other bargains In fine
New Laces
We have .just received a
new tine of very fine Baby
Irish Crochet Allover Laces.
The very latest novelties for
l'anfcy yokes, sleeves and en
tire waist patterns. Regular
$4.00 to $7.00 a yard values;
special prices, Monday, yd.
$1.08, $2.49, $3.75 and $4.25.
A special line of Allover
Ibices, at, yard . , J)8o
lion City Laces
, We are sole selling agents, both
wholesale and retail, In Omaha,
for the Ziou City and Elyria Wash
The ZJon City factory, the larg
est in the world, is owned and op
erated by Marshall Field & Co. of
The Elyria laces are made by
the American Late Mfg. Co. of
Elyria, O. They are superior in
every way to foreign made laces,
and are not subject to the 60 per
cent import duty Imposed on for
eign products.
See Monday's Specials, at
5C 7H and 124tf yard.
Lace Nets A special line of
fancy, lace, dress nets, on sale
Monday 25 up to $1.75
offered: worth $1.25, Monday.. 80o
Extra SpeclaJ Junt the thlnK for
hotels and apartments, size 81xS)
sheets with French seam, worth
11.00; Monday, each 60o
Pillow Cases, slae 4Gx8fi. worth reg
ularly 10c; Mondav, lio
N. B. We carry a full line of hem
stitched sheets and Pillow Cases,
also extra lonn hotel sheets, at pop
ular prices.
Dried rrulta fox your Xmaa Faddinfs,
Flea and Cakes.
Fancy Cleaned currents, per Ib...8Ho
Fancy muscatel raisins, per- lb..8lc
Fancy muscatel aeeded ralslna per
package 8a
Fancy Cal. sultana raisins, lb..l24o
Kancy Moor Park Apricots lb ISo
Fancy yellow Crawford peaches, per
pound 8VC
The best mince meat, per pkg...8lc
!uffy-s boiled cider, per bottle. . 20)
Fancy Cal. cooking 'lgs, per lb..8',o
The best lemon, orange or citron peel,
pound 20a
For Fresh Vegetables, Etc., Xayden'a
Fresh beets, carrots, turnips 2c
Shallots, per bunch 4c
Large bunches fresh radishes 4c
New cabbage, per pound lHc
Fancy Wax or Oreen Beans, per lb.,
at 10c
One pound is equal to two quarts.
2 heads fresh leaf lettuce Be
Large cucumbers, each
Large egg plants, each lOo
2 heads fresh celery Fio
Fancy ripe tomatoes, ter lb 10c
Fancy cauliflower, per pound 10c
Oood cooking apples, per peck.... 20c
Large pineapples, each 16c
Largo grape fruit, each Be. 7 ',4c, 10c
Anything you want, we have It la
fresh eg-elablea.
is four times that of Belgium, nearly three
times, that of Oreat Britain and doublo
that of Germany. These falls of roof and
coal, it should he mentioned, are often
caused by explosions weakening the 'roof
and walls of a shaft.
"If coal mines were equipped with tele
phones throughout tholr workings," aays
Mr. Mitchell, "It would be possible for men
entombed to let those on the outside know
the location uPthe place in which they
were gathered, or at least let them know
what was their condition. And thua the
work of rescue would be greatly aided.
"If mines were equipped In all their gal
lflies with pipes through which compressed
air could be. forced the needed oxygen could
be supplied. And in like manner it would1
Rl:o be"posslble to supply food, at least
food in liquid form, to sustain life for a
few dnys.
"No mines are equipped with such devices
as these, and my suggestion Is not dlrecUd
to the Cherry mine alone.
"A very simple device which would bo
of advantage In all mines, In the event of
flie, explosion or any other accident which
would cut off egress to the main shaft.
would be the building of a number of com
partments, each large enough fur IU) or
more men .to Kather In, so arrange that
the douis could be closed, making them air
tight. If these conuai tinents were con
nected with air pipes to the surface they
would be havens of safety for great num
bers of men killed In mines, not by explo
sions themselves. ' but y the . afterdamp
that always accumulates after explosions.
This Is done In European mines, and has
been the means of saving large numbers of
men entombed through fir or explosion."