Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1909, Image 1

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    Only 19 Shopping Days
Till Christmas
For Nebraska Ruin or snow.
For Iowa Hnln or snow.
For w ont tier report kpp pap t.
vol. xxxix-xo. r:s 1.
Kaval Forces of the United States Are
Being Moved Toward Both Coasts
of Central America.
Force of About 1,500 Marines to Be
Concentrated There.
Su' 'c Shot
P. V 'y Fatal
:s. Marlcy
Guy Marley of Missouri Valley Held
for Frightful Wound Inflicted
by Shotgun.
State Commission Tries to Secure
Wayne Normal Property for
Sixty Thousand Dollars.
Chief O'Connor Orders All Day Patrol
men to Remain on Duty Until
10:30 Each Evening.
" ...
Rear Admiral Sails for Colon, Where
He Will Direct Operations.
lie Keln-ratra II la Belief that He M'as
i Justified In KirmllnR Amerl
ran Vice Consnl (uldera
Still on Duty.
WASHINGTON. Dee. 2. Naval forces of
the United States arc being moved forward
:night to both coasts of Central America
to protect American Via and property In
Nicaragua by force of arms. If the neces
sity arises With the departure this after
noon from Philadelphia of the troopship
Frafrle with 700 marines aboard for the
Isthmus of Panama, and. If It be so de
creed, for Nicaragua, and of the sailing
from Miigdalena bay of the protected
cruiser Albany and the gunboat Yorktown
for Corlnto, (in the coast of Nicaragua, the
activity of the Navy department was be
coming manifest on both oceans that wash
the Nlcaraguan shores.
Besides, the cruisers Des Moines and
Tucoina and the gunboat Marietta are lying
off Tor? Llmon, Costa Rica, ready for any
call upon tn,m. and the guns of the little
guiiboat Vlckshurg are pointed toward the
customs houxe and town vt Corlnto. The
gunboat Princeton Is endeavoring to make
Its way from the Bremerton navy yard.
Washington, to Corlnto also.
Hear Aduilrnl Kimball In Charge.
With the probability of many delicate
questions arising In Nicaragua and of their
demanding Immediate response, the Navy
department decided to send a flag officer
to Nicaragua to take command of the
American naval forces. Rear Admiral Wil
liam W. Kimball was chosen for that duty.
He sailed for Colon, Panama, today. He
will make his way from there to Corlnto,
doubtless, as rapidly as possible. Admiral
Kimball has been a member of the naval
boards of examinations and retirements and
of construction for more than a year.
The concentration of the four warships
together with tho Buffalo, witn all Its
murines, at Corlnto Is taken to Indicate
the determination of tho' officials hcrc-4
be ablo to meet any call upon them for the
protection of American citirens. On the
Albany are about 2M) blue Jackets and
on th Vlcksburg. Yorktown and Princeton
about IW each. . These, together with the
murines, would make an army of over 1,600
...WI..I. .,111 . i 1 , n t r nruuni.ntliin r.
ported to be serving under Zelaya.
Although Secretary Knox In his note last
night to the Nlcaraguan charge, Mr.
Roderlgurz, Intimated that he would be
wlillng to see that gentleman unofficially,
tho permission has .not yet been taken ad
vantage of.
Having broken off diplomatic relations
with Nicaragua It is understood to be the
government's purpose at present to main
tain a position of watchfulness and prepar
edness Tor any eventuality.
The government Is in a position to scire
Corlnto or to take other offensive uctlon
BhiivW the situation seem to warrant and
Bhi...d such a step be found necessary it
will bo prompt and deolslve.
Insurgent Are Rejoicing.
There Is rejoicing today In the ranks of
the Nlcaraguan insurrectionary purty and
corresponding gloom among the friends
of President Zslaya, over the ultimatum
handed down yesterday by tho United
'States to the Nlcaraguan government In
the note Which accompanied the passports
delivered by Secretary of State Knox to
Felipe Rodrlguex, charge d' affaires of
the Nlcaraguan legation.
The strength of the note and Its personal
tone are the subjects of comment In diplo
mats circle.
It Is generally recognised that the United
States has decided the time has coma to
put an end to further attacks on American
life and Interests In Central America.
The far reaching effect of the note Is
matter of especial comment. The fact that
President Zelaya Is apparently to be held
responsible for the shooting of the Amer
leans, Croc and Cannon, and that the note
intimate that Zelaya Is the culprit, adds
a sting to the matter.
Concealed In the vigorous note directed
by Secretary Knox Is seen a warning to
the Central American republics that they
must behave and conduct themselves as
other republics In the western hemisphere
conduct themselves. This and the direct
announcement that the United States In
tends to see the family of western repub
ilea Uvea harmoniously is believed by dip
lomats to be epochal.
Prairie Sails (or Colon?
PHILADELPHIA, Dec. t-Flylng the
pennant of Rear Admiral William Wirt
Kimball, the transport Prairie, with 700
marines on board left the Philadelphia
navy yard at 1:45 p. m. for the Panama
Canal lone and possibly NIcaYagua, When
asked where he was going. Hoar Admiral
Kimball replied that he was about to
take a "little sail with Captain Kellogg on
the Prairie. I am going down to look things
over." he addd.
Where Is down?" he was asked.
"My papers say Colon." was his answer
Zelaya la Sarprleed.
MANAGUA. Nicaragua, Deo. I. The ac
tion of the American secretary of state In
tiwiuissing Sanor Felipe Kodrlgues, the
Nlcaraguan charge d'affaires at Washing
ton. has greatly surprised President Ze
laya, who reiterates today bis belief tha
th Nicaragua government waa Justified
in executing the Americana, Uroce and
Chnnon, who were affiliated with tha revo
lutlonlats. Zelaya will take no action until
lie has received further Information on
the subject and learns definitely the Inten
tlons of the United State.
The American vie consul, Mr. Caldera,
who Is a Nlcaraguan by birth, but a nat
tit a I ire J American citisen, Is still at the
consulate, atendlng to his duties. In th
opinion of President Zelaya, Caldera syni
pathlie with the opposition party and
close watch haa been kept on him al
tnuugn mere nn Deen no attempt to re
train him In any way. Zelaya also ex
, , res.e th belief that that In ail proba
blllty Consul Caldera' representation
have shown partiality In favor of the jlov
eruwsnt T&
MISSOURI VALLEY, la.. Dec. 2.-(Spv
clal Telegram.) Guy Marley this afternoon
filed a shot which tore off the right arm
of his jttcp-mother at the shoulder. Mrs.
Marley will probably die. Marley Is In
Jail here possibl. facing a charge of
At 3 o'clock this afternoon the residents
of the farm house of George Weatherly,
three miles from this city, were horrified
to hear Mrs. Marley's younger son, a boy,
S years, declare breathlessly, "My brothtr
has killed my mother."
A few minutes later Mrs. Marley stag
gered Into the home. She had reeled and
stumbled the mile between her home and
the eWatherlys. following the shooting.
A physician was summoned and he Im
mediate ly amputated Mrs Marley's arm
at the shoulder. It h:id bren all but
Fevered by the shot, which came from a
shotgun fired a few feet from her.
In agonized accents Mrs. Marley told of
the shooting:
"Guy came home from Dow City this
atftrnoon with Ira Brundldge and the two
had a Jug of whisky. They and my hus
band began drinking together and all three
became somewhat Intoxicated. I scolded
them and Guy fired at me.
"I ran out of the house, the little boy
ahead of me."
Officers went out from here to tho Mar
Members Will Probably Raise Bid to
Seventy Thousand.
Mrs. Pile, Through Attorney, Says
Sum is Far Too Low.
Legislative Act tilves Donrd U I so re.
tlon Trip to Northern Nebraska,
on Northwest School
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Dec. 2. (Special Telegram.)
I he State Normal board has offered
the owners of the Wavne Normal school
$60,000 for the buildings nnd grounds.
The offer was refused and the board ad
journed until tomorrow morning, when It
is probable the offer will be raised to
The legislature appropriated $90,000
with which to buy the school and a com
mittee selected by the legislature lnvestl-
ley farm and after some difficulty, man-lthnt amount n ,,. .m. nu,in.
aged to get Guy Marley out of the house lvalue as high as IlBo!oOO.
He pretended not to have known what
had occurred. But his last words before
hi irg locked up were:
"Was she badly hurt?"
Marley, It Is said, attacked hiB father
some months ago nnd cut him badly. He
la 28 years of age, Mrs. Marley Is 45.
Shoshone Dam
Nearincr Finish
i x
Structure Reaches Elevation of 270
Feet Work on Owl Creek
Embankment Shut Down.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Doc. 2.-Fpeclal Tele
gram.) Tho constructing engineer In
chargo of tho Shoshone dam In Wyoming
reports that this structure has now reached
n elevation of 270 feet or within flftv-
Ight foot of the parapet, leaving about
.000 cubic yards of concrete to be nlacerf.
The settlement of the Shoshone project
proceeding satisfactorily, nine farms
avlng been. lied upon dui-tng the month
f November. The growth' of new towns
n this project Is also very encouraging.
i ne project engineer on the Bel Fourche
project In South Dakota reports that work
n the Owl creek embankment has been
shut down. The cement block nvln
this embankment Is now ohn lo...
roin next spring's floods. At the nresent
tlmo the embankment contains 1,421.000
cuhuc ards and Is about 87 per cent com
peted. This structure Is one of tho world's
highest earthen emhrnkmcnts, having a
otai length of fi,200 feet and a maximum
height of lir feet.
Senator Purkett expressed great satisfac
tion today over an order Issued In "behalf
of the settlers along the Pathfinder ditch
n western Nebraska. Under the law and
previous order of the department the first
tistallment of the assessment would he
due December 1. The settlers reanesierl
through the senator an extension of time,
which was granted until April I 1910. This
will give the farmers a chance to realize
on their crops and enable them to meet
payments that they might other Is,, be
unable to make.
When the board made Its offer of $80,-
000 Mrs. Pile, the owner, plainly showed
her disappointment. Through her repre
sentative, ex-Senator Bressler, she said
she owed more than that on the school
and could not therefore accept the offer.
She said she was carrying Insurance on
the school to the amount of $93,000.
Senator Bressler was Informed that
probably trie town of Wayne would be
willing to contribute toward buying the
school If Mrs. Pile' did not want to ac
cept the offer made. It required a hard
fight on the part of friends of Mrs. Pile
to get the appropriation bill through the
legislature, us other privately owned nor
mal schools opposed It, as well as did
others who desired the normal school es
tablished elsewhere. But after a careful
; inspection of the property the legislature
lapproprlated $90,000 for Its purchase ,or
so much thereof aa would be necessary.
Northwest Normal Next.
The State Normal board will start out on
its tour of inspection of northwest Ne
braska towns January 3, with the Idea cf
selecting a location for the new state
normal school. This was decided at the
meeting this afternoon, at which the prop
ositions from five towns were received and
read. The towns filing applications for
the school were Alnsworth, Crawford,
Chndron, Gordon -and .Alliance. Each filed
a bond to guarantee the state eighty acres
of land for the school - and, In addition,
Chadron offered a school building valued
at $20,000 now located on a tract of land
near the city limits.
This proposition raised the question as to
whether the legislature Intended the board
to secure Just the eighty acres of land or
whatever else It could In addition. Repre
sentative Chase, the author of the bill. In
formed the board that It was the Intention
of the legislature simply to secure the
eighty acres of land and locate the school
where It would best serve the Interests of
tho statV.
Representatives of the various tovns, ex
cept Gordon, were present and cordially In
vited the board to Inspect their proposi
tions. H. S. Jarvls and C. F. Howe spoke
for Alnsworth, Ira E. Tash and C. A.
Newberry for Alliance, Senator Reynolds
for Chadron and Representative Chase for
O'Neill has as yet filed no proposition,
hut the hecretary of the board was In
structed to communicate with Secretary
Graham of the defunct board and see If he
has any other propositions filed with him.
Mr. Graham has been sending down the
propositions Just as the towns order him
to do so. He got the Crawford proposition
,to the board this morning.
r-BJ Vt Maf.
From the Philadelphia Record.
Columbus Woman Formally Accused
of Killing Erder.
Complaint la File at ftH. Lonla Fol
lowing Report 'of Chemist and
Woman Will Be Taken
There at Once.
Senator llurkett Gets Order for
Free Service East of
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Dec. 2. (Special Tele
gram.) Senator llurkett today secured at
the Postofflee department an order for the
establishment of a rural free delivery
route east of Lincoln between Holdrege
and Randolph streets, with two deliveries a
day. The route will be thirteen miles long
and covere a territory Just outside of the
corporate limit of Lincoln. Some time
since, the department discontinued the star
route service through Normal to College
View and this left a good many families,
Including Tabitha Home, without any mall
service. Senator Burkett's success today
gives them the same service a most of the
residential section of the city.
Representative Klnkald arrived in Wash
ington today and ha taken for the win
ter his former apartments at Congress hall.
Work Ahead of
Thomas Dawson
Kansas Boy Killed Because
Did Not Get I'p When
l Called.
SALINA. Kan., Dec. I At Llndsborg.
Gilbert Lindshold, the S-year-old on of
Blase In Business District Doe
Damnsre Estimated nt Three
Hundred Thousand Dollars.
BALTIMORE, Dec. 2-Flre broke out to
night In a building in South 8harp street,
within a block and a half of the point of
origin of the great fire of 1904. It spread
rapidly and within a short time had done
damage estimated at from $150,000 to $200,000.
In Its spread the fire Involved the estab
lishments of many shoe dealers and house
furnishers. The flames Jumped a narrow
alley In tha rear and gained a momentary
foothold In a big building occupied by a
dry goods firm. Later the total loss was
estimated at $300,000.
Holdings In Equitable Life Insurance
Company Mar Be Sold to
NEW YORK. Dec. J The Evening Post
this afternoon says: It was learned today
that a proposition might be submitted soon
to the trustees of the Equitable Life Assur
ance society for terminating the trust
agieement of June 15, l'KK, by which Thomas
F. Ryan's holdings of Equitable Life stock
were turned over In trust to the late Urover
Cleveland, Morgan J. O'Brien and George
Westlnghouse. At the same time It was
ST. LOUIS, Dec. I. (Special Telegram.)
The circuit attorney has refused a war
rant for the arrest of Dr. Doxey a hi
wife's accomplice alleged in poisoning of
W. J. Erder. one of her alleged husbands,
but has began the Investigation. Erder'
sister allege that Mrs. Doxey proposed
that Miss Erder marry Doxey.
LINCOLN, Neb., Dec. 2. The attorneys
for Mrs. Dora E. Fuller Doxey of Col
umbus, have notified Governor Shallen
berger that they will resist the requisition
for her return to Missouri on a charge of
It is charged that Mrs. Doxey married
both William Erder and Dr. Loren Doxey.
Erder died and $3,200 life Insurance policy
Is Involved In the extradition.
ST. LOUIS, Dec. I. That white a-senlc
placed in his food by his bride of loss than
three months caused the death of 'William
J. Eider on July 10 Is the allegation against
Mrs. Dora E. Doxey of Columbus, Neb., in
a warrent issued oy circuit Aiiorney s.
D. Jones of St. Louis. The document
charges her with murder In the first degree.
The warrant followed the r?port to the
coroner of Dr. W. H. Warren, dean of the
medical faculty of Washington university,
who tested the viscera of Erder's exhumed
This is the second criminal charge to be
lodged against Mrs. Doxey within twenty
four hours, she having been arrested last
night for her alleged bigamous marriage to
Immediately after the Issuance of the
warrant charging murder Sergeant Wade
Matthews left direct for Columbus with a
certified copy of the document.
Dr. Warren' report state that arsenic
was found In the stomach, liver, kidneys,
spleln and pancreas. He adds that he
tested the embalming fluid used on Erder's
corpse, but discovered no trace of the poi
son In It. A supplementary report Is to be
Issued by Dr. Warren and Coroner Baron
of St. Louis has announced that when this
Council Bluffs Man Will Find Much
to Do with Central American
WASHINGTON, Dec. 2. (Special Tele
gram.) About the busiest man In the pub
llo service of Uncle Sam during the com
ing winter will be Thomas C. Dawson of
Council Bluffs, the new chief of the bu
reau of Latin-American affairs In the
State department. V". Dawson Is now on
his way home from Chile, having given
up his post as minister to that country
when he was recalled to become head of
the Latin-American bureau. When he ar
rives In Washington Mr. Dawson will find
Central American affairs demanding Us at
tention and his expert knowledge of both
Latin-American affairs and the intricacies
of diplomatic process. He will in all prob
ability find, also, that the Chilean claims
negotiation will still need some manage
ment. There are matters pending In the rela
tions of this government to both Colombia
and the Panama republlo, which will be
coming to the critical point within the
next few months, if expectations are real
ized. Cuba Is getting its International af
fairs Into more and more menacing condi
tions all the time, and the. possibility of
another American intervention continues to
be more and more frankly recognized.
Big Assurance Society Passes Into
Control of Banking House.
It 1 . Subject to Votlnc Trust
Agreement, Which Expire Next
June If Not Re.
Report that Imported Men Are Acting
as Officers Being Investigated.
Railroad Officials Say Conditions Will
Be Normal Within Week.
They Say I.lttle Freight 1 Moving
nnd Trainmen Will Not Aid
Itoads More Kaetoriea
Are Idle.
NEW YORK, Dec. 2. Control of the
Equitable Life Assurance society, which
was secured by Thomas F. Ryan soon
after the Insurance scandals of some years
ago, has passed to J. Plerpont Morgan
with the $472,000,000 of assets which the
company declared In its last statement.
The transfer apart from Its magnitude as
a chapter In the history of finance, marks
a complete reversal of the old order under
which the Insurance companies controlled
the destlntnles of the banks and trust
News of the transfer was contained In
the following brief statement Issued fronj
the office of Morgan & Company.:
"Mr. Morgan has bought the majority of
the stock of the Equitable Life Assurance
society, formerly owned by Thomas F.
Ryan. This purchase Is subject to the
(Continued on Second Page.)
A Last Word in Regard to Circulations
John LlnilshnltV was uhi-w utiA IrlllA! w i .. . . , .,
, . j icMuru Bieu inai negotiations were under
his lS-year-old brother. Lawrence, because way for the sale of the Ryan holdings of
he did not get out of bed Immediately when ' Equitable Life stock to one of the highest
banking Interests In the city.
Child's Love for Papa May
Deter Mamma's Prosecurion
"And a little child shall lead them."
Th love of Bernlc Blackstt. ( years of
age, for her father may save Waiter
Blac-Wett from prosecution, by his first
wife, for bigamy.
The little child, who his' been living with
her mother, 1 fond of bur father and
manifested this love In pretty way when
the hearing to vacate the divorce decree
was en.
Mrs. Blacken noticed this and It Is said
to have softened her heart somewhat
toward th man to th extent, at least,
that she m considering whether she ought
to try to send th father f th baby to
J th ptaitBUlui y,
But Mr. Blackett (No. 1) will fight hard
when the original sdit for divorce comes
up agiln before Judge Estelle.
Blackett I the plaintiff and his real wife
will enter no cross-bill, hut will endeavo.
to have Blackett denied a decree.
"She also will aeek," said M. o. Cun .hi
ham, her attorney, "to make BUi keit p...
for separate maintenance.
Mr. blackett counsel Is going after tlu
pent-Ion which lilackett 1 dralng as a
veteran of the Spdiilsh-Amerlran war. and
will endeavor to have It diverted for the
benefit of Bemlce Blackett.
Blackett ha never been unwilling to
support th baby, but h and Its Mother
siiubbled over bow ha was to do It.
(Continued on Second Page.)
Christmas shop
ping will be easier
if you look over
the Christmas
Hints on the first
want ad. page.
A person likes to get away
from t ho old stereotyped
things in tho way of Christma8
pu'i'fiiti-. ion will find many
t;ii:u.'r tio;.s (.id of the ordi
nary v this column. It will
pay you to cut out this list and
consult it freely.
Have you read tha want ads yt
The World-Herald, knowing that It ha
no reputation for veracity, Is making
frantic effort to get some reputable mer
chant to put the stamp of a good reputa
tion on Its circulation.
The fact that one of Its advertising solic
itor circulated the petition begging for the
few signature obtained and the fact that
Hayden Bros, have repudiated their sig
nature, which was published by the World
Herald, shows how far they are In need.
It is to be hoped that the World-Herald
has gotten Its records Into better shape
than when, but a few years ago, It sub
mitted a list ol Its alleged subscribers to
the city council to show 6,000 paid sub
scriptions In Omaha, required by law, for
the official paper. It Is a matter of record
of the city council, afterward reviewed
by the district court, and 1 a matter of
court record that th World-Herald was
unable to submit a list of fc.OuO paying sub
scribers, and that the list, which they did
submit, contained names of people who were
proved to be not subscribers to the World
Herald; that addresses were Included
where no one lived, and of people who had
moved away. It also transpired that the
footings submitted were raised aUive the
number of the actual names on the lists.
It Is no wonder that such a publication
needs this sort of help.
As for The Bee circulation, every adver
tiser has always had a standing Invita
tion to Investigate, and all books bearing
on circulation may be examined. by the ad
vertiser at any time.
It takes no expert to' understand The
Bee' bookkeeping, because nothing 1
Juggled or concealed.
The Bee does not propose, however, to
let representatives of competing news
papers paw over Its books and acoounts
any more than Hayden Bros, would let
the Brandeis go Into their Invoices and
customers' accounts, or the llaitman fur
niture company would give the People'
tor access to it contract.
ST. TAt'L. Dec. 2.-Chief John J. O'Con-
ncr of the police department practically
admitted thnt lie considered the strike.
condition situation serious today when he
ssued orders requesting all members of
his day force to stay on duty at Central
station until 10:110 In the evening.
The order goes Into effect tonight and
will continue until all danger of a clash
between th strikers and the strikebreak
ers Is ended.
Severa". conferences between the chief
and officials of the railroads havt been
held today.
According to the railroad officials the
beginning of the end of tho switchmen's
strlko Is In sight. One prominent offlclnl,
who has been active In mnnaglng the
strike, said today that the railroads were
handling 30 per cent of all business of
fered. "We are employing new men as fast as
they come, and we are moving a large
amount of package freight. In a week
the public will not know that there Is a
strlko on among the switchmen."
Between 200 and 900 men arrived today
from Chicago and were distributed about
St. Pn.ul, Minneapolis and Duluth. The
railway managers claim they ran get
plenty of men to take tho place of the
switchmen and that some of the men
now on hand are experienced switchmen.
Some will bo placed at work In the yards
and others will be utilised aa guards.
Five switch engines were working In
the L'nlon depot yards earlv today and
others were expected to be put In com
mission when needed.
As against the optimistic statements of
the railroad managers the strike leaders
say they are In a stronger position today
than they have been since the strike
started. They refer to the fact that tho
Brotherhood of Trainmen and Conductor
passed resolution In Join session, declar
ing that they "stand neutral and only Aa
such switching work ja they have eUways
Flonr Mills Are Idle.
Factory forces are being reduced because
of the shortage of supplies caused by the
freight tie-up, and the two big shops of
the Great Northern railroad, employing 1.0W
men, failed to open for business today.
All but one of the twenty-three big flour
mills in Minneapolis are Idle, although the
millers say they will know In twenty-four
hours whether they will open their mill
Imported strike-breakers wearing special
police badges were reported on duty at
the Union station yards today by strlko
pickets, and when President Hawley learned
that these men had been Imported he called
the attention of the state labor commis
sioner to the matter.
Labor Commissioner McEaten said that If
the men wearing police badges were not
residents of Minnesota, they and those re
sponsible for their presence In the state
were violating the law. Mr. 1
investigating the report and he said this
afternoon that If he finds nonresidents of
Minnesota are wearing special police badge
he will at once order their arrest.
The state law makes It Illegal for any one
not a legal voter of the state to aot aa
special police officers, detective, constable,
militiaman or patrolman. It they have not
been sworn In they may be Judged guilty
of misdemeanor and If sworn they are
liable to Imprisonment In state prison fat
one year.
Mayor Lawler of St. Paul, who ha been
retained as coursel for the switchmen, In
addressing a mass meeting of striker last
night, said:
The five men you have aelacted to lead
your strike are tried men and true. Some
of the newspaper give the employer' side
only and state that the railroad managers
were not notified until too late of the con
templated action of the switchmen; but 1
state here and now, that they knew to a
man that the strike order was issued and
that they made no offer of a settlement to
avert the Impending trouble."
When President Hawley of the Switch
men's union was shown the statement of
the general managers In Chicago, regard
ing the refusal of the men to arbitrate
their differences, he said:
'I do not care to make a formal answer
to that until I consult with Mayor Lawler,
who Is our legal adviser. Mr. Lawler,
however, has answered every point raised
by the general managers' commute in hi
statement made public here toduy."
Mayor Iawler, as counsel for the Switch
men's union, this afternoon Issued a state-
men defining the position of the men and
the refusal to arbitrate, under the Erduian
Mayor Accuses Manager.
The mayor says that the railroads mana
ge! a milking a concerted action through
the press to create public opinion In their
fuvor are not In a position to charge the
men with unfairness in refusing to arbi
trate under that law, for the reasou that
from the beginning of the dispute the man
agers refused to consider a suggestion rel
ative to an Increase In wages for the men.
Mayor Lawler says the Krdman law Is so
hedged about with legal provisions thrt
should the switchmen agree to arbitration
under It they would be stripped of all legal
power legitimately to pres their claim
and it would put them completely In th
power of the railroads.
Mayor Lawler says, admitting that the
dtcis-loti were favorable to the switchmen,
the railroads mUht appeal to the court
and delay a final decision from one to
two years, during which the men would
be compelled to work under the old
schedule of wages and It would be illegal
for them to strike or In any way aid In
Little rrrlaht Moving;.
Local warehouse were open today and
the road accented limited frebjbt ship-.