Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 01, 1909, Page 9, Image 9

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    .,E: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, DEtT,MREn 1. 19'0.
T-Teak Cables and Inert-tied Beceipti
Affect Wheat Prices.
, Bearish Ifilliwil la (traif, Cirrft
lal tka tut Haadlers af
"Wheat, Who Co a-at oa
Mllllag- Trad.
OMAHA. Nornihr IS
Weak cables and lnrra-d receipts niadn
wheat prices lower and heavy selling was
the c haractertstlo f the day's trading.
Bearish sentiment is strong, excepting
among the cash handlers of bl, who see
Uttla danger as long as larye nulling con
cerns are willing to pay good premiums
for wheat.
Liquidation In corn has be-en general In
tha last few days and vaiues have suffered
steady losses. Weather conditions ara tha
only hop for tha bulla.
Wheat was weak on general selling ana
lower Llvnwiol ail vices. Values broke
l.0l7.frO bushels, flats. United States and
Canada, increased 1SS OhD bushels.
)setatlaii af the Day mm Varlaaa
NEW TOI1K. N jv. 31i -FlOUR Rocel pts.
19.725 bbl.; exirorts, 11 4"S fcbis. Market w as
quiet, and lower to affect sales; Minnesota
patents. S- 3.V'5 ; winter straights, t&.atf
i m, lllnnnoi bakers. t.nya.l; winter ex
tras. S4.2ou4.x0; winter patents. 535-J7&;
winrer low grades. t4 ij4 W; Kansas
straights. SI !, ii. Rye fl..ur. quiet; fair
to good. 24 20 j 4. 30: choice to fancy. 24 Ml
4 SO. Burkwh-Mt flour, dull at S2.14) per loo
lbs., nominal.
CORXMEAtr-Pt-ady; fine white and yel
low. Jl.5oyl.o6; coarse. SX4UVL45; kiln dried.
RTF Easy; No. 2 western, Sl-t-c nominal.
New York.
BARLt I Steady; feeding. ug63c, c. L f.,
f. o. b , New Tork.
WHEAT Receipts. 3".4O0 bu.; e-xports. .
no bu. Spot market firm: No. 2 red. II 25,
domestic, nominal, elevator; No. 2 red.
II 24S. nominal, f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 north
ern. Duluth, S1.16S. nominal, f. o. b. afloat;
No. 2 hard winter. H-ls1. nominal, f. o. b.
afloat. Wheat was easier most of the day
under lower cables, favorable crop news
snd larger movement, but advanced in the
sharply during the first hour's tiding, but r -etX
on tha decline.
Bentment is bearish for the present, but
cash wheat l fnirly steady.
The corn msrket was a dull affair, with
Value sagging owing to continued liquida
tion in the, December option. The demand
Is poor and on tha other hand receipts are
very light and business remains at a stand
still. Primary wheat receipts were 1.5"$ OnO bu.
and shipments were f.9.ono bu., against re
ceipts last year of 1,3O.uOO bu. and shlp-ni-nis
of l.fc'jiOOO bu.
Primary corn receipt were sw.ono du. ana
t 21.12H
west. The close was Sale higher,
ber closed at 21.16. May closed
nn juiy closed at 21 '.
CORN Receipts. 42.7.-3 bu. ; exports, I.S60
bu. Spot market easy; No. 1 72c. elevator,
domestic, and 721-e-:. delivered, nominal; No.
2. Sfic. f. o. b. afloat; No. I yellow, nom
inal. The option market was without trans
actions, closing at a net decline of S'tjo.
December closed at "OHc May closed at
OATS Receipts. 149.401) bu. Spot market
was steady; mixed oats, M to 32 lbs. nom
inal; natural white, 26 to 32 lbs.. 44"-uV.c
shipments were SCT.uw) bu.. sgainst receipts clipped white. U to U lbs., 45-tt-if-fce. The
last year of HiO.OuO bu. and shipmenis of
S52 bu.
Clearance! were .0-3 bu. of com, none
of oats and wheat wl flour equal to 27. ,000
Uverpool . closed H.ft,d lower on wheat
and Sd lower on corn.
Local range of options:
Articles ! Open. High. Low. Cloee. Tes'y.
Wheat I
May.. I
Dec.:. May..
1 004
1 lWl
40 I
27 4
SCaxket is Irregular Because of Cross
Current! in Sentiment
Cavils fot-e- Additional Margins Offset
Elf-ret of Raylasi by 4 aaslwg;
Llqaldat low Roads Are
NE"W TORJC. Nov. 30 The movement
of prices In the stock market today w is
ascribed mure to terhnial caufn than to
the reflection of opinions or causes bear
ing on values. Today there was a con
siderable, body of absorption by unoovertj
shorts and by new buers fur long ac
count to offset the liquid ttlon whl'-h u
caused by the events of tne last few days.
There was a near enough In unoe between
these opposing forces to bring prices back
over their own course and to lead to con
consequence. The professional trailers
consequenc e. The professional traders
felt the pulse of the market eagerly, and
their shifting" of position had much to do
with the mristlons in the price cirreiV.
Yesterday s violent and t loslnij break In
prices evidently disturbed holders of stocks
ger Foreign bonds were good with tiie
exception or Coir mhtsns wr ich were w- ak
on f.e announcement of the postponement
if the paxment of the Januarv rsopnn.
Amer.csn securities opened uncertain, bu
lTiprod Ihut uodr the lesl of I'nlon
Pacif c. Analsams'ed Copper Snd Cana an
i'scif:c. At nn-n the market was st-a !y
with Canadian Pacific l' points b'gber
and (he rest r,f the list from unrhat.g-d
to S point above . sterrtay 's New Turk
closing. Prices in this ec:lon hrdn-d
In the afternoon on covering orders, but
fa d on New York sMlng. esprclallv of
I'nlted S'ates Steel. The market closel
dull and irregular.
IfW York ,or Market.
NEW TORK. Not. .H.-MnNET-Otl call,
firm at 4'yi5 per cent; ruling rate. 5 p-r
cent; cUslng bll. 4 per cent.; ofTered at
4 per cent. Time loans, easier; sixtr
days. l"uS pr cent; ninety davs. 4 ier
cent: six months. 4L'MS Pr cent.
per rent
STEHMVO F.XCHANV;! Firm. wit;,
actual business In bankers' hills at vg
IMJi for siity-dav bills snd at 4 "775 f..r
demand; commercial bills. l.ttM. s;.
MLVF.R- liar. 51Wc; Mexican dollars.
BONDS Government and railroad,
r. f. ref. ! re 1. C 1 ref 4
U. S ret. ! oooponl Irr. . 4H'
V. S It. rrg V"Ini-. 14 M. Ittn.
dn coup. m V'ljEr" 4
V. a. 4. r .-' Ji 4ts
d.i mion ,...i;ik t". ; t
Allls-4ha4. 'st Ss MwL . e 4s 1M1.. 4
A-n A-lcu!'ursl Urn V L A .V n. . A
Am T T. ct, 4s 1'IS.H K. T 't 4. t
Aro T ibsrco 4s T7 4i xsn 4S
Cattle ef All Kinds Actire Sellers
and Stronger.
Laeska la Moderate Sapply,
While Demawd Coatlaaes Very
Good, Maktasr aa Artltt
Trade at Stroas: Prlrrs.
"tTH OMAHA. Nov . 1m.
Receipts were: Cattle. Uogs. Shep.
Official Monday S." I H 7
Estimsted Tuesday 4.70U t.:o 7 ,V
.. "T t
11 '21
S T-4
: r-
IS 1
14 2"0
14 Toll
17 jo
St. 577
lti 417
In wideiv extpmled finlds In.lers of
money on stock collateral apparently ! '"J, ?''f J' j!"
shared this uneasiness to an extent which ! Co. 4H... JJJ . . sles 4. M
prompts call, for additional niar,: j T;-:" i.r.
and. In some Instances, precipitated li juida- a n -s j ,7 y N K A H
tlon. Later ral'les developed smaller of- AI ,nI(P c "u"isi4s! ' c s "us
ferlngs, although the demand for stocks i n n VN. A w 1st ecn. i
at the recovered level prtived meacer and j .),, jv,, K'i dr ev.
cautious. One party In the speculation re- 1 do 8 w ss nSorteni Picific 4s..l't i
Two days this week.. 13 VA
Sime dnys last week. . 15.S.N
Sn.-.e days I weeks ago..ll.l'7
Same riays 1 weeks aso. .17 UZ7
Sam davs 4 weeks ago. .Is l)
h-L '""'i ear s.y.s la t.i it,. hi
The fol. owing table shows the receipts of
eaitle. hogs and sheep at South Omaha
tor the year to date. vimni-.i with it
jnc. Dec 947.7VI $3,531
1 !"7 t.i7 ! "If BR.i
1.13!. S9 1.977.273
price of hoiis at South llrrnha f..f tha
several days. wtU comparisons:
the averare
ate. I liT9. ;iJ8.13O7.!l90S.;iSU5.:i304.190S.
Osaak raasi Pn
Cash prices Tuesday were:
WHEAT No. hard. 21 MS J 103; No. 2
hard. L tl.l; No. 4 hard. ki:mc; No. 2
spring. Sl.ul'ol.ul; No. I spring. 6-'(;L00.
CORN No. 2. S7'c; No. J. h'vr,c; No.
A 64Mc; No. 2 yellow, 67iiOo; No. 3 yel
low. 67fic; No. 2 white, 673rHc; No- 1
white. 67uV:.
OATS No. 2 mixed, Siv&i INO. s yeiio-.
2Sc; No. 2 whit. JsHc; N. 4 whita, 7tP
She; standard. 27H3&C
Rib No. 2. 70c; No. i. Oh'u-osiC
U.rlat Mceeifw,
Wbsat Corn. Oat a
CTiicago K 77 141
On aha IS 8 i
Duluui 212
Feat ares of tkc Tadla aad Cloalac
Prtoes oa Board of Trade.
CHICAGO, Nov. Pisetbillty of a.
switchmen's strike ' cn western railroads
was largely Instrumental In canning a
sharp bulge In wheat prices lata In the
session today. Tbe market recovered ail
of tha loss sustained earlier In the day and
closed strong with prices Wc to "-ic above
the final figures of tha previous day. Corn
closed firm, oats aieady and provisions
weak. )
Tha wheat market was a dull and drag
ging affair until tha announcement was
made that tha switchmen on many of tha
woatern railroads would go out on a strike
tonight unless their demands wera granted
This caused great uneasiness among snoru
Inasmuch as a stoppage of freight would
check the grain movement In the north
west and further hamper deliveries on
TwnmKAv iinr,fit, riemand became de
cidedly active In tha final hour and price
ntiicklv advanced more than lo. From
X OR, touched about midday, December rose
to 21.0HH- 'May advanced from 210&H81 06W
to ll.W. The close was almost at me
top. final figures on December being at
tl.ov, and on May. S1.06Vt4.
UniililAiJon of December holding caused
weakness in the corn market during the
gTeater part of tha day. but firmer tone
devwlooed lata In tha session owing to
the bulge In wheat. Increasing receipts
and a decline of lc to 2c In tha price of
the cash grain were the basts of much of
the selling pressure. Trie close was at
almost the heat marks for the day. De
cember beinc e low at oe,c May closed
i r higher at nia.
. Trading in oats was dull and steady,
V prices on all deliveries selling within a Sc
range throughout the day.
a shado higher.
Provisions closed weak with prices 53
r-jc to 42VjO lower.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
option market was quiet and "c lower.
.viay closed at 47
HAY Firm. No. 3, 80vS3c; good to. choice,
95c'u 11.06.
HIDES-Oulet: PoKota, 213';, Cen
tral America. Z2'a Tltc.
LEATHER Steady; acid. tMJnc.
PROVISIONS beef, steady; family, 215 00
plan!: beef. hams. 23.vri 25 (Ai; packet.
li2.0irU! 50; city extra India mess. IJl.ot.
Cut meats, steady; pickled belhes. I13.0"tf
14 U0; pickled hams. tUL'Ma 12.00. Lard, unset
tled; middle west. iii.H'ii 14 au; refined,
firm; continent. I14.S0; South America.
I14.V.; conipiiind. j.T5'u 10 5. Pork, firm;
family. $a .: J7 00; short clear, 221.40it26.jt);
mess, f2S. 754i 14.001
TADLuVV Kasy, country (pkga, free),
IUCK Quiet; domestic, fair to extra, 24)
7c; Japan. oVuc.
BUTTER Firm; creamery speciala, 34c;
extras, S3V; third to firsts, Z7(tl2c; state
dsiry. 2i yJ2'jc.
CHEESE Firm; stste, new, full cream,
specials, lT'Snic; same, Sept., fancy, Wo;
ame, October, best, liVc; same, late made,
beat, liVc; same, common to good. UU'J
liSc; skims, full to special. 6c to Uc.
EijGs Barely steady: western, extra
firsts. &eS5c; firsts, 32c; refrigerator.
POLL.TRY Alive, weak; western chick
ens, lie; fowls. 14c; turkeys, 12-el7c.
Dressed, steady; western chickeus. broilers.
lfritlzc, fowls, 13-fil.V; turkeys, llgztc.
Rala Wedaesdar and Cooler for tha
Nebraska Lircalt.
OMAHA. Neb.. Dec. SO. 1909.
Areas of low pressure overlie the extreme
northwest and southern Rocky mountain
district, and generally unsettled weather
prevails everywhere west of the Misa'.t
slppi river. Rains are falling In the north
west; It Is snowing in the mountains, and
rains are quite general In the middle and
lower Missouri valley and southwest. Tem
peratures are much higher In the upper
Mississippi and upper Missouri valleys and
west Into the mountains. They are lower
In tha eastern and southern portions, and
extreme northwest. . With tha generally
unsettled pressure condition prevailing
throughout the west, the outlook Is for
continued unsettled weather, with light
rains. In this vicinity tonight and Wednes
day, probably followed by cooler Wedoeg
d.iy afternoon or night.
Record of temperature and precipitation
compared with tha corresponding day of
the last three years:
1309. 1308. 1907. 190.
Minimum temperature.... 43 12 29 32
Precipitation 00 T .00 .00
Normal temperature for today. 32 degrees.
Excess In precipitation since March 1,
2.43 Inches. "
Deficiency corresponding period in 1908,
3.91 Inches.
Deficiency corresponding period In 1907,
179 Inches.
1 A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
mauned uncertain whether the selling on
account of the apprehension over the anti
trust program had spent its force or
whether unpropltlous f.ictors weru suf
ficiently cleared up to open the way for
renewed advance. The other party teared
the over-extension of the short Interest
and possible embarrassment in getting
back storks sold short.
The additional ensagements of gold for
export make a continuing drain on the
cash holdings of the New York banks, and
the movement of currency from the Interior
implied by the maintained rate of New
York exchange at Chicago does not In
sure an entire offset to that movement.
The preparations for the December money
settlements, which cal for an estimate,!
total of lyG.OoO.wO In New York, had r.o
appreciable effect on the local money mar
ket. A good showing of October net
earnings; helped some or tne ranroaon.
notably Union Pacific and Southern Pa
cific. Rock Island and Wabash preferred
held some strength on deal rumors.
Bonds were easy. Total sales, pr value.
3.3aL'.uuO. United States 4s, registered, de
clined H pec cent on call.
Faies and range of pnes on the Stock
exchange today were as ioiiows:
B;. High. Low. doss.
Frk. Transit ev. 4i 3"k to Js Tv
Oni. of Oeor-sia fs . . 1 ) o . a. L. rM S
Pen. e. C.H..I. V
IKS Mo fin 4i 1(M
Rssdlr.s n 4a lis
1"4 St U S. F tf 4. Ml,
754 fsn. 3s H
ft'- St. L 9. W con. 4. "
Ikj'iIo lut 4 ;:,
StKir A. L. .. . v.
Central Leather ft
' of V J m. an
ths. A Ohio 4,a..:"
1j r-f. am
Ti:cco tk A. IV ...
C. B. A Q Jt. 4s...
Ao s
c, y st. p
N" iv.
I 7 96H! 5 4 Ml 10? 4
I I B 711 4 4 i' ! !) 4
I 7 I 2
I 7 8 7' 4 06,
I 7 974,; 5 7;
3 9S)
4 07'
4 25
8 03Y
5 W
5 hi,
B ss:
4 3l
4 50'
( 111! 4 S4i
i 12 4 W
IK, 1 C9
I 72,
mi j
( 02! 4 7
07 4 72;
4 83,
8 04;
4 "4
4 Fdl
4 till
4 4S
4 53
4 49;
4 47
4 42;
I 4.;
4 46
4 21
4 V)
t ca.ves..
29 co as
M cows. ..
D cows
M F Morton-R P.
!4 cows !M 3 05 JS cows f51 I 2
Sfi steers. levt I .. 39 cows .... !14 1 'i
K. Pellmore S I.
M rows H'iH 4 'V 11 rows 10 life
S O I ;- 1 steers. ... s 7 4 "0
271 I 54 5 steers.. ..U:0 4
Ike Rife Mont.
o 1 "0 It rows ... 7 2 00
M. liarrett Mon .
3 1 13 cows 1JS 2 60
3 eo
F. II Silma.m Utah.
11 cows Hi I 50 43 feeders.. fsTf. 4 SS
lK"iS Hogs sold h her tuts morning,
tha amount of the advance depending upon
the tune yesterday with which comparisons
micht be made. Thus th maik-t today
might be described as 5c higher than yes
terday's opening, strong to 5c higher than
yesterday's general market or a little
stronger than yesterday s close. The hogs
sold litrgeiy at 14 l'u 15 and on tip as high
as l-vlu for the best. The early msrket
was reasonably active at the advance noted
and most of the early arrivals changed
ham!- in very good season In the morning.
Latr on. however, when the provisions
niarkrt it" reported as opening decldediv
lower, the hog market eased otf. the ad
vance of the morning being lost, so that
the trade was very mow and weak.
Still it was apparent that buyeis wanted
the hogs and a train or two that came In
a little before 11 o'clock sold at fully
as good prices as they would have brought
yesterday. Three or four cars that came
In still later after several buyers had
filled their orders and left the yards were
hard to move at prices hardly as good as
yesterday's close, but still about as good
as yesterday morning.
It might be well for shippers to under
stand that buyers are not so hungry for
pigs as they were a short time ago. and
In consequence, underweight stuff Is not
moving so freely and Is not bringing as
good prices.
Representative sales:
I 4.1.
i is !
4 30 I
4 24
A P. col 4s Tt
go . Pa-lfli- rr 4a ta
do R. H. 1st nr. 4a 4-i
I ' to I
Allla-c-halmeni pn "
A ma! (am tad Copper 141
Amur-Iran, A-p-lrulture
Amsrt--an Bait Sugar I.4-0
Anwrtru Can pffl 2.410
Amarloaa Car A Foundry.. 1i0
150 !!
' Jl 54
4.7'4) 47
Amarlcul Cotton Oil
Am. Hid Laathar pfd.
Amerlran Ice ftacuntlaa. . . .
A marl can LJnaaed. .
Amarlcan Loco mot I va
Aa gaaoit. A Rs'n
Am. Smelt, a "tarns pfd.
American Sugar Refining. .
Arcarliaa Tel. Tal
Amarioan Tobacco ptd
Amafiran Wwilan
Anacontla Mining Co
Atclllaoa ptd
Atlanuo Coast Una oftd. . ..
BaiUmoro A Ohio.
ba.timore a Ohls pfd
bslhiahem Steal
Brooklyn Raid Tranatt ...
Canadian pacific
Central Leather
Cantral Laaihar pfd
t antral of N. J. i. air
Chaaapaaka Ohio ,
Chlcaao A Alton
Chicago Great Waatarn ctfa. 4UU
Chicago A NoeUiweatarn... 1.K" ITS
43 "4
4J w
m ,
" -
gal. 3
C . H !
do pol. ta l'"4) fVl RallTaT Ew
do rfg 4a ... fo do sen 4a
Colo. Inilnwrlkl Sa. . 3H I'nlon Pacific 4a
Tulo. Miaiau-l 4s . . M In " 4
r a 8. raf -ext. 4. 7-4j do Int rf 4s ' '
rial a Hud. . 4a lvl C S Rubher a :Mk !
D A R. O. 4s S4 f 8 S'.eel 11 0a 1
do raf la Hi, Vi-rar. Cham. 5s... 7
Mstillen- 3a 74i W.tiaan 1st 5a .
Erla prior lien 4a M do nt & aiu 4s 7.i
'lo gen. 4a n waatars Ma 4s 4
do c. 4a. aarlea A- r Wast. Elac-trtc ct. as. f4
do. ct 4a. aertaa B. 7'" 'Wis. Central 4s H
aa;n. E'er ct. Its. ..14$
Bid. "0(fared.
Sunday. Holiday.
Receipts and disposition of live stock at
the Lmon ilock Tarda. South Omaha,
CM tie. Hogs. Sheep. Hrs.
.) u in", !;
00 104 I'H". I"4S
Artlcleal Open. H!gh. Low. Close. 8afy.
Jan. May
Lard -Jan.
Jan. May
1 osv-y
1 OA'ySi
1 ORsI 1 05 1 1 5H 1 74
1 tVl OC-A l OeHiV.l 06K
7 W
oTXI 6S1
1V 1
60 0-4i eW,
29-k 29k3" 0', 1 " meats, higher; boxed, extra shorts.
41V CI I41'(42 ' , tlfar nos. tli si. snorx clears,
itHtaiilll 1 1 u e i ' 'll, II I LICI , u,iri, rua biiwo,
POULTRY Weak; chickens. 10c; springs,
llHc; turkeys. 15c; ducks, 12-c; geese, 8c.
H I 'TT KR Firm ; creamery, 27(tf33c.
EUJS steady at 2i.Sc
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 11J 13.".0
Wheat, bu Ka.7o &.')
Corn, bu 3 .. .-
Oats, bu 34.700 34,700
St. I.oals General Market.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 30 WHE1AT Futures,
rum; cash weak. Track, No. 3 red cash,
I1.22-5L24; No. 2 hard. llOK-gfl 13r December,
ll-OVy May. H07V
CORN Lower; track No. 2 cash. BPHc;
No. 2 white, 59'-c; December, 6TT'g6Jic; May,
OATS Firm; track No. 2 cash, - No.
2 white, 434jj; December, 29c; May, 417ic
RYE Firm; 77c,
FLOUR Unchanged; red wrlnter patents,
26 50'irS.D; extra fancy and straight, $5.0O(ji
5.45: hard winter clears. P y4 20.
SEEl TlmothT, 22.71aia.
BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, 21.0L
HAY Firm; timothy, lliaotf 17.oO; prairie,
BAiMING 8 9-16c.
PROVISIONS Pork. lower: lobblna.
233.26. Lard, lower; prime steam, 211.50. Dry
41l 43
2) 40
21 X
n 10
12 55
11 86
11 50
21 10
U 85
11 50
11 SO 1 11 SO I 11 60
I 10 7Vkf 10 1 10 HO jlO 824; 10 97H
No t
Cash quotations were as fallows:
IF LOUR Firm; winter patonts, 5.16?.70;
winter straights. 25 0E(j5.40; apriiig straights,
J4.bO'j4K': bakers, 3
RYE No. 2. 74u75c.
HA RLE Y Feed or mixing, 4&-53c; fair
to choice malting ot-Voc.
SEEDS l-'lax. No. 1 southwestern. 11 .71;
No. 1 northwestern, 21. 8L Timothy, 13.75.
Clover, $3sHil4.00.
PROVISIONS Mess pork.' per bbl., 23. 7S
tV-H-i. Lard, per loo lbs.. 1117013.90. Short
clear sides tbuxed), 211.US4fll2.ix.
Total clearances of w heat and flour were
equal to 377, o4 bu. Primary receipts were
L5.-S.u00 bu.. compared with L340 0O0 bu. the
corresponding day a year ago. The world's
vuuble. supply, as shown by Pradstreet's.
Included L74.00O btr. Rstlmated receipts for
tomorrow; Wheat. 83,233 cars; .corn, 53
cars; oats, 3J.w C4ur-t.
OilctigT Casn Prices Wheat; No. 1 red.
tl 20; No. 2 red, It lil lS: No. I hard. 2107
4)1.071 No. 2 hard. 21loltl; No. 1 north
ern sprtntc flOsiL09; No. 2 northera spring,
21 Owo Log. No. 2 spring, H.oi.fLC Corn:
No. 2 eaeh, 82e: No. 2 cash. f-THc: No. 3
white, Aoc; No. 2 white. 5-nc: No. 2 yellow,
eV; No.1 yellow. t7tc; No. 4 yellow.
- .Oats: No. 2 white, 42Wc; No. 3
white. 4&a4tHe; No. white, 40Sc; standard,
BITTER fteady; creameries, 26332c;
dairies. 24jfcc.
Etiate Receipts, 42 rases; steady; at
mark. Ckses lnciudeil. 2t1iJ5t4ic; firsts
6V; prime firsts. 3io.
CHEKSF Steady; daisies. l'TV,'7t--rc-twins,
lvSUTHc; youiif Americas. lo4ib"'o:
aV tg horns. 16c. '
POULTRY" Steady; turkeys. 13c; chick
ens. 110; surlngs. lie
VEAL Essv. 59 to 0-lb. wU.. TJiJtc- (D to
28-lb wta.. M-ac: S5 to 110-lb. wis.. 9411c.
POTATOES Steady; cr.oioe to fancy 45
5-4t"e; fair to good. 3i54oc.
21 T2A4
20 75
13 50
21 80
20 75
22 00
a i7H
12 CHI 12 89
U 67W U 57V, U 87Vi
M Iwaeapolle Grata Market,
TVceniKw-. Il04; May. 21 uttl: No. 1 cash
hard. l4Si'.gl.07''w: No. 1 northern ri tatv
llM; N- 2 northern. li.04y IWW. j0
2. northern. ll iol 04.
FE Eli Flax closed at tl fH
CORN-No. I yavilow 57 -i6fc
OATS No. I whits.. SV,;ioSc
RYE No. t Sf7n,c.
PRAN-In l'Jik-lb. sacks. lt 50.
FlJ'UR First patents !n wood, f o
b.. M'mu apollsi. i 3tu5.jO: secun.r patents
6.l:5; first citttrs, 42t34.4o; second
clears, taSuXM
Avallalkle taaallra ef Grata.
NFW TOP.K. . Nov.- 30 -StJeclal tele
srraphlc and cable cummunl-atioria received
by Uradsrra-et s this aeek siiw the follow
ing chsnses l aval. able aup(iil as com
pared Willi U4v(oiis accounts: Aral'ahie
upplies. wheat. United States. ea.-t of the
I x.kles. Increased? lrlui-j bushels: Ctui
". decreased ..( tuahels; total. United
. ales aad Caned. Ixa auu butth
r': afioat. for arvd Ir.-arope. decreased
roia) buhels; tola1. American and Euro
(Maa suppiv. Increased 1. 74A ouu buahcLs.
Corn. Inua-d Slates and Canada, Increased
Kiaaii City Grata aad PrTlsloas.
Cash, lc lower; No. 1 hard, tl.OI'aLOT; No.
3. sacill.a; No. 2 red. H.ljl.20: No. 2, 21.10;
T'ecember, ILbo-a; May, iLuai'w, bid; July,
93Hc bid,
CORN Uncharged; No. I mixed, BeTVi'J
5e; No 2. oHo; No. 2 white. 6c; No. I
otc-ic; December. 5rc, bid; May, a07Sc,
sellers: July, tH'Sc, bid.
OATS Uncharge! ; No, 2 white, 4y44rc;
No. 2 mixed. 2.tf40c "
RYE V(j70e.
HAY Unchanged; choice timothy, 211.5rt-j
12 no choice prairie, tri.50; choice alfalfa,
BUTTER Creamery, extras. S2Vic: flints,
30c: seconds, Sc: packing stock, 22Hc.
EO IS Extras, Kic; firsts. 27c; second and
dirties. 14c: current receipts, 2c, south
erns, loss off. 14c.
Receipts. Shipments.
Wheat, bu SO.isaj 77.0"d
Corn, bu ll.OiO 3S ou
OaU, bu s.tAA) a,0u0
Options at Kansas City:
I Open. I High.) Low. Close.
May ...
.1 iois 1 orj
r .... W'ai 1 Oo'v
1 oiv
1 024
1 Ou-i
tW 134
8W Hi
.. 40 7V4
.. 1,10 174
.. ,4J 46
l 1 '-
yv n
.. li,5 W4
113 133
1144 i:4
77 ,
Boston Stocks and Bonds,
BOSTON. Nov. 3tl. Money call loans, t
5f!"i per cent: time loans, tn'i per cent.
Closing quotations were as follows:
At-bison adj. 4a M Atlantic 11
do 4a "ri'SButta Coalition l'
Atchiaon R. R llf4 Calaraet A Ar-liona. . .I'C
do pfd V-ri Cupper Ranga...
Boaton A All-ajiy.. rati. Tiair Waat
Uiittoo Eievated 1 Dianinlon Coal .
ritchburg pfd ..131 Franklin
N. T , N. H. A H..IM Graena Cxnanaa
I'nlon Pi!c 14 Ii- Rorala
Am. Anra. Cham 4SMaaa. Mining ..
.l"t Mxkigan
I Mohavk
.1154 Nevada
.:17 Old Immlnlon .
. 14 Parrot
.lwiv (juincj
. 4!l Shannon
.lit Tamarack
. lstTnntt)'
. T5H C. S. Mining...
. MU. 8. Oil
. ftah
. ssivtcuirla
.U34 Winona ........
,. 4 Wotwertna
. KHitorui Bntu
irr4 17
Chicago. Mil. A at. Paal., l,tD ;n lw
C, C. C. A 8c Louis
Colorado Fuel a Iron
Colorado A South ara
Colorado A So. lat pfd ...
Colorado a So. M pfd
Consolidated Gea
Corn Produtea
Dataware 4 Hudaoa .
Dan vac a Rio Grand
Danvar A Rio Grand prd-.
Distillers' Bcartue
Sri lat pfd
Erte id pfd
General Blactfl
Graat Northam pfd.
Great Northern Or a. aire. ..
Illinois Cantral
Intarborough Mac
Intaruorouk Met. pfd
International Harraeiar
In Lor. Mario pfd
International Papar
lntarna.luaai Ptuup
Iowa Central
Kanaaa City goutham
Kanarte Cltj Southam ptd..
LouiaTlll a NeehTtlle
Minna&poila A a. Louis...
M . St. P. a Sault 81. X..
Mlaaonrl Pacific
Mlaaourl, Kansas A Texas.
M.. K. A T. ptd
National Biscuit.
National Laad
N. Rra. of Max. lat pfd...
New York Central
New York, (muu-lo W...
Norfolk A astern ex. dir.
North Amarlcan
Northern Pacific
Pacific Mall
People Gas
Pitta burg. C. C.
Praaaad steal Car
Pullman Palac Car....
Rallwar Sieel Spring...
kepubilo Steal
Republic Steel pfd
Rix k laland Co
Rock laland Co. pfd
St- L. san Fran. Id pfd.
Bu Ljuii Soutneweetarn...
St. Louie 8. W ptd
Sloaa-Sneffleld 8. A 1
southern Paclfla
Southern Railway
Sou. nero Railway pfd
Tenneasa Copper
Texas a Pail fig
Toiado. St, Le-na A Waal.
T.. st. Law. ptd
t'nion Pacific
I'nlon Paclfl pfd
lotted giate Realtr
I'nlted Statoa kuboer
tinted State Steal
I ailed Slate Steal pfd.
t'tak Copper
Vlrxlnia-Carolln Chemical
Webasa ,
Wabash pfd
Westers Maryland ctfa....
WeeiinghouM Electric
Western Inloa
Wheeling A Lake Erie...
sut'itain Central
147 llia 147
SO 2114 21-a 21-4
-J 47
41 474
! :.
46 4w
i.;u ni 11
t.lta) 7 7J 7t-
1-H) 144 144 1-46
n.'i 'e!H 23 2i
ll.VX M &3
4VKI lit- l"2- lu4-
l.fHJO 144j M 1-4
luv 14 14T4 14t
Lissl 4 4aa 4
1.300 41 V 42 4.X
l,T IW4 w ini
." 52 01 52
VI 133'4 1334
I'JO 114
t.l'W TH
73 w
wi 14
A St. U.
15-") 14t4 Iiri 1434
C.'-J 44-4 4-S 44-4
a ? lu4 Iras i2 4
X.2UD Ul 1US4 lii:
i,e suit
Id ltl
lot) 4 44
lM.tuv 10-4 leos
47 V,
l.ejtf 4n-4
) I'",
15-l 33 S
6 4-0 44
7.1'i 13 s
t) 74-4
1" 84,
lt.tfU 1J.-4
A4ts lU-"-
7UO , 48
1.4U0 1
1.3') 14
i-utt Ul -i4
L-MI lvl4
'iiui "si"
t. lUi. lU-m.
10.;i-d 5k"4 57
Total sales lor th dar. LaxtS-je ahaiwa.
UK 14
64 S
do pfd
Am. Prkeu. Tub
Am. Sugar
do prd
Am. T A T
Am. Woolen.
do pfd
Dnmln I. A S
Gen. Electric
34asa. Electric
Mas. Gaa
Inlted Sho Mach..
d pfd
C. 9. Steel
dn pfd
Arizona tool........
Kx. Dit.
.... 74
.... t
... . t
.... 14
.... 11S
.... St-
.... 44
.... 4I-4
.... 4,
.... n
.... 2K"4
.... a6
.... !54
.... .!
.... 1"4
.... 6.-4
.... 3i4
.... 44"4
.... 14
.... 14
C. M. & St. P
Missouri Pac.flc ...
I'nlon Pacific
C. & N. V.. east...
C. A N. W., west...
C. St. P. M. & O...
C. H. A Q., east....
C. B. or y . west....
C. R. I. A P.. east.
C. R. I. A P.. west.
Illinois Central....
C. G. W
Total receipts
4 3 1
3 1
34 2l 9
J 4
44 14 7
5 4 4
10 t 4
63 31 3
5 3..
5 1
194 H 38
A Sh. FT. yo. At h. Pr
la 40 7 75 ttf :m itt. tr-e
... I4 . . t !W 47 tVl SO 111-4
... :i to I -si -c -.14 isi us
....!. ... I Of. (a 44 I
... 1T4 . . t 06 ;) 241 H t 1J4
... M 0 erv, 41 i.4 ...
1 SO 107, 74 1 J4f. 111
19 . I 10 44 317 44) i 134
17!. ... I It w. .1 4U I U'
71 M 11(1 IS 277 ... I 1J4
191 . . 14 65 Kt ... II14
... rs o m tf hi 1W I :i,
VJ) 12"! I 10 14 "T-4 4-J I 11
.. .. Kl ... I 10 It, 119 ... 15
14 ... 1 10 4 227 40 I IS
.... let ... I u ( Jv-J 4 IS
'l ... S M tt 14 ton t 15
. .. 11 . .. t ,0 5a ;3 40 1 :s
...210 4fl t in u pit . w is
2'1 f 10 , 71 J44 10 t 6
17! m I to 16 Ill I 11
Win- 7t lit ... I IS
ni . . lo 11 40 8 15
246 I I U4 74 U4 I 15
lit 240 I 11 7 Ul . . I IS
34 . . t 114 f 3T1 M I IS
S44 W I 124 PI rt ld I 1714
.... 145 ... a 12V ) .fit ... I ITVk
M A-, 44 2Stl ... I to
CattlcHcgs. Sheep.
1 421
1 5-4
I -teeta-ntlea.
Quntatlons furnished by Hamuel Burns,
lr.. (14 New Tork Life buUUiag:
, 'A
Beatrice Creamorr Os..
Burrougb Adding Marhtns
Cltr at Omaha 4a, ltll
Clip of Omaha 4a. 1124
ColumJbus. Nab.. TL L. aa. 115..,
Cuba (Rep. of) Int. Se. ltll. ......
Detroit Kdlaon ta, ItvU
German Fire In. Co
Oat City Malt
Iadepondeot Tt. 6. Omaha.
Imp. Jas. Cot. 44S, ltlt
K. C, M. A 0. 4. bonus
Nebraska Tal stock t r oaat. ........
Oman Oa ta, 1117...
Omaha B. L. A P. ta, lKI
Omaha a C. a St. Br. re, U2t ,
Omaha C. B. it Rr. d'4, f par enl
Omaha-NsTBda Mining Co ,
9 1 mix City Traction S. lti
Swift A Co. as, 114 ,
St. L. I. M. R. A U. 4a. ltlt
Tri-City R. A L 5s, 1921 ,
t'nlan A I . Omaha. 4 p. a.. al-dlT..
ST tl
10014 . 1004
. 1054 10 .
44 St
tt t6tV
. 1") 10.
140V4 lot
tH tt
. 1144 tl
St t7
'. w4 1H
, st aa
, tt-4 lot
. lu
I UV4 44
, ll4 4444
. 100 101
. 87 "4 tl-4
. tT4 t4
. K, t4
Ntw Tork aialsg Itotkt.
NEW YORK. Nov. 20. Closing quotation
on mining stocks were as loiiows:
Allc LadT411 Con .
Brunawlck Coa t Little Chief
Com. Tunnel Mock... tt Maxlcaa
do bonds 20 Ortano
Con. Cal. A Va to Ophir
Ta 'aandard
146 . Ya.luw Jacket ..
Horn tilTcr
Iron Silver ,
Baak Clearing-.
OMAHA, Nov. 30. Bank clearings for
today were 21,963.21X72 and for the corre
sponding date last year
Loadua Stock; Market.
LONTKJN, Noy. 30 American secur-Klea
opened uncertain, but Improved later under
the lead of I'nlon Pacific, Amalgamated
Copper and Canadian Pacific At noon the
market was steady with Canadian Pacific
l-e higher and the rest of the Hat from
unchai.ged ta S boe yesterday's New
York closing.
London closing stocks:
Cona-u. moaay h4 Loulsvlll Naak. lMH
do account M-.Uo . Kan. a Tax.. 4a4
iuirii .tr i,.ra central liJ
Pworla Market.
PEORI. Not. 30 rnn:'-Easy, all new;
No. 3 white. 67c: No. 2 yellow, 0i'-j57c; No.
2 mixed. S74c: No. 3, B4'(i57c; No. A Mtc;
no grade, 4.l50c
OAT-?teady; No. 2 white, 40Stf4ij4C;
Wt ite. ' 31-44 C.
HIE- el lead y; No. 1 75c.
MTrrol Grala Market.
firm; No. ! red western winter, ss id; fu
tures, firm: Icmber, S ld, March,'7s
kd; May. 7s 6-. I
CORN ripot. firm: new American mixed.
Via Oalveston. &s K'--1, futures, quiet; De
cember, us iSd ,
Jfllwaikr Grala Market.
1 northern. II a- 1 1 10, No. 2 northern, ILtki
'.il7S: May ltii, bl.L
4 ATS 41 14 42V,C-
BAKLEf-t-ampltrs. i'-iVc.
Ualath t.rala Market.
P1TTTH, Nov. 3 WHEAT Decern!: -er.
21-OS; M ty. 11 tf.S; No. 1 northern. Nevem
be. 11.07: No. 3 northern. November, II uS.
oats a-'.c
star gat Malatw,
NEW YORK. Nov. 3u.-jSraAR-Raw.
quiet, filr refilling. IKSc; centrifusa". H4
tt. iltc; mi.iaseea sugar, l.jac. Refined,
quiet: cr i-hel. 4-isic; powdered i.3U:; gran
ulated. 6 2ac.
COr-Fr K-Steady; N I R 4. J,.
Santo), 4,a'a
d prd
Baitlmor a Ohio .
tnadien Paclllc ..
Chapeke e Ohio
""til Greet cetera
'hi.. Mil a at. p
l-e Ikwr
Lender a Rio Or...
d.i pfd
do lt ptd
do 2d l td
Grand Trunk
Il.lnoia Central
Norfolk a Weatarw.
1274 4a ptd
1 '7 Ontario A Western.
ll4 PrnnariTanta
17 4 Hand Mlue
474 Reading
1""4 louthem Rallwar ,
167 w da pfi
14 Southern Pacific
4"alnioa Pacific ..
4 do pfd ,
l'l. s. ati
44 do pfd 144-4
4 ptd U
154) iuniaM 4a ua
N'L ER Har. quiet at 2Jd per ounce.
Mu.NET-42 44 per eenu
The rate of discount In the open market
for hort is per cent; for three
months' bills, 3433 U-u per cent.
. tl
- 4TV,
. 4
... 4
... kf
.. 11
... TO
Treasary ttlateaaeat.
WASHINOTON. Nov. Jfl.-The condition
of th treuiury at tbe beginning of business
today was as follou.:
Trust Fund-. i,.id coin. (p-M 1-73 f- silver
d. ilars 2iJ.7tr3ji.uuu; silver dulUra of lvs)
J:2 0i-9: silver ceruflcatea outstanding'
4J7 u3c wi.
Veneral Fund Standard silver d-llars In
ger.ersj fund. $2 SX7.775. current liabilities
ll:0.lj.2J: working b ance In treasury of
flces. Ut 5!H.ity); In banks to cr.-d t t-f
treasurer of the I'nited States, lit 226 4T-2
subsiditry silver coin. H. Htt s6 ; minor coin
II -T2 . Totl baliuice In general fund.
Prrlgn Vtaaarlat.
LONDON. Nov. 30.-Mony was In fair
demand and supply on the market today
and discounts acre easy. Traulng on the
stock exchange was lrrguiar and qul-c
hn:ih securities were neglected pen. I n
government action on the buditet. Kaff r
and diamond snare eased on realisation
Cupper shares started weak, but Improved
a!,rply under Covering operations In sf.ti
of ruuiers of aa abavudoniuent of the rucr-
Wool Market.
BOSTON. Nov. 30. WOOL Trading In the
local wool market continues dull, but prices
hold well. The supply Is below the aver
age for this season of the year, although
there Is some Oregon staple left. The call
for fleece wools showed a slight Improve
ment. Woolen manufacturers continue to
buy supplies of clothing, territory, pulled
wools and short California and Texas stock.
The leading domestic quotations range as
follows: Missouri: Three-eighths blood. 34c;
one-quarter blood. 32-u33c dcoured values:
Texas, fine twelve months, iba'thc; fine six
to eight months. 6V!70c; fine fall, 6lu60c.
California, northern. 6Vu70c; middle county,
4.1iiuoc: fall free. 50-i52c; fall defective. IVV-J
54c. Oregon, eastern. No. 1 staple. 7Mj7fc:
eastern clothing. 70u72c; valley. No. L 573
Esc. Territory, fine staple. 77'gSOc; fine me
dium staple. 70r2c: fine clothing. 70"a72c:
fine medium clothing. 65 Tic; half-blood,
ri'gtflc; three-elghtA. 6S4i70c; one-quarter
blood, oracle. Pulled, extra, 72'o7oc; fine,
STIjTOc; fine super, 62tj6fe.
LONDON. Nov. 3i. WOOL The offer
ings at the wool auction sales today num
bered 14.07s bales, including a large supply
of cross-breds. which were sold to home
buyers, and occasionally to Americans, at
firm rates. Merinos were eager! bougnt
by home and continental spinners. The best
scoured brought 2s 2d and greasles. Is Ed.
Punta Arenas advanced S per cent over
the September average.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 30 WOOL Dull ; terri
tory and western mediums. 24n-c; fine me
diums, 21g2ic; fine. 13-(i20c.
Omaha Packing Co 5.B)
Salft A Company 1 .Ti
(.udahy Packing Co 1.270
Armour At Company 1.170
Schwartx-Bolen Co
benton Vansant Lush. IS!
Stephens hros 217
Hill A Son SS
V. B. Lewis
Huston A Compony 1m
J. B. Root it Co 170
J. H. Bulla 57
L. F. Husi
L. Wolf H
MeCreary & Carey fft
S. erheiin-.-r .t0
H. F. Hamilton 12
j Sullivan Bros 3
I Lehmer Bros 4
Lee Rothschild 7
Smith & Polslev 13
I Mo. & Kant. -Cal. Co.... 60
iChrlsty Ciine A Smith.. r-l
Other buyers to
Total ,2b 6.368 T.0S0
Iai i Lt-Kectipu o cait.e tii.s
were not very uiige tor a luesoay, uieie
being only IM cars reported in. 'inia
-oakes the total for ir.e two days tnls week
AWJO head, a falling off of 2.WAI head, as
.'ompared with tne same days last week,
but a gain of 3.4ow head, aa compared wlia
tne same days a year ae;o.
The supply of desirao.e fed cattle was
not very large, while there seemed to be
a good, brisk, demand. Xhe result was an
active trade at prices that were safely
strong to loc higher than yesterday. Every
tning that could be classed as at all de
sirable changed hands In very good season
In the morning.
Cows and heifers wera In large supply,
the same as yesterday, a considerable pro
portion of the receipts consisting of that
cia-ia of stock. While there was a fair
demand, tha receipts were so liberal that
buyers could aford to take a little more
lime - than was the case with beef steers,
but still they paid prices that were a
little stronger than yesteiday as a rule.
The break In feeders last week had the
natural effect of bringing in buying orders,
commission men especially having a good
many orders to be filled, with the result
that yenterday afternoon practically every
thing In the yards was cleaned up and
there was still a very brisk demand this
morning. In consequence of this the mar
ket today was around 10c higher on any
thing at all desirable, with tne trade it a
good.x healthy and entirely satisfactory
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice corn
fed steers, 27 .owc.25, fair to good cornfad
steers, $0.50-47.00; common to fair Corn fed
steers, 3. 75 5. 50, good to choice range
steerst fo.u0tn6.2S; fair to good range steers,
U.TT-'; common to fair range steers,
M-7T.j4.75; good to choice C4Mnfed cows, and
heifers. HOuufi.uO; I fsir to good cornfed
cows and beifers.l fd.25jH.00; common to
fair cornfed cows and heifers. 22.5ou3 ir,
good to choice range cows and heifers. 33.72
-34.00; iair to good range cjws and heifers.
22 2fi'aX7i' common to fair range cows and
heifers. 32.5a.32; good to choice stockers
and feeders. f4.2&;6.2U; fair 10 good stock
ers and feeders, -J7sj4-25. common to fair
stockers mid feeders. Vf-0oaS.7j; stock heif
ers, 22. 753.75; veal calves, Jl.'antI.oO; buus.
stub's, etc., 12 7. 5 4. 65.
KeDresnntative sales:
No. At. Pr. Ne. at. Pr.
1 M I M 1144 I la
.1 iiu t m
Cottoa Market.
tures opened barely steady, with De
cember, 14.15c; January. 14.33c; February,
14.4c; March, 1461c; May. 14.74c; July.
14 7Jc; August, U.s-tcIU.OOc; September. 12 90
fcU.Sic; October. 12.47c.
Futures closed steady. Closing bids:
December.; January. 14.35c; February,
14 4.ic: March, 14 63c; April. 14 6c; May,
14 76c; June. 14 0c; July. 14 73c; August,
14C6c; September. 14.t4c; October. 1I.5AC.
Spot closed quiet; middling uplands.
14,5c; middling gulf. 14.c; no sales.
ST. LOim. Nov. 20 COTTON Lower;
middling. 144c: sales, none; receipts, 1 7-il
bales; shipments. 154 bales; stock, 35 '(2
Coffee Market.
market for coffee futures opened steady
at unchanged prices to a decline of S points
under a few offerings In the absence of
support and In sympathy with Indifferent
European markets, for while Havre was
unchanged to higher. Hamburg was
lower at the hour of the local opening
Business was quiet and the market showed
little further change, closing steady, net
unchanged to S points lower Sale were
reported of 10.&IO hags. Including March at
fioc. May at 0,f6 6643 and Julv and fep
tember at 4 75c. Spot, quiet; Rio. No. 7
4"4c. nominal; Santos. No. 4, sc Mild
quiet; Cordova, ( 1110.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK. Nov. METAU4-ftand-ard
copper dull: locnj deeJers quote lake
copr-er at JU.2f .ill 7i; electrolytic. n .,
I3.a; casting, litoua 13 X,. London mar
ket chieed strong; spot. tU 12s d: futurea,
Et 15s- Tin. firm; London market tr-.r.g
and higher; spot, 142 los; futurea f!44
12S d. Lead, quiet; spot. 24 IT- -r-4 43-
L.do4i market lower: spot. CI Snitr
closed quWc; sp.H. tv jrtM. 4. London un
changed at 122. Iron low- In London at
Sue f,r Cleveland warrants. Local mar
ket unchanged.
PT. Ul IS Nov tt). MKTALH Laad
stuaJy at K27V,, fepelter. firm at (M.2S.
... M0
... lot
... Iw7
... mi
... Ku
... Ml
2 ti
J 74
3 to
t 04
t o
I 14
.... 74
.... 6o
.... t-u
t 15
I 45
1 tal
I 70
t M
t Ul
f W0 I U II 721 I II
3 170 I 00 1 ISO I M
t W4 it, 1 : t tt
I m: t tt, t i2i
I - 2... ;W Ikl
t Sail 4 I IN IN
11 4.7-. 4 M 1.. .. lai 7 u
1 si' :
t 4.2 : . t 4:0 4 ie
t 61.1 1 : t tut 4 15
II 414 1 75 13 132 4 Si
t a 4 l j
22 steers.... mil lu 15 cows rCO
P. Becker Neb.
23 cows 870 1 75 27 cows 757
William Flscner Neb.
42 cows Kt,l 2 60 7 coa a MO
R. M. Faddls Neb.
2 bulls 1350 3 10 lo bulls 1114
7 cows 1H4 3 26 S cows t-72
26 cues IfJS I ho os cows Mo
ia cuas l'v-2 3 te
V. H. Curtis Neb.
20 cows si 4 3 45 4 cows gtS
F. W. Woods Neb.
47 Steers. ...luuO 4 55
J. J. Davidson Neb.
27 heifers.
36 Sloers...
6 cows....
n steers...
33 steers.,
w coas. ..
30 cows.
X steers,
2 cows..
. . lou2
47 steers.
12 cows..
i 2 25 a cows.. .. 870
P. V. bommers W yo.
. 147 4 20 32 coas 2b4
. Dot a u
F. Roberson & Co. Wyo.
76 4 Si 25 steers.... .!
4 4a 24 steers.
4 15 35 cow 1 56
3 65
D. ChrUman Wyo.
4 10 7 steers.. ..1015
4 50 10 Utl
C. F. Robtrson VV yo.
.1032 4 70 3 cs. A ha.iua
. 3 isi
Harry Fatham Wyo.
24 steers.. ..1016 4 tA 2 s.eers.... 976
24 cows 'i Iv) 73 coks a
i3 cs. A hs. i20 4 00
James W. Chrimnan Wyo.
49 steers.. .115 4 So 16 -eers. ...KB3
4K sleets... .115a 4 15 37 cows las)
23 cows Iu31 3 40
H. A McLlnnons Wyo.
3 cows 1043 2 75 IS rows v77
17 feeders.. l'Jco 4 65 i s eers. ...12J)
t". A. Busu Wyu.
.1131 4 71
Lrubdae Broa. Wyo.
. vll I bo 7 cows 222
W. Clerk Wyo.
. iU 3 is 14 cows 237
K. tiutton V yo.
. 7s7 3 u 1 bull 13M0
1 l 7 cows mji
1.6 4 25 t calves... r.i
"As) S 00
C. G. HtM-D Wyo.
16 feeders.. 764 4 15 16 heifers. V4
14 eoes k2 I a 1 st-er 1U0
hru Hlnkie Wyo.
14 steers. .l'- Isl 1 steer. .. ft-e
I trs lowj 4 5 1 bt.ii U-te
L. Kavenen Wyo.
12 cows Vw) 2 su 3 cows it 3
I ca.f 2v4) f us J calves... 4M
22 steers..
12 cows . .
21 oows
14 cows
2 cows
I calves...
I calves...
3 75
2 40
1 10
2 10
2 -5
2 so
2 80
2 55
4 66
4 45
4 16
4 20
2 10
4 30
4 25
3 Aj
4 4i
4 00
4 36
3 00
1 00
2 2 .
4 26
3 73
4 U0
4 25
2 hi
2 44)
74 . .
tl. .
9- .
.14 .
'0 .
c... .
tH. .
C4 .
M. .
4 .
SHEEP Apparently the efforts of com
mission men to keep back unfinished fed
muttons until they have been sufficiently
matured for market purposes are beginning
to bear fruit. Only a moderate run was
yarded this morning, but the character of
the offerings as a whole was very good.
There were few, if any. feeders includetl In
receipts and the big bulk of killers tnm
sisnd of sixty and eighty-day stuff. Buy
ers for packers were out early with good
liberal orders for anything In this line,
and strings of both sheep and lambs were
welched up just about aa fast aa they were
In a word the dmand for good kinds
was vigorous, the trnde active and prices
generally -strong as compared witn yester
day. Some toppy fed lambs reached 17 60.
h.avy yearlings sold at 26.00. ewes changed
hands at 25 00 and a string of ewes and
wethsrs brought 15.15. ,
As Is noted above, there were not enough
feeders on sale to make a market. Many
orders for the more suitable ciasses of
stock sheep anc lambs are still in the
hands of commiseion men, however, and It
Is very probable that values would st
least rule steady with supplies of a normal
quotations on fat sheet, and lambs:
Good to choice lambs. 27.0CKu7.5; fair to
good lambs. 26. 50417. 00; good cut light year
lings, 25. 75141-8. 40; good heavy yearlings, 15.23
fta.isj; good lo cnoice wethers, 24.7k.36;
fair to good wethers, 24.3oiU-t.7t; good to
choice ewes, 24.5oiiS.00; fair to good ewea,
23 S0-&4.50.
Uuolauons on feeder stock: flood tn
choice lambs. 26 255".75; fair to good lambs,
t&.75'u.2s; light yearlings, S6.OCka5.50; heavy
yearlings, 24.50tl6.00; Old wether. 24.504.75;
good to choice ewes, S3 254,3.75; breeding
ewes, 13 75UO.50; yearling breeding ewea,
13 native lambs 64
14 na:ive lambs ..1
S3 native lambs
253 Nebraska yearlings
71 fed lambs
200 fed lambs
223 fed ewea
133 fed yearlings
106 native lambs
25 native lambs
317 native ewes
15 native yearlings
230 fed wethers
1J0 native lambs
20 native lambs, cults
46 native ewes
13 native ewes, culls
3D native ewes
47 native lambs
26 fed wethers
70 fed ewes
30 fed lambs
464 western wethers
b7 western wethers
13 western yearlings
.. 85
.. $3
.. 1"3
.. 61
.. 74
.. 103
.. S3
.. 72
.. a
.. Ul
.. Si
.. Its
.. 73
.. Ill
.. 1-4
.. 12)
.. 76
.. SO
.. 106
.. 77
.. 125
.. 130
.. 106
7 25
7 26
7 2S
1 00
6 15
7 25
4 -0
6 00
7 50
6 50
4 il5
2 00
5 66
7 50
( 50
5 00
2 26
I 00
7 50
4 &
4 75
7 36
I In
3 IS
5 HO
Pennsylvania snj ;hr curren. n c Uts in
ret'irnehi m-.. ..V si mark, w s eri
first. fr--. ca.- s. 3 c st ti'a k. w si--, n
firs s ruiter.t receipts, f re cja-s-s. 4141 i!.o
at ";'
CM Er S E Firm: New Y"rk fjll crs'n
c'ioic . l"c; New Vurk fu.l creams fa.r
to good. 1' V, o ll,C.
OK 411 t.r..2Kl M 4 RRRTi
Staple tat faaey fro-taee Pr4-e fpar
slaked by Bayers aat 4V kaalwwalere.
BCTTER-Creamrry, No. A d-llvried to
the retail trade In l-.b. cartons. .Cc. No.
L In So-lb. tuba SI1; No. A in. 1-lh. car
tons, tve. In 60-lb. iuks, f'ic, parlous
lock. 22-tc; fancy dair-f. taua, tot, Mai
ket changes eveiy
l.i.i.-- I th ae.lliig stock, candied, tf-c
lUL LIRI-Dressed bro.ieia, 2j:, aprmja,
10c; hens, 14c; cocks, c; due.. Ursc, geese,
!-.'. turkes. tie; pi,et.n. per J..4., 1 li.
Anve. broilers, under t pounds, lav, over
3 pounds, luc, hens. K. ctMiks, tc;
ducks, full feathered. HC, g"e.e. full
feathered, tc ; turkeys, under 2 lc;
over t pounds. 1.'. guirea fowls, 23 per
dos., pigTona, fa)c per dcg.
UYt 1 hlif-Selects, soil. I cans. 22c; large
40c; gaPotis. Si t5. Ncv. Yoik, tma.i.
SJc; li g-4. tlx-. gaila 21 Haittmoi a
standaid. ama.1. Sua., vaiiotw
FISH Fresh riut''". sitrijtit all art)
dressed. II iliuu I.V. bi-ila!-.. &c; trout,
ViC. builhea.-a. i4c. mid--, crappiee,
tcflsh, relsc, L.c 2c. . tnuii.a,
1.. pihe, i- . .-04U..-.I. i . i u.aerei, lie;
frog legs. 4fpc. Kiesn ,i --, w iiuet'.sh. No.
L Uc, pickerel, mtKHil aist keauiess. ;
pike. dieeu. Lh-. t .,r.iia).c. a, 4.-, bpan
un ma-:-.erei, lo..; e macKfaiei. .:'m each.
FRL ITS 4jrap.s. New toix rrjnciMll. as
sociauou pack, per basket, tic. 100 eaisk. f
lens, per baaael, 2t-c; .taiiforiua. eau a
fancy Flaming Tu4j 1, per large ctate,
1175. l-crut lots. pr crate. II. te, S-crate
lots, per crate. II , eir :ion:s Malagas,
per bbl., Su.ov; exna ci.uice neat y MaiugiL,
,er bbl . 400; iiicliy fancy .Uai.kas, per
bbl., t5u, siricny later heavy .Idai.!.
per bbl., 17 uv, extra uii.-y tinietl nia. e.
p-t bbl.. 27.50, extra fancy extra aea. y
tin leu. per !4i., .ve txt. a lancv p.4i La
Bohhuiia U. pel boi., .oam Ciauoei ries:
Wisconsin. Ar.tier brand, ealra la.lcv
Jin bo, ptr bbl SltXi; w iet-onsin. poppy
I rand. Bed A Cherry, pr tin., tl.w, Nvin
conein, tleid run. per bXii., S10O; lane;- Cape
Cod, 27 50; Caie Cod, 7.ti, choice
Cape Cod, boa, 12 .J. Apples, ixtra Colo
rado Jonathans, per Don, 42 aat; eaira
'Joiorado Joualtmns, pwr uvx, 42.25,
Jonathans, per box, ii-uu; it.auarl Hen,
No. L Ben Davis, per boi..; Missouri
Ben, No. L Wlneaaps. per but . H a, M.s
sourl Ben, No. 1, uiio, per but. S4..5, New
luik extra fancy Red uk.ilnn, iiei bbl.,
44.50; New York exira fancy Greeulng-i, per
bbl., 24.5o; New York farmers pack. Bad
wins, per bbl., 2-; New Yora larnieie
pack, vjreeiiinga. per bbl., Se.;. pilars:
California, exlra fancy i-aotle Buerre, per
box,; Michigan Iviefters, pei 3 bu. bbl.,
24 00. uranges: Extra fancy Va.eucias. Lo,
lid, 176, 3U0 and 210, per box. 14.50, 2jU- and
2.i. per box. 14.50; mu lancy Florida, L6,
150. 176, 20U, 21t, per box. i.2a. Lemons;
Extra fancy, juo and etsi. per box, Sb 00;
choice, JO0 and Ui. per oox. S5.50. Oiape
fruit: Florida, 54. 04 an4 bu. Per box. 4 u.
Bananas: Exit a lancy Port Limon. pdi lb.,
4c, 6-bunch lots, per lb, cc Honey: Colo
rado, per crate, 33.26.
BELr" CI 1 1 i.ios: No. L 15c; No. 2.
11c; No. 3. sc. Loin: No. .L 17c; No. 2, 13c;
No. 3. hC Chuck: No. 1. 6c; No. 2, 6c;
No. 3. 4c. Round: No. L S-tc; No. 2, 6,o;
No. 2. 6ac; Plate: Nx L 6c; No, 2, 4-s.c;
No. 3. 4'c.
VEtJfe.1 ABLES Sweet potatoes, Virginia
Red Star, per large bbl., 12.50, S-bbt. lot,
per bbl., 22.50. Celery: Exlra fancy Michi
gan, per doz., Uc, extra fancy Muskeg in,
per flat box. 11.35. Heid 1-tluce: per bum
per. 22 50. Rutabagas. Canadian, pel lb.,
mc. Cabbage: V4 Isconsin. genu. ne Hoi
land seed, per lb., 1't-'; l,0uu-lu. lo'-s or
more, l'ac; red, per lb.. 2 ?o. CaJiforula
tomatoes: Per crate. SI 5o. Onions: Indiana
Red Globe, per bu., SloO, Idaho yellow, per
bu., Il.oo; Spanish, p.-r crx.e. $1.50. Pota
toes: Colorado, per bu., ive. Figs: New,
Imported. 7-ciown, per lb., 15o; 4-orown,
per lb., 13c; 13 12-01. pkga, per box. sue;
60 (-os. pkgs., per box. ti.uo.
CIDER Mon t per keg, USA
NUTS Almonds: Drake . oeedUngs. pet
lb., 15c; filberts, large, per lb., 14c Pecans:
Louisiana, per lb., 17Vtic; Jumbo Texas, per
lb., 16c; medium Texas, .per lb., 124-c- Cali
fornia walnuts: No. L soft shell, per lb..
15c; No. 2, soft shell, per lb., llo. peanuts:
Raw, per lb.. 4c; Jumbo, raw. per lb., Jc;
roasted, per lb.. So; salted, per box. 31. 21.
DATES 30 1-lb. pkgs.. per box. 32-25;
new Hallowe'en, per lb.. 7c; s'l-far wainut,
per box, H arfar-2. pr TB'..-T)r' "' '
HIDJfcS No-1 V green.,, lvc; 'a , 1 cured.
Cattle and Hoars Steady Sheep aad
Laamka Stroagr.
CHICAOO. Nov. 30. -CATTLE Receipts,
lOtAO head. Market steady; steers. 35 fiO"j
26; cows. S3.50ti5.00; heifers, 23.00-iJ6.00;
bulls. 230vo475; calves, 23.0031.60; stockers
and feeders. 23.75t-5.2S.
HOJ3 Receipts. 25.000 head. Market wag
steady; choice heavy, 2S.30-5 ft. 40; butchers.
2)1.25 8 8.40; light mixed. Sn ofgij 15; choice
light, SvlfgS.25; packing. SV2O-Q-8 30; pigs,
25.75a7.78: bulk of sales. 2s. lotifl. 30.
head. Market strong; sheep, S4.0Oai.25
lambs, 26.75587 55; yearlings, S5.00-O 7.1X1. .
St. I.oals Live Stock Market.
ST. LOL13. Nov. 30. CATTLE Receipts
2 400 head, including l.ttt) head Texans'
market steady: naUve shipping and export
steers, 16. 75(16.60; dressed beef and butcher
steers. S0.2&44.4O; steers, under l.ouO pounds
S3.75(jS.10; stockers and feeders, f3.y(t5 50
cows, and heifers. S3 9o-.S; cnners,
2 75; bulls, 2.76'a4-50; calvej. 24.7688. SO;
Texas and Indian steers, 23.7&45.J5, cows
and heifers. 22.0004. 50.
HOGS Receipts, 16.500 head: market 5c
higher; pigs and lights, 6."3J.uo; pack
er. SS flfjaS.25; butchers and best heavy
3s. 20 ii 6. 35.
bHEEP AND LAMBS- Receipts, 4.500
head; market steady; native muttons, 23 40
itj.ou; lambs, S6.2fXB'7 75; culls and bucks
S2 50U4.15, stockers, S12&-U4.00.
Kaasaa City Live Stock Market.
ceipts. 20 000 rrnad. Including 1.000 southerns.
Market steady to loc lower; choice export
and dressed beef steers. S6.25-ali.50: fair to
good, S4.&5-I16 00; western steers. S4.0iXi-5 50
Blockers and feeders. S3.2tu5.50; southern
steers, S3 50-8-5.75; southern cows. t2.40-tj3 75
native 'cows, S2 50-,j6-aj; native heifers. S3 25
i'5 50: bulls. 32 753: calves. Jtl.75750
Hi 1S Receipts. 17,000 head. Market was
steady; top. In rv.; bulk of sales. H.Ora
y; heavy. Ssloflii rt,; packers and butch
ers. H-iX-? ,.,; light, r.70-as li; pigs, 26 50
&7 50.
head. Market strong; lambs, S5 7Tu7 5o
yearlings. So 25-36 ; wethers. S4 75-j-o 5o
ewes. It 265 00, stockers and feeders, 23 50
1(5. IS.
St. Joseph Live Stork Market.
ceipts. 4.0) had; market slow: steers 24 54
g7 00; cows and heifers. 22.506 00: calvea.
S2.ft7 50.
HOtiS-Recelpts. 7500 head; market
steady; top, St 25; bulk of sales, ITSCif f)
head; market steady to strong; lambs M 50
Slews CltF Live Stock Market.
SIOCX CITY It., Nov. 30-SpeclaJ
Telegram.) CATTLE Receipts. L200 head'
market steady. '
HOOS- Receipts. L7r) head: msrket Be
higher; range of prictsa. 27.X-4iS.15; bulk of
sales. i"i" 05.
ltk la Right.
Receipts of live stock at the six prin
cipal western markets yesterday:
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Routh Omaha 4,7) 4 j-u 7,j)
Sioux City l.lsa)
$1. Joseph , 4.K4) T.jnO 404
Kansas City 10 us) 17 0) 4 (jr.)
St. Louis 6 4O0 16. 5") 4faj
Chlcaaa lO.guO 25 00O tl.uuu
Total 46 t) 72s) 42.9
PlkllaAelxlata Pr4rs Market.
Vjc h.g .er: extra western crm
ery ,s:c; extra Western nearby pi inta, 3 :.
E "f ;.-' irru; penrsvivaul-t aiul otner
neatxby f.r;, free taaes. ,c at Duaik;
Toledo Seed Market.
TOLEDO. Nov. 20-SEEDS r'owr: cish.
28.75; No. 2. $s.75; December. s 75 March,
J.D5; No. !. 2S50; No. ' 3. 2 O'-itr.: re
ject -d. f5.w-irs.15; no estahlshel trad-.
27 2.v.i7.50 Timothy, prime ti.-u Aisike,
rime. 17: November, ist.75; Decemter.
7.1; March, SV.IO.
dr. mile, mm
" ' ;i'-A, ' -4-
I : 4k' Vr-tJ
t - J ". v
f ' ;- . - -' -
Tka CUef of Staff.
Thirty year-" experience In diagnosing
and treating such chronic diseases as
paralysis, rheumatism, g-oltre, gall stonea,
epilepsy, diseases of the liver, kidneys,
stomach, blood. In fact all chronlo and
nervous diseases of men and women, has
given Dr. Mllen a knowledge and ability
to cure far beyond that of ordinary phy
sicians of limited experience. The follow,
lug letters speak for themselves: '
Dear 8lr: For the past eight years I
have had rheumatism. All my Joints were
affected and I was unable to walk or
use my hands to hold anything,, AU
treatments I had taken before coming to
you were without results. After taking
treatment from you fur three weeks I
began to improve and feel like myself.
From that time on I have been Improv
ing right along. Before taking treat
ment 1 could nut step over a broomstick
now I am working and fe-J fine. To
anyone suffering with similar ailments I
will be glad to tell or write what these
doctors have done for 'me.
Logan, Iowa.
BIOVX CITY. Ia., 10-21- 09.
Dear Sir: I want to let you know that
I had been ailing for 10 years, off and
on, and had been to doctors for relief,
but attained not the slightest benefit. I
suffered from nervousness and pain so
much I could not work at ray trade as
blacksmith. I came to you oa or about
the first of October, and after taking your
specific remedies and uth-tr treatment at
the office, was able to be at my shop
after tha third dav, and have ever since.
I work at m trade .all day and feet
I want to thank you and let the public
know of my recovery Anyone can ad
dress me at North Riverside or call at my
shop. Will tell them Ju4 how I suf.erc.I.
and I can say my wonderful recovery
was due to the Auetro-Aiiuirioan Doctors'
treatnuentx. Voura truly.
Dr. Milen ta chief of staff of the Auatro
Ameriraa Iioctors. Sulla 422 Rainge
bull Ji tig. Fifteenth and Harney street,
just oppoeite the Orpheuia Theater,
Otuaha, Kt-