Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1909, Page 7, Image 7

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TBSTStllf I lim H W '; .ui mu ium ami i-j rnit w m JMJ. sp.MM.MJ.4X Ilk AwntiACgK
Some Things You Want to Know
Council Committee of Whole Plant to
Bedistrict City.
The American Congress Cleveland Versus Congress.
Supporters, Trtwscs,
Cratches, Invalid Chairs,
3atterie3, Elastic Stockings
H)t Water Battles, Fountain Sjrinfsj, Deformity Bracei.
' Drpntr State Veterinarian Bnsy Mak
! Ins Tnnerenloala TfM Death
of Mr. Anna PiUm
liOinl Postponed.
The Lsr.tsi Ionlil sai HjhUI SibI Hobm 1410-12 Harajy Street
Hsts Boot Print It.
R. T. Kwohoda Certified Accountant.
JLlaihart, Photographer, lgth A Farnam.
Lighting- mttrn, Burgess Oranden Co.
Keyn, photo, removed to ltth & Howard.
Eaattablt Life PolUles sight drafts at
maturity H. D. Neely, "nanaffer, Omaha.
J. A. Qentlsman Co, Undertakers New
location, (14 Chicago St. both phones.
Investments In the shares of Nebraska
Pavings and Loan association earn ( per
rent per annum, credited semi-annually.
1C6 Board of Trad building. 1003 Farnaro.
luti Cudahy for Two Thousand Dollars
Frank Slovlnksi sues the Cudahy 1'acklng
company In district court for $2,000. al
leging damages suffered In operating a
soap compressor.
Big- Oommltts for Stat Bar The Omaha
Commercial club has decided to appoint an
extensive reception committee to act on the
occasion r,f the visit of the Nebraska Bar
nssociatluu Omaha December 23 and .j Maet la City Hall Mayor
1'ahln.ur. I.. i made arrangements for the
meetings rf the Missouri River Navigation
congrtsa to be held in the council chamber
at the' city hall. During the meeting of
the congress all the halls at the Audi
torium will be In use, Creiphton hall will
be used by the Mldweft Implement Dealers"
association and the use of the c.ty hall will
come In Just right.
Getting Electrical Mas to Advertise C.
C. Hosewater, general manager of The
Bee Publishing company, and W. A. Camp
bell, In charge of the publicity department
or the Omaha Commercial club, addressed
the Omaha Electrical club Wednesday noon
to interest the club In the work of pub
licity which Is now being carried on. The
members present subscribed to the work
and a committee was appointed to see the
rest of the members.
Says County Board Spent Only Tenth
What Estelle Said.
York Merchants
Boost Corn Show
Write that They Are Not Displeased
at Sates Coming So Close
to Christmas.
Several Norfolk merchants have written
to leading Jobbers in Oinaha to say they
were not displeased because of the dates
nf the National Corn exposition. They write
tHit of-! "a few of uho have Christ-'
mas novelties were put out, but that ihe
majority rejoiced -in feeing a big corn ex
pjsition at- Omaha, aa they realised the
Immense benefit to the entire atate.
AMOUNT $2,000 INSTEAD OF $25,000
Denies that (ommlulODtrl Wasted
Monrr on Office of District
Clerk Detention Home Ex
pellees Are High.
Delisting that tne county commissioners
expended a little over $2,000 Instead of f.(M
on the office of the district cl rk. County
I rommiulontr P J. Trainor has clen out
A statement replying to Judge Esti ll , who
made the cliaige that the larger sum had
been expended. Mr. Trainor declared:
"Responding to the remarks which Judge
Estelle made from the bench, I wish to
state that 1 have alwaya been In aympathy
with and supported the Juvenile court and
the Detention home, which the coun.y re
cently constructed with a capacity of fifty
children. Because the home was filled
shortly after it was occupied the commis
sioners called the superintendent of the
Detention home and the Juvenile court
Judge Into conference to see if they could
not find a way to' provide homes for at
least a part of the children, so we cuuld
make room for other delinquent children,
or cut the expense which the county and
taxpayers would have to pay.
Tor the benefit of the public I wish to
state that the county has Inve-ted In the
Detention home grounds, buildings and im
provements in the last two years the sum
of S4C.7J7, and the cost of maintaining each
inmate during the year 1908 was $19 per
month. If the new Detention home Is filled
to Its capacity during the coming year It
will require from $10,000 to $11,000, not count
ing the Improvements and repairs which
will necessarily have to be made.
"In regard to the statement of Judge
Estelle that the commissioners have spent
$25,000 in fixing up the office of the clerk
of the district court, I wish to state the
books show we actually spent during ths
year 1308 and 1909 for furniture, fixtures
and repairs the sum of $2,416.90. More tran
half of this was for filing cates and other
fixtures which will be used In the new court
house. So the commissioners did not ex
pend to exceed one-tenth of the amount
which the honorable Judge said they did in
fixing up the office of the clerk of the
diet i let court.
"Mr. Plckard waa not a commissioner
during 190 and therefore did not help to
expend '$25,000' to put in proper shape for
the public use the office of the d strict
- Watfh Two t,ovey-Doe-s Will
Occupy This IS'fM," Adrertlaes
I! r I rial House.
Ml.-s P.oxey Jeanctte Wills, a sister of
ex-Police Surgeon Wills, and Charles Bracy
McDonald, son of the late ex-8her;ff Me
D.mald. were married Wednesday at Madl
ron. They returned to Omaha, where they
ate well Known ana nave many menus, j
go to housekeeping at 2226 Lake street.
Oreat was their astonishment when they
awakened Thurs'day morning to find some
of their friends had perpetrated a joke
upon them.
On the rcot of the domicile was a huge
('feu as sign, bearing the words In large
"Watch Two Lovey Doveys will occupy
this nest."
Mr. McDonald and his urae are taking
the Joke good-naturedly, but, at that, they
would like to find out who was responslblu
for It. a they may be In a position some
day to return the compliment. In the mean
time tne neighborhood . enjoyii-g a big
A Shooting Scrape
with both parties wounded, demands Buck
len's Arnica Salve. Heals wounds, sores,
burna or Injuries. tc. Enr sale by F.eaton
Drug Co.
Former Governor- Pardee and 'Frisco
Officials to Pass Throagh
Omaha Monday.
Former Governor George C. Pardee of
California, accompanied by former Sena
tor Perkins, and twenty of the San Fran
cisco Chamber of Commerce, left the Gol
den Gate Thursday In a special car over
the Southern Pacific for Washington, D.
C. to attend the meeting of the National
Rivers and Harbors congress. The special
will pass through Omaha Saturday at mid
night coming In over the Union Pacific.
The Callforniana are Interested in the
Hetch Hetchy lake project, which Involves
using of waters In a beautiful park for
commercial purposes.
Annoanremeate ot the Theaters.
"Sis Hopkins." that delightful rural play
of such heart interest that It has become
one of tbe classics of the American stage,
will be the attraction at the Krug theater,
beginning tonight, for three days. Miss
Rose Melville, who originated the character
of "Pis." has played It continuously s nee
the play has been on the stage, will, of
course, be seen in the leading role.
Bnlldlnar Permits.
Glenn C. Wharton, southwest corner
Thirtv-Jeventh and Jackson streets, brick
dwelling. $16,000; V. R. McLucas. S21 South
Thirty-eighth street, frame dwelling. $2,500.
mmm &
$30 and $35
clothes offered in this
j The special session of the committee of
the whole council Wednesday afternoon re
sulted in a" compromise of the difficult
problem of redisricting the city cf Pouth
Omaha to make seven wards. In this mat
; ter two objects were sought In the main
I The first w as to make the wards as nearly
' equal In size as possible and the second
Vi make them equal In population.
It Is likely that the First ward will in
clude all the territory north of N street
suit east of the alley between Twenty-second
and Twenty-third streets. The Pec-
.. 1 .. . . 1 ..-,11 ... V.I.. Innl.Ma all t Vl
U1IU il i nil. i. u.nui; ...v.'.uc v.. ......
territory south of N street and east of n
Twenty-first street. The Third ward com
prises all the territory south of U street
and west of Twenty-first. The Fourth
ward Is bounded on the east by Twenty
first, on the north by L, on the west by
the railroad tracks and on the south by
U street. The Fifth ward comprises all
to territory north of L strtet and west of
Twenty-seventh. The Plxth ward Is to
consist of all territory north of L street
and between the boundaries of the First
and the Fith wards. The Seventh ward
contains the packing district west of the
railroad tracks lying between L street and
U street.
i'opnlatton fiot Yet Kaonn.
It remains for the council committee to
examine the sources of Information to see
whether any greet discrepancy In popula
:ion is found in the new territory. The
snly means of estimating at present Is
the record of the tax commissioner and the
school census. Between the two a fa r
estimate should be essy. In the Fourth
and Seventh wards will be found most ot
ihe floating population and It Is in these
wards that the greatest difficulty in esti
mating the districts will arise. Care was
taken by the council not to throw any
councilman out of his ward and Into a
ward where two of the present councilman
would be. This may be taken as an Indi
cation that all the present councilmen
propose to become candidates for re-election.
The only case In the above plan
where a councilman was put out of his
v.aid was that of John Hasburgh, mem
ber from the Fourth ward. He will be
shifted to the Seventh ward by the new
arrangement. It is thought however that
the change will be greatly to his advan
tage, as he is a resident of the west side
and the new ward contains no terr tory east
of the railroad tracks. In times past this
artificial division of the city has worked
a division of political Interest also.
The ccuncil committee will probably make
Its report on the new wards at the next
meeting and then It will be the duty of
the city attorney to draft an ordinance
establishing the new boundaries. The
necessary steps will occupy the rest of
the year in all probability.
Tabercallne Testa In Dalrlea.
For several days the deputy state veter
inarian has been In South Omaha making
tubercullne tests of dairy cows. The city
hus about thirteen dairymen whose herds
are kept in and about the limits of the
city. The South Omaha city council re
cently passed an ordinance requiring all
dairymen to aubmit to a test. One or two
of the dairymen whose cows were exam
ined came out fortunately; but one dairy
man of the city hud every animal of his
herd condemned. This will be a serious
blow to a man of small means and wiU
probably mean that his business will close
down. All the cows which respond to the
tubercullne test will be sent to the pack
ing house for immediate slaughter under
the conditions of government Inspection.
Death of Mrs. Anna Paulsen.
Mrs. Anna Pau sen died Tuesday night
at the South Omiha hospital, where she
had been under treatment for a short
time. She was 03 years old and had been
a resident of the city for many years.
She was the wife of Jacob Paulsen and
the family residence was at Fourteenth
and O streets. The funeral will be held
Friday at 1 p. m. from Brewer's chapel.
Jacob Houck will conduct the services.
The Interment will be at Laurel Hill
cemetery. Mrs. Pau'.sen is survived by
her husband and one daughter, Mrs. Dora
Magic Citr Gossip.
Dr. C. N. -George, Osteopath. 703 N. 24th.
The funeral of Seaman Winchester will be
held Friday at $ p. m. from the residence
nf his daughter. 26 fiouth Twentv-fourtn
I street. Rev. Van Winkle will have charge
of the service-
The Ladles of the Maccabees elected offi
cers last night.
Jetter"s Gold Top Beer delivered to any
part of the city. Telephone No. 8.
The Inquest over the bocv of Arthur Long
has been postponed until Friday at 2 p. m.
The Fraternal Order of Eagles will hold
Its annual election of officers next Tues
day evening.
Try at home first. Watches, Jewelry,
Diamonds, Silverware. Jacobaon & Furen
Ira Pace was arrested yesterday for
carrying concealed weapons. He had a
very formidable revolver.
The residents of Albright have applied
for a special police officer to protect coal
yards and similar enterprises.
Fiank Cllne was sentenced to ten days
for vagrancy, and James Ureer was alsn
given a ten-day sentence for vagrancy.
The prestige of the office of president
of the Vnlted Ftates owes much to Qrover
Cleveland. That distinguished democrat. In
his first administration, succeeded in firmly
establishing the Independence of the execu
tive. In his second administration he did
much to destroy the Independence of the
legislative brunch of the government by
forcing congress to take art'on against
Its will, albeit for the sake of what Mr.
Cleveland deemed to be the best Interests
of the nation. These thlnps were not
accomplished without a struggle, and the
name of Gro"er Oveland goes down In
history as the victor In two distinct con
tests with congress.
Mr. Jefferson was the first president to
remove men from office for political
reasons. General Jackson waa the first to
equally certain that the thing to do wss
to stop coining even what silver was being
coined. Vnder authority of "the purchas
ing clause of the Sherman ai-t." passed In
1W. the treasury wss required to tiny
4.iVV.00n ounces of silver each month. The
treasury was being drained of gold, bond?
were being Issued to keep up the reserves
and there was trouble a-plenty at the
Mr. Cleveland came Into office In March,
but he was very, very slow In the work
of removing republican officeholders and
replacing them with democratic "patriots."
The "patriots" did not like to wait, but
Mr. Cleveland knew what hs was about.
Against the wishes of a majority of his
party, he called a special session of con-
appoint men to office for purely political re8 to m"t Auu 7 for ,ne .p"rpo" of
rryeaiiiiHj tne ui inarms uhurc ul tne iit-i-
man act.
reasons and frankly avow the reasons
therefore. Mr. Johnson attempted to follow
the footsteps of these distinguished men.
as have all the presidents since Jackson,
But congress, having more than two
third majority In opposition to Johnson.
Ignored his vetoes and practlca-ly de
stroyed the appointive power of the presi
dent by the tenure-of-offlce act. That
law was modified as soon as General
Grant became presldentr but It was left
with sufficient force to justify the senate
Congress met and received the president's
message, asking for the repeal of the fate
ful clause. As soon as the clerk had fin
ished reading it In the senate. Senator
Hale, the republican leader, supported by
Senator Lodge, rushed to the front as ad
vocates of the president's policy. Senator
Gorman, the democratic and administration
leader, chlded them for their seal, but It
was apparent from the first moment of the
In claiming a supervlslonary power over debate that the great democratic victory of
executive suspensions and removals from 1S92. which gave that party complete con
office, trol of the 'government for the first time
Cleveland came Into office In lssc as the since the civil war. waa but Dead-sea fruit
first democratic president since the Civil The democratic party was cut In twain by
war. The new administration was supported Mr. Cleveland's message to the special ses
by an enthusiastic majority In the house gion of 1S93. and It has not since united,
of representatives, but the senate was The bill for the repeal was Introduced In
republican by a majority of elht Under tna house by Representative Wilson of
the old tenure-of-offlce act the president west Virginia, who was to give his name
was required to report suspensions from to a tariff bill in the same congress. After
office to the senate for Its approval. On
July 17. 1RF5. George M. Duskln. district
attorney for the southern district of
Alabama, was suspended from office and
John D. Burnett was designated as his
successor. Mr. Burnett assumed the duties
of the office at once. When congress met
In December, Mr. Burnett's name was
sent to the senate for confirmation.
The republican majority Invoked the
ghost of the tenure-of-offlce act, thinking
thereby to save something from the wreck
three weeks of debste the house took a
graduated vote, first for free coinage at
sixteen to one, then at seventeen, eighteen,
nineteen and twenty to one, successively,
then for the re-enactment of the Bland
Allison act, and then for the repeal. Each
of the six silver measures was voted down
and the tepeal was passed by a vote of $40
to 110. The democrats gave 139. the re
publicans 101 votes in the affirmative. In
the negative there were seventy-six demo
crats, twenty-three republicans and eleven
of nartv defeat hv nreventinff the wholes'nle
dismissal of rep'ibicsn office-holders. The Populists.
suspension of Duskln was made the test. Th oue dldn 1 111!e the mur' but
The senate demanded that the attorney- niany democratic members were pie-hungry
general send the papers In the case to -'ncle Qrover had let It be known that
the senate. That officer responded with there was nothing doing In the pie line
all the paper relating to Burnett's fitness until that repeal was accomplished, and
for the position but with none showing even then he would exerclso discretion In
why Duskln was removed. He Intimated recognising the claims of various gentle
that they were not In his possession. The men. Speaker Crisp also kept back the
senate then adopted an adroitly phased committee assignments until he saw how
resolution asking the president, through things were drifting, Just as Speaker Can
the attorney-general, . for the papers. non did at the special tariff session this
The east fought the west and south In
the uDDer chamber. The debate dragged
on for weeks.
Whereupon Mr. Cleveland came back with
a message to the senate which was a
declaration of Independence, a defiance and
a challenge, all In one.
We re Justly Proud of Our $2.50
Shoes for Men and Women
For in rainy weather or dry, cold weatbet or mild, you'll find they
meat your every demand, In service. stle and fit.
We' probably more up-to-date nhapeg in this shoe alone
than you will gee In any two other stores.
Needles, to ay after our year of testing and Improving
their quality wherever possible) your money will bring you great
er returns In long wear, aolid comfort and all-around satisfac
tion when Invested in these shoes, than most any place you could
put it.
In fact, shoes nearly as good are sold elsewhere as good
values at $S.OO and $3 60.
Patents, Gun Metal and Paris Kid for women; Box Calf.
Gun Metal and Vlcl Kid for men. Lac and Blucher styles, at
"The House Of
High Merit"
An Announcement of Bargain Events
of Unusual Importance.
Big Sale of All Oar Finest Millinery
at Jaat Oae-Half Price Special
Bale of Handkerchiefs,
Etc., Etc.
The democrats once agreed
It was the first of those remarkable on a compromise measure, only to have It
state papers lor wmcn Mr. u.eveisna De
came famous, and ranks with such docu
ments as the tariff messsge and the
Venexuela message. Referring to the de
mands of the senate, the president said:
thrown back from tne wnue iiouse wiui
a demand for unconditional repeal. Some
democratic senators supported the presi
dent with good grsce, others under duress.
.. nnanlu revolted. Vent on 11 red
My oath to support and defend the con- 'of up(jn tne of
stltutlon. my duty to the people who hsve Morgttn aenounced him with
chosen me to execute the powers of their rf sarcasm and dubbed bis sup
great office and not relinquish them, and r cuckooB .. u w , great fujnt
my duty to the chief magistracy which I th- preldent had lhe oftiCM ,n1 wIth
must preserve unimpaired In all Its d,g- thMn ha(J tne p(jwer to que Mnatorla1
nity and vigor, compel e to refuse com- gtormg tQ m(Jve ,egl(llll0ve mountains.
Finally, on October SO. the repeal bill
pliance with these! demands.'
Senator Hoar and other republican lead
ers attacked the president with fury, de
claring that he was the first to interfere
with the plain rights of either house of
congress, and comparing htm to King
Charles I. But It developed that Duskln's
term had expired by limitation in Decem
ber and there was nothing to fight about.
The senate went on talking, and the re
publicans had a great deal of fun quoting
from Cleveland's speeches on civil service
reform and contrasting them with 643 sus
pensions from office during the first sum
mer of his administration. But the presi
dent had won the fight by his boldness.
The senate has not since called into ques
tion the right of the president to suspend
or remove federal appointees from office.
In the next session of the same congress
what remained of the tenure of office act
was formally and completely repealed.
In 1833 Mr. Cleveland came to the White
House for a second term, the nly presi
dent to return to office after a season In
retirement. He found a large democratic
majority In the house and the senate was
also under democratic control. The country
was In sore distress, there was a great fi
nancial panic, banks were breaking, fac
tories were closed, men were starving, and
the whole people cried aloud for relief.
Everybcdy agreed that the financial sys
tem of the nation needed revision. Some
said to coin more silver, others were
25 Sale
rtartlnf tomorrow we will make to yonr especial order, for 92
T. snlt of clctbes or orereoat cat from AKT piece of oar. $30 or SJa
noolena. Sow thsa TOD mast nctl
If yon frequent Parpam street mtwa youll know the cease of this
isle yoa'U KKOW that we were delayed about two months la gt
Ig started simply because the "sew fronts" to these boil dings were
vox. placed la time. We had prepared with hnge stocks of woqlens
business has been good since the fronts were finally pat la bat lost
time can ever be made up and we have TOO MABTT wooleas la stock
fcr this period of the season. THXBXPOKB this VS35 Sal."
iHil.MJ.y.iu.iiL.i. -iitD
passed the senate by a vote of 4S to 32.
The president was supported by twenty
three republicans and twenty democrats,
and he was opposed by nineteen demo
crats, ten republicans and three populists.
Party lines were broken into smithereens.
When the senate bill got back to the
house for concurrence In some alight
amendments, an attempt at a filibuster
was made. Said a contemporary reporter:
"Chevalier Bryan 1 of Nebraska stood like
Horatius at the bridge, with hla quiver
full of dilatory motions." But the filibus
ter was choked by Speaker Crisp, and on
the final vote seventy-six democrats and
five republicans ' resisted the demands of
the president that the purchasing clause of
the Sherman act be repealed uncondition
ally. It was a great triumph for Mr.
Cleveland, and It led to the settlement of
the vexing problem of the coinage ques
tion. Mr. Cleveland had established the
power of the presidency In legislation.
But now that the Sixty-first congress
is with us. perhaps one of the most inter
esting recollections of the extra session of
1S93 Is that one of the twenty-three "In
surgent" republicans who voted against
the repeal, and one of the five republicans
who supported Mr. Bryan's futile filibus
ter, was that fearless champion of free
silver. Joseph O. Cannon, a representative
in congress from the state of Illinois.
y rusEBio 3. XAsarnr.
Saturday will be a day of the most ex
traordinary special sales ever held at
Brandels Stores. The windows have been
filled with these bargains and thousands
hsve admired them.
Hundreds of very high grade furs go on
sale Saturday at the most attractive bar
gains of the season. This sale Includes
matched sets, scarfs, muffs and fur coats
of the same reliable quality that you al
ways expect In Brandels Furs. Several
fortunate purchases from eastern furriers
make this special sale possible.
Every' woman's hat in our entire stock
worth 15 or over will be sold Saturday at
exactly one-half price. This Includes every
hat In the stock none reserved.
Entire Surplus Stock of Men's Overcoats
and Suits bought from B. Rothschild A
Co. of New Tork. worth up to $.10. at $15
and S19.
A great Special Sale ot Boys' Overcoats
and Suits.
A Special Sale of Boys' Shoes at great
Fine Handkerchiefs worth 60c, will go at
each. S6c.
Importers' Sample of Brlc-a-Brac. Desk
and Table Ornaments, etc., worth up to
$3 .60. at 60c.
Sample Gold filled Bracelets, worth up to
$10 at 12 and U.
Special Sale of 2.j0 Jointed Dolls, at
Special Sale of Doll Dresses worth fl. at
Sale of fine Framed Pictures, bought
from the Greek Art Co. of Des Moines
and worth up to I2S. at 12 60.
Sale of Leather Shopping Bags, at II.
All these Special Sales Saturday.
Christmas Gift
Some Officials Can Only See Lights
That Arc Dark, Complains
sores Mortcnson.
I purpose of strengthening the local ncL
I He Is accompanied by Secretary Kennedy
I of Dubuque nest, and the two expect to
secure many new members during their
Soren Mortensen of 2019 Dorcas street,
has filed with the city clerk a letter to the
city council. In which he uses a queer
Marie City lodge No. W0. Brotherhood ot 1 ki,.,i e i.r.i.a tn .ritii ih
America, Will llirn i ma ; ririnug nt r.Kgie
hall for the purpose of electing officers.
Clover Leaf camp No. 8, Royal Neighbors
of America, will give a ball to members
and friends Friday evening. December 3, at
Modern Woodmen nan.
Lodge No. 67. Kniuhts of the Maccabees,
elected officers last night. M. C. Kelly was
elected commander and T. C. Allen recorder.
Mr. Allen has held t'lls office for seven
Diamonds FRENZF.R 13th and Dodge.
Engraved Stationery
VVWtuag JaefcafaMs smNWMHiMti
ViMtiag Coras
AO nmd forms ia currant sons I amuse snsraved
ia Ike tt ani and puactuellr aWUverwt whan
Einbotaed Monogram Stationery
and ouW work esetmed M prices lows thaa osually
pravsii eUewhei.
A. I. ROOT, Incorporated
1210-1211 HewwsSt. Pkoae D. ItM
Coroner's Jory Holds that Street Rail.
vay is Responsible for Killing
of Arthar Uross.
Negligence on the part of the Omaha
and Council Bluffs Street Railway com
pany Is held by the coroner's Jury to have
been responsible for the death of Arthur
Gross. U years of age, who was so badly
Injured by being crushed by one of the
company s construction trains Monday af
ternoon that he died two hours later. The
coroner's Jury was empanelled Tuesday
stfernoon, but took no testimony until
Wednesday, when Its session continued for
several hours.
After deliberating but a short time the
Jury brought In Its verdict.
Young Gross, who was the son of B.
Gross, a retail grocer at M21 South Thirti
eth street, was out driving in a little cart.
He was thrown In front of a rapidly mov
ing construction train, operated by the
street railway company, and badly mangled.
He died at the Swedish hospital.
In the case of Jake Sampson, found dead
Tuesday afternoon In a lodging house on
Douglas street, a coroner's Jury Wednes
day afternoon brought In a verdict of
death by heart failure.
city fathers and the city electrician. Mr.
Mortensen asserts that tbe electric light
In his neighborhood often are out "six
nights out of six chances to illuminate"
and Intimates that some city officials can
only see lights that are habitually dark
on the few occasions when the said lights
are on duty.
For a lady a nice jileee of furniture
is greatly appreciated. Why not
select one ot our new desks,
made in all woods and various
finishes; prices range "P
up from 9elw
Miller, Stewart & Beaton
413-15-17 S. 16th St.
Specimens Sent to Exposition from
Wllllasa James, Farmer at
While thousands of farmers from all
parts of the country are sending their best
selected corn to the National Corn expo
sition, the management was surprised
Thursday morning to receive an exhibit
of the worst corn In the world. This is
sent by William James of Dorchester. Mr.
James has been collecting bad corn for a
And the Talne of the Hotel t. Begia to
Throagh Travelers and Tourists.
Loca: ' on the eastern threshold of
the American continent, with railroads
stretching to It from every part of the
United States, and with steamer lines
branching from It to the eastward and
traversing every one of the "seven sees."
New York tan rightly claim to be the
greatest passenger transfer point In the
Western World. Through travelers com
ing to New York generally spend a day
or two In the metropolis before pro
ceeding, and desire a hotel where can be
obtained the fullest amount of comfort
and rest Such Is the Hotel St Regis, at
Fifth Avenue and Fifty-fifth Street, con
venlently aituated, having Its own electric
cab service, and making a specialty of
catering to through travelers. Arrange
ments csn be made In advance with the
'St. Regis to meet Incoming passenger,
I transfer them and their baggage to the
'hotel, arid convey them to their outgoing
! station at a stated time, leaving them
every moment of their Intervening time
free and unhampered by travel consld-
The ffL Regis Is known as
and ia all that
great many years, and he had corn to
show the different stages from the time 1 eratlons.
Sir Walter Raleigh came to this country "America's finest hotel
and took some of It back to England, until that name Implies. Its cuisine Is equal In
the present.
Cut Glaas FUENZER 13lh and Dudge.
John I.. Webster Will Preside and
Reservations 1. 1st Re Strictly
Adhered To.
Arrngen;ents have been completed for the
banquet the Omaha Commercial cub will
tender to J. J. Hill when Mr. Hill Is In
Omaha next Thursday to attend the Na
tional Corn exposition. John L. Webster
has been selected to act as chairman. Cards
are now being sent out to all members
of the Commercial club and as the space
Is limited, a strict observation of the
reservation list wll be Insisted upon. The
price Is set at V a plate and because of the
imited room the first to respond will be
the ones accommodated with seats at the
banquet board.
Local Lodge Makes Peter Loch Pres
ident nnd Kntertaiaa Depnly
Sapreme President.
The Omaha nest of Owls on Wedne d.
evening elected the following list of offi
cers for ths year: Georgo Brown, psst
president; Peter ioch, president; Chsrlej
Hyde, vice president; Mike Mooney, sec
retary; Jabes Cross, treasurer; John C.
Lynch, Charles Huntington. Jie Hansen,
trustees; William Tlghe, picket; A. Nelson,
C. V. Heisler. deputy supreme president
of the order, was present at the session
and will be In town several days for the
Soap only cleans; GOLD DUST cleans and
. Soap washes over the surface, leaving a greasy
film behind it; GOLD DUST digs deep alter germs
and impurities, and insures purity and safety.
Soap needs muscle help (as an exerciser, it's
fine); GOLD DUST does all the hard part of the
work without your assistance, leaving you to take
your exercise in a more enjoyable manner.
GOLD DUST is a good, honest, vegetable oil
soap, to which is added other purifying materials
mjubt me ngni pro- v i
portions to cleanse NslJ'
easily, vigorously,:.
and without harmtoUTJ
fabric, utensil or v- J
"Let the GOLD
DUST Twins do
your work."
Maker of FAIRY SOAP, the oval cake
all respects to the very best foreign res
taurants, while Its restaurant charges
are r.o higher than those of other first
class hotels. Room rates are likewise
moderate: $3 and $4 a day for a large,
handsomely furnished single room; lb a
day for the same with private bath (or
16 for two people); and 112 a day and
up for a splendid suite consisting of
parlor, bedroom and private bath.
Hard Goal and Soft Goal
Prompt Delivery. lU-st Grades.
Itiglit Weights.
PHOHZB Webster 310S, Webster tit
Xndependtnt, B-324S.
Five Tons of Uur
Phone for Particulars at Once.
i a
m .y-r COUGH
The East Remedy or Coughs,
Colds, Throat and Lung Trou
bles Is
Get a bottle today, 5e and 50o, at
vour drusslHis or Mow all Drug Co- 807
509 SI. letb St., Oman.
Persistent Advertising is
the Road to Big Returns.
The Bee Readies All Classes.