Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1909, EDITORIAL, Image 11

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    Your daughter may be per
mitted, safely, to read The He.
No exaggerated account of crime,
no filth, no no dim
novel sensations, but all the- news.
FAGEA 11 TO 2a
Join Our Piano Clubs
r,ritwt holiday rt- i
o .eiiing eent if
season, t ifteen
well known make, and seventy distinct otyle. to select
from. New piano. t $115 00 and up.
f njr club plan him tl.e first cash
f lu' rluK owr mnnlh . . .
. ....... ,
You Welcome to its First Sale
The Magic City of Toyland An Exhibition of Wonderous Sights Bids
The Omaha Daily Bee
i I ill I I I I I I Y 1 I li l l l :i: l I I V 4 1 1 I I 1 1 I xvi. VI W MprrhnniliSf l ertnicaics a.i. n
1 i iwi I I i i i I t iri.viit II i i i i i. i c l ii fti f l i i r ii 1 iiv i. ..-- - - , H
U from. New at $12S.0 af4 up. A A II I I H tl I 1 II ill 11 f VI 1 1 I I I ' 1 - I I Ik lot ' I IX fAII I'jil U her own election anytime. t.rt nri.tiua ".". - i 1 f j i kill i y ; v i i ii vvj vuy vi r m v n i.ny-omi8Mo a
I I M I'l l I ' I J' -7 II I I VI I F A X X-V J a. - Jk . i . 1 15
Tortown 1. all aflattr sow wlti t
cltamtct. It', at rood .a a clrena. Brtnt;
tt littla one. in. Lat tham faaat on
tba florlr. of tba wondarfnl inTentlona
that r'addon to haart and' bring' tna
iparkla of chlldlah a-la. to tn. tj:
rinrh Corcrad Teddr Xilona. they ar
nw. r.i.r toys, tur StC
Dram and Stick., 7-inch le. sell every-
hpre S9c; m'erlal 19c
Pacing- Bob, hor.e and wagon, a grrnt
i5c favorite
tanndry Beta, for 'iusyi little waali ilay
Wagon Block, a four-wheel
of blocKs
and Bora, a
Christmas Books
Book buyara, ttla la tr aly tha
tcra for 70a. AJway. big, It',
blggar and batter today with tha
world cf new volamee for the gift
glTlug .eaao. now on tbe tablee.
Booka that appeal to all claaaea,
from tbe pronounoed bookworm on
down tb line to tke Juvenilee.
After all, a gift of booka la moat
appropriate, and we are eplendldly
prepared to edpply tbem.
The nnuit popuUr of the new
booka here at bottom price.
The Korf lien 'r. When a Man
Marries, The langer Mark. The
of the
Pi IIUAlUll I Wilder-
I j 1 t3? ! Truxton
L; I $i 08
&Jvr-fiiirhfiml y &
Popular Copyrtjhta The Shuttle,
j he Jiocior, circular staircase.
Lavender anJ Old Lace. Shep
herd of the HlllK and hundreds
of othera, formerly $1.0S....49o
Padded and Burnt Z,eatbar Bound
Splendid new gift books, from
Bakr A Taylor. New York, at a
apecial price; choice of 30" at 8o
Tbe Bead to Oa The big Juvenile
bonk of the yean ' by Frank 1..
Baum 95o
Sample Jnvaile Book, at Xeaa
Than Half Three lots, many
kinds only u few of a kind:
2Jc Books for 60
ROc Hoois for. , lOo
Tac Hooks for.. 19o
Jame. Wnltoomb .Uey Booka. Eo
Dreain of Pair Womea ti e beau
tiful II Kilt tK-ik. pmfu "
luairatej hy Harrison Flslior:
t-1 ecinl. at 98a
v Standard Sets
(he-Fourth Eealar Prices. -
Muhlbach. 1S rl.. S leather.
Sub pike tiU.DO. Our price $20. 75.
I'luiarch, f, vols.,1 V leather.
Sub price, $23.00. Our price. $7.&.
Huso. 10 vols.. leather. Sub
price, Jl'J 50. Our price, $!2.7o.
Lamb, g voln.. leather. Bub
prbe. $32. oO. Our price. $..
liurim. 6 vols., lealhor. Sub
pric.-. $35. Oil. tnjr trice, $9.25.
IlaJzai-. Is vols., leatlier. Sub
price. ;2.00. Our price. $20.50.
Ie ilaui HBsant. .0 vole., lea
ther. Sub price. $i9.00. Our
price, $14.75.
wagon fill '
Sao j
j is
All Steel Wagon
show v tov
Toy Coal Sda and Bborel
Gaiv. Toy Waab Tub.....
QalT. Toy Pail, for
Good Pod Gun. for
Wooden China Cloeeta, Chiffonier.. Side
board e. Bureau., etc
. .100
Toy Piano., with .ix neys, Just think
cf it. for. 2o
Flreman'e or Policeman'. Outfit, a dnhdv
tcy eoo
Eimstf Dnmptr Ciroua. all kinds of
Moving Picture Machlnea, fine
Toy Trunk.
and Shirt
lcndld 75e kind
. .gl.OO
. . .6O0
ree s ze BaiKT Kale, eoes lorwara auu oacaoar i.
850, 60c, 8C f for 39
Trunk Banka,
cUI for .
Bed. and Coactera, for boy. and Kir'.
11 n from P'O
" - t
Doll. 50c dolls at half midget kid
bodv !oll; larce kI.I (lolls. hl?
l.c-R.l; celluloid li-ad kl.l dlls. drei-el
lolls, wood dolls, pl.oto-face . doll
for Sic
Dell., worth to tl.Ofi, for Pifty Cent.
K.d i""v dolls. In y dolis. K-iulin"
dolls toboggan boys and ninny otlift
Dc!l. worti to $2.03 for Cm Dollar
French Jointed c'.lU, .Ifo-hke dol.s.
tnfr.nt d.-lls. die-sel dolls .-.SlO
Tte crow.d. are already riming-. The
'abop-early" r.iovemcnt la bearing fruit.
Help It along-. Shop la the morning if
you can.
A Silk Petticoat Free With Dresses
Suit buyers had this opportunity this week. We now
repeat it for the benefit of those buying dresses. We illus
trate but two of the styles; there are scores of others each
expressive of the highest types of fashion. It's the pick of
entire stock of cloth dresses.
A $5 Petticoat With Any Wool Dress at $25 or Over
Children's Coats
Embraced In the collection are broadcloth?, serges, wide wales and jerbey top
drem-s; some smartly tailored, some braided; many fancy styles; blacks
and all leading colors. No prettier models were ever shown. The petticoat9
are superb, and come in all colors. It's purely a complimentary offer with
not one cent of extra cost to jou. Any dress jou may have seen here at same
SS.:.1? !h? .p.e"?! $25.00-$29.50-$35.03
Tailored Suits j
By far the most formidable array of
ultra, smart, popular priced suits In
any Omaha store. The styles are very
select, all late, plain tailored models
of high quality broadcloths and wor
steds Early season fancy designs have
long since passed away.
These are tha fashion of the hour plain.
neat, dignified, with a tailored-to-order
atmosphere about them that 1
M-ry pleasing. Ekery one ha-s
genuine Skinner 3atln linln
fnusual preparations to attract the chil
dren's coat business are made at Ben
nett's. Ours are style garments, not Jobs,
but Just as carefully selected as women's
Bearakln Coat. New one. white tan and
gray 2.50 and (2-93
Girl. Tong- Coat. A table full of heavy,
warm, stylish coats, in all best colors. 6
to 14 year sliea, worth to $8 00; special
at S3.93
Cnrly Bearakln Coat. Clean, fresh, new
style 5.00
Girl.' Coat. 6 to 14 year i"lxes, in hnnd
Fome new kerseys, im-lions and cheviots,
in every good color, $3.00, S3.95, S6.95
to 10.00
CMld.' Walking Coat. 2 to years, red
and cadet, with bottom of ekirt pleated
all around .....8. 50
Leather Goods Samples 60c fl; Dollar
The entire sample line of a prominent Broadway manufac
turer. Traveling men's samples of high grade Christmas leather
goods novelties the most perfect and most beautiful made in
A thousand pieces with only one or two of a
kind. Manufacturer was anxious to clear the fac
tory of the whole line and took a big loss. We
bought the stock at almost half
SIXTV cents on the dollak.
Leather goods of every kind for men and
women. Ideal gift suggestions all of them.
Travelling Rolls for men and women 7fc to $50.00
Music Roll? and Folios . .2-c to K.VQQ
Maying Card iets to -V(H)
Medicine Chests .fiOc to 7..'Q
Military Hrush Sets
.$i.oo to ssn.tto
Jewel Boxes, upward from
Cigar and Cigarette Cases 15c to gio.oo
Cuff and Collar Iloxes . . . .5tk- to .Vh
Collar Bags 75c to S.VOO
Women's Hand Bags . .gl.OO to $45.00
Special Handsome
leather, $10 Hand ,
Bags, with overlap
ping flap initial
plate; broken bot
tom, at 55.00
All leather hags, lea
ther lined, at . .1
- AST -AJJkJ 'if V.
Christmas Waists
Beautiful, new styles just In this
week, specially purchased for Christ
mas giving. ,
New allover English eyelet embroid
ery waists, tucked yoke, front ; and
back w ith a military epaulet of baby
Irish lace at shoulders, each In a
holly box, at $8.95
Allover embroidery waists In eyelet
patterns, very new and dainty gar
ments, at $5.00
Kew Lingerie Walit., luce and medal
lion trimmed; complete assortment of
new style 93-73
Tailored Waists, white and white -and
black, pleated and some embroidered;
new, fresh goods ...S1.25
Sweater Coats, for romn, fine worsted,
red, white and gray, do.ible breasted;
great value at 13.00
Xnlt Short Sklrta, light and dark colors,
fancy border, at 690
Flannelette Gowns, white and striped
materials; heavy, full sizes, nbelv
made tfl.00
Par Seta, women', fine brown and black
French lynx sets, with larce rui; muff
and collar, head ond tail trlmmine.
for S10.00
New Short Vamp, High Arch $3.00 and $3.50 Shoes at $2.48
Last Saturday vte stirred the town with this shoe sale,
and rolled up a surprising business. The weather was bad,
too, and many were unable to come down Rut here they
are again for tomorrow. Can't promise them again if you
miss these. Women's shoes in six smart, new styles. They
are sturdy, t inter shoes with welt soles, in lace and button
Bay patent colt
shoes ' in lac. or
button or run
metal calf. In
either .tyle.
Beat S3 and S3.S0
aluea, pick any
pair, at '.. .92.48
Women'. Comfortable Slipper.
Every woman with aching- feet will
appreciate a gift that add. to her com
fort and ease.
Vulllfiera, in black, gray, red and brown;
oft and roomy, pair IU5
Women's fur trimmed felt Borneo., In gray,
red, green, and black, pair $1.33
Men'. Everett Slipper., in black or brown alli
gator effect, exceptional value .....75c
There ar. plain
toe., . patent tip.
- ani ,ina tip.; .
-and Ca'Ten - ana
military heel.; a '
tyle to pleaee
everybody; 93.00
and S3.E0 value,
for a-48
Men'. Shoe. In .mall In
run metal, patent colt and vicl; ex
cellent .hoe.) $3.50 and S4 lines, but
mall .lac. only, clearing- at $1.73
Ton tils' Shoe.; .i.e. 10 to Hi; box calf,
viol and patent leather; broken line, of
3.33 and $2.00 lota, at $1.33
Work Shoe. A well assorted line .tardy ser
viceable kind., at 92.30
Limoges China
Gift Gloves and
Only 18 more days till
Christmas; get the glove prob
lem off your mind. We have
the Kinds that are" fashlunabiy
correct, and that have proven
meiit. All Koarnuteed and fitted
1 1
( GlOTt If you don't
I kn. w 'li' or Klia.le buy an
J ordT for any aiurunt nnt let
I hT make her own pelection.
Lambskin Olives 2-clasp. Tarls
point embroidery, all colors, at.
pair 51.00 to fl.85
FJnplish t'npe Gloves, mannish
styles 1.E5 and 11.60
Mocha Gloves one-clasp, pair, $1.33
Suede Gloves,
. . .1.60
Six eases of exqaisite china gift
pieces consigned to a Chicago w hole
sale concern, who rejected the goods
on account of long delayed shipments
we secured the lot AT HALF. A
fortunate and timely deal for you
and for ua Three ' designs, hand
some decorations heavy gold traced
plates of all kinds," nappies, olives,
chop trays, cake plates, biscuit jars, ,
chocolate pots, sugars and creamers,
tea, bouillon and coffee pots, pudding
sets, fern dishes, mayonnaise, bon
bons, mustards, covered muffins, etc.,
etc., all at
Grenoble French Kid Gloves, two
clasp S1.C0 and I2.CO
EnRllsh Capes, silk lined ... .$1.50
Mocha Gloves, silk lined fl.SO
Bpeclal for Saturday, English Cnpe
;io-es. In tans only. "yCJe-
$1.25 quality
louble stamp, on gloves.
Fine Hosiery Day
Excellent valrws on each lot
advertised as well as double
stamps on nil Hues,
Imported lisle 25c Hose, with gnr
ter fops will be S5c
50c silk lisle hose, double sole and
frarter top, excellent Imported
" .ines. for 35o
Iur t-ilk hos'j, !inle sole, bljck :ind
colors, fine holiday
Misses' lisle- htocklr.tjs,
35c equality, all
gifts. .S1.3S
Hoys. heaV'y- Bicycle Je Stocklnfrs.
pair lEo
Vests and Pants, heavy fleeced.
ioc quality; fcpc-clul 3oo
"Women's Vnlon Suits. fle-ce lined,
tuck stitch, 7i-' garments. ,. .490
Women". $1.00 Union Huits, fine
gauge 75o
Girls' Cnlon Suits, drop seat at,
suit 50o and 75o
Boys' wool Cnlon Suits
at 750 to
Poubla stamps on all Underwear
In this department.
Vhat Boy Needs Suit or Overcoat? This Sale at $2.85 is the Bargain Climax
Now, you mothers of boys, hurry. A sale of boys' overcoats and suits that harbors no uncertainty and no make-believe.
A sale of
quality clothes you'll recognize as the bargain of the day. 500 garments our buyer picked up at a 'give-away" price, on his recent New
York trip. New styles of the smartest kind $1C0, $5.00, $6.00 and $7.00 values for $2.85. Just think of it! Such a price should clean
them out in a day.
Boys' Overcoats $2.85 Nobby little Russian auto military collar
and regular collar styles, in heavy cheviots and meltons. Gooi,
well made, warm coats for boys 3 to 17 years of age; not one worth
less than $4.00 and $5.00; on sale Saturday; all at one d Qr
price Va-a03
Boys' Suits $2.85 Beautiful Russian styles, in serges, worsteds ami
Cassimeres in 3 to 17 vear sizes, worth $5.00 $6.00 and $7.00; alo
double breasted suits with one and two pairs knicker pants, 7 to
17 year sizes in all wool cheviots and cassimeres;
regular $4.00 and $5.00 suits, at ,
Year after year Bennett's Clothing store keeps pushing ahead through sheer force of its superior buying advantages to its patrons. You'l!
una uns strongly exempli tied in the wonderiul lines ot new overcoats that recent big purchases have made possible. e have a thous
and or more in tomorrow's sales in all the late fancy cloths, in long and medium lengths,
with regular and combination auto collars. We show you the way to a clear saving of
$5.00 and more on any one
in late shades $2.50
Christmas Neckwear 200 dozen four-
The Christmas Handkerchief Display
$ 2.00 Soft and Stiff Hat for Men, now
85c A cDolce of a wide range of
black stiff hats and gray, brown and
black soft hats In tourist and pan
shapes, best $2.00 bats we had 95
John C. Wilson Stiff Hats in new, flat
set and new curl brim; also soft hats
ln-hands with flowing ends; new,
long, bias cut scarfs that tie up neat
er than straight cut lines; wonderful
range of colors and patterns . . 50?
Sweater Coats for Men All wool, plain
colors and combination; best $3.00
sweater coat in the store, for S3. 00
Sample Sweater Cots Fine, English
worsteds and plain oxfords, worth to
110 00, at $5.00
Imported Half Hose 6 In box; plain
black or split foot; special value, per
bo. $1.38
Holiday Shirts A large, new assort
ment, coat styles In new patterns,
up from $1.00 ana $1.50
Buy a Base Burner
at 20 Reduction
We are continuing tke clearing
of every base burner la atock.
When you consider that they ar.
Peaiasnlat tbe standard snake
you'll appreciate tbe bargaia bet
ter. One-fifth off oa any on. bow.
Mil OH Kud l-ur.i,'t S40.OO
t(SOU Base Horner 3a.60
$29 00 It use Burners t43-0
$.0 uO Smoke Consuming Heatere .
for lO0
Savory Boaster., full enamrld.
the usual $i l& kind; Saturday
for 1.50
Other Roasters, 'avory and Usk
makes. $sc and $1.1.0 upward, with
36e Enaiaelwur. lOo A table full
of iiiiM-tillaneoua utensils in
eery-1ay use In the kitchen
:lc. :5c and 35c pieces. fi.r. lOo
0a. Keatera, several kinds, upward
Sad Irons, Mrs Potts pattern, set
of i pieces, regular $1.10 H.
for .To
Cake Griddles, Krle cast No.
'-eiai .So
Skillet., Erie rast ware. No.
pecisl , Sao
Kleel fry Tans. No 7, usually Jac.
for S3o
Sieel Fry ran. No. 8 usually 4r
usuall v
. tSc up
Wi'son Dread
tic. for
Ami rlitn Waffle Irons..
and i siampa".! Glv. Coal ilods,
the '- flme. .
Japanned Ciwl lioda. No.
Sue site
!K Gelv I'.IK 10-qt. slse. for ISO
2Sc (J.tlv. I !.,) t-yt. siso. for 17o
No. 17.
17. ts
. BOo
Colo. Apples, Bushel Boxes $1
These are extra fancy, all sound and perfect and
free from blemish per box $1.45
Including 25 green stamps.
Carload Navel Oranges
Most luscious fruit grown;
sweet and juicy.
40c size, dozen 25c
- 4 5c sise, dozen 35c
Cuban Tineapples, large 15c
Valencia Oranges, doz. . .15c
String and Wax lteans, fresh
and tender, quart ,.,'Hc
Large Cucumbers, each . .5c
Florida Grape Fruit, thin
skin,-10c size, for 5c
Cape Cod
quart, at
Cranberries, per
Great Savings in Heat Market
Good substantial savings, too, that every
posted woman will recognize. Choicest, purest of
fresh meats at Bennett's.
Another of Those Much Talked
of Corset Sales $1.50
Kinds for 98c
favored with an
The months of preparation given to
mas handkerchiefs is now apparent. We
tain head of supply in foreign countries
for our choicest lines. The showing now
is supreme. May we not expect the ad
vantages of early selections are many.
Our own importations, too, assure
you all price benefits.
Be sure and visit the big booth dis
play. Linen Hemstitched Hdkfs. 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c, 35c
Linen Emb. Hdkfs. 15c, 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c, $1.50
Linen Initial Hdkfs 5c, lOc, 15c, 25c, 35c
Linen Armenian Hdkfs. . ..15c, SOc, 75c, 91, $J
Special Embroidered Handkerchiefs 4 q
100 dozen finest 25c quality, for lefC
Men's linen hemstitched Handkerchiefs
at lOc, 15c, 25c, 35c, 75c
Men's linen initial hdkfa. 10c, 15c, 25c, 35c, SOc
Children's box hdkfs., in box. ...... 15c and 25c
POUIJLK STAMPS with all purchases Satur
day on all lines of handkerchiefs.
the selection of Christ
have gone to the foun-
.'. li 'I
e tavorea wun an- Vwv5.
that has kept th 8gfcT.X:
lnently in the lime- A
Saturday shoppers are to be
other of those rare sales
light this fall It's a lot of 60 dozen new, long 5j
li i j . u i i o "iiii an i a n iiui. j etui 1 1 1 v i v in
comfortably lmijarts the straight, slender lines
so much in vogue these tiays They
come in coutil and batiste, sv
high but models, are strong
and durable aud regular a
fl vnli-e at "
At 4 9c we show three distinct styles and
lengths, girdles; medium and long corsets; ex
cellent styles, fre-sh and new, all sizes.
eaA. 1
Fall Iamb Legs,
. per lb. . lOHc
Pig lork Itoast,
per lb. . ,10U
Hulled Hib ltoast,
'bones out 10
Put lloast, choice.
lb. . .7( and 5,
Porterhooae Steak,
lamb Chojm,
loin, lb. 134
Veal Chops,
Veal Roaat,
shoulder c & 7c
Lamb Iloast,
ehoulder, 7H
Lauib Stew, special
C lbs. . L-c
Veal Stew,
lb Rt
Cudaby'a Hauis
sugar cured, skin
and fat removed;
all guaranteed $
to lo-lb. average,
at ......13HC
t aduhy's Iiacon
Rex brand; & to
10-lb strips, per
b 10
Holland Herring
new, keg . -75
And 25 Stamps
Discount Day on the 3d Floor
Carpet and
10 OH S
Curtains, .
All Hed..
The floor is packed with beautiful Christmas gifu. The
pick of the Lest the market affords. To start the holiday busi
ness with a rush tomorrow, a straight redaction of 10 pef cent or
one-tenth la made on the entire floor, including such lines as these
f a,
X. table uma.
Bovt Cases,
rt square., i Cowchea,
i Carpet Sweepers,
Couca Cover.,
j X,ace Cnrtalaa,
I Waiat It oaea.
Tabic Cover., ate.
Bennett's Big Grocery
The Saturday inducements interest all house
wives. Read the list:
Pride of Bennett's Flour per wick $1.55
And 80 Green Trading Stamps.
t'crnmeal, yellow or
white, 24-lb. k. 40e
Capitol Baking Pow
der. 5-lt. can. S1.00
and 10o stamp
Bennett's Best Tof
fee, J lha. tl.00
and luu stamps.
B"nntt's Best Cof
fee. 1 lb 350
and SO stamp.
Bennett's Teas, as
sorted, lb 6uc
and "it stamp't's Teas, as
sorted, lb 4do
. ii o siampa.
Tea biftingj, lb. pk.
for 15c
und 20 stamps
Diamond H chiU
;auce. bottle... 15e
and 10 stamps
Cleaned Currants
lb 10c
and & atunips
Double Stamp, oa
Capitol Pure Pepper,
-ll. can 100
and i stamps
S,-edl-sg Itaisins
12 He quality.. . .So
Snider'. Pork and
Beans, can . . . .15c
and 10 stamp.
Ulgnonette Peas. $
cans 35c
and 10 stamps
York Violet Toilet
fcoap, 3 for . . . .9&o
and 10 stamps
Swansdown Codfish,
t pkga 860
-i.u 10 klamps
Capitol Mince Meat,
Z pkgs 250
and 10 itdinin
Blue Borax titarch,
for lOo
and Zc Waxrr free
Yankee Kuae Toilet
,Mip, I for . . . .35c
and SO stamps
Capitol Oat., Wheat
or Pajtcake ... lie
and 10 stamp.
Koyal Tomatoes, two
can. t5e
and 20 .tamps
Hartley'. Pure Fruit
Jams, jar 15.
and 10 stamp.
Cream Cheese, beat
quality, lb 300
and 10 stamp.
Virginia Swiss
Cheese, lb 85o
and 10 stamp.
Sweet Pickled
Peachea, o,t. Jar 85o
and 20 elanip.
Seeded Raisins, lb.
pkg ia40
and 10 stamps
Peachea "Bekt We
Have" brand 20c
quality lBo
Candied Peel, assort
ed, lb 8A0
and 10 stamps
Evaporated Peaches,
lb 131.0
and 10 .tamps
Double stamps on
Granulated Sugar.
Yaailla Bars
fresh and very
delicious, lfcs lOo,
Bennett's Candies
Saftirday's specials Increased
to six distinct lines this week
.b. i:.ttii-B and low
price are distinguishing fea
tures. lii.mctt's 40c Woodland Uooodles,
ncely txxed, pound box 850
Bennett's PuttercL-ps, satin finish.
40cc quality, lb StOo
Bennett's 4'l.ocoiate Creams, vei y
choice, lb 40o
Bennett's Chrtmai Mixed Candv,
H'c grade; soeclul. lb SOo
Hned Scuffed Dales, $0c quality,
lb SOo
Engllfh Walnut ililves, 6c qual
ity, lb 40c
Buy Him a Pipe
Good pipes make appre
ciative Christmas gifts.
Our holiday stocks of gen
uine French Briars and
real Meerschaums in plush
lined cases are the kinds
every smoker approves.
Fremiti Briar pipes pljin
at Sl.OO, 81.60 to I2.C9
French Briar I'i-. f Id trim- n-1.
at Si .50, $3.00 to 63.00
Meerschaum pit-es '
at 81.00, 83-60, 84.50 to 810.00
Meerscliautn t.'laur HoMr
at el.faO to 83-50
CiaaBS J5 in box. w-ll known
brands, at, per loi. 81.00 to 85.00