Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1909, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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i! a .-i
1517 Douglas Street
Formerly Hotel Horn -
Waists and
Minn., ft only on switch engine la work
If. -
Strike Broken in Daloth.
L dULUTII. Minn., Dee. S -By tha action
1 takf n by tha Brotherhood of Railway
Tialnmen last night the backbone of the
vl;chmen's strike iem broken In Duluth.
Thl morning conditions are almost nor-
mai; ngftlii. and within a day or two- all
Hlgna of the atrlke. It 1 hoped, will have
been wiped out. Forty-four awttchmen,
' vliovare member of the Brotherhood of
Hallway Trainmen returned to work In
,h Northern Pacific yards and fifteen
. more return this afternoon. Theae, to
gether with the men who have been work
lng.;will bring tho total up cloao to the fotce if .the road.
. ETery railroad in the city la receiving
freight fur points.
'' The Commercial, club Issued a atatement
; today commending the members of the
.'Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen for their
stand. Prlcea of necessities are awlnging
'.baok to normal. With the Northern Pacific
again running In regular quota, the atrlke
j Is considered at an and.
Endnerra Will Not Strlko.
CLEVELAND, O., Dec. J Warren 8.
vStone, head of the Brotherhood of Loco
j( motive Engineer, said today that tha n
' glneera would take no part in tha atrlke
'tit the switchmen on the northwestern
. Kaapp and NvIU In Washington.
WASHINGTON, Dec I. Chairman Mar
tlrr.'A. Knapp of the Interstate Commerce
commission and Dr. Cliar P, Nelll, com
' mtsHloner of labor, members of the medita
tion board under tha ' Erdman act, re
turned to Washington today from St. Paul,
Minn.,' where they had been endeavoring
' to adjust the controversy between the
Switchmen's Union of North America and
the northwestern railroads.
It Is unlikely they wtll be called again
Into the controversy. ,
Neither Chairman Knapp nor Dr. NelU
would discuss the situation for publica
tion. Both agreed, however, that it waa
i Half Vorcm in Superior.
6UPERJCM.-.Vl8.. Dec. I. The Northern
Pacific today haa about half the usual
number of switch engine working, switch-
men belonging to the Brotherhood of Rail-1
way Trainmen operating them. Other roads
ahow no change from yesterday, a few
engines being worked by olerka and offic
ials. .- Strike breaker are not yet In
evidence, v' ''. ".'. ,.-
, (Continued
Flrst Page.)
Irl th retelling. He described the manner
in whleh the manipulator,' by means of a
steel rod pushed, thraugh a concetled hole,
were able to make the scales record less
than the real weight, while the weighing
for the purpose of computing the duty was
In progress. ' '.
The most dramatlo moment thus far in
the trial came when Parr detailed hie dis
covery of tha steel spring which manipu
lated the scales. He had observed Kehoe,
on of the defendants, stooping over In a
peculiar position, he said, and investigating,
dlaoovared the steel spring.
" Spltaer Of far Bribe.
.,' "After I came out on the dock," con
tinued Parr, "Spitaer met me, took m
by the arm and aald: 'Thla thlpg must be
fixed VP'' I said ther waa no fixing up
to be done. Spltier aaid w were all Ma
San and this would make trouble tor
veryon around. I aald I could not help
that;, they had made the trouble tham-
J Child's Ortho
pedic Shoes
The Benson Thorn Co'.
"Orpothedlo" ahoee tot,
miaaes and children, ar la
the end far cheaper than
the other klnda. and de
cidedly more comfortable. Inasmuch
to has plenty of room. Stylish, too,
be had In all' wanted leather. Slae
t at 11.60, and I to 11, at,
Boys' Eton
VLiiij Suits
Something vary new la th
way of boya' aulta Th
'liton" Boy of
from S to 10 yeara may now
wear ooat aulta that do not
make thern look "aged." These may be had
in fine heather ahades. alao greya and blue
terges. The "Eton Middy" will prove one of
our best sellers, at f flft and eS.UW
Cross' "London
Made' leather
goods make Christ
mas gifts that can
not be duplicated.
No others like them
Saturday we announce a
Special Sale of $25.00
Coats) made of the English
Tweeds, at--
$17 50 Each.
All wool materials 10 styles to
select from Dark and light mixtures.
"He said I should report the aca. out
of order and I could name my price. He
raid he had already fixed other the same
way and would sooner cut his arm off
than give anyone away.
"I told htm Masonry had nothing to do
with this.
"Later I met Spltier on, the string
piece. He said I wa a fool not to make
the money. He said: The offer t good
yet. If you will loa that Iron.' I aaid
there waa no chanee. I had the iron In
my pocket."
The witness described his visit to other
scale houses, where he found Coyle and
Hennessey working as checker. He ex
amined the scales there and found hole
In the stanchion, but no wires.
Parr described a teat of the scales with
out the false spring and how he found
them weighing two pounds short on the
Adjournment wa taken until Monday.
Members ofFamlly la Wfcleh Shoot
ing; Occurred lender Arrest at
County Beat.
LOGAN, la., Dec. 1 (Special Telegram.)
Sheriff. Coulthard tonight brought from
Missouri Valley Quy Marley, the young
man arrested yesterday ohargod with
shooting his step-mother, together with
Henry Marley, the woman' husband, and
Ira Brundridge, a hired man on the Mar
ley farm, all three being locked up pend- j
Ing their preliminary hearing on Monday. .
When brought here all of the three sus
pects were still more or less under the in
fluence of liquor, a flask of whisky being
found on Brundridge when he waa searched
at the jail. None of the men professes to
know anything of the shooting.
Mrs. Marley's condition tonight Is re
ported aa being slightly worse. Three chil
dren, 12, 19 and S year of age, respectively,
are with Mr. Marley,
Aaionats Credited to Varlon Western
States and Set Apart to Recla
mation - Pnnd.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
' WASHINGTON, Dec. t-(8ptclal Tele
gram.) Nebraska la to receive, on account
6f the sale -ot public lands, for the schools
for tha year ended June 80, 1909, $4,763.7.
The total amount credited tn the reclama
tion fund 'from the salea or publlo land,
surplus of 'fees and eammlsslon for the
fiscal year ended June 90, 1908, Is $141,673.52.
South Dakota I to reoelve for tha school
fund JtO.567.34. Tha total amount to be
credited to the" reclamation fund la $.'80.
705.81. Wyoming la to receive for tha school
fund $18,617.62. Tha total amount credited
to th reclamation fund la $419,242.37.
Only on "BROMO VlUMPfE."
That Is Laxativr Bromo Quinine, Look for
tha signature Of E. W. Grove. T.'aeU the
World over tn Cure a Cold In One Day. 23c.
lows Raral Curlers.
WASHINGTON. Deo. 2. -Special Tele
gram.) Rural carriers appointed for Iowa
routes are aa follows: Corning, route 0,
Jame L. West carrier, Mary A. West
substitute; Indlanola, route 2. Ralph Jud
klna carrier, Frank Walker' substitute:
Prole, rout t Otis M. Thomas carrier, J.
U. Thomas substitute.
Thomas H. O snn has been appointed
postmaster at Udell, Appanoose county,
la., vies T. M. Matthews, resigned.
Be Want Ada are Buatneaa Booatera.
One Store-t ie Onlv. Store
"Little Folk's" Wearables
Shop around here tomorrow and prove it. Accustom yourself to the utmost satisfaction that
comes with the knowhdae that you've secured the highest graded wearables, the proper sizes, the
promptest service. This IS a "little folks" store, 'twas ever one, but it's larger, more thoroughly
complete than before.
SOTS' eJWBATa-msj. Thl la absolutely
bead quarter (ot tb klfUy traded
kind. Buttoned front ooat atyfe or
roll seek aerta ar bar la aa almost
nneadLaar array, at 9, SIM,
aa a lew a
Lire Out of Town? Yes? Then Send
Girls' Coats, 2
taw aire ranging from two
to aiz year one find here
a plenty of alrla' coata In
to 6 Tear Sizes
atylea that have been uc
eepted aa moat proper for thla fall and win
ter. In Cheviot, rgea, broadclotha, etc.. In
a aclt
and may
11 H t
2 QQ
navya, rosea, tana, browna,
goii Tea, rncea
Boy' Double
Trousered Suits
Our idea of supplying TWO
pairs of trousers with
each boys' Knickerbocker
suit la gaining ground each
day. Th plan appeal te
mothera. See tha latest Idea In velours,
Bannockburn chevlota, fancy worateda, and
casslmerea; alsea S to IS year, at, per suit,
fow'V"."d..?. $5.00
You'll find that "out-of-tha-ordinary"
Western Men
in Washington
Ready for Work
Major Fart of Nebraska, Iowa and
South Dakota Delegations
Beach Capital.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Dec. 3. tSpeclal Tele
gramsEach Incoming train carriea aa
part of it burden two or more member of
congress, ready for the opening of the first
regular session of the Sixty-first congress,
which convene next Monday at noon.
According to thos at the senata and
house post-office, there are at present about
100 members now In Washington ready to
take up legislative duties when the gavel
Aa to Nebraska, Senator Burkett Is here,
and his colleague. Senator Brown, is ex
pected to reach Washington Saturday. Of
the representation in the house from Ne
braska, Messrs. Norrls and Klnkald have
arrived, while Representative McOulre,
Hlhshaw, Hitchcock and Latta are expected
to be present at roll call when the house
Of the Iowa delegation, Senator Cummins
has arrived, and Senator Dolllver Is ex
pected within the next twenty-four hours.
Representative Dawson, Woods, Hull and
Hubbard have reported
The South Dakota senators have arrived.
Senator Gamble, with hi wife, arrived from
Yankton laat night, and with their son,
Ralph, will occupy apartments at the Port
land. Ralph Gamble, aon of the aenator,
haa entered for the law course at George
town university.
Leonadr Underwood, who has been with
Senator Gamble a his private secretary for
som years, return to Washington thla
session on his old Job, but during recesi
has become a benedlot, and brings a charm I
ing bride with whom he ha "set up house
keeping" In the Roland. Ralph H. Casi
and Vernon W. Smith of Yankton will also
be associated with Senator Gamble ' in
handling hla correspondence.
Senator Co Crawford arrived in Wash
ington today and haa 'taken his former
apartments at the Portner. Representatives
Martin and Burke are also in Washington.
Senator Clark of Wyoming and Repre
sentative Mondell have arrived, and Sena
tor Warren is expected to reach Washing
ton tomorrow.
Army Balloon Withstands Shower of
Ilurntlsi Shrapnel for Sev
eral Honrs.
NEW YORK, Dec. S.-A big army bal
loon which was sent up at the United
States army proving grounds today near
Tort Hancock at Sandy Hook withstood
for several houra a shower of. bursting
shrapnel fired at it at Intervals from the
fort. Officers at Fort Hancock declined
to discuss the test, but spectators with
glasses were able to see that the gaa baj
waa not damaged. This waa confirmed
when the balloon was lowered to the prov
ing grounds at dusk.
Several daya ago a balloon was hit by
cannon ahoia from Fort Hancook and waa
aeen to collapse and fall. The tests are
being conducted as secretly as possible,
with a view to perfecting the army In the
rudiment of aerial warfare.
b6tS" BX.OTJ8XS. Tb celebrated "I.
Si B.m and "Btar" make ar at tbelr
beat bar. Colored or white style, la
piaia or pieatea oosom eiieot ar novi
or n ia aniinutea array at 91,
and a low a
R!rl' fnata H riM Shaw cheviot, epark
WUIJ vuau, U lirnf ne loveltlee and the
i. 1i YaiCU "k some flannel lln d, ar
10 1 I tar OlxeS about the most popular fab
! rice for coata to be worn
by girla of S to 14 yeara. Those her are In
new greens, Yale blues, navya, browna and
reds; popularly priced; all good and warm,
IV ::?!'.'.h: $5.90
generously "full"
Copenhagen and
Suits for Boys,
2 to 6 Tears Old
or polar Husslan aulta
ahown here now. These ar offered In hand
some serges or equally attractive velours.
Vpon seeing th Inlmltaole make-up you will
agree that they're values at Art
7.50, 18.00 and
Christmas gift
Decision of Dakota Court in Discrim
ination Case far Beaching.
Doclalon Hfwt to ttvlnstate llir.
and Coaearred in by New
Member of Coart.
PIERRE, 8. !., Dec I (Special.) In the
decision of the supreme court In the opinion
by Whiting sustaining the lower court in
the case of Stat of South Dakota against
Central Lumber Company, which was tried
in MePheraon county, the court haa sus
tained In every particular the anti-discrlm-Inatlon
act which waa passed by the legis
lative session of 1907. . It appears from the
record that the appeal taken to the aupreme
court wa on the ground of constitution
ality of the act. and while the testimony
showing discrimination was shown, the
company placed Its faith on the question
of constitutionality aa - the one point on
which they hoped to win.
It la asserted that the Central Lumber
company, with headquarters at Minneapolis,
and which operates number of lumber
yarda In the northern part of the state,
attempted to follow Standard Oil policies
In this stata. Where a competing yard had
to b dealt with, price were reduced to
such a figure that the Independent could
not do business, and to make up for the
losses at this yard prlcea were boosted at
other yard, and then after the competitor
wa frosen out. were further boosted at the
place where competition had been elim
inated. On the ahowing of the atat alleg
ing such fact, the company wa found
liable In both civil and criminal actions,
and both cases were covered in the one de
cision. Under the law, the company Is liable to
a fine of anywhere from $300 up to $10,000,
and It is barred from doing business In
South Dakota.
This decision is a far-reaching one and
covers the first case under the unfair dis
crimination act, and l on on which Attor
ney General Clark haa been making a fight
for over a year. It I, In fact, really a test
case under the law, and backed by the
decision of the supreme court, there are
likely to be other prosecutions under this
law, where such discriminations as are
alleged In th complaint against the Central
Lumber company ' ar being carried on
within the state by the large corporations
who are able financially to carry on such
campaign to Qj-ush efforts of Independent
dealer to operat competing business in the
Jnpreme Court Score Eagaa,
decision of tha aupreme court in the
application of Georg W. Egan for re
instatement to membership of the bar of
In state wa written by Justice Whiting,
and concurred in by Justice McCoy and
Justice Smith. On acoount of the peculiar
conditions In relation to the case, Justlca
Corson and Haney took no part In the de
cision. Justice Whiting In his opinion, which
covers fifty typewritten pages, goes not
only Into th legal phases of th case, but
In fact Includes practically a complete his
tory of th affair 1n which Mr. Egan has
been concerned, which led up to th present
situation. ' .
He takes up first th legal phases of the
case; then shows in detail the tactics of
Euan In carrying? on' his campaign, both
In the newspaper and in other manner In
hla attack upon th Integrity t the
courts of th stata, and the judges of such
court. In one part of th opinion he as
sumes that It Is fortunate that a majority
of the present membership of the court
"haa com to th bench since the disbar
ment of the applicant.' And thla majority
alone acted after a review of the racoro
In all the different phases of th case,
leaving the member who had been at
tacked personally by. Egan entirely out
of tha present case,' thus cutting that In.
dividual off from an opportunity to de
clare the present decision a part of the
"conspiracy" to oruah him continuing in
their former line ot action.
Newspaper -. Attack Quoted.
Th newspaper' article and clipping in
which Egan attacks Justice Haney and
Corson are quoted freely, and act up as
one good reason why auoh a man I not a
proper person to be a member of the bar
ot th state. HI record and pleading In
the hearing in which he wa disbarred are
shown , to be in 4 large part, assertion,
ulthnothlng tangible to sustain th alle
gations made, by Egan ln'tila applications
and petitions. . .
Justice McCoy In a short Special opinion
ooncur fully with th opinion written by
Justice , Whiting, in which he holds that
hla accusation against th court of th
state show hi moral unfitness to he an
attorney of the court, whi) Justlo Smith
simply concur in th opinion expressed
Oimx,av SWIATZSS should be eboaea
from thla moat replet atooa. Wa'
all those whits, ttavrs, reue. oxford,
frer, etc, la fancy or plain atltobe.
au ar, from mianr to mau
women, at S3, Sa.S5 aa
for Our Catalog.
Girls' Coats,
Th little tad of from 1 to
Boys' Nobbiest
years of ag will appear
In any one of
ver. new military
here but do ahop EARLY
by Justices Whiting and McCoy, after a
careful eonatderation ot all the records
In the
Th disbarment of Egan wa on th
grounds f "moral unfitness," and the Jus
tices who have all come to th bench
since that decision waa rendered, after a
careful examination of the record and othrt
matter connected with th case have
unanimously some to the conclusion that
the decision disbarring him should stand.
Iowa Dealers
Demand Liens
bn Goods Sold
Implement Men Instruct legislative
Committee to Secure String-cut '
Collection Laws.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Dec. 2. (Special Tele
gram.) The Iowa Implement Dealers' asso
ciation before adjournment directed Its
legislative committee to work for an
amendment to Iowa law that will give the
dealer a lien on all gooda until they are
paid for. They also resolved in favor of
th atat erecting a manufacturer' build
ing on the atate fair grounds, and made a
request that manufacturera exhibiting at
the fair shall not make sales there. A de
mand waa made for cheaper freight and
expreaa ratea for machinery. No action
waa taking looking toward th increase of
the retail price of machinery. W. J. How
ard of Schallcr was elected president, J. R.
Vaughan of Waterloo Ice prealdent and
W. F. Smith of Wlnterset a director. Sec
retary Armknecht of Donnelson waa re
elected secretary
A conference wa held today In the office
of the aecretary of state with representa
tives ot th Standard Oil company over the
question of Inspection of naptha in Iowa.
Some of the Inspectora Insist on including
It In the Inspection and others do not,
though th lawa name It aa an Illuminating
oil. The companies seek to have the In
spection abandoned because it is claimed
that naptha I never used for an lllumlnanl.
(Continued from First Page.)
G. Albert, her counsel, a nurse and Mar
shal Matthew of St. Loul.
It waa not until today that she waa
informed that a murder charge had been
filed agalnat her, the nature ot the accu
sation being withheld for tear It would
heighten her Illness. She waa eager to con
front her accuser and summonded her
doctor and lawyer tor advice. Through In
low physical condition they consented to
her departure. She was taken to the train
on a stretcher.
A preliminary hearing on th original
charge of bigamy waa to have been held
thl afternoon. County Attorney Hensley
dismissed th charge to permit her de
parture. Dr. Dotty I Involved.
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 2. The local cor
oner' office announced that prepara
tions for tha formal Inquiry Into
th death of W. J. Erder, of whose death
Mrs. Doxey 1 accused, ar completed. The
Inquiry will begin immediately after Dr.
W, H. Warren, who yesterday mad affl
dWvlt that he had found arsenic tn Erder's
body) has made a final report.
Circuit Attorney Jones yeaterday refused
to Issue a warrant for the arrest 6f Dr.
Loren B. Doxey of Columbus, Neb., charg
ing him with being th accomplice of his
wife, Mr. Dora E. Doxey in th murder.
Erder' sister, Miss Kate Erder,
thowed Circuit Attorney Jor.ea a telegram
from Reeder and Llghtner her Columbus
attorneya saying, "June 12, Dr. Doxey
ordered of a drugglat here (Cjlumbua)
colcolat of soda, a preparation of arsenic,
and sent it to Mr. Doxey at St. Louts. See
U. 8. Pharmacopoeia for action of this
poison. We think he ought to be held
Suggested Sfarrlasre with Doxey.
Miss Erder claims a Mrs. Firth will
testify that Mrs. Doxey, shortly before
Erder' death, Introduced Dr. Doxey to her
at a St. Loul hotel, where th Doxey were
guests, a Mrs. Doxey 'a cousin. Miss Erder
today said that before her brother waa
married to Mra, Doxey the latter handed
her Dr. Doxey' card, saying: "Her 1 a
friend of mine who would make a pretty
good match for you," and added, "He is
not the kind of a man who would appeal to
me." Mis Erder says: "I laughed at her,
suggesting that I marry a man who did
not appeal to her."
Circuit Attorney Jones says he will en
deavor to prove Mra. Doxey waa in con'
atant attendance upon William J. Erder
during hi last illness and that she gave
Thoa who aee to th at
tiring of girl of from t to
a" I m t i s i."
t ik i i,JTr s
0 Vt-Vtltf(V(V
kdam k In 14 rm 14 year .f age should by
AgCS V W K lit. all means ee our coats In
Shaw chevlota, kerseys,
thlbets, fancy plaids and worsteda. Plain
tailored effects or fancy braided atylea. dreys,
greens, Yale blues, navya, browna, golf reda
and mixture, all priced, tlftftA
, , , fiv.vv
The swaggeroet little Rua
alan overcoats ahown In
Omaha in yeara are here In
agea 1 to 10 yeara Then,
too, we've those clever, new
In a pleading variety of
in plain r.hadna and mix
Gotten up far different from the usual
!.".." $5.00
Yes, we carry dolls
hut the exclusive,
worth while land
that one does not
see in duplicate in
every window.
Ilrjrond question I tils I the most womlcrful monrraving sale ever
inaugurated In Omaha. It's a jxltlve ahurr.e that such goods a
offer here should be aoltl at och price. Hut It can't be heljied. Warm
Heather all through the months when thl big tot a ought to have been
sold is the Ufteonlrollabl reason.
Lock it lis ess Prices! Cose Tomorrow! - Don't Let Tills Opportunity Piss!
$16.00 to $22.00 Sulta,
$25.00 Suits, for
$30.00 Suits, for . ;
$35.00 Sulu. for !
$40.00 to $50.00 Suits,
$1 00 Costs, for
$25.00 Coats, for
$30.00 Coat, for
$40 00, $45.00 and $50.00 Costs, tor
All dresses worth up to $22.50, sacrificed at .
Hudson Fulton Military Capes,
Skinner satin, fine broadcloth
$15.00 to $18.60, our price
Walking Skirts at special prices
never com amiss These winter
$6.50 Skirt, for
$8.60 Skirt, for
$10.00 Skirt, for
Open Evenings
Leather Goods
and Other SpaolaU
at Beaton's
We have Just purchased a very large
line of up to the minute leather goods
and will place them on sal Saturday.
Ladle' She
leathers an.
-All kinds of
ps, ranging in
price from. . . .1 TO StO fU
Ladies' Purses t.-w. 0c to. . . .$4.50
Mancure Sets in Ivory, Ebony, Bone,
Pearl and Silver, In every conceivable
shape and size from 60c to. $21.00.
Men's Pocket Books, Bill Books. Card
Cases, Cigar Cases, Traveling Case.
ranging in price from 25c to. .$10
We also have a verv larpn lln nt
empty Leather and Silk Traveling
nag bo mat you can pick, out of regu
lar Stock lust the niecea vnn wsnt-
these cases run from 75 to $6.50
Safety razors ot all kinds, including
Glllettes, Gem, Ever-Ready and others;
also leather sets containing Razors,
Soap, Brushes, Etc., ranging In price
from 25c to $23.00. Every young mn
should have a safety rasor.
CIGAH OASES so t $2.50
PIPES, from 25 to $0.50
HA1U BRUSHES ... 25i to SG.OO
Farnam and ISth.
him food and medicine. It I not known
how the atate will try to prove that ahe
administered th poison In Erder' food.
Mi. Erder ha been Mra Doxey' neme
sis. Almost single-handed ahe worked up
the evidence on which the warrants Were
Issued. She ha filed ault to have et aside
the action by which Mr. Doxey obtained
the Insurance.
Stata Alleges Mr. Doxey Pat potsoa
in Victim's Food,
8T. LOUI8, Dec. S. Th coroner 1st to
day completed arrangement to hold an
Inqueat over the body of William J. Erder.
Coroner Baron expeota to have th oom-
pleta report of the chemist by Monday
and It I possible the Inquest will be held
on that day. The atat allege Mrs. Dokey
put arenlo In Brdar' food. Eli lived with
him a hi wife.
Mr. Doxey on her arrival her wll be
turned over to the hrlff and th Infor
mation agalnit her will be read. It her
condition la aerlou she will be placed In
tha city hospital under guard. If ah la
not taken to the hospital ah will be placed
In Jail or a Judge may allow her to giv
ball, even though she la charged with
first degree murder.
Circuit Attorney Jones today continued
hi search Into th life of Mr. Doxey, who
la charged with having married Erder in
April. He died July 10. after four daya' ni
nes. Mis Kate Erder, slater of tha dead
man, today told th circuit attorney Dr.
Doxey bad been here In company With
Mra. Doxey a few daya after Erder died.
The circuit attorney tonight stated no
expenae would be spared la running down
everyone connected with th ecase, Cornorer
Baron wtll have Dr. Doxey appear aa a
witness at th inquest.
Mis Erder furnished th state a list of.
witnesses and they will be examined by the !
circuit attorney tomorrow. Three arrest
a statutory, murder and bigamy
charge ar th result ot detective work
of Miss Erder. '
Mra. Doxey waa Dora Elisabeth Fuller
and waa bora In Aledo, 111., twenty-nine
year ago. Her husband waa Robert Down
ing of Joy, I1L He aued Dr. Doxey and
compromised the ault and then divorced
hi wife. Mrs. Downing married Dr. Doxey
In Bloomlngton, la., Auguat SO, 1901 Before
that time aha had become acquainted with
Erder. She, told him she wa going to
marry Dr. Doxy In Bloomlngton. Return
ing later to fit. Louie ah told Jtrder ah
had married Doxey, but he han dled. Erder
waa married to Mra Do .y n Clayton,
St. Loul oounty. Th Digamy c.Tirg la
baaed oa an affldavi ru. Doxey mad as
Erder' wif. to get th 13,200 life IriW
anc. He Wan A(U m ftutlnesa Boosters.
MOTsnvxarTS or ocbast btbamsxits.
ArrtT.4. IU4.
NIW Trigg Amartks C. f. tu.
NIW TI,.k Sad Olonl 1 T,Mi..
NW '
H C C&rpttkila
iaa Aartaila
KIAM. KaMnia.
La Pro.n.
01(nJa aUmeerg
"""" ' ll'.Ji
Ladies1 and Hisses'
Suits. Coats. Dresses,
Capes and Skirts
tor ,
for $2-1.75
. . $25.00
.S5.00 and 87.50
some lined in
and kersey.
red flannel, other In
sold everywhere from
Two or three extra walking skirts
models at these prices
Till 9 1. M.
Mr. E. L. Pardee, 922 North 19th
Street Omaha, Neb., Writes
that the Radium Treatment
Has Already Been of
Great Benefit to Him
After One Month's
Mr. E. L. Parde. of S22 No. 19th Strnet.
Omaha, waa suffering from a aever dis
order of the stomach. He began taking
the Radium Treatment about a month aaro
and thla I what ha ha to ay aa to
th benefit derived therefrom;
Dear Doctor:
I have been taking the Radium Treat
ment for on month and I am greatly Im
proved and wall pleased.
E. L. Pardee, v
122 No. lath Street. Omaha.
Th Radium Treatment haa upset ao
many scientific theories that a new era
In science may almost be said to have
tx t-'.r. Certainly th new subject of Radlo
At'. opens up a new chapter In th
physita and therupeuues. Experlmenta
have demonstrated beyond a shadow of
doubt that the Kad.uin Treatment ia ef
fective In' oombaling dlaeaaea whica were
formerly considered incurable. Th Radium
Treatment stimulates the aotion of tb
nerve cell. All who ar suffering from
chronic dlaeaaea are cordially invited to
call at the offices of th AludlcaJ
and Surgical Institute for free consulta
tion and advice. Th Radium Tratmnl
la especially beneficial in th cur of auoh
diseases aa iheumaliam, dlaeata of the
nerve, blood, heart, atomach, kldneya
and liver, paralysis, epelepsy, catarrh,
gall atonea, dropsy,' and acrofula.
North waat corner of 13th and Farnam
streets. Omaha. Neb. Office houra from
I a. m. to S p. m, Sunday from I till 11
Th only ki(h-clata f
BaUof PowcW sola at I fc.
a saoaorsM pnc. i .
Enderly-Windsor Enter
tainment Company
SATlftftAY. DEC. 4t-:Ss ydstk
Younj Women's Christian As
soclatlon Auditorium
. ' X.yrl Soprano.
Arts from Operas.
.adr atoBologu Flays, DlaleoS
Impersonation. Ctreex Paatomlaa,
Dramatlo Headings.
Bessrved Beats SO cents, at T. W. O.
A. Offlo.
OOYD'S Tonlght
BBS Bat. Matinee Saturday, o'elook
Vest Thareday, BLANCH BATHS.
Mat. Evry Day, J:1S Every Nlgut, 1:11.
Thla Weeki Hyams Mclntyre, Curson,
James Youog, VVorld A Kingston, Mms.
t'anlta. The Arlington Four, Douglas A
Douglaa, the Klnodrome and the Orpheum
Conceit Orcheatra. Vrtoe 10a, aa and SOo
I A ii aucn ar nmm msjsimist but
Ftltuij and Saturday Evenings. Sat. Mat
vrM. OASW STOOat CO. ta
Wights SSo aa& 8 Bo Matinee, SSo.
San. (4 day) Matinee Sally. TUB 111.
MAT SHOW, VauderUl aad Bxuayagaaaa
at popular price.
" " is, &. , rt
Tonight Mat. Today All Beat 2&o.
nvnAt 'o a-oc aofToa