THE OMAHASUXOAY TlKE:""l)K('KMItKl .r. 100P. in 11 D, i ft HELP WANTED MALE AGFNTtt wanted nrvhfr to handle ur brand new houacho'd specialty; big profits; easy sales; many tepeat order. Write today. Box 14.1, Lincoln. Neb. AOFNTS Listen! Our substituting for lot machines sell Ilk wild fire; ni capital required: exclusive terrltorr. Anderson name I'nmpiiny, Anderson. Ind HIiJ Chrlstma Proposition Latest 1910 money maker, new and original, no com petition; rtits making eeni-atlona'. sales. Send for free sample. C. P. Blackmon, 14l Carroll Ave., Chicago $10 TO $2S dally. New plan selling herbs without talking. $75 monthly guaranteed everybody regardless of business done Investigate. Anthony Fisher Company, Halt Lake, Utah. AOENTS Wanted Big money; expense paid; no experience required; Portraits, bromides, photo pillow tope. Seri frames at out factory prices; credit glvep- catalogue nnd sample free. Dept. 77. Rltter Art Studio. W. Van Buren, Chicago, 111. LAROR manufacturer with excellent line nd established trade want experienced traveling salaamtn. Salary position. Apply with reference. Iroquois Manufacturing Company, Cleveland, O. WANTED Agents; legitimate substi tute for Riot marhlnea; patented; sails on sight for II. 1'artlculara. Gisha Co., An dcrson, Ind. EXPERIENCED land and townslte Bales men; liberal contract. Winnie Townslte Co., 222 Security Bldg., Minneapolis EXPERIENCED stenographer by auto mobile company. Addreaa O CM, Bee. WANTED Experienced compounder and shipping clerk, who can keep government hooka; hlgttaat reference required ai to character and sobriety. R'ply In detail, stating expectations, to L M. Weitier Wine Co., 438 Sixteenth St.. Denver, Colo. WANTED A hustler to sell our orchard tracta; very liberal terms and good com mission. Write Southern Really Co., Hastings. Neb. AGENTS Ours is the "only" self-filling fountain pen retailing for M)c; sales man agers now appointed. Write, statin terri tory, this Is bonunaa. Newman & Co-, 132S Broadway, N. Y. ' START IN BUSINESS-Ue Independent; I narted an agent; am now big manu facturer making household necessities; have hundreds of agents working; I'll start you. won't let you full; agents of ability wanted to open branch offices and em ploy sub-agents. Write me fully and frankly. C. E. Swajtzbaugli, Toledo, Ohio. WANTED Agents, men or ladles, to s"ll cheap Mexican diamonds : send fur. sum pies; $1 for scarf pin. Mrs. 7.k. 772 Mil waukee Ave.. Chicago, HI. AGENTS' make MXI er cent selling our "Holiday Hpeulaltlea" to morchanta; enor mous demand; unllnilteil quantities; no ex lwrlence regulred; catalogue free. Su'.llvan Companv, U'M Van Huren St., Chicago, 111. HERE'S an opportunity f'T live sub scription men to make connection with the best known trade papers In the country, huge commissions. Trade Paper Bureau, p-S! Arch St., Philadelphia. Pa. WANTED Real estate salesman who can keep small set of books and manage office; ralary and commission. Permanent position with good future to right person. Address, with references, A 7IW, Bee. Bora. WANTED Several trustworthy boyi; good wagoa. A, D. T. Co.. 212 3. 13th Bt. WANTED Bright boy. about 17 yeara od for good opportunities. Y. M. C. A., third floor. FOCR GOOD BOYS. 674-8 Brandela Bldg. Clerical Office. OFfiCrc MAIN A lie. tl, wnoiesaie ouuov., must possess strong executive ability and understand accounts and credits thor oughly; t.1,onO per annum. OFFICE MGR. butter dept. huge cream ery, Neb.; must be thoroughly experienced; tl.liOO per annum. MGR. for local mail order house; must be good on office details; 11.200. (This requires tmall Investment). CORRESPONDENT, must be experienced and capable of getting up good letter; Cashier and Bookkeeper, foundry, small orfice; good opportunity; 11.200. EXPERIENCED R. It., claim clerk; must handle losses and damages; 175. BOOKKEEPER publication house; must lie good penman; 1.5 per month. s LKIK3ER CLERK. Lumber office; expe rienced preferred; 13. 8TENO., Insurance offloe. lift. BTENO. A B K PR., bank, ttk. t J OFFICE CLERK, must write good hand, young man. 140. . The above are positions which we have during the past few days benn requested to fill and we must secure applloanta for them IMMEDIATELY. Call at once or write. WE CAN make contracts for a number of high-grade salesmen for the first of the vear; therefore, if you Hre open for posi tion now, or expect to make a change the 1st, SEE Cfl AT ONCE. WESTERN REF1. BOND ASS N., INC. 721-22 N. Y. Life Bldg. YOU ARli OUT QF A ,sI7-,0.NJ1ir,?T, A SUGGESTION. SEE ME MONDAY OR WRITE FOR PARTICULARS. Three STENOGRAPHERS, leO-tsn-fTu. "Three BOOKKEEPERS two $iG-$76. Two COLLECTORS. Dt nd 115. Five SALESMEN, different lines. $(5-173-f)lt. v CLERKS, different lines, $k-$10-$12. Experienced WINDOW TRIMMER. $U0 I). CARSON. THE REFERENCE MAN. 1.74-8 llranduis Bldg. THREE salesmen. $80. com. and expenses. Four stenographers, tn5 to $75. Three office clerks, 146 to Intl. Hotel clerk. I, board and room. Two collectors ( married t. $"i0 and com. CALL MONDAY MORNING. THE CANO AGENCY, 4S2 Bee Bldg. Pookkeeper, lumber, ex., $711. Asst. manager, investment required, $75. $iuo. Stenographer (wholesale), $iV)-Kio. t if flee cleik, good penman. $.V. Hilling clerk, good penman, $M. Billing clerk asst. bookkeeper. $16-150. Stenographer, Fremont, Neb., 61. Stock clerk, shoe experience, $ts. Salesman, gents' furnishings, IM. Stenographer, experienced, $50. Window trimmer. 1jO-$5. Collector (married manl. $V Several aiuid solicitors, good com. IT WILL PAY YOU to see us if out of employment. CO-OPERATIVE REFERENCE CO., ii7ii-77 P.randels Bldg Factory aad Trades, Drug stores (snaps. Jobs. Kniest. Bee Bldg WANTED Al once, 1st class watch maker; steady Job, 123 per week. C. A Tucker. 1123 O St, Lincoln. Neb, WANTED 5 young men who have had experience In handling boots and shoes to ork In stock I.i wholesale store; slat una and whether married or single and give mfei encen. Address L 728. Uce. WANTF.I Men to learn barber trade; thoroughly practical training by free clinic and cHirful Instructions; tools given, poara provided. Muler graduates command hlgn est waKes t'ur diplomas recognised every alieie. Shop experience and wages before completing. Call or write, Muler Barber College, 110 S. 14th St.. Omaha. WANTED Warehouse foreman and ship plug clerk; iiiuni Ik accurate and an ac tive, willing worker. Permanent position for good man. Apply by letter only. Th Omaha Warehouse Company, end Jones St. Sl'lTtf AND OVERCOATS to order, $; reduced from $W. Mai'CA RTH Y-W 1 1 .SON TAIlAJltlNU CO.. U-3(i 8. Uth St KAY ITCH MEN WANTED Free board ,ftee transportation and good wages. Apply Room t. Arcade Hotel, Uth and Douglua Sts.. from $ a. m. to 9 p. m. UlaeelUaeeae. WANTED Railwa: mall clerks; com mencement salary. $?0; spring examine tlona everywhere; candidatts prepared free rtaukili) institute, iwu. Kocneaier. jx. Y. VA. WANTE1 Ten experienced four line an ,sr i six line teamsters at one. Forty dollar aud laiiuns. Apply Quartermaster, For I v lUblnevn. Nebraska. HELP WANTED MALE M I see I la steam noatlaaed. HOW MUCH of the world have ou aetn? Hnw erect are you How much muclo have youT How much do you know? Do you know a trade? How much money io yon save? Mow do yo'i line your present position? How much chance have you of being promoted? Im you ever expect to be a success? What Is there In the future for you? How much ambition have von? Become a bluejacket In the United States Navy and you will see some of the I'nlted Slates maybe aome of the world; you will become ereH, museular. powerful; learn by travel, study and high class nw elates; mar learn a trade; can y money i.i nearly all your expenaea are paid; will like your Job moat boya re-enllet (66 per cent re-enlleted last year); If you are the right atuff you'll get promoted; and the training 5'ou get In the navy will help mlgh'.ly to' make a success, even If you leav . the navy. if you are 17 to 35 yeara old; right morally and physically; and your future at homo doesn't look bright, find out what the I'nlted States Navy has to offer you. You will be surprised. Knowing a trade la an advantage In join ing the navy. d'.nnn applied for positions last year. Only U.noo were accepted. Navy department doesn't ure you to nliat. Only urges you to Investigate. Talk It over with the recruiting officer today. He will tell you everything. Call or write. Navy Recruiting Station. P. O. Bldg.. Omaha, Neb. Wanted a Man Large corporation want young man, with energy and push to do special work. Can be done during spare time at atart. and when competent, will make contract ior permanent position. Salary aocordlng to efforts and results. 1'nusual opportunity for right man. All applications conf.Uential. Address Y-MB. care Hue." INSURANCE OPPORTUNITY, The Hartford L.lfa Insurance company of Hartford, Conn., wish to appoint a few general agents In the state of Nebraska. An opportunity for men of character and ability. Contracts liberal and direct with the liomi office. Every possible assistance offered to new men In the business. Before making contracts for 1"10, see, or corres pond with C. A. Mcdervey. Supervisor of Nebraska, Hartford Life Insurance Com pany, fiSO Uce Mldg., Omuha. WANTED For 1!10. several first -cIums, experieinred travelling ss:smen; men who are capable or earning largu cutanea, s.clalty line adapted for general stores; old established jobbing house; twelve years in business. Address 1110 Lumber Exchange, Aiinneapoiis, ivunn. GOVERNMENT Positions Chances never better to secure one of the thousands of appointments to be made; full particulars aa to salaries, positions, dates of examina tions In Omaha, sample questions, etc, sent free. Nat l Cor Institute, Washington, D. C. ANYBODY Either sex can make 14 dally all winter raising mushrooms for hotels and retaurant with my spawn In cellars, sheds, boxes, etc. Free Illustrated Instruction booklet. Hiram Barton, &29 West 48th St.. New York. WANTED OrganlJiers, good commissions, any territory. Orders of Owls, Geo. Beioth, Supreme Secietary, South Bund, ind.f EARN 110 to 115 a week during spare tin e; we are manufacturers start you and furnish everything; no canvassing; S sim ple, successful mall order plans to keep our factories busy; we coach you, and show you how to get business; you pay us In months and make big prqi'lta; spare time to start: write today for positive proof. Pease Mfg. Co., bltt Pease Bldg., Buffalo, N Y. FIVE Knights of Pythias given profitable employment nar homo. V hole or part time. Fraternal, Thames Building, New York. $3,000 TO 110.000 YEARLY easily made In real estate business; no capital required; we will teach you the business by mall, appoint you special repreaentatlev of lead ing real estate company, list with you readily salable properties, co-operate with and assist you to a permanent success; a thorough commercial law course free to each representative. Write for -IB-pane book, free; it will be sure to Interest you. The Cross Co., Dept. 215. Chicago. CIVIL Service Positions are very desir able fur young people. Full information and questions recently used by the Com mission free. Columbian Correspondence College, Washington. D. C RAILWAY mail clerks; spring examina tions; preparations free. Franklin Insti tute Dept. 1U2H. Rochester. N. Y. FREE Employ merit liept. Business Men's Ass n. no fees. Call 440 a. of T. Bidg. WANTED Treasurer-ticket tsker, travel show; ItfiO cash security required; salary 125 and expenses; 40 weeks' work guaran teed. Call immediately, Lawrence, 618 S, Wth St. MEN wanted quickly by big Chicago mail older house to distribute catalogues, ad vertise. 1:11.00 weekly; 150.00 expense al lowance. Manager, 1210 State St., Chicago. WANTED SWITCHMEN. Free board, free transportation and $4 per day. Apply Room , Arcade Hotel, 13th and Douglas Sts. WANTED Young man. with $3,000 to to take an active Interest in a well established wholesale business. Address C 87H, Bee. LIVE STOCK FOR SALE Uorees sal Veklclea. RUNABOUT with rubber tires: regular vaiue. urn; must sell now ior woo. ' JOHN SON -DANFORTIi. 10th at Jones. TEAM, harness and wagon and one cow. Cheap. Next to L48 8. 24th St. John Orr. O. S. WATSON, the well known horse- sheer. 812 N, Zlst St. D. $667; lnd. 3211. HALL & MORRIS Veterinarians Suriferv specialty. Hospital ZK58 Karnam. Both phns r i . SUITS AND OVERCOATS to order. ti'O reduced from $30. MacCARTHY-WILfioN tailokiwo co.. aui-aits s. inth Bt HORSES BOARDED at COLE'S EX PRESS barn, 2104 Cuming. 'Phone D. 4727 M CHARY buys and sells all kinds of horses. Blue Dor, rear Mtnard hotel, D.4w, FOR BALE Six-passenger, rubber-ttred gius irunt coupe; cost i,uu; in good order bargain at $l6u. Can be seen at barn, 234 N stn St.. umaiia." FOR SALE Six head of horses and mares, weight from l.ft0 to 1.300 pounds. Harness and farm wagons must be closed out at once, cheap. 1717 Cass St. Duug. 44ii3. SLEIGH for sale. Phone Harney 4841. Dogs. FOR SALE-Beagle Hounds. 8 months old; natural rabbit hunters, and a friendly campiinion for children. Write me at David City, Neb. A. H. Parker. LOST AND FOUND LOST Gold spectacles with Kryptok lenses In Columbian ipt. Co. case. Return Cutumbiau Opt. Co., 211 S. Inth. Reward. LOST A pair of eyeglasses. Return to Madison hotel. Re aid. LOST 1-adV's gold watch, on Harney, be. tween 17th and 31st. Return to 2108 Harney St. Reward. LOST Sum of money Friday, down town or on Hanscom park line; liberal reward for letuin. 'Phone Harney ir13 i MEDICAL BEST nerve brace tor man. Gray's Nerve Food Pills. $1 bo, postpaid, Shermgq & MConnolt Drug Co., Omaha. FREE medloal and surgical treatment at Crelghlun Medical college. 14th and Dav enport 8n ; special attention paid to con finement caacs; all treatment aupervlbed by college professora 'Phone Douglas 1W7. Calls iiihwcini day or tilfcht MONEY TO LOAN ALARY AND CHATTEL. QUICK LOANS, by private party; low raloa: get terms bafore borrowing else where; confidential, Addreaa Bos 7lt MONEY TO LOAN atertee Caettele Coattaaed. tiantinnmwBtniwimiWKinmDim) l MONET! MONET!! TO LOAN. j mmi4tmKiHtutimi!tnjmim! CHKISIWAS MONEY MONET. And your for the asking. If you should be In need of money for MONEY, your CHUISTMAS S1I0IT1N0 MONEV. or other necessary expenaea call on us and we will loan you the MONEY, nmounl you need on you:- FUR- MTIKE, I'lAMI, WAKE MONET. HOUSE RECEIPT. IIORsKH, WAIUJNS. PICTURES, etc.. MONET, without removing the same from your possession. We will also MONEY. LOAN you MONEY If you haw a steady SALARIED position, MONEY, and yon need no other security. REM EM HER. we advertise no MONEY, misleading rates and terms; but are doing the same as we have MONEY, done for years Meeting all com petition. MONET. GOOD, QUICK AND OONFI dentlal dal is what you wish at MONET. Christmas time. This we assure you. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., ad Floor, J07-8 Paxton Rlk., N. MUfNEY. E. cor. 16th and Farnam Sts. Phones Doug. 1411 and A 1411. $10 TO $200 MONEY FOR HOLIDAYS DON'T RE BASHFUL i it M II II II II II II II U II II II COME TO OCR OFFICE and get 1$ It all the money you need II ture. piano or salary at It FOLLOWING HOL1D on your mini- II it the It DAY RATES; It I It 1 M It II M)e a week pays 110 Loan. 76c a week pays tin Ixian. Wo a week pays 126 Loan. II. 00 a week pays Loan. II. SO a week pays IM Loan. 12.10 a week pays 7S Loan. S-'.tio a week pays 1U0 Loan. You can pav month:y If you wlsl tt It II It II M It II These payments Include Interest $t and pilnclp!; no other charges. If It It you have ever borrowed money be- It It fore you will realise how much easier It II our terms are than tho to 31 ? oilier companies. It will pay you It see us before getting money else- II tt where. No red tape. It tt Everything strictly confidential. . ft II Open till 6:30 p. m. It OMAHA FINANCIAL CO., It E01 Brown Block, opposite Brandela. tt tl Kith St. Entrance. It It 'Phones Doug. 03. A-20M. tt utmtwjinut?smumwitwt M We Will Ixan You MONEY FOR CHKISTMAS We Will Loan It to You FREE OF COST TO YOU. We've been here EIGHTEEN years, a guarantee that we will do as we advertise. O N E YOmnba Mortgago Loan Co., 119 Board of Trade $08 8. 16th. Tel. Douglas 221. CALL US UP. MONEY WANED SALARIED PEOPLE. WOMEN KEEPING HOUSE AND OTH ERM, without security; easy payments. Offices In bt principal cities. Tolmau, room ill New York Life Bldg. t on DIAMONDS. W. FLATAU. 1614 Dodge SUITS AND OVERCOATS to order. tO; reduced from 1.(0. Maet 'A RTHY-WILSON TAILORING CO., 301-306 b. ltilh St. SALARY and chattel loans, lowest rates. confidential, open Saturday evening. Both phones. STAR LOAN CO., 644 Paxton Bik. MONEY ON CHATTEL SECURITY AND SALARIES. Low rates. Long time. Buslnest confidential. OMAHA TRUST I'UMl'ANI, 437 Bourd of Trade Bldg. LOANS on FURNITURE. PIANOS or SALARIES, LOANS on your plain note. LOWEST PAYMENTS IN CITY. OMAHA CHATTEL BANK. 1404 FARNAM. MONEY TO LOAN. FROM $10 to $100 on salary, furniture. pianos, etc; no publicity; lowest rates; weekly or monthly payments. THK J. A. HUTTON CO., $14-16 Paxton Blk. . . Tel. Doug. 160-. MONEY TO LOAN on chattel security. Room 608, Barker Block, 15th and Farnam. MOVING AND STORING Ist-clasa STORAGE ae MOVING. COLE'S EXPRESS. lBlti Cap. Ave. . D. 870. A-3437. EXP. Delivery Co.. office 18th and Dav enport Eta , warehouse 2207-08 Isard St. FOR EXPRESS and hauling near Walnut Hill; best of service. Walnut IHil Transfer Co.. 1420 Military Ave. Both 'phones. OFFERED FOR RENT Boardlen Reeoae. DESIRABLE soutk front furnished room with board; summer home: fine lawn, 123 S. 25th Ave. BOARD and rooms; everything htodern: walking distance. 1918 Farnam. Red 6352. DEWEY European Hotel. 13tn and Far nam. COOL, airy room, modern; fine shads with or without board, to two gentlemen or -nan and wife. $04 Capitol Ave. MODERN, close in room and board. $4.50 and $5.00. 20 S. 17th. 1 NICE front room In private family; modern; 1 nlcf room In basement, cheap. 2021 Howard. 'Phone 8108. ONE large front room, also large back rocm; good home cooking; prices reason able. 4Uiu S. 24th St. Tel. Douglas 8K68. ROOMS AND BO," Mrs. H. C. Templar, OOMS AND BOARD. 1818 Capitol Ave. COME TO THE UTOPIA for good board and rooms. Two blocks from postofflce. 18th and Davenport. ROOM AND BOARD by day or week at 1818 Capitol Ave. Tel. Douglas 775H. Varalahed Burnt. VERY desirable large room; newly furn Ished: also smaller room; fine location. 201 8. 26th Ave. BEAUTIFULLY furnished front room In private family, for one or two young men; very rsasonsDie. mii9 weusisr di. ONE large und one small room. 205 fc. 2ulh St. TWO elegant rooms for permanent or transient roomers. Reasonable prices. 647 S. 24th St. NICELY furnished rooms for gentlemen. $06 S. 25th Ave. -ROOM cottage, modern except furnace, very cheap if taken at once. Nicely fur nished. 3318 S. 20th St. LARGE, newly furnished, modern house; fine rooms and home cooking, st reason able prices. 611 tt. 24th St. Tel. Red 6001. FURNISHED or unfurnished rooms, 2u6 S. 26th Ave. NICELY furnished steam heated rooms, $d floor. Tel. Doug. 6001. 1M7 Leaven worth St. ONE nice room for transient roomers. Walking distance. 618 S. 22d St. FOR RENT Desirable furnished rooms; excellent board; reasonable; centrally lo cated. 820 So. lth SL FURNISHED rooms for gentlemen. 11$ 8. Uth St. The Chathani. ONE extra fine front room, fins furni ture, modern. 820 No. 3ia. No. sign on bnuie. ONE nice furnished room, slngls, mod ern; private fauill) 1818 Chicago. SUITS AND OVERCOATS to order. J0; reduced from 130. WacCARTH Y-W1LSON TAILORING CO.. 3ul-iwi S. liilh St VIIK'Vf ton coal; for particulars. R. 1 ItljU jj Morehouse Co. W.31U6. U 2246. NICELY furnished room. Strictly mod ern 217 a. -ith St. Phone D. 3s.f7. ROOM for transients. 17at Davenport. One large roum, also one smaller room for gentlemen only; 211 N. Uth hi. OFFERED FOR RENT Tm rs tsaefl Raoeai 'a tlaaed. IEKIRARI,E furnished room; private family; modern, fine location, Eamani car :i S. 2th Ave. VERT LARGE room for transient room ers, within walking distance, mi Chicaxo Ft. WARM, rooms. 12 per wek; ,ee bath. Ogden Hotel. Council (Huffs. HIX1MS for men. ft and up. 1 Bt 7 Cass. STEAM heated room. ?01! Harney St. WANTED Roommate for two young men. 2041 Harney St. DESIRAPI.K furnished room, walking distance. 171? Burt 8t. within Pl'RNISHED ROOM, near depots, witll private family. U'13 S. 11th. Two larjc front, modern basement rooms, near car "line. P1J N. 21 St. One large beautifully furnished parlor; all modern conveniences. R'W N. 21st. Tel. Doug. 3'i. In walking distance. i ONE very large parlor, outside door, block from postofflco. Tel. A 17.M. one ONE large furnlnhed parlor; also double; board If desired. 1S17 Cupitol Ave ONE newly furnished room; nil modern conveniences; on car line. 313 N. .'OUi St. REAUTIFl'L room in new home for re fined gentlemen: only those who can up' pnclatu a nice home need apply. J07 N. lath St. v LARGE, sunny room, with outside en trance, 117 South I5th Ave. 'Phone Doug. T010. Aparrmeata aad Flats. TO LET Now Cornish apart int'iits, southwest cor ner 10th and Williams. Steam heated and fully modern. LOCATION IDEA I, Easy walking distance from wholesale district nnd depots. All Farnam cars pass these apart ments, one block from Harney ear line. Two apartments finely finished. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam St. Tels: Douglas 10(54; Ind. A-10.U. t rooms, lnd floor. $808 Rees street, bath nd toilet. $15.00 Chris Boyer, 22d and Cuming fits. 6-ROOM modern lower flat at MM Leav enworth St., $20 0. Tel. Harney 1666. CORNISH APARTMENT Southwest corner 10th and William St.. NEW. first-class, up-to-date heated apart ments; furnished or unfurnished. Janitor will give prices. SUITS AND OVERCOATS to order. $20; reduced from $.. MhcCARTHY-WILSON TAILORING CO., S01-30S 8. 16th St. A BEAUTIFUL apartment at Slid and Farnam will be vacant soon on account of party leaving city. Cull Harney 2215. vvm. K. potter. i STRICTLY modern 5-room St. Louis flat at 3334 Lafayette Ave., $2U per month. In- eluding water. Tel. Harney U029. : THE SHERMAN An elegant 6-room apartment; steam hegt; Janitor service, phone A-3768, Webster 715. FOR RENT Modern brick flat, all con veniences, $ rooms, Park Ave., across street from park, which I offered last Sunday for $36 I will rent on year's lease to good tenant one montn tent rree. a. u, flieyti". Phone Harney 25i& Hoasekeesif aal Hoosas. FOUR large unfurnished rooms. Inquire at 1045 S. auth SL LIGHT housekeeping rooms, nicely fur nished. Cheap. 618 So. 22d St. LIGHT housekeeping rooms. Mrs. Geo. Scott. 1711 N. $4th St. A SUJTE of three elegant new rooms, modern. 820 North 2Uth. TWO furnished rooms for light house keeping; modern. 20 N. 18th. Doug. 6946. FOR RENT Two nicely furnished rooms, all - modern; gas for cooking and light, furnace heat. 801$ Webster St. Harney 3738, B-2028. THREE unfurnished housekeeping rooms. modern except heat; $8 per month. 1328 N. 40th St. THREE nice rooms, nicely furnished, gas, bath, heat, $7. 616 S. 22d TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, modern. Apply 2103 Miami St., or 'phone Webster S7S7. TWO modern housekeeping rooms. 211 N. 18th. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, i.406 Cuming St. i TWO suites light housekeeping rooms. newly furnished: light, heat and bath; reasonable. 607 H. ih. TWO modern rooms for refined couple. 1918 Chicago. MODERN furnished rooms for housekeep ing. 2020 Hurt. MODERN housekeeping rooms. 2024 Cali fornia. ONE front room with large alcove, also suite front rooms. 2426 Dodge. TWO rooms on first floor, modern. 25h3 Dodge. FOR RENT Three furnished rooms for housekei pliia; ; references required. Inquire 626 si. 20th St. TWO nicely furnished rooms for house keeping. 2604 Davenport. TWO excellent, completely furnished rooms for housekeeping, including cooking gua light and heat; phone In house. 25,4 Uarney St. Vmt aralahrd Koonae. ONE, two, three or four rooms, with or without heat. 2707 Dodge St. STEAM heat for men; per month $s. JOHN N. FRENZER. BOTH 'PHONES. Faratskcd H eases. A FURNISHED HOUSE, eight no"rns, $81 h and Farnam. Reference required, 'Phone Harney 161 FURNISHED oottage for I montns. Ask particulars. Red 61U0. $u0.oo $ KCK1M8, best of furnishings, 111 So. 3ath Sl GEORGE or COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St. Telephone Douglca 756. OFFERED FOR RENT tt'ontlnued. leasee Cettagea. I-R., Til Francis, cltv wster outside, 14. -R., &M B. lMh, city water, $X 4-R. MS 8. 3.1d. welt water, newly pa pered, $11 h-R., 2..;i s 3ttn St., moil ex. neat. -. 6-R.. mllo N. Krug l'atk. 2 acres. $ t. 6 It , 311 Vinton, new, mod. cx heat, $20. 6-R.. 2'04 Pierce mod. ex. heat. I'.V 6-R., It'ilst N. 2!'(h. mod. rx. heat. $.M. 6-H., r'lorencc, mod ex. heat. $'7. 6-R, S-tl Fiancls. cltv water, $8. 6-R., iHl N. 2L'd. gas. cltv water, barn, $18. li-R., 213 Grand Ave., all imHl.. $10. 6-H., 121 N. Kith, mod tx. heat, $!. 8- R., Bancroft, mod. ex. heat, J.'l. 6- R., 2i:is Decatur, modern, t.'.V 7- R., K'14 N. 40th. all mod., $10. 7-R.. 21'C spencer, all mod . X.: 9 R., 1 '22 N. Vth St.. all mod., t'c 7-H., 24J0 Charles, mod. ex. heat, $22. s-R., :i'lt Capitol, all mod. ex. heat. $.. s-R., Blvd. and Davenport, mod. and com plete, 1-H.. lXfl Jtlnney, mod. ex. heat. $-''.. 9- It.. :1I2I Mason, all mod.. FLATS. f.-R.. 14 S 90th. all mod.. $."!$..'. 6-R.. 122 S. ;ith. all mod., $12 M 5- R . 2623 Sherman Ave., water, bath, ga, $l.i. 6- R., I; Emmet, all mod.. $.. 6- R., rn N. 21st, mod .ex. heat, $11 50. ti-R.. :tnni-;i Harney, all mod., t. 7- K., rsr7 s. 2iith Ave., all mod., hot water heat. $12 60. 7- IL, 14(in-n S. 10th, all mod.. $40 S R., 14m S. 8th. all mod.. $4.r. 8- R.. 22H7 Davenport, all mn1., I4.Y Stui e 2219 Cuming. 1Sxf.4 ft.. $". Hastings A Heydcn. M14 Harnev St. FLATS. 4lf Dewey Ave., choice S-room brick, modern, excellent repair. $:B. Ron S. 22d St., swell, nearly new. duplex brick. 7 rooms, modern, oak finish, easy walking distance, H2.M). 122 S. 'totti St., new tl-room brick (Bt. Louis). $:!2.W. 2227 Dodge, 12 rooms, modern, suitable for roomers. $'0: walking distance. 2 'l S. inth St., 6-room flat. $lf 50. S21 S. "24th. 4-room apartment, steam heat, porcelain bath, $20. HOUSES. 2712 Central Hlvd. (south of . Cass). 7 rooms, mod., oak finish. $:"i; will cut rent for good tenant. 1311 S. 27th; choice, 8 rooms, mod., good repair, simp, $2"i. 22i Douglas; new. 5-ronm cottage, mod ern except heat; snnp, $20. 1K19 Locust. 8 rooms, bath. $20. 2"04 N. 22d, 6 rooms, bath, $1. ' Dewey Avp., 5-ronm cottnire, $1.". lit? Stanfoid Circle, 8 rooms, modern ex eunt heat, $!!(. 4117 -. 2..II1 Ave., good 4-rnoiii cottage, 11. 1476 H. 17th. 4 rooms, 1st floor, $12.rd OARVIN UROS. ni8 N. Y. Life. 410 N. 22d St.. 10 rooms, modern, fine house, close In and will put In excellent re pair, $.Vi. Reduced rents on the following: 1os and 11(1 S. 2Tilh Ave., 8 rooms, modern, close In and desirable for keeping roomers. KTJ llinney St., 8 rooms, modern: will put In excellent repair. 0t2 S. ?th, i! rooms, modern, cottage. 2ii'iH Davenport St.. 10 rooms, modern. W. FARNAM SMITH CO., 1320 Farnam. Tel. Doug. 10(i4; Ind. A-10M. 214 S. 36th St.. C-r.. mod. ex. heat $23.00 1231 Purk Wild Ave.. $-r., all mod Vio.OO 1f.13 S. St., 4-r. flat, cilv water JIO.00 1731 S. 17th St.. S-r.. all mod $25.00 HIRKETT A TERHENS. . 423 Ree Hldg. 'Phones: Doug. 47.t: A U.'il. GOOD HOUSES FOR RENT. New 7-r. mod. house, UK S. 42d St.. $42.."iO. 8-r. modern house. I14S S. 29th St., $.10. Two steam heated rooms, suitahle for office or living rooms, In Duvidge Ulilg.. $:t0. Modern, steam heated flat In Davidga BldK., $3",. JOHN W. ROBB1NS. 102 FARNAM ST. OMAHA Van Storage Co., pack, move, store, H. H. goods; atorshouse. 1120-24 N, 19th; office 309 S. 17th St. Tel Douglas 166$ NOTICE Hotel for rent, all newly fur nished; running now: proprietor got oul of business. Henry Pleper, Mlnden, la. B OR RENT -room brick house, all mod ern, on car line. C. M. Bachmann, till Paxton Blk. HOUSES In " rts of th citr. flOUOtiQ Creigh Sons & Co., Bee Bid. 7 ROOMS, modern house. 1608 Spruce St H. I. Plumb, 110 8. 13th St. FINE FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE 3830 N, $2d bt. $23.60. Patterson, 1623 Farnam. NO EQUAL Steam heat, all modern, 7 rooms, hall, bath and basement. 220 N. 23d. EIGHT ROOMS, modern except heat. 211 S. 21' th St., $22. McCague Investment Co. 163$ N. 39TH ST., one block from Ames Ave. car, new 6-room modern cottage; very cheap at $16. J. W. ltasp Co., farao dels Bldg. 6 ROOMS, 2d floor, bath and toilet, 260$ Rees St.. $16. 6 rooms, 2d floor, toilet, 1902 Bristol St, $15. 8-room house, modern, K06 Bristol St., $25. 6 rooms, modern except heat, 409 William SL. $15. c rZ"- I5odor1 cel)t "'" 1106 N- th St?;l J,w"o VZL Vi'"' . , CHRIS BOYER, 22d and Cuming Sts. 24fl N. 20th St., $-r., mod., $35. 1308 S. Slst St., 7-r. all mod., $27.60. V.m Decatur St.., 8-'r., mod. ex. heat, $25. 152ti Castellar St., 6-r., mod. ex. heat. 2iil7 Emmut St., 7-r., mod. ex.. heat, $17.60, HH S. 2'jlh St., 7-r., mod. ex heat $17.60. 2210 Clark St., 6-r., mod. ex. heat. $16. 2423' Cuming St., 4-r., city water, $10. S210 S. 2('lh Ave., 4-r., cltv water, $10. McCAGUE INVESTMENT CO., l&m Dodge St. FIVE room cottage; gas, city water, toilet ana sewerage. 1,12 N. 29th. Only $lu. J II. Parrotte, 316 Bourd of Trade. NEW, modern, 7-room house; hard wood rioor throughout. $42.60 per month. 118 S 42nd St. A. 11. Williamson, American Ra diator Co. 2719 S. 9th, 6 rooms, 1 block tu Farnam Line. $16. Benson, 7 rooms, 4 lots in fruit, new, $18. 2723 S. 9, 7 rooms, all mod, nearly new, $25. 2M16 N. 25th, near Kountze Place, 7 room square style, $25. 4328 Charles, 8 roams, all modern: for t families if desired. $27.60. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1001 N. YF. Life. Doug, or A-2152 No. 2704 Seward street, six rooms, south front, $16. No. 2721 Charles street, after November 20. six rooms, paved street, modern except furnace, $18- ALFRED C. KENNEDY, 101) First National rank Building. Tel. Douglas 722. BRICK house, 2614 Dewey Ave., 7-room, modern. Moyer Stationery Co., 1616 Far nam St. HOUSEHOLD GOODS packed, forwarded; cheap freight rates; moving and storing. Expiesbiuen's Delivery Cu. Tel. Doug. 4- FOR RENT 3 rooms; city water. 1828 N. 17th St. C. M. Bachmann, 426 Paxton Blk., Tel., 2639. Res., D. 60t6 SUITS AND OVERCOATS to order. $; reduced from $30. M acCA RTH Y-WILSON TAIIjORINU CO.. 301-306 S. 16th St. FOR RENT Five-room cottage, newly papered and painted, at 2303 Grace St, FOR RENT New 7-room house. 26th St. 1315 S. 6-R, new, modern, hot water heat, walk ing distance. 2236 Howard. FOR RENT On or about Jan. 1, Itlf). 8- room, all modern house; combination fix ture. C. M. liachman, 436 Paxton Blk. 8-ROOM house. 623 S. 14th Ave. Inquire 504 S. 36th. Tel. Harney 4.166. SECOND floor 257 Pierce; rent $9 per month. Tel Douglas 6269 after t p. m. 4-r.. St. Louis flat, modern; 1753 . I7th St., between 2-tth und east side park car line. Harney $!6. 12 ItOOMS MODERN Easy walking distance to center of city. Location makes it very desirable for locming house. NOWATA LAND & LOT Co . Suite 24 New York Life Bldg. 7-ROOM modern house, laundry, furnace, Hanscom park district. $26. Tel. Harney 468 HOUSES. Insurance. Ringwalt. Barker Blk 25.68 DOUGLAS; 8-room. $27 50. Frenxer. Both Phones. John N. WEST Farnsm District New home. Just completed at 8611 Howard, on paved street, for $46; Phone Harney 2MS. 4-room cottage, 64X No. 2lh Ave. $13 00. 6-room collage, 3vl$ Ohio SL, Jju. all mod., except heat. C. O. Carlberg, 11 N. Y. Life '4. OFFERED FOR RENT lloases and tottagee4 on tlaaed. $12n-4 RlMlMS, model n except best, E.'l I ong las St. $lioo t rooms, modern except heat. 31 Fhlrlev. .".. New 6-room cottjige. city waler ami ass, water paid bv owner. Xi21 Ohio S. jfi i.7 rooms, tmslern extept heat, 24. Chai lea. $J1 fv -K riioins, inoilrrn except heat. 2S1S No 19th Ave. 0O 8 room, modern. l.'.U So. SHtli St. t.'T tiO 7 rooms, modern, newly percd and ilttel throughout. 2flnJ Rrlsto'. $lT7.."iO : looms, strictly modern, hot water htat. 1:4 Corby St. IJ7 Riv looms, new. imslcrn. oak finish, 20, So. snth St. i.-'J.MV-a room, modern, first class. S20 No a:li-d St. $.12.607 nsinis. modern, excellont loca tion. 6:1 So. 2sth Ave. $.l."i 0 rooms, modern, hot water heat. 17M Park Ave. t42..V J rooms, new. strictly modern, 119 So. 4.'llil St. $UYO 8 rooms, new, oak finish. Ivtll Farnam. $66.00-10 rooms, modern, steam hent, 1st cliiss. 621 Park Ave. GEORGE COMPANY, 1'W Farnam St. Telephone Douglas 766. TO RENT Pretty b'-room cottage, almost new, papered throughout, mod ern except heat, shades to all the windows. Kent $-J0.M). ;JK)9 Corby street. S1I1MEH iV: CHASE CO. F0F RENT 27-Stf Pacific. -r. brick: strictly modern; hew plumbing, hardwood throughout, laun- ilry with stationary tubs In b:isement. Newlv puperea and ilecoraieu. j'.iegamiy finished floors; electric light. Fine neigh borhood; very desirable. $10. HEXSOX & MYEKS CO.. Phone IViugles 74ti 412 N. Y. Life Hldg. lU'MlALOW FOR RENT, new. 8 rooms, hot water heat, one block west Country club, all modern, garage. Desire responsible tenant and only ask $25 rent .Bring references, 331 Military Ave. Call and aeo our list of cottages, flats and houses. We have one of the largest lists In the city und believe we can fit you out. PAYXE B0STW1CK & CO., Sole Agents, Main Floor, N. Y. Life." $12.60 4-room cottuge, 708 N. 28th Ave. $15.00 8-room modern flat, new plumbing. 109 Lake St. 1s.00--r. mod. brick. 1302 N. 24lh St. ROBINSON & WOLF, 435 Paxton Block. E-room cottage, modern, except heat, 1014 South 23d St. Inquire 1020. FOR RENT 5-room cottage. Walnut Hill addition; bath; brick and cemented basemcnt;reiit low. Apply at 607 N. 19th St. Tel. Red 6264. Offices, houses, steam heated flats for rent; fire Insurance. BUTTON REALTY CO. 694 Brandies Bldg.. Tel. lxiug. 1670. Agents for the California Apts. EIGHT-ROOM dwelling, modern ejtcept furnace. W3 No. 41st St.. 25. FELL & PINKERTON CO., 408 First Nat l Bank Bldg. 1911 Izard, 6 rooms, $18. 2006 N. 24th St.. 6 rooms, $14.50. 2412 Parker, 6 rooms, $17. 1124 N. 40th, 8 rooms, modern, $25. 2203 N. 18th, 8 rooms, modern. $35. JOHN. N. FRENZER. BOTH 'PHONES. TWO GOOD, WARM HOUSES. 2410-12 Seward St., each has 6 rooms and strictly all modern, including new furnace. Price is lower than you can get anywhere else in town. $22.50. PAYNE, P.OSTWICK & CO., Sole Agents. Main Floor N. Y. Lite 2-R. cottage. 3120 Webster, $5. 8-r. house, new ly papered, 82:19 Evans. $10. J. H. PARROTTE. 32 Board of Trade S-ROOM modern house, good barn, ce ment walks, one block from street car, In Clifton Hill. hi: tc h 1 n son- ROLL A RD. CO., 1623 FARNAM. J-ROOM modern home. If taken now one month free; furnace. 405 N. 34th St. Ask owner, next house north; price, $35. 'Phone llurney 307. 2002 Poppleton Ave., 8-r., modern, beau tiful location, $36. 2769 Webster St., -r., modern, nil com pletely repaired, $27.50. FLAT FOR RENT. 155$ N. 16th St.. -r. and bath. $13. 7-r, modern and completely furnished, house for a term of one ear or less, $40 PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 1st Fl. N. . Y. L. Bldg. MODERN 8-room house. $18 8. 36th Ave. Phone Douglas 4587. 4-ROOM. modern. 1110 N. 22d. HOUSES, flats. Garvin Bros., 318 N. Y. L NEW 6-room house, modern. Harney 647. 1819 N. 85fh ST., 4 large rooms, pantry, closet, city water, large cellar, storm doors and windows. BEMls. Brsndels Blk. HOUSES Peters Trust Co.. N. Y. Life Bldg. MAGGARD Van at Storage Co. D. 1496. Pack, store and ship huuseliold goods. Ualldlpss. OLD PRESBYTERIAN HOSPITALN Three-story brick building, over 30 rooms, will be thoroughly repaired throughout. Suitable for hospital or public institution or rooming house. N. P. DODGE tc CO.. 1714 FARNAM ST. 145-1407 HARNEY. For Rent Four-story brick, 56x130, suit able fur wholesale or retail; will lease all or part of building. OARVIN BROS., 818 N. Y. Life., 44x44 FEET, ground floor, 10th and Doug las. Peters & Edliolm Co. Offices. FOR RENT Office pace on Farnam St.. ground floor of Bee llldg. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1714 Farnam 4St. DESIRABLE single offloe, also suite of offices, in Continental block. ALFRED C. KENNEDY. (09 First National Bank Building. Tel. Douglas 722. New und attractive office rooms In Webster-Sunderland Bldg., 16th and Howard, offered at very reasonable rent. GEORGE COMPANY, KW1 Farnam St. Telephone Dougles 75. torea. 315 S. 16th St. New modern store room. 1175 feet floor space, heat furnished, $260.00 per month, lease 3 to 10 ynars. 624 So. lth SL Modern store room, "600 Bjock." 22x60 feet, heat furnUlied, good basement, price on application. 620 So. lfith St. 22x60 feet, new, up-to-date front, good basement, $75 00 per month. 1611 Howard St. 2x60 feet, good basement, new front to be installed, $12500 per month. GEORGE & COMPANY, 1601 Farnam St. Telephone Dougles 764. STOREROOM and basement In Seargs block, S. O.. 620 N. 4th. Hall. 43$ Kamge Bldg., both 'phones. r- NEW Store. $21$ Cuming. Tel. Web. $17. STORE ROOMS. 1714-16 North 24th St., $17 60. 2654 Farnam SL. $15. McCAOUM INVKSTME'NT CO.. 15"4 Dodge 81. OFFERED FOR RENT tores DESIRABLE storeroom, No. 11$ Nonh I4ih street, was occupied aa a meat market for over twenty years and Is Just the lo cation for thsl line of huine. $20. AI.FUVDC. KENNEDY. 0Q First National Pank Ru'.ldinc. Tel. Douglse IK. Pilck ftore full basement. 1718 Cuming. $'6 THUS. W. HA.EN, ltV. S. ldh Tel. 1 lfV THRICF.-STOHY and basement building. 114-11I, No. IMh St Steam heat. Suitsblo for fc'ore or manufacturing plant. FELL P1NKERTON CO . 40ft 1 irst Nat l Hank llldg V2 N. 24( h. corner, brick. $:. JOHN N. Fit EN .Ell. ROTH 'PHONHS FREN.ER UIAK'K. OFFERED FOR SALE Karnltaroe. C1IF.A TFST PLACK for STOVF." AND FURNITURE. Racket Store. 18 ft Cuming. BARGAINS In second hand Furniture. rVhwettxer. 1711 N. I4th St. W. 2194: It. 1.12. STOVES, slightly used, sold reKi.rd;es of cost. American Furniture Co , 220 N. 18th FURNITURE of 5 rooms; range, heating stove, entire outfit, nearly new, at a bar gain. Call soon and pick out what you want; cheap. C3 S. 21st St. WHEN answering these advertisements, kindly mention The Pee. RUGS Elegant leather chair. Refriger ators, Hookcase, Sideboard. China Closet. Etc. Private family moving. 'Phone Har ney 2911 SUITS AND OVERCOATS to order. $.t; reduced from $".0. MacCARTllY-WILSON TAILORING CO.. S01-2('. S. ltilh St. OAK sideboard and dining choirs to match. ,3320 Dewey Ave. MISSION furniture, suitahle for a den: silk velour portieres. Wilton velvet ruit. 9x12; mehoRany tahoret. sanitary couch, bed. linoleum and Ice chest; half price and In good condition. E. S. Uaker. apartmont x. Winona, 27th and Dewey Ave., west en trance. 2d floor. Musical Instrameats. SLIGHTLY used upright pianos for sale at 1908 Harney. C. H. Thatcher Co. D, 6018. I VERS POND piano, cheap Us) McCague Blk. almost new; PIANOS selected now In THE BEN NETT PIANO CLUBS will be held for Christmas delivery if desired. Typewriters. SECOND hand typewriters sold, repaired. Central Typewriter Exchange. lt7 Farnam. M UccIIaaeeaa. m A T AT CUT prices 1,1 A I a W'e save you from 50o to $1.60 on every ton and give better roal. We guarantee correct weights. Ltosenblatt's Cut Price Coal Co. COAIs-S baskets, $1. Dry kindling, a load, $1 delivered. Star Ice tc Coal Co, D. 446$. Large stock stoves, furnlt. Must sell next 30 days. Bell Fur. Co., 1406 Dodge. It. S641. SAFES, new and second-hand, 1110 Faro. 4738 N. 3Sth Bt. DRUGS at cut prices; freight paid on all $10 orders; catalogue free. FMieunan At McConuell Drug Co., Omaha, Neb. FOR SALE New and 2d-hand billiard and pool table. We lead the world In cheap bar fixtures, easy payments. Brulie-wick-Balke Collender. 407 Ho. 10th Bt. 200 OVERCOATS SLIGHTLY USED, at bargain A B. SINGER, 411 N. Uth. FOR SALE Early Ohio potatoes. Tel. Benson 466; delivered. .0 SUITS AND OVEItCOATS to order. $2?; reduced from $). MnoOARTH Y-WI LSOX TAILORING CO.. 301-306 S. 16th St. COMPLETE commercial law course with the International Correspondence Schools; transferable to other courses. Address Hox 166, Wood River, Neb. SHOLARSHIP on leading business roi I'ge for sale t discount. Address P SOt, Bee. SOME OF OUK BA1WAINS ; 1 good second hand organ. $16.00. ' V good second hand upright piano, Rose wood case, $55.00. 1 slightly used, upright Emerson piano, $175.00. J. MARSHALL SMITH CO., 308-310 H. 18lh St. Opposite Court House. $5 00 COAL"'" ood' tr Harmon tp-j.uu kjsuj vvieth. Both 'phones. KVERYTHINO In typewriters; just a few of our bargains: Rebuilt No. 2 Mmltti Premier, $31; No. 1 Oliver, $35; No. Rem ington. $33, machines shipped on approval; no deposit required. TYPEWRITER EQUIPMENT CO.. 206 & Uth SL Second-Hand Boilers We will sell two boilers that have been In use at the Bee building. Ihey are each 175-horsrpower return tubular boilers, 78 Inch diameter by 18 fee long. They have 188 C. I. tubes. 3 Inches by 13 feet. Work ing pressure 150 uoumis per square Inch. Heat surlace, 19,000 square feeL Urate area 82 square feet. We are very anxious to dispose of these boilers Immediately und will sell at a bar gain If taken at once. THE REE BUILDING COMPANY. 17th and Farnam Sts. Omaha, Neb. COAL by the ton. Call Webster $897. HALL'S safes, new, 2d-hand. 181$ Farnam WE HAVE on hand a number of Ink bar rels which we will sell at 60a each. They are fine for rain water or ashes. Call at pressroom Bee Publislng Co. ONE-KARAT and lVkarat white dia monds at a snap. Address J 692. Bee. ALL SIZES of empty boxes and kindling wood for e;ile. Apply at office. F. W, Wool worth & Co. 6c and 10c Store. For SALE Second-hand boilers, en gines, slide valve and Corlcss. from 10 to 200-horse power; 'gasoline, gas, gas pro ducers, pulleys, shafting and hungers; planing mill. Iaundiy, milling and iron working machinery; air compressors, pumps, fans and blowers; fuel oil engines and burners. WESTERN STEEL 4 IRON CO., Council Bluffs, la. GERTRUDE and Eleanor Clark leaving on their southern tour must disMse of two black lynx sets of magnificent large Rus sian shawl, with beautiful rug muff, tle gantly trimmed with heads and talis and lined with shirred satin; worn about four times on the stage: cost $s0 each, sell for $M each. Will send one or both C. O. D., with privilege of Inspection at our exnonsu. Miss Gertrude Clark, 24 East 14tli St., Ne? 1 ora i.iiy.- TEN beautiful Xnias cards 10 cents. !at Isfactlon guaranteed. Stamps or silver. Cen tral Iowa Mercantile Co., Colo. Ia. RADIANT HOME. In fine condition. No. 7. Cheap. a23 No. ltith St. A HOWE Vent Base Burner, nearly new ; half price; Monday afternoon, by Thoinax E. Burke at Omaha Van and Storage. CKJOD cinders for sale. Inquire Real Estate Tltle-TruBtCo.. 1J01 Farnam St. OSTEOPATHY JOHNSON INST.. 41$ N. T. L. Tel. D. I6M. Dr. Kathryn Nicholas. KM N. Y. L. Bldg. PATENTS D. O. BARN ELL. Paxtoa Blk. Tel. Red TUT. HUFFMAN. $1$ Neville Bldg Book PATENTS that protect and pay; advlcf and book freei rates reasonable; highest references; beet results. Watson K. OcJei man. Patent lawyer, Washington, D. C PERSONAL K'TflVF'. 1 ton" roal; fop Psrlrulars. R 1 ,l"1J H. Morehouse Co. W.ZluS; B.224J MAONETIO tnient, Mme Smith aiAUinriiioa 8. ,4tu Bu third tloat Private eonflnemeat home. Mrs. Dr. King 1324 N. Ma. Tel, Wb. XJ&. I4, Ji-jJi 5