B OMAHA SUNDAY MORNTNO. DECEMBER , 1909. ft ..Mi'mQ, . 2 , - is (I? f UlT 1 1 V riTV REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR IALK 'Continued) FIVE DUNDEE IX)TS $G50 EACH Only five lots left In Hun doe's new residence nectlon. at this very low price. Hewpr. cement walks and trees being covered by the purchase price. Restricted neighborhood, close to car line, with good hotuxr building. Insure Increase In values. This price will not be rood after the first of t!i year. Terms: $100 cash and $10 per mvnth. DUNDEE ItESIDENCES $4,400-6117 Capitol Ave. This bungalow has & large rooms and bath on first floor, larite bedroom on second floor, liv ing room and dining room fin ished In selected quart?r sawed white oak. Handsome brick fireplace Ih living room. A well constructed bungalow In first-class neighborhood. If not sold at once will be leaned. $4.9GO 6106 California St.: new, 7-room, 2-story frame house, strictly modern, osk finish and floors first floor, large living room across en tire front of house; 4 at tractive bedrooms second floor, natural wood finish, bath room with heat, best nickel plumb ing, stairway to attic, full cemented basement with good furnace. An attractive home, close to car line. $8,000 For the southeast cor ner of 49th and Chicago 8t. This is a well built, all mod ern, attractive home, with 8 large rooms and bath, and S rooms finished on third floor; large basement with laundry connections and first-class combination hot air and hot water heater; the grounds are 160x135 feet, with fine bearing fruit and a large garden. A spacious home with beautiful grounds at a low price. In vestigate at once. Good Homes at Reasonable Prices. $2,600-2102 N. 27th Ave., 6 room, story and a half frame house, modern except heat, excellent repair, close to car line, only isoo cash, balance same as rent. 4,500 2425 Ohio St.; new, 8 room, 2-story modern house, well arranged, oak finish first floor, natural wood finish sec ond and third floors; furnuoe heat; ctose to two car lines. Immediate possession. Rea sonable terms. WEST FARNAM RESIDENCES $17.000 For a f irst-class, 9 room residence, modern In every respect. located In Omaha's best residence dis trict, near 8th and Harney Hts. ; east front, large grounds, 9xl26 feet. $12,600 9-room. strictly mod ern home, located oft one of Omaha's best residence streets; everything in first class condition; house built for a home. Owner leaving town reason for selling. $8,000 For new, 9-room all modern house; oak and hard pine finish, large reception hall first floor, living room, dining room und kitchen; 4 bedrooms on second floor; one large room on third floor. Lo cated near !Cth and Fnrnam ISts. Easy terms and will con sider offer. WEST FARNAM BUILDING SITES $9,200 For coiner lot, llx12r feet, near Harney and 40th Bts. $7,600 For 75x167 feet, near SSth and Jack.son Sts. $5,200 For 69x100 feet, cor ' ner lot, near Farnam and 37th Bts. $4,60068x135 feet, ."2,1 anil Dodge Sis.; cheapest lot In this neighborhood. $3,600104x 88 feet, fronting south on Junes St., lust east of 37th fit INVESTMENTS . I Per Cent Net Two St. Tenuis flats; practically new. all modern, close in on paved street, were re tiled before fin ished and have never been va cant since. A sure, safe In vestment in a loratlon where values are increasing. Price, $16,500. 10 Per Cent Net Thre new attached brick houses, having 7 large rooms and reception hall each; oak finish, strictly anodern, full busementa With laundries, exceptionally well built, as they were built for a permanent Investment. These houses are Ineuted on the car line, are within walking dis tance of the busiiv-ss center, are close to the High School. Crelghton College anil several churches. A good, sifc in vestment for $ifi,00o. Rranoii able terms. 8 Per Cent Orotis T o 10 room moJern liounes, on S. 17th St.. close to the Onviha , Dally News office, and v1,'i n a block of good buw.ness. Also U feet on lTtli Ave., unim proved; excellent locution for brick flats: all specials p?ld. Only $12,000 for the entire property. 16 Per Cent Cross Itrick store and flat bulldlnr. 22-rM feet, located on Douglas St.; rood business location. Price, $7,H0. George & Co., 1001 Farnam St. TELEPHONE: Douglas ZA. 0 ROOMS WEST OMAHA Lot $0x160. modern, onk msn'el s--l (rate; four bed room and bath upstairs, una bed room downstairs; front and 'ar talrways; barn and driveway. $4,000 TERMS A genuine snap. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO., (24 New York LI .. $6TH AND JONE3. S vacant lots, east fronts, at $600 each. W. H. GATES, $17 N. T. Life. Phone D. 124. ATTRACTIVE, well constructed, two dory house St 2506 Maple St. Just com pleted, bis looms, reception hall, bath ' rocm, attic and full cemented basement; strictly modern, liest plumbing, furnace ana combination gas ana slectrto fixtures awf sal by swner. rfT, REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SAMI (Continued.) 2809 Dewey Ave. Right down town and oply two blocks lo Farnam car line, brand new m-story. room house .with nice hath room. Carton furnuce. cnmblnution lighting fixtures and tew window shades. Small cash payment, balance like rent, and price Is low at $2,M)0. Open for inspection today between 2 and 4 p. m. HAVE YOl'R CAR FARE. STOP PAYING RENT. Johnston & Wesley, fSuecesrors to Ed Johnston Co Phone Done. !2T. 1614 Karnim Si. Phone Doug. 54t7. .Tiki So. tTiji St. West Farnam $4,250 New 7-room, completely modern In every detail; extra lurge living room, dining kitchen and sun parlor on first floor; three good sized bed rooms, tiled batli room and sleeping porch on second floor; cemented basement, good furnace and fruit cellar; first floor in oak; second floor oak floors, hard pine woodwork; lot 60x136; paved street. Terms, $1,600 cash, bnlance monthly. Benson & Myers Co. 'Phone D. 746 412 N. Y. Life Bldg. LOOK MR BUYER The Best Bargain in DUNDEE I built this house for my home, it is too small for my present need. It contains six rooms, pantry and bath; la finished In oak, handsomely decorated, perfect plumb ing, full cemented basement. If looking for a home, see me. The price and terms will suit you. J. W. FITZGERALD, ' 4811 Underwood Ave. NEW HOMES One Block North Hanscom Park We offer eight new houses, strictly mod ern; consisting of six rooms and recep tion hall, laundry In basement, toilet in basement. Street paved and paid; cement walks built from street to front porch, also around houses to rear porch. Four of these houses hnve sun parlors. Prices ranging from $4,000 to $4,5iK). Terms $1,000 cash, balance In one. two and three years. All are rented at $10 and $45 per month, and are situated at 30th and Poppleton avenues. Don't disturb tenants. Call at office. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam St. Tel.; Doug. 1064, Ind. A. 1064. INVESTMENT $7,200-$2,500 CASH Store and flat building, S-room house and two cottages. Large corner lot on paved street and car line. Rental $B60 annually. A snap. , PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., . First Floor New York Life Bldg. Fhone Doug. 1781. A-RS8V ONLY $100 CASH .., ..' Nothing Like It Ever Offered Before Brand new, fine home of 8 rooms, recep tion hall and outside sleeping portico; first floor finished In oak; fine combina tion light fixtures. Carton furnace, new window shades, linen closet, etc; cement walks all around. Price only $3,300, with $100 down, balance $30 monthly and I-IK) annually for 4 years; then only zt per month. Let us show you this and you II buy It. DON'T PAY RENT ANY LONGER. Johnston & Wesley, Successor to ED JOHNSTON & CO. Phone Doug. 547. 306 8. 17th St. 'Phono Doug. 6437- 306 S. 17 St. 1, $2,100 buys an extra good, nearly new well located, south side 6-room cottage modern but heat; lot and other improve ments worth $1,000. -',400 buys new 5-room brick cottage, modern but heat; piped for that; south side, well located, large lot, nice shade A bargain. $3,200 buys modern, well located 8-room residence. Good neighborhood, near Kountse Place. The above are all good homes and Mre bargains. They certainly are worthy of Investigation. W. W. MITCHELL, Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha, Neb. SILAS ROBBINS, 111 S. irth St.. Room 20. Phones DuuKlns 2S42. Independent A-2S42 Seven-room new house, modern except heat. W. Daveripott St., $2,600. Small casl rnvmei.t. Eight-room two-story house, modern er. rept heat. W. Jackson St., corner lot. ne lorn t) Il-Jl 1 Nine-room two-story house, modern ev cept heat, three large lots, burn, etc., 2.M TWO CORNER LOTS First class Improvements nil around them. City water never, gas; near car; 60xlJ4 feet, each $m VERY EASY TERMS NOWATA LAND LOT CO., 624 N. Y. Life. $7,750 Thirty-eighth ml l.ii ioln boulevuid. in 8-1 oom, strictly . modern, two-story hirtrFTe. Reception hall, living room. ilen. dinint room and kitchen on first f iooi ; three bed rooms and bath upstwiis. Qum-ie.-id oa.. finish; fine lighting fixtures. Stone fir: place. Terms. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Firt Floor New Yora L.e LiJa. Phone Doug. 1TH1, A-ms. FOR SALE Modern, li-room house; tu mice hat. laundry, cistern. la:g be... room, screens und storm suslt, lecenti.. J pu lined and In excellent condition tnro'.iKu j ojt. good barn on ullty, with room fo. two automobiles; lot aoxl.o, cast iron., psved street; nt-ar car and school; liiHpcc. tnis propel ty any day before noon. C':uup. Lufy lei ma if desired. l.X S. Sod St., Olu. block from Hanscom Park entrance. NEW St. Louis flats, hardwood finish, strlctlv modern; rent reasonable; close In, cor. 2iftt and California. Call L. Harris, real estate. ATTORNEY' Minor castLi of a real estate and rental business to attorney who wanu dewk room at small rent. Address at once, D 770. RARE BARGAIN 1"20 N. X2d St.. all modorn Ihrooin bouse In first-class repair, toilet, bath, laundry, fruit In yard, et.; 'phone Harney 60 or see H. 11. Putnam on grounds. Ft) It SALE My $3,08 residence; will sac rifice It tor $iou0 II sold by Dec. lj, UM). Fine i-room nuuse and bam, newly painted and three full lots, bearing fruit. For terms Inquire 4236 Corby. Tel. Web. 5238. . BEST BARGAIN IN OMAHA. Nearly new 6 room cottage; toilet, gas, sewer, city water. $l.5u0. Easy terms. J. H. Parrolte. ZJt Board of Trade. IK you want to SELL our real estate, farm buids or city property, see Row K, 16J Farnam St., Room 4. Tel. Douglas 7477. i. I He will find I sales solicit a you a buyer, only exclusive lied. REAL ESTATE CITY PROPKRTY FOR SALE. (Continued J $9,000 Beautiful new stone house, just com pleted at BlODodga street, Dundee. Eight rooms and bath; oak and birch finlsh'throughout; living room, dining room, library, sun parlor and kitchen on first floor; three bed rooms and tiled bath room upstairs. Full ce mented basement; furnace, laundry and fruit rooms. Corner lot 100x120 feet, south, east exposure. Street paved, permanent walks, one block to the car. Floor plans at our office; house shown by appointment. Payne Investment Co. First floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Telephone Doug. 1781, A-1188. ELEGANT SOUTH 10TH ST. RESIDENCE , Built in 1!K)7. 81x rooms on first floor, three rooms and billiard hall on 2d floor. First floor fin ished in oak. except one bed room and kitchen. Second floor pine, oil finish. Hot water heat. Laundry In basement. Com bination fixtures, first class plumbing. One of the most delightful views In the city from front porch. $3,200 New six-room cottage. West Farnam District. Combination fixtures, ce ment basement. Encumbrance $1,360. $3,730 Six-room house. Combination fix tures, furnace, cement basement, pine finish, south front. Lot 42x128. Kncumbrance I1.C00. W. II. THOMAS, 503 First National Bank Bldg. WOULD YOU IF YOU COULD BUY SS FT. FRONT ON 17TH AVR, SAME ON 18TH.; D101TH 186 FT. 2 LARGE HOUSES.TWO BLOCKS FROM ROM K HOTEL, 110 FEET FROM JACKSON ST., WHERE NEW 4-STORY FLAT IS NOW PEINQ ERECTED. COM ING PROPPRTY. MUST BE, WILL UK, SOLD AT ONCE. DON'T DELAY UNTIL TUESDAY, BUT COME AND SEE US MONDAY, IF YOU WANT IT. PUTMAN COMPANY, ' 604 N. Y. LIFE BLDG. ' - $2,000 . Price reduced from $4.000 now the big Rest bargain in the country. A nine-room house, partly modern and with four bed rooms: two big lots, on corner and car line. Fruit and shade trees In abundance. Terms If you want. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. Doug. 1781: A-1188. FOR qolok returns list your real estate for sale and exchange with me; no sale, no pay.- W. W. Mitchell. Board of Trad Uldg.. Omaha, Neb. ' ' I WANT an offer on lot t, block 20, orig inal plat of the city of Omaha, with two houses, 190!) and 1911 California street. Lot $6x132 feet. THOMAS BRENNAN, ' New York Life Building, SIX rooms, new, modern; hot water heat; walking distance. 2233 Howard. . 2967-69 PACIFIC. 9-room bricks, atrlctly modern, excellent condition, $40. BENSON MYERS CO., . Phone Douglas 746. 412 N. Y. Life Bldg. REALtSTATE FARM AN D uAMlt LAJt U FOR SALE Caa. VANCOUVER Island offers sunshiny. mild climate; good profits for young men with small caiHtal In business, proieasions, fruit growing, poultry, farming, manufac turing, laiiutt, timber, mining, raillrouds, naviK'ition, fisheries, new towns; for uu tneniic Information, free booklets, wyne Vancouver Island Development' league. Room A 68 Law Chambers Blag., Victoria, B. C Colorado. FOR SALE. NO TRADE 10-acre fruit ranch in Canon City, Colo.; good climate; water right unquestionable; well set to all kinds apples, cherries, plums and small fruits; good Improvements; one of the pret tiest places in the Arkansas Valley; further Information If desired; must be seen to be ippreclated. Address Leslie W. Thayer, v'ictor, Colo. INVESTIGATE w "Reliable Information Lirnlshed without cost concerning Colo- ado's fruit or agricultural lands. Write ,efoie buying.. Mead Realty Co., 837 Sev enteenth Ave., Denver, Colo. Here's the Place to Get Your Good, Cheap Lund: ItiO acres 30 miles from Denver, under two good ditches; will make one of the finest grain or alfalfa ranches in the west. Only 4 per acre. ItiO acres, adjoining a thriving town of :ax inhabitants, for a quick suit, only $J0 per acre. It Is a snap. If you are looking for a Dig tract of vir gin soil, here are two of them, 640 acres juch. All will come under ditch in lyto-ll. i,ar a railroad.. $16 per acre. Terms. lbo acres under ditch, $2,Ouu Improvements, for $10 per acie, and many other bargains. I can furnish you land from JUi to tijo ;ir acre. Let nie know what you want iiid if I haven't got what you want I will id it for you. Address C. J. DAVIDSON, Fort Lupton, Colo. Lock Box 37. Mlaueseta. IV. ACRES, Steel county, Minn., '.and ! .. tale. Improvements, every acre can be ,iiutcd; H miles from Owatonna, two ..les trom Hoi; no trades. Price, $t;ooo .r acre. Geo. W. Johnson, owner, W'il ,.ar, Minn. i'UO Missouri farms for sals or will .lade for property In Omaha or vicinity. ..36 Decatur it., Omaha. Kansas. LOCATE on the new railroad from Oar den City to Scott t'lty. tnrough the won derful shallow water belt; new towns, new farms; tnousanus of acres of tr.o ftn.s; alfalfa and sugar beet lands In word; can be iirigated cheaply; opportunities for all. Write today for price list and map C. M. Nlquette & Son, Garden City. Kan. I have some real bargains In farms In Butler and Sedgwick counties In Kansas; Improved farms and ranches; free tickets to purchasers, and 1 make excursion rates every da v. Fine corn, wheat, oats and al falfa lands. W. S. Jones, 5D4 Brandeis Bldg., Omaha, Neb. I HAVE the biggest bargain in the coun try in a JnO-acre improved farm near Augusta. Kan.; mostly In cultivation and has twenty acres of fine alfalfa. Fins land snd lies nearly levwl. Pries for a very short time only 10 per acre. This farm Is only 18 miles from the city of Wichita. Call on or address W. S. Jones, Ut Bran dels Bldg., Omaha. Excursion, rates any day. TWO quarters, Sherman county, Kan as; all tillable; close to town: must soil I"Ml-k. boa 84, Lincoln, REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR BALE (Continued.) Nebraska. I HAVE a tract of 9 000 acres of land and 320 acres of leased school land In Ne braska for sale at a ridiculously low price If taken before December 15. One-half cash. This must go quirk. W. P. Jones, 594 Bran dels Bldg., Ornsha. Neb. Lisco Irrigated Lands The valleV of the North Platte Is primar ily an Irrigated land. The gn at rive csr rles an almo.-t unlimited v:uer supply find the nen ral slope of the vjillev Innds makes Ideal Irrigation. We offer for colonization another large tract known as ilie LIfco Lands. Where Is Lisco? It Is In Garden county, one of the recently formed counties, the lat state el-ction fixed Its boundaries. It was formerly part of Deuel county. Tho new line of the Union Pacific runs through this land and some riiiy that will be the main line of the road between Omaha and the coast. Lisco Is 100 miles west of North Platte. It Is a new town, located on the Reuben Lisco ranch and This Ranch is For Sale The watrright for the Lisco ditch was taken out In 1SH3 and calls for 32.6t Inches of v ater from the North Platte river. Since he ditch has been built there has been little done because of the distance from railroad. Under Irrigation the soil produces abundantly, but what Is the use of grow ing stulf If you cannot market 117 ow that the- railroad Is In operation the land will be thoroughly Irrigated and cultivated. e run Our First Excursions . Tuesday, Dec 7. This is an opportunity to "get in on the ground floor." Some Interested In Scott's Bluff were disappointed at not getting In early. Here is an opportunity. Everybody knows that all the soil of the North Platte valley needs ls water. Then with proper cultivation on It will grow any sort of crop. Corn wll'. grow at Lisco, where the altitude is only 3.000 feet. Go out and see what we are offering. Prices are low for Irrigated lands. The prices are Less Than the Government Charges for Water. Range from $30 to $i)0 per acre. Come tr and see us about this new land. Come Boon, as It will not last long. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., Land Merchants. Omaha, Neb. UNIVERSITY PLACE, NEB. RESIDENCE Here Is your opportunity to buy a fine home and educate your family. House has full basement, containing six rooms; first floor has three bed rooms, reception hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen, storeroom and bath. Hot water heat. New and mod ern. Barn 18x24, with loft. Two blocks from postofflce and Wesleyan campus. For full particulars write to Shimer & Chase Co., 809 S. 17th" St., Omaha, Neb. 60 ACRES Ner Pacific Junction, la. ;' 50 acres In corn this ' year; balance pasturei 4-room house; nice grove and orchard;, this is. good land. Price $S0 per acre; can make terms. McCague. Investment Co.,." lo0 Dodge St. 41)0 ACRES. Prairie Dog valley, Harlan county; second bottom, best soil, all culti vation, one-half in alfalfa; t sets buildings; will guarantee my price Is $10 an acre lower than can. buy adjoining land; sell any size; photos of land, buildings, description, etc. Write owner. Dr. H. J. Hill. Lincoln, Neb. FARMERS SAY crops will sell for as much per acre as land is priced at In Kimball and Manner counties. We have some all tillable land at $10 per aero. Write quick. E. E. DARLING, 441 Brandels Bldg. Omaha. KIMBALL CO. SECTION One of the best-we ever listed can be bought for $S.7S per acre. Only S miles from station on mall line U. P., with good farmers In neighborhood. Black soli under laid with clay. $5 per acre cash, balance in 3 years at. t per cent. Write, call or phone. O'Keefe Real Estate Co., 1001 N. V. Life Bldg. Omaha, Neb. First Excursion to Lisco mailing on ruesaay, December 7, we begin another series of excursions via the "Payne .Special." We are Just opening up a new tract of 4,000 uores of land in the famous North Platte valley. This land lies! around the town of Lisco, on the new extension of the Union Pacific west from North Platte, now terminating at Nurtli port. This tract Is practicully all the fin est of vailey lund and Is now under ditch and ready for the farmer. Prices range from -. to iuu per acre, be ing iho cheapest body of inigated laud ever sold In this state. Terms, one-fifth cash, balance in one to ten years. Productiveness via Irrigation This land with its assured water suppl will produce double the amount per acre in Income to the farmer as compared wltu our best eastern Nebraska land, which is ot ten held at twice tlio price. Alfalfa, more of li and of better grade, potatoes from 20u to 30 bushels to the ucre, wheat 40 to 50 bushels per acre, oats 60 to 100 bushels per acre. A good farmer can pay for his farm In the crop of the first two years. Irrigated Land la Our Specialty Our great success 1 In the sale of the irrigated lands at Scotts Bluff the past five months leads us to believe that tills land will go equally fust, and ws are going to give intending purchasers the same facilities to see this land that those who bought at Scott's bluff enjoyed, on our special train direct to Lisco. The best wa to be sure to get one of these fine tracts is to meet us on our next excursion. We leave Omaha on the Union Pacific at 4:00 p. m ., leave Fremont at 6:13, Columbus 6:35, Grand Island 8:40 arriving on the land early the next morning. The choice is with those who are on -this first trip. Come with us. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., GENERAL LAND AGENTS. New York Life Bldg 80 ACR F.S bottom land, does not over flow; l-'.ouo new Improvements, all alfalfa land; 10 acres in alfalfa; orehaid; cieek; i'M native black walnut trees; $ miles to county seat, I to market; itirlan county. Price $4.5u0: carry $J,iou. Address owner. Dr. H. 1. 11 til. Lincoln, Neb. REAL ESTATE FARM AND RANCH LAND FOR BALK (Continued.) vYrosalac. Carey Act! Carey Act! Carey Act! Land Opening DECEMBER 20th. 1909 Wyoming Irrigated Land for $37.50 Per Acre, on Ten Years' Time, and Under the "Carey Act," Too. Think of It. Special excursion leaves Omaha. December W. Iii09. P!eepers direct to the lands and remain until after drawing; round-trip tickets astonishingly cheap: richest of soil; most perfect irrigation svstem, with perpetual water rights; best of markets; delight ful, healthful climate; splendid transportation facilities, and all for $37.50 per acre, and that on ten years' time. We own thousands of acrea adjoining the village of Uva. six mls from Wheat land, Laramie County, Wyoming. Some people now there are going to grow rich within the next few years. We have one of the best irrigating systems In the United States three ample reservoirs: head Rates and floodgates of structural Iron set In solid cut-stone masonry. Good roads, good schools, churches, telephone, rural free delivery In fact all of the benefits of modern civilisation here obtain. Plan Now to Start With Us From Omaha December 18th. No better time to see these lands. Huge alfalfa stacks. Immense straw stacks, bulging grain bins, crowded potato cellars, and thousands of tons of sugar beets evidence of character of soli and climatic conditions, and their combined productive powers. We want you to see these lands befora you Invest a dollar anywhere else. We know that this Is the opportunity for you, whether you are now owner, tenant or young man starting In life. Write today for free Illustrated booklet containing map and all Information.. Send postnl by next mall. Remember the date: Carey Act Land Opening, De cember 20, 1X09. THE NORTH LARAMIE LAND COMPANY, 1201-1202-1203 Marquette Bldg., Chicago, III. RESIDENT AGENT Abbott Realty Company 4U BRANDEIS BUILDING, Agents Wanted. OMAHA, NEB. Agents Wanted." Nebraska Con tinned. TO TILE MAN WITH CASH A tract of 440 acres of land adjoining a prosperous western oounty seat town. offered for little more than one-half Its value to meet an obligation. Must be sold quick. MIDLAND INVESTMENT CO., PHONE DOUGLAS 1152. 103-4 McCague Bldg. Omaha, Neb. RANCHES A SPECIALTY Great bargains In ranches: they are close In Wheeler, Antelope and Holt counties; highly improved tame grasses, flowing wells. It pays to be a stockman; get the best. Write today for list. - T.W.Wheeler, 615 BEE BLDG., OMAHA, NEB. , AT $45 PER ACRE We will sell you a 320-acre improved farm In eastern Nebraska, two miles of a good, live town and best market. If you will look at this land you will agree that It Is very cheap. Selling at this low price In order to settle a partnership quickly. VERY EASY TERMS NOWATA LAND & LOT Co , Suite 624. New York Life Bldg. KIMBALL COUNTY LAND SOLD. Some of the lands, 10 miles south of Dlx. recently advertised, have been sold. Do you want 160 acres In 26-13-54 at $10.50 pel acre? A square body of land; iw acres adjoining, a strip 1 mile long. Hold this week. Write. E. II. AMBLER, Omaha, Neb. North Dakota. FOR SALE 20.000 acres of central North Dakota land in blocks suitable for coloniza tion purposes. Sell all or In blocks of 6,000 acres. Fine laying and productive lands S per cent tillable. Easy terms. Address Owner, J. W. Sullivan, 2016 Harriet Ave. So., Minneapolis, Minn. WE ARE LOCATED In a new and grow ing district; great opportunities here for land and town Investments. Northern In vestment Co., Willlston, N. D. IMPROVED 400 acre farm netix Sourls, In the famous Mouse River Valley In N. Dakota, for sale of trade. Northern In vestment Co., Willlston, N. Dak. Oklahoma. OKLAHOMA Ws have 160.000 acres of choice land to select from, ranging in prioe from $5 to $40 per acre. This land Is In the oil and gas district and you might get an oil wall with your land. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suits 624 New York Life Bldg. FIVE years' lease, 100 acres Grady county corn and alfalfa land. 800 acres cul tivation. Railroad town two miles. Thos. B. Losey, C'hickasha, Okl. bragoa. LANDS, $2!50PER ACRE Have some very choice timber land loca tions, accessible to railroads and rivers, yet unapplied tor, and must be sold to settlers for $2.60 per acre In quantities not greater than 160 acres to any one purchaser. Any person over 21 years of age can make ap plication without Interference with home stead or other government entry rights. 1 lime lanus ionium iuuujr r aou iir timber and will averase In estimates. 8.000.- (M) to 10.0u0.0u0 feet per quarter section. Call or write 413 Karbach Bldg., Omaha, Neb. OREGON TIMBER LAND $2.50 Per Acre WE IrOCATE YOU RUY For Full Particulars Address, FIRST REALTY TRUSTEE COMPANY, North Yakima, Wash. OREGON LAND Fruit farms,- all sizes; prices rang ing from $10 to $2,000 per acre; good market; delightful climate; prosperous and energetic neighbors. Call on me for particulars. , C. H. GERBER, Sl Bee Uidg., Omaha.. assttagjioM. WINTER Apple Iands, Brewster Flats, north of Wenatchee. $:X acre, with water, five payments. Peaches never fall. W, E. Collwu. tuo XU A vs. o., fisallle. REAL ESTATE FARM AST HAril I. AMD FOR AIB (Continued.) Wasklag-ton Coatlnned. Fortunes Made in Seattle and Washington Buy suburban city lots. $250 to $r00 each. Will double In value In five yeara, or sooner. Garden, f ruit, (arm, iimoer ana Coal Lands from $10 per acre and upwards. Titles perrect and information rename. MORRISON & ESHELMAN, Office 1208 Alaska Building, Seattle. Wash. Sooth Dakota. FOR SALl Greatest Bargain In South Dakota- 320 acre, well improved farm, near city Mitchell; new buildings; not a foot of waste land, could not lay nicer; best of soli; alfalfa land; tenant raised over. 17.000 nf-croDs this year: corn went 70 bu. acre. $t acre, worth $H0 atre. $12,000 can remain at 6 per cent. Matner & jo., Cedar Rap4ds, la.' N1NR FROM FOURTEEN. ' Last week I advertised 14 Aurora county (South Dakota) farms for sale at $25 to $W per acre. Nine of the number since sold, a proof that they were "attractive proposi tions," as advertised. Do you want In formation about the remaining five? Then, there are Davison, Hand and Lyman county lands (a number of tracts, some small, some large), about which to inquire it you will write. E. H. AMBLER, Omaha. Neb. Texas. - FREE mup of Texas, giving elevations, rainfall, cities, railroads, products, etc., with every (2ic) 3 months' subscription to Texas Realty Journal, a nittiigarine telling all about Texas development, resurces, op portunities, etc. Texas Realty Journal, llousftn, Tex. Miscellaneous. 1S000 acres school land in Baylor Co., Texas, 90 per cent tillable, $11 per A.; only $3 per A. cash down, bal. 20 years; land worm ilo. uiiereo lor u uays oniy. 640 A. R. R. land Kimball Co., Neb., only $6.00. , , 320 A. R, It. land KimDau uo., nto., oniy $7.50. LATHROP aV TOBIN, 415 Bee Bldg. Tel. Douglas 20W. 100 IMPROVED FARMS In central Min nesota; all sixes; cheap prloes; easy terms; always a good title. Write for land list No. 28. Mention this paper. C. D. Baker, Fer gus Falls, Minn. IF you are in the market for a farm or ranch from forty acres to 5.600 acres send for my list, stating ubout what you want. W. W. Mitchell, Board of Trade Bldg., Omaha, Neb. A FARM FOR $150.00 and many years of time to pay for it. A place to build a home and prosper. Land now open for settlement and homeseekers, investors and even apeculalois and curios ity seekers should, write me for particulars. Just a postal with your name. Address Mr. Cavanaugh, 140 Dearborn St., Cliicugo. ANNOUNCEMENTS firi A T CLEAN Carbon Cooking, $6.60. vUAL Couunt it Suulres, 1406 Far. D. D.W Saratoga Drug Co., 24th and Ames Ave., ac urate compounders of prescriptions. Free lelivery. atoro open 6 .30 a. iu. to li p. in. RAMSER, practical batter, 820 S. 14th- St r:n:ni .onrl Til Best tables and Ulliioiu auu x uui cues: courteous at- tention. Entrance through TRACY BROS. :;;.,. . u ktiihI.- Uli tjnuzhui ' - 1GAR STORE. 1416 Douglas. WEDDING rings made by band, sold by weight. T. L. Combs St Co., IHM Douglas. PIAKIK Baldwin Co., wholesale player I L J-iYl'ivyk piauos. organs. lOkaloCagus U. j to loan I3w MONEY HA l fc.. in sums to suit. 310 Be Bid. 'Phone Lou:. UNION LOAN CUMl'AUI, TEL HARNEY 4281 for prces on hard and soft coal and feed; delivery and quantity. Lincoln Grata Coal Co., id it Hamilton. Douglas Printing Co. TeL Douglas C44. 'HAT, Illinois lump per ton d-ft tn tUAJi p. j. freedon & Sons, 0.dU 45th and Dodge. Tel. Harney 2160. All kinds of CEMKNT WORK. DUNDEE CEMENT STONE WORKS. 46th sc Dodge. fl anir'in Omaha electric works repairs sis. r,ieciric vaiors lui N. uth. u. mu a-i. GOOD MERCHANTS LUNCH- K fmj A. JETLS. UUJ Douglas St. VAO CLEANING AND DYEING Ths best vsr. Twlu City Dys Works, 407 8. kl Ut. FOR watcbes and Jewelry repairs s Gustafson A Hsnriukson, $01 N. loth tit RniW lf.mnirinp- PROM pt work. Doner ncpainng wiuon kteam BOILER CO., 19th and Pierce Dougias 1141. flT8 AND OVERfOATH to order, $J0; reduced from $. MarCAKTH Y-W1LSON TAILORING CO., 301-304 ti. 16lh Bt. OMAHA Safe aud Iron Wwiks makes a sbecutlty of UiS escapes, shutters doors and safes. G. Audi sen. Prep., lul g. lOva. ANNOUNCEMENTS (Continued.) A SPECIAL OFFER JKf. f' 15 days we will fit your eyes with I'ei tscoplo lenses, prescription quality. Nickel end aliimlco frames $1. Oold filled frames $2 OUK OPTICAL 1KPAIITMKNT must be INTKODUlFD to the people. FIIEO RUODKOAA ttl A- CO. JKWKLKUS ANl OPTICIANS. 116 So. 16th Ht. LUNCHEON 11:30-2 P. M Court of Bee Building. Pecember 1-7. 't Sandwiches j Coffee and Doughnuts, 'J0c Olven bv CHRISTMAS FAIR OF TI1K CHURCHES, Murand'a lessons (adults), Hon. & Frl..l p.m. Vi'l?!,' $ tone coal; for particulars. It, rAvrji-H. Morehouse Co. W.olOi.; H.224&. 1901 couples have been married by the Rev. C. W. Savldge and he is praying to make It 1,000. If you want him to marry, you call Webster 8444 or H-1430. ILER GRAND HOTEL Finest In the west Turkish Ritril 16th & Howard Bta. XUrKISU rtn T S. it H. Qreen Trading Stamps, v-AJ-'VAi with Hard and Soft Coal. Peo ple's Coal Co Doug. 8471; Ind. A-14i. COAL by the BASKET. Red 7M6. ' HINDOO TABLETS will build, brace, strnngtben, too. BELL DRUG CO. DAVID COLE Creamery Co. CEMENT BLOCK of best quality. Manufactured by the IDEAL CEUGNT HUNK CO. WOOD, Dr. O. 8.. 521 N. T. L Homeopath, OFFICE STATIONERY Lx.cL""iv Kotera A Co., 1503 Jackson. E-2007. A-J007, MISSOURI filters mads and sold. 121$ Howard St. Depositions. F. J. Sutcllffe, 528 Bee Bldg. O RAVEL ROOFING. i. R. Stevenson Roofing Co., gravel anil rompositios; roofing. Ill S. 10th St., Omaha. Tela. Doug. 3119; Ind. A-17D3; res., Webster . Monuments. J. F. Bloom & Co., 1815 Far, PIANO TUNING Let our expert take care of your piano,. Tuning, $2.50. Repairing and reconstruct tion our great specialty. J. MARSHALL SMITH CO., 30S-310 S. 18th. Om. Court House. Tel. Doug. 874D. Ind. A-2215. $6 00 PF.R MONTH are the terms In THP1 BENNETT PIANO CLUBS. The best makes In the country to select from. Join now. ANCHOR FENCE CO. Iron and wire fences cheaper than wood. Last a Lifetime. 207 N. 17th. Phone Red S14. A. CECHA Expert watchmaker and. Jeweler Repairing guaranteed. 1248 S. 13th. JOHN RADMAN, Ladles' and Gents' tail orlng, cleaning, pressing, dvelng and re pairing. 706 N. lGth. D. 61W. ll-MTO. FURNACES AND REPAIRS. We have in stock repairs for all makes of stoves, ranges, furnaces, steam and hot water heaters, water fronts, Thermostadt, laundry tank heaters. Excelsior and Marvel furnaces. Both 'phones. Omaha Stove Re pair Works, 1206-8 Douglas St. SUITS AND OVERCOATS to order. $20: reduced from 1:10. MaoCARTH Y-W 1 LSOX TAILORING CO., 301-306 S. 16th St. AUTOMOBILES MAXWELL, Jr., runabout: run 6 months: perfect condition; new tires, never used. Cost, with extras. sl.11 $500. Dr. 11. J. Hill. Lincoln. Neb BEND for our list of second-hand cars. DER1GHT AUTOMOBILE CO., 1814 Farnam St. SELL cheap or exchange, 1U0S Euick and Auburn touring cars, full equipment, ex cellent condition. Phone Black 1X53. Dr. Ricard, 501 Frank St.. Council Bluffs. Ia. MIDWAY AUTO GARAGE. Steam heat space for storage, repairing done promptly anywhere, dny or night. Fire vulcanizing, oils and supplies. 1.129 Broadway, Council Bluffs. Ind. 671, Black - AUTOMOBLE. CARRIAGE PAINTING. Dlacksmlthlng, woodwork and auto tops a specialty. We can store automobiles. WM. PFEIFER CARRIAGE WORKS, 2uth Ave and Leavenworth. CALL us for demonstration of Cole "80." Midwest Auto Co., 19th and Famum Sta. HIGH-CLASS closed car. used but a few times, Ht a sacrifice. Owner leaving! the city. This Is a strictly high grade, handsomely finished machine of the latest type. Idel for winter use. for shopping, for operas, parties, 1 etc.. Answer at once, f you want a rare bargain. Address, B 67S. Bee. . 1903 WHITE STEAMER top complete, good running condition $l"0. 1906 WHITE STEAMER repaired and painted. 1 new. pood running; condition, top and all equipment $1,2U) VELIE 30-HORSE 1909 model, top and all equipment $1,100. RAKER ELECTRIC CAR all ntw batteries and tires, leather top, $W. DRUMMOND ltsth and Harney. WHITE STEAMER AGENCY USED AUTOMOBILES WE CAN SHOW several good bargains In used machines. Call or write for information. i ONE OF OUR BARGAINS 1 (one Htoddard-Dayton Baby Tnnneau. IMS model. This car has just been tho - oughly overhauled and Is In perfect condi tion, lias plate glass wind shield, 1'ri iio Llte tank, two extra casings, etc. Tnis car has been run but little and Is a snap. Cost equipped $2,300; sale pries, $1,700. R. M. PETERS Si CO., 615 N. T. Llfs Bldg. Phone Doug. 70. AUTO storage. $6 08 per mo. 201 8. 10th. MURPHY did it Did we oalnt your autot A. MURPHT BON. 14 tb and Jackson. AUTOGENOUS WELDING All kinds of broken cylinders, crsnM cases and casilngs promptly repaired: aj woik guaranteed. Bfc.KTfc.CHT MOTOR Cdk. Council Bluffs. Ia, WRITE for list of secondhand automobile Ir 1?. "fREDRICKSON AUTO C, Omaha, DON'T have a puncturs, ws traat your tires and guarantee thsm for ons year., Ns braska Puncture proof Co.. 706 N. 16th. HUIT3 AND OVERCOATS to order, $5)01 reducsd from $40. Mac'AKTHY-WILSO.NJ TAILORING CO.. 801-306 S. 16th Bt. Remember It only takes a stroke or two lsaw Lbs ad In 'lbs ins pen to mention the last that sil J