Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1909, Page 2, Image 2

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" bu Dmgima sin both proves
SPECIAL Man-tailored Skirts to your spe
cial measure $5.98. Your choice from
five of our skirt models tailored from
our No. 500 Herringbone serge, cpr no
Making and material complete, 0
They're remarkably low priced fit $5.98. The skirts are
thoroughly tailored on correct lines, and their stylish smart
ness is exceedingly attractive. Our No. 500 Herringbone
Serge is of excellent value, regular $1.00 quality. Choice
line of colors two shades of blue, two brown, new ash rose,
dark green, wine. The object of this special price is to ad
vertise our tailoring department.
Dress Goods Department Main Floor.
. , B-13-l-'09
head of the lakes and the tie-up of traffic
resulting? from tho strike of the switchmen
Ih practically complete. If the situation Is
not quickly remedied, 10,000 men will be out
of work hr within forty-eight hours. The
railroads, mines, coal docks, ore docks,
elevators, blast furnaces and all other In
dustries will contribute to the unemployed.
The Northern Pacific has two engines In
operation manned by two men not mem
bers of tho union. The strain men have
been perhaps heaviest hit by the strike.
The local market Is In confusion today
with tho prospect of heavy losses. Every
man engaged In the handling- of grain
fices loss through being forced to break
contracts. A delay of even a few hours
is serious for the Insurance on all boats
and cargoes on the lakes expires December
Oi Dorks Are Kmpty.
RrPERIOn. Wis., Dec. 1 Not a switch
engine In Superior was doing service to
day. The Omaha had One engine switch
ing passenger trains, but freight was com
pletely tied up. '
The ore docks were emptying their
packets preparatory to stopping work. By
the end of the week, the present outlook Is
that at least 7,000 men In Superior will be
out of work.
MISSOULA. Dec. l.-Not a freight car
was moved In the' Missoula yards of the
Northern Pacific last night or today. Taa
senger service was handled. A meeting
of the Brotherhood of .Railway Trainmen
convened today.
(Continued from First Page.)
be held responsible for their mobilisation
and general condition.
It Is proposed to submit the adoption of
such a plan to the governors of the sev
eral states. If the states announce their
willingness to co-operate with the War
department steps will be taken toward put
ting the plan .into, action.
The "matter of a general rearrangement
of the various army posts occupies a prom
inent place in the report. The secretary
of war expresses his conviction that, as
now situated, the army posts do not meet
the requirements oTT the service, many of
them being Isolated and ' difficult of ac
cess. The majority of these posts, he points
out, sprang Into existence because in the
early days of the west the regular army
was largely used for the protection of set
tlers from the' Indiana. The Indians have
long since ceased to be a menace to the
whites, and the posts have outlived their
usefulness. The army authorities now set
forth that tactical and strategical necessi
ties require the locating of such army
headquarters near the large cities. In close
proximity to centers of transportation, and
with a view, to co-operation with the
militia. V-
Troop Near Laraje titles.
''Hence, the .three requirements," says
Secretary Dickinson, "economy, possibility
Of rapid movement and training of the
militia, wouM all be met in the most ef
foctlvo mannor If the troops were stationed
In or near the principal cities; and this 1.
the courso which the general staff believe
should be, pursued."
During the fiscal year three elght-lnci.
and twenty-eight rapid-fire guns wore
added to the sea coast defenses of the
United States. It la also declared that the
coast defense In. the country's Insular
possessions are. In a forward state of con
struction. Special mention U made of the
Increasing tfttclcncy In marksmanship
shown by the nun who served the guna
In the sea coast batteries and also In the
field artillery of the army. Praise also
Is given the men of the regular army for
excellent records made with small arms.
Among a ureal number of other matters
touched upjn In . the report, Secretary
Dickinson speaks briefly but approvingly
of the aeroplane and dirigible balloon a
engines of war; He adds, however, that
btcause of the necessity for retrenchment,
he will submit no plea to congress this
year for an appropriation to admit of the
purchase of a proper aeronautical equip
ment for the army. He adds, however,
that "the fact must be recognised that all
first-class powers except the United States
re providing themtelves systematically
a-lth aerial feets, Germany and France
holng notably In the lead."
New Postmasters,
WASHINGTON. Jec. 1. (Special Tele
iram.) r.umastera appointed for Ne
biaska are as follows: Eclipse, Hooker
'omity, Lennr Tucker, vice M. E. Wood,
'reigned. Georgetown, Custer county,
finest W. I'elrce. vice P. V. Heck, resigned.
For ftouth lakola: Lebanon, Putter
locnty. J. J. Seymour, vice K. M. Cair,
The stomach It a larger factor in " life, liberty end the pur
suit ol happiness " than most people are aware. Patriotism
can withstand hunger but not dyspepsia. The confirmed dys
peptic "is at lor treason, stratagems end spoils." The man
who goes to the front for bis country with weak stomach
will be weak soldier and fault finder.
A sound stomach makes for good citizenship as well as fot
health and happiness.
Diseases of the stomach and other organs of digestion and
nutrition are promptly and permanently cured by the use of
it bull up ton body wita sountf tttoh mad
ualld mutco.
The dealer who offers substitute for the " Discovery " is
only seeking to make the little more profit rcaliced oa the
sale of lets meritorious prestations.
Dr. Pierce's Common Seme Medical Adviser is sent fret
on receipt of stamps to psy expense of inciting enbf. Send
21 one-cent stamps for tb paper covered hook, or 31 stamps
for th cloth bound. Address World's Dispensary Medical
Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo,' N. Y.
mirn t,t. BtPTS. ina. A-itsi I
Testimony in Bendernagel Case Shows
Methods Employed.
Each Trnrkload Waa Weighed Short
Thirteen Pounds and Elarht I.nnda
Passed Over tTie Scales Each
NEW YORK. Dec. l.-The fruitful op
portunity for Iraud In the haste and' bustle
of the enormous business done dally on
the Williamsburg docks of the American
Kugar Refining company was what the
government sought to bring out today In
Its prosecution of the six former employes
of tho company now on trial charged with
defrauding the government by under
weights. David Frsgner, a customs Inspector, and
once an assistant government weigher, tes
tified that at a busy, time two trucks a
minute passed over a single set of scales
and esch half ton, the government will con
tend, was weighed thirteen pounds short by
tho secret manipulations of government
emp'.oyes, who, it -Is charged, were paid
cash by the sugar company for the evasion
of customs duties. If the game ran prop
erly, the government stood to lose Its duties
on S.fOO pounds of sugar every hour.
As this steady flood of trucking rolled
across the scales, the checker, who stood
next the weigher, was too busy, said Frag
ner, to watch him.
John J. Longhran, a checker, was asked
If all the entries to which he certified rep
resented weights he had seen the weigher
"Not all," he admitted. "Sometimes I
had to be away."
Cash to Cnatoma Men.
Three cross-examiners were unable to
shake the testimony of Andrew J. Mallen,
the clerk, who swore that James F. Ben
dernagel, formerly cashier for the sugar
company, paid cash at his office to cus
toms empoyes In uniform.
Andrew J. Mallen, who testified yester
day that he had seen Bendernaegel, who
was In charge of the cashier's office of
the Williamsburg plant, pay cash to the
men In the uniform of the customs serv
ice, waa subjected to a lengthy cross
examination today.
Mallen was asked if the custom of mark
ing on the envelopes containing the pay
of some of the accused weighers a smaller
amount than the envelopes really contained
did not follow a strike In which a private
settlement was made with these men on
the basis of a salary Increase.
Mallen did not think the strike affected
these men at all. He had no means of
knowing, he said, if Bendt-rnaegel's pay
ments to customs service men were foe
overtime for which the company was ex
pected to compensate them.
The practice of understating on the en
velop the amount actually paia to certain
sugar company employes be0an In 1900.
Another Inspector Suspended.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1. Another shake
up In the New York customs hous as a re
sult of the Investigation of the condi
tions at that port waa announced at the
rcasi.iy department today. Inspector
Timothy D. Lane has been suspended on
harges and the department has approved
.he discontinuance of the services of tJn
assistant weighers. John O. Shand has
been appointed assistant superintendent of
sugar samplers.
An assistant weigher at Haiti more was
removed brcauBe of alleged irregularities
Spends Good Mkt at Methdat Hos
pital, with No Apparrat Chans
In Condition.
Senator Dietrich, who is ill at the Meth
odist Episcopal hospital, is continuing to
hold hla own. At the hospital It was said
last night that his condition was practically
unchanged and that he waa resting In an
easy condition.
Much Water In tiaaja.
BEATRICE, Neb.. Dec. 1. tSpecial Tele
gram.) It has ralued here almost con
stantly for the last forty-eight hours id
has caused great damage to railroads, put
ting the tracks In bad condition. Trains
are being moved with great difficulty.
LAXATIVE BROMO QuinlnJ, the world
wtda Cold and ( inn rem..,lv
Call for full name. Look for signature E.
W. Urove. 2oc.
Bee Want Ads Are
ti Best Business
Rejection by Lords to Be Followed by
Prorogation of Commons.
Premier Aaqalth Will Present Motion
In Lower Ilonae Protesting
Against Isnrpatlna of
Power by Peers.
LONDON, Dec. l.-Premler Asqultli an
nounced In the Houm of Commons that
tomorrow he would move a resolution that
the action of ce house of Lords In re
fusing to pass into law the financial tro-
vlslons made by the lower chamber for
the expenses of the year were a breach
of the constitution and an usurpation
or me rights of the House of Commons.
When the premier entered the chamber
this afternoon, the supporters of the gov
ernment rose to their feet and greeted
him with ringing cheers. Immediately fol
lowing the conclusion of routine business
the prime minister took the floor. As
soon as he concluded the house adjourned.
In introducing his resolution tomorrow
Premier Asqulth will go exhaustively into
the question cf the respective privileges
of the House of Lords and the House of
Commons and state In detail the govern
ment's intentions. He also will fix the
nay of prorogation, which probably will
be next Friday.
Former Premier Balfour, leader of the
opposition in the commons will reply set
ting forth the view that the new and
Important deparures In public policy repre
sented by the budget bill should be sub
mitted 'o the people. John Redmond, head
of the Irish party, and possibly one repre
sentative of the labor party will follow
with speeches.
1 Crisis Developing Rapidly
The political crisis caused by the unpre
cedented action of the House of Lords in
refusing Its consent to the government's
budget Is developing rapidly.
The cabinet, which had already deter
mined on the policy It would pursue In the
event of Lord Lansdowne's amendment
being carried, had an unusually early meet
ing today to confirm its decision and con
sider the wording of the motion which Pre
mier Asqulth will ask the House of Com
mons to adopt
All the members of the cabinet were pres
ent at the meeting, which excited so much
popular interest that a great crowd gath
ered In the vicinity of No. 10 Downing
street, the official residence of the pre
mier. The fact that there was not a remote
possibility even that the crowd would learn
what transpired within did not discourage
the throng in the street, whose numbers
became so great finally that a large force
of police was summoned to prevent a pos
sible demonstration.
The ministers' passed through the street
to the premler'r residence undisturbed by
suffragettes and encouraged by the cheers
of their supporters.
Prorogation Will Come Soon.
The time of the delivery of the speech
of prorogation, the substance of which was
decided on at yesterday's meeting of the
cabinet, will depend on the time occupied
for debate on the premier's motion, whloh
commences tomorrow. It Is expected,
however, that this discussion will be brief,
the speeches, by prearrangement, being
confined to the leaders of the . unionists,
liberal, labor and Irish parties.
Parliament will be prorogued doubtless
until the middle of January, but the Choice
of a date Is a mere formality as the pres
ent house comes to an end by dissolution
early in the year.
The election campaign will open in earn
est on Friday, when David Lloyd-George,
chancellor to the exchequer, and WinBton
Spencer Churohhlll, president of the board
of trade, who are held chiefly responsible
for the budget, and Lord Lansdowne and
J. Austen Chamberlain, the most ardent
opponents of the government's measure will
deliver speeches and, with the exception
of a brief respite at ChrlstmaB, will con
tinue the fight until election day.
Struggle a Notable One.
In many respects the Impending struggle
will be the most Interesting In the parll
mentary history of England. Some of the
peers have decided to take the unusual
course of stumping the country to explain
their action In voting against the budget.
This course Is believed by many of the J
loids to be imperative following the
critlsm which fell from the Hps of some
of the sta,unchest of the unionists during
the recent debate.
L'oyd-George, Churchill and other radicals
can be depended upon for fighting speeches
In favor of the budget and against the
lords, while Sir Edward Grey, foreign
minister; Richard Burdon Haldane, min
ister of war and other ministers will
supply more moderate ammunition and
free trade arguments. The unionists, al
though not so well equipped with orators,
are determined upon a stern campaign.
They will devote their energies to the
exposition of tariff reform and a denuncia
tion of socialism, towards which they will
claim the budget Is a first step.
The suffragettes, too, who have been
comparatively quiet for a time, have been
on'y reserving their resources for a crucial
The laborltcs, all strong supporters of the
budget will meet tomorrow to arrange their
campaign and efforts are being made, and
with soma success, to prevent a three
cornered contest.
As a part of this program the laborltcs
ore withdrawing their candidates from
those districts where the liberals have
the better chance of success, while the
liberals are doing a similar service for the
labor party, where the latter Is stronger.
The election in Ireland will be the most
Interesting since lSfcd. The unionists have
decided to contest most of the nationllsts
seats with the Idea of depleting the nation
alist treasury.
luwsa lies f.l,2O0 Sewed Vp la
Udtrnrir ttetarnrd by
Yonnsj Woman.
CHEYENNE, Wyo., Pec. 1 (Special.)
To the honesty of Miss Blossom Mihoney,
head markor at the Geyser laundry, A.-L..
Biddle of Hock City, la., la Indebted for
the return of 11.300, which he carelessly
sent to the laundry, sewed in the waist
band of a pair of underdraaers. Miss Ma
honey detected the crackle of paper in the
waistband of the garment Just aa it was
about to be plared In the tub and Investi
gated. Making a small silt In the garment,
she reached In and drew out a slip of
piper. She nearly fainted when she saw
that It waa a 1100 bill. Further exploration
of the Interior of the band brought' forth
eleven other bills of the same denomina
tion. Mlsa Mahoney at once reported her find
to J. C. Foley, proprietor of the launslry,
and turned the money over to htm. The
garment In which the money waa found
had been 'drop pod In the slot at the laun
dry provided for the receipt of garments
brought to the place after the working
friice had departed, and although. Kiddle's
name was on the bundle, the laundry
proprietor did not know where the mar.
ics.ded and had no way of tracing rim.
So tho inuiu-y Mas placed In the Lank and
Relieve the -.heating burden!
r A
' fashioned heating methods.
ADVANTAGE 11: The phenomenal success of IDEAL Boilers is also largely due to the
fact that they are made in sections so that even their largest parts can be carried through an
ordinary size doorway. For this reason they can be quickly installed in old houses without
disturbing the occupants. No tearing up necessary in fact, in unmodcrnized or old types
of houses IDEAL Boilers can be erected, including the necessary piping and radiators,
witnout the necessity of removing the stove or hot-air furnace until the new
heating outfit is ready to fire up. For this reason IDEAL Boilers can be quickly
installed in winter weather when the old, crude heaters get badly worn or collapse.
IDEAL Boilers and AMERICAN Radiators for Hot-Water or Low-Pressure Steam heating
make the most scientific, simple, safest, surest outfits for warming any building, large or
small, OLD or new, FARM or city. IDEAL Boilers consume less coal (or cheapest
screenings) to heat the whole house than a stove consumes of expensive hard coal to heat a
A No. 3121 rOBAL Boiler and 440 ft. of 38
In. AMERICAN Radiators, costing: the
owner $206,- were used to Hot-Water
heat this cottMge..
At thsss pricsS h goods can be bought of sny reputable, competent Fitter. This did
not Include cost of labor, pipe, valves, freight, etc., which installation is extra and varies
according to climatic and other condition). '
Public Showrooms and Warehouses located at Chicago, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Washington, Buffalo, Pittsburg, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Atlanta, Indianapolis Milwaukee
Omaha, Minneapolis, St. Louis, Kansas City, Denver, Seattle, San Franciaco, Brantiord (Ontario), London, Paris, Berlin, Milan. '
the appearance of Riddle waa awaited.
That was last Tuesday. On Thursday
Foley left town and on that day Blddle
realised that ho had sent his savlnga to
the laundry. He hastened to the place and
waa relieved by the Inforamtlon that the
money had been found, but was Informed
that he could not obtain It until the return
of Foley. This necessitated a delay of
several days, but when the laundry pro
prietor returned to the city the money waa
promptly delivered to Its owner.
Aa an evidence of his appreciation, Diddle
yesterday evening presented Mlsa Mahoney
$40 and Foley an expensive stickpin of
prehistoric Alaskan Ivory, with a gold
nugget In the center.
Blddle Is a stranger here, having stopped
In Cheyenne whll. en route from Alaska
to hla home.
Land on Roads
Back to Farmers
Governor Carroll in Favor of Eeturn
ing What is Not Used to
DES MOINES, la., Deo. l.-ISpeclal Tele
gram.) Governor Carroll went on record
before the convention of the Iowa Imple
ment Dealers' association In favor of re
turning to the farmers of the. state about
100,000 acres of land on each side of the
county roada. "We are putting aside sixty
six feet for roada where only twenty feet
Is used," he said. "I think that Instead
of letting the land lay Idle all but thirty
three feet should he given back to tho
people from whom It was taken and let
them cultivate It." These remarks were
loudly applauded by the 2K) Implement deal
ers from all over the state whom the gov
ernor welcomed to the city.
(Cuntlnued from First Page.)
of the Chicago, Hock Island & Taclrio
Hallway Company, held this morning, the
following were elected as the executives
of the company:
"I. Q. Keld. W. H. Moore, J. H. Moore,
F. U Hine. It. A. Jackson, 11. U. Mudge,
K. S. Moore.
"The following officers were elected:
"l. G. Held, chairman of the executive
committee; R. A. Jackson, vice chairman
of the executive committee; H. 17. Mudge,
president, v
"The meeting adjourned until tomorrow
for the election of additional officers and
the transaction of other routine business.
"At a meeting of the board of directors
of the St. Louis 4 Fan Franstco Railroad
company, held this morning, the following
were elected as the executive committee
of the company:
"a F. Yoakum. Kdaln Hawley, B. L.
Wlnrhell, James Campbell. Frank Trum
bull. E. V. U. Thaysr. Thomas H. West
"The following officers were elected:
"H. F. Yoakum, chairman of the execu
tive committee; B. L. Wlnchell, prealdeut."
Your lot is not a happy one if you have
to carry the burden of old-fashioned
heating which requires a tremendous
amount of fuel to produce but little
heat, and constantly "gets out of order."
will lift that load off your shoulders. IDEAL Boilers and
AMERICAN Radiators nrodure the mnyimnm amount nf
eat from the fuel and
the heat for the rooms instead of letting the most of
it escape up the chimney, as is the case with old-
A No. tt IDEAL, Boiler and 210 ft. of 38
In. AMERICAN Radiator, ro.tins the
owner $116, were used to Hot-Water
heat this cotts.s.
to Dept. N-80
One Killed and Two Fatally Wounded
at Kiefer, Okl.
Brother of Gambler Shot by Marshal
Start Trouble nnd Is Killed
After Wounding Two
KILFER, Okl., Dec. 1. One man was
killed and two fatally wounded In a street
fight with revolvers here early today. The
Fatally wounded:
Deputy Marshal Gooch and Thomas Box
ler, a carpenter.
The shootinx grew out of the killing a
month ago of Homer Ooley, a gambler, by
Marehal R. P. Hlghnoto.
When Melvln Ooley, Homer'a brother,
met Marshal Hlghnote nnd Deputy Mar
shal Gooch he look them to task for the
death of his brother. The argument waxed
warm and finally Ooley drew a revolver
and shot Gooch, inflicting a fatal wound.
As Gooch dropped to the ground Ooley
rtruck him about the head with a rifle
stock. Hlghnote, who had been taken by
surprise, had by this time drawn hla re
volver and began firing.
Ooley returned the fire and In the ex
change of shots Ooley was killed and Box
ler, a bystander, was shot In the head and
probably fatally woundod.
Gooch was removed to a hospllul. He
has but slight chance of recovery.
Excitement ran hlK'h following the shoot
ing and for a tlme a pitched battle between
the friends of Ooley and the authorities
was threatened.
.N'evr Stroetare Owned by Masons
Barns as Result of Spon
taneous C'unihnstlon.
CRESTON. Ia., Dec. 1. (Special.) Ores
ton's (40.000 opera house, the Temple
Grand, built a few years ago by the
Masonic order, wrfe gutted by fire and
water thla morning and the opera house
will be sn entire loss. The bul'dlng con
tained beside the oper.t house lodge rooms
and offices, and these, It is thought, will
not be aa badly damaged.
The fire originated In the basement from
fpontaneous combustion of a curload of
fine coal and it la thought had been
smouldering all night before the explosion
occurred, about 8:110 this morning. The
entire hack part of the building was a
Your Hair is Worth It
Afraid to use hair preparations? Don't know exactly what to dot
Then why not consult your doctor? Isn't your bair worth It?
Ak htm U he endorses Aycr's Hair Vigor (or felling hair.
Does not Color the Hair
,? P Arm Pr t Tf H V
do not Set out f order. They save
few rooms. Every known improve
ment and many exclusive features
make IDEAL Boilers and AMERI
CAN Radiators the most efficient
and economical in the world, yet
our enormous volume of sales ena
bles us to put the price within
reach of all.
Why not at one Jrp your heating burden t
Find eutaitut it, anyway. Write, telephone,
or call to-day for our book, "Heating Invest
ments Successful" it tells much it's free
413-417 South Tenth Street,
mass of flames when the fire was dis
covered. In a driszling rain that seemed
to have no effect In quenching the f'.omes,
the firemen fought for about three hours
before the flames were checked. There
is a mortgage on the building for $23,000
carried by eastern capitalists. Insurance
amounts to but $13,000. The Iobs falls on
the Marons.
Topeka Club
Spurns Stubbs
Exclusive Organization Refuses
Allow Kansas Governor to Be
Entertained There.
TOPEKA. Kan., Des.. 1. The Topeka
club, Topeka's most exclusive social or
ganization, today Ly vote of the board of
directors, refused to permit Governor
Htubbs to be entertained at the club. The
occasion is a banuuet to Chief Justice
Johnston to be given Thursday night by
Del Valentine, clerk of the supreme court.
Governor titubbs was scheduled to apeak.
Governor Stubbs was formerly a member
of the club, but withdrew because the club
would not abolish the locker system for
keeping liquor at the club house.
Muriels Sentence Affirmed.
FRANKFORT, Ky., Dec. 1. The court of
appeals today affirmed the life sentence
Blven Beach Hargls for the murder of his
father, former Judge James Hargls, the
noted feudist of Jackson, Ky,
To Stop a Cough In
a Hurry.
Willi this recipe you can make a
pint of cough remedy at home In five
minutes. A few rlottea usually con
quer the moat obstinate cough. Simple
m It Is, no better remedy can be
had at any price.
Put 2H ox. of Plnex (fifty cents
worth) in a clean pint bottle, and
fill up with Granulated Sugar Syrup,
niaile aa follows: Take a pint of
Granulated Suxar, udd Vs P,nt '
warm water and ntlr for 2 minutes.
Take a teaspoonful every one, two or
three hours. The taste Is very pleas
antchildren take It willingly, fcplen
dtd, too, for colds, chest pains, whoop
ing cough, bronchitis, etc.
Granulated Bugar makes ths best
syrup. Plnex. as you probably know
la the most valuable concentrated
compound of Norway White Wne Kx
tract. None of the weaker pine prep
arutlona will tulio Its place. If your
druggist hasn't the real Plnex, he can
easily get it for you.
Strained honey can be used Instead
At the syrup, and makes a very fine
honey and pine tar cough syrup Adv.
AMERICAN Radiators ars
mads in tall, narrow, broad,
low, small, gisnt, and other
shapes, forms, and siies to fit
conveniently into any space
that can be spared for them,;
Exclusive Omaha selling on
Mark Cross Gloves
for Men and Women
London mist, hand
MWd ths) glOYS)
standard for th
tmtlr world.
$1.50 a Pair.
'tts lBlt-lEta Firnim
M Bared m.
We Make All We Sell
Omaha Trunk Fsctcry
XX a. M-UOS araa tt IssJa 10M
DOYDfS Tonight
Friday and 0a. Sat. at at. P. &
CHAKX.ES rtOIsUI rrsssnts
Bsats afonaaj
in "ths nQHTisTO aori
Mat. Every Day, 11:16 Every Night, 8:15.
This Week: Hyams at Mclntyre, Curson,
Jsmes Young, World at Kingston. Sims. .
I'anlta, The Arlington Four, Douglas
Douglas, the Klnodrome and the Orpheum
Concert Orchestra. Y rises too, S5 and 60s
I .sw " 'wiiisn MtusiMl NT ntt
All Wssa. Mats. Toss., Thurs Bat,
first Kali Wsskl "Tsolng tils afaslo."
tart log Thurs.1 "Tbs Mas oa te Boa"
Svgs., aso ana SSe) Mats., All Mitt, too.
unaa? (0 days) Ths Bstunaa Snow, ks.
travagaasa and Taadsvtlls at op. Prloss.
Ma, Ma. aoa. M
to-stioxt atATxsaa wisnioiT
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