TITE OMAHA SUNDAY BEEi DECEMDEU ."), 1009. HEROES OF THE TELEGRAPH ley Jt ar A Few SecffiOMS d (Fra Lofty Courage of Knights of the Key in Face of Danger. Li 1U J. TWO E STANCES OUT OF KANT An Acre Cash, Balance 6 Annual Payments at 6 on the Grand Trunk Pacific Railroad Heroism f Operator ttomr to llralh la Wrffk ef Overland l.lmllrd Her) ef the Galveston Disaster. Tt vJLl LL LI VU 0 4 X. J (Ah Three years ago nil the Overland Limited dashed through the right. In the bad lands forty-five mllea vmt of Cheyenne. Wye)., a rail broke In two and came up through the bottom of the baggage car. In an instant the train of nine cars was p'.led thirty feet high, while about and beneath the wreckage were more than 1.V0 dead or injured human being. A frightful sleet storm with biting cold was raging, and to thla the hurt and dying lay exposed. ' The locomotive waa wrecked o that It was Impossible to cut looue and race ahead t the nearest settlement with word of the disaster, and it seemed as If nothing covi'.d be done to save the sufferers except to flag the next train, due in five hours, whan, from under the wreck, on hands and knee stumps, came an apparition leaving a red trail behind. It proved to be Frank Shaley, a telegraph lineman who had been Bent up the road to locate a wire trouble and who, with hts satchel of instruments strapped across a shoulder, had been in the baggage oar when the crash came. Clutching the precious satchel, he dragged himself forward, but his legs had been smashed off at the knees and he was bleed ing frightfully. "The telegraph! Cut in on the telegraph?" he shouted, but not a man there knew which one of the scores of wires to cut, and Shaley himself could not tell without tenting. They threw a rope across an arm of one of the poles, passed a sling about the dying man, and hoisted him up. Then he cut and grounded the wire and connected his telegiaph key. Tenderly propped by anxious hands, he began to send the call for the Cheyenne operator, meanwhile gazing stoically a' the pool where his life blood ebbed away. At that unusual hour of the night he found trouble In raising his man, and he pounded his key for ten minutes before ha got an answering click. "Number 17 terribly wrecked forty mllea west of Cheyenne. Send hospital train," he said. Then they pillowed hi head on the aatchel and an armful of waste, while forty miles away a whistle shrieked through the night and brought engineer, fireman, and 200 Japanese tumbled on to the wrecking train, followed by the .hos pital train with doctors and nurses. But Shaley was gone when they came. Not a line In the ashen face betrayed the Inhu man torture he must have undergone, nor the strain of turning his mind from his own agony and Impending doom to the little braes Instrument with which he had saved scores of lives. llck Kpellane was one of the few sur vivors of the Galvestok flood. Galveston's . mayor, Walter C. Jdnes, came toward him. "My God, Dick, this Is terrible, ter rible!" he said In a voice choked and broken. "We're cut off as if on an island THE 'RICHEST OF BRITISH COLUMBIA FARM LANDS Ftlvar Bottom Lanls, Loval an. Clkarai. Natural Wild Meadows Grow Grass 4 Tons to the Acre. Does Not Require Irrigation. THE GREATEST FRUIT AND DAIRY COUNTRY ON THE CONTINENT TODAY It almost unbelievable that such land as this should be available at the astoundingly low price of $16.00 an acre. We will explain to you fully why this opportunity is offered if you will read this announcement through and then call at our offices and investigate. In the first place this land has no railroads at present. The Grand Trunk, the greatest railroad system in Canada, is now building through to the Pacific Coast as rapidly as human energy will permit. The railroad is backed by the government of Canada, and the line is surveyed and laid out directly through the Nechaco valley and our land. The railroad line will be completed through this land within a few months according to its agreement with the government. When the transportation line is completed and this land has con nection with Prince Rupert, Seattle, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmon ton, Winnipeg and the east by fast trains running several times a day, there is no telling how high the values may go, for there is no land anywhere of better quality. Fruit lands as good as this are bringing a hundred dollars an acre for every dollar this costs you. And there can be no more fruit lands. There are no more new regions to be opened up after the beautiful valleys of British Columbia affected by the Grand Trunk Pacific railroad are settled. You see, this is a chance which only a few people have, to get into a new country, just ahead of a great railroad line, and get some land while it may be had very cheaply. The raise in values in such cases as this are almost magic. Double upon double the values mount with the great stream of population which come in with the first trains. MASON & HAMLIN IN LANOOW RECITAL Tina Mnsiri&nlr Oualitr of an Ex quisite Toned Piano E.cltee Much Measure for Vast Audience. U i. - jtetl Praise for Player and Piano Played. Listeners in Rapture. I YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A CITIZEN OR EVEN A I RESIDENT OF CANADA TO ACQUIRE FULL GOVERNMENT GUARANTEED TITLE. Moreover you may pay $16.00 an acre for your land in seven payments, coovering six years. The first payment required is only $3.50 an acre. CALL AND INVESTIGATE THIS TOMORROW. IT DOES NOT COST YOU ANYTHING TO FIND OUT ALL ABOUT Tins. THERE ARE ONLY A FEW SECTIONS OF LAND AVAILABLE AT THIS PRICE AND YOU OWE IT TO YOUR SELF TO LOOK INTO THIS MATTER BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE. Official Reports of the Government Engineers Give Full Description of Each Piece of Land We Offer When you call at our office we will show you reports and field notes made right on the ground by the government engin eers, showing the exact location of each quarter section of this land, the character of the soil, what it grows, the creeks, springs, streams upon the land, the climate, rainfall and matters regarding which a prospective investor might be interested. These reports and field notes give you every particular about the different pieces available, and give you the expert opinion of qualified engineers concerning the land. The Climate of Central British Colombia Is aboot (he same as (he cliciile of Washington and Oregon, and to quote the govern ment report, is "all that conld be wished for." Out-of-town Tjeonle mav mail or wire orders for this land, in anv auantitv. from 80 acres upward. A payment or guarantee of 25c an acre must accompany such orders. These orders will be placed in the order in which they are received, upon land con forming to purchasers' answers to the following questions. The balance of the first payment will become due wnen ine iana con tract is executed. WHAT THE GOVERNMENT SAYS: "The soil is everywhere of the richest quality. "In previous reports I have described the flat country of the Nechaco as the greatest farm ing district of British Columbia. Mail "All reports go to show that the Nach- his aco is one of the most greatly favored SZS Coupon. by nature in tne wnoie oi ine rrov ince. it's advantages are many; the land is level the noil is rich and climate mild." The demand for every product of the farm is great and ever Increasing. How many acres of land do you want? What do you wish to raise upon the land? How much, if any, of your land (JyS would you like to nave in timoeri Upon a great many sections of this land there are small timber patches, affording trees for fuel and for fencing. Do you prefer to be located on or near a lake? Do you wish to be located on the north or the suoth side of the Grand Trunk railroad? Sign full name of person to whom papers are to be made out. Give address Amount inclosed t This payment is to be returned in rase this coupon is received after all land to be disposed of Is taken. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC LAND COMPANY REFERENCES -Omaha National Hank, Omaha. Delter, Horton & Co., Seattle. National Bank of Commerce, Seattle. 411 NEW YORK LIFE BUILDING. OMAHA "An uncommon artist" "capable rnquffli to rank with America's greatest' such was the decision of the vast throng attending the recital Riven by Dnndpw. the pianist, at the First Baptist church, on Thursday evening- last. Landow' superb handling of the piano Is yet a topic of conversation among tfco critics and music lovers making up the audience. However, t!ie lustre added to th repu yf ..on of the MASON A HAMLIN piano, v.Ylch by the way. Is the only Instrument used by Landow, la also worthy of com ment here. Hearers experienced positive thrills of pleasure whenever Landow marvelous heavy bass work brought forth from the WASON A "HAMLIN. Bounds that were truly orchestral and harplike. At auch times, heavy, yet always harmonious vi brations fairly penetrated the auditorium. ' uv" ."". S " -; . ' i ' ii i i But on the utner ha.iu. v,.ih the MASON ft HAMLIN, Landow was also able 'to bring out bis exquisite pianissimo trill In tha treble. Even though remarkably rapid as the execution was In such pajr- n, .nr., win ticr au.iarfjni- the effect requiring merely a "half dip" ,of the MASON A HAMLIN keys. It Is In sith exacting tests that the ac'.lon qualities of a piano are brought out. very ( few makes having the "almost hair-trlt- ger'' action regulation required. The MASON at HAMLIN. hoer. was equal to even Landow's precise demands, and on many occasions hearers whl-pered t on another, "Isn't .hat a gorgeous 1 toned Instrument?" Landow himself, upon finishing his pro gram, turned to sereval friends, con fidentially remarking: "That's the finest lostruuien. I have ever piayuj upon."' The exclusive selling of the MASON A ' HAMLIN piano Is confined to the A. : Hoapa company of 1611 Dougl&s street, . Omaha, and thla wall known concern has lately devised a special parlor for th 't exhibition of theie famed Instruments k exclusively. Vi Th Mason A Hamlin Tension Ton ' Resonator la responsible for much of th ' piLQUlatle sualody accorded by Landow In . his rwoant recital bar, and ahould b 'thoroughly examined before on pur . thaaaa a plaao of any mak whatever. In the Pacific, and before night 30,600 will be starving. What under heaven can we dor' Spellane up to this time had himself wandered as If In a half dream, but at the question Uie telegraph operator, who for years had sat taking messag'es of disaster by land and sea, awoke. "Do, man? Oat Into communication with th outside world somehow." Within an hour Spellan was aboard th Pherabe, a powerful thirty-foot launoh, and had set forth to cross Qalvenston bay to the mainland, and to follow the railroad track on foot for Houston, forty-seven miles away. For two hours th launch fought, covering a bars seven miles abreast of the mainland; but nowhere along shore could Bpellane see a place to land. Wreck age of houses, barns, shlpo, railroad trains littered the shot far as the eye oould reach. Off what had been Texas City, Spellane realized he would have to hit or mixs. and ran full Fpeed ahead at the shore, fetching up In a heap of debris. All he could find of the railroad was the ' fht-of-way. Ties were gone. Peventy pound steel rails lay bent and twisted like hairpins and corkscrews, and telegraph poles were rased clean as if cut off with a buzx saw. Through knee-deep water and ankle-deep mud he slipped and floundered. The hot sun. beating through the murk of the sweltering calm that had followed the was mud with thlrfct; but In th midst of that watery desolation ther was not a drop of water fit to drink, for th brine of the gulf had flooded streams and Wells. His fett were covered only with felt slip pers, and dye had soaked out of these, poisoning his ankles until they were as if on fir and swollen big around as saucers. Yet he staggered into Houston that even ing. A ghastly figure he was. clad In an i undershirt, linen trousers and an outing cap, bar legs swollen to th else of water melons. "aulvesion Is gone! Galveston is gone!" he mumbled thickly as he limped through the Btrtets toward the telegraph offico. followed by a crowd. "Any wires work ing?" ha gasped. He sank Into a chair In front of a desk. and the magic fingers that had sent th quirk, clear, even, In cisive Morn for which even today this man Ib fatrej. prasped the knob of a tele graph l;ey and called up St. Lou.s. where President AUlilnley happened to be. This was the message: "President LleKlnley, 'St. Louis. Mo. "A hurricane and tidal wave destroyed Gulvrkton. At leant ten tliousmul are dead In Ualvetton and surrounding country. Twenty to thirty thouiand are homeleaa. We need fo.nl, doMiing. tents, doctors, dins, anil kbov all C:s:nfectanls." Then, presently, came a moment when Spellane did that for which congress owes him u medal. A New York sheet had been "tipped off that Spellane had ar rived with or. of the biggest stories in a generation, and a braxen editor thought h raw his chance for a beat. II sent this message to Spellane: "The offers you $5,000 for xcluslv Some Thing's You Want to Know The American Congress Law-Making by Committee While congress ostensibly legislate in open senate and house. It vlrtuallly ab dicates all power to Its committees. It may sit by and see that they do their work well, and It may ratify what they do. In order that the constitutional con course, the committees ar reversed, but these cases are exceptional. When an Important matter comes up committees grant extended hearings. The hearing on the railroad rate bill con tinued for months, and they fill as many volumes as an encys'opedla. No one aerl- ditions of law making may be complied ouiy supposes that every senator reads all with, but nonetheless the laws that govern th American people are largely committee-made. A proposition which seeks to become law knocks at the door of the congress through an Individual mem ber, as a rule. In the house the member simply writes out his proposition and places It in a basket on the speaker's table. That bosket la called "the hopper" and appro priately so, because from thence the propo sition goes Into the mill that grinds out new legislation. In the senate, where things are done with a little more dignity, a bill Is Introduced by a member's rising. this testimony, or that even every member of the committee does so. The aggregate of all the hearings of all the committees during a session "of congress often con stitutes tens of thousands of pages. There Is much Inconsistency In the extent at which different matters are heard by con gress. When the simple question of whether Heed Smoot should be awarded a seat In the senr.te or unseated was being considered the senate committee on priv lllges and elections spnt many tlmoe aa much money and took many times aa much testimony aa was taken by the finance must get the house to back down on some of Its propositions, and the senate to re cede from some of the things It put Into the bill. It Is a game of give and take, t'sually It Is played by three members of the house and three from the senate. The chairman of the -two committees of the senate and house, the ranking democrat and' the ranking republican of each com mittee constitute the conference commit tee. After they get together on every proposition, the house conferees go back to the house with a statement of the spoils they have won and those they have lost, and the s-enate conferees go back to the senate with a similar account. As a rule they recommend that their respective bodies accept the compromise they have made. Some times they cannot agree, compromisers that they are, and then they go- back to their respective bodies for A senator rises obtains the recognition commIltM , th con8ideratlon of the last further Instructions, after which the tug story of Galveston disaster." Five thousand dollars! What was not VX to a man unnerved, unstrung, a man 36 years old, on the threshold of begin ning life all over again, with a wife and three hungury little ones to feed! For a mlnut Hpi!ane sat. face flushing. Then the blood receded, and out of his brown ejes snapped a spark and under his black mustache the teeth came together with a cl!ck. "ImpoasiU," h answer?d simply. "Narr your own price," came the answer. "I am not selling the lives of ,0u0 human matures at any price. My first duly Is toward them." Within ten minutes. Into the office of the Associated Press, Spel lane clicked the story, without writing a word of ropy-rin Itself a marvelous tele graphic feat Almost word for word as he sent th story, so U sprd throughout the country to th hundred i t papers In th Associated Prss service: and how th country responded, how at first warship and then trainload and shiploads of as sistance wr ruah4 from every port and olut, la a snntutr tt history." A. W. of the chair, and formally Introduces the bin . - Th next step Is to refer it to a commit tee. As a rule public bills are referred to the appropriate committees by th speaker of the house and the president of the sen ate, acting within the scope of the rules. But there Is a provision In the case of the house, that where the house chose to do so It can refer a bill to any committee It may desire. It bo heppens that In many cases the mere reference of a bill to the committee Is tantamount to placing It in a pigeon-hole forever, sine the majority of the committee is against the measure. Another committee might be favorable In its attitude toward the measure. So the house may elect to send it to the com mittee which Is not packed against it, al though It would, in the natural course, go to the other committee. Here then, is the first strategic point, In legislation. It is used only In rare Instance, but when It Is there Is a hard-fought battle. After a committee gets a measure it has control of its destiny. If the majority of the committee votes against report ing It. It dies. The greater number are pigeon-holed by the committee chairman and are never considered at all, even In committee. Perhaps foriy-nln out of every fifty public bill Introduced die forever In committee room. The committees are often battle-grounds of great political struggles. A notable Instanco was the fight on the Ftsyne-Aldrlch tariff bill In th finance committee of th senate. It was plain to th; leaders of the majority that they would not get their forces Into line on a given proposition at the outset. So they served notice on tke democratic mem bers that the republicans had a little mu tiny In their own ranks and did not intend to fight It out with the democrats until they had straightened out their own dif ferences. Then, by the application of th tariff hll'. On account of the Importance of the committee, seniority means much In con gress. In the majority of caies mediocrity with long service counts mora than great ability with only a few year of service behind It. The tactical position Is, of course, the committee chairmanship. And If one will look over the list of committee chair men In th house and senate he will find that every Important chair Is occupied by a man of long service. In many cases there ar men who sit even below the salt who ar posaesned of more abl'.ity than th chairman, but ' they have not been there long enough to get the high posi tions. Th rule is. with certain exceptions In the case of the chairmen, that the newest member of a committee go to the foot nf th table. Just aa th child entering school begins In the ABC ciass. The child may, by reason of precocity or studlousner, progress taster than his felows; but prac tically the only way a committee member advances up the table toward its head ts when a member ahead of lilm dice or leaves congress. Influence may get the new member named upon a committee more Im portant than some other committee, but It rarely will advance him one seat nearer the chairman at th big table around which th committee gathers for Its deliberations. It Is when a man reaches the chairman ship and the ranking membership on the majority and the minority sides, that he reaches his real usefulness In or.gr s". This makes him a member of the conference committee on legislation with which his committee ha to deal. And the confer ence committees of congress are really the strategic positions on the battlefields of legislation. What little round top was In the battle of Gettysburg, that Is the con- majority rul principle, th majority forced fersnc committee In legislative campaigns. an agreeaient. But no democrats were admitted until Is was settled. Then th democrats were Invited In and given their choice of accepting or rejecting the ma jority bill. Thus many parts of the bill, which could not hav mustered a majority of th full committee at any time, wer incorporated Into the bill as favorably re ported to the senate. It Is not often that material change ar mado In bills aa reported by th commit tees. A notable Instance of adherence to committee recommendations was that of the senate finance commute on th tariff bi 1. Althuugh every member of th senate well knew that not over half of th con toted points In th MU have paaaed th finance committee If th majority of that committee had not caucused and bound themselves by a hard and fast agreement, th enat lived up to. Its reputation of standing by th finding and recommenda tions f It ootnmltt. Bontlms, 4 After the house h-i had In say about a law In process of psssage. and the senat ha had It say. It usually Is found that they disagree. The senate want this thing Incorporated that th house has not put In, and It wants that thing left out that th house has put in. Here, then. Is where the conference com mittee comes In and settles things. It or war begins all over again. Often the battle lasts for days, and some times It is drawn out into weeka. There have been times when one house has laid down its ultimatum, "Thus far will we go and no further," and the other has countered with a statement of the points upon which It will not surrender. After all hope of com promise Is past they go back to their re spective houses and announce their in ability to agree. Some times nw con ferees are appointed, especially If the measure be an Important one, and they keep pegging away until a compromise Is finally completed. There have been tiroes, however, even with such Important legis lation" as the big appropriation bills, that the conferees have not agreed and the mattter has gone over to a sucgeedlng ses sion. But there are tlms when these con ference committees do even more than patch up differences. One body may amend the measure passed by the othei body by striking out all after tha enaeiln clause. That leaves the conferees free tu bring In an entirely new measure on the subject, and It has sume times happened that the conference cotrimlttee of six men has written a measure different from that ) passed by either body and both rave ac- I cepted It. Home times, again, the confer- ' ence committees bring In reports whloh I one or both houses will not accept, but this ' Is exceptional. Usually the house and the I senate simply ratify what the conferee do, ' and then th bill I ready for th signature ! of the prcsldei.t. Men may speak in the house and the I senate. There may seem to be a battle royal in progress on the floor of the two chambers, and the world may look on and think It Is witnessing law In the making. But, with the exception of the few In stances w here the w hole country Is aroused and all eyes are turned on Washington, congress legislates entirely by its commit tees. Behind tha closed doors of commit tee and conference rooms are made the agreements which the senate and the houe ratify. By TKXDTJUO J. BUBKEsT. Tomorrow 1BI AMOUCAW COattBgll -Frccsanr Is th Senate, 1 WHY SUFFER LONGER? When you may b perfectly and Instantly cured by a supreme power, of th worst aliment that afflict humanity, regardless of sectarian beliefs T SKIS AJkrWOA. BOtTXaT ooorxB, M Oaaxua Bt. Benson, Walnut 11111 and Leaf Instilut half a blr AiitsncUIe, Gas end Trastisn rBJ!ABiMBi Aiiom of tb Munti mmf LCrinSCnill? b euinpl.Mrt m Urei niottit. 0 Ti mo! complete u4 prv (J tl cottFM o?w4 toy tut jr ftotioMi la Uiuuutry. Fail uppif f t-uioffvoOUM va4 eufloo for " bt 4au Uuibl ftot oaly l bvati attrtaotn o4 afiofti but to iuk all rtpalra. (ud fur uutofui r i4 poi. pl laformaUoa. Ton ea &ir auf m. Your quarter to iwoW wekaor Ur isoaia from tba y rnu aaicr. AddraM aftfa.lM4 lrmr. CUc), ! , 1. A Proclamation to the People of Omaha Our cities have been honored by the loca tion of the National Corn Exposition. The responsibility of making a thorough success of the most important agricultural event in the interest of our grain and grass crop, that the United States has ever known, rests, not only on those who have been actively engaged in the work, but upon every loyal citizen of the three cities. It cannot be a success without the cordial and enthusiastic support of each and every man and woman in the community. If you have friends who should or might be interested in the Exposition, write them a per sonal letter. The homes and hospitality of our people must be extended to our guests. Merchants and business houses should pre pare to decorate their places of business and vie with each other to 6ee who can produce the most attractive outward apjw'arance of welcome. There are innumerable small courtesies, that count for much, which each of us can 6how the strangers within our gates after our visitors r.re with us. Having been made hosts on ko important an occasion, the opportunity is offered us to show our visitors that true hospitality which is characteristic of the spirit of the West. The National Com Exposition, C. C. Ilsewa!er, Chairman Committee- Information Bnreu T. K. O. a. Bldg., l?th and Barn? Bts. Times Squart Auismobili Company No. 133M3J4 Michigan Ave., Chicago. III. Three hundred high grade slightly used automobiles on hand. These machines hav all been carefully overhauled and are In elegant condition throughout. Prices from Jim up. Write for a free copy of our monthly Bulletin end also tfpeclal I.lst descending many of our choicest bargains. Visitors to the Chicago Live Stock Expo sition will find our Mtock Yards Branch lo cated In the Kecord building. From this branch to our down town store we operate our own slag line of automobiles, which service ts at the disposal of our prospective buyers. Branch House Nw York City, Batrt i.oulM Mo , Khiipss t'lty. Wo. SlaVe GIRLS cauaaoo This book makes no uttempt to dods anything: the real, undiluted, naked truth is shown In every Una. AM can read and understand from the time ho Is "Insulted" by a scoundrel; accosted by a wll-dreasnl brut, who trie to thrust bis blighting friendship on her, on, on to th end. Thi HARE BOOK sent to any r.ddr securely eulrd In plain wrapper, doc. Ad'lress A. J. CI-ARK. iiii E. tth fit.. Brooklyn. N V. OCEAN STEAMSHIPS CX.AXKfl tWHTTH AMMOAI. CBUJSB THE ORIE February . Tl day. MOO up. Including shore excursion, etc. C ruises around the world: Tours to Europe. Frank O. Clark, Tim Blag, Bw York. W. B. Book, 1M4 fwua It, Osnaa. FREE TICKETS fur Benjamin Fay Mills' Sunday after noon lecture ai inv iyno j nsaier on "Th Mn, Walt Whitman,' good until may uv uuiiuiva su ion as iney la., m t U.. t n n , J r a. f ., a.,.., r,UU. Drug Co., or at lh Owl, Plel, or gher- for circular. Mr. Mills will also speak In th 1 nltartan church Sunday morn ing on "The Divinity of Christ. ,f and at a free meeting in the Lyrio at I p. nt. on "Why 1 Cuanged My Ksllglou Opin ion "