Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1909, EDITORIAL, Page 10, Image 18

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1 1
I ( 'out iniiei). I
.JOHN CANK Is !n town. Now It the
time to trim trees, treill-es. grape vln
Tel. Red ?.t4, Ind. A-?64. Red M Hit
Cumins St . 1101 B. Ati
( 'ORXS Tour corn comes out or your
v quarter comes back when von
t.e Corn Jelly. Hatnea Drug Co., lrtlO Far.
M AllX'KTIf! treatment. Mmr. Kmitli,
W2 . lfith .St.. third floor.
PRIVATB HOME during confinement;
babies for adoption, Good samarit.ui Sani
lorlum. HO 1st Ave., Council Bluffs. Ia.
SUITS A.VI OVKRroATs 10 order,;
reduced from I . McC. RTH Y-WI LSI i.
TUB SALVATION A RM Y solicits castof
nothing; In fart, anvihlng you do not need.
We collect, repair and sell at 134 N. 'Jtii
Ft., for coat of collection to the worthy
p or. Call pSone Douglae 4iaj and wagoa
win call.
OMAHA Stammerers' Inc.. P-smge Bldg.
VK RENT and lepalr all inakea of ew.
1 -1 ar machines. 'Phones, Ind., A-ldW. Dour.
3"A Neb. Cycle Co., corner IjUi and Har
tley. JAMKS RUBY can got Insurance money
by writing- John or Charle.
STRICTLY private home for confine
ments; excellent care: babies adopted;
trained nurse, IKll Davenport.
VV.in5Rnd toupees for men. GRIFFITH,
,uuoIJ ana 14 FRKNZEU BLK.
THE famoui Velvetir.a Toilet Oooda. For
aala by all druggists or phone Douglae MO.
I Arlei.e da Voy. Manicuring and massage.
1-0 3 lth 8L flat . Phona D. 8.
MME. ALLEN of Chicago, aalt glow.
tnagnetio and massage treatments. 2o7 N.
' 1 rtli lit.
DR. KGOERS' private confinement home.
' 1..14 Marina .si. J), otto.
m. siiils: rent t Llfc-'BKN'S,
WANTKD -Ainu i. U. Newman bV J. li.
Heeler, .Willi IMille. Neb.
U-M On t.oM. n Store KldK.. 41 it floor.
1.0 So. lath si. f-iHii way on Douglas St.
WHO will donate an organ (small) for
' gospel woik In inn women ih pai Um-nt of
1 county Jail. Mis. Marv Laird, nupt. of gos
pel work. Tel. Webster 2401.
fed need from $:. Mhh "A HTM Y-W I LSON
TAILORING CO.. :nil-.l( S. St.
IOHIE WA.tiIBI'kn s ' new book, the
"Underworld Sewer," aold at . all book
a1 ores, price. J1.50.
W OO PKR MONTI I, secures a high grade
Join now, select your Piano.
CARRIE-Stlll working, Please
GOOD apple elder, everybody likes it
Muller makes the beat. Tel. Harney 35251.
POSITION an housekeeper nnd c ompanion
iu modern, comfortable home. Please give
particular In flint letter. Address Mid.
L. A. Rucsit, Cedar Rapids, Neb.
' Ml'PERFIXl'ors hair, warts and moles
pel manently removed by electricity; con
sultation flee and eonf identlnl ; ail work
guaranteed. Mlas Allender, ti24 Rldg.
ANY young: lady contemplating marriage
should have my book. Price $1. Addiesx J.
I. Ijotiderback. 4Uth and i'ilhert Sts.,
l'lilladelphla. Remit by post office older or
registered letter.
WANTED Sontr poems. I will compnaa
the music. Satlaraetion guaranteed. SeiMl
for free booklet explaining inv nuccewful
publiKhlng plan. Robert K. Bidden. 25 Kuat
Htli St., New York. Speclul ralea.
Ih a druglens cure for lost physical vigor.
Consult Dr. Margarite Malloran, 226 Ne
ville block. Tel. Doug. 7761. Under auper
viBion of M. D.
MISS LA GRANE, baths, muasage. 1617
Dodgo 8t., basement flat. Hours. 10 a. m.
9 p. in.
M. B. TURKEYS for aa!e; egga in aeajion.
ra. W. It. ."reaton. Morth Loup, Neb.
Uaa U-NEED-A Poultry Tonio for 60
ays: If your egg Increase does not twloa
pay for your tonic, yjur money will ba re
funded. D. E. Johnaon Co.. Omaha, Neb.
loreanlnga, $l.u 100 Ibt Wgner, 801 N. 16tb.
FOR SALE Choice S. C. Buff Orping
ton vocka. cockerels, hens and pullets.
Toulouae, geeao, are prize winners, at a bar
gain. Peter A. Brehm, Harvard. Neb.
reduced from 10. Mac 'A ItTHY-W I LSON
TA1IX)R1NU CO., 301-306 S. 16lh St.
PULLKTH $1.26 each in Light Hmhinas
White Rocks and Partridge Wvandottee
Cockerels, for tl.UO to J3.00 each in Barred,
White and Huff Plymouth Rocks. White,
Buff. Partridge. Silver and Golden Laced
V yanduttes, Single Comb Brown and
Wnlte Leghorns. Single Comb White Minor
ca. Light Hrahmaw, Rose and Single Comb
Ki.ixle Island Reds. Turkeys, Ducks and
Genie. Address Walter Hogue, Fairfield,
(Continued )
MONEY TO I)AN Payne Investment Co.
WANT KD City loans. Petera Trust Co.
Private money, $.00 to $1.0U0; low rate.
l.OWF.ST RATES Bemls. Brand"ls Hldg
VACANT lot and houses. Hav cash
buyers. 411 Karhauh Blk. Red W. A-364&
L ( and T-room house. It prices are. right
we can sell your property for you.
Bulta (24 N. Y. Life Bldg.
INFORMATION wanted of owner of
good dairy or general purpoxe farm, de
slrinn to sH'. direct to tmver without pny
Inn commlcHlon. ttive price and brief de
scription. Address, E. D. Life, Room ti,
,2.", W. Monroe St.. Chicago. III.
SUITS AND OVERCOATS to order, $20;
reduced from $M. MacCARTHY-WlLSON
TA I IjOHING CC3ni-S6 S. lth St
For t lie man owning a house In Omaha
and who wishes to buy an Irrigated farm
we have a very attractive proposition.
Tuesday, Dec. 7, we run our first
"PAYNE SPECIAL" excursion to LISCO,
NEBRASKA, ill the North Platte Valley.
This tract of 4.i0 acres contains some of
the finest Irrlanhlc land In tiie state and
Is offered In parcels of 30 to S00 acres, at
from $10 to $ti per acre, with a paid up
perpetual water riKht.
Terms are one-fifth cash, balance In ten
yearly Installments.
The North Phitte Valley Is the home of
sugar leets, potatoes and alfalfa, and the
lands near LIsco are peculiarly adapter!
for raising these crops. An Investment In
a LIsco farm now is a guarantee of sum
profits, us the price of every acre will
double in the next few years.
If you must sell your home In town be
foie you cun buy land at Lisco, ask us
for our special proposition. We can ar
raiiKH to credit the ensh value of Vour
Dlace on one of these farms. '
Remember, we leave Omaha Tuesday
afternoon at 4 o'clock In our speclul car.
Act promptlv and be one of our party.
payne Investment company-,
1st Fl. N. Y. L. Bldg.,
Omalin, Neb.
(Continued. (
ADVERTISING ma.ii. window trimmer
and card writer of exceptional ahl'lty and
years of practical department store ex
perience, desires to make change after
first of year. Capable man and a hostler,
competent to conduct sales successfully,
understands merchandise, how to display It
artistically and advertise It cleverly. Are
you inter-ested In a bright, original, up-to-date
monev getter and monev saver? Ad
dress. L. K. Baker, 722 W. Pine St.. Mis
soula, Mont.
POSITION as housekeeper and companion
In modern, comfortable home. Pee give
particular In first letter. Address, Mrs. L.
A. Rucelt. Cedar Rapids, Neb.
SUITS AND OVERCOAT." to ordrr. $.'0;
reduced from $10. MacCARTH Y-W 1LSON
TAILORING CO.. 9U1-306 S. 16th St.
MIDDLE-AGED German woman wants
position as cook or housework. Address
B 706, Bee.
FOR SALE or trade. Section, Lincoln
county. Nebraska land. Address Jay M.
Riley, Lawrence, Neb.
FOUR 6-room new modern houses, large
lots, in soulhw estern part of Omaha; no
incumbrance; want Nebraska land.
Suite 624, New York Life Bldg.
SUITS AND OVERCOATS to order. $20;
reduced from $:. Mait'ARTHY-WIlitA
TAlbORING CO., 301-M S. 16th St.
4S0 acres of aa flno farm land as there
Is in Holt county, Nebraska, partly under
cultivation, for Omaha Income properly.
32u-acre well- Improved farm, all choice
farm laud. Juiiflng Nebraska county seal
town, for merchandise.
SO-acre good Iowa farm for a small stock
of merchandise.
$3,000 stork of general merchandise in (rood
town and doing a good business, for Omaha
Income property.
$K,u00 stock of hardware and store build
ing in good town fur good farm land.
$3,Mtt slock of hardware and furniture,
doing a $20,000 business, for modern Omaha
Board 'of Trade Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
TO EXCHANGE Choice, well Improved
Kidder County. North Dakota farm,
acres; $2ii acre; mortgage $6,000. due a
years, 6 per cent. Owner will consider
stock of .foods. Income property or Iowa
farm. Mather & Co., Ceuar R:nlda, la.
TO EXCHANGE 160 acres, Greeley
County. Nebraska, improved; 9" acres
cultivated; m miles railroad town; $62.50
acre; mortgage $2,900, long time. 160 acres,
very choice; 100 acres cultivated; Greeley
County, Nebraska; $62.60 acre; mortgage
$3,000, long time. Exchange together or
separate for stock of Income prop
erty. Mather & Co., Cedar Rapid. Ia.
$10,000 ORNERAL merchandise. near
Hastings: fine stock; food business. Box
174, Hastings, Neb. i
WANT $10,000 or $12,000 general merchan
dise stock, a part pay for three quarter
sections good farm land; balance, easy
terms. Jones & Co.. Lawrence, Neb.
640 ACRES In the famous Greeley district
of Colorado. ar town; lays fine; water
turned on th'. and in WIO; sugar beets av
erage twenty-. wo tons per acre, sell at $S.R0
a ton; potatoes average 200 to 400 bushels
per acre; wheat. fO; barley and oats, 70 to
100; Alfalfa, a to 7 tons: land rents $15 to
$2 per acre In this locality. A bargain for
quick sale. All or part to trade for city
property or merchandise. E. O. Wls, 101
Benton St.. Council Bluffs
WANTED Second-hand office desk,
dress P 874. Bee.
cockeral bred. Arthur Olllett, 815 N. 16th
tit., South Omaha.
BALTIMORE 2d-hand store pays best
price 2d-hand, furniture, clothes, etc. D. 4265.
BF.ST price paid for second-hand furni
ture, carpets, clothing and ahoea. Tal. Dong
WANTED to buy, two 4 to 6-horsepower
secondhand steam engines. Carl Slleler,
Box 2?6, Havelock. Neb.
PHONE IND. A-J62 for good printing,
fcyngatad Printing Co.. liitn Capitol Ave.
SUITS AND OVERCOATS to order, $20;
reduced from $10. MacCARTMY-WI LSON
'TAILORING. CO.. S01 -306 S. 16th St.
Forty ucres of litnd, house and small
pasture, about one mile south of Benson.
TM N. Y. Life
!G acres on Dodge St. road, near Dun
dee, good 6-rooni house uml other out
buildings, land In good condition. Terms
of 'ease on application.
GEORGE & COMPANY. 1601 Fat nam St.
Telephone Doubles 756.
WANTED To buy a large roll top desk;
good condition: at least 2x5Va long; ad
dress W. 67, Bee.
A platform scale in good condition.
Address August Miller, C07 N. 3Sd St. South
Omaha. Neb.
FROM OWNER Irt good location, ,'. or
6-room house. Address M-700, care Bee.
WANTED at onca by party cf 3, for I
or 4 months suite of furnished rooms board In private family. Location
inuat ba good. Willing to pay liberally
for satisfactory rooms. Address W-741.
Notice ia hereby given, that a special
meeting of the atockholder of The Mis
souri Paclflo Railway Company will be
held at the principal office of said Com
panv. in the Missouri Paclflo Building, No.
705 Market Street, In the City of St. Louis,
Missouri, on Tuesday, the 18 111 day of
January, 1910, at nine o'clock In tin fore
noon of that day, to conalder-and act upon
the following proposltiona:
(a) To adopt a code of by-laws for the
(b) ' To ratify, assent to and approve a
certain Indenture of lease bearing date tha
15th day of July, 1909, by and between
Boonvlile, St. Louts & Southern Railway
Company, a corporation of the State of
Missouri, and this Company and authorized
on behalf of this Company at a meeting of
tha Board of Directors, held on the 16th
day of August, 1909.
(c) To ratify, assent to and approve the
purchase by this Company of the whole or
any part of the railroads and other prop
erty and franchises of all or any of -tha
following named railroad companies:
Carthage and Western Railway Company.
Joplin and Western Runway company, St.
Louis. Oak Hill and Carondelet Hallway
Company, Sedalia, Warsaw and South
western" Railway Company, Tha Kansas
City Northwestern Railroad Company, The
Nebraska Southern Hallway Company,
Omaha Belt Hallway Company, Omaha
Southern Railway Company. Pacific Rail
way Company in Nebraska, The Pueblo
and State Line Railroad Company, and
Kansas and Arkansas Valley Hallway.
(d) For the purpose of refunding under
lying mortgage bonds and equipment obli
gations of the Company and tor other cor
porate' purposes, to consent u. concur in
and authorise an increase cl the bonded
lndebtcJii- 'i The Mls-our! Pacific Rail
way Company, by the amount of $17o,0nl,oiio
by the issue of Gold Bonds or the Com
pany, limited In tne aggregate to the
principal amount of $176,lW.0t at any one
time outstanding, to bear interest at a rate
or rates not to exceed five per cent per
annum, payable aeml-nnnually, and all or
any part of such bonds, aa the Board of
Directors may determine, to be convertible
at the option of the holders and registered
owners thereof into stock of the Railway
Company upon such terms and otherwise
as the Board of Directors may determine;
and to consent to, concur In and authorize
the execution and delivery of a mortgage
and deed of "trust on and of the whole or
part of the railroads and other property
and franchises of this Company whether
now owned or hereafter ucquired, to secure
such issue of bonds by this Compa yy, and
to consider and act upon the foitn and
terms of sucji mortgage.
(e) To corisent to and authorize tha pur
chase by this Company from time to time
of not to exceed $2o,000,000 par value of the
bonds of the St. Louis, Iron Mountain and
Southern Railway Company.
Iti To ratify 'he proceedings of tho
Board of Directors theretofore taken in
and about the matters aforesaid, including
the authorization of said bonds and mort
gage and deed of trust and the use to ba
made of sain Donas, ana to consider ane
act uDon such other business as may
properly bo transacted at the meeting.
The stocK transier doohs oi me company
will be closed at S P. M. on the 7th,' day
of January, 1910, and will remain closed
until 10 A. M. on the 19th day of January,
Dated. New York. November 17th, 1909.
By order of the Board of Directors.
OEORGE J. GOULD, President.
A. H. CALEF. Secretary.
"The Missouri Pacific Railway Company,
195 Broadway. New York, Nov. 30th, 1909
To the stockholdera of the Missouri Pacific
Railway Company: Referring to the notice
sent to you November 17th. 1909. calling a
special meeting of the stockholders of this
company to be held on the 1st h day of Jan
uary. I9iv. you are notinen mat tne siock
transfer books of this company will be
closed at 3 o'clock p. m. December Mh,
1909, Instead of January 7th, 1910. and re
main closed until 10 o'clock a. m. January
19th. 1910. This change 1n date la made to
avoid any possibility of confusion In deal
ing in the stock and rights to subsciine
to bonds, prior to the date of said special
meeting. If unable to attend the meeting
please sign and return the proxy which we
have alreadv sent you. A. H. CALEF,
Nov., 18 to Jan. 18 Secretary. "
Not 18 to Jan IS
$:,0I to $5,000 on homes In Omaha. 0'K.'fe
Reel Estate Co.. Uml N. Y. Life. Doug, or
WANTED Hotel to rent, must be fur-
1 nlshfd. Can give best of reference a to
1 ability and character. Address. Y96, care
The Bee.
1X1ANS to home owners and home build
ers, with privilege of making partial pay
ments aeniS-annually. No commission.
503 First National Bank Bldg.
JOHN. THE BUYER Second-hand and
j misfit clothing, wedding dresses. Beat of
i prices. Phones, Douglas 312 and Ind.
P. 312S.
5i and 6
City Mortgages
On hand Mini for sule In aniotiitiK
from J. 100 to $3,000.
Money to Loan No Delay.
318 X. Y. Life Bid.
i SIjTS ANI OVERCOATS lo order. $20;
I reduced from $10. MacCARTH Y-W I USUN
1 TAIlAJlUN'G CO.. 2J)t-2ti S. 16th St.
Single man whiles loom with use of
' hath. In privpte family. In a good resl-
denee district. Will be In town only part
I of time Stute price and location. Address,
i K CM. Bee.
I WANTED By business man and wire, 2
i nicely furnished light housekeeping rooms
I within U blocks of postoffice. Give location
i etui pi li e. Address 1016 N. 16th.
to loan on
Omaha Buslne.-i Property.
Room 1. New Turk Life Bldg:
W'ANTEIi By young man 20 years old,
not married, position as cierk in dry goods
ior lieuerul atote. Can furnish beat of refer
ence. Address Y 101. Bee.
! ELDERLY woman wants position as cook
ior housework. Address O 673. Bee.
WANTED City loans and warrants. W.
Farnam Smith at Co.. 1320 Farnain St.
WANT work a a chambermaid. Call B
$10 to $10,000 made promptly. K. D. Wend.
Wead Bldg.. lath and Farnain.
Good 6
Farm Mortgages
A! i on hand and for sale In
v i ; from $;JOO tO-J3.0Q0.
412 X. Y. Life Bldg.
LADY Willi several years' business train
ing desires position selling either In city
ur will travel. Al references. Addreaa
W. ton. care Bee.
KI? lV 6 ton rol: fr particulars. R.
i iiiiii H. Morehouse Co. W.MOu; H.2246.
WANTED By young man. place to work
for board whiht aitendlna Boyle oolite.
Loth phones.
Bids will be received bv the State Print
ing Board at the office of the Secretaiy of
State at Lincoln. Nebraska, on or before
Monday. December 13, 1909.
For printing and binding 500 reprlr.t
eoples each of volumes 4 and R of the Ne
braska Supreme Court Reports.
Specifications for same can be found on
file in the office of the Secretary of State.
All bids must be accompanied by a oond
equal In amount to the probable cost of the
wotk bid upon. Tho Butted reserves Hie
right to reject any and all bids.
Lincoln, Nebraska, November 21. tOTO.
Secretary of the Board.
Decl P5t
rata raelfle
OTerland Limited a 1:30 am
China and Japan Mall, .a M pm
Oregon and Washington
Llmlt-d alt 01 am
Lo Angles Limited. ...alt V. pm
Portland Soecla al2:56pm
Colorado Special a 1:45 am
Noilh Platte Local a 115 am
Colorado Express a$:5pm
Grand Island Local a 8 ll pm
Lincoln-Beatrice Local. .bl2:40 pm
Valparaiso and Central
City bl:40pra
Cktcaso Great WMra.
Chicago limited a :00 pm
Twin Clly Limited a : pm
Chlcaro ExDress
Twin City Express 9M am
Omah.i-St. Louis Exp.. a 8:30 pm
Mail and Express a 7:30 am
Stanberry Iocal (Trom
Council Rluffs) b 6:00 pm bl0:l5 am
Chicago, V St. Past
Overland Limited all. 10 am a 7:05 am
Omaha-Chgo. Jr.xpress.a f:wi am
Colorado Special a 7:40 are
Colo.-Callf. Express. ...a 6:00 pm
A rrtv.
all pm
a . am
a r. am
a t 50 pm
a 45 pm
a 7:M am
a 4:46 pm
a t oo pm
alO:W am
b pm
b 1: pm
a 1:00 am
a 1:46 pm
a t:00 pm
a t:25 am
all:lfi pm
..b 6:15 pm
a 9:30 am
a 1:30 am
a J 25 pm
all:0t pm
...a 7:15 am
...a t.00 pm
...b 7:10 am
.a (:na pm
a 8:4$ pm
a T:U aoa
a 7:15 am
a 1:80 ara
all . to am
all: 86 pin
a 3:118 pm
a 7:00 am
a :2 pm
al2:0S pm
a 7:06 am
a 9.55 pm
. :0U pm
.a 3:46 uin
a 7:10 ara
a i.U yea
a :10 am
Perry-Omaha Local
llllaola Cemtraa
Chicago Expreaa
Chicago Limited
Mlnn.-St. Paul Exp..
Mlnn.-St. Paul Ltd..
Omaha-FU Dodge Local b 4:1 pm
tklcaao WrtJ w eater
Colorado-Chicago a 7:45 am
Chicago Daylight ttr.L...a 7:00 am
Omaha-Chicago Local. .al2:Ua pm
Colorado-Chicago a a:20 pm
Omaha-Chicago Special. a pm
Paclflo Coast-Chicago. ..a .! pin
Loa Angelea-Portland .
Limited a:10pm
Overland Limited aii.15 am
Carroll Local a:tam
Fast Local Cedar -
Hapids-Omaha 1:35 pro
Twin City and Dakota
Daylight a 7:50 am al0:20 pm
Minnesota and Dakota. .a cog pm
Twin City Llmlteo
riioux City Local
Dakota-Sioux City
Omaha Minnesota-Sioux City-
Omaha all 00 ara
Norfolk-Bonebieel a 7 50 am al0:30pm
Lincoln-Long Pine a 7 .50 am all :(0arn
Nurfoik-South Platlc.o 2.16 pm b$:iWpm
Haatioga-Superlot b 1.15 pm to 5:20 pm
Deadwood-Hot bprlnga.a i.ito pm a 6:20 pm
Casper-Lander a 8:56 pm all:O0 am
ji'remont-aj oion ....d wvu u yui
Mlaaosrl Pacific
K. C. and St. L. Ex a :40 am a f :35 am
K. C. and St. L, Ex. tiv.
Sat. 12 p. m all: 15pm a (:50 pm
Chicago, Rock Iala 4t I'acltle
Rocky Mountain Ltd. ...a 2:40 am a 2:2T am
Iowa Local a 6:40 am a 4:30 pm
Chicago Day Express. ..a 7:42 am all:J0pm
Deb Moines Local a 4:00 pm al2:30 pin
Iowa Local bl0:.S5 am b 9:65 pm
Chlcago-Eustern ki a 4:40 pm
Chicago-Nebraska Ltd.. a 6:08 pm
Chicago-Nebraska Ltd.
for Lincoln a 8:20 am
Colo, and Cal. Ex a 1:25 pm
Okla. and Texaa Ex a 4:0 pm
Hocky Mountain Ltd...alo:4 pm
a 1:15 pm
a :ui pm
a 6:47 pin
a 4:30 pm
a 1:00 pin
alu:au pm
Denver and Callforla..a 4:10 pm
Puget Sound Ex a 4:10 pm
Nebraska points ..a 8:20ara
Black Hills a 4:10 pm
Northwest Ex all:?'! pm
Nebraska points a 6:20 am
Lincoln Mall b 1:20 pin
Nebraska Ex a 9:16 am
Lincoln Local
Lincoln Local a 7:25 pm
Schuyier-Piaitsmouth .b 8:Uo pm
Plattsmoutb-Iowa a 9:1 am
Beilevus-Plattsmoutb ..!g:30 pm
Colorado Limited all :to am
Chicago Special a 7:20 am
Chicago Ex a 4:20 pm
Chicago Fast Ex a 8:30 pm
Iowa Local a 9:15 am
St. Louis Ex a 4:56 pm
Kansas City & St. Joe.al0:46 pm
Kansas Clty sc Su Jos. .a 9:15 am
Kaima City As bt. Joe. a 4:oo pm
a 8:46 pm
a :10 pm
a 6:10 pm
a 6:10 pm
a 7:10 am
a 6:10 pm
al2:!5 pm
a 6:10 pin
o 9:08 am
7:50 pin
b 10:20 ara
a 1:60 am
a 2:40 pm
a 7:10 am
all:lo pm
a t:55 pm
a 8:00 am
aU:46 am
all:46 am
a (:46 am
a 8:10 pm
Mtssoart Pacific
Auburn Local b 3 W pm bl2:10 pm
ihlcasjo, St. Paal, atlases pall
Leave. Arrive.
Bloux City Expreaa. ...b 2:00 pm bll:46 am
Omaha Local c 8:20 pm
Sioux City Passenger b 8:20 pm
Twin City Passenger. ...b 8:80 am
EIomx City Local o 8:36 am
Emoison Local b 6:66 pm b 8:10 am
Notice is hereby given that sealed bid
for the construction of steel and wooden
bridges that may be built in the County of
York, for the year 1910, wiU be received
at the office of the county clerk, of said
county, at any time after December 20,
19H, and before noon of January 11. 1910.
All bids to be In accordance with plana
adopted by the Board of Supervisors, and
now on file In the office of the county
clerk; and accompanied by a certified
check for $500. which check shall be a for
feit against refusal to execute contract
where award is made. The Board of Su
perv'sors reserve the right to reject any
or all bid. Witness my hand and the seal
of York County, this 20th day of November,
1909. W. A. MILLER,. County Clerk.
Dollivcr Talks
to Press Club
IF you wished to get tb
biggest harvest from a
given tract of land you
would not blow seed to the
winds thinly scattered over
the country. You would
plant it regularly and sys
tematically in a section no
larger than you could have
properly watched and cul
tivated. You would then
get the richest crop possi
ble, and if you were wiso
you would not overwork
your land and thus shorten
its productive life, but you
the income from your land
is well worth
anything like
Iowa Senator Says Alleged ''Insur
gents" Are Eeal Representative!
of Public Interests.
YOUNO lady would like nice qirlet place
to work for room and board. Tel. H. 4,il7.
SECOND MORTC.AOE loanfmrgotlated.
Apply Rooms 417-18 FlrFt National Bank
Bldg. bell phona Douglas 20: 1.
A MIDDLE-AGED MAN of unquestioned
Integrity, capable of handling almost any
high grade proposition, desires a position
aa secretary or treasurer. Address y iu;,
cars Be.
WASHING If you want It doua right
good Web. Ji.
" : V - ' ' ' -iiciqi'r ij
j't ' "- -'I'' ' ' : -- "1
Ntfrf t h: vi u b
The only up-to-date en
graving house in tho midwest.
CHICAGO. Dec. 4-Senator J. P. Dolll
ver of Iowa, leading member of the "in
surgents," fired a shot Into the enemy In
a speech delivered at the Press club today.
Mr. Dolllver declared the most hopeful
sign about the last congress was not what
it did. but the fact that It did not act
unanimously. He believed President Taft's
attitude toward the "insurgents" at the
coming session will be friendly.
"The time vhen a 'skin game' can be
worked on the people with the unanimous
consent of congress will never come again,"
said Mr. Dolllver.
"When I am asked why I do not vote
with the majority I say, 'not until I have
made a chemical analysis of It.'
"The real Insurgents at the extraordinary
session of congress were not the few men
who tried to represent the public Interest
faithfully and carry out the pledges of
the party platform, but tha Interesting
group of private Interests befors whoae
threats to defeat legislation, the leaders
of the party bowed down for the sake of
"It will be a queer state of the public
mind when representatives of the people
are successfully re.ul out of a party In
order to secure a solidarity organized
around merely private Interests."
would produce this year what would help
next year, and the year after, and so on.
It is Just so in advertising. The use of so-called "national mc
diuxns," of general circulation, is scattering your seed 4oo thinly over too
great a territory. You may get valuable general publicity in this way
but vou cannot expect it to do any thorough cultivating. This is no
disparagement of general mediums, for space in th;m
what it costs, but you must not expect them to yirld
maximum results for a given territory. f
You can only obtain maximum results and profit from any given
locality by the means of Daily Newspaper Publicity. The newspaper
will cultivate the local field as no other medium can possibly do it. It
goes to the home. It takes the news of the day to the home fireside.
It is the messenger between the outer world and the reader you seek
to reach. It sells things.
By selecting any section of country which best appeals to you for the
purpose, you can in a short time and at practically no cost, demonstrate
the value of this great cultivating agency the daily newspaper to
your entire satisfaction. If you have been a user of space in general
mediums, tnen you are all the more
able to get the best value from local
cultivation. Take almost any one of
the general mediums for an example.
!t may have 200,000 or even 500,000
circulation, but you will not find a
great number in any one'eity or town.
You can only get the maximum pub
licity by the use of the local daily
newspaper. Take for example a cer
tain city in Michigan of 100,000 pop
ulation. A canvass of 21,132 homes
showed that 1 9,78 1 of them took
some daily newspaper. Can there be
any other way to thoroughly cultivate
the home field which can approach
the messenger of the day the
newspaper ? It stands supreme in
power to cultivate trade locally and if you do not recognize
you are not awake to your own best interests.
for Information address
901 World Building New York Cftj
Takes Bout at
in Ten Bounds.
secretary Balllnater Hrl Aside 140,.
MOO Acres Not Baacrptlble
at Irrigation,
WASHINGTON. Dec. 4-Secvetary Ral
llnger today designated 140.800 acres of land
In Wyoming aa subject to disposition under
the enlarged homestead law. The locali
ties affected. It Is said at the Interior de
partment, aiv not considered susceptible
of successful Irrigation at a reasonable ere I.
from any known source of water supuly.
Including those announced today 12.2Hii.0S0
acres of land In Wyoming have been desig
nated as suMcct to disposition under the
homestead law.
Ta Best Psraa Paper,
la Dallar a Year.
Kentucky ttallroad Man 4. Ives Bond
oh ( btrgr of Ke
halliia. IM ISVM.U:. Ky.. Dec. 4-l.uclen .1.
Irwin, president of the Louisville, Hen
derson A. St. Louis railroad. Indicted
Jointly with hla road on tha charge of re
bating, gate bond of 14,000 In tha United
Statea court here today.
Interstate Commerce Commission officials
say that Mr. Irwin is tha first railroad
president ever Indicted for violation of tha
interstate commerce law. '
Tommy Breanahan Defeats George
Dixon Sooth Omaha Lad Ont-
claased Spectators Pleased'
Over Decision,
Kport lovers of both cities were treated to
one of the finest ring exhibitions ever seen
In a local ring Friday night, when Tommy
Bresnahan defeated Ueorge Dixon of Omaha
and Mory Bloom of Chicago laid It over
Kid Jensen of Omaha In ten rounds.
Bloom won a clean decision by superior
boxing. Jensen had pluck enough and kept
coming back for mora against Bloom's
swift left Jabs and hard right swing.
Tho fight was one-sided between Hresna-
han and Dixon, the young colored aspirant
of Omaha. Dixon laBted only four rounds
against the terrific rushing of the South
Omaha favorite. As the gong sounded at
the end of tha fourth round his seconds
threw up the sponge. Dixon had taken the
count In every round but the first, and in
that he had suffered blows which staggered
him. This event was scheduled as on a
par with the final event, but did not com
pare with the brilliant .er, rounds between
Bloom and Jensen.
In the first round Bloom and Jensen
sparred with no advantage, but Bloom
started blood In the second and it was
his battle until the end of the sixth. In
the fifth he had Jensen staggering with his
right swings to the Jaw. In the seventh
Jensen became stronger and fought on to
the close, taking many blows ana lanauig
a few hard short punches. Bloom took
. i A niinnh., ...iiv nH wAHtMl no strength.
di ivlng in the long left and generally find
ing a mark, while-lie auckea aw now
hard books and upperouts with apparent
eaJie. It was his clever defense and the
shower of well-timed blowa that won for
him. Ilia punch did not seem so powerful
as Jensen's, but It Jogged the other s mem
ory aeveral timea.
Bloom la a Jewlah boy of very clean ana
wiry limbs, quick as a flash on his fast.
He fought a winning match with Jensen
a month ago on the same tactics. This
time It wa apparent he had many more
friends at the ringside.
Tuier Murohv was referee and hla de
cision waa hailed with ahouta of "Good,
Good," and much applause.
Another exhibition la scheduled at tha
sain hall next Friday svenlng. Two Chi
cago men will fight Breanahan and Malone
There will be no advertising necessary.
In the preliminary events Murphy and
Terry fought four rounds in favor of
Murphy. A buttle royal was pulled off
which was soon over, us three men were
knocked out in the first minute and the
fourth at the end of three rounds.
Village Postman In Lombard)' Is
tinrat of Distinguished
ROME, Dec. 4. Angelo Sarto. a brother
of Pope Plus, arrived In Rome today and
will spend the Christmas holidays al the
Vatican. He Is a well preserved old man.
over 71 years of age.
Notwithstanding that his brother became
pope, Angelo remained in his position as
postman in the village of Grazlo. In the
province of Mantua. Lombard', where he
has been employed for nearly forty years.
Before becoming a postman he was an
Austrian gendarme In Venctla. He says
only his love for his brother Induces him
to endure the atmosphere of Rome during
his vacation and that he feels he can live
only In his pwn village.
Tour weekly or monthly eavinre paid
on shares of Nebraska Savings and Loan
association will earn 8 per cent per annum.
Accused ( ;
Kaunas City Broker
Misuse of Malls Returns
from France.
KANSAS CITY, Dec. . Olcott C. Colt
of New York, a son of the Inventor, will
be tried at the next term of the United
Statea district court in this city on a
charge of using the malls to defraud.
He waa Indicted in May, 190,. but had been
In Paris until recently. He appeared to
day before Judge Philips, who fixed hla
bond at $l.,r00. which amount was pro
vided by George U. Oaugt. Coifs father-In-law,
proprietor of a printing shop.
The indictment charges that In 1907 Ol
cott Colt was operutlng a brokerage and
loan business, with offices In Kansas City
and New York. It Is alleged that after
he received his fee for obtaining loans, he
or his 'Experts" invariably procured no
Farmer Wins on Paal.
STVTNNAH. Or., Dec. 4 Jack Britton
of Chicago lost to "Kid" Farmer of Peoria
here tonight In the third round of a
scheduled fifteen-round fight, whea M
dropped the Farmer with a Mow much
too low. It seemed easily flrltton's fight
up until that time. '
Nebraska Professor's
Paper Raises Live Issue
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 4 A mild sensa
tion was sprung here,, today when an
nouncement was made that Waller George
Smith, a prominent attorney, had resigned
as a member of the board of trustees of
the University of Pennsylvania because of
a difference of opinion between himself and
other members of the board over the ap
pointment of Dr. L. P. Lichtenberger. a
professor who held certain views on di
vorce. Mr. Smith was prominent in the
recent movement to make the lua tov
ernlng divorce uniform throughout toe
United States. He was selcted by Arch
bishop Ryan to speak for Philadelphia
Catholics at the Calholie congress at tha
World'a fair In Chicago.
The vlewa referred to were upon a pa
paper by Prof. George E. Howard of the
I'nlversi.y of Nebraska, enlilled, "Is Frer
Divorce an Kvil?"
Mr. Smith declared he waa of the opin
ion that the views held by Dr. Lichten
berger were not auch aa could be properly
held by a professor In tho university, n
the department t&peclally dealing with
sociological queatlona.
In the puhlloation of the American
Sociological society, which Mr. Smith lo
his fciatement refers to, Dr. Lichtenberger
Is quoted as saying:
"We might as well seek to stop suicide
by prohibitive legislation aa divorce. The
sane method, as Prof. Howard has Indi
cated. Is constructive treatment of tho
causes rather than destructive treatment of
the results.
"Mariiuge, in tho aspect we are dis
cussing, is the legal sanction of the cus
tom of family. It is depended upon law
neither fur Its Institution nor for its per
petuation. We need to get rid of the fear
that the family will disintegrate unless
held together by law. The family alwuys
will arise and disintegrate as the m cessl
tics of Jlfe require, with scant regard for
our laws on the subject.
"If these generalisations are approxi
mately correct, hen It In clear that tha
actual compelling forces in the sphern of
religion and ethics are not ecclesiastical
enactment and reactionary clerical resolu
tions which represent the conservative ln7
fluencea In the church, but those whtoh
reside In the nature of our modern aoelal.
Intellectual and religious life."
Dr. Lichtenberger cume to the University
of Pennsylvania from the New ;a Sohol
of Philanthropy,