11 THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBERS, 1009. CRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET V7hcat Situation Reported Unchanged and Little Doing. SCALPING EULE OF DAY IN PIT mark; wmtprn firsts, free esses, 32' t mark; current receipts, fiee. cases, 2-iHi 30c at murk CM KF.SK Firm; New York full rr-am. chigoe. 17c; New York full cream, fair to (tiMKl, 16''iile t'ah lions Ar Itnylnar t rn, t.lvlnsj Strength to (ash Vilar Against Activity of th Bear Speculator. OMAHA, Dec. 4, 1908. 'i l.o wheat sltustlon la reported to ba unchanged ana the market Is onlv a Ku,.ng affair for the present The rh ilemand for wheat seems slower and should heavier receipts material! con gextlon I rxpertr.il. t'BHli houses are free buyers cif corn, which l the reason for the etrenitth of tlio cash values, while speculators ara busy ling the option lower. Wheat vi easier on lower cable and general bearish senilment of the pit ele ment. The altuallon la upe-hanged and upi overt receipts nre expected to lower I ha cash stuff and affect the future op tion from the present levels. Corn was dull and lower on lack of de mand and better acceptances from country shipper. Cash handler were the only bnytrs, and aa aoon in early order were filled the market dried up and prices declined. Primary wheat receipts were 2R8.O0O bushels and shipment were 7R7. OnO bushels against receipts taut year of 76,0o0 bushel and shipments oi 7i.0U0 bushels. Primary corn receipts were 76S.O00 bushels and shipments were SSS.OOO bushels, axalnst receipts last year of 4X1.00 bushel and shipments of JP.8.000 bushel. Clearance were 1SO.O0O bushel of corn. 8.O11O bushels of oats aid wheat and flour equal to M2.0OO bushels Liverpool clotted V4d lower on wheat and i mgtier on corn. Local range of options: Artlcles. Open. Hlgh. Low. Closc. Yes'y. Wh eat- i i i Iec... 1011 Wl !. 10014 May... 1 00 I 1 00 99 , I SD: 100 Com I I Iec... V. f Ki MSI MS 53 May... 64.1 6S 6T7i 57 bS Oats- I Dec... 8H 3M avvif jsi-, May.'.. ' 40Sl 40 40S! 40 40H Omaha Cash Price. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 11.03ft 1.04; No. hard. the 1.02. No. 4 hard. uVU9!tc: No. spring. 1 trii I 03; No. 3 spring. St7ciQ.61.01; No. 4 spring. Wane. COHN-Xd. 2, .67-fllc No. 3. 6761c; No. 4, OOfriiOc; No. 2 yellow. G7&Clc; No. J yel low. 67iieic: No. 2 white, 6Sfllc; No. ; white, 6Jig6lc, OATH Nn. 1 mixed. 3V,fff3e- No. 3 yel Vow, 3&3yi4c; No. I white, S-jVsffi 3c ; No. 4 white, oR-m'U'SDc; standard, v. RYE No. 2. 71c; No. 2, SiXiTOc. Cnrlot Receipt. Wheat. Corn. Oata 63 845 84 15 3 71 MRW tOIIK l;KMKH 1 1. MtnKKT (.notation arlona XEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Recovery in Valuei Gathers Force oa Buying by Short. Chicago Omaha Dulutti CHICAGO CHAIN AND PROVISIONS Featnre of the Trading and rio.lng; Price on Board of Trade. CHICAGO, Dec. 4 The railroad strike In the northwest ' had ceased to be a factor In the wheat market today and tne eye of the traders were again focused on Ar gentina, where ather conditions were said to be favorable for harvesting. Fa vorable crop reports from the, Mouth Amer ican country caumd a heavy tone In the market all day and at the close pr.ce were VtVSc below the final f Inures of the pievloue session. Coarse grain and pro visions also closed weak. Although sensational rumors were cir culated on the floor of the exchange be fore the opening of trading predicting to aene.ral strike on all railroads as the out come of the situation In the northwest, the reports were given no credence In favor of the more optimistic tenor of t new emanating from the scene of the labor trouble. Traders, however, were inclined to await further development before opening up new deals, and as a result the volume of business was small. The rapid spread of harvest operations In Argentina Inspired more or less selling throughout tne day, which resulted In moderate weakness In all deliveries. Cold weatner was the offi cial forecast for the entire winter wheat belt, but this failed to have any bullish effect, owing to the newly-seeded crop be ing covered with snow In many section. The range on the May delivery' for the .y was between 6l.OiVW8l.06H. Tre mar ket closed only a trifle above to the low eat point, with May at 61.057. The corn market was weak and cloeefl almost at the lowest point, with prices H Ho to He below yesterday' closing. Oat were moderately firm at the start, hut developed an easier tone early In the session and became weaker as trading progressed. At the close prices were a shade to Ho lower than yesterday' final figures. Provisions were weak. Price at the close wero 7Hfi27Ho lower. 1 lie Icmuihk tuiuic ranged a follows: i of the Par on Commodities. NKW TOUK. Iec. l-FLOU Jl-Kwetpt. 2.W2 hbls. ; expat t. 7.2M) bhls ; market dull at the old level of prices. Minnesota pstents. IS..1MiS.55; Mlnnoents bHkers, 6 S4 Ki; wlnt'-r patents. IV&Vufi 75; winter straights, V.vruh.V; winter extraji. 64..W 4 W. winter low trade. $4 V(4.70; Kansas straight. lSif0. live four, quiet; fair to good. 64.2oii4.2R: choice to fancy. 64.3 1.0. Buckwheat four, dull; bulk, 6Z.19 per hundred pounds. .(IKHKAI-S(e(ly; tine wntte. ana yellow, II. 50u 1.5ft; coarse. 1 1.4011.4--.; kiln dried, m. RVF Steady; No. 2 western. K."4c nom inal, f. o. b.. New York. HAKLKV On let : feeding, fclfjCo. nom inal, r. . f.. New York. WHEAT lircelnts. i:S.O0O hu.. spot, mar ket steady: No. t red. II 2j'4 nominal, domestic elevator; No. 2 red. 61.244. nom inal, f. o. b., afloat.; No. 1 Northern Iu luth, $1.17i. nominal, f. n. b., afloat; No. 2 hard winter. 61. 1H. nominal, f. o. b.. afloat. The wheat market was easy un der lowar tables, favorable Argentine news and sel lng hy commission houses and on proxrects of the early settlement of the strike, although December was firm on short covering" and light offerings. The close was ic net higher to He lower. De cember closed I1.17U; May closed 6M2H; July closed 11 04H. CORN Receipts. 27.000 bu.; exports, kw hu. Hpot, market steady: No. 2. 72o asked, elevator, domestic. 72140, nomlnel, de livered, and 7c asked f. o. b.. af oat: No. 2 yellow, nominal. Options was without transactions, closing Vic to He net lower. December closed 6Hc; Mav closed IPHc OATH Receipts. K5.675 bu. Spot, market steady; mixed oats. 2HfrS2 pounds, nom inal; natural white, 2"-S2 pounds, Wn 46c: clipped white. 3(S1 pounds. WiV. Option mirket was without trannctlons, ctoslnir unchanirrd. MhV closed 47Hc. HAY Firm: Nu. 3. SUCu6e; good to choice i.7,rri 1.0ft. H I IiRH Quiet : WofTota, 2IHTI22HP; trsl America, 22fi22'.4c. I.KATIirR-Firm; aciil. 22ii30c. PROVISIONS Heef. uulet; fuml'y, 0fV SO: mess. 61I.W"12 Oil. beef hams ft-coii- rnrWet ti 2 xviii2 .Ml: cltv extra In dla mess. 6'.'1 .OtVyn P0. Cut meats, steadv; Plcklod bellies. lS'.'i14'ic: pickled hams. nf'13Hc Iard, eav; middle west. tl3.Wl IS 75: refined, barely steady; continent. 614 30; S. A., 615.00; compound. 9.'f!l0. Pork, steady; family. imv77 00: short clears 6"4 50f" 2i.50: mess. 6?T..2MiX.75. TALLOW Steady; city 162 per wickage), 6Uc; county (packages free. CfTfiHc ;irF Steadv; domestic. 2HfiTc. BUTTKR Marely . steady; dairy, common to fine. 2MiZ2c. CHKE8K Firm; state, new, full cream, specials. 17Gt 174c; same September, fancy, Kr; sameOctober, best, lfi'ic; same, late msde. beet. VKc; same, common to good. 125.ftllH': skims, full to special. 6c to Wic POULTRY Alive, steady; western chick ens. 12c; turkeys. 12170. Pressed, eay; western chickens, broilers, 174J c; fowls, IMUIo: turkeys. lSfi22o. EGOS Weak: western extra firsts, 313 :0c; firsts, 284) 30c; seconds, Zj'u-'fc. gold coin. 6T7VT.-H.W; silver dollars, 64 . .wiOfl; sliver dollsrs of lttl ..si.t.s; nlver certificates nut . landing, 64M 2.w. tjen etal fund Stsndsrd silver dollars In g n eral fund. 63.'l.2il. curjent lidbihties, 6H0. w7.si4: working balance In treasury off.c.-s, ix.,3.v; In hanks to credit oi treasurer of the Cnited tales. .ii00l,2: suOMdiary silver coin. 6'.".7iio 2!"i; minor coin, l m.- . total l.alame in getiTl fund, 6M,- J4. GOSSIP ABOUT THE MESSAGE Brokers Pretend to Know that There Is otblna In It that Will Dis tort the Market Steel Leads It Up. Cen- 6ir.no IL'4.00 NKW YORK. Dec. 4 The recovery of clocks today was carried further with gath. erlng rorce and animation and with large responsibility attributed to the demand from uncovered shorts. The speculative community protested the Ufual confidence In Its fore-knowledge of the contents of President Taft s message after It had ar rived at the print stage. The outlines of the coming message which were accepted as authentic In brokers' offices had the effect of soothing some of the apprehen sions frlt eariler In the week as to the manner in which topics hearing on corpora tion interests would be handled. Tho resumption of aggrexsive market operations In 1,'nited States tsteel of a oon certud character had a marked sentimental effect on the whole market. Reading fur nished an effective leader for the railroad group end was afttcitil by renewed rumors of coming interest in the dividend disburse ment, 'the same Influence strengthened Rock Isiand preferred, coupled with tho lact that that stock s preferred claim to UiviuYna rUts In kilo to a per cent, com pared with tne 4 per cent hitherto held Reports persisted mat the strike of rail road switchmen would be end-d shortly and stocks oi railroads immediately af fected i'uhp vigorously. The market broad i nert out materially at the last and closed buoyant and very active. 'the bniiK statement reported sufficient loan reduced to scale down the deposit nubilities and so limit tho Inroad up m the sni in us by reason of the cash loss to but little over 61.Ui,uoV both by the average and the actual computation. IJonus were iiiin. lutal sales, par value, 't,K.',iio. l'nlted Stales 4s, coupon, declined and the registered t per cent on call. Number or sales and leading quotation on slocks were: WEATHER IN TUB GRAIN t BELT Snow Possibly Snnday, with Not Mora Change In Temperature. OMAHA. December 4. 1909. The area oi o..i vvuivs, ivui.cu mov ing in over mu i.uniici la lot: pieccuiog leiiull, Ilua rmauucu uun over me iien.iv juuuiuaiu Biiniu tuiu M.anoui'i vane uuim. Ill psi lktu.-lvur liuue allu uas tuuou a, vi-iy ueciucu tan in IcniitidiUi'ij uvi-r uu Xilcul9 uiiici iktis&iiiipl Vinei, lalouku uui him itiiMuuu vuney mui m liuuuiiu uistrici. A. dciueaaloii allll overhangs the aoutu wi.st una ik nuugh ot mialiveiy luw oitbteuro cxmuus Hum tins acii.taioii, ovhi elm lower Aiibeolili aim up urn iUiaissippl Vitneys lo me upper lake regiun. nuuwa com I u miougituui the upper vauejs aau west during nit: last twciuy- tour Hour anu aro t.ie'iai una iuo.iu..g hum ih Aiisbourl liver west lino lu mouiiiaiiis. witn rains and snow in ui aoutliwest. The utiBeitleu weauier IS ex eenuiiig easiwuiu and run are Idiliug in tne exireme uppe-r ftti.-8isaippi vmie-jr ana imka remuii tins iiiuruuig. Conuuioua ate tavoiauie for snow to con tinue in itua vlcnuiy today ana po.s.oiy iu in gill, tunowcu uy fair Sunuay, witn co.Uer touigiu Mid continunil cuid bunaay. Record Hi tumperaiuie and pifccpilaiion cuinpureil wun inn jurrtopununig uay ot me ial three years: IW3. 1308. law. 19u0. Minimum temperature.... 15 IS 26 37 Pieciniiatlon U6 T .M .1 iSoriujU teinperatuie tor tuuay, si aegreea. ixcesa iu . piocipiiauon nincu Alarcu 1, 3.83 Inches . utile niicy corresponding period In 1906, 4.61 Inche. Uetlc.eucy corresponding period In MOT, 6.8V Inches. L,. A. WKLSH, Local Forecaster. Allls-Chulmera pfd.., Amal. l.'opper , Am. Agneuiiurai .... Aru. !-eet feugur Am.. Can ptd A in. C. ' Am. t'otion Oil Am. H. & L. ptd.... Am. ice Secuiiiies.. Am. Linseed Am. lAicuinotive .... A in. H. . R Am. M. Ac R. ptd. Sales. High. Low. Close. sou ihm 04 26.6.AJ AM Hi 10 3U0 2,'mo l.Mnj 1,600 duo 'ii'.ioo i, if) 88 46 46V4 i4, 464 2tv "ei" 4o' 4H it hrr, 46 '4 2BVS 4lC a 6S14 46 i6V4j 14 it- Xew ork Money Market. NEW YORK D"C 4. MONEY On call. nominal; time loans dull end steady: sixty days, 4v6 per cent; ninety days. 4 4- per cent, six months. 4' per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE FAl'bK-fKtU per cent. ST ER LI NO EXCHANUE Firm, wttn actual business In bankers' bill at 4 Minn 4 8416 for sixty-day bill and at 4 S7,'uy 4.87(5 for demand. COMMERCIAL B1L8 4.834 .P3V PILVEK-Me; Mexican dollar. 43c. PONDS Government, steady. Closing quotations on New York bond were as follows: U. 8. r. 2s, reg.,.100 Int. Met. 44s 84 do coupon loo I. M. M. 4vts 71 V. 8. as. reg l'MUJspun 4s f.'S do coupon ii do 4H mi U. 8. 4s. reg U4K. C. 80. 1st 2 a do coupon ilNL. 8. deb. 4 1931. IU74j A.-C. 1st fi 4L. N. nl. 4s.... ri Am. Ag. fia lOiM. K 4T. 1st 4s W- A. T. Ac T. cv. Is Mi do gen 44 IH'J Am. Tob. 4s 74Mo. I'scllie 4s.. Icl do 6s J"HN. R.R. of M.4Mi 4 Arm'r A Co. 44s. N. Y. C. g. 3Hs.. H Atchison g. 4s.. ..loo do deb. 4s SV do cv. 4 li4N. Y., N. H. A. do cv. 6 ilKS H. cd. 6 1M At. C. L. 1st 4s.. :a N. W. 1st c. 4 Wl'4 :! do cv. 4a mi-tj )f-iiNo. Pacific 4a.... 103 W "do 3 8.V1O. 8. L. r. 4 w 108 Penn. cr. 34s 115 : HSUi dc con. 4s 10414 C. of N. J. g. 6s.. 1241k Reading gen. 4s.. !, Ches. & O. 44..litt48.L. c 8.F. tf. 4s 95 do ref. 5s hi do gen. 5 isyW C. A. 34 734St L. 8. W. c. s '. C. B. A Q. J. 4.. do 1st gold 4s. 3 do gen. 4s W48. A. L. 4s ,'H C M & SP g 34 H48o. Pac. c. 4.... M4, C. R. 1. ft P. c 4s me do cv. 4s. ....... ,lo2i do col. 6s VJ do 1st ref. 4s... MS do rfg. 4s 14So. Railway 6s. ..no Colo. Ind. 6 H34 do gen. 4s ;4 Colo. Mid. 4s HI Cnion Pacific 4. 102 C. A 8. r & e 44s y?4 do cv. 4s 1154 u. m. v. 4. .. .11114 "do 1st 4 r. 4s. iu V. & R. O. 4s.... 17. B. Rubber 6s..ll! do ref. 5s 9341T. 8. Steel 2d 5s.. 105 Distillers' 5 734k. Va. -Car. C. 6.... H74 Erie p. I. 4s 84 "Wabash 1st fia..llH4 do gen. 4s 754 do 1st & ex. 4. 7' eio cv. in, per. n uti vi hi. Md. 48..,. do serie B V14W. Elec. cv. 5s.. Oen. Elec. cv. 6s.l474Wls. Cen. 4b II. Cen. 1st r. 4 99 Offered. "Bid. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET De3irble KillinfcT Cattle Steady for Week, feeders Higher. HOGS SHOW BUT LITTLE CHANGE i Fnt heep Fifteen to 1nt-rlo Cent Higher Than Lat Week. While Fat l ambs Are rog and Feeder tead. SOUTH OMAHA. Neb . Vtc. I, W?. Receipt wares Official Monday Official Tuesday Official Wednesday Official Thurday .., Official Friday Estimated Saturday. Cattle. Mot . oheep. . 8.ts 6. Mi ' . 6AM 6.6!'J M . 6.'8 7 b . 6.Si'5 6.K-J 6.7M . 1 6-l 6 7& .' 2f0 X.6W Pal. Ohio 4s. do 34 uo S. W. 34.. Brk. Tr. cv. 4s.. Cen. of Oa. b... Cen. Leather Ps. Am. Bugar Retinlng. 2,000 1304 IIS14 1.14 A in. 1. 1 S.4U0 Hi 14U-,k 1m .4 3,000 34 3:14 3 1.000 4it4 484 4'4 l.tiuo lau litf'a nan HiO ll4 104- lul4 136 134 134 4 L811O 1164 lloH N4 1 I0 35 344 12,900 81 80 3.UO0 18i4 I1S1 3.8U0 464 4ek 344 80 111" 464 100 31b 64 8.4 ivm 17a 1,600 1.164 1&44 li44 76 t4 674 14 Artlclea. Opn. Hlgh.l Low. Cloe. Yo'y. Wheat leo. May July Coin rec. May July Ok' Mo. . iay July Pork Jan. May Itvd Jan. May July Iltb jHll. ' May 1 0641 10 9744 1 0641 1 0f.4 1 06 I 1 054 974197 4J4 57Ti'SI 6S I iil44t414'(l4! 605t4 60'A 674' 1 0S4 1 0;.4 674 4044l 4.1 4V4 40V. !4' 4041 674 04I04J1 604:W4'!(i4 404: 1 064 1 01 974 XA (14 604 40?i 404 424 424i42Htf4 4o'i404i4!4O4'i4 21 SO I 21 30 21 OS 21 10 21 374 21 66 I 20 66 20 40 20 46 20 624 13 40 I 12 40 12 324 12 374 13 424 It 474' 11 47 4 11 441 U 46 11 624 11 374 U 374 11 36 j 11 374 U 45 11 224 11 2241 11 10 I U 15 U 25 H) 65 10 65 j 10 60 I 10 66 10 724 No X Cash quotations were aa follows: FLOUR Firm; wit.ter patents. 65.S0iT5.70; , atralghts, 93.ltVrjB.40; spring straight, H-703 4.90; bakers, 63 k''u6.. RYE No. 2. 74'7r.c. LARLEY Ked 01 mixing. 6J664C; fair to choica malting. 60atc. SEED Flax. No. 1 southwestern, 6171; No. 1 northwestern, 11.61. Timothy, 63 75. Clvr Xh 60(11 U Yh. PROVISIONK Lard, per 100 lbs., 13.S74 Sfie.K'. short rlr, slje (loose). ii.70u.m; kliort clear sides (boxt'd), 613 OU'ri 12 25. Total clearances of whaat and flour were eoual to 61i.OOO bu. Primary receipt were a.ojO bu., compared wuh 76,000 bu. the corresponding day a year ago. Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat 24 car; corn, 431 cars; oats, W cars; hogs !Utou0 head. Chicago Cash Price Wheat: No. 2 red. 11.211.21; No. 6 rtd, Jl.lJtrl 18: No. 2 hard, ll0.ii l.CU): No. 3 bard. $l.02fl.074: No. 1 icrlhein spring. 11 oxal.txn No. 2 northern anrlng. Il.u6etl.titi: No. i sprliig. 61.O3tv1.06. Corn : No. 2 cash. old. t44e; No. 6 lash, KWc. No. 4. 63iii34c; No. 6 white, 664 to.c: No. 2 vellow. old. 654c; No. 3 vol low. SiiiC'lfcile. tats: No. 6 white. 40,Cl2c; No. 4 white. 40H41C UCTTEll Steady; creamerlea, 2W8i24c; dairies. 24'uJ6c. LUCid Receipts. J, 294 case; steady; at maik, caara included, .H4u'4c; fi:td, o Di-ime fusts. !kVo. CHEKrE Finn; daisies, 164'(il64c; twin lG'u Lu4c ; young Americas, 1im16Sc, long horns, lo. POTATOES Steady; choice to fancy, 43 V4&C. fair to good, 3.y4ic. I'Ol'LTRY Steady; turkeys, 14c; chick ens. 114c: prliius. 114c. VEAL Steady; 50 to 60-lb. wU.. 'iiic; 0 to si-lb. n u., !JVc; 85 to liO-ib. wts., jjllc. St. Loola General Market. ST. LOUIS, Dec. 4. WHEAT Lower; track, No. 2 cash, 61 . 2Jij 1 . 26 ; No. 2 hard, jl.oiul.l; Decomber, 6i..; May, 61si fui.Oi. - - . . . . . 1. VI.. .1. EO!i. COliiN &ieay; iraua, itu. .uf u7ku December, bi4o; May, 6O40; No. 2 wnlte, o u ...... OATS weaa; iraca, io. v-an, xsu, December, 40Jk4l404c, May, 42-Ji.c; No. a white. 440. R V E Nominal, 76c, FLOUR Uiiciianged; red winter patents, 65.50ii6.7o; extra tancy and straights, H-Wtf 6.45; hard winter cleare, 63.ss-4.30. SEEl-Timotny, limus-w. CORNMEAL 63.O0. Lka.n oirung; sacked, east track, $1.03 106. HAY Firm; timothy, 16.604jl7.60; prairie, 611.60r(il2.60. BAUOINO 64c Hcilf TWINE 7c. 1'ROVISlONn Pork, unchanged; Jobbing, 623.00. Lard, unchanged; prune, ita.i&jiU.uO. V'ty sail meats, unchanged; ponea exvra shorts, 613 25; c.ear rlos. U.lf; blun t clears. 613..U. Bacon, unchanged; boxed exira snort, 114.00; clear rios, 114.00; snort ciear. 614.75. POl.TLRY f irm; cnickens, tuc; springs, 12c; turkeys, 16c; ducks, 13c; get be, 8c. lll'T'l ER Steady; creamery, 2733c. KIIGS titeadv. i(v,o. Reee.Pls and snipine-nts of grain and flour were a follow: Receipts. Shipment Flour, bbla 'i.MM Wheat, bu 66.41 bl,(mi Corn, bu lu.iw ao.'nu Oats, bu 52,i)U a'l.SW Am. 'tobacco pfd.. American oolen ... Aracouda Min. Co Atcluson Atciiison pfd Atlantic C. L bl. Ac Onio Httl. Ac Ohio pfd... Bothlehem Stee-i .. Krooklyn R. r Canadian Pac I flu Central Leather .. Cen. Leather pfd.. Central of N. J Ches. Ac Ohio 6,A0 87 86 Chicago & Alton 1,110 684 Clilcugo O. VV 400 i(0 1 i:nicHgo & N. W l.buO I184 176 C. M. c St. P..... C. C. C. Bt. L.... 1U0 76 Colorado F. 6c 1 2,7i( 614 Colorado & So 100 674 Colo. At Ho. 1st pfd Colo. 6t So. 3d pid Consolidated Oas ... 18.300 152 Corn Ifoducts I.80O 22 Delaware & Hudson. 4'H 1K3 Denver & H. U 3.3W) 434 D. t R. ti. pfd Disuliurs' Securities. File Erie 1st pfd die id pid General Electric Great Northern pfd.. Ureal N. O. ctf Illinois Central lnierborough Met .19,i0 26 244 Int. Met. pid 12.400 bH 574 Int. llnrvester 10XV lo int. Marine pfd 2n0 2a 26 Inl: FuiNr Int. Pump 200 5134 Iowa Central 1,2(10 284 Kansas City So 00 4J- K. C. So. pfd Louisville Ai N 1.300 153 Minn. & St. Louis... 300 634 M , St. P. Ac H. S. M. . Missouri Pacific M., K. & T M., K. c T. pfd National Biscuit National Lead N. R.R. ot M. 1st pfd N. Y. Central N. Y.. O. k W Nortolk & W North American Northern Pacific .... Pacific Mail Pennsylvania People s G:is .. 1;.. c hi. l.. ... leaned Steel Car..,. 4u0 63 uilman Palace Car Railway Steel Spring 400 504 Reudlng 68,100 171 Republic Steel 1,300 44 Rpubllc Bte.-l pfd... 200 1064 Rock Island Co B.iiio 26 974 2. 4" 37.9.5 62. TO 0.1M 44.76S Six days this week....R.!rrt 23W7 Fame days laat week 26.251 26.WH Same day I week ago. .21.011 2.?! Same day 6 week ago.. 28. 104 21.P20 Same aav 4 weeks ago.. 2167 19 37 last inr 21120 43.117 Hie following table showe tne reoeipin esttie. hog and nlioip at South Omaha for the year to date, compared with last year: l'.ios. i Inc. Dec Cattle 1.043.624 66.8:;8 77,486 ....... Hog 2.011.667 1.264. W 253,413 Sheep 2,045,463 2.011, Wl 38.463 the following taut now l.ne average prle of hog at South Omaha for th last several da) wHh comparison : Date. 11M. 11904. lM7.l06.,lwi.lWl903. Now. 24... Nov. 25... Nov. 26.. Nov. 27.. Nov. 28.. Nov. 2a.. Nov. 90.. Dec. 1... Dec. 2. . . Dec. I.... Dec. 4.... T 9741 6 76 I I 06 I 4 021 ! 95 1 0S4 I 4 07 OOj 1 034J 6 66 4 26 4 nJ 4 67 7j 8 094 4 86 I I ll'i. K 44 4 &0i 6 04 8 0241 6 7l 4 06 4 92 6 0041 76 4 H 14 8? 6 04 5 65; 4 641 6 08 6 69' 4 63 6 13 4 81 4 491 I 4 20 4 72 4 461 I 13 4 631 I 4 W 4 49 4 24 4 47 4 42 4 ?4 4 43, 4 "7j 4 72 4 63 4 83 4 4HI 4 S2 4 46 4 43 4 44 84 94 94 Boaton Rtoeka and Bonds. BOSTON. Dec. 4. Money, call loans, 6 6 per cent; time loans, 66 per cent. Clorlng ouotatlotis wete as follows: Atch. Adj. 4s 93 Butte Coalition.. 24 do 4s 994Cal. A Arlannn 10 Atchison R. R...1194Cal. A Hecla. . . .&V) oo pia l'ncentennlal N.Y. N. H. & H..l?.64Copper Range .. Union Pacific ...30n4Daly West A. A. Chem 454 Franklin do pfd 100 Qranby Am. Pneii. Tube. R43reene Cananea o"4 bi4 til 80 H14 214 181 4 lbi-H 494 49 li) 664 864 86 2'i0 364 S6 36 900 334 32: 3j4 700 47 474 4i4 at 1,600 1694 1584 19 U.806 1434 1414 1434 11,100 .81 784 804 0 146 1 46 146 244 M4 10.-)k 25 144 51, 284 414 6a lc 6.'4 Amer. Sugar 12U Isle Rovale do pfd 120 Mass Mining . Am. T. . T 14- Michigan Am. Woolen 84 Mohawk ....... do pfd 103 Nevada Dom. I. & 8 084Old Dominion x.a. fviec. 11IU....249 Osceola .. 154Parrot .. 764Quincy . . 76 Shannon , ..148 Tumarack .. 664Trlnlty u. H. Mining. Mas. Electric do pfd Mass. Oas United Fruit .. United 8. M... do pfd V. 8. Steal do pfd Adventure ..... Allouex Amalgamated Arliona Com. Atlantic 374 S04 . 8 . 16 .100 . 124 . 24 . 8 . 74 . 614 . 26 . 61 .157 . 29 . 84 . 164 . 634 . 10 634 W4U. B. Oil 374 ..1244 Utah .. 74 Victoria .. C6 Winona .. 874 Wolverine ... .. 464North Butt .. 12 444 . 4 . 84 .146 . C24 '614 28 434 isi" 53 6 A) 4,400 .. 4.HI0 ,. 400 .. 13,800 130 .. 3, OX) 314 "0 200 100 1,000 700 a4 j 314 St. U ei S. F. 2d pfd St. Louis B. W St. L. S. W. pfd.... Sloss-Shef. 8. & I. borne-ill Pacific .... Southern Railway . So. Railway pfd.... Tennessee Copper . Texa & Pacific..., T.. St. L. & W T.. St. L. & W. pfd.. Colon r-acnic .... nion Pacuio ptd U. 8. Realty U. B. KuuuiT U. B. Steel U. 8. Steel pfd Utah Copper Va.-Caio. Chem. .. Wabash ......... Wabash pfd Western Maryland West. Electric Western L nlon Wheeling & L. K.. Wisconsin Central . Total sales for ti.e day. xt,vv snare Kaaaaa City lira In nnd Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Dec. 4 WHEAT Un changed: No. 2 hard, 1.03(1.0j; No. 3. l9o aiii.Oi; so. s ra- 41.10.1., i-hu. , ii.ivir 1.18; December, 8I.O04 bid; May, $1.014tt 1 m Ki.1- .lulv. 9.1c bid. COH.N l ncnangea to Itc nigner; io. red, ii-Sj50c; No. 3 white, 59c; No. 58 4c; December, 57.458c; May, t4c bid; July. 694 '4o bid. , OATS t nchanged to no niroer; i. white, 41(ii43c; No. 2 mixed. 4041e. nvc:ii.. HAY Unchanged; choice timothy. $12.00 ItU.oO; choice prairie, 63.5039. ,8, choice ai fulfil 111 Midi 16 7u BUTTER Creamery, extras, 824c; firsts, 30.V sen, nils 2K, narking Stock. --0. KOtiS Extras. 2ac: f.rstr. 27c: second and dirties. 16c; current receipts, 26c: south ems. loos off. 14c. Receipts. Shipment. Wheat, bu Si.l 65.000 Corn, bu 18000 14.ju Oata. bu 2,0m) 8 O.0 Options at Kansaa City: Article. . Open. I High. Low. . Close V Mluneavolla Grain Market. J MINNEAPOLIS, Dec. 4 WH EAT De- ccinber. 11.04: May. 310i4. Cali: No hnrd, 8l.06'-.ul Ol.4; No. I northern, 61.06J l.o'; No. 2 i.urlhern, i .;( i.ih'. Fl-AX-Cloed at 61.79',. CORN No. 3 yellow, nTXfrrVc. OATS No. 3 white, 3&4b394v. rivi-i No. 1. sui.uTOi''. BRAN In loO-i)und sacks. ID.'O FIjuUR First iiatcntM (in wood, f. o b. Minneapolis), 853tv50: second putt'iils, $.1 10i5.30; I rst vk-ar. $4.25 i 4.45; second cleais, 6J.rii3.40. lverool brain Market. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 4 WHEAT Spot, firm; No. I red weatern, winter. 6s I4d. Futures, quiet; December, 6 41. March, 7s 7Sd; May, 7 6d. CORN Spot, new American mixed (via Ualvesiou), steady at 6a 104d. Future Quiet, December plale, 6 64d. Philadelphia Prvdaeo Msrket. PHILADELPHIA. De. 4 BUTTER ijuiet but steady; extra western creamery, ; extra nearby prima, 36c. ' E iS yuiet : Pennsylvania and other i"b flrfts. fT cases, nso ai niara: cur- W heat May December Oats December May 1 021 1 00-.I I &84 4I 1 0241 1 OUgj 58M titMk 1 01.t 1 01 1 00 1 0040 I 5741 60 I k)vi rent receipts. In returnable c, 80c at Toledo Seed Market. TOLEIX), O., Dec. 4 SEEDS Clover, cash. 8'.'24; December, $9,224; February 69 874; March. 69 424; rejected, 65. w; no eHtabliahed arade. $7.0uii7.50. Timothy prime. 81 85. Alslke, prime, $3.20; December, $3 20, March. $8.3j. alllvraakeo tiraln Market. MILWAUKEE. Dec. 4. WHEAT No. noriiiern, $1.11; No. northern, $106iBl.094 May. II 054 bid. OATS 4,!o bid. BARLEY Sample, 69i67a Peoria Market. x PEORIA. Ill . Dec. 4 CORN Lower; No I whlto. foe; No. 3 yellow, No. 1, 65c No. 4 4V; no grade, 4K1. HATS-S ri nc ; -ierr"n .V 4IVc; No, rhitt. !i r- " 100 134'A 1344 134. 1.300 714 704 704 2,400 46 474 4i', 734 1,900 1184 1774 lis 1.100 684 68 874 '2JW0 1274 127"' 1274 300 4i4 47 41 Z,4uO 944 944 44 1,200 KI 64 82 19,300 1444 H-4 144 600 454 46 454 15,400 1314 1294 1304 l.OuO 1I4 1134 1134 l'JO 944 944 4a 190 6v4 604 164 I11.14 Rock Island Co. pfd. 6,600 40'' 8SI 69', 7i4 46 106 41 86 664 344 764 884 464 114 404 88 69 34 4 7i4 604 394 35 644 694 . 41,900 2014 li94 2oo l.OUO llU't 11U 814 54 9i4 ioo .. 3,jilO ..167.4UO 694 S94 35 634 694 814 63 89 t'9 394 33 634 694 1,500 1244 124 1,600 694 "94 400 484 484 ) 21 4 21 I.9J0 674 664 2)0 45 45 "'166 '774 '774 Clearlnar House Bank Statement. NEW YORK, Dec. 4. The atatoment of clearing rouse Danks for the week shows that the banks hold $7,714,660 more than the requirements of the 25 Der cent reserve rule. This la a decrease ot tl.699.22S In the proportionate cash reserve a compared wun last week. The utatement follows: Amount. Decrease, $1,192.93,U0 $3.2i4.000 $1,168,629,800 f2,cM9,UU0 " Sunday. Holiday. Receipts and disposition of live stock at the Union stock yard. South Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 8 p. m. yesterday: rtKcaafi a iaiw. Cattle. Wabash Union Pacific C. A N. W., east.... at N. W., west.. C, St. P., M. & O.. C, B. 4Y (J., eant ... C, B. t g., west.... Total receipts .... 7 .... 0 The Coming Gold Camp oi Nevada Tho Loi-ator nnd Owners of the ALTURAS (iHOlT OF CTaAIMS in the BANNOCK N FA' A DA CAMP, have authorized us to organize n Company to work their property. This Group is within five hundred feet of the great OMAHA-NEVADA MINK and adjoins tho IKON CANYON MINK. The Ixdpe on the ALTURAS GROUP runs through" three claims and has been opened up by shallow shnft9 nnd trenches for 400 feet. Assays show values from $21.00 lo $169.00 In GOLD. Our engineer ttyn the ourface showing is as good as on any prop erty In the camp, and that the ALTURAS will make a mine. Pre-organiiatlon and TREASURV STOCK Is offered right to those who fto In now. Write us for particulars and get Into the COMING Nevada Camp. Inter-Mountain Securities Co., 207 D. T. Walker Bldg., Bait Lake City, Utah. Hog 1 2 11 2 b 7 4S DISPOSITION-HEAD. Cattle. Hogs 710 2ni D29 181 481 137 standstill, nanus supply has bsrn about exhausted and hsiuly tnoush stock ahfep and Ismbs have appear.d in anv one day's receipts to Interest buyers. Thi liitiinry cont.nues urK'H for suitable kinds and prices guolabiy firm. ijuoiaiiun on lut ahnfp and lambs: Cood to choice Umba. 7.00g7. 66; fair to nood lembs. M.&Q7.00; Kood llsht yarlln;s, V fi '.V5; (rood hsavy yuarllnas. $j.WS !o: Kood to choice wethers, Ifi.li'it'S.Wi lair to good wathera, $4.7fi'6,G.lS; suod to choice owes. J4.iiAu5.10; fair to food ow.s. J3.9 4,i0. quotations on feeder stock: Good t choice lambs. l).2rig.7S: fair to arood lambs. Wi i 25; llnht yearlings, tS.Oty46.fin; heavy yearlings. M-6uty6.0u: old wethers. 4.6tV!4.76; good to rhoico awes, t3.25V3.7f; hre.dlnu etves, $X. TD4jf6.50i yearling breeding awes, u.6O6.0O. CHICAO LIVI5 STOCK MARKET Loans Ueposlts Circulation , Specie 23u,biH.4u0 L,e'Kl tenders bSJ.tu3.7UO lleserve 2sry,Ta,lt Keserva required .... 2ailo(,4j0 Surplua 7,714.tiiO surplus aeposlts i,14s,luu Increase-. - The percintage of actual reserve of th. clearing house banks today was 26.87. The statement of banks and trust com panies of New York not reported to tli. clearing house show that those Institu tions have aggregate deposits of l,J2t,Ui,4u0; total cash 011 hand, l40,U7.uuo and loans amounting to tl,lw,44l,3ou. t,x,i:i' 75.70U l,04,ljo 1,733,016 i,6tw,a4 1,UU.0U Foretatat Plaiaaclal. LONDON, Dec. 4. Money waa plentiful and In moderate demand on the market today. Discount rales were steady, on the Stock exchange telegraphic delays con tinued to interfere with business, which waa small. The tune, however, waa more cheerful and all departments showed hard ening tendency, foreigners being especially good. American secuiltles opened steady In sympathy with tha strength In Wall street yesterday and lens apprehension regarding the president's message. First prices were fractionally higher and this range was ex ceeded, especially in United States Steel, but the demand Blackened and the market closed dull and from one-half point above to one-half point below yesterday's New York closing. 124 68-) 4N ziH 45 i 8' 4 Bask Ciearlnata. OMAHA. Deo. 4 Bank clearings for today were $2,085,974.40 and for the corre sponding date last year t2.329,tD4.17. Monday $ 2.629 41.48 I '2I8.S.U43 Tuesday 2,014,041.30 Wednesday 1 .'o,741.!JI 3,474. H3.86 Thursday 2,873, 4C4.70 2,3W,7fi6.15 Friday 2,537. 64X4S 2.t(H,11804 Saturday 2.0t5,974.40 2,229,;!!H.17 London Stock Market. LONDON. Dec. 4. American securities opened steady on the Stock exchange to day in sympathy with the strength In Wall street yesterday ana tne less apprenenslou regarding the president's message. First prices were fractionally higher and this range was exceeaea. especially in unuea Slates Steel, but the demand slackened and the market closed dull and from ti above to Vt below yesterday's New York closing. London rloains: stocks: Consols, money,. 1274) Louisville N...1M do ace-ount. .. W 3-lbM., K. 6t 1 Amal. Copper.... Wan. x. l.entrai iw Anaconda '4 Norfolk at W. Atciiison 122 do pfd do nfd 107 Ontario W., Baltimore ac O...H8'A Pennsylvania Canadian Pac....lK4 Kaud Mines... C)i-apeake 4r O. 811 Heading Chicago U. W 2o Southern Ry.. Chi., M. St. P.lokM, do pfd De Beers lM,Southern Pac Denver A Klo Q. boL'nlon Pacific. do pfd so do pfd Erie 3HU. S. Steel.... do 1st ptd 4" do pfd do 2d ptd 41 Wabash Grand 'trunk 30 do ptd Illinois Central. .l4V6Soanish 4a.... MI,vt.K-b r, steady at VSa per ounce. MONEY 341344 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills is 4' per cent; for three months' bills, 1 16-luj4 per cunt. .. vt .. 47H .. .. .. 87s .. mii .. sy . .Iil4l ..HeH . .li4 .. 91 ..12.'', .. 5 Iu Total 114,722,517.64 tl3,8X3.97.0 Increaeo over the corresponding date last year, 1.83S,619.74. New York Mining; Stocks. NEW YORK. Dec. 4.-Closlng quotations on mining nocks were as follows: Alice 200 'Isdvllle Con 'Brunswick Con. i Little Chief . Com. Tun. stock. 29 Mexican do bonds DO Ontario Con. (Jul. at Vs.. Ophlr Horn Silver 70 Standard Iron Silver ltk Yellow Jacket Offered. .. i .. ..lto ..170 .. 60 ..100 Local Securities. yuotatlons fuinlehe; b eainu.l Burn, jr.. .14 New Xork LU. Duumng; Strlc. Craamsnr Ce " kurroufh Addlus M.e-hl.. 1M CUT ot Om.hl m. mi luH Columnus. E. U it. 1114 tot. Cub. (lup. o( Int. la. 141) N CouimuuwwUtb Ltf. In.uruio. LI (Mlrult K.ll.on it, IU) 1" Grii.n tin ln. C UXts Hntri Slot W oiki. H. Imm inunutiuul Cod. Co 41 Iti.epwdral Tl. 4. Omaha US. Iu. J. Oor. 4., in. Kawullt Tl Stocs est S.14 Otnn Bo.ra ef TruU, pit , oe On. Oa . U1T M CBk. B. U r. it, IL4 Ciuu C. a. L Rr. 1M .. H. Cn. 1 C t. 11. df. .-. 1 ft mi M Ce. en tun Dalotk Ural. Market. IX-'Ll'TH, lec. i.-WHEAT-Dceuib.r, No. 2 northern, l.031. oATs-a.c. oiuiin-Nvdk auninf SI U- I. M. K. U. W, 1M ..in a c. t iu I'l-eli) u. u ia Intuit s. T , Oiualta, t p. ., udl 4 19 HI M K 10.1, I'li 1H) tt at ' luvt. 1 IN M we M Htrrh.ndlM mini 8ecle. NEW YORK. Dec. C-ImDorts of rne chandlse and dry goods at the port of New York for the week ending November 27 were valued at 17,228.228. Imports of spec. a for the port of New York for the week ending today were I57.6J8 silver and 1422 40i guld. Exports of specie from the port of n 1 urn ior ine ween enaing today were h.im.imi goid ana xi.034.85 sliver. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Dec. 1-C'OTTON The market opened steadv at an advance of 3 to 9 points In reions to higher cables than expected and sold about 6 to t points net nigner during inn early trading on a more active Keneral demand. u.hl?h ivas evidently Inspired by yesterday's bullish National dinners' r-'port end the lsiblc supply statement. There waa heavy realis ing around 15.2uc for May, but the market remained very steady and within a 'Joint or two of the top during the middle ot -h morning. Futures opened steady; December, 14 48c; January, 14b8c; March, 14.!&u; May, 16.17c; July, 15.10c: August, I4.4.c; September, 11 '2c; October, lJOOo. Futures closed steady; December, 14.4c; January, 14.68c; February, 14 80c: March. 14.97c: April. UOic; May, 16 He; June, la 01c: July, 1o.13c; August. 14.44c; September, 13 84c; October, 1Z.!iSc. So't cotton closed unlet 10 points hlirher: middling uplands, 14.86c; middling gulf. 16 10c: t o sales. GALVESTON, Dec 4 -COTTON-Hugher, 140. ST. .LOfiS, Dec. 4-COTTON-H!gher; middling 14'. Sales, none. Kecelpta, 3.318 bales: slilpments, a.toO; slock, VX.VJi. NF.W OKLEANS, Dec. 4 COTTON steady. 1-lfic higher; middling. 14 7-loo: sales on th spot, 1,200 bales; to arrive, tub bales. Omaha Packing Co Omaha Pkg Co., from Denver.. l'.k Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co Schwarta-Bolen Co St. Louts Independent Hoth Pkg Co Other buyers Total 338 3.183 CAT 1 LB Thers waa nothing of any .con sequence doing In the cattle market mis morning, there being almost nothing on aaie, an usual on a Saturday. For the week the receipts have been uuue iioerai, footing up about the same as for last week and a little more than a year ago. The fact Is, considering country roads, tne supply of cattle has been larger tnan any one had reason to expect. Strictly desirable cornfed steers havo not been very plentiful any day this week, while there has been a large showing of very common to pretty decent kinds of half-fat siuff. The demand all the week for the good kinds ha been brisk and the market on anything of that description Is firm, as compared with last week's olose. Common and inferior stuff has naturally shown more or less dullness from day to dav. althouKh everything has been sold. Cows and heifers have been in large supply all week, a very large proportion of the recelnta conslstlnc of that kind ot stock. Tho faot Is it would seem as if more cow stuff, than usual at this season of the year la com nu forward. The do mand. fortunately, has been good and the butter a-rades hava sold freely at gooo steady Drlces. On the other hand, common to medium grades have been slow seller all the week and show more or less weak ness at the close. With country roads and feed lota In about as bad condition as could well be Imagined. It was hardly to bo expected that there would b very muoh demand tor stock cattle and feeders. On th eon trary, the demand was very good all tne week, suppllea being of desirable feeding cattle meeting; with ready sal at gradually strengthening prices. At th close of the week good feeding steers of all weights are fully llkalbc higher than on week ago. while the medium and common grades ure just about steady. Ouotatlona on cattle: Good to choice oorn fed steers, t7.08.26; fair to good cornfed stoers, 6.60tf7.uo; common to fair eornfed steers. 63.766.60, good to choice range steers, 16 60'o6.i; fair to good rang steers, I4.7f436.60; common to fair range iers, i3.76w4.76; good to choice eornfed cows, and heifers, 64.0os6.00, fair to good oornfed cows and heife.s, f.1.26t'4.00; common to good to choice rang cows and heifera, ts.ri u4.oo: lair to good range ow. ana nailers. 63.25u!.7o: common to fair range cowa and heifers, li.Mxsi.io; good 10 cnoic stackers and feeders, M.gba.zo: lair 10 good stock- rs andi leeaei's, W.7IXB4 .ss; common 10 lair atockera nd feeders, l3.oual.7s; stock heif ers, 42.764.76; veal oalves, Si.frUI.UO; bulls, stags, etc., u.f!Xu..ou. liOGSTh quality or the hogs received today was so Q.lterent from yesterday that It is a difficult matter to make an accurate comparison as to prices between th two days. This morning's receipts, that is the eany arrivals, consisted largely of light mixed hogs, running down to pigs, wl.h very few good weighty loads and no strictly good heavy hogs, such as sold at tne top pile yesterday, with a fair demand, th better hogs sold strong to a little higher than yesterday, bringing t8066j8.07tt and on up aa high as 38.10 for a pretty decen kind. On the other hand light hog sold from S..06 on down, quite a good many ot th fair to decent klnda going at 37.961 7.97Vt. Salesmen as a rule were quoting th light hogs as easier, but packers were al quoting their purchase aa strong to So, higher, taking the quality and weight into consideration. While th market waa slow in opening, th early arrivals changed hands In good season. Keoelpts of hog this week show a fall ing off of a little over 2,000 head as com pared with laat week, but a very heavy decrease as compared with a year ago. It has been a matter of surprise to th trad that there has not been a still heavier de crease, owing to th impassable condition of country roads. Th market throughout the week has been In fair condition aa viewed from a seller's standpoint. Thus It started out with a big 6c advance on Monday, going still higher on Tuesday, that day proving to be th highest day since September. On Wednesday there was a sharp reaction wruch wiped out th sdvanc, but a littl stronger market dur ing th latter hair or th week leaves prices about wher they were at tfie close of last week. Representative tales Cattle, Hoas, Sheep and Lamb Are Stoady. CHICAGO. Dec. 4 CATTLE Receipts. estimated at 400 head; market steady; beeves, J8Sg.2B; Texas steers, 23.70tj4.76; western steers, 34.Oixa7.4o: stock em -ana feeders, tJ. lO-jj 5. 15 ; cows and heifers, $2,104$ 2.1; cnlves, IU.lwu8.60. HOUS-Heceipta. estimated at 4.000 head: market steady; light, 7.708.JO; mixed, Hrtf8.K: hoavy, jr.rii.to; rough, ii.'joa1 10: Kood to choice heavy. S8.10ti3.40: dIsj. to.WW.TO; bulk of aales. $S.06'a.3O. oil EEr AND LAM US Receipts, esti mated at 60i head; market steady; native, $2.75fi5.10; western, t3.00rtf3.lt); yearlings, tn orr"i SO; lambs, natlv, 36.36lS7.76; western, 6.3r.&7.76. Trcai.ry Statement. I WASHINGTON. Dec. 4 Th condition of the uaury at th. b.alnnlns of busl ine s today was as toll.. Truat funj Metal Market. NEW YORK. Dee. 4. MKT A LH No fresn feature developed In the ruetal situa tion today, and with both the London and Iew York exenangea closed prices Her. more or leata nominal. Tin was dull at tl .'6 (1 31.70. I.cal dealers quoted lake coup r at ,11.204113 .30: electrolytic, $13 liS13.37; easting. !13.0ufttf 26. Leud Was quiet st 34 37V.ii4.42Si. Selter was easy at M lOtf . iruu was uncnangeo. ST. IjOL'IS. lc. 4, METALS Ld hlsher at I1.37VJ4.40. Spelter, weak at Ju.iO. St. I.onts Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Deo. 4. CATTLE Receipt. 1.500 head, Including 600 Texans; market stendy; native snipping and export steers, t.t8.hu; dressed neer unci nutcner steers, f.2Va.t.80: steers under 1.000 tourid. 33. 75-i! 5.10; stockers and feeders. 13.26(6 tW; cows ana neiters. 3.otK(iu.7t; esnners, 12.1vnz.10; bulls. 2.76'04.r0; calves, tT60'iSXO; Texas and Indian steers, $3.0tf6.60; cows and heif ers. $2.XX(4.25. HM4S Keceipts, 2.000 head; market steady: pies and lla-Ms. t4.2Mr7.l0; packtrJ, 17.W8.16; butchers and best heavy, 3.20i FCBTUk'ES tmi IN WHEAT. sin buys options on ln,000 lu. of wheat. No further risk. Kach lc moveme-it V'v from option price nak you tlOO. 2C-I300. 6c-0o, etc, Write for free cir culars, C0Z.OMIAI. ITOOK IS OBAJUT CO.. Cleveland, Ohio. Offer any part Seventy-five Thou sand shares of the Capital Stork of the Submarine Navigation and Manu facturing Company, fifteen cents per share. W. I.. Twyman 410 Empire Building;, Denver, Colo. Herbert L Goocli Co. Brokers and Dealers osaxs. rttnvtaxowB, stocks, Jaaaa Offleei Mxt M. T. tU Blag, U ievLn, XOw-ia SSja. inn.paw.at, a,-. and A-SlStV id.. sua uiiul koun in u. SVat llo. 7.M.18i but .37VT SJtEEP A AND LAMBS- Reoelnts. 200 head; market steady; native muttrtis, t3.60 ib.K,; lambs, i).7.Tr; culls ana Duoks, 2.604.16; stackers, 3.2&4.00. Kansas City Ht tck Market. KANSAS CITT. Dec. 4 CATTLI5 Re ceipts, 1,000 head, Including 100 southerns; market steady; native steers. H-ft'li .(; southern steers. 33.60fi6.7S: southern cows. 32.60(34.16; native cows and heifers, 32.50' c &o; Blockers and feeder. 13. 10ft 6 25; bulls. 2.8Ott4.10; calves, 13.60(87.76; western steers. 33.806.60; western cows, $2.76b4.M. hogs Receipts 3.000 head: market steady: bulk of sales. I7.0ib.20: heavy. 38.168.26; packers and butchers, 38.008.20; ugnt, t.eooi.io; pigs, fu.wa r ax No sheep. choice, SM and SCO, per box. 36.60. Oiap fruit: Florida. 64, 4 and 60. per box, tt.oO. bananas: Kxtra fancy Port Llmon, per lb., 4s; t-bun'ch lots, per lb, lc Honey: Colo I ail j. per crate, 13.36. BICKF CU'lS Itlbs: No. 1, ISc: No. 2. 12c; No. 3, 80. Loin: No. 1, 17c; No. 2. 13c; . No. 8, KtC Chuck: No. 1. So; No. 2, 64o; No. 2, ic. Hound: No. L Sttc; No. 3. 60; No. J, c; Plat: No. 1, bfa; No. 2. ic; No. t, 4'c. VF.OK'i'ABmS slwcet potatoes, Virginia Red Star, per larg bbl., 32.60; 6-bbl. lor. per bbl.. 326a Celery: Uxtra fancy Micnl gan, per do., 36c; extra fancy Muskegon, per flat box, 3t36. Head letluoe: Par bam-. fer, 12.60. Rutabagas: Canadian, per lb., l Cabbage; Wisoonstn, genuln Hoi-, land seed, p.r lb.. lHc; 1.000-lb. iota or more, 1V.C: red, per lb., 2Wo. Ca Ifornla tomatoest Per crate, 31.60. Onions: Indiana Red Globe, per bo., 11.00; Idaho yellow, per ou., 11. uo; tipanian, p.r crate, it. mi. fota- toea: Colorado, per bu., TOO. Figs: New, Imported. 7-crown. per lb., 15o; 4-crewn. per lb., 13o; 13 li-oa. . pkg.., pr box, 600; 6S I -ex. pkgs., per box, iM. CIDER Mail's, per keg, 31 . ' ' DATKS to 1-1 b. pkgs.. per box. t2S; new Hallowe'en, per lb.. 7c; sugar walnut. per box, 31.26; fard. per lb.. lOo. ' St. Joseph I,1t Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Dec. i.-CATTLE-Reoflpts, 900 head; market steady; steers. 34.60itl8.oO; cows and heifers, $2.604.00; calves, 33.600 7.60. HOGS Receipts, 3,600 head; market was steady to 6a higher; top, 33.27Vii bulk ot ales, 37.860l6.20. No sheep on sale. Slowx City Lilt Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, la.. Deo. . (Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 400 head; mar ket unchanged. HOGS-Recelpts, 2.000 head; market was strong with yesterday's best; range of prices, 37Xtf8.10; bulk of sales, 3VOe-0i.O6. Oils nnd Rosin. OIL CITT, Pa., Dec. 4.-OIL Credit bal ances, 31.48; runs, 186.911 hbls.; avaraga, 136,687 bbla.; shipments, 217,304 bbls.; aver age. 242,160 bbls. SAVANNAH. Ga.. Deo. 4. OIL Turpen tine, firm at 3Uc. HOS1N Firm. Ouote: B. 13.80; D. 1160; E, F and G. 1.6Vtf3.S5; H, 4 W; I, 34 60; K, 36B0; M, 5.85; N, 86.10; WG, 16.26; WW, 16. 76. NEW YORK. Dec. 4. SUGAR Raw, firm; fair refining, 3 tlci centrifugal. PS test, 4.31c; molasses sugar, 3.66c; refined, steady; No. 6. 476o; No. 7. 4.70c; No. 8, 4.66c; No. 3. 4.00c; No. lfc. 4.5,;c; No. 11, 4.60c; No. 12, 4. tic; No. 13, 4.40c: No. 14. 4.40o: confection rs' A, 6.06c; mould A, 6 60c: cut loaf, SOftc) crushed, 6.96c; powdered. 3.60c; granulated, 6.26c: cubes, 6 60c. MOLASSES Firm; New Orleans open kettle, good to choice, fiii2c 1 Stock In Sight. Receipts of ltv stock at th six principal western markets yesterday: t attle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha Sioux City ... St. Joseph .... Kansas City St. Louis Chicago Total av no KOO 1,000 1.600 400 4.460 2,o9 2.000 3.60 8,000 2.000 4,000 17.100 OMAHA GENERAL MARKET. Av. ..158 ,..i; ..llil ...16 .1 No. 4... 6.. Wi... 8.. M.. M.. !)3.. 86.. ) 408 hi 173 41 214 84. 8. 2,12 Sh. Pr. T W .. 7 .. 7 S3 40 111. 7 ti .uu 14 .V ..169 7 i;Va , .1W 210 8 00 60 S 00 .. uu 30 3 02'4 ..210 240 g 01'1-. ...l'J3 120 lit",, , so s mvk No. Av. Sh. Pr. 77 30S ... t t24 82 226 130 I 05 6 2.48 ... 8 06 61 3"7 ... 8 83! 233 120 t 05 47 2. 4 .200 8 06 b-)......rrj si 1 06 81.,. ...ni 240 8 03 62 . 120 8 07U 71 m 40 I 07V4 20 261 80 t 07l 3 .267 160 I 07 28 278 ,., 8 10 86 27 ... 110 64 276 80 I 10 SHKKP Ther waa no fre.h offerings today and the sheep barn waa practically bar of supplies, a is usually th case on a Saturday. The total count for th past five days la about 1,000 head short of th count ot last week, on day or which waa a tipltday. Receipt, for this week, a year ago, num bered 44,000 head. Aside from the Improvement In live mut ton values, ther have been no especially r.w features to III trade lately. The move ment at all time has been aotlv.. packers buying freely from the opening and priors have advanced iwu2ac unuer the Influence of warm competition on th better clasaea. Th character of the bulk of offerings ha been about th same a last week, prac tically everything showing more or lea finish. Sixty-day stuff has been selling very well a a rule, but buyers sre Inclined t give preference to th scattered ship ments of eighty and ntn.ty-day claase. A w-aa noted yesterday, th supply of fat lamb this week ha been limited. In fact, ther have been -vary few strings of really good native or fed westerns with which to teat top. Anything at ail suitable for killing purpose, however, has sold readily at good strong prices as compared wtth laat week's. Tb f.edrr mark.t Is praettoalty at a nl.ha It 7 Bnyer nnd Wkoliuleri, BUTTER Creamery, ' No. J, dellveied to th. retail trad in 1-ib. cartons. ;t2c; No. L In 60-lb. tuba. 8lVo; No. I. in l-io. car- loms ; in so-10, tuus, w-.c; nciiiiig iiock. -2iC; fancy dan, v. tub. i.c. ii.,- ket rhau every lueadsy. LOUS l'reah eelllng stock, candled. Ur. POULTRY D!er u rollers, Sic: sprinas. 10c; bens, 14c; cock., tkt: ducks, Ujc; gnh, VVsc; turkeys, Uo; ptgeona, per dua., $1.21. Allv, bruil.ia, under 3 pounds. If; ov.r 1 pounds, 10c; hens, 10c; cocks, tc. ducks, full feathered, K'.c; geese, full feathered, c; turkey, under S pounds, 18c; over 8 pounda, 18c; guinea fowl, 33 per dos., pigeons, o par aos. OYSTLKS Selects, small cans. 3Zc; larg 40e; gallon, ti ki; New York counts, s-n.ll. t3c; lars. 46c; gallon, tl.tf; Baltimore, standards, small, tic large, t&u. galioo, 11 Jo. FISH Fresh caught, almost all are dreaaed: Halibut, lie: buffalo, c; troul. I60; bullheaoa, lie; ratfisli. liq; crapptea sun fish. frtrUo; black baas, 36; wtilu-tiHri. Lc; pike. 12c; salmon. 13c; pickerel, lie, irog lego, euc riwa irvMn wuueiiaii, rvo. 1. IXc; pickerel, d' eased and headless, , pike, dreaaed. Me; redanappet, i3j; Span uta inuCKeiei, Lc; uiuW inacKeroi, ;'J each, umt.si No. t green, loo: No. uurea NUT&-Almonds: Diake eeedllng. , lb., 16c; filberts, targe, per lb., 14a. pecane: Loulxiana, per lb., 17-tc; Ju nuo Texas, p.r lu.. ltic; medium Texa. per lu . Uc Cali fornia walnuts: No. 1. 1'oft shell, per ib., L6c; No. 3, soft shell, pel lb., Uu. peanuts; riaw, per lb., c; Jumbo, raw, per lb,, 7c; ro.iatMi. per ib., 6c; salted, per box, 81.26. FRUITS Orap. Nw Tom eonenrd, as sociation back, per basket, tic: iUo-ba.ai ta.i, pw; vaiitwi nia. extra Coffee Market. NKW YORK. Dec. 4. COFFEB; Tha market for coffee future opened steady, at unchanged prlcea to an advance of 6 points, in keeping with steady Kurnpean markets. Business was quiet, but there was a scat tering demand, baaed on Indication that shipment from Santos would be withdrawn (after th 9,600,000 bags limit was reached, .''and th market ruled generally steady In' in absence of important offerings. . Th close was steady, net unchanged to I points higher. Sales were reported of 19,269 bags, including December at 6.46c, March at (.60c, May at 6.75c, September at 6.80a. Spot market quiet; Rio, No. 7, 8fj&V.o Santos. No. 4. 8Wc. Mild. Quiet: Cordova. tflU4C. 200 600 700 Sngrar and Molas.ea. NEW YORK. Dec. 4-SUGAR-Row, steady; fair refining, 3.83c; centrifugal, H test, 4.33c; moWsrea sugar. 3.68c. Refined, . Culet; crushed. 6. Sic; powdered, 5.35c; graun lated, 6.25c. iota. Der fancy Flaming Tokay, per i,L, r,.td. 11.76; 1-crul lots, pel cratu, fl.tft; i-crat lot, per rral. 11. So; extra choloe Malaga, per bbl.. 36.6u; .xtia ctiolc heavy Mslagis, per bbl . 36 00; strictly fancy JUalbgis, per bbl., 3.64: strictly fancy heavy Malagas, per bbl., 7.U; extra fancy tinted grapea, ptr SU.. 17.60; extra fancy extra keiayy tinted, per pol., fn.uu extra fanoy pina La bulitamli D, per bbl.. Si 00. Cianberrle.; Wikuoutin, Aullr brand, xtri fancy Jen bo, per bbl.. tlO.Ui; VVi.cjnsln. poppy I rand. Bell It Cherry, per bbl., 37. C'; Wis consin, field run, per bbi., fi.uu. lanr-- Cap Cod, 17.60; clioic Cap Cod. 17. Ob; clioio Cap Cod. bos, IJ 60, Ap;i '. Lxtr Cu.o. rdo Joasthaiik. p.r box, U-JH xtra chulc Colorado Jonathan, pur box, 13.26; choice Jonatliana. pw box. XW; atiaaouii ben. No. L Bn La vis, per bbl., 360; Missouri ben, No. L Wluesap. per bbl, 34.0U, Mis souri Ben. No. I, Gai o, per but., 13.76. New York extra fancy Hed Baldwins per bin.. 64-60; New York extra ffcnii, Or.enlng, p,- bbl., 34 W; New Vol k fai u-er. pack. IJa.U wlns, per bbl., bi'ik. New V01 a farmer pack. Grulugs. per bbl., U'ti Pear Callfornli, extra tJficy aati Bueiwe. per box. 11.60; Mlctjig.u Kl.fftrs, r.r 3 bu. bbi.. It CA Orangss: Kxtra fancy Valencia, Ua. 160. 17. tut and 21. per box, 34 60; 260 and 3U. per box. 340; oxtra fancy lorld, Uo, 160. 176. SuO. 3i. per bon, UK. Lemons; Kxtra fancy, too and tow, par bos, a..; Wool Market. HT. LOUIS, Dc: .-WOOL-Tenltorj and western mediums, 21126c; fin, I220c. CANNOT ACCOUNT FOR IT Uaffllns Mystery ot Aeoastle ' PLnys Santa Snrprlalnn; Tricks. Th partial failur of th acoustics of the New theater In New York City, al though expert talent was smployed to proauc in best results, has started a discussion of thst baffling mystery. Th Indianapolis News contributes a Strang confirmation of th statement as to th rhanc or unknown factor In acoustics. "At our .tat fair, grounds," relate th. News, "was built a larv hiuMIn r.t mlnnm hilr.W mwA , l u m li... k ,1 Ion. It ha seats In tiers all round and In th long flat space a tan bark arena. It is a handsome structure. Its us wss asked for a popular assemblage and mov able seats ware placed In th arena. Altogether there la room for 11,000 people. (Th surrounding seats, when" used as a liv stock psvilion, accommodate 5.000 1 But when th building I filled to capacity, a It wa at s.veral of th. conr.rt ol tha Nstionsl Saengerfest and on th oc casion of the Bryan notification meal ing, It waa discovered that the myster ious and eluslv quality of acoustic had ' been attained In th rarest perf'.-rtlonl ,-r "Here is a great building of 12.000 seU lug capacity built for th display of liv. stock at a stat. fair, with no thought ot acoustics, yet wh.n tried It turn out to be as perfect acoustically as almost any building ever built. It is a triumph in. i deed, one of th greatest of its kind, fetul' I It only adds to the mystery of acoustic. L'ow it cam about, none know. But w all rejolc In the bussed fact, for In ;iara has thus one of the largest halls ut It kind, whlca la, what few other large hall, have, perfect acoustic properties." Dlamouds FHEN2ER iCib snd Dodtsa ' Dm Want Ad art Business Boosters,