THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: DECEMBER 5. 1000. TIMELY REAL ESTATE COSSIP Omaha Exchange'. Series of Addresses Hat Had Good Start THOMAS ON FIGUEDTO VALUES rpr Read GlTla- Taeaaatfal I. strartlaa aa AaeertalataaT Cafcl cal Ceateata a Wartfc f Balllara. v - The Omaha Real Estate exchange got oft with tha right foot In respect to the aeries of addressee which are being given at the weekly meetings. There ha been no beat ing about tha bush by the speaJiera so far anil members of the exchange have learned many things. One of the best of the series has been the talk by W. H. Thomas on "Methods of Ascertaining Cubical Contents and Commercial Value of Buildings," which Is given In full as follows: There is an Immense waste of capital In the buildings comprising the business din trlct of a city. It Is found In badly de signed buildings, top-heavy buildings, build ings where severe shrinkage has occurred In the ground value and the expensive building constructed upon cheap ground. In a resilience district It Is found In the expensive dwelling In an undesirable loca tion that Is worth little more than the cheap cottages surrounding it. Kulldlngs - pioperly located, planned arid constructed rriHy suffer from two causes, physical decay arid decline In net rents. I might enumerate a number of causes, but they would eventu ally lea1 to net rent, which we all admit In the basis of value In real estate. Richard M. liurd. author of "Principles of City land Values," states that "effec tlve demand makes values, not Mulldings.' A building Is but a chattel or servant, i medium through which the owner derives a net Income from the land. A majority of new buildings are properly planned and located and yield the net Income that their "-Socalltles entitle them. Others are properly plauned, but III adapted to their locations A and are financially unsuccessful, while others are more favorably located, but so badly planned that their net rentals cover Ing a period of years fall to Justify their erection. Problem learsktl Complex ' To ascertain tha value' of buildings is an interesting problem, since they differ In age. design, character and quality of con structlon. There are two methods for ascer tainlng tha value of buildings. One Is to capitalise net rents and deduct the value of the land from the gross capitalized value. The other Is to obtain the cubical contents and ascertain the cost from current prices of labor and materials for each class of building at a certain value per cubic foot The unit of value per cubic foot that may be determined upon as representative of the cost of various types of buildings is the result of experience. The average frame house consisting of six to eight rooms costs from 13 cents to 15 cents per cubio foot, depending upon the interior finish, system of heating, quality of materials and workmanship: the better class of frame dwellings from lti to 22 cents per cubic foot; store buildings, two to three stories, ordinary construction, from 12 to 16 cents per cubic foot; five stories, tending to fireproof, from 16 to 25 cents per cubic foot; offlre buildings, steel construction, from 30 to 60 cents per cubic foot. By the latter method only the structural value of a new building may be ascertained. That of an older building may be found by deducting physical depreciation from Its cost. The percentage of depreciation per annum in various buildings Is as follows: Per Cent. Ordinary frame residence ....2 to 3 Cheap brick office buildings 2 to a Higher class frame residences 1 to 2 Higher class brick residences.... 1 to 1 Higher class store and office buildings ....1 J Steel constructed otflca buildings, estimated Vi Cheap frame workmen's cottages. 4 to S A further and serious depreciation niny occur from change In style, architecture anil new methods of construction. Ascertaining the cubical contents of a building is a simple problem when the' di mensions are known. The first requisite ihen is to obtain the dimensions of the building. All estimates of the cubical con tents should be based upon accurate meas urements of the helghth and size of the ex act area covered by the building, after de ducting air shufts. light wells or oth-.T openings that may be found of tha property as a whole, sar fW.enn. Tha building Is carefully Inspected and It la decided to he worth 28 cents per cubic foot, which multiplied by the dimensions may give a value of tlSo.Ofln, but the gross capitalised value of tha property Is but I2,000. The land vain of Jino.oon is de ducted from the oapi'eliK'd value of HJOn.- 000, leaving a commercial value for the building of $100,000, one-third less than It cost or a shrinksge In Its commercial value of tno.wo. Twt Sample Calealetloaa. Aa a further Illustration I submit tha figures In connection with a chesp one story building valued at t4,?:0 and those of a mora expensive building valued at I72.00O. both lots of equal dimensions and value: Cheap Kxp'slve Building. Building MEWS OF THE BUSY BOliflE MUMS Gross rents Expenses Net rents.... J... Or per cent on. Deduct building . f 15.120 1,600 $ its 4.2SO 12.1)00 f 12.700 211. i 72.000 , $204,416 $ A difference of $64. 730. Assuming that tha lots are of equal value and deducting the value of the ground under the cheaper building of $204,416, from the gross capitalized value of the expensive property of $211,666, we discover a com mercial value for the expensive building of $7,2TiO, showing a waste of capital In the expensive building of tG4.tT0. It Is not often that conditions are favorable for a test of this kind, but a number of them are found in cities of the United States. Another method suggested Is to estimate tha cost of a building per rentable square foot (not cubic foot). From the rental value per square foot Is deducted the oper ating expenses, giving the net rental value per square foot of the building. By ap plying this method to the first and second stories and eacH' additional story there after, an economic check may be found to the erection of additional stories. In closing, I desire to say that In my opinion one of the most Important prob lems confronting the owner of city lanl Is to know how to properly Improve It. Ills aim should be to so plan his Improve ments as to gain the highest possible net return from the ground. There Is a limit to the amount of money that may be ex pended In Improvements In order to secure this result. After the limit is reached all additional money expended Is a waste of capital. Rales of property continue to out-of-town people who are buying either for Investment or who are coming to Omaha to live. Rudolph Templen of Kingfisher, Okl., has bought two six-room cottages at Twentieth and Mandersnn from D." M. M. Loomla for lVM. Another deal a(so consummated by George & Co., la the sale of two lots in Oak Chatham at Twentieth and Laird to Lara mie, Wyo., men for $850 and $. George & Co., report purchases of lota In Dundee by Carl A. Mortenson, Dr. Robert K. Ksklldson, Anna P. Slpe, A. G. Plnitertnn and Eliza Cajin. The following sales were repotted by George & Co.: Myrtle Smith to Walter Hazleton, lot In Oak Chatham; house and lot. 2006 Maple street, from Harvey Y. Readinger to John R. Klnsey, $3.6M; lot In Clark Redick addition to Emma C. Norton and Howard S. Brooks to W. A. Chapman, house and lot at 2C02 Brewster, for investment, U0O. t it - t ''ZT ft ."IT !!!?!': - - ' . 14 i i -lta , -.jilt si . . NOTES OF VARIOUS DEALS Caarlesew Heights Finds Mlxty-Fonr Purchasers af Oae or More Lots In Hereat Time. Sixty-four purchasers of lots In Charlesew Heights are reported by the Real Estate Title-Trust company. That is sixty-four names of purchasers, but most of these people bought more than one lot In the addition. The list Includes these: Orin J. Thompson, 2 lots; C, B. Patrick, 1 lot; John Sohmidth, 2 lots; Harvey H. Smith, 4 lots; Gertrude Lovgren, 2 lots; John R. Haussener, 1 lot; Frances Lov gren, 1 lot; John Klug. 1 lot; Carl John, son, 1 lot; Jesse Mapes, i lota; Oscar Boyer, 2 lots; John Lovgren. 1 lot; Mathlas Klug, 2 lots; Minnie W. T. Reynolds, 4 lots; Archie Harrison, 2 lots; E. K. Hayz' lett, 2 lots; Laura Llndstrum, 2 lota; Leo Seale, 1 lot; Leo LaGreco, 1 lot; Charles G. Deutsch, 2 lots; Harry N. Fuller, In arriving af the actual net rentals from lots; I. O. Gorham, 4 lota; Frank Bleker, property It Is essential that all of the ex penses be deducted from the gross rentals. The expenses consist of regular taxes, av erage cost of paving, insurance, repairs, water, beat, light, Janitor service, elevator, collection of rents and an estimate to cover potfji'le vacancies, all of which vary in different classes of buildings. The Item of repairs should not be under estimated. All rental agenta understand the tendency on the part of owners of . property to underestimate the cost of re- - pairs. Unless all expenses are deducted from gross rentals net renta may be too high. Therefore, appraisements based thereon may be to a certain extent unre liable. I would submit the following as repre senting the percentage of expenses that may be charged against gross rents: . M One. two and three-story retail stores 14 to 25 per cent Wholesale buildings 15 to 2S per cent Residences 20 to 30 per cent Apartments, non-elevator... 35 to 45 per cent Apartments, elevator 40 to 55 per cent office bulldlncs 40 to SO per cent Another Important factor to be considered 1l Is the capitalization rate, which is the rate of interest a community may be contented with when investing lu various classes of property. High class property Justifies a lower capitalization rate than the cheaper and less desirable grades. alae of Land Important of Coarse, When appraising or Improving retail property It Is essential to keep In mind always the value of the land, espcclally when the commercial value of a building Is below Us structural value. When net ienls pay the current rate of Interest on both the land value and the full structural value of the building, the result is a well balanced property. The building U prop erly planned and suited to Its location and needs. The owner has succeeded in draw ing from the land the highest possible net return. A further Increase In net rent would enhance the value of the land, but tuld have" no effect on the building, -as aivulhling can never be worth more than It would cost to replace it." Where there Is a gradual decrease In net rents there Is a corresponding loss In ground value. When the shrlnkuge In ground value de clines to a certain point a losa occurs In the commercial value of the building. The shrinkage In vslue of an rxpensive building Is discovered at a higher point in tit downward scale of net rents than In the cheaper building, thus Indicating a greater risk of capital In expensive build ings. This condition may continue until 75 per cent or mure of the value of the building is lost. To ascertain the value of a building at this stage we must neces sarily know the value of the land, and by deducting the value of the land from the gross amount as capitalised, which U baaed on tha lower net rent, we dlecover tha ex tent of the loss or shrinkage lu the com mercial value of the building. " Again we find an expensive or badly Sid building in a choice location. Its ruu are capitalised anwlug the value 2 lots; B. K. Kyle. 1 lot; N. M. Godfrey, 2 lots; Mr. and Mrs. A. Jordan. ( lots; Ellis R. Anders, 1 lot; Emory Anders, 1 lot; Mrs. Fredrick E. Smith, t lots; Ivor Keholm, i lots; Sarah Garrlty. 1 lot; Gin aeppe LaGreco. 1 lot; Edward L. Btnkley. 4 lots; Walter R. Brltton, 1 lot; Frederick I. Hubbard. 3 lota; Ignaalo Caito, lota; J. H. Boetel, I lots; George Wesserschnldt. 3 lots; J. H. Crouch. S Tots; W. L. Edwards, 4 lots; ina D. Edwards, 4 lota, Forrest Everly. 2 lots; Peter Mlchaelaon, 3 lots Myrtle McCandless, 1 lot; Carl Bratt, 3 lots; G. M. Durr, 1 lot; Mary E. Miller' I lots; Howard L. Hammand, 1 lot; Mrs. E, Iiggit, 1 lot; James Watson, t lota; Henry Miller, 4 lots; Sarah Jane Shepard, 2 Iota; Sarah E. Hammond, 1 lot; Mrs. Maggie Mason. 2 lots; J. W. Peck, 2H lots; W, B. Gordon, 2 lots; Sofia Gibson, 2 lots; Nels Mlchaelson, 2 lots; Kate Sneed, 1 lot; L. C. Weaver, 34 Ions; C. J. Roath, 2 lots; r . w. Parr, 1 lot; Mra. T. W. Kelly, I lots; William Dosa, l lot. Son's Blood Fails to Save Mother i i t i t Transfusion is Resorted To as Last Recourse, but Mrs. Charles E. Smith Dies. I I LI I J I TABLE u-.:Nl-D I 9too I . raa be "-L77 E . tantkyI, I I ' KITCHEN ,,-6-0-0 vm DlNlNG ROOM . lc51 g iPl "HI ' PARLOR . I 1 f e kT- o E55 v5S i 53 ARTHUR 'OCLAUSEN ARCHITECT MINNEAPOLIS, MINN. P 1,11 U Balcony 1 I FT 1 1 ' I (5 l - chamber 1 j i& '.xio-o' I B5?1!:L-. i : chamber I BATH r5 I CHAMBER I 0 I 13-axn-o I EJIPAflEO ETAL STEEL PLASTERING LATH is the fireproof substitute for the inflammable wood lath. It Prevents Cracking and Falling of Plaster on Walls and Ceiling. Adopted by the U. S. Govern ment and used everywhere in all good buildings. Write for circular. KORTHWESTERN EXPAKDED METAL CO. 84 Van Buren Strt, CHICAGO I S "T Fi.OO Getting Best Results in Home Building Arthur O. Clausen, Architect. We IVIaKe Them in Omaha ami can duplicate any manurartured In the world also Save You Money Hydraulic-Press Brick Co. 330 Bee Building. Let us show you samples. As a last hup to cave tlm life of Mrs. Charles K. Smith. 2119 Seward street, a transfusion of blond was resorted to at the Omaha General hospital, but In vain. Mrs. Smith never rallied from the shook of an operation performed earlier In the day and died at 2:30 o'clock Saturday morning. Th. blood was taken from l'uniel H. Smith. J4 years of age. son of the patient. Mrs. Smith was operated on Friday morn ing for a tumor. As the hours pusned and she showed no signs of rallying it was derided to transfuse blood tnto the patient's body. The son asked that the blood be taken from his veins and the transfusion from arm to arm whs made. Mra Smith was 4i years of age and be sides her husband, and son !uniel. U sur vived by a daughter, Ie la Ilosetta Smith, U years of age. No funeral arrangements have been made. A native of Baltimore, Md., Mrs. Smith lived for twenty-three years, prior to thrv. yeara ago. In Custer City, S. D. Her falling health necessitated their removal to Omaha. tKiiing her entire residence In this city Mrs. Smith was In very poor health, being afflicted with a tumor which caused her much pain and suffering. Take Wtrslsi. Ixm't let atomach, liver nor kidney trouble down you. when vou can quickly down them with Eleclric Bitters. 50a, For sal. by Beaton Drug Co. One often hears a homebuilder boast of how much ho was able to save during the construction of his house through exer cising rigid economy from first to last. If the saving has been made through con structing the home in a systematic man ner and obtaining good prices In fair com petition with a careful selection of all men and materials, the homebuilder la justi fied for the pride he takes In the applica tion of good business principles. But If the saving has been accomplished through a reduction In the quality of materials nd through obtaining the cheapest men to do cheap work, regardless of tht-lr reputation or ability, the saving of pennies In this manner will often mean dollars wasted ip subsequent repairs. Many houses built te sell furnish good illustrations to where the saving of pennies means a waste of dollars. A poor quality of lumber Is used throughout the building, the builder knowing that plastering on the Inside and painting on the outside will cover It up. Single studs are used around openings In stead of double studding. A poor grade of plaster la used, composed of sand and water more than anything else. When the work la complete the whole house Is painted up In nice shape, but with a cheap quality f of paint which only lasts In good condition for the house to be sold. A man buying such a house soon finds that he has a big repair bill for the repairing of plas tering, replacing doors that have gone to pieces, plumbing repairs and countless other Items, to sayjothlng of having most of the pulnt burned off of the house and the house entirely repainted. There are two things that every house builder must always bear In mind. They are, first, that the best man Is the cheap est man, from the architect who plans his home clear through the construction of his home to the painter, and that the best ma terials are by far the cheapest, In the long run. The reason one basement floor lasts so much longer than another without re pairs Is that the one has Just a little more sand used 'In the mixture to save cement. The reason one cellar floor la damp, caus ing a constant decay of everything In It, Including the partitions, Im that the home builder thought It too expensive to put a coat of cement on the outside of the wall. The reason that it takes twice as much fuel to heat the house as compared with his neighbor's house nf the same size may be due to many causes, one of them being a poor heating plant, another being his In experience In handling It, but more often It is caused through little neglects In the construction of the house, such as omit ting tiip-tfeam-flll, between the Joist In the basement, good papering on the outside of the sheathing under the siding and careful workmanship around the window frames, cornice, etc. The reason his paint peels off Is because he bought It from a dealer at half the price another dealei asked him for what he supposed to he the same ma terial without Investigating the relative quality of the paints. The reason his mlll- i work comes to pieces, such as casings, I doors, built-in sideboards, mantels, etc.. Is I because he lefth" mill-work at the lowest price h could get for It to Irre e.ionnlble people, who furnished him green or wet lumber for his finish. The reason Ills roof k.aks, spoiling the celling decorations on the second floor. Is because he hires som? high school boys to do the work after school hours Instead of employing experi enced men for the performance of this part of the work. ' There can be a big difference between the way the beating plant and plumbing sstem la Installed In a house. One ron oern will send mere boys to do the work who have little experience and no heart In It. Another will send competent workmen with considerable experience, who work for their employer the year areund. who are anxious to Increase their employer's repu tation for good work, realising that It Is J money lu their own pockets. In a hot THE BEE'S PLAN BOOK Through an arrangement with Ar thur C Clausen, architect, the read ers of The Omaha Bee can obtain a copy of his beautiful book, . I'TII AJtT, OZZHCTB AJTD KOK TIMXWT Or XOMXBUU.D- for One Dollar. This book contains forty-six chap ters ana 200 illustrations, printed on heavy enameled paper, with cover stamped In gold. It deals with the practical side of homebiilldlng, giv ing complete Information on the p.anning and designing of every kind of home. '1 here is nothing more practical than making the home ar tistic, building It on scientific linen and to Insure sanitary conditions and warmth. The author of the book alms to give the intending home builder advice on subjects such as buying the lot, planning the home, letting the contract, choosing the materials, etc. Problems about front doors, windows, stairways, fire places, exteriors, interior finish, etc., are taken up In detail and treated with good common sense. Nearly all questions that could be anticipated are answered and the book should prove a great help to those who are about to plan a home. It Is pro fusely illustrated. Bend all orders to Arthur C. Clausen, 1136-77-38 Lumber Exchange, ' Minneapolis. water heating plant especially. It is quite necessary to have everything put In in the most practical and most workmanlike manner In order to get the best results. All the pipes should drain back to the plant and aa few turns In the pipes made as possible. Every bend In the pipe means friction, and the more friction the slower the water runs. The limit of a man's means very often decides the material with which a house should be constructed on the outside walls, whether It should be of masonry or frame. A masonry wall Is unquestionably a more durab construction and therefore more economical. A perishable material must be very cheap. Indeed, If It Is less vx pensive In the long run, than a more durable substitute, but wood construction Is not cheap under the prevailing prices of lumber. The difference between the cost of a brick house and a frame house Is about 10 per cent, but the increased expense of insurance, heating, painting and the repairs will bring the total cost of a frame house up to that of a brick house In about twelve years. A brick house Is more saleable for the reason that it Is more attractive. Its beauty Is not skin deep, but at least four Inches deep of good old mother earth baked to withstand the heat of the hottest sun and with a fine ness of text lire which makes It Impervious to other c'imatlo attacks. Painted-over woodwork furnishes only a very thin pro tection, which sooner or later must be renewed. Brick properly baked will not disintegrate when frosted as Is the case with many kinds of stone. Having al ready been burned In the kilns It will withstand the hottest fire even under the severest test of alternate Intense heating and sudden cooling with water. Wood will rot when damp, and will "dry rot" when excluded from the air. When one considers the cost of a brick or cement house, compared with the cost of a frame house, he should stop to think twice be fore building a frame house at the present time. "Penny wise and pound foolish" Is responsible for most of the poorly con structed wrecks of homes, some of them not over ten or fifteen years old, which dispell the appearance of every residence district. It Is well to look out for the pennlea, but It Is both expensive and un- ' wise to apply the penny principle too rigidly without due consideration for the i lasting qualities. "Uniform Heat and Cleanliness, too. Commends an Electric Flat Iron to 'you. It's Cheaper and .Better and saves lots of walking Gives people who use them more time for their talking." Omaha Electric Light and Power Company Y. M. C. A. BLDQ. BOTH PHONES FREE ART EXHIBIT "I!te Coitpes! t Prairie'' Latest masterpiece in oil by Irving R. Bacon, which won high honors for him at Munich last year. Prince Gets Twelve Years and Lewis Five Two Negroes Are Sent to the Peni tentiary by District Judge Sutton. Albert Prince, colored, was given twelve and one-half years In the penitentiary by Judge Sutton for his muiderous assault upon Detective M. J. Sulllvun at Jie Antlkol saloon the night of November 1. William Lewis, another colored man, re ceived five years. Lewis was convicted of a statutory charge. Prince wished "to beg Detective Sulli van's pardon." "I hope," said Prince, "he will receive my apology, as It would have been the same If my own :uUier ha J stood before me. I was drunk and did not know what 1 waa doing." Prince pleaded for a light sentence. If the court favored this, and It I.' unlikely, the words of County Attorney English ended Prince's chance. - "This certainly seems to me a cae call ing for severity," said the county prose cutor. "1 congratulate you. Prince." said Judge 8utton. "that you are not here to receive the death penalty. Considering that you fired four bullets into Hulllvan's body you are lucky not be In a worse predicament than you are." William Lewis' charge up San Juan hill July t 1. helped him somewhat with the court, who referred to Lewis' military service. Dlscualuf the case Judge Euttoo said: "The law ought to protect young children and especially young girls far better than it does property." The colored foster mother of Km ma Kruse, heard sentence pronounced. Khe was the only woman present in the court room and the mysterious white pair who followed the trial were not at hand. Court of the Bee Bldg HAMLET AHEAD OF HIS TIME ! - i James t omta. Lecturer, Declare KkaktiprirrtB Character Almost Prophetic Prraoaaa-c. ! e ALL LOVERS OF ART ARB INVITED TO INSPECT THIS MAGNIFICENT PICTURE. "A Ilatlonal View of Hamlet" was til! subject of a lecture by James Young at the Orpheum this morning, given comp i mentary to the teachers cf the public schools of Omaha, ministers and the club women of Omaha. Mr. Young took the position that Hamlet was t'ie most popular of the Shakespear ean dramas and one that appealed to the lawyer, poet, preacher and orator. Ills analysis of the character of Hamlet was that Hamlet was fur In advance of the time in which he lived, that simplicity was the keynote of his character, and that the governing motive of his life whs grtat "mental agitailoa" rather than Insanity or even melancholy. He held nlso tlut Shakespeare's conception of HamUt was that he was a great, free, mors) a and of a noble mind not o'erthrown. .The speaker conceded that th'e character of Hamlet was one that had afforded more controversy and criticism than all other of the Shakespearean characters. CLUBBING OFFERS Daily and Sunday Bee ; $6.00 Woman's Home Companion 1.50 Regular price for both one year. .$7.50 J ,50 Our Price ONLY Daily Bee (without Sunday) $4.C0 ' McClur Msrazice 1.50 Regular price for both one year. .$5.50 . The Glad llaad removes liver Inaction and bok stoppage with Dr. King's New Life Pills, the pain less regulators. e. Kor sale by Beaton Drug Co. Daily and Sunday Bee $6.00 " McClure'a Magazine 1.50 Regular price for both one year. .$7.50 J THE OK7.AHA BEE OMAHA, MED. Unr Price ONLY $4.60 Our Price ONLY $6.50 3