K 1 I i J t THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE: PKCKMBEH 5, 1003. I .. .. .! !'J 1!L L) I ! -m- BRITISH CAMPAIGN BEGINS ijijUi nr r - ' i mm0 OMAHA'S GREATEST SALE of WUhieiPe to eeiiU Fight for Control of Next House of Common! Starts in Many Citiea. PARLIAMENT IS PROROGUED Writ Will Rf laaard for rw Elec tions and Rallela Will Jannarr 13 and Close laaoarr 24. BOOKS V it $ Ml 'I ,.M mm f( Convenient for We feature our afternoon tea for ladies. Select orchestra at dinner and . after theater Ladies When Shopping... HIT'S a great convenience for ladles to have a quiet, refined place like the Henshaw Cafe where tbey can go for luncheon while down town shopping. A dainty, satisfying luncheon, as simple or as elaborate as you wish, at reasonable charges. , Business men appreciate our facilities also. We are proud of the fact that our patron ape Is among the most discriminating class, and our effort is to unceasingly deserve the favor of those who appreciate the best, If the best of French cooking, caTeful, un obstrutlve service, and a richly varied menu appeal to you, you will enjoy your luncheon with us. Corn Show Visitors who desire the best will find special accomodations here for their pleasure and convenience. For New Year's eve reserve your table early Henshaiu T. J. O'BRIEN, Prop. Cafe Wroth's Menu 'Pacific Coast Crabs Atlantic Coast Lobsters Clams Oysters Froglegs Ducks Black Bass Crappie Chili Spaghetti Chopsuey 1415 Farnam St. Chesapeake Cafe SUDAY TABLE D'HOTE DINNER 50 Cents Chicken Okra. Jinked White Roast Canape Burrn. Celery en Brand, lonnp l'url'ian Consomme Celertine sSweet Oerklna. Fish, 'PC Sherley. Young Chlrkon or Stuffed Gtblet sauce. Roust Prime Ilib of Beef Aui Jus Sweet Hrend Cutlets, French Farlsene. Stringiest Beans. Mashed Potatoes Waldorf-Astoria alad. Raspberry Ice Cream Ten. J. Q California Empler Orupes. MI1K Coffee. Dennis, Mgr. "A Square Deal" An Address by DR. A. E. TURNER President of Hastings College AT THK Y. ro. C. A., . SUNDAY 4 P. M. LONDON. Dec. 4. The election campaign Iready la In full awing and many apeecheH were delivered tonight in all parts of the country. Lord Lansdowne. the opposition leader In the House of Lords, In an ad- dregs at Plymouth defined the v Isauea aa tariff reform veraua the extinct budget, and two house of Parliament versus a single chamber. Winston Spencer Churchill, president of the Board of Trade, spoke at Preston and challenged the unionists to show any bene fit that could come to the cotton trade from their fiscal policy. He reminded his audience that "every leader of the con servative party, from the great William Pitt to the small Arthur J. Balfour all the leaders from the sublime to the ridiculous were agreed that the House of Commons had control of finance." The liberal unionists council today, on Austin Chamberlain's motion, passed a res olution of unqualified adherence to the pol icy or tariff refosm. Recognizing the seriousness of the pres ent election campaign, and that a victory of the unionists would put back the clock on social reforms, the labor parties' execu tives have agreed to the liberal proposal to avoid triangular contests by recommend ing the withdrawal of a score of labor can didates. The principle to be observed Is that the laborites will be able only to con test the seats they held In the expiring purllament. Parliament Is Proroarned. King Kdward's second Parliament, which appears destined to become a memorable one In the country's history, was prorogued today with the customary formalities. It will soon be dissolved and writs Issued for new elections to the House of Commons, Tho pollings will trpgln January 18, and will extend through to January 24. The new Parliament will assemble about the middle of February. Although Premier Asqulth has mada no formal arrangements to meet the sltua tlon created by the rejection of the budget by the House of Lords, the commissioners of customs, acting under Instructions from the treasury, have Issued a notice that taxes on teas, tobacco, spirits, etc., will continue to be collected pending the as sembling of the new Parliament. The trades which are affected by this order all practically agreed to this course being pursued In ordor to avoid disturbance In business. Any deficiency In the govern I meat's service pending the assembling of I the new Parliament will be met by an issue of treasury bills. Ulao; Refers to Badet. ihe reference to the political crisis in the speech of prorogation was contained In the clause, addressed to the House of Commons, In which the king thanked the members for the adoption of the provision for the national expenditures. This con cluded: "I regret that the privilege has proved unavailing. On foreign relations the speech said: Difficulties which unfortunately arose In southeastern Europe In the autumn a year ago have resulted, happily, In a ,practl cal solution for the maintenance of peace, At a luncheon of the National-Liberal club Mr. Lloyd-Oeorge delivered a vigorous speech In which he expressed confidence that, although the budget had been burled, it was insurca tne certain nope of an early resurrection. It was time for the lords to be handled firmly, tho chancellor said, and for one he would not remain a member of the Liberal cabinet for an hour unless he knew that the cabinet had power to carry Its bills. He added that th greatest members of the upper house had been opposed to the rejection of the budget bill. Even Lord Lansdowne, he believed would rather have passed the budget, but he had been forced Into the position taken against his better judgment. .The chancellor concluded: "With all the lords' cunning, their greed has overborne their craft, and we hav got them at iast." US '"')" FOR ONE DAY YET ON EVERYTHING Except Watches, Diamonds and afterllng Silver lust to hurry Xmai buying, one-h all price ON ALL BROKEN LINES T. L. COMBS (EL CO. THE BUSY JEWELERS 1S20 Douglas Street Attempt to Steal Large Bronze Elk Thieves Try to Carry Away Cemetery Ornament Weighing Nearly a Ton. PATERSON, N. J., Dec. 4.-Thteves en tered Laurel Grovo cemetery on the out skirts of this city last night and attempted to carry away a bronsa elk weighing nearly a ton, which ornamented Elk's Rest, the plat of Paterson lodge No. 60 of the Bb nevolent Protective Order of Elks. The Btqtue was overturned and one leg sawed off. Vandals, who hoped to sell the metal, are suspected. .. ri DIAMONDS Diamonds depend for their worth and value upon many factors such as color, brlllancy, shape or make and perfec tion or degree thereof. We have them from 5.00 t0 $600.00 t such prices that we will refund nine-tenths of J purchase price at any time within one year, or full price sl owed at any time in exchange. Call and let us show you our S150O.00 drop I Vl llere, consisting of six fancy tinted aud cut diamonds. A unique and exclusive ornament. a o guye Will represent central labor union Interest Arerd tor State Federa tion Gathering t South Omaha. Support for th new organization known as the State Federation of Labor and se cure legislation favorable to the working man was the slogan of the Central Labor union at a meeting last night. The state federation was organised at a ipeclal meet ing last summer and the first convention is to b held In January In South Omaha. L. V. Guye, a delegate to the Central La bor union and who won a delegate to the ' Federation of Labor convention h.ld In : Toronto recently, was elected to represent the Central Labor union of Omaha at tin ! convention of the new state organization. He made a partial rtport of the Toronto convention. 'The contractors, the Caldwell Irake com pany, who are building the new court house, are charged with discriminating wgaltisi union labor. A communication containing the charges was received at the meeting and it was referred to the com mittee on arbitration for adjustment. CAUGHT ON WAY TO COAST Alleged thloaaro Kubmlir Takea from Tralu at Crookatou, Mlavaeaota. CKOOKSTON. Uitn., Die. . Fulla Younhcart, alleged to have embeizled $2,000 in Chicago and to be enroute to Van couver, U. C, waa arreated here yesterday afternoon and Is being held In the county Jail, iM-ndlng the arrival of an officer with extradition papers. lie acknowledged that he waa the man wanted. Scalded lr fttraat or scorched by a fire, apply Hucklon's Ar nica Salve. Cures piles, too, and the worst sores. Guaranteed, fee For aale by Boa ton Drug Co. FOR THE, HOLIDAYS OPENS TOMORROW The best 01 uie season's, new Gift Books the best of the New Novels the best of the Children's Hooks besides the Standard Works and old favorites of other years. ZZ) y Co.ne and ece our great ih.tcing f books undoubtedly the lest and biggest in Omaha' BIG VARIETY and STOCK of CALENDARS, XMAS CARDS, POST CARDS, Etc. DREAMS' FAIR. WOMEN Four Great Bargains in Fine Gift Books R Harrison Fisher's A DREAM OK FAIR WOMEN - Beauti fully Illustrated In colors, r;th types of fair women as only Harrison Fisher can draw them, and handsomely bound, with colored repro duction on cover and box. Formerly a $3 & $2.50 QO. book, at J'O'L HOWARD CHANDLER CHRISTY 8 Beautiful gift boolt, THE CHRISTY OHiL, showing various types of Christy's girls, accompanied by ap propriate verses. Put up In handsome box. Formerly $3 QSl net; now, at JOt A SIX CYLINDER fOFRTSHH A beautifully mada edition of a rattling good romance of love and autoruobll lng. Illustrated in colors and hand somely boiyid put up In a box; very attractive for a gift. A $1.35 book, for ....... .58c Howard Chandler Christy' Superb Gift Hook THE AMERICAN GIRL; An e x c e e d 1 n gly beautiful art book, presenting Christy's ideas and sketcheg of the American girl. Illustrated in colors, boxed. A $2.50 book, lift AMERICAN GIRL BY MOwlwW CHAWT r ex'3TV Special Bargains BEAUTIFUL NEVi7 GIFT BOOKS Spccjai Bargains ELSIE DINSMORE The "Elsie Books" are known and loved by nearly all readers of girls' stories. Many thousands hare been sold at prices from 75c to 98cf Here's a new edition with handsome illustrated cover, at, only. . . RAGGED DICK Of all Horatio Alger's popular boys' books this is undoubtedly the best known. Here to fore sold at 60c, now LITTLE WOMEN, by Louisa M. Alcott. The former $5 illustrated edition of this famous story book, at . FIVE LITTLE PEPPERS and how they grew. Margaret Sid- 9Cp ney's famous etory 3C PADDED EDITIONS OF POETI CAL WORKS, at the extraordinary sr. 58c Each in a box All the great poets to choose from. An Immemi Una of Boys' Books at 25c Splsndld Editions for tbs pries. 25c oratlo :hls is Here- 25c 75c But anna aad Bns, by Kata Domla.1 Wlirln. Illustrated by Alice Barher Stephens, f 6. rcsaoa Jon' and rars Kapha 1, by Oeorga W. Cable. Illustrated In (olora by Stanley M. Arthurs, fl.ll. Toasts and Table Senti ments, by Wallace Rtce. 50c. . Catchworda of Worldly Wisdom, 75c. American Beauties, by Harrlaon Fisher. $2 88. Old Sohool Bar Soman ees, by James Whlt comb Rlloy. Illus trated and decorated In color by Earl Htet mn Crawford. $1.18. mi'ey Kesea, by James Whltcomb Riley. Dec orated by Franklin Booth. Mlustrated by Howard Chandler Christy, 11.68. Menu Bonk, by Clara powers Wilson, 1.18. My Chnma in Caricature, tiy Mer.icnei vvuiania, roc. Oh, Promise Me. IUiih t rated by Underwood, 8c. Tbelr Hearts' Desire, by Frances Foster Ferry. IlluR'rated In colors by Harrison Flwher, 3. Plays and Flayers. A theatergoer's record.. Cloth. 81.25. leather, 82.60. Beautiful edition ofJ famous poems. Hlawa tba, Snowbound, Evan- feline, llluotrated by ohn R. Nelll. Each In box, P8c. famous Cathedrals, de scribed bv great writ ers. Compiled bv Kh ther Rlnifleton. 81.fi0. The Violet Book, by Wil li Boyd Allen. Illua t rated. $1.80. The American Girl Drawing's, by Harri son FiHher, $3.50. What Does Christmas Beally Mean Ily Jen Kin Lloyd Jnnee and John T. McCuteheon, 80c. OlrlS of Today, by Clar ence F. Underwood. $3.00. The ZUao Olrl, by Kalph Henry Barbour. Illustrated In colors by Clarence F. Under wood. $1.K8. Jane Jones, by TVn King. Illustrated, $1 .68. Wealth and friendship, with introduction by Dr. Ounneulus. Beau tifully printed and bound, PSc. Cfarfl Cub Keeord. Blank pages for re cording Incidents of parties, etc. Cloth, 98c. Leather. $1.76. Beoipes Mr Friends' and My Own. Blank paves -or entering- re cipes. Cloth. $1.25.' Leather, $2.50. The Leading New $1.50 Novels at $1.08 Each The Torelrnsr Ralph Connor. When a Man Marries Mary Rlncliart. Sana-er Mark R. W. Chambers. My Lady of the South Parish. Anne pt Avonlea By Montgomery. Beeehy By Von Hutten. Cardillae By Robert Barr. Jeanne of the Marshes-Kppenhe(m. Stradella By Crawford. A Certain Rich Man Will Allen White. Silver Horde Beach. Martin Bden By Jack London. CaUlnc of Dan Matthew" By WrUht. The land of tons; Ago Ellsa C. Hall. Horthern TMphts By 3llbert Parker. A Oentle Knight of Branderhurg; Major. John Marvel, Assistant T. N. Pace. Title Market By Kmtly Post. Truxton Xing- Geo. B. McCuteheon. Half a Chance F. S. Isham. Ooose Olrl By Harold McGrath. Bella-Donna Kobt. Hlchens. Aotlons and Reactions Kudyard Kip ling. .,,, X,orda of Hlgrh Decision M. Nicholson. A Girt of the xamberlost Stratton-Porter. by Horatio Alger. a. A. Hently. J. T. Trowbridge. Oliver Optic. Harry Castle-non. Mayme Reld. Kdward S. EUl. James Otis. Ches. Carleton Coffin. C. A. Stephens. The Leading New Children's Books TEACHERS' BIHLES OHc Con taining teachers' hcrps, maps, con cordance and references, etc. Bound with overlapping covers. Red and gold edges. A great bar gain. liES MISERABLE.5, Victor Hugo's greatest work, complete in ,one volume. Good, readable type and very strongly and neatly bound in dark wine colored AQ cloth, at lt Complete editions of the great AMERICAN POETS, Longfellow, Holmes, Whittlor, liowell. Hand somely bound in cloth, octavo size, illustrated, TKt each, at WANDERING JEW AND MYS TERIES OK PARIS Eugene Sue's famous works, each complete in one volume, strong library HQ cloth binding, each 1ily ST. ELMO, by Augusta Evans Wil son. This story has been for over forty years one of the greatest fav orites with novel readers Here's a splendid cloth bound 9Cf edition, at Ml Big showing- of Girl's Books at 25c Splendid editions for the yrloe. , by Billy Whisker's Grand Children The NIW volume In this popular series. Illustrated with 7Q bright and attractive (5C pictures Billy Whiskers' Paint Book, 58s. The Kite Book, by Cory Ktlvert, Illus trated. $1.26. Patty's Pleasure Trip, by Carolyn Welle. Illustrated. 8c. Marjorle's Bew rrlend, by Carolyn Wells, illustrated, 8e. The Airship Boys. The Airehlp Boys Adrift, by H. L. Eayer, Illustrated by Fay R. Hurper, each. 78c. A Boy's Bide, by Gullelma Zollinger, Illustrated. $1.18. Chet, by Catherine M. Yates, illus.. 88c. The Bover Boys on the Treasure Zslo, 60c. Tama Tama Zand, by Grace tuffie Boylan, Illustrated by Edgar Keller, $1.1$. Dorothy Brown, by Nina Rhoades. $118. The Pootball Boys of Lakeport, by Btratemeyer, VHc. Tot the Stars and Stripes, $1.18. Danny Dime's Bank Book, illus., 68c. Timothy Blin's Cleok Book, Illus , 68c. Dave Porter and His Classmates, by Stratemeyer, D8c. Dorothy Dainty In the Country, by Amy Brooks. 78c. The Motor Boys In Strange Waters, 60c. The Motor Boys on the Paolfle, 60o. Mrs. L. T. Meade. Miss Aloott. Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney. Rosa N. Carey. B. Marlltt. Mr. J. H. Kwlng. Hophle May. Miss Mulock. Mrs. Burnett. The Road to Oz 98c The V(W BATTSC Book. Always a great favorite with the cWldren, for At 49c Each: Handsome Editions of Popular Novels, (Formerly $1.50) at 49c Each . 1 1 I !? 1 TVipp hooks are handsomely bound in cloth with attractive inaiviaual cover designs, many uc- ino- bv Harrison Fisher. H. 0. Christy, Clarence F. Underwood, Will Grefe and others make splendid gifts Shepherd ox Kill I w Circular Staircase, by Mary K. Itlne hart. The Shuttle, by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Nedra, by George B. McCuteheon. The Croslnf, by Winston Church Ill. The Ooast of Chanoe, by Ei ther and Lucia Chamberlain. Bishop's Bmaralds, by Houghton Townley. THE SECOND OLNEKATION awouuHsnun the la. liv Haroia Bell Wright. Jane Oakle. by tieurge Barr Mc- Ctitcheon. rightinr Chance, by Kobert V. Chambers. The Brass Bowl, by Ijouls Joaeph Vance. Tho Spoilers, by Beit K. H?ach. Teunger St, by ltobart W. Chamber. The Doctor, by Ralph Connor. SK aaaoi S assrn A Little Brother of the Bleb, by Joseph Medlll Fatterson. L.ouiB JoiDpnpJ, Vance. RsT Garden of Allah, by Robert Hlch ens. Half a Borne, by Harold Mac- Qrath, Siarender and Old Xaoe. by Myrtle Heed. Lion and the Mouse, by Klein & Hornblow. v.mi -1 A LARGE ASSORTMENT of BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS and CATHOLIC GOODS Empty Holly Boxes To put Christmas Prestents in. Stationery Dept. ; ' ' - - I I iiiiihiB I tMir 1 Tl TH 1 11 ' li . Bebeoca of Sunny brook Perm, by It U Wig gin. Bight of Way, by Gilbert Parker. BotaUnd at Bed date, by M e rr e dlth Nicholson. The Traitor, by Thomas Dixon. Satan - Sanderson, by Hallle Krmlne K'vee, illustra tions by A. B. Wensell. Arlsona Wlfhts, by 8tewart Kdward White. Articles for Christ mas Decorations Such as Bells, Gar lands, Crepe Paper, Dinner Cards, etc., in Stationery Dept. sjvn'riMr,'e' fsi Women S Who Have Been Properly Fitted H0ES prefer them to all others. The varieties of models are bo many and the differences in detail measurements are so intelligently made (even to one hundredths of an inch) that thousands of women's feet are fitted in them quite as per fectly as their hands are in the best and finest gloves. Sorosis in all leathers .$3.50 and $4.00 Custom Sorosis $5.00 Monogram Shoes '. $3.00 SOROSIS Shoe Store Frank Wilcox, Mgr. 203 South 15th St. Coming So the Com Show? Bring your clothes that you want cleaned or dyed and have them fixed up whlla you are here. We have made arrangements for getting out work on short notice during the bhow. I'KK U LIST I'laln VVatas Silk Vaiat. . Plain Htclrtw. Flaltud rikti K. . . . Skirl and I'i'up. . Jacket, (short) . . l.enth, lined.. 1, l.ingth. urj'lg. . Cravenettee .... LADIES' LIST Dry Cleaning-1 Bylnr and and rreaeiag- I s-ressUf tl .00 1 . 00 up l.Su 5.00 . 2. t i.r,o 2.60 i.6'i ,50 76 . a up 1 .00 1.S5 1 .00 2.00 1 .b0 1 .uU MEN'S LIST Dry or Cleaninf. Steam I Dyiny and Steam Syelnf and Breaslaf rreestne Suits $1.60 $3.00 . rats .75 1,60 Vest .50 .75 Punts .SO 1 .00 Overcuats 1 . 50 U . (0 t'latera, (twavy). 2.00 3.00 Jlovei ,10 .... Xecktles .10 We also put In new linings, put on velvet collars and new buttons; and do 11 kinds of altering and repairing. All Work guaranteed first rlaBs In every respect. Remember, w have no branch offices, Holu office and works one block south of Hotel Rome. I THE PANTORIUM "Good Cleaners and Dyers." 1818 Jones Ktreet. v . llotli Dion-. J f i. i it ! ! Mi