THE OMAHA SUNDAY BKE: PECEMBKK 5. 190. n Die 'Omaha Sunday Her POINDED nr EDWARD ROSKWATKK. VICTOR ROSEWATER, EDITOR. Hntfred at Omaha postofflce second class matter TERMS OF SCBSCRirTION. I ally Pee (without Sunday), one year. .14 00 Dally Hoe snd Sunday, one year 6 00 HEMVEHEH HY CARRIER. Daily He (including Sunday), per week. .ISf I "ally llee (without Sunday), per ICvei-.Ing Mee (without Sunday), per, week " Kvenlng Hee (with Sunday), per week. .10c Surdny Hee. one year I'M) Saturday Ree. one year.: I W ddrrss all romplalnts of Irregularities In delivery to City Circulation Department. OFFICES. Omaha The Roe Hullding. , South Omaha Twenty-fourth and N. Council Uluff" 15 Srott Street. Lincoln f.ia I.lttle Hullding. I'hlcago 1M Marquette Hullding. New York Rooms 1101-110J No. M West TMrtv-thlrd Street. Washington 72T Fourteenth Street, N. W. CO R R KS PO N V K NC K. Communications relating to news end edi torial matter should bn addressed: Omaha lice, Editorial Department. REMITTANCES. Itnlt bv draft, express or postal order pnvahlfl to The Bee Publishing Company. Only 2-cent stamps received In payment of innil accounts persona, checks, except on Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. State of Nebraska, )ouj!laa County, sa. : (lenrge H. Tgschuck. treasurer of The Ree Publishing Company, being duly sworn, ssvs that the actual number of full and complete copies of The Dally, Morning, Evening and Sunday Pee printed during the month of November, 1W. was aa follows: 4A.070 16 41,930 43,030 1 7 48,180 43,700 IS 41.BO0 48,150 19 41,390 42.4&0 20 41,950 49,170 21 40,340 40,040 22 41,860 41,930 23 41,790 42,160 24 41,783 41,880 25 41,700 41,750 28 48,840 48,860 il 41,810 41,730 2S 40,400 40,100 29 41,650 41,800 30.. 41,980 8. 9. 10. 11 12. ID. II. 11. Total 1,858,860 Returned Copies 9,845 Net Total 1,843,005 lmlly Average 41,766 OHO. H. TZSCHUCK. Treasurer. Mil scribed In my presence and sworn to before me this 1st day of December. 1SW. (Seal) M. P. WALK Kit, Notary Public. Mnbserlbera leaving (he city tem porarily ahooltl have The Ree mulled to them. Addreas will he 'banned na often aa requested. The closing chapter la being written In the romance of Zelaya, the bandit: This Is a good day to resolve to do it now. Mr. Weather Man - please switch. In resisting bombardment that Siu,ly Hook balloon exhibits as much good nature as the late Dr. Cook. Planetary insanity is being exploited, now that, the public has wearied of reading about hookworms and pellagra. The Corn show visitor w(ll find the Itttcli Htrlng out in all directions In Omaha. Don't stop to knock, but come right in. In a country where so many men are ambitious to become lords there is lit tle danger that the upper house will ba abolished, i Some men seem able to buy up In surance companies with the ease and grace of a woman casually slopping at lilt; uuuuji luuuiri, The open door may be a fact In Man churia, but the wily Japanese merchant Is driving out -all competition of the white man by his cut rate prices. The cynical will bo tjuiek to observe that the defaulter who now pleads qualms of conscience waited two years to feel the sting, and then hla money had run out. The federal plum tree Is trembling again, and several Nebraskans are ex pectantly waiting beneath Its boughs. A Christmas gift of considerable size awaits somebody's outstretched hands. Colonel Bryan finds much occupa tion In nominating the republican presi dential ticket for 1912, a fact which may mean that the colonel has lost his Interest in the possible democratic nominees for that year. Judge Grosscup, having come out In advocacy of a new party committed to the policy pf an equal distribution among all men of the fruits of their ' labor, may expect ome heart-to-heart talks from his friends, tho socialists. All who claim to be able to cure tu berculosis have uiily to eutablluh proof with Yale uulversity and get $100,000, an anonymous alumnus having depos ited the forfeit. Now let the Dr. Cooks of the while plague crusade bring on their affidavits. Again the Iconoclastic voice of the government is heard, this time in the effort of the Agricultural department to wipe out the term "New Orleans molasses," there being, In the opinion pf the department, no longer any such thing. No "N. O."? Thus vanishes another fond tradition of childhood days, when the American boy carrying the brown lug to the store knew no greater paradise than to lick the cork. Mr. Gaynor' turning down of the Tammany leaders who nominated him prestige Interesting events when he khall have taken his seat as mayor of New York. His open declaration that he U no dummy of Tammany, and that he will not tolerate the preseiiee of office-hunters about his office, may be taken to give New Yorkers confidence that the Judge really inien-ls to five the people a personal administration. The more the tiger views the wnick of Its hopes from the late election the lwi It finds It has savad, The Corn Show. The great torn exposition, tilt h opens to the public in Omaha tomor row, Is national in Us scope. It Is more than that. It Is world-wide, for Its effects must eventually touch all humanity. The object of this exposition Is pri marily the comparison of results and the discussion of methods. It brings together the thoughtful, earnest, active men of agriculture, whose work In life Is literally to make two blades of grass grow where ono grew before. These men are the combination of student and dreaner crossed 'with the hard headed, practical man of business. Their thoughts are bent In the one di rection, that of improving the general quality of tire agricultural output of the woftcl. The Importance of this work cannot be exaggerated. Its prac tical benefit has already been deter mined on the farms of the United States, and each recurring season brings new proof of the wisdom of the agricultural experiment station. New corn, new grass, new animals are placed at the farmer's disposal and from these new types new crops are raised. The greater annual acreage out put of tho western farmer is the ensure- ment due to the efforts of the patient Investigator at the experiment station. The wealth annually added through this source Is enormous, and the pub lic benefit Is so direct as to call for neither emphasis or argument. The great corn exposition, which has come to Its present measure of success through the efforts of Omaha people, is a splendid expression of the scien tific thought of the times. Its success means wealth added to the material prosperity of the world, and with added wealth . must necessarily come Increased social advantages. In every aspect the corn exposition is an evi dence of growth in the right direction, and its support and success is an Indi cation that the people are aware of its great possibilities and Its immediate benefit. Savings Banks Life Insurance. Krora Massachusetts comes a demon stration of what can be accomplished by the experienced Investors' handling of a community of small funds'n the successful operation of the savings banks life insurance system. As a Christmas purse for the policy holders, the banks are returning a dividend of 8 per cent, which means that each person who has paid the premiums Jor a full year now gets back one monthly premium. One year ago the Massachusetts state actuary estimated that the sav-i Ings banks Insurance rate was 23 per cent lower than that charged by the Industrial companies, which later cut their rates In Massachusetts 10 per 'innt Sinn thpn thp aavlnu tmnlca nf- fered insurance at la per cent lens than the companies, and now, on the basis of the dividend, the actuary figures the rate as 23 per cent lesH than that of the Industrials. According to the official reports, each of the banks has been able to keep intact the guaranty funds and to pay interest thereon, and to set aside the full legal reserve, In addition to ac cumulating the policy holders' divi dends. This attempt to supply to wage-workers life Insurance at coat haa passed the experimental stage, and while future experience may not prove to be Quite so profitable as the past, still the exhibit is an enlightening oue. Energy of the Future. Barely eleven years have eiapHed since the wonders of radium became known to man through a woman's dis covery, yet In that little while an en tirely new realm of science has been opened up, with a promise to solve that which has vexed those looking far into the future the problem where man Is to obtain his energy for the work of the world. Civilization Is developing more energy than ever, but It is using more, and steadily the known forces of nature are being, depleted, particu larly the most familiar source of en ergy, coal. There have been those who descried in the return to the utilization of waterfalls the solution of what we should do for heat and light when coal and oil should be exhausted, but it has not yet been assured that the streams of earth are sufficient to de velop all the electricity the workshops, public utilities and homes need. May it not be that man's previous ignorance of the radio-activity of such elements as radium has been nature's own conservation of resources? During the history of the human race failure, or abandonment of one source of en ergy has been the stepping stone to another. In a long series of progres sions. The little knowledge that has Just come to us of the radio-activity of certain substances may be the dawning of the day of limitless possibilities. In the pursuit of the study of radio activity, the scientist has accomplished a revolutionary feat, the dissection of the atom. It has been disclosed that radio-activity is the explosion of the atom, and the Crookes spintharscope reveals the popping of the atoms like a bombardment of shooting stars. Thus the human eye is at last able to see the atom. In flight, at a speed, not only vastly exceeding that of our swiftest projectile, but actually greater than the known velocity of the celestial bodies through space. The enormous energy thus Indicated by these exploding atoms, each In dividual of which works with such a regularity as would indicate the exist ence of an infinitesimal time clock con cealed within, has already been util ized in a degree, convincing roan of the tremendovs force which is at his command whenever he can control it. It has ben accurately demonstrated, according to Prof. Frederick Soddy of the University of Glasgow that a pound of radium will yield an energy 250,000 times greater than the com bustion of tn equal weight of coal. But the difficulty is to liberate this energy. In the natural course of things, 2,500 year would pass before the pound of radium would exhaust Itself. The radlo-acttvity of uranium la even slower than that of radium, but It will last, according to Prof. Soddy, many millions times as long. Uranium and thorium, elements whose compounds are manufactured commercially by the ton at the present time, Imprison energy many hundred times greater than is obtainable from the same amount of coal. As the Glasgow sa vant says, we could drive a Mauretanta around the world by the force con- tnlnnft In a rvlnt HrtttlA Hilt t,A slnw. JICWMU lit M N l U U l l 1 V , ' ' t 1 HH. I-IV Pness with which the energy is devel oped baffles the human mind. The problem that confronts man, therefore, Is to accelerate this natural rate of evolution; when he can do that, he can extract from the elements of the earth energy to drive the work of the world for untold ages to come. Roll-Top Strategists. Additional evidence is contained in the annual report of Secretary Meyer of the Navy department that the day of the "roll-top strategist" Is over, and that this branch of the service Is to be administered henceforth on a basis-of practical efficiency. -Mr. Meyer al ready has given a hard blow to the an tiquated features of the bureau sys tem, by actually reorganizing his forces, and he, now asks congress to add to the rejuvenation of the navy by legislating the old senior officers into retirement and transfusing the disci pline of the line w ith young and vigor ous blood. Mr. Meyer manifests a determination to rid the navy of any old-fogylsm er other weaknesses that he has been able to discover, and In this he undoubtedly will have the practical encouragement of congress in the' enactment of such legislation as may be deemed neces sary to institute reforms. That he is on the right track In the main is evi dent from his ability to scale down the estimates for the coming year under the revision of methods such as he pro poses. ' It is only fair to Judge from his report that he is likely, if un hampered', to conduct the naval depart ment In a more economical manner and at the same time bring It more up-to-date in various respects. Moral Instruction in Schools. In the race of the New York mil lionaires to outdo one another In the cultivation ol fads, it is not surprising that one of them has come forward with a fund for a scheme to establish a radical course in morals in the pub lie schools, with specific reference to varied virtues, including humor, cour age, economy and cleanliness. Careful perusal of the long list of things which the millionaire would like to see indoctrinated In the youth of the land, reveals nothing but that Is already a fundamental of daily life in every American household. Good man ners, truthfulness, obedience, where Is there a parent but considers his chil dren satisfactorily schooled in these things at home, without having them made a bore by extraordinary emphasis In the schoolroom? The question arises where the need for such an addition to the system of public instruction was thought to be apparent, in tne average puotic scnuui adequate attention to deportment has been a fixed habit these many years. Too stringent discipline will transform the prevailing cheerful attention to studies into a hardship. Children of past generations have been developed along natural lines Into the men and wo men of affairs, and any ' abnormal stress upon the fundamentals of char acter and conduct will hardly tend to Improve the ordinary pupil. The par ent will be ready to resent any effort to transform his child into a prig. South America's Awakening. What was accomplished in the United States as a result of the open ing of the transcontinental railroad line may be expected to follow the op eration of the first steam road across South America, now nearlng comple tion. The problem there has been greater than here, for the southern continent was divided by a mountain range loftier and more Impassable than any In North America. The right hand of South America may truly be said not to have known what the left hand has been doing, and a strange diversity of interests has been the result. The one coast has developed mining, the other agricul ture, and each In its own way has known a considerable prosperity. The marked individuality of the h-j-arate nations of republics of South America has been well pointed out by Dr. Francis K. Clark, newly returned from a study of the southern continent, and he records Impressions which tend to show that each political division Is so emphasized in Its peculiarities that it is bound to maintain Us separate in tegrity. Not only do the Spanish-speaking republics differ vastly from Portu guese Brazll.i but they, differentials widely from one another, and. as Dr. Clark says. It Is as Inaccurate to lump Peru and Venezuela or Chile and Co lombia as it -Is to consider Mexico and Massachusetts or Canada and Louls iana as close kindred states. Dr. Clark's chronicles of his travels will have their value In giving people of the United States a better acquaint ance with the South Americans, and when we get a stream of commerce flowing through the Panama canal we shall begin to have an even more defi nite knowledge of the great neighbor ing continent. The possibilities of South America are only beginning to be known to the outer world and to herself, but the new Transandesan railroad and the canal at the isthmus will Inauurate an era of development which means vast things to the trade of the world, afford ing an opportunity to the United States to maintain an even more flourishing and powerful lead In the brotherhood of the republics of the Western Hemisphere. Employees' Insurance. The conference under the auBpicea of the Na-tlonal Civic Federation called to consider the various forms of Insur ance for working people developed but one feature. It Is more unanimously agreed than ever that the solution of the problem under consideration is ex tremely difficult. Effective notion through national legislation is barred by constitutional limitation. The con gress of the United States cannot adopt laws that will govern the citizens of the several states In their social rela tions within the state. The effort to pass a law which will regulate and de termine the liability of employers en gaged In Interstate commerce, which Is about the only phase of the ques tion left for congress to deal with, has proven futile, owing to court decisions giving to Interstate commerce such a narrow and constricted definition as operates to render the general law of no effect. The probability of secur ing uniform laws from the several states is too remote at present to de serve consideration, and this is about as far as the conference reached. . It was again agreed that the. work- ingraan should not be asked to assume all the risks of his employment, and also that society at large should not be asked to assume all the expense of maintaining the worklngman who has been crippled through mishap Incident to his employment. A large number of corporations and firms have ad mitted the responsibility of the em ployer In this respect by , organizing among their employes associations which operate to provide for their members when Incapacitated for work through any cause Incident to the em ployment, and to pay also death in demnity. In these associations tho em ployers voluntarily assume a portion of the expense, requiring the employes to pay the remainder. This follows In a general way the plan that has proven so effective in Germany, where the general government is also the party contributing to the Insurance fund. It is impossible in this country because of the peculiar relations of the sov ereign states to the federal govern ment. The conference did accomplish some thing by bringing closer home to the people the necessity for laws that must be enacted by the states dealing with the general question of protection for the worklngman. A point raised, and one that la most' pertinent. Is that In demnity for accident Is not so much needed as protection from aceldent. The installation of devices Intended to protect the worklngman from the dan ger natural to operating complicated machinery is more called for than the payment of t money to support him. When the matter has reached that place where the employers will find (t more expedient and economical to protect life and limb than to pay death and accident losses, much of the dan ger that now attends great industrial operations will be eliminated. Opportunities to Help. President Lovett of the Union Pacific has a splendid opportunity to slip a really acceptable present Into Omaha's stocking. Just let him go casually over some pf the plans en dorsed by the late Mr. Harrlman for improvement for his road's service In Omaha, and give them his "O. K.'.' Another railroad president who may do something for Omaha (s Mr. Mudge pf the frock Island. While the Rock Island people have shown great Inter est In the commercial affairs of this city, there is still wide opportunity for improvement, and f the new president really means to be a railroad man and run a railroad, he has a fine chance to do something that will help. These suggestion" are not made in a spirit of Impatience, but In the be lief that both of these presidents are sincere in what they say. State Control of Combines. The decUiou of the supreme court of South Dakota sustaining the consti tutionality of the antl-dlscrlmlnatlon act adds to the encouragement of the citizen desirous of seeing trade main tained In natural competitive channels. What the Standard Oil decision Is to national control of combines, the South Dakota lumber case Is to state control. For It must be remembered that na tional regulation can be successfully attempted only along interstate lines, the powers of congress being, after all, limited. Here Is where the saving grace of state's rights comes In, Var ious commonwealths have sought to regulate the commerce of combines within their borders, and In some cases have technically failed, but 8outh Da kota appears to have hit upon a law that is within its powers, and that can be enforced against unfair trade meth ods within the borders of the state. South Dakota's constitution affords It no peculiar rights of this nature that are not permissible under the consti tution of other states, and It looks as though It had helped to blaze the way In legislation for state control of those are Fifth avenue larders are reported aa being continuously suffering from the raids of the gray squirrel of Central park, and because of (hl It at first believed that tho creature hsd be come over-civilized and had grown too fat and lazy to forage In nature's pan try. Hut Investigation shows that the progeny of the merry playmate of New York's children have become too num erous to subsist through the winter on the natural provender In th park. The supply of acorns and nuta is no longer adequate for his caches, and therefore the frisky native has become a thief in plain obedience to the law of self preservation. The army of squirrels darting back and forth between park borders and mansions, scurrying under the very wheels of the constant pro cession of automobiles over the asphalt, must make a highly entertaining sight, and the language In the servant's halls over the Inroads among the edibles Is undoubtedly picturesque. It will be surprising if this transformation of the squirrel does not Inspire some wonderful new tales In nature faking. How little the public knows of the inner mysteries of the i news paper sanctum Is emphasized by the surprise manifested . over the ap pearance of the name of Edward P. Mitchell as editor of the New York Sun, the evident Impression being that he is a newcomer in the editorial field. Yet Mr. Mitchell has for thirty-five years been busy with his pen in ex pressing the things the Sun stands for, and in the old days many of his arti cles were commonly attributed to the hand of Charles A. Dana himself. The live spirit of a newspaper is perpet uated by an association of personali ties, and survives Individuals some times for generations. A divorce expert in that town of di vorces, Chicago, blames steam heat for driving bliss from the modern domes tic hearth. The couple that has to wrestle with hot-air furnace might make a commentary on that. Coal bills in any form are likely to deposit the ashes of discord. Signs of Prosperity. Indianapolis News. The humber of government employes hits Increased to 370,065 from 308.141 In 1907. which seems to hIiow that returning pros perity has also been siring a little atten tion to politics. Happy Thoaarht. Chicago Record-Herald. Another government official who ban just returned from Panama 'says the canal will be finished tn 1915. It'a a long time to wait, but we are going to try to keep from fretting meanwhile by thinking ef- a lot of other things. The Automobile l'nre. Cleveland Plain Healer. There were many men In the automobile Industry who feared that It had reached the top of its one great boom, two years ago. Now It Is much bigger than it was then, but no such, pilsgivings exist. The motor vehicle haa paused from the fad I age Into an Important phaae of the de velopment of civilization. The KQantaln of Youth. Philadelphia Bulletin, Th! patriarchal John Blgelow, W'lo at the age of 92 haa acquired the habit of keeping touch with the living present by .ntroduclng a graiddaughter or two Into the fociul awlrn on his birthday, aeoma to have succeeded better than most folk in finding the fountain of perpetual youth. There Is nothing like the constant coniT pantonahip of young folks to keep a man or woman from growing old. la It Worth While f Baltimore American. In these days of the fierce light which the aearchlight of publicity alieda upon ail human affalra the price and penaltle of human greatness are bared more to the world at large than formerly, when the reserve of their divinity hedged royalties about. One of the latest Instances of these penalties Is the pitiable condition of the czaflna of Russia, whom the perils of her high position have driven nearly Into In sanity. SECUIAR SHOTS AX PULPIT. Pittsburg Dispatch' We quite agree with the minister that there Is "np need for a new religion," but we are quite confident that there Is great need for the extension of our old religion. Baltimore American: A minister in Chi cago wants compu'Kory marriage by the state just an It enforces compulsory edu cation. He alao advocates woman's pro posing when the men hesitate. Thin la a radical axe, but not so radical as to turn Iconoclastic concerning things too deeply Ingrained In the bent Impulses of human nature ever to go out of fashion, , Charleston Newa and Courier: The Young Women's Christian association of pes Moines. la., refused to accept a check for tl.OoO offered by a brewery on the ground that It waa tainted money. However, in returning the check, It was stated that the association would be very glad to accept the Individual checks of the two owner of the brewery for J.".G0 each. There Is so much In a name. SERMONS BOILED DOWfl. Ignorance Is the weakest protection pos sible to innocence. Moral blindness Is often due to pressure' on the inr ney nerve. When a sermon gets thin It is sure to spread Itself out long. When a man's faith Is dead he Is al ma kea her own way. ways lealoua for Its bones. Progress seldom conies on a track; she The power to comfort others docs not come from consoling yourself. You never get any higher than the things you put on top of your life. ' He who dale not be misunderstood never says anything worth understanding. As we paint the picture of Imagination we make permanent those of memory. No man la worth anything to hla age who does not sometimes get angry with It. Adversity often works prosperity, but that does not acquit the mull who brings it on another. The dollar will never bn worth much to any man until every man la worth more than the dollar. The difficulty of representing religion would he halved If Its misrepresenting friends would a I die. It Is always easier to aing of golden boulevard than. It Is to make streets so thai crookedness cannot bid In thm. Chicago Tribune. phases of combine activity which beyond the reach of congreaa. Ladies' 0 S.zp 5nlif1 finM V m MVtaw sfcjAJuvw s vr 'wje- v m. va Yatchcs--Yes,14-kt. $ Gold--$30 Kind--at.... 0h But I've only 50 of the above watches bought a jobber's surplus so you would better hurry if you intend using them as Christmas gifts. Gorgeous Xmas Stocks print. If ' diamonds, "Instance.' Mandel 1522 Farnam St. PERSONAL AND OTHERWISE. "TIs said "Misery loves company." Jnpan 1 us a sugar scandal. Vnele Sum Is not so loiiesome. Ah a means of getting rich, fpilck, mod ern prize fighting Is crowding the trusts for the record. Law students' in New iork find they con do the Pulndinp table trick handily, but fall down on the bog office ghost. Has Margaret Ellington Frohmun Bowa' heard the news about Kthcl Barrymore Colt? Just a little hoy. Isn't he sweet. An inquisitive grand Jury In Kansas City is poking around In quarters where butler and meat abound seeking the skeleton of a 'trust. , The Chicago minister who flouted th historic sanctity of Mrs. O'Leary's cow is now trying to discover who flung the bale of hay. The action of Washington medics In the alleged leper case amends the familiar say ing, thus: "When doctors disagree the victim goes to Jail." A seat In the Now York Ptock exchange, which aold for $".'4,000, appears a shade moro valuable than an auto scat. The difference represents Income and outgo. Walter Wellman's plunge Into the polar controversy serves to divert public atten tion from the fateful kidnaping of Presi dent Taft's nine-foot Thanksgiving pie. Twonty-two years were required to bring a slander suit to a flnudi In Chicago where dlvprce suits are fitted and de livered In less than twenty-two minutes. Notwithstanding all the shady raids on the city treasury dug up by the Chicago Ipter Ocean, considerable money remains in the public strong box. Overlooked in the rush, probably. DOMESTIC PLEAbANTRIES. Nan Yes, Jack wear his heart on his sleeve. Kan Then you ought to be very, very caieful, dear, never In have any pins in your belt. Chicago Trluune. "Do you and your husband ever dis agiee?" "He never do.'' Cleveland Leader. "My dear," said ihe far-seeing parent, "that young man may be a trifle tedious, but lie I a coming man." "Perhaps lie Is," sighed the weary maiden, "but I'd rather he had more go in blm." Baltimore American. Stellu Isn't Mabel going to marry the duko? tieHa No, he rejected the budget. New York bull, "Hpeaking of Joy rides, did you eer have a real one?" "No." "Never gu out In a buggy along a shady lane, with a plug of a horse and the only girl In the world? hay. you don't know what life is." Phila delphia ledger. "I supposed all husbands made a practice of comparing their mothers and their wives to the latter' discredit. Why don't you?" "You haven't given mo any chance, my dear. All, tint wait. 1 am conielled to admit that you don't make home nearly as hot for me as mother did." Cleveland Plain Dealer. "I suppose," the young matron said, ad dressing the spinster who was "getting along In years," "you never married be- Don't Mortgage the Morrow to pay expenses of today or mortgage your family's future comfort that you may enjoy yourself in the present. Spend as you go if you will, but not until you have first put by a portion of your income for the protection of your family. A recurring premium payment on an Kquitable Policy will protect them and leave you a working balance for your pleasuies. Lift the mortgage on the morrow by acting today. THE EQUITABLE LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY OF THE UNITED STATES H. D. NEELY. Mgr. PAUL MORTON, Pres. OMAHA. NEB 2 Mind you! A good FILLED case watch invariably costs you $20 to say nothing of SOLID GOLD. Ami THAT'H not AM.! Ka""li one of thesn exquisite watches is fitted vlth an Klgln or Wiiltham movement the caae la a "hunting" stylr that Is a masterpiece of deft engraving. Have YOt" ever seen such a description on a ladles' watch In solid 14-kt. gold In connec tion with a prl e like 120? "Clirlstmus Jewelry" talks all .ouml alike In practical, I would Illustrate my KN- TIRK stock just to show the "difference." My i present slock is exceptionally gorgeous and the watches, silver Items, cut Klaus pieces. bri-va-brac, etc., are RIGHTLY Z'HICKD. My oc- cosional newspaper "specials" PROVE that prices ARK undermined H1CHF.. If others are able to meet my figure they do not seem WIMINiJ to. The Watch In this announcement Is an h era Omaha, Neb. cause It has been Impossible for you to find a man whom you considered good enounh. ' "Oh, no. I have found plenty of men who wore good enough, but 1 have always felt that II was a shame to spoil a good thing." Chicago Record-Herald. A CHRISTMAS VAMPIRE. Carolyn Wells In Smart Set. A fool there was. and he made a gift, (10 ven as you or I.I He- bought It with taste and care and thrift th'or a lady his friends thuutfht railn r swift) And when he gave It -the, lady sniffed, (iOveu an you or 1.) Oh, the judgment and tnste and time waste On the gifts at Chrlstniusthle; Which we give to thu lady who isn't pleasid (And now we know she never could b pleased And never satisfied). A fool there was. and he gave his cheque Fcr a necklace of pearls without a fleck, (And it didn't the leaxt suit the lady's neckj And she never thanked lorn a single speckl ( liven as you or 1) Oh., the chink Me lose and the think we lose, On the things we buy with pride. To give the lady who never is pleased, (And now we know she can never be pleased And tmver be satisfied). The fool whs fleeced to his last red cent, (Kven us you or 1.) She threw iiim aside, when his gold was spent, (And nobody cared where the lady went). And the fool gave way to loud lament. tKven as you or l.i. And It wasn't the loss, and It wasn't thsj dross, Tho reason that same fool crird; It whs coming to know that she never was pleased (Seeing at last she could never be pleaded And never be satisfied). i7o sell mu Kinds sssssssiSBBSsssssssaaaaaMaSBsaaassssasssBSSBl incral Viators 1 aa1 i ss a m n mmm s We will sell oyer loO kinds Imported an American Mineral Waters, and, as we ob tain direct from springs or Importer, 'aa guarantee freshness and genuineness. Boro I.ithla Water, hot., f0c; rase, ?.".n0. Boro Lithia Water, pints, Uoaen, l.:i0; ci se, 100. tlll.On. We are distributing agent i In Omnlior the celebrated waters from Ktcelalor Springs. Mo., :ind sell, at following prl.'.-s: Itegent, quart bottle, 2.ric; dozen, fl.l case. 50 hot lies, Ivoo. Sulplio-Sallne, quart bottle, 3V; dozen. f22i;; case, 50 bottles, fS.OO. Stilpho-Sallne, quart bottle, ",'c; dozen, Sotcrlan, quart bottle, 20e: dnien. $2 00. Soteriun, pint bottle, l.'.c: doxen. $l.r0. Soterian (linger Ale, pint bottle, lfc; dozen, J1.D0. Soterian (linger A' quart bottle, 25c; dnr.en. $2.25. Diamond Llthls. half-gallon bottle. 40o case, 1 doxen. 14.00. Crystal Kithla. fi-gallon Jugs. each. $-0s Salt Sulphur, 5-gHllon Jugs, each, I- Delivery free to any part of Omaha. Council Bluffs or South Omaha. Sherman & ffcConnell Drug Co. Kith and Dotlc Sis. Owl Drug Co. Kith and Harney Sta. t!