THE BEE: OMAHA. TIintSDAY. DECEMBER 1000. Only 20 More Shopping Days Before Xmas Da Your Shopping Early. Start Now. Thursday Specials Vomen's'20 Cloaks'lO Practical, up-to-date Winter Cloaks, in blacks and all new colors many are satin lined posi tively worth up to $20.00; at, each $10 $10 Skirts nt $5 Dress and walking skirts, in voiles, serges and cniiion panamas blacks and new colors $10.00 values, at namas $5 Women's Sulta blacks unci colors, plain tail ored or smartly trim med, worth up to. 15, at r Women's Sweater Coats, $1.93 Medium and long lengths reds, white and oxfords allD" C1& sizes, nicely made, at. . P0 Christmas Aprsns Dainty styles the nicest of gifta frilled and ruffled round and square with or without bibs, at 25c, 39c, 50c, 75c to $5.00 Three Basement Specials $6.98 Women's Suits Oood styles and materials- Bilk lined Jackets worm iiu will go at $5.00 Women's Cloaks Broadcloths, coverts and mixtures, some lined through out, worm $10. at .. $5.00 Thursday Special Opening Sale in Our Handkerchief Department Women's fine sheer cross barred embroidered handkerchiefs and men's all pure linen, plain and cross barred handker chiefs, fine sheer qua! worth up to 25c each, Women's and children's all pure silk handkerchiefs, plain white and fancy-colored embrodery .many open work and f drawn thread dosigns, I Iff worth 2 Be each, at W luality, f 'Sp ich, at. Children's Qsndeerchlef s Glove Bonds 3 in fancy box, a Thurs- f A . All the best makes of day special at, a box.lvv Kid Gloves to select from. TlIE CELEBRATED PERRIN GLOVES The Best Made Sold only at Brandeis Stores Every pair guaranteeed and fitted. . Fancy box with e ach purchase. Black, white, street and evening shades at, pair $l-$l50-$2 25c FOUND 25c POUND THURSDAY H IS CHOCOLATE DAY The delicious Bitter Sweef crack Thursday Nut Flavors Almond Filbert Pecan : Walnut , -the chocolates with the egg shell 5 c Lib. Always Sells 40c Lb. Fruit Flavors Strawberry Raspberry Pineapple Also Vanilla ADVANCE NOTICE Saturday will be Great Special Sale Day at Brandeis Stores jGreatest'sale of FURS ever held in the west. Big l)rug and Toilet Bargains in our special Red Cross Drug Sale. Great sale of 50c Handkerchiefs at , . . . .25c Sale of Sample" Gold Filled Bracelets, at $2.00 and $3.00 Samples of Fancy Jewelry and Ornaments at 50c Special sale of $2.50 Jointed Dolls at $1.25 Special sale of Doll Dresses, worth $1.00, at 4 . .25c Beautiful Framed Pictures, worth up to $30.00, at. . .$2.50 .Sale' of Men's Overcoats and Suits, from surplus stock of B. Rothschild, of Rochester two big lots, at $15 and $19 , Special sales of Boys' Clothes and Boys' Shoes. ,Wa tch Friday evening daily papers for particulars. , 35 BRANDEIS STORES OUR MISSES' SHOES The correct shoeing of misses' feet is our specialty A few stores do it well. Most shoe stores make poor work of it. We've the correct styles In. Misses' Shoes. We pride our selves that we do it to perfec tion. Our welt shoes In misses' end young women's shoes are honestly made. They hold their shape and outwear two pairs of the ordinary kind. Minxes' Slaon M to 2 $2.50 Women's Sizes 2H to A S3.00 We make a specialty of misses' and children's shoes patent colt vamp, fine crav anette top, button Aliases' Sizes K to 2 82.50 loung Women's Hlzrs 2H to 6 $3.00 These must be seen to appre ciate their value. The leather, lasts, style and many important details combine to make them perfect shoes. Drexel Shoe Co. 1419 Farmn Slreel. A Home in the Hills The Beautiful Hills of Southern Missouri and Northern Arkansas For Fruit Growing, Sheep Raising, Poultry and Dairying The Lands are Very Cheap and can be bought on easy terms. Good climate. Rood water, good health. Send for books. "Money In Sheep," "Fruit and Poultry in the. White River country" or '"The Home builder In Arkansas." No Charge. Tbaii Oo And Sso The Country Round Trip Homoseekers' Rates, 1st nd 3d Tuesdays, each month. THOS. F. GODFREY, 1 Pass. As Ticket A rent, 1423 FARM AM STREET. ! a ' a a H 3 9 a i n a H 3 B a B H A a y u a H H a y 8 i i 1 B K B N M 'A B b i N b a a m i9 IS A D 11 a II B ' &i ,i I b ii 'W"a m m n v u anf a o Do Xmas Shopping Early ra a n Come) Mornings If Yoa Can Holiday ools Am llrmAj. 1UI lUIlll children. Second Moor. u S. & H. Green Trading Stamps Free to Our Patrons 60 lie sure and get S. & II. Stamps with all your Christ mas purchases and note how rapidly books fill up. We aire handing out new books to everybody. 30 stamps are attached. Make a purchase of 25c or more and get 30 additional stamps. These are given aside from the regular S. & H. Stamps we give In a regular way. Get them tomorrow. Who Wants One of These Handsome Taffeta Silk $5.00, Petticoats? ffiEE 'i Wc Arc Going to Give Them With Suit Purchases Thursday Our second big suit purchase and sale of the season is the most interesting topic in the garment section these days. Over 1,000 suits from leading New York tailoring establishments are sharply under priced. , These suits are the pick of late styles, all plain, conservative models, strictly tailored. Materials are hard twisted worsteds, broad cloths and wide wale diagonals. Most of them are lined with genrtne Skinner satin' lining. Coats are long and perfect fitting, skirts are pleated; black and all colors. With every suit at $25.00 or over we Include, free, the best $5.00 Taffeta Kilk Petticoat (any color) that money can buy. Ik H B Q a a 4 s n 1 H H y i B i Big, generous savings, too, on any suit vou select. ' Suits worth $25.00 will be . . . . .$i5.00 . ; Suits worth $29.50 will be 19.50 Suits worth $35.00 will be $25.00 Suits worth $40.00 will be $29.50 Now's tlie Time for Christmas Slippers Tliey'ro all rady new holiday provided liberally blseer ansortments embrace every new t-tyla' the fashion 'a'oa men Men's Everett BUppers of brown alli gator, tor jii y 75c Men's DortKOla Operas, patent leather trimmed, blaek only 91.SO Pennsylvania Line From Chicago THROUGH u -w v av a -WMB SkVaV Man's Everett BlipperR, black. pula vamp, patent trlnjmea Don-1.113 lines for men and women. We have than ever In the store s history. Line creators have produced. Tan and black Dongola Romeos, fl.50 Men's chocolate goat Evere.tts. . .$1.50 ros VOHIS r ITalllflers Black, gray, red, brown stylish And serviceable; $1.50 values for $1.25 Black Felt Slippers heavy and un- llned, felt soles ,.76 Black Felt Slippers, wool lined, soft cushion sole 91.35 Foot Warmers, fleece wool, soft and coraiortaoie ror women fl.oo For men 91.35 r i n pip -a U 11! , Li n Lvs. Chicago 9:50 p. m. daily Via Cincinnati and L. & N. Ars. ATLANTA 10:00 P.M. Am. MACON 1 : 15 A. M. Ars. TIFTON 4:25 A.M. Ars. JACKSONVILLE 8:45 A.M. Dining Car Service Return service through from Jacksonville to Chicago dally over same route. ror yartloulars Address, W. H. ROWLAND, !Trav. Pass. Agent, Omaha, Fitchctt Has Two Black Eyes Aged Citizen of Dundee it Pum meled by. Hii Neighbor, He Say. Ones again has the holy calm of a Bun day morning In pretty Dundee been rudely disturbed. Prank j. Fltchett, .'' the septuagenarian resident of Dundee, who Is famous tor bulldlug a "spite fence," appeared In county court wearing an. angry expretmlon and tw petfeotly black ayes. Hs swore out a eomplulnt againut Henry Falrd, his next door neighbor, and said that Balrd had flvH h,m discolored optics. According to his story, a chicken got way from FUckett Sunday, and hs pur sued ll Into the yard of United Slates Mai shal Warner. On his way bark, he says, llalrd waylaid him and struck him. Two months ago Ur- Ulrd complained of Fltchett In county court for firing off a revolver one night when ' Mr. and Mrs. Balrd were entertaining guests. Fltchett pleaded guilty and received a fine of tia Sterling Ware FHKNZKK-Uth & Dodge OMAHA RECRUITS FOR NAVY Tneitr-Flve Eallsted Here la Norera. ber t Go Sallies; om tke II Uk leas. The Oman i naval recruiting depot con tributed twenty-five "iookl.-s" to the United States naval establishment during the month of November,' 190S.' The recruit wre largely for apprentice seamen and coal pauers, although there were several re-enllstments. There Is a strong tendency to re-onluitment throughout the country.' There were thirty-one re-enlistments dur ing the last week of , November, with a relatively correspor.dirg number of re-en- lUtnients for several preceding weeks. The Navy departntent la doing all that It can -to secure re-enllstrrents, aa It tak-s at I. nut half of the first enltstrattiit to mould Good Value is satisfaction. You buy right when you buy the Always well done" Qualify of cuts. OMAHA i RoHablo Dentistry AT Taft's Dental Rooms HOTBLI. HOTEL ROME EUROPEAN (T d . leirt AMI JACKSON Vneaoellsd ror Its Beauty and Coders Appointments. ROME MILLER TIA BUTDTOI 1.00" pounds on sale Thur day. put up In poa packages; our 1 f J 16c ouallty JC Bennett's Capitol Coffc lb. pkg. act And 10 Stamps. Rnnnett'B '.'hallanue Cof fee, lb. pkg ll- And 1U stamps. Seedless Raisins: special I2hc quality, lb 6c Hartley's Pure Fruli Jama S5c And 10 Stamps. Mlrnnnetta Peas, thref cans .... ....... S3o And 10 Stamps. tt-lb. can 13o. And 10 stamps. VnnVee Rose Toilet Sonp. throe for Boe .tml 20 Stampa. ao Hice. four lbs...B5o And 10 Stamps, 'ream Cheess. finest duality, lb aOc And 10 Stamps. Diamond S Chill Saure. bottle loo And 15 Stamps. Snlder's Pork and Beans. can 16o And 10 Stamps. - Violet Toilet Soap, three cakes 88o .And 10 Stamps. Swansdown Codfish. packages . . SSo And 10 stamps. CUT .Capitol Baklna: Powder, Schubert Piano Solo Begins Special Showing J of Holiday z Neckwear j and Hosiery THC RELIABLE STORE I Saturday Special Tariff Showing of Toys, West Room , 30c Holiday Handkerchiefs 15c We have selected from our immense stock of La dies' and Children's Handkerchiefs a choice lot of 25c and 30c Embroidered Swiss and Hand Em broidered Linen Handkerchiefs, in bipr 1 T assortment of pretty designs and placed B JP them on sale Thursday at, choice, each ... A HOLIDAY HANDKERCHIEF BOX FREE With Every Four Handkerchiefs Purchased. Two Fine Hemstitched I Fancy Madeira Em all linen Handker- 1 broidered and Initial chiefs :. .15c 1 Handkerchiefs . ..15c Children's Handkerchiefs Three in a neat box for. 15c Watch for the Big Manufacturers' Stock Sale BOYS' SUITS AND OVERCOATS Sale Begins Saturday--Watch Windows and Ads Buy Your Jewelry Gifts How A big manufacturer's stock purchase places us in a position to offer most surprising bargains in all kinds of dependable Jewelry. Don't miss these great values, LAD1KS' (K)LI FILLED WATCHES Elgin and Waltham movement, O size case, matchless at $10.00 MEN'S GOLD FILLED WATCHES 17-Jewel Elgin and Waltham movements, open and hunting case, patent regulator, 20-year guaranteed case, on saie at Men's Gold FlUed Watches 12 slie case, Elgin or Waltham movements, at .. $8.50 Ladies' Gold Filled Bracelets, plain, engraved and fancy stone set, value to $7.00, at $2.15 Solid Gold Kings Signet and fancy stone set, to $6.00 values at $2.98 Babies' and Misses' Solid Gold Rings Signet or fancy stone set, signets engraved free All $3.00 Rings at $1.50 All $2.50 Rings at $1.25 All $1.00 Rings at 50 $1.00 Dutch Collar Pins 25 $13.75 Sterling Silver Teaspoons, $1.60 val ues 1 75 Solid Gold Cuff Links Values up to $i.00, choice $1.50 Men's Combination Cuff Link Set, gold filled and fancy stone set, worth to $2.00, at 50 Stickpins 150 samples, no two alike. values to $5.00, choice 98 $1.00 Mesh Purses at 50 $1.00 Cuff Links at 50 $1.00 Rhinestone Combs 50 50c Rhinestone Combs ........ .25 Sterling Silver Coffee Spoons, $1.00 values at 50 .ti.o ii.a Boys' Knickerbocker Suits $2.95 Regular $4.50 suits, made of sturdy cassimeres and cheviots, in choice colorings and patterns. Tbey are made in newest double breasted style for boys 9 to 17 years of age. Best kind of school suits two pairs knicker pants with each. Thursday for .$2.95 Suits for Snutll Men and Large Boys Worsteds and all wool cassimeres, In sizes 34, 35 and 36 only. Miscellaneous lots only a few of a kind. .Culled from our $8.50, $10.00 and $12.00 lines tT Q C to clear quickly, choice for pJ '3 BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Ba Sure and Alien! Our Famous Time Sales IN DOMESTIC ROOM Trom 9 to 10 A. M. 26 pieces of Amoskeag Teazeldown, light colors, known all over as the best 12 c outing made for one hour only and 10 yards limit, at. yard. .8? From 2 to 3 P. M. From 4 to 5 P. M. No. 1179 11-4 assorted fancy Blankets, sell at $1.60 pair, two pairs to cus tomer, a pair -95 SEVERAL OTHER SPECLALS ON BLANKETS AND COMFORTERS. BIQ DECEMBER GROCERY OPENING SALE THURSDAY Special Sales for the Holiday Month. 10 pieces of No. 1167 Domet, regular price 8 Vic yard, 10 yards limit, at, yard 6 Bennett's Capitol Mince- i meat, tnree ror S5o I And 10 Stamnn. j Blue Borax Starch, per Jka-. 10O, and Be pkg. I Wonder Wai Free. ! Paragon Plums, threo j cans for ase ! Double Green Trading stamps on Granulated Sugar. Crackers, large assort ment, pkg 10o j And 10 Stamps. 1 Horseradish, bottle ..10o i And 10 Stamps. ! Seeded Raisins,, per lb. vkg uvto And 10 Stamps. I Candled Peel, assorted, pound SSo And 10 Stamps. Ton can save 95 per cent to BO per cent t Hajasn's on Groceries. 48-lb. sack best high patent Flour, $1.40 24-lb. sack best high patent Flour.... 7S0 19 lbs. best pure Cane Granulated Sugar ..1.00 S lbs. best Pearl Tapioca, Sago, Barley or Farina ."5 8 lbs. best Breakfast Rolled Oatmeal. 80o 5 lbs. best Pearl Hominy lOo 6 lbs. choice Japan Rice .S6o Oil or Mustard Sardlnos, per can 3V4o Tall cans Alaska Salmon .10c All kinds Corn FlakeB, package 7HO Quaker Wheat Flakes, package THo 2-lb. cans fancy Sweet Sugar Corn . . .THo 2- lb. cans fancy Wax, String. Green or Lima Beans THo 8-lb. cans fancy solid packed Toma toes 8Ho 3- lb. cans Golden Pumpkin, Hominy. Squash or Baked Beans 8M0 Choice California Prunes, per lb 4o Fancy Cleaned Currants, per lb 80 Fancy 8-crown Muscatel Raisins, per pound 8e Fancy California Yellow Crawford Peaches, per pound 8v,0 2-pound package Self-Ralslng Pancake Flour 8SO Gallon cans New Orleans Molasses. . .65a Good Country Table Butter, per lb..95o Fancy Country Creamery Butter, lb...8Uo Fancy No. 1 Creamery Butter, lb....30o The beat Fresh Pr tloxen 870 Kayden's Tlrst for Fresh Vegetables. Fresh TurnlpH, per buncli ....4o Fresh Carrots, per bunch o Fresh Radishes, per bunch 4o Fresh Shallots, per bunch 4o New Cabbage, per lb .....lUo Fancy Jersey Sweet Potatoes, lb....lHo Large Cucumbers, each 8H,o Ripe Tomatoes, per pound lOo 2 heads fresh Hothouse Lettuce 6o Fancy Wax or Green Beans, lb lOo Anything you want in Freeh Vegetable, at Haydcn's, less than half elsewhere. 1 DOM'T FORGET TRY HAYDEU'S FIRST IT PAYO en GO TO FLORIDA Reached quickly and in through drawing room sleeper daily St. Louis to Jacksonville Leaving Union Station St. Louis at 9:00 P. M. daily via the Montgomery Route v All meals enroute iii dining cars. Additiot al routes to Florida and exceptionally good service to Mobile, kf New Orleans, Pensacola and Gulf Coast Resorts. Round-trip tickets en sale dMy to ill Southern winter retorts at reduced feres. Diverse routes, II you wltn. For sleeping ear mervstiont, rates and time tables address. J. E. DAVENPORT, Div. Pass. Agent 312 North Eighth St., St. Louis, Mo. IMTi VfflM Hit ii Wsl iKU nai Mi Lai ilni MM "Uniform Heat and Cleanliness, too. Commends an Electric Flat Iron to you. ' It's Cheaper and Better and saves . lots of walking Gives people who use them more time for their talking." Omaha Electric ig and Power Company T Y. M. C. A. BLD3. BOTH PKOXES UlilUyrO) 11 W TEMi And Intor- y mediate Points Without Chango of Trains Leave Union Station Daily 4:05 P. EU3. Lou Round Trip Rates Daily VIA G. S. PENTECOST, Div. Pass. Agt. I4TII AIID FARIIAM STS. 07.1AIIA l!EB. The'Bee for Rll the Sporting News H Five Dollars buys a beautiful gold brooch suitable fur a Christmas gift Wo imve others ranulng fS.UU. 17. 00, (10.00 and up. Our stors Is full of Christinas suggestions. Loult fur th name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler ryl lata Douglaa Street 'v,. j the recruit Into a goud seaman.