6 OMAHA SUNDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 5, 1909. T - - . k .af 1 I 1 M . 8 r r jr- -. .r a ?SSleM aH A w F A I -wf Want - Ads Advertlaemeats la the veaat ad rolaiaaa will be takes antll 12 as. tor he Mlg edltloa aad aatll 81SO a. at. tor the aaeralaa- aad Saadar edl tloae. Cash Bint acoesneaay all orders tor want aits aad ao adrertlseaseat will be accepted for less taea ZO ceats tor tint laaertloa. Rates apply ta either Tk Dally or anday Brr, Alwaye roaat alx words ta a liar. CASH HATES FOR WArTT AD. HRCtXAR CLASSIFICATION Ona laeertloa, 1 1 - eeata par ward aad 1 eat per word for rack aabeeqaeat tnsertloa. Rack tasertloa aaada a odd day a, 1 1-2 reals aer weird f 1.00 Per llae per rnaath. Waat ada for Ta Boa aaar ka left Mt aay of the following drag; atarea ae la year "coraer drag-lfst" tkey are all braark offices for The Bee lad roar ad will ke Inserted Jaat aa ropntly aad o tke ansae rates aa at .'ke mala office In The Bee Bnlldlag, 'eateeatk aad Farnata streets! Albach. W. C. 40th and Farnam. Beranck, H. A.. 1402 S. 10th Pt. Becht Pharmacy. 720 8 16th PC Benson Pharmacy, Benaon. Neb. Pemls Park Pharmacy, 83d and Cuming. Blake-Bradlsh. 2818 Shei-man Ave. Caughlin, C. R.. ttb anil Pierce 8La. Clifton Hill Pharmacy. -2213 Military Avr Conte, J. B., Slat Ave. and Farnam. Crlsaey Pharmacy, t4tli and Lak. Cooney Pharmacy, 2328 South 16th St. Oermak, Emll, 124 a 13th St. Ehler. F. H., 280 Leavenworth. Foster St A mold I, 213 N. Mh St. Freytag, John J., UiU N. 14th St. Fregger Drug Co., W N. Kith St. Florence Drug Co.. Florence, Neb. Goldman pharmacy, 2uth and Lake. Green's Pharmacy, park Ave. and Pacific. Greenough. U. A., 106 8. 10th bt. Greenough, U. A., 10th and lilckory. Huyden. William, C. 1M Faruam St. Hanscom Park Phar.. 1601 b. lath Ave. Hoist. John, 034 N. 16th Bt. Huff, a L., 2S24 Leavenworth Bt- Johanson Drug Co.. 24th and Spalding Sta King. H. b , 2238 Farnam bt. Kouctza Place Pharmaoy. 8804 N. lUh. Mates, FTed L.,' tilli Central Boulevard. Patrick Drug Co., 1(24 N. 24th 8U La t li r op, Charles E., 1324 N. 24th PL Peyton. L. hi., 24th and Leavenworth Bt. Saratoga Drug Co., 24Ui and Amea Ave. Bciieeter Cut Price Drug Htore, lto and Chicago St. SohMr, August, 2C31 N. 16th St. ttciur.idt, J. H., 24th ax.d Cuming 8U. Storm Pharmacy, 16th and Martha Sta. Walnut Hill Pharmacy, 40th and Cumlur fit a. nwu runruiavjr, cvm ana urwf oil. Wlrth. O. H.. 40Ui and Hamilton Sta. DEATH AAD KI JVKRAL NOTICES N KWLHAN John, born In Sweden, 1S41, died Saturday, December 4. ' Funerai Tueeday, i p. m.. from family rmldence, 20U Parker street. Interment I 'r.i.ruii. 14111 rurr ularv V t ! il InvltnH V I DEN Paul E.. aged 14 yearn, 4 months, 2 dayit. Decern her 4, 19M. Funeral Monday afternoon at 1 o'clock Tom residence, 2&16 Parker street, to rwedieh Mlaalon church, 23d and Imvcn- Piri ptreet, at 1:30 o'c'.rn'k. Interment urcMit Iivn rpmntM'v. FH&mdH Invited. I.ODOG1 NOTICES. BUICKLAYERS, NOTICK. The union after December 1 will meet op posite poatofflce, Owla' hall. By order of tli a president. MARRIAGE LiCMN SKS. The following marriage lieen grunted: Kamu and Residence. J. VV. Davia, Omaha Joslo S. Logan, Umaha.... Marshall Ray, Omaha Georgia Jacksom, Omaha licenses have Age. a 20 23 20 REAL ESTATE HEAL ESTATE DEALERS, REED ABSTRACT CO., Est ISM; prompt service; get our prices. 1710 Faraata 8L GANGE3TAD. 404 Bee Bldg. TaL D K7. PAYNE INV. CO.. flrat floor N. T. Life. BENJAMIN R. E. CO.. 477 BrandeU Bldg. REAL ESTATE TITLE-TRU8T CO. C11AS. U. WILLIAM boN. President REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE LOANS E. H. Ambler, 212-20 Barker Blk. D. 7J4. CITY PROPERTY FOR BALE. Cottages on Easy Payments AV'e have the sole agency for the three houses facing south on the South Central boulevard. Between 29th and 30th Ft. Right west ef Vinton St. car barn. Thy re good houses and each has a nice lot and we wtll sell them at the following prices and terms: $1,200 for 2010 Boulevard, 8 rmn. and burn. $1,100 for 2U03 Boulevard, 4 room. I'JfcO for 2904 Boulevard, $ room. $400 cash will handle either of th'xo. ROBINSON & WOLF, 4 Paxton Block. A GOOD BUY 2'JOr Grand Avenue. Brand new (-room cottage, with recep tion hall, parlor, dining room, kitchen, 2 bed rooms and bath room on one floor; stalrwsy to attic, where 2 bed rooms can be finished; permanent walks, south front lot. on paved stroet and only 2 blocks from car line. Ulg bargain at $2.2T0; 00 cash, balance very easy, fee this tod ty and us tomorrow. Johnston & Wesley, ' Successor to ED JOHNSTON & CO. Phone Doug. IMS. 1614 Farnam Pt. 'Phone Doug. 6487. M S. 17th St. BIG BARGAIN ' 47M N. 40th. Fine two-story, l-roora bouse with four bedroon a, city water and electric light . Two lots, 120x122 feet, on corner and car Una Price $2,200, If taktn Monday. Positively the biggest snap In Omaha. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., First Floor New York Ufa Bldg. Phone Doug. 1781. A-11U. ELEGANT seven room bungalow and - furniture for sale. 4-KJ7 Dodge bu, Dun dee. House all modern; woodwork In living and dining rooms mixslon; upatalra white enauinl; all walla are decorated with Mellu tone flnteh. An up-to-date, well-coiistrut'tad hums. Price, H.T.rO. Easy terms. Sftl KVANS HI, T rooms, new, modern, oak and plus finish; near Omaha uuiver-iir-tXirt. Call Vr-UMk REAL ESTATE CITY I'HOPKHTY FOR RALE. (Continued) D. V. Sholes Company 111 Hoard of Trade Building KJth ami Farnam Sts. ' $10,UJO On Howard St., near 22d St., south front lot 00x178 ft., with a large colonial house of ten rooms, thoroughly modern and up-to-date and In first-class condi tion. Owing to death In the family owner will sell at a bargain. Anyone wanting a close-in home should by all means look this over and ' make us a proposition. t 7,000 1026 South 32d St., half block north of Pacific St. car line, large, well-built house of ten rooms, thoroughly modern, hot water heat, best of plumbing, large lot 60xlW) ft. Owner moved to Ohio and offers this property for several thou sand dollars lev than you can buy a similar lot and duplicate the house for. It Is an excellent good purchase; house Is bock-plastered and well arranged. $ 3,Ik)0 Iffil South 34th St., very handsome 5-room bungalow; most excellently ar ranged, with handsome Interior finish; built-in buffet; lot' 40x96 ft; street naved and paid; choice location; two blocks from car and Hanscom park. This i a "Lulu." CREIGIITON'S SECOND ADDITION THIS IS ONE OF THE PRETTIEST PIF.C'S OF GROUND THAT WAS EVER PLATTED IN OMAHA, HAVING A BEAUTIFUL SOUTH AND EAST EXPOSURE. WITH EXCELLENT CAR SERVICE; 1HOH AND SIGHTLY GROUND, ALL UNI FORMLY GRADED, WITH SEWER, WATER, OAS AND PERMANENT WALK. BUNGALOW CITY Is in this beautiful addition and we offer some of the best houses ready to move into, without the expenditure of 1 cent, of anything ever offered In the city. These houses are carefully built, finely finished; they are all decorated, window shades up, stone walks around the house, yards sodded; they are cozy and convenient. We have five left out of sixteen that we want you to inspect. If you want a home we know that after you look at these you will buy them on our easy-to-buy terms. Or we will make a reasonable discount for all cash. Take the car today and go out and see them. Our salesman wilt be on the ground to show you through. CREIGIITON'S FIRST ADDITION The most popular addition ever put on the market In Omaha, In which addition more lots were sold within the short space of time and more houses built than any adidtton ever put on the market in Omaha. A few choice lots from $360 to $460 still left on easy-to-buy terms of one-fifth down and balance in six eqal semi-annual payments. We have never raised the original price on unsold lots, but we have sold some lots In this addition at an advance of 40 per cent of what they sold for a year ago. MILTON ROGERS' PLACE This is the one spot in Omaha that should be covered with a good class of brick rental property, apartment houses, etc., as It lays within three minutes' walk of the retail section and theaters and is remarkably cheap considering Its close proximity; located north of Leavenworth, between 19th and 20th, In the heart of the city almost at only $G0 per foot. It's a shame to offer It for less than $160 this close in. It Is not long until It will be worth this money. RENTAL PROPERTIES $8,000 New two-story St. Louis flat building, situate In Milton Rogers' Place, on Jones St., between 19th and 20th, brand new and up-to-date and rented to good tenants at $U0O per year. If you have money to Invest this will pay you easily 8 per cent net. $12,5008. E. corner 28th and Howard Sts., new brick four-apartment building, two of four rooms each and two of five rooms each; thoroughly modern and up-to-date with complete bath and furnace for each apartment; finished In birch, with oak floors; rented at an extremely low rental of $1,200 per year. At this rental vacancies will be unknown. All rented to high-class tenants without children, investigate this. VACANT $ 860 Choice lot In Cieigh ton's First Addition, facing north on Martha Bt., near Windsor school. $1.000 DUNDEE, north front on Davenport St., between 4Sth and 4ta, 60x135 ft. $1,200 For one of the choicest corners In Crelghton's First Addition, 49x14s ft., with permanent walks all around, sewer, water, gas. This lot is a snap. $1.500-6(1x88 ft., near 20th and Davenport gts., with paving all paid. $2,60O-6Ox'J43 feet, facing east on 3ii Ave., overlooking the park. This Is an Ideal corner. , 15 -HOUSES-15 IN ALBRIGHT FOR SALE BY U. P. R R CO. TO BE REMOVED IN SIXTY DAYS No. 1 Jefferls store building: I rooms and lean-to, on lot , block 2, Jefferls' re plat. No. 2 S btarr houtes. 2 rooms each and lean-to, also outbuilding, on lots 22 'and 24, block . U. P. subdivision. No. 2 U mat urn bouse, 4 rooms and hall, outbui'.dlngs. on lot 22, block 6. U. P. sub division. No. 4 Hum house, 16x26. barn and out buildings, on lot S, block , U. P. sub dlvlnlon. No. 6 Churchwell house, S rooms and pantry, on lot 4, block , U. P. subdivision. No. 4 Anderson house, 6 rooms and pantry, 2 sheds, on lot 8. block 6, U. P. subdivision. No. 7 f-hllham, 1-room house, on lot 11, block 6, U. P. subdivision. No. 8 Newville Terrace and shed, on lot 10. block 1. U. P. subdivision. No. 9 Nichols house, l1 stories, on lot 5. block 2, U. P. Subdivision. No. 10 Pefley house. 2S stories, barn, on lot 17. block 2, U. P. subdivision. No. 11 Kracker house, 2 rooms, barn and sheds, on taxlot 6. In sec. 16-14N-12E. Iso. u Pll ar house, 2 rooms, on taxlot 4, In sec. 16-14N-13E. No. 14. Kostel house. 2 rooms, garret and lean-to, on taxlot F-L In aw cor. sec. 14, T, 14. N. R. 13 E. Will consider bids on any or all of th above buildings. For further information inquire of I havo luO lota in Albright In the vicinity of the houses advertised for salo by the V. P. R. R., which I can sll at $26 down and li per month. F. D. Weed. Weed Bldg., 18th and Farnam J. A. GRIFFITH, Land Comm'r U. P. R. R. Co. S. W. Cor. 12th and Farnam Bti.. Omaha, Nsb. Walking Distance Ni'ar 2jth and Leavenworth, new 7-room, completely modern house, oak flrat floor. hard pine above, cenientod basement, with laundry: cement walka This Is a beauty- Price $3,500. Would con sider trade for flat or double brick house not over $7,000 and pay difference. Benson & Myers Co. 'Phone D. 7ta 412 N. T. Ufa Bldg NO STORM SASH NEEDED Don t waste your money; tamp your wlndowa and doors with Golden All Metal wsaiher strip, fend postal to or see Sam I Dickinson, til Kainge Bldg. WELL furnished elx-rvvul flat close In. Tel. Doug. Ub4. REAL ESTATE CITY PROPbiRTY FOR ALB (Pontlnued.) Telephones: Douglas 41); Independent A-2049. Fine Fruit Farm 54 Acres Near Florence Improvements 9-room house, with veranda on east and south, barn 40x60, buggy and wagon sheds, corn crib and work shop, ohlcken house, with basement; also hog house, 2 good wells and wind mill. Bearing Fruit 10 acres of grapes, 660 apples trees. 100 plum trees, assorted; 100 cherry trees, 100 Ceach and pear trees, $ acres of black en lea and other small fruit; 4 acres In alfalfa and about 20 acrea for farm and garden purposes, all In a high state of cultivation, fur $14,000. and may consider Omaha Income property aa part payment. This Is simply fine and will sell on sight. Why go to Texas or California and pay $1,000 an acre for fruit farms when you can get just as good right here for about 4 the price, with an unsatisfied market right at your door? Look this up. It's cheap. F. fi Drake 616 Brandels Bldg. Tel. Red 6336; A-1751 Look, $3,800 Buys 1936 South 35th Avenue Near Hanscom Park 8-room house, all modern, new furnace, good barn, corner lot. 76x1:25; room for an other house; shade and fruit trees; $2,600. Mortgage can be paid any time on monthly payments. This la a snap. 36th and Jones St., $1,100 For (7x166 feet, east front, water, sewer, gas and permanent walk; fine for two houses. Birkett & Tebbens 423 Bee Bldg. ' 'Phones: Doug. 4754; A VTRL EASY TERMS $300 cash will buy a brand new modern house, one block from Amea Ave., corner lot, south front, large basement, rooms large. Price reduced to $2,400. $200 cash will buy a good t-room house In north part of city, partly modern; house haa been all newly painted and papered; full basement; a fine, cheap home. Price, $1,800. J. W. RASP CO., 98 Brandels Bldg. Doug. l'."3; A 3i.j1 7 ROOMS WEST OMAHA Lot 60x112. house one year old. built by owner; three bed rooms and beth up stairs: modern every way; combination fixtures. $3,500-TERMS Looks like a Christmas gift. NOWATA LAND AND LOT CO.. Suite 24 New Turk Life Bldg. I WANT to buy for apot cash several five to seven-room modern cottages; must be close in and bargains. W. W. Mitoheil, board ot Trade Bldg,., Otuaha, Neb. REAL ESTATE CITY PROPERTY FOR SALE. (Continued.) SPLENDID HOME WEST FARNAM DISTRICT CHEAP 3902 Cuss Street, $3250 8-room square house, complete In every particular, all modern; up-to-date plumbing, combination gas and electric fixtures, water filter, gas attachment for heating water; hot water coll In furnace, filter; house well built; fine light attic, plastered stairway to same; two rooms could be finished If desired; lot 60 feet wide; cement walks and paved street. Owner a Non-Rsident ' Must Sell This house Is In St. Cecelia Parish and would be very desirable for a Catholic family. Is next to some of the finest homes In the new S8th St. district. Now vacant. Can give immediate possession. If you want to see either of Hastings 1614 Harney Street W. H. GATES Room 617 New York Life Bldg. Phone Douglas 1294 $2, a 00 Six-room cottage, on north west corner 18th and Clark, with bath and gas; lot 80x66; paving paid for. $2,260 Eight-room modern house, HOT WATER HEAT, 22d and Ohio. 2609 North 22d St. $2,500 Eight-room, 2-story house, modern except furnace, at 923 South 25th St.; lot 36x140; paved street. $2,800 Eight-room NEW modern house, on south front corner lot 75x 130; east of Kountxe Place. SNAP. $3,760 Seven-room modern house, on Marcy, near 30th St., south front lot, on paved street. $4,000 Seven-room new modern house, HOT WATER HEAT, corner lot, 3901 North 18th St.; house was built for a home. Owing to death In family .owner has left city; house is vacant and must be sold. $4,200 Ten-room modern. house In Kountxe Place, at 1119 Spencer. $4,600 Six-room modern house in Bern Is park, 1021 North 34th St., HOT WATER HEAT; lot 44x140; paved street; fine lot of shrubbery. An ideal home for some one. $5,000 Seven-room NEW modern house, with hot water heat, on Blnney, Just west of 16th; oak finish; one of those built by owner for his home; lot 60x124. 33x135 East front on 36th, near Jones, for $660. 120x127 On south side of Seward, between 34th and 35th Sts. Here is three forty-foot lota, some below grade, for $760. LOW PRICED HOMES 4606 N. 22nd St., C rooms, lot 44x125, good barn $2,150 4010 Pierce St., rooms, can be used by two families, lot 60x122, barn, cistern and well 1,900 4324 Pierce St., 4 rooms, lot 60x12$, barn, wagon shed, fruit, good place for chickens 1,160 2523 Hamilton St., 5 rooms, bath, shade, grapes, cherries, peaches.. 2,350 8337 Taylor St., rooms, mod. ex. heat, lot 60x130, barn, fruit 2,250 3334 Boyd St., S rooms, city water, lot 60x130 2,200 3336 Boyd St.,' 7 rooms, modern In every way, lot 60x130, beautiful little home 2,950 CLOSE TO BENSON 404 N. Kennedy St., 7 rooms, nearly 2 acres, 30 bearing fruit trees, 60 grape vines, small fruit $3,260 414 N. Kennedy St., t rooms, 2 acres. 93 fruit trees, 496 feet of grapes, lots of small fruit, new barn, chicken house and other out houses 3,200 IN KEYSTONE PARK." - Nearly t acres, new house complete ex cept for Interior partitions, can be made a comportable 7 or 8-room house; good well, orch"' ' n"v reasonable price, cash or trade, gons dored. ALL -ini FOKEGOINO AKE PRICED RIGHT AND CAN BE BOUGHT ON TERMS. George D. Perrine 331-332 Paxton Bldg. Phone Doug. 7S01. You Know the rapid advance In lota north of Far nam and west of 3th. Buy one for your home now. th St,. 80 feet, east front. Kth Ave., 60 feet, esst from. 27th HL 60 feet, west front. 41st St.. 60 feet, west front. 41st Ave., corner Cass, 60x126 fert. ASK US. PRICE AND TERMS. O'KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO. 1001 N. T. Life Bldg. Doug, or A-2162. West Farnam Vacant 100xtt, on the N. E. corner Davenport and (1st Sts.; both streets paved and paving paid; cement walks; good young annde trees; Just east across street from Mr. Yates' palatial home. Bargain, $1,000. Benson & Myers Co. 'Phone D. 744 412 N. Y. Ufa Bldg BUNGALOW. The moat claasy, neat little roomy bung alow In the north part of the oily. Five rooms with reception room, halls and bath. All modern. Just finished; large living room plan; oak and birch finish; large lot; permanent walks to oar line and paved atreet one block distant. Owner snuat sell quick, buy dlreot. Auswaf. Address K too, Bee. REAL ESTATE CITY TROrURTY FOR SALE. (Continued.) BIG BARGAIN HANSCOM PARK HOMK. SEE THIS AT ONCE 3136 Mason Street, .ij.500 t rooms, fine, large reception hall, parlor, back parlor, dining room, kitchen, butler's pantry and rear entry on first floor; i bed rooms and bath on second floor; splendid, large, light, floored attic that can be easily divided If desired. Front and back stair way. This Is a very substantially built house and Is entirely modern and com plete .in every way. Built by a Carpenter For a Home All the rooms are nicely papered and It Is In first-class condition. Has full south front lot, among nice homes, beautiful lawn, fine shade trees and shrubbery; good barn, with graveled driveway from the front, suitable for garage; paved street, paving paid. This house has only been built 4 or 5 years. Why build when you can buy this fine house and splendid lot much cheaper than you can duplicate It. these today, call Harney 2484. & Hey den Conservative Building:. W. L SELBY 436 B. of T. Bldg. Doug. 1610. JUST A FEW SAMPLE BUYS $L750 Near 26th and Leavenworth Sts.. S cottages, modem plumbing; rents $18 per mo. (303) $3,600 On S7th St. near Iyavenworth St., a ?ood 7-room. all modern houe, east ront, paving paid; room on rear end of lot for another houte; lot faces 2 streets. (302) $ S26 46xl25-ft. lot on Boulevard near Leavenworth. $3,7&0 Buys the 7-room house corner 27lh and Douglas. Looks good to us. U) $5,000 For the 10-room modern house at 904 S. 33d St.; downstairs has den, front room, library, dining room, kitchen and maid's room. 4 sood bed rooms and bath; attic plastered; a good barn. A great big bargain. Paving paid. Only 1 block to car. (291) $2,500 Buys a 7-room cottage on 25th Ave. between Dewey Ave and St. Mary Ave. Has city water, gas and eewer. Pavld paid. (300) 17,600 For a splendid 10-room, thoroughly modern house on 10th St. near Brownell Hall. Hot water heat. (3w) DUNDEE 60x185 ft., south front on Dodge St., near 61st, $960. , 60x135 ft., south front on Davennort near 50th. $1,000. 3 lots on taw St. between 60th and 61st, $860 each. N. E. corner 49th Ave. and Burt St., only $oO. The haw 7-room house an M W. rrmr 60th and Davenport Sts. is a dandy. The. living room la 15x25 ft., finished In o&k. with largo veranda opening off to the south 16x 28 ft. Fine entry hall and dining room, all iinisnea in oaa; s good bed rooms, with 2 closets each: rnnd emniH nellar ihnnt $l,vM cash to handle deal. Balance monthly fc7 mviiia. We have one of the niftiest bungalows In Dundee on Davenport St. lust west of 60th St. Tile vestibule, lara-e livinar room wlih very fine lighting fixtures; dining room, mi-iicu, vvti rooms ana uie Dam room, large attic fine cellar, cemented. Dnlv $1,000 cash necessary to carry deal, balance mommy payments. It you want to buy or sell, call us up. E W. Sioltenberg Douglas 1510. PETERS TRUST COMPANY New and Desirable Homes Now Ready. $2,WJ0 Five rooms and vestibule, bath and pantry; cemented cellar; combination gas and elec. light fixtures; lot 60x l.'S; 3Gth, near Grand Ave. Easy terms. $2,3uO Seven rooms and bath; S down 2 up full cemented basement; columns be . tween living and dining rooms; new; $500 cash required. $3,150 This buys two very neat cottages, new and well located, near car line; v both well rented. Will net 10 per cent. $3,400 New house of six rooms, with bath and furnace; full cemented base ment; reception hall, with pillara bet. rarlor; S bed rooms and bath on 2d loor. $3,500 New house of EIGHT rooms, entirely modern, with furnace and bath; hardwood floors; half block to car; lot 40x122; easy terms. $4.S00 Nine rooms, all modern, furnace heat; hardwood floors; mantel and grate In parlor; new plumbing a (id porches; Hanscom Park district. $;,500 For a fine new house of eight rooms In Kountxe Place. This is an extra fine place, beautifully finished; sup plied with hot water heat and se lected fixtures. We can interest you In this if you will let us show yon. In the Field club district we have a very choice residence, with all conveniences hot water heat; maid s room on 3d floor; house but two years old. Call If Interested. INVESTMENT $2,500 Good corner on South Omaha car line; two cottages; need some re pairs, but very desirable; room for two more on same lot. VACANT $1,500 For N. E. cor. 16th and Wilt Sts., lot LZKxlZi $12,500 SWELL DUPLEX BRICK 22D AND HOWARD ST. The best of construction and nearly new, oak floors and finish and up-to-date In every detail; six and seven rooms, with every convenience; haa two street front ages, giving ample space for another apart ment. The surrounding Improvements sre mostly new brick apartments. This prop erty Is in easy walking distance and will bear the closest Investigation. See us for particulars. GARVIN BROS. 211 N. Y. LIFE. NEW 7 ROOMS MODERN Modern, up-to-the-mlnuta, large lot. One of the rhoicest locations In the western psrt of the city In order to settle partner ship quickly, will be sold at a very low price. VERY EASY TERMS NOWATA LAND LOT Co. 'Suite 624 New York LIU Bldg. HANSCOM PARK DISTRICT. A beautiful 10-room all modern housa, lust completed, on ona of the finest lots In the west side Hanscom park district. South front corner, lot 60x136, has ( bed rooms, sun parlor, open air sleeping room, etc Nothing finer in Omaha. One-third down, balance at 44 mt cant, $9a00. JEFF W. BDrORD 4k BoN, 2808 Cumlag Bt. Phunee: 1 lis, 0 101S. REAL ESTATE " CITV PROPalRTY FOR SAI.B. (Continued.) KOUNTZE PLACE HOMES Don't Buy Without Seeing These Houses in This Beautiful Addition. BUNdALOW, $3.5X) P1NKNEY STREET A 1arg, well ar ranged bungalow at a low price; oak fin ish, fine floors, furnace, full bssc nirnt. all modern. Easy terms. $4,650 KMMETT STREET A fine 8-room all modern house, two full stories and attic, onk finish, oak floors throughout: good. new houses all around. $4,000 EMMETT STREET A very fine 7-ioorn cottage near Sherman Ave. car, living loom, dining room, d?n, kitchen on first I loor; three bedrooms and bath on sescond floor; beautiful decorations throughout; screens, storm sash, fine yard, paved street. VERY COMPLETE. ' $4,400 EMMETT STREET A good seven-room, new, all modern house, oak finish, large rooms, paved street; built for a home. $5,000 LOTHROP STREET Near Wth St., one of the fine houses of this splendid street of new houses; south front, nice terrace, beautiful oak finish and decorations; 8 rooms. $4,250 LOTHROP STREET 6 rooms; large liv ing room, three bedrooms; the finish and the workmanship In this house is the BEST, nothing Is lacking. Easy terms. NORRIS & Douglas 4270; WTebster 4G38. GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE, Ground Floor N. Y. Life. HOMES $ 2,900 Buys new full two-story six-room, all modern home, north; ready to move right in. TERMS. $ 3,160 Buys 8-room, all modern house at 83d and Cun.ing Sts., not new, but In good repair; new furnace; Just vacated. TERMS: f 3,500 Buys close-in, f-room, all modern, walking distance, corner lot and two paved strests. Built two yeats; oak finish first floor. $ 4.000 Is the reduced price for a mighty neat house on West -Dodge St., six rooms, two stories, strictly modern, I very fine oak finish built for a home; need money and this Is a cut of $500 In price. If you don't want Immediate possession, will rent the house till spring. $1,300 will han dle. $ 6,609 Buys best all-around house we know of anywhere in city; located one block of Hanscom park; new and ready to move right In; 7 rooms all told; four bedrooms; attlo finished and heated; large living room; book cases built in; living rooms oak finish; double floors up and down stairs; complete pantry; pressed brick foundation; everything to make complete house. " TERMS to good party. Will rent for winter at $40; because we know It will sell for $6,000 In spring. Will consider a cottage as part payment. $8,000 Buys 9-room modern house right In WEST FARNAM district, built two years; hot water heat; white oalt finish, tiled bathroom and vestibule; six bedrooms. VERY EASY TERMS. INVESTMENTS. $ 4,700 Buys new St. Louis flat, well lo cated, strictly modern, two furnaces; paving paid; renting for $50 a month. $ (,500 Buys new double bungalow style flat; Htone and brick; faces boule vard; paving paid; renting for $ffi. $12,000 Buys nw double St. Louis brick flat; four apartments; oak finish; hot water heat; paving paid; rent $120 a month. GLOVER REALTY SYNDICATE, Both Phones. J. H. Dumont & Son INVESTMENTS $7,600 Double frame house with brick fire wall In center; hard wood fin ish, modern plumbing, permanent tenants; Income $S40, and tenants pay for water. Very desirable income property on West Farnam Hill, less than 2 blocks from Farnam car line. Owner going to Texas and needs the money. SPECIAL BARGAIN. $20,000 Eight new brick flats, well located. Income $2,400; always rented. Will sell 4 separately for $10,000. Houses and Vacant Lots In All Parts of the City. INSURANCE Fire, Tornado, Liability, Burglary, Plate Glass. Accident and Automobile Insurance at lowest rates. J. H. Dumont & Son 'Phone Doug. 690. 1006 Farnam St. No. 813 No. 40th St. LARGE HOUSE ONE-HALF BLOCK FROM ST. CECELIA'8 CATHEDRAL. A splendid home for a large family, con stating of 10 rooms and reception hall. First floor, reception hall, front and back par lors, dining room, kitchen and large pantry, all flnivhed In oak: fine oak stair and rail; second floor, (our large bedrooms and bath, closets In all bedrooms; third floor, two fine bedrooms. linseinent under entire house, divided Into four rooms, all of which are lathed and plastered; cistern with pump In basement. Splendid combination lighting flxtuies throughout. A complete hot wnter heating p ant. East front on paved trc4. Lot 41VtxJ40 feet. A bargain ut $7.tK-$2.!O0 cash, balance like rent. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO., 1320 Farnam St. Telephones: Doug. 1004, Ind. A-1004 INVESTMENT 126 feet frontage 011 Central Houlevsid. One 6-room houoe; buth. cemented ceil bl under entire house. One 4-room house; city water. Plenty of room for two more houses. This property Is situated within four blorks of eight large Indus tries, making It a splendid rental location. Price $2,u0, $500 cash. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1XJ0 Farnam St. Tel.: Doug. 10i4. Ind. A 1004. 8 rooms, strictly modern, quartt-r-sswrd oak finish, south front, Inlaid wood china closet, art glass windows; new, well built. Terms and price right. ELEGANT HOME. 2648 Chicago St., 10 rooms, south front, large lot, lawn, strictly modern, oak fin ish, mantel; street paved; near car; good, claasy home. $6,300. Terms. HANSCOM PARK. I large rooms, modern, furnace, one year old, east front, lawn, 27th near Wool worth; bam 8vx80. bnap at $3,0u0. Terms. 1X4 Bee Bldg. A-4Ju$, Red 4J04 . REAL ESTATE CITV PROPERTY FOR ALB, (Continued A BEAUTIFUL HOME In Sulphur Springs Addition $5,000 Read Discription The very beot lot In this addition of fin lots, south and east front corner, beautiful shade trees and lawn. $400 barn; house is 2Ar.3rt feet and has eight large room: porch 9x46 feet, screened-ln: hot water heat, full basement, fruit room, laundry sink, floor drain fine plumbing, large re ception hall, parlor, dining room, llbrsry, larce kitchen, pantry and entry on fust floor. Three large bedrooms, with seven large closets, linen closet and bath on sec ond floor; storm wlndowa and screens; beautifully decorated throughout; broad ce ment walks. In fact. It haa everything you could ask for. IT IS AN IDEAL HOMK. Owner Is going to New Mexico January 1st. See this Monday and MAKE OFFHlt CHOICE LOTS AT LOW PRICES $900.00 Pinkney St. near Sherman Ave., among new homes. $G00.00 A fine lot In Crelghton First addition, where lots are Increasing in value every day. $750.00 . . Evans St., west of 26th Ave., facing south; sewer, water and cement walks. $1000 East front on 9th St., In FOREST HILt, PARK ADDITION; paving all paid; sewer, water, gas, cement walks, close in. MARTIN G23 Bee Building Attractive Homes $1,350 A good 4-room cottage in south piirt of city, large lot. $.'00 cash. $2,075 A "close In" cottage with 6 rooms and bath; modern ex cept furnace; full basement; permanent ws.ks; full south front lot, 50x135 ft. fcJOO cash. $2,500 North part of town, a new 6-room cottage, modern except furnace; south and west front; corner lot, good location. $4,200 For a new 7-room all mod ern house In north part of illy. Very attractive In flnlHh and appearance. $7,500 A "West Farnam" home on Harney St. npar S5th; 9 rooms, strictly modern; excellent con dition; garage In rear. CHOICE BUILDING SITES $550 South front. 31st and Frank lin Sts., 50x126 ft. $850 Cheapest lots In west part of town, on Leavenworth St. . near 34th St. $450 Two loU on 2Sth St., Junt nouth of Pratt St. $25 caul), balance monthly. $1,100 A fine "close In" lot on Davenport St. near 2Sth St. The Byron Reed Co. 212 S. Hth St. Phones Douglas 297. Independent A-3S34. Farms to Exchange For Omaha Property 640 acres In Seward county, 6 miles front 7 three good towns; L'60 acres under cultiva tion; ten acres alfalfa. 35 acres timothy and clover, balance wild hay and pasture land, fenced and cross-fenced ; new ll-roorn . house, horse born 30x48; hog house, double cribs and granary, hen house and hay barn; two flowing wells and running water In pasture. Ideal stock farm. .Price $i)5: murtgage $16,000, 6 per cent. Will subdivide. Another 148 acres In Linn county, Kansas. 14 hours' run from Kansas City; 5 miles from I'leasanton: 91! acres under cultivation, bal ance hay and pasture land, fenced and cross-fenced; fair Improvements. Price $4u. Will exchange for good Investment of dwelling In Omaha. Benson & Myers Co. Phone D. "4 412 N. Y. Life Bldg. Johnston Sc Wesley SUCCESSORS TO ED JOHNSTON CO. Rare Bargain, Only $3,2!ifl for s very nice completely modern 8-roors cottMge on paved St., paving all paid, 4 blocks from car line on Mander.son St., Junt west of 25th St.; rooms all nicely pa pered; lot 60x1.12. This Is a snap sure. Johnston & Wesley, riume Doug. U'35. 1614 Farnam St. Phone Doug. 5is7. 3u6 So. 17th St. 12 INVESTMENT Lot 14x13:; ft., with two-story frame store building, S.xvl) ft., In good repair PRICE, $5,200. Permanent teiiHiitH pay $53 per montb and $0 per month more Is received from kecoiul Loor hull, which more than covers Insuiance, taxes, tc. THIS IS CERTAINLY A SNAP. .1. 11. DUMONT & SON, I'houe Douglas 690. 1606 Farnam St. ' THE SNOW STORM and poor car sei vluo shows tne other sldx of suburban homes miles away. Even If money l to be had cheap and on long terms a house always costs 25 to 30 per cent more than the vstlmate. A great many who build lose th Investment later on because they cannot meet payments; be sides the cost with taxes. Interest and re pair on frame houses Invariably I more th hii rent. If you want to own your own home at a minimum cohI of rent 1 wtll sell you my two brick flats, 1&XV1;37 Park Ave., acrosa from beatulful lUnwim park, highest ground In the city, lot 5uxl50, In fine con dition, for $s.5u0, $:',5uo cash, balance bit, per cent InteiTst; easy terms, or will take part trade In other desirable property. Liv ing In one and renting the other will make your rent cheaper than if you built your self. A. L. MEYER, Phone Harney 25i. GOOD BUY 4-apartment new brick St. Iouls flat; Hanscom park i disUiai, ttaraef