THE BEE: OMAHA, FKIPAY, DFXTEMnER 3, 1900. 5 Council Bluffs Council Bluffs Council Bluffs Council Bluffs ; r- v r-a m ninn n 4 Minor Mention Tbs Council JBloffs office of the Oioibl 8m U at IS eot Utntt. Both 'pbonea 43. . Davis, dif . " - bltmoirf . In tli beat vaudevlll. COKHIUANB, undertaker. Thone 1U. For rcnti modern huun. 788 Ith avenua NIGHT SCHOOL at Furyear college. Majestlo rant. F. C DeVol Hdw. Co. Woodrlns; Vnusrtaklng company. Tel. Lewis Cutler, funeral director.- 'Fhon 17. FAUST UBF.R AT KOQEKS' BUFFET. Balrd & Boland, undertakers. 'Ption 111 Expert piano tuning, Hospe. 'Phona S44. Whan you want reliable want ad adver tising, ua The Bee. Diamonds of all etae. t Tight prlc. Enough ald. Leftcrt. Council Bluffs lodg of Elk will meet In regular aeaslon Friday evening. Up-to-date Art Department and Pletur Framing. Borwlck. tU South Main street. Furnlahed largo front room and alcove, modern, near Grand hotel. "O," Omaha Bee, Council Bluff. Winter terra Western Iowa college opena Monday, November 19. Send for catalog. Attend th best achool. Place your orders at once for Christmas Picture framing. Open T:30 to , evenings. C. K. Alexander, 832 Broadway. Marie, 'th JVyear-old daughter of Mr. and Mra. C. 1 (ton, 1218 Tenth avenue, died yeatertU i diphtheria. The fu neral, whlcli. . rlvate, was held yea terday afterm,.... .nerment being In fvlr Vlew cemetery. Mra. Lucy Hoaoh filed suit yesterday for divorce from Oscar Beach, to whom she was married February 8, lvHTT, and from whom aha separated f)ptemter 15, last, on account, a she allege, of his cruel nnd Inhuman treatment, which endangered her Ufa. The preliminary hearing of Floyd Green, charged with the embezzlement of X0 from hi employer, Wallace & Grout, pro prietor of th Bluff City laundry, was continued In Justice Cooper's court yester day until next Tuesday. Oreen secured his release on a cash bond In the sum of $200. Ell Oreen, Indicted on a charge of dis posing of mortgaged property. Is under rrest tn Des Molne and will be brought back to Council Bluffs today by Deputy Hherlff Woolman. Green Is said to have disposed of a phonograph which he pur rhaaed on th Installment plan from a local dau'er before he had paid the amount due on the machine. NEGRO MAKES POOR OETAWAY . Man Seen trader Snapleloa Oream stances QalcUly Followed. Charles P. Wyatt ot Kansas City, a representative of the firm, which handles the loading, and unloading of coal for the Milwaukee railroad placed hi overcoat and grip In the office at the coal chute yesterday afternoon while he went to at tend to some business la th yards, gam Willis, a negro who had been working at the chutes, but had been discharged earlier In the da spied th coat and grip and as . soon as Mr. Wyatt' back was turned made off with them. Borne of the men engaged In handling the coal saw the negro leave the office carrying the Trip and wearing the overcoat and noti fied Mr. Wyatt, who at once started in pursuit of the thief and also tn search of a policeman. Patrolman Allen happened to ' see Willis enter a' pawnshop on Broadway with' th grip and leave without It,' so ho decided to gather the negro in for Investi gation. He had no sooner placed th fellow under' arrest than Mr. Wyatt appeared on th seen. Willi wa made to discard th overcoat which he was still wearing and return to th pawnbroker the I1.B0 which he had obtained on th grip and Its contents. A charge of grand larceny was booked against Willi at 'polio head quarter. BODY FOlftD KEAIt HAYSTACK Hunter Cornea TJpoa One, but Then la No Cln to Identity. Boy Kadel, a young farmer of York town ship, while hunting Tuesday afternoon near the town of Mlndan, made th discovery of th decomposed body of a man lying by th std of a haystack. The body waa di vested of all clothing with the exception of a hlrt and ault of underwear, and th closest search failed to reveal any other clothing In th Immediate vicinity. The body wa completely covered with hay, and thla fact, taken In conjunction with the absence of clothing, lead to th belief that the body may have been placed there. The advanced state of decomposition Indicated that the man had been dead for at least thirty day. An examination of th body failed to show any marks of violence. Justice of th Peace Mlnnehan and Under taker Btuhr took oharge of the body and during, th evening it was-' Interred. The uthorltlea are Investigating, but up to laat evening no clue to the Identity of th dead man had been obtained. Real KUIate , Transfers. These transfer were reported to The Bee December 1 by the Pottawattamie County ' Abstract company of Council Bluffs: Sarah M. Hlmpaon and huxband to W. J. Fruhardt, lot. 18 -in fcitubbe' addi tion to Council Bluffs, w. d I 1,150 Agnea C. Brown and husband to A. A. Clark, lot In block . in Hyatt subdivision in Council Bluffs, w. d.. 11. H. Ashton, single, to Grace F. van Swearlngen, lot 14 In block 14, Beers' subdivision in Council Bluffs, w. d Charlea A. Beno and wife to George Allen, tM ne4 and w4j 4i neii M-76-44, W. d , Thomas G. Green and wife to Charles A. Beno, sw4 ne'A and w eaV nw"4 86-76-44. q. e. d... John Hardin..' widower, to. Robert J. Harding, H H and nt4 sw"4 15-74-3. a. o. d. Hattle E. Siallard. single. . to Edson 1.000 750 6.000 (.000 1,400 Rich, swV w4 ,8iHM4; t sei 31-76-44. w. d.. g.flOO Total, seven transfer.... I27.30C New Otfloera ; Mnsned. Council Bluffs councif ?N6. k&. Knight of Columbus, elected. thfcS officer tor the ensuing year last night: , Grand knight, P. J. McUrlde; deputy, grand knight, C. J. Carey; chancellor, ,Dr. W. Pv Hombach; recorder, Thoirias ' M. ' Delaney; financial secretary. B. H. Spltsnegle; treasurer, Hu bert I- Tlnley; advocate, J. J. . Lenlhan; warden, C. W. McCauley; Inside guard, J. V. Ingoldaby; outside guard, Thomas Kelly; tri-stee, J. W. Clogaton. Here is a Delightful Change YOU hav tried the rttl. Jutt try m package of (he new. tempting rice-Iood. bo much A"" than the bit oi llur breakfast food that you will adopt li (or all time when you and your have cue learned Ita tiaucioua, dititmt flavor. Change tu-dj to Kellogpfs Toasted Rice Flakes crup, appaunnr. ladafylng the latest produot of th great food - laboratories artlliittrd wilb the famoua hatiU Crmh jniunia, Choicest rii-e trains rollod Into transparent films and toaatad lust rich! At Klc rlaket otter U ia Another New Food a delicious rice toast. Serve It alooe. or with kit. biaculL Ask your grocer tor JUuogg'a Tho KatUoauj Tonatod Rio flake Jhtr mmd Trt a C- "" '" i V " .,.rv -Msawv- SWENSOS DOT ON THE TRAIL Postal Inspector Hard at Work After Mabray Men: TWENTY -NINE SO FAS ARRESTED Ninety Indictments "Retsraed by . O rand Jnrr Several Men Ar Known to Be In Canadn '. at Present. . tTp to date th United Ptat authorities hav succeeded In arresting twenty-nin of the ninety alleged member of the J. C. Mabray gang of ''big store" swindler against whom Indlotment wera returned by th federal grand Juries In Council Bluff and Omaha. Of the twenty-nin who have been taken Into custody twelve are held for trial In Omaha and a like number for trio". In Council Bluffs, whll five are held under Indictments In the stat courts. These five. It Is expected, will b taken Into custody under th fed eral Indictments later, unless their trials In the state courts should result In long sentences of imprisonment. Poetofflc Inspector Bwenson, who I keeping close tab on the men arrested, stated yesterday that twenty or more other alleged member of th Mabray syndi cate Included In th blanket I Indictment returned In this city and Omaha' have been traced. Several ar in Canada, whi:) others, who were on the Pacific coast at the . tlm th Indictments were returned, crossed Into British Columbia and are now sojourning there. It Is not expected that the government will make any concerted move to arrest the men now scattered In different part of the country until after the court ha passed upon the questions which ar to be raised by the demurrer to the federal Indictment against Mabray In thla city. Thla demurrer la to b filed with Judge Smith McFherson. Many Ont on Bond. With but few exceptions th men ar rested have succeeded In giving bond and are at liberty. Most of those actually In custody under the federal Indictments aro being held nt different places pending re moval to this city or Omaha. Peveral ar putting tip a strenuous fight to avoid re moval, with prospect of deferring extra dition for several months and ' possibly a year. ' ' ' There la mora or lees mystery surround ing two of th men under arrest under the federal Indictments. The government official declln to make public tho name of these men. They are Included In th Hat of twelve held for trial In Omaha. J. C. Mabray, alleged leader of the syn dicate, top the list of the defendants held under the Indictment returned tn Council B'.uffs. He Is at present In th Polk county Jail In Des Moines. Others held for trial in Council Bluffs are: Ed Leach, Montrose, la.; on bond. T. 8. Robinson, Farmlngton, la.; on bond. Joe E. Wright, Ban Antonio, Tex.; on bond. , Win R. Harris, Seattle; InVJall In Coun cil Bluff. Eddie K, Morris, arrested In Amster dam, N.' Y., on November 13, and now held in Schenectady, N. Y., under order for removal, Louis W. Stowe, arrested In Miles City, Mont; on bond. Leon Loiter, In Jail In Council Bluffs. Ola Marsh, arrested In Seattle; on bond In Council Bluffs and Omaha. Thomas Gay, Streator, 111.; In Jail In Council Bluffs. ' B. Marks, Council Bluffs; on bond. Trials Set for Omaba. Those held for trial In Omaha are: Bert R. Shores, arrested at Seattle: In Jail In Omaha. Harry Forbes of Kenosha, Wis.; on bond. Clarence Forbes of Chicago; on bond. John C. Smith, Streator, 111.; resisting re moval. R. B. Herrlman, Frank W. Brown and E. C. Moore, In Jail In Oakland, Cal., re sisting removal. Clarence Class, Chicago; on bond. Ed McCoy, arrested In Salt Lake City, November 2d; held pending removal. William Scott, on bond. Prank McCall, Isador J. Warner and J. 8. Johnson are held under bond In the tat court at Llttl Rock, awaiting trial on a charge of grand larceny. E. L. Power I held under a state charge In Denver, where bis trial Is set for next Monday. Frank Scott, an alleged steerer for the gang. Is under bond In th dlatrlct court of Council Bluffs, where an Indictment wa returned against him In connection with the "miking"' of John H. Hermnrl brecht of Bancroft, Neb. John R. Dobbins, charged with steering Banker "Buck 'em All" Ballew of Prince ton, Mo., Into the clutches of th gang, whose trial In th district court In this city resulted In his conviction and who Is out on bond pending th hearing on th motion for a new trial, has not been taken Into custody under the federal Indictment. It Is understood he 1 arranging to give bond under the federal Indlotroents. Loaler In Connty Jail. Leon Loxler, the well known footracer of Counoll Bluff, who wa arrested at Battle Mountain, Nev., is still In th county Jail here. Loaler ha a wealthy uncle, who is a banker in this state, but up to date this relative has made no move, so far a is known, to secure Lozler's liberty on bond. At the time Losltr wa under arrest some year ago, charged with "steering" Charlea Gregory and William Barker of thla city Into the rapacious maw of th notorious Webb City gang, this uncle came to th rescue and furnished a bond for Loaler. Loaler Is said to be greatly downhearted over th fallur of his Relative to com to his succor. Edward McCoy, who wa in Battl Mountain at th tlm Loxler waa taken Into custody took to the tail timber, but was recently run to ground by th federal of ficer at Salt Lake City. One Cheek Too Many. Charle PettUohn tried to cash one check too many her yesterday and when John Beno A Co. turned htra down and caused his arrest h confessed to hla previous of fenaea, committed In Colorado Springs. He tried to pas a check alleged to be drawn to brlns out their delicate, nut-liWe rlavor. Rica ia th world'a araatcat foodthe most dlEeatibla and ourlhlne of all careala Toasted Ita moat readily aaaiinUabls form. Toasted Rice Biscuit cream or fruit. Children thrive on Teaated Toasted Kit Fooaa. Large paotagea. 10u. ta Blseult Co Battle Creek. Mich. MnJnrttd by tkt near'co'uncTf Bluff'.. Vnd SCtlinj( IJ lllW Plllll VI ?,". All vvinnauvi said he secured 1110. The paper was drawn upon the First National bank here. New Interurbn from Clarinda to Join Wabash articlei of Incorporation Filed at Dei iloinei for Lino to Bon to Blanchard. ' (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Deo. .-(Speclal.)-The Iowa A Southwestern Railway company of Clarinda was Incorporated today with $300,000 capital, by A. F. Oalloway, W. S. Farquhar, I. H. Taggart, Joseph E. Mc Kinley and others. The purpose Is to build an electric road from Carlnda to a junction with th Wabash at Blanehnrd, going by way of College Pprings. The country is all very rich and wholly with out rail facilities, and It I understood the company is prepared to begin operations quickly. The Eagle Building association of Coun cil Bluff waa . Incorporated today with 165,000 capita: to build a home for the F.agles in that city. - The railroad commission today recolved complaint front th Hawkey Oil company of Waterloo . and Mason City in regard to discrimination In the handling of oil. The company states that the Northwestern and tho Milwaukee railroad companies ac cept oil only three days a week at Mason City, while other road accept ovary day and aH accept every day at Waterloo. It Is also stated that while tho Milwaukee company refuses oil shipments for every day at Mason City It does accept such shipments every day at Dubuque, where the Standard Oil company has a plant. Governor Carroll today set for hearing tomorrow the case' Involving extradition to South Dakota of Tom Walsh and Roy Hill, who are In custody In SIqux City and who ar accused of robbery In th neighboring state. Their attorney asked for a hearing In resistance and it is also stated that if this is refused the courts will be asked to prevent their being taken away from Sioux City. The contract was let today for a new city hall for Des Moines to Wei ta A Son for $301,900. The firm ia a local one. There were fourteen bids, the highest of which was $374,094. On of tha unsuccessful bid der threaten to contest the award on the ground that the bid was not In ac cordance with the advertisement and there waa a difference between the plan of the architects and those of the council. Piece of Meteorite Weighs NearlyTon Two Large Fragments of Heavenly Visitor Found Near Dyers rille, Ia. iDTERSVILLE, Ia., Dec. 2. (Special.) Two big fragments of th meteorite, which, when screeching through the sky over this section of th state Monday night, and while near here, exploded with a loud crash, have been found. On section, a foot In diameter, was found ImBedded in the ground a mile west of here, and the other piece, an Immense formation weigh ing about a ton, has been located near Man chester. As the large piece struck the ground houses nearby were shaken. People both here and in Manchester and Dubuque saw the meteorite, and many heard th explosion when It split asunder. Those who did not see th flying red-hot missile, but who heard th sound of the explosion, thought dynamite had been set off dose by. CRESTON HAS FRUIT SHOW Larsjo Attendance and Good Addresses by Growers. CRESTON, Ia., Deo. 8. (Speclal.) Desplte unfavorable weather conditions here yesterday, the fruit and flower ex hibit of th Horticultural association, opened with a good attendance and a big display. Twenty-three counties of the southwest part of th state are represented In this' association, and many fruit grower are represented and some have on display a high aa 136 plate of fruit. E. J. Sawyer, a florist of this city, has a magnificent display of cut flowers and plants on ex hibition also. Today's program consisted of an address on "National Horticultural Congress," J. P. Hess, Council Bluffs; "Farm Orchard ing," E. B. Gay. Grlswold; "Woman's Horticultural Work," Mis Minnie- A.very, Council Bluffs; "Spraying," E. P. Spen cer", Randolph and D. W. Laotaplech, Woodbine; "Latest Experiments In Spray ing," Prof. S. A. Beach, Ames; "Apples to Eat and Apples to Sell," A. T. Fllcklnger, Council Bluffs; ' "Lawn and Door Tard Flowers," Miss Edith Betchel, Hamburg; "Hired Help In Horticultural Operations and Work," discussion. . "Talks on Apples," by A. Swort, Woodbine; Dr. A. P. Han chett, Council Bluffs; M. Pugsley, Wood bine; "Cut Flowers,' E. J. Sawyer, Creston; "Best Sweet Apple for Horn Use," M. J. Wragg, Des Moines. Marshalltown Defeats Fraaokias. MARSHALLTOWN, Ia., Dec. $. (Spe cla'..) In on of the most bitter municipal election this city has ever passed through, which waa held Monday, the people by a vote of 1,412 tq, 607 refused to grant to Darling & Schroeder of Chicago, elec tricity, ga and street railway franchises to run twenty-five years. Th principal reason the franchise were defeated was because there was a wall defined belief that Darling & Schrocdar were. In fact, Jones & Hovey, owners of the present frsnchlses for these utilities. Th latOr's franchisee expire in eight years. The campaign was marked by personalities and bitter Incrimination. Mayor Ingledue and a majority of th city council favored the franchisee. No sooner was the election over than F. O. Pierce, former mayor and Secretary of the Iowa League of Munlifalltlee, began "to circulate a petition asking for a special lctl6n to vote on municipal ownership. Iowa Notes. HAMPTON Five drugfdets of thla city and other town of Franklin county war indicted by th grand Jury, which reported yesterday, for soiling Intoxicating liquor contrary to law. Thoae indicted were Harry Arthur, E. M. Funk and John J. Marechall of thla city; C. A. Aageaou of Coulter, and John Rallhan of Latimer. Rellhait pleaded guilty and waa fined $JX) and coats today. The other will contest thvlr caaea. NEVADA Alarmed by the prolonged ab eeooe of hla s-year-old daughter, whom he had aent for the mail which had bean left by the rural carrier, B. J. Hit land, a wt'l known farmer ot near McCallaburg, found the child lying face downward in the muddy road. As tie approached her ah apparently made an effort to arise. Whan th father pkked the girl up ah waa dead. The child had never been strong nnd in addition wa a victim of epilepsy. Be Want Ad Ar n Best Business BuOKtsra. Y, J. C. A. BUILDING OPEN New Home Inspeoted by the Fnblio the First Time. OMAHA MEN ASSIST IN FUNCTION Atklett Stoats Were Gtvea by Way of Exhibition Member ship Roll Grows Larger. Th magnificent new home of the Toung Men's Christian association at the comer of First avenue and Seventh street was thrown opn last evening for the Inspection of th public a It will be Friday and Sat urday I evening. Entertaining programs have been arranged for the threa evenings and on Sunday the building will be dedi cated with befitting exercises. The reoeptlon to the general publl6 last evening was from T to 10 o'clock and the visitors were received and shown through the bulldlnff by the members of Uie Board of Directors of the association and their wives. Mrs. F. J. Day and Mra Joe W. Smith presided over the punch bowl on the second floor, while the young women of the Flower Mission and the Smart Set served refreshments In "the Spa" on the main floor. Whaley's orchestra, furnished the music during the reception; and followlnK a brief Informal program there was an exhibition of various athletlo and other stunU in the gymnasium and swimming pool. The swimming experts from the Omaha Toung Men's Christian association gave some novels feats In the water and will exemplify all the methods of swimming and will also give an exhibition of fancy diving and other aquatlo feats. This team Is composed of J. P. Wendell, C. Wendell, William Westlund, R, Woodruff, L. Swan son and I. A. Rosengren. In the afternoon from 4 to S o'clock the pupils from the Bloomer, Washington Ave nue and Pierce street schools were ad mitted to the building and shown the vari ous departments and features. This was the program for today: Prosrrana la Detail. From 4 to 6 p. m. Reception to pupils from Bloomer, Washington Avenue and Pierce Street public schools. From 7 to 10 p. m. General reception. In strumental music. Pianola program. Omaha "Y" Male quartet. Keynote talks. J. P. Bailey, state secretary of Nebraska, ana otners. , Gymnasium: Indoor bane ball, Omaha "Y" against Council Bluffs "Y." Exhibi tion wrestling match. Game of volley ball. Swimming pool: Exhibition program by Omaha "Y" Swimming club. Boys' department: Phonograph program. Program of parlor games. At the supper tendered the "membership rooters" at the First Baptist ohurch last evening, Chairman C. A. Chapman an nounced that an enrollment of 650 had been reached. It Is the intention to continue the canvass during the remainder of the week, and there appear to be little doubt but the. desired number of 700 charter members will be obtained. Up to date the team headed by W. E. McConnell has secured the larg: est number of members, but other teams are running it closa and an exciting con test is looked for during th next three days. , . i , Pierce Pleads Technicality Oil King Cites Statute of Limitations and that Notary Who Took Affi davit is Woman. AUSTIN, Tex., Deo. I After f ling a plea of Immunity on the grounds that the statute of limitations had operated against the prosecution, attorneys for. H. Clay Pierce, head of tho Waters-Pierce OH com pany, made a second important move late today In their efforts to bring to quick termination the trial of their client on a Charge of false swearing. The second move was the objection raised to the lntroduc tlon of the affidavit on which the charge Is based. The objection to the affidavit Is based on the grounds that It waa acknowledged before Miss N. M. Nagal, who, on aocount of her sex, is incompetent to act as a notary public JAIL SERVICE FOR COSTS LEGAL IN SOUTH DAKOTA Hollas; by Attorney General Pots New I'hase on Sectloa of Crim inal Law. PIERRE. S. D., Deo. t (Special.) Attor ney General Clark has given an opinion on request of States Attorney Anderson of Day county, which, If sustained by the courts, will be a hard blow to Illegal liquor selling and other offenses against the law which carry with fines for such offenses, costs of th case. In that county a con viction was sequred In a case of Illegal liquor selling and th penalty was a fine ot M and costs, the total amount being $129.60. The question raised In his query by States Attorney Anderson was the power of th court to Include Imprisonment for failure to pay costs as well aa for failure to pay the fine Imposed. The attorney gen eral. In a lengthy opinion on the subject, holds that the weight of authorlty-cn th question Is that such penalty can be im posed. He holds that imprisonment for costs would In no way violate th bill of rights In th state constitution, and that such aotlon Would b valid. In a great many petty criminal cases In this state the party convicted serves out his fine, .but Is released as soon as that Is done, on the theory that he cannot be compelled to serve Jail time for costs. But this stand of th attorney general puts the situation In a dif ferent light. Heating ftew t'apltot. PIERRE, S. D., Dec. 1 (Special.) The heating plant at th new capllol ha been started, and the structure Is now being steam heated. There appears to b a ques tion whether the state or the contraotor is to stand the expenses of heating, which will be settled at a meeting of the capltol commission next week. In the meantime the state la paying for tha coal As the heating of th new building will make about three month difference In the time of Its completion, and all parties concerned desire to get the work finished aa early as possible. It Is not likely that th ques tion will b hard to adjuat when the com mlasloa and contractor meet to talk It over. . Pardons Ilroorauaended. PIERRE, 8. P.. Deo. I (Special Tele gram.) The State Pardon board in a meet ing this availing recommended pardons for Frank Fttxpatrlck of Spink county, sen tenced for a statutory offense; Charles Veotllng, from Fall River, on a robbery charge; Frank Matte Jouaky of Stanley, grand laioeny,. and James Moylen of tlplnk county, on a forgery charge. Heoolaltlooa Uraoted- riERRE. 8. D.. Dec. I Speclal Gov ernor V ' has granted rsqaUUiuu on 24TP, and L STS., SOUTH MAMA SELLS FliniHTllilE 20 DEL017 PHAIIA P01CES GET OUR PRICES on CARPETS and RUGS L- 9x12 Brussels Rug 9x12 Velvet Rug 9x12 Axminster Rug .V " '. ' " ' ' MTV. li Lowest Prices Tomorrow a complete TheChri of the ( Court All kinds of pretty and useful Christmas presents Luncheon 11:30 to 2 p. hi. every day. Sandwiches Doughnuts and Coffee, 20c EVERY ONE CORDIALLY th governor of Iowa for Henry Deam and John Walsh, who are both wanted In Ham lin county ou a charge of burglary. Both nwn are helntr held In Sioux City for the South Dakota officers aa soon as th proper Mayor Tries Hand with Bow Omaha's Executive Does Not Take Prize at Fiddling Contest at Nebraska City.. NEBRASKA CITY,' Neb., Dec. 1 Spec)al Telegram.) When Home waa burning, Nero fiddled. When the fiddlers of three atatea met here In a contest to decide their ability. Mayor Dahlman of Omuhaj tried to play the "Arkansas Traveler." The city Is still intact. When Mayor Dahlman arrived at the Overland theater tonight to hear the ef forts of various experts with the bow, ha was called to the stag and after a brief Jolly of the crowd, voloes from the gal lery demanded that he try his skill. H told the 1.2UU peuple, who gathered, that his father long ago tried to induce him to play th violin, but he had neglected thla iart of hi education sadly. The crowd ln sbutd and he made a vain effort to pro duce the familiar tune. Klddlers from ferclval. Hamburg, Ia., and Uiuersvllle, Julian, Dunbar, Weeping Water, Union and Nebraska City In Ne braska, twenty-four in all, did their beht with old Jigs. Charles W. Coles of Harp burg, Ia., drew a fine violin as a prlz and Mr. Williams of I'erclval, Ia., draw $10 In money. Thirty-eight prise in all were dis tributed. After the contea . the Lincoln and i Omaha delegations wera enieriainea at Eagles hU by the Eagles and Elks. Dano- ,n( was enjoyed. Mayor Dahlman leading the grand march. B want-ad ar business booateis. julAllJ L 4.00 Oak Stand f 71 Combination Bookcase and Desk Empire Finish With Mirror atf on Useful Holiday Presents stmas-Fair Churche Open 10 a m. to 6 p. of The Bee Building Tomorrow and Saturday First Congregational Lowe Avenue Presbyterian December 6 th and 7th First Methodist Church Clifton Hill Presbyterian CHICAGO SUBWAY IN COURT Eeceivers Appointed for Companies Owing Under Ground Taxes. DEFAULT ON INTEREST ON BONDS Proeeetiltnsja Are laltlal Step to Scheme , of Reoreraalsatloa of ' Computes and Completion of Taaaela, CHICAGO, Dec. Juos C. C. Kohlsaat In th United State Circuit court nre yesterday appointed reoelver for the Illinois Tunnel company and the Chicago Ware hr.iuA tin A Terminal cumnnnv. which ar controlled by the 150,000,000 Chicago Subway company. David K. Forgan, president of the Na tional City bank, and Charle O. Dawea, president of the Central Trust company of Illinois, wer named a receivers for the Illinois Tunnel company. Edwin A.Votter, president of th American Trust and Sav ing bank, waaglen Jh receivership of the Chicago Warehouse & Terminal com pany, .j Th companle went Into receivership after two Indumenta had been rendered agalnat them In favor of the Corporation Trust company. The Judgment againai me Winhnuu rural an V waa for !3,to6,7m.6l and that agalnat the Tunnel company, 129,128 64. The Tunnel company include in li. nmsnluilon th Illlnola Telephone and Construction comyany, which alao 1 af fected by the recelverahlp. The recalverahlp I the Initial tep In a plan to reorganise the two companies under friendly terms. A reorganisation committee, will enter upon the task of carrying to completion the tunnel and Ita connecting enterprise it was stated tonight. Th yursonue! of thla company will be an 1 I j 00.75 014.6O 517.50 Well made, full sixed Steel Couch $2.90 U7W.-.'".5 ;. High grade Steel aaa rrj Range, 4-bola . . . iC.LuUJ 6-hole $24.50 STOTXB IOU) OS Fi-TSCEHTB. new stock s m. WELCOME nounced from New York within a day. Reorganization waa made necessary be cause th bond limit for the Tunnel com- pany had been reached. NEW YORK, Deo. I.-Nw thai reeeiwra had been appointed for two companies con trolled by th Chicago Subway company caused no surprise In New York, In fact, receivership proceedings had been expected since the announcement that the company had failed to meet the Interest now due on It S17,X),000 of first lien 6 per cent bonds. After the announcement of the default, the stock of the company slumped to a new level of Shi on the curb, but rallied at tha close, with a net loss for th dayl of only, K point. It was generally reported that a com mittee representing the different Interest of the company had been appointed to reorganize the property. DKATTY GKTS KLttTltlO SHOOK Blair Mas Is Barely Saved from . Death.' BLAIR, Neb., Dec. 1 (Special Tele gram.) What might hav be.n a fatal acci dent happened to E. S. Beatty, a bridge contraotor, thla afternoon when the wires of the Independent Telephone company came In contact with the electric light com pany' wlr and aet fir to 'the residence of James Maher. Tno telephone wire parted, one end falling to the ground. Mr. Beatty picked It up and received th full shock of the eleotrlo company' main wire, and when separated from th wlr wa to all appearance dead. Dr. Fee readied the Injured man In a few mlnutea, and he' waa finally revived after being unoon acloua for nearly three hours. HI hand la severely burned and may be permanently Injured. In many places In the city th ' telephone wires are strung on the eleotrlo Wire poles, which Is considered dangarous. Dansersaa Sorgrery In theabdomlnal region la prevented by the use of Dr. Klng'a New I.lfe I'llla, the pam leaa purifiers, tba. Tor sale by Beaton' Drug Co.