Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    sjnday Bee
For Nebraska Snow.
For Iowa -Snow.
For weathrr report ( pgo 2.
Entire United Kingdom ii Dirided
Into Two Great Political
Burkctt Tells
President of Union Pacific Frankly
Declares the Company Must Hav
Real Headquarter A ',A
Third National Exposition Will Bcgii
Two Weeks Period in Omaha
What Was Packed
in Those Boxes
Official Files of Office in Cases Fur
nished by Government Cause of
Rumpus at Lincoln.
All Other Party Differences Are Beinj
Pushed Into Background.
Attempt to Break Up Meetings in
London and Leith.
He Sara Real Reform Will Com
When Hereditary Principle la
Abolished Manifesto br
LONDON, Dec. 4. The whole of Great
Britain la Immersed In ' the political cam
paign which has been Inaugurated by the
refusal of the House of Lords to consent
to the budget. The country Is divided into
two great camps, composed of those who
support the lords' action and those who
contend that the House of Commons must
have absolute control of the finances of
the nation. There are, of course, man
other Issues, such as tariff reform versus
free trade, but these are being; pushed Into
the background by the conflict between
the two houses. While the various local
organisations are busy selecting candidates
and preparing for the contests In their re
spective districts, the leaders of the great
parties are carrying on a general cam
The radicals, who had long foreseen the
fate of their finance bill, are not allowing
the grass to grow under their feet. In
London this afternoon on of their organ
izations, the National Democratic league.
1 eld a demonstration as a protest against
action of the lords, which was one of
most notable that has ever been held
. the metropolis. Fully 20,000 persons,
..itly of the laboring and artisan classes,
'thered In Trafalgar square and cheered
radical speakers, who condemned In un
measured terms the members of the upper
f f ragettea Make Noise.
The only divergent note here, as else
where, 'cam from the suffragists, who,
after a term of comparative quiet, again
started to Indulge In attempts to break up
the radical meetings. The Trafalgar square
crowd, however, . was too great for their
efflcts to have any effect. They were mope
successful at Southport, where by climbing
to a roof and shouting through the sky
light they succeeded in interrupting Winston
Spencer Churchill's meeting, and at Leith,
- where, aided by roughs, they created a
diversion by attempting to storm a meet
ing which Sid Edward Qrey, the foreign
secretary, was addressing.
Foiled by the Leith police, who charged
the crowd with batons, the women got their
revenge by hurling bricks through the win
dows of the public buildings. Secretary
Oiey, whose speech was not Interrupted to
any extent, spoke strongly for the reforma
tion of the upper chamber.
( hnrvb.Ul at Liverpool.
Mr. Churchill waa able to conclude his
speech, and undaunted by this experience,
held a meeting at Liverpool this evening
In continuation of his Lancashire campaign,
lie redlculed the Idea, that the old age
pensions and the navy could be paid for by
the adoption of tariff reform and referred
to Mr. Balfour's offer to assist cotton grow
ing in the empire aa very odd In view of the
fact that the unionists when In power, al
though asked to do something In this direc
tion, took no action.
Strong! Speech br Orey,
Sir Edward Orae, who Is considered the
most model ate member of the government
said the Liberal party must assert not only
Jfa right of the House of Commons to be
Uncontrolled in the matter of finance, but
must have concessions making It possible
for ft liberal government to exist on fair
und equal terms.
He added that the lord talked of re
forming themselves, but Vhe only real re
form would be the abolition of the heredl
tary principle and the substitution of popu
lar election. The present motives of the
Lords, he said, was a desire for tariff re
form and the with to get rid of a Liberal
Lewis Harcourt, speaking of Raw ten
stall, Lancashire; declared that the step
must be taken once for all to secure to
the House of Commons the sole control
over the finances of the country.
Manifesto br free Charchea.
The National Council of Free Churches
has Issued a manifesto calling attention to
the action of the Hous of Lords which.
It declares, "make reform supported by
fion-conjurmlat Impossible" and calling
. on the people to support the candidate
who are favorable to "the emancipation of
education from sectarianism." The Unlon,-
lst are nominating a candidate la every
constituency In England and Scotland, and
' with the exception of the seat held by
the speaker, the Hlght Honorable James
William Lowtber and Joseph Chamberlain,
who represents Birmingham, West, either
the Liberal or the Laborlte will nomin
al a man to oppose tnera. Th Liberal
V have decided not to contest Mr. Chamber
lain' seat on account of hi lilnes.
Mayor of Lake Arthar, Iowa, Offer
Resignation, farina There Is
Nothing to Do.
UKE ARTHUR. La.. Deo. 4.-Civlc
righteousnMi baa mad a new record and
municipal, civil and criminal busines in
dull In this city, with th result that the
mayor has resigned and the town marshal's
salary ha bran reduced to Si a month.
Ti e mayor tendered hi resignation to th
ccuncil because he said there "was nothing
to do."
De Molnm Bar Auorlttlas l'rje HI
Appointment a Supreme
J a da.
DKS MOINES, Dec 1 Th Dea Mola
Par association today panned reaolutlans
urging President Tart to appoint Judge
Horace E. Dewima' of Rd Oak, la., a ac
v censor to Justice Packham on Ui United
Klatr supreme eourt. Judge Dentner ha
been on nf th Iowa auniam asurt far
fifteen )ra
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. D. C, Dec. 4. Speclal
Telegram.) Senator Burkett Is boiling mad
over a recent article which appeared in
the Lincoln Star which virtually charges
him with using the franking privilege for
the transportation of personal apparel.
Five or more boxes which the govern
ment provides for the transportation of of
fice matters, bearing the well known Bur
kett signature were landed In Lincoln in
due course. A reporter for the Star aaw
great sensation In these boxes and he
charged Burkett with transporting his
household goods, to say nothing of cloth
ing, etc., In these aforesaid boxes.
Senator Burkett has gone after the edi
tor of the Star, hammer and tongs. Fol
lowing Is a letter which the senior senator
from Nebraska mailed to the editor of the
Lincoln Dally Star today:
"Dear Sir: Somebody has sent me a
copy of your paper of November 25, charg
ing me with sending wearing apparel and
personal effect under my official frank.
While It has always been a rule of mine
since being In public life not to reply to
newspaper criticisms, nevertheless, I can
not let go unchallenged your statement
that I have defrauded the government by
abusing the franking privilege.
"Neither you, nor any member of your
force saw Into those boxen, and therefore
had no right to tell the people that there
wan clothing or anything else Improper In
them. Tou might a well have said they
contained dynamite or opium.
"Two young men packed, those boxes
Mr. Clifford W. Leroy of Falrbury and
Mr. Don L. Runnell of Lincoln. They are
honest and would have told you or shown
you what waa In those boxes, If you had
asked them. These young men made the
statement then and I mak It now, that
there was nothing In the boxe except of
ficial files. The boxes were furnished by
the government for just the purpose's for
which they were used, that is for trans
porting the official files back and forth
between Washington and home when we
have to go. In this particular Instance they
contained the records of about 4,000 pension
cases, many rural free delivery matters,
postofflce appointments, miscellaneous
legislation, etc. I waa not there when the
bokes were packed and had not been for
nearly three weeks, but I saw them un
packed here and know of what I write
"Tou had no right to lay that there
was anything in them improper, nor to In
timate that there was, without any knowl
edge of the. fact. It waa an infamous thing
for you to do
"Tou have the right to oppose me and
to criticise everything I do, but you shall
not He about me. Herewith I enclose you
copy of the affidavits by the young men
who packed and unpacked the boxes. Very
truly your, E. J. BURKETT."
To Oslcrize
Army and Navy
Secretaries Pushing Campaign for
Younger Men at Head of
Fighting Forces.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 4. "Oslerliatton"
campaign In both the army and navy has
been Inaugurated. Not only have Secre
tary Dickinson of the War department
and Secretary Meyer of the Navy an
nounced in their annual reports that the
time has arrived to put younger men at
the top of the armed organization of the
county, but they had already set to work
to put their Idea into prominence.
The reform in the navy Is made easier
because of the general reorganization now
In progress there. The general board has
been askd to consider the subject and
recommended to Secretary Meyer that the
change can be brought about, by selection
for promotion or by process of e'.mlnlna
tlon. At present officer in the navy are pro
moted according to seniority alone. Many
have advocated that this system be
changed to allow selection for promotion
to the higher rank. Others have sug
gested the number of required retirements
annually be increased.
Eighty Thousand Are In Need
Food, Bay Report front
WORCESTER, Mas., Deo. 4. No less
than 80.000. person are starving in Armenia,
according to advices received by Emily C.
Wheeler, secretary of the National Ar
menia and India Relief association, which
has Its headquarter In ti l city. The sec
retary states that unless aid Is sent speed-
11 y from America a large number of Ar-
menlans will perish.
Arizona's Biggest Citizen
Blames Wire's for Wifes Loss
ArUona' biggest cttlsen ha lost nl wife
and b snarls at the telegraph operators
In Omaha.
In hi married life of lea than two
year th big fellow ha lost hi little help
mate twice. He ha been In Omaha two
day and ha kept the telegraph wire
hot with "messages that have never ben
Samuel Draper Dunlop, erstwhile clttsen
of Phoenix. Arlx., and reputed a the
heftiest man in the territory, stepped up
to the clerk at the Paxton hotel. HI t
pound towered above the desk.
"Got anything from Oak Park for me?"
ha asked.
A scowl clouded his usually happy fac
and a big baby wrinkle showed plainly In
hi forehead. -
"Ain't that th limit. Army?" he said to
college chuta at hi side. "I've been
travel in' th Honeymoon trail' for lea
thaa two year and I've lot that HUte girl
on tw separata occasion. Tna rad b
twnen Chicago and Phoenix la a rough an
for Bit"
DvuUos cam t Omaha t toadi ha din-
Stops in Omaha --.our on Windup
of Long .Trip.
Next Visit Believed to Be on Mission
of Building.
"I Am Not Golnsr to St. Pan!," II
Say When Asked If Strike
Called Him Rack from
the West.
On the home stretch of a transcontinental
dash over American railroads, Judge Rob
ert S. Lovett of New Tork. who grasp the
wizard's wand laid aside by the late Ed
ward II. Harrlman and who now rules the
destlnines of the one of the greatest rail
way systems In the world, was the guest
Saturday afternoon of local officials of the
Union Pacific.
The visit of President Lovett In Omaha
his first since becoming the head of the
Union Pacific lasted an hour, but during
that time he was whisked in a limousine
touring car to Fifteenth and Dodge streets,
the site of the proposed new general head
quarters of the road. When he returned
to his train he said to newspaper report
ers and officials of the system:
"The Union Paclfio needs new head
quarters in Omaha. I said this same thing
to your business men two years ago, and I
still maintain as president of the road
now that a new structure should be built."
It waa the plan of Mr. Harrlman to ex
pend 1.E00,000 os a magnificent structure
in Omaha, but the panto of 1907 put a qui
etus on the project Just now revived.
Lovett Special Ice Clad.
Ice-clad and covered with mow, showing
the effects of a heavy storm between Og-
den and Omaha, the Lovett special rollde
into Union station yesterday afternoon at
4:45 o'clock. It was drawn by engine No.
102, one of the ponderous moguls operated
on the Union Pacific lines. Judge Lovett
has two cars, No. 99, formerly the private
coach of Mrs. Harrlman, and a combina
tion diner and observation car.
Private car No. 100, In the serrlo of A
L. Mohler of Omaha, vice president and
general manager of the road, was a part
of the train,, having been coupled on at
Ogden, where Mr. Mohler went to Join his
chief, accompanied by General Superintend
ent W. L. Park. Chief Engineer Russell L.
Huntley and General Passenger Agent E.
L. Lomax.
There was a kindly smile' oh President
Lovett' face when newspaper men ap
proached him.
"Tou fellows always seem glad to see
me," he said. "I expected to meet you.
There Is little to siy at present; but I am
coming back to Omaha at a later date.
have made a hurried trip over the country
and am now bound for New Tork."
Paese Vp Switchmen.
"Was the switchmen' strike the cause of
your haste In rettnning east?" he waa
"I am not going by way of St. Paul," he
said, as though avoiding a direct answer.
As originally planned Mr. Lovett was to
return eastward by the southern route
going from Los Angeles to New Orleans
over the Southern Pacific. It is understood
he took the shorter route by way of Omaha
in order to reach New Tork at an earlier
date owing to strike troubles.
The local official conferred with Judge
Lovett aboard the special tralm between
Ogden and Omaha. This conference waa
similar to one held about ten day ago
between Kansas City and Denver, the
Oh. aha men Joining their chief at the
former place.
On the automobile trip In Omaha Judge
Lcvett was accompanied by Vice President
Mohler, Superintendent Park and Joseph
S Sykes, chief clerk to the general auperln
terdent. The party did not go to the head
quarter building.
Returning to the depot Judge Lovett con
versed with friends. His special left the
city at 6:02 o'clock for Chicago over the
Chicago & Northwestern line.
The candid manner In which the new
Union Pacific president discussed the new
headquarters building gave much local
comfort arM encouragement. It Inspired
the belief that this building will come very
soon and that the early visit to Omaha to
which Mr. Lovett referred will have for
Its chief purpose review of plan for th
building with Mr. Mohler.
Aak Chan are of Ilea Crosa Order.
WASHINGTON. Deo. 4. -In an effort to
get Great Britain to rescind it order for
bidding the entry of mall bearing Red
Cross stamp the State department ha
cabled to Ambassador Held at London ask
lng him to use his offices lo the matter,
The message stated that a many package
and letters bearing th stamp already
have been sent. It would causa consider
ble Inconvenience It they were not dellv
trlct court In th cas of the Wlsconsl
Cattle company against the railroads. H
dropped off at Omaha, leaving hi wife
on the train, expecting that ahe would go
on to Oak Park, 111., to visit her homo.
Dunlop has completed his testimony in
court and Is now anxious to return to
Arizona, but can't get into communication
will) hia bride. He blame the tt lgraph
companies because be Is unable to recelv
an answer to hi messages.
The sequel to the story Is even more in
teresting. Two year ago Dunlop wa a
student at the University of Illinois. Ha
left ther to go into th sheep raising
business In Arlsona and married girt
from hi home town. Oak Park. Tho coupU
sought to elud the usual wedding day
tormenter and went to the Union depot In
Chicago alone, arranging t meet on the
The ad part of th story I that th
bridegroom boarded a Chicago, MllwaukM
St. Paul train for Omaha and th bride
took th Southwest Limited for Kansas
City. It waa all hug mlatak and the
eoupl net two day later la their Phoenix
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From the Philadelphia Inquirer.
Accused Woman Says She Did Not
Wed Erder.
Will Try to Prove that Erder Had
Another Wife, from Whom II
Waa Separated Reaches
St. Louis.
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 4. Mr. Dorath Eliia-
beth Doxey In defending the charge that
she killed William J. Erder with arsenic.
will deny that she received Erder' life
Insurance or that she knew his life was
lisured. She will deny aiso that she mar
ried Erder and will attempt to prove that
he had another, wife, from whom he was
separated. " '
This statement was made' by her attor-
ney, Judge A'bcrt of Columbus. Just before
Mrs. Doxey, fctuplfled by morphine which
her husband had Irjecled kito her arm at 1
interval of two hour through the night
arrived in St Louis from Columbus, Neb.
After the had been carried Into polio
headquarters, Chief of Police Crecy de
clared that she was shamming and that
her apparent collapse was due solely to
the drugs which hor husband had been
permitted to administer. The chief ordered
Dr. Doxey from the detention room. Mrs.
Doxey was later taken to Jail.
Slckaens Declared Sham.
Dr. C. M. Watson Jail physician confirmed
Chief Creecy'a diagnosis of Mr. , Doxey'
corditlon. Dr. Watson said that thare was
no reason for removing her to th city
Mrs. Doxey was taken from police head
quarters In an ambulance. When the Jai!
as reached her husDand and the trained
nurse who had come with them - from
Columbus were denied admittance. Dr.
atson a,nd the Jail matron taking charge
of the prisoner.
When the Wabash train carrying Mrs.
Doxey arrived in the Union station, sta
tion employts with an Invalid's chair were
waiting on the platform. Tourists and
commuters were crowded about the car
and in the station there waa a large
Mrs. Doxey was carried from the car by
Attorney Albert and her husband. Dr.
..-I' i v ii o. i'u At-j , w iiu jiaceu ii r r in me, . . . M , ru ir,
., . . .. , . i. good faith with the government The in
chalr and wraoned blankets about her. I 7 .... r
Then cajne Sergeant Wade Matthews, Jef
ferson Fuller of Aledo, III., Mr. Doxey's
father, and Mrs. Stella Sparhawk, a trained
nurse. All had accompanied Mr. Doxey
from Columbus.
Tho thicknesses of block veiling covered
the accused woman's face. It effectually
concealed her feature aa she was wheeled
through th curious crowd to th Twen
tieth treet entrance, where a carriage waa
in waiting. Sergeant Matthew and Dr.
(Continued on Second Page.)
Visitors intend
ing to attend the
National Corn Ex
position will find
it a benefit to read
today's Want Ad
pages, where splen
did bargains are of
fered. ' Tkese are a few of the clas
sifications, that will be of par
ticular interest to you:
XMAS HINTS Offers many Ideas
and make your Xmas shopping
heading are offered many slightly
used cars that can ue bought at
prices that move them quickly.
Columns should be read If you are
looking for houseboldNjoods, ma
chinery, etc.
Have you read the Want
Ads yet today!
Acknowledging the Corn
Foreclosure Suit
on Phone Bonds
is Contemplated
Independent Company's Bondholders
Propose Action in Court
Suit will soon be started by the bond
holders of the Independent Telephone com
pany to foreclose on their bonds. The work
of securing the vote to do this from two
thirds of the bondholders has been about
completed and action will be begun in the
district court of Douglas county.
Active in prosecution of the suit is Joseph
Harris of Chicago, president of the Auto
matic Electric company, and the heaviest
creditor of the company, ' He himself holds
many bonds of the concern.
The Harris interests have been working
to this end for a long time and have sent
men to different Dans at the nniintrv tn
fet DondnoIdel.8 to Joi i, for tna bonda
are variously held. Resident of Portland,
Ore., hav a big stake of the kind and ,
some are held In Los Angeles and San
U. S. Grant, Jr., was one of the purchasers
In this part of California. His recent suit
to get back $40,000 worth will be remem
bered. The fact the suit is coming on give
significance to the filing of the mechanics'
liens a short time ago In the office of the
county recorder. The Automatic Electric
company wa one of the largest lien seekers
and its action is plainly done with a view
to protecting Itself as a creditor for re
cently furnished material against the whole
group of bondholders. Including Itself.
The suit to come perhaps presage the
complete reorganization of the company,
with the Harris Interest In control.
Cunningham and Other Make Affi
davit GnKgenhelm Were
Not Interested.
SPOKANE, Wash., Dec. 4.-On resump
tion of hearing In the Cunningham coal
land case today, local enixymen were pre
pared with further evidence In support r.f
l their contention that they had acted In
ventilation has' developed that after L,
R. Gravis, former agent for the Interior'
department, asked Cunningham about th
Guggenheim option, Cunningham g ve
Glavls, on March 6, 1908, a lengthy affi
davit, denying that any deal had been en
tered into with the Guggenheim, and
adding that the only agreement among
the entrymen wa one among themselves
to consolidate their claim and form a
development company.
Glavls then asked Cunningham to assist
him In getting corroborating affidavit
from the other entrymen. Cunningham con
sented and a form of affidavit wa pre
pared. A copy of thi affidavit ha been put in
evidence here. It contains the following
clause, sworn to by each of the entrymen;
"I know positively that the Guggenhelms
had nothing to do with claims whatever.
We "have understood among ourselves that
when title waa secured we would form a
company and combine the entlra group,
since th condition are such that one
claim could not be profitably mined, a
ary one familiar with coal mining ap
Yankee Jackics Dip Colors
to Marksmen from Italy
WASHINGTON, Deo. . Three Jacklj
shore from the Italian cruiser Etruria
laid a course' up Pennsylvania avenue last
night and dropped anchor abaft a public
(hooting gallery. Just then three Jolly
craft flying the Star and Stripe hove In
view and bore down from the nor'east to
peak the Italian squadron.
"Ah, messmates." spoke the Yankee
flagship. "Blast my turrets. If w don't
challenge you to a round or two at target
practice. Swing Into th roadstead anl
clear for action."
Th Italian skipper signaled full' speed
ahead and the tn fleet steamed into
U shooting gallery.
"Th lor settle the aalvaga blU," toa-
President May Make Two Ncbraskans
Happy This Christmas.
Warner I Alone for Reappointment,
' While Gob Ha an Opponent for
Hi Job In Frank S.
President Taft can make two very ac
ceptable Christmas gifts to Omnha resi
dents. If he will. The appointments of
United States district attorney and United
States marshal for 'this district are due
almost any day now.
Th candidates for the-offlo: of United
State dnurlct attorney ' arc Charles A.'
Goss, th --('resent incumbent, and Frank
S. Howell at the firm of Jeffrie &
Howell. Mr. Goes has the prestige of a
quite successful administration of the of
fice to rely on, as well a some enthus
iastic friends. Mr. Howell ha noma very
strong backing and pressure on the two
United State senators In his behalf is
being brought to bcar by a gr"at many
Influential members of the republican party
of Nebraska.
In the case of Marshal Warner there Is
apparently no opposition to hia reappoint
ment The clear field thus given him
may with a fair degree of certainty be
taken to mean that hi Christmas gift will
arrive In due time.
One important aspect of Warner' candi
dacy for reappointment 1 that It prac
tically remove him from th field as a
candidate for congress In the Third Ne
braska district.
The marshalshlp and attorneyship pay
11,000 a year each. They have become very
Important positions by reason of the big
cases that have come before the federal
court In Omaha of lata n.nd others likely
to come.
Both Goss and Warner are filling va
cancies caused by the demanded resigna
tions of their predecessors. President
Rooucvelt called for the resignations of lrv-
lng F. Baxter, district attorney, and T. L.
Mathews, marshal, at the time of the
commitment to custody of Bartlett Rich
ards, W. G. Comstock and their partners.
The then district attorney and marshal
were held to have exceeded their authority
and to have abused the power of , their
office when they permitted the prisoners
to go with their attorney to dine at the
Ohiaha club instead of taking them to th
Dougla county Jail.
Kanaa Attorney General Backed br
fltahb, Hrlstow and William
Allen White. ,
TOPEKA. Kan., Deo. 4 Definite an
nouncement waa made today that Attorney
General Fred S. Jackson will enter th
race for congress In the Fourth district
against J. M. Miller, the present member.
Mr, Jackson will have the support of
Governor Stubbs, Senator Brlstow and
William Allen White. i
Manila Mill Hnspead.
MANILA, Deo. 4. Managers of the local
cotton mills announce they will be obliged
to suspend operations when their present
locks are exhausted because of th high
price In New York ana London. Five hun
dred operative will be rendered Idle.
dltloned the Yankee lad, and the Italians
"That' easy," spoke out one of the Yan
kee fleet, "these Italians can't shoot."
International courte-sy gave the chal
lenged the ftrBt round. When the first
Italian gun captain ceased firing , he had
knocked down all the little tin bird,
cracked twelve glass balls, rung the bull's
eye until the bell wa hoarse and had the.
bos of the shooting gallery worried about
hi ammunition hoist.
"Scuttled and foundered, shiver my tim
bers!" roared the Yankee commander,
"glv me my range on that swob who
said ths Italians could not shoot."
Honor being satisfied, th two squadron',
dressed ship and laid a course straight
away for th first port of call.
Auditorium and Annexes Are in Read
iness for the Feople.
Mexican Band Will Be on Hand foi
the Opening.
Crowd "Will He Given Kvrrr Conr
ter and Attention, and They
Are K peeled to Come In
Large Numbers.
The National Corn exposition open at
the Auditorium tomorrow. All is ready and
when the gates swing open to the visitor
the groat agricultural exposition will b
complete. The Judging of exhibits ha been
prartlcally completed and the display will
show all the winners In the grain and
grass competitions.
Tie National Corn exposition ha
planned well lo take care of Its visitor.
Two information bureaus have been es
tablished for the especial accommodation
of the visitors. These bureaus servo a
doublo purpose, however, and at them
room and general lodging accommodation
can be secured.
The uptown bureau Is in the Young
Men's Christian association building at
Seventeenth and Harney streets. The bu
reau on the exposition grounds Is Just to
the left of the main entrance.
At both of these bureaus list of room
are, available and arrangements for accom
modations can be made. Large signs at
the passenger depots In Onuha and Coun
cil Bluffs tell about these bureaus and
where to find them.
"Omaha can accommodate all of the peo
ple who come," says an officer of the ex
position management. "Hundreds are in
the city now and the hotels hardly know
there are any stranger or guest about.
There la plenty of room. Why, the capacity
of the hotels of the city has been trebled
In the last two years and there are plenty
of first class rooming houses within a
half mile of the corn show. No one need to
fear ihat If they come to Omaha there will
not be plenty of comfortable accommo
dation. Mexican National Band.
A feature of the opening day' program,
expected to ettract special Interest and
lnstre a generous, is the two
coreeru by the Mxlcar. National band.
The following procrams have been an
nounced by Director Franclsra Duran;
March Velntlt res O Tulio Trcta
Waltx La Eerceusse. WaliltcnCel
Overture America
Popular Song La Golondrlnn.
Fsntanle Travlata.
N. M.
....0. Verdi
March General Felix Dial Proa
Overture Fra Diavolo Aub;r
Waltz Idilio Codln
Fantasle La Mascota
Match Twenty-third Regiment
March Lindas Mexican.'. Pre
Walt Espana , Waldtenfel
Selection -Cavallerla RuBtlcana Mascagul
Overture America... U. N.
Gavota Oh, Ilunlon Mia Aranda
March Rodarte ,.M. Gandara
Danza La Pnloma Tradlor
Fantasle Lucia de Ijtmmi rmoor..Donlettl
Walt El Torbe'llno
March he American Eagle Ballard
Scene of Great Activity.
For the wctk past the Auditorium and
the grounds about which will be covered
by the exposition have been the acene of
the greatest activity. Corn and the other
products of the fields, l,ut corn first, 1
there In every conceivable shape and form
that the fancy of the decorators could In
vent. Restrictions of conventionality hav
kept the decoration In general harmony,
however, and without destroying the In.
dlvlduallty of the various exhibits they
have been brought into a certain uni
formity. Again the Hoosler state ha come to th
fore thl time producing th be-t slngl
ear of corn In the world, according to the
decision of the Judges of the exposition.
Thl premier ear wa grown by Fred C.
Polln of Newton, Ind. J. R. Overstreet of
Franklin,. Ind., ha the best ten ear, of
corn ever grown, say these same Judges,
who have Just completed the award of
(0,000 In prize offered by th show and
given the first place In both sweepstake
to the Indiana farmers G. L. Kerlla of
Franklin, Ind., won the prize offered for
the beat bushel of corn. The virtues of In
diana seed are now thoroughly demon
stratedIt lu the third successive year that
the first prize for the best ten ears ha
gone to Indiana.
Mr. Palin ha been awarded the il.WO
Kellogg trophy for the best ear of corn.
Mr. Overstreet best ten ears win him th
award of the J1.W0 Indiana Corn Growers'
association trophy. Lent year It was won
by L. Ii. Clore, who also won It the year
before. The third winning give it to In
diana permanently.
Ten Year on On Ear.
"I have put In ten year growing that
ear of corn," said Mr. Pa In, the winner
of th first prize for the world's best ear.
"My parent stock consisted of Heed's
Yellow Dent ns th male plant and Alex
ander Gold Standard aa tho mother plant.
The standard ws detaaelltd the first two
year. This orons produced the seed from
which the world' best car comb.
"The ear came anions those selected by
my mln for seed and as soon as we ex
amined it carefully v.e decided It wa a
prize winner. The credit Is duo to my
wife or hired men for selecting the ear.
1 don't take credit for it."
According to L. H. Core, superintend
ent of Judges, tho i'alln ear is not only
tho best ear of corn this year, but it I
a finer specimen than th famous Pascal
ear which sold for l-M two years ago.
"It I the beat ear the world ha ever
produced," ald Prof. G. I. Christie of
Perdue university, who haa one of th
Judgca "It is all coru very little cob.
Th kernels ar .three-quarter of tn inoh
deep and in perfect rows. Ther 1 no
way of telling it worth, no way of es
timating th influence the eed from th
tar will hav on th corn croa a? our