Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1909, Image 1

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Fhe Omaha'- Daily Bee
Only 20 Shopping Days
Till Chrisfmas
Fork Nebraska Partly cloudy.
For Iowa Ksln.
For weather report see ptiK 3.
Secretary Dickinson in His Annual
Report Recommends Concentra
tion of Troops Near Cities.
Revenue Makes
T7 Did Advance,
Twelve Thousand Men Idle in Twin
Cities and Duluth Became of
Switchmen's Walkout.
lmost Record
Secretary Knox Hands Passports to
Felipe Rodriguez, Nicaraguan
Charge d'Affaires.
ipts Jump to Front,
Millions Increase
System of Combining Regulars and
Militia Into Brigades Advocated.
Weekly Riding or Walking Stunts in
Addition to Annual Requirement.
lXImutt for Plural Vrir Abont Fight
Million I. ran Than Amount
Appropriated Last
WASHINGTON. Dec. 1. Many changes
in the military establishment are suggested
today by Secretary of War Dickinson In
hl annual report to the president.
The following are some of his recom
mendations: A change In the Roosevelt physical test.
ro an to require of officers. In addition to
the annual, a weekly riding or walking tent.
The division of the United State Into
territorial and tactical districts so that
the organized militia of the states may
be conveniently combined with the regular
army stationed therein Into permanent
brigades, divisions and corps for instruc
tion und tactical organization.
The location of troops In or near the
principal cities of the United States In
stead of distributing them at remote forts,
to meet the three requirements of economy,
p jsslbillty of rapid movement and the
trailing of tho militia.
More officers for the army and promo
tion on the merit system.
Liberal appropriations for the completion
of the fortification projects of the Philip
pines, Honolulu ond Pearl Harbor.
Encouragement of rifle practice among
the citizens and school boys. The estab
lishment of a national park at Niagara
Falls to preserve Its scenic features.
Mnety-Flve Millions Needed.
The secretary made public his estimates
to congress for the coming fiscal year,
amounting to $95,326,399 or about 18.000,000
less than was appropriated for the present
fiscal year.
At ths time of the last reports from the
military departments, which were received
In October, it was found that the regular
army numbered 71,840 men with 4.209 offl
cers, making a total force of 76,049, a net
increase during the year of 8,421. The
figures do not Include the S.4S5 men of the
hospital corps.
Ot the active officers of the army, the
report calls attention to the fact that 7J3
are detailed to special duty, nearly half
of these, or 346, being distributed among
the various schools of Instruction of the
regular establishment or acting as instruc
tors In state educational Institutions where
a feature Is made of military training.
While there were no serious breaches of
military discipline during the year, Sec
retary Dickinson declares "that there
can be no doubt that the discipline
and efficiency of troops were lowered by
- the continued nbsence of so many com
pany officers and the resulting frequent
changes of comrl ny commanders."
Demand for More Officers.
The remedy for this condition, the re
port declares, may be found In increasing
the number of .officers and in the passage
uf legislation empowering the secretary of
war, whenever the occasion demanded, to
appoint retired officers to active duty tem
porarily. Under existing law a retired
liffleer cannot be made subject to orders,
rst his return to active service la entirely
voluntary. In putting forward the need for
some such authorisation. Secretary Dick
inson says:
"While It Is true that the duties per
r formed by these officers are, in the main,
of great Importance to the army or of
material benefit to the country, the num
ber of officers so separated from their
regular duties with troops has now reached
a point where It Is beyond question 'hat
the efficiency and discipline of the army
ire Buffering therefrom. On June 80, 1909,
more than a third of the cr.ptains of the
mobile army were absent from their proper
commands on detached service, of such a
nature as to cause them to be absent for
some time. Including those captains who
were temporarily absent from their proper
command, on detached service or other
wise, It Is believed that less than one-half
of the companies of the mobile army were
commanded by captains."
Resjalar Physical F.xrrclae.
The report also advocates more strenuous
physical tests. President Roosevelt in
augurated an annual test to determine the-
physical fitness of officers, compelling
them to rldo ninety miles in three days or
to walk fifty miles within the same time.
This, In the opinion of Secretary Dickin
son, should be changed so as to compel
officers to undertake a certain amount of
prescribed exercise each week, the amount
' to be certified by the commanding officers
In their monthly reports.
Co-operation of the regular army with
the militia of the states is strongly urged.
The secretary outlines a plan to accomplish
this. He would have the country divided
Into a number of territorial and tactical
V districts, so that the militia may be con
veniently combined with the regular troops
stationed in those districts into permanent
brigades, divisions and corps for instruc
tion and tactical organisation.
In conjunction with th headquarters of
these combination divisions, the report ad
vocates the establishment of supply depots,
which can be drawn upon for the equip
ment of an army In time of ne.-d. At such
depots supplies would be carried sufficient
to outfit any additional volunteer force,
up to a moderate number, that might be
hastily recruited to complete the organiza
tion of an army corps.
Officers to Aid Militia.
Attached to the headquaru-rs, also, the
report declares there should be stationed
a young and active officer of the regular
army, whose duty it would be to Instruct
and direct the militia organizations In the
corps district. Such an off leer, It is pointed
out, could issue no orders to the militia,
but it 1 declared he should be given power
to supervise the equipment ami instruction
of the volunteer troops of his district and
UL'unlinued on biecond Pagu.)
'C iliUUUlS.
WAS. i. L The public debt,
fxclusK ucates and treasury
notes, 1 w.fl8,757, which is a net in
crease of $."71,325, an actual working bal
ance In the treasury offices of $27,059,008, a
total balance in the getteral fund, exclu
sive of reserve and trust funds of $Sl,9;i6,125,
a decrease of S7,167,3; this summarizes the
showing made by today's treasury re
ports. Thn national bank notes outstanding ag
gregate $707.433. 4.17, a net Increase of SM92,
701. Uf these notes all but 1X438,100 In law
ful money are secured by United States
Internal revenue leaped ahead In remark
able strides, recorded $24,109,491, an increase
of $2,118,942 for the month which makes a
total of $113,892,527 for the five months since
the fiscal year began, an Increase of $5,924,
073, the largest Increase for a long period.
Of the moneys In the general fund $54,
S.'i2.742 represents the balance In the na
tional bank depositories and the Philippine
treasury. Customs receipts tor November
reachi d $23,637,429
So fur for the five months of this fiscal
year the customs receipts run $27,W8,732
ahead of the corresponding period last
year. The" aggregate Inland nonlnterest
bearing debt la $1,295,718,757, a net Increase
of $571,325. while this total Is swelled by
the $1.375,359,g9 of certificates and treas
ury notes offset by an equtl amount of!
cash in the treasury to an aggregate of
$2,671,078,626, a total increase of $9,K3,325 for
the month.
Bigamy Charge
Against Mrs. Doxcy
Woman Held at Columbus Must Face
Accusation Filed by Miss
ST. LOUIS, Dec. 1. A warrant charging
bigamy was issued today against Mrs. L.
B. Doxey of Columbus, Neb., by R. I..
Shackleford. Mrs. Doxey and her husband
are to appear In court in the Nebraska
town, Friday, to answer statutory charges
preferred by Kate Erder of St. Louis, sis
ter of William J. Erder, who, the local au
thorities believe was married to Mrs.
Doxey at Clayton, Mo., last April.
Through Miss Erder, who is seeking to
recover $3,200 Insurance paid to her broth
er's reported widow. Attorney Shackleford
obtained a certified copy of a marriage
certificate issued to Dr. and Mrs. Doxey
at Burlington, la., in 190R. He has also
been furnished with an affidavit by Rev.
K. T. Parffer of Clayton that. Mrs. Doxey
la the woman to whom Erder was married
at the clergyman's residence.
The warrant Is based on this evidence.
An application for Mrs. Doxey's extradition
will follow.
Constable Charles O. Bode of Clayton, St.
Louis county, left for Jefferson City to
night with the warrant charging bigamy.
He carried an application to Governor Hart
ley for a requisition on the governor of
Nebraska for the arrest of Mrs. Dora
Elizabeth Fuller Doxey at Columbus. Neb.
The warrant was Issued by Justice Werre
meyer on an affidavit made by Prosecut
ing Attorney Shackelford, In which he
charges Mrs. Doxey with having married
the late William J. Erder while she was
still the wife of Dr. Loren B. Doxey. Dr.
Doxey and his wife are to answer to a
statutory charge at Columbus, Friday.
Miss Kate Erder, sister of the dead man,
made an affidavit today that Mrs. Doxey
Is the woman who married her brother and
obtained $3,200 insurance by administering
on his estate as his widow.
Aim Committee Would Know If
Humor Has It True It Is
la the Middle.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Dec. 1. (Special.) If there
was any doubt about the campaign of 1910
being opened that doubt has been removed
by the receipt of the following letter by
Qovernor Shallenberger:
"ALMA, Neb., Nov. 30. Governor A. C.
Shallenberger: At a meeting of the most
Influential citizens held in the back room
of Sims' drug store the remark was made
that you parted your hair in the middle.
Please deny or affirm by return mall. We
want to know where we are at."
The letter Is signed "Committee, by B.
M. Sims, chairman, and R. M. Liberty,
The governor was out of town when the
letter came, but Secretary Furse, after
carefully examining a photograph of his
excellency, answered that the governor
parted his hair a little "off of center." In
fact, enough off to be noticeable.
Mitchell Nurceeda l.affaa.
NEW YORK. Dee. 1. Edward P. Mitch
ell, for many years on the editorial stuff
of the New York Sun, It was announced
today has been elected president of the Sun
Printing and Publishing association succeed
ing the late William Laffan.
Twenty Years Rambling,
Discovers Brother Here
"Yes, I'm E. T. Miller. What can I do
for you?"
It was with this greeting thnt a traveling
man stopping at the Hsnshaw stepped
across his room to meet a stranger who
rapped at the door.
"Guess you- don't remember Brother
Charlie," the stranger answered. "It's
been about twenty years or more, Ed."
Then the recognition came. Way back
in the later 'fOs this older brother Charlie
left the Miller family home at Tower Hill.
111. That was the last heard from him.
Little brother Edwin, now the traveling
man. had all but forgotten, and the family
thought the wanderer dead years ago.
Tutsday afternoon this wandering
Charles, now employed In the railway
yards here as a awltchnian, saw a tiny
mention of his brother's name in a dally
paper. It was Just a chance, he thought,
that this man might be his brother. His
reflections led to the investigation and the
Men Responsible for Torture of Amer
icans Personally Responsible.
Nation Must Obey Principles Laid
Down in Washington Conference.
Minister General May Be 7few Pres
ident of Nloaraetna France Leoas
Into Report of Maltreatment
of Its Cltlsena.
WASHINGTON, Dec. .l.-Fellpe Rodri
guez, charge d'affaires of the Nicara
guan legation, was tonight tendered his
passports by Secretary of State Knox,
thereby severing the diplomatic relations
of the two countries.
In delivering passports to the Nicaraguan
charge d'affaires, Secretary or State Knox
Informed him by note that the United
States would hold personally responsible ths
men responsible for the torture and exe
cution of the two Americans,' Groce and
Cannon, who recently were killed In Nicara
gua. Secretary Knox also informed' him
that Nicaragua would be held to an ob
servance of the principles of the Wash
ington conference of South American re
publics In the Interest of general peace
and harmony.
WASHINGTON. Dec. 1. Dispatches con
tinue to be received at the State depart
ment saying that President Zelaya is con
templating retiring from the presidency of
Nicaragua. The latest one stated that
Zelaya in all probability would turn over
the presidency to Inas, his minister gen
eral. Whether this la a play for time is not
known here
PARIS, Dec. 1.. The foreign office cabled
today to the French consuls in Nicaragua,
Instructing them to furnish Information re
garding the published reports that citizens
of France had been ill treated in Nicar
agua. Upon the rature of the replies will
depend the subsequent action of this gov
ernment. A recent dispatch from San Jose, Costa
Rica, said, that an official complaint had
been lodged with the French consul gen
eral there by Fuastlno Mantel, a French
man who claimed to have been attacked
and brutally treated by troopers who rep
resented themselves to be members of the
Nicaraguan army,
France has one minister to Central
America. He Is Jacques De Casotte, who
Is located at Guatemala. The consular
agents in Nicaragua are A. Uablnet at
Grenada and Levy Fernand at Leon.
Arms for Insurgents.
The Norwegian steamer Stavangeren has
arrived here from New York with arms
and ammunition for the insurgents. The
latter have been handicapped up to this
time by a lack of ammunition, but are now
well equipped and are also supplied with
machine guns and small arms.
Accordingly It is announced at the In
surgent camp that the plan of action
will be changed.
General Estrada Immediately assuming
the aggressive.
General Chamorro has arrived here and
reports that the situation at Greytown Is
unchanged. The troops of President
Zelaya are making no effort to evacuts
the city or, so, far as can be learned, mak
march on Blueflelds.
The Insurgents here claim to be confidant
of ultimate success. They state that r fl
oruits are arriving from many sources and
dally strengthening Estrada's cause. The
Impression is general that the situation
now existing will soon end despite Presi
dent Zelaya's claims to the contrary.
It is reported that the Nicaraguan presi
dent haa fewer than 5.000 troops at all
points with which to attack the Insurgents
and .regain the eastern coast, which haa
been lost to him. Many prominent liberals
who are fugitives from Managua are Join
ing the forces of General Chamorro.
Reinforcements have been sent to Gen
eral Matuty, who reported a decisive vic
tory over the government troops near
Rama on Monday.
Charges Made br Commlaeloner of
Accounts Aojalnat President of
Brooklyn Soroush.
NEW YORK. Dec. 1.-Removal of Bird
8. Coler from the presidency of the Bor
ough of Brooklyn Is expected of Governor
Hughes by the commissioners of accounts
lin a communication accompanying the
charges against President Coler, which
were drawn up today for submission to
the governor.
"Incompetency maladministration and
misconduct in office and serious waste
of the public funds," were the accusations
In the report.
Through the many years intervening
Charles Miller has been ' rambling about
along the western coast from Mexico to
Car.ada, always railroading.
"Always meant to write, then something
would come up and I'd forget," he ex
plained. Sunday will be a bright day In the Miller
family at Fremont. Neb., when Edwin
leads his long lost brother back into the
fold. The parents, Mr. and Mrs. V. G.
Miller,1 are both past 70 years old.
"I wrote a letter home telling them
about It." said Edwin Miller. "I don't
want the surprise of the meeting up there
Sui'day to be too great. But the folks
will certainly be happy.
"Charlie and I talked till after midnight
last night. There has been a lot hap
pened In that twenty years that we both
wanted to know about."
Charles Mllier has been in Omaha for
two months. He rooms at ini South Thir
teenth street.
Mr. Bryan Tins a New Vehicle in Which to Make a Fourth
From the Sioux City Journal.
Complete Separation from Rock Island
System Announced.
Dal Made to Prevent Aetlon on
Grounds They 'Are Competing
Llne Mudico, to Head the
NEW YORK, Dec. 1. Definite announce
ment was mude, this afternoon that B. F.
Yoakum, B. L. Wlnchell and their asso
ciates have purchased the St. Louis & San
Francisco railroad from the Rock Island
Separate operation of the roads has been
decided, It is stated, and It Is announced
that Mr. Wlnchell Is to become president of
the St. Louis & San Francisco company.
H. U. Mudge has been elected president
of the Rock Island road.
Benjamin F. Yoakum, chairman of the
executive committee of the Chicago Rock
Island & Pacific Railroad company, and
his associates today resigned from the di
rectorate of the Rock Island company and
William H. Moore, Daniel G. Reld and
Francis L. Hine also reslghed as directors
of the St. Louis & San Francisco Railroad
The following official statement was
given out this afternoon:
"The Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific
Railroad Company of Iowa today sold and
delivered to B. F. Yoakum and others com
mon stock of the St. Louis & San Francisco
Railroad company representing the con
trolling Interest and being all the shares
of stock which the Chicago, Rock Island &
Pacific Railroad company has heretofore
owned In that company.
"A meeting of the board of directors of
the Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Rail
road company was held this morning,
proper authority was given and the trans
action was later in the day closed.
"One of the reasons for the sale was the
legal advantage of a separation of the Rock
Island and 'Frisco properties, a question
having been raised both by the federal and
certain state governments as to the two
roads being parallel and competing.
Operation to lie Separate.
"The Rock Island and 'Frisco railroads
will henceforth be operated as separate
properties, there having been a complete
legal severance of all relations heretofore
existing between them. Notwithstanding
this, the friendliest feelings exist between
those In control of the two roads, and. It
Is Intended that they shall be operated to
the mutual advantage of both, wherever
It may properly, be done.
"At a meeting of the board of directors
(Continued on Second Page.)
What shall I buy
them for Christ
mas? You will find
the answer on the
Want Ad pages,
under the head ' of
"Christmas Hints."
This classification Is a fine thing
for both our readers and our adver
tisers. It gives scores of things,
that you would not think of, that
will probably be more pleasing than
anything else. It tells you where to
buy them and In most cases
what t,hey will cost. .
Look over tho Christmas
Hints column beore starting
on your shopping trip. Do not
wait until the last day.
Have you read tho want ada
3et today t
"Oh, Pshaw' Says
Oil King When
Told About Plot
John D. Rockefeller Declares There
is Nothing in Story of Plan to
Kidnap Him.
NEW YORK, Dec. 1. "Oh, pshaw," said
John D. Rockefeller smilingly, today as
he alighted from a train from Cleveland
and was told that he had been marked for
kidnaping or perhaps killing in his home
city. The president of the Standard Oil
company was accompanied by his wife,
who is quite 111.
"Why, there's nothing to that story at
11," added Mr. Rockefeller. "It all seems
to have started because I did not make a
speech I had promised at the Euclid Ave
nue Baptist church in Cleveland. The con
dition of my wife's health prevented that,
that's all.
"My wife Is very sick and I came here
at this time instead of earlier because of
her health. I am not worried about this
Mr. and Mrs. Rockefeller were met at the
station by their son, John D. Rockefeller,
Jr., and their daughter, Mrs. Harold Mc-
Cornilck, and her husband. Mrs. Rockefel
ler was wheeled to an automobile and then
taken to the winter home, of the Rockefel
lers on West Fifty-fourth street.
Harold S. Smith of Minerva, O., told the
Cleveland police yesterday that he haa
overheard a plot In Alliance, O., to kidnap
or kill Mr. Rockefeller.
Secretary of "late Is neln Irited as
Candidate Aajaliiat Present Con.
Kremlin tin In Fifth.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Dec. 1. (Speclul.) Word has
reached the state house from th Fifth
district that a number of republicans out
there want George C. Junkln, secretary of
state, to make the race for the rtpubll
can nomination for congress against Cln
gressman Gecrge Norrls. Mr. Junkin him
self has received a number of letters urg
ing him to permit the use of his name in
this connection.
Mr. Junkln would not say he would be
a candidate, but on the other hand Inti
mated that he would prefer to go back to
the farm and attend to his private business
when his term of office as secretary of
state expires.
Mr. Junkln's term as secretary of stntte
will not expire until a year from Jan
uary and for that reason and for the
further reason, that he la anxious to get
back to his private buslmss, he may not
make the race.
Orlando Tefft to Kurope.
BOSTON, Dec 1. (Special Telegram.)
Orlando Tefft of Avoca. Neb., ex-chairman
of the Nebraska republican stute commit lee,
sailed today from here for a European lour,
INew Corporation Tax Will
Raise Twenty-Five Millions
WASHINGTON, Dec. 1. "It Is estimated
that there will have been collected from
the special corporation excise tax by
July 1, 1910, S15.000.0u0 and that an addi
tional $10,000,000 collectable for the calen
dar year from January 1, 1D10, to Decem
ber 31, 1910, will be collected subsequent to
July 1, 1910, making the estimate for the
total amount of the collection for the
fiscal year, 1910, $25,000,000."
In this way Commissioner of Internal
Revenue Cabell In his annual report, made
public today, discusses the corporation tax
The Internal revenue receipts for the
fiscal year were $246,112,709, a decrease of
$6,to3 136 from lust year, but the receipts
for the first throe months of the currant
years, $.17,CS8, Increased $2,966,617 over
the same period year as;
Dash for the White House.
Initiative and Referendum Ditched
Once by Democrats.
In Face of Itecord, and After Show
lug Opposition to Peerless One,
Executive In No Mood
to Yield.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, Dec. 1 (Special.) Before Gov
ernor Shallenberger calls that extra ses
sion which Mr. Bryan wants him to call
to pass an Initiative and referendum law,
a great deal more pressure w ill have to
be made upon him. Without committing
himself either way before lenvlng for Chi
cago Governor Shallenberger left the Im
pression that ho did not think well of the
extra session.
The legislature which would be called
In extra session last winter defeated an
Initiative and referendum bll". which Mr.
Bryan himself lobbied for and the presi
dential candidate was within earshot, in
fact, In the lobby of the house when the
vote was taken in there.
Mr. Bryan followed the bill to the sen
ate and kept up the fight, even going so
far as to write letters to somo of the
members, particularly the Douglas county
members, in which he denounced tnem
emphatically, saying in substance that the
only reason he could see for their attitude
toward the bill was their subserviency
to the brewers.
Senator Ransom at that tlmo prepared
an answer to the Bryan letter, which. It
was told, was hot enough to lalse blisters,
but whether It was ever Bent the records
of the time do rot show.
Parties close to the governor doubt very
much that he will bow his will to Mr.
Bryan and attempt tho passage of the
Initiative and referendum bill by the same
bunch of people who killed the bl'l last
winter over the Bryan protest.
Governor Shallenberger will seriously con
sider the matter before he takes any ac
tion, for the reason that some of his ad
visors, no doubt, would like to see the gov
ernor get so bad'y mixed up that he could
rot be a senatorial possibility.
Comptroller of Currency Approves
Application Made by Hnalnraa
Men of that City.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Deo. l.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) The application of H. O. Eastman
of Mitchell, Neb.; H. S. Clarke, Jr.; W. L.
Minor, C. W. Scovllle and L. M. Eastman
to organtxe the First National bunk of
Morrill, Neb., with $25,000 capita! has been
approved by the comptroller of the cur
rency. Jerome F. Leuthold has been appointed
rural carrier and Arthur C. Barton substi
tute on route No. 4 at I'lankinton, 8. U.
"It 1b estimated," says the commissioner,
"thai receipts from corporations In 1910,
will amount to $16,000,000 and from all
other sources to $253,000,000 making a total
of $2(3.000,000. It also Is estimated that the
receipts from corporations In 1911 will
amount to $25,000,000. and from al: other
sources to $256,000,000, making a total of
"During the last year there was col
lected on distilled spirits $123,315,181; on
fermented liquors, $.rti,9u3,49ti. and on tobacco
Beer production has decreased and
tobacco and snuff manufacture has In
creased. There were 139.391.631 gallons of
distilled spirits produced during th year.
$U,OuO,000 more than the previous year,
The total estimated expenses of service
for the fiscal year, ending 1911. la $6,302,640,
Including $100,04 for the corporation tax.
Continuance of Blockade Will Throw
Thousands More Out of Work.
Little Impression is Made on Yards
Full of Stalled Freight Trains.
Ilntte Plants, Which 10 m pi or Ten
Thousand Men, Will Soon Hon
tint of Coke If Service la
.Not Resumed.
ST. PAUL, Minn., Dec. 1. Every line of
industry in the Twin Cities, Duluth and
Stiptrlur and all cities ot the northwest de
pendent on the movement of supplies Is se
riously affected by tho slrlko of the rail
road switchmen, which btg.tu ut 6 o'clock
last evening.
It Is estimated about 12.000 men are Idle
tonight on account of the strike order,
thousands of freight handlers and team
sters are losing lime by reason of the
freight blockade In the terminal towns,
while a continuance of the MrtA for sev
eral days will throw additional thousands
out of work.
The railroad yards are filled with stalled
freight trains, and an attempt to move a
few by the aid of the office men drafted
as switchmen is making no Impression.
The railroad managers announced today
that they tero bringing to St. I'aul new
switchmen to take the places of the strik
ers. To this President Hawley of the Switch
men's I'nlon of North America said:
"All rlsht; let them come, we will not
Huslness men are beginning to feel tho
result of the strike.
Information Is given out from the switch
men's liVndiiuarters that If the railroads
attempt to use nonunion switchmen the
locomotive firemen may refuse to handle
cars and It Is understood from one mem
ber of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Kite
men that the chief of that organization
has instructed his men to decline to work
with nonunion men. It is said the fire
men have had a grievance for some time.
Until Sides Make Claims.
Both sides in the controversy claimed
to have the situation well In hand this
morning. Passenger traffic was main
ta'ntd In the Twin Cities lust night and
this morning, though with considerable
delay, but very little freight was handled
unywhere b"tweon the great lakes and the
Pacific const. ' '
The switchmen are firm In their de
termination to hold out for an increase of
6 cents an hour in wages, with double time
for overtime, Sundays and holidays, to
gether with other concessions, while the
railroads claim that things will adjust
thentsdves to their normal condition within
a few days despite the walkout.
Natlonnl Association In Fight.
It Is said that tho moral and financial
suiport of the National Hallway associa
tion Is being given to the railways of !he
northwest In this effort to overcome union
An Indication of the far-reanhlng effoot
of the strike, should It be protracted, U
shown in a dispatch from Butte, Mont,
where Immense copper mines and smclb'ra
are located. Thene are wholly dependent
on the railroads directly concerned In the
strike. Inability to ship coke to the smelt
ers will cause a suspension a of operations
ar.d fully 10.000 men there will become idle.
A summary of the cwltchmen on strike
In M intana shows 30 out at Livingston, 12
j at Glendive. 7 at Biillrgs, 10 at Helena, 8
at Butte, S5 at Deer Lodge, Avery and Al
btrlon; fcO at Missoula, GarrUon, Snltese,
St. Regis, Paradise and Wallace, Idaho;
50 at Great Falls and 60 at Havre.
One Truln Leaves Minneapolis.
No freight was handled out of St. Paul
last night or this morning and only one
train left Minneapolis, that soon after the
strike was declared. Railroad officials,
train dispatchers and members of train
crews did the switching In the Twin City
yards. The freight handlers at the Min
nesota transfer, the freight gateway of the
northwest followlg Instructions, did not
report for work this morning.
All freight trains at Duluth and Superior
were at a standstill this morning. It Is
said should the strike last, fully 10,000 men
will be thrown out of work at the head
of the lakes.
The strike order was generally followed
between here 3tid the Pacific coast, and
where traffic was not entirely tied up It
was seriously delayed.
In most places freight trains were side
tracked, as at Missoula. Great Falls, Liv
ingston, Grand Forks, Fargo, Mandan,
Jamestown and Havre, and agents refused
to accept freight for shipment. At some
points In Minnesota, as Helena and Billings,
all switchmen did not strike, some of them
belonging to the Brotherhood of Railway
Trainmen. Reports from Wallace, Butte,
Korsythe and Parr.dlse are that the men
refused to strike and-the freight is belr,
hand ed.
It was reported this morning that tha
members of the Brotherhood of Railway
Trainmen would also strike today, but this
could not be confirmed.
foaat t Itlee Tied l'p,
SEATTLE. Dec. 1. -Freight service on th
transcontinental lineH In the Pacific, north
west Is practically at a standstill, because
of the walkout of the switchmen last
night following orders from the head
office at St. Paut.
In the northwest the Northern Puclflo
and the Great Northern railways are the
greatest sufferers, as they are the only
northern transcontinental Hues that em
pleiy numbers or switchmen.
In the northwest 700 switchmen obeyed
the strike order. In Seattle 200 men are
affected. Tacoma has 100 strikers, Spokane
ISO, Pascoe fifty, Ellensburg forty and
Everett thirty. The strike was not felt
at Portland, Ore., and Vancouver, where
th switching crews are made up of mem
bers of the railway trainmen's union.
In Seattle no error t was made to handle
freight trains, other than thoHa carrying
live stock, last night. Through passenger
trains were enabled to leave on time only
because the terminal superintendents and
yard masters made up the trains.
Ten Thousand Out of Work.
DULUTH, Minn., Dec, L-Only two
switch engines are working today at the