TIIE BEE: OMAHA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBKU 1, 1909. 1 1 fS J t I 1 a i if T 1 t i I BRIEF CITY NEWS '909DECEMDER 1909 Su mon tut wio tm rpi 5 , . I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 II Z 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 2425 20 27 28293031 oot Print It. R, 1. Iwoboda -Certified Aooonntant. fcln.hart, hotograjh.r, igth Frnam. Lighting fixtures, Burgess Granden Co. Bcyn, photo, removed to 16th A Howard, rqultablo Life Policies night draft at maturity. II D. Neely, -nanager, Omnha. J. A, 0ntlmaa Co., Undertakers New location, 1614 Chicago St. Both phones. Ooal Bill Coal Company Large Nut. $5 per ton. Ooofl cooking coal. Tel. D. 979 Thar are fceeeral Ways of Saving- The Nebraska Sayings and Loan association way, and others. Our way pays S per cent per annum. 104 Board of Trade 'building. Court Appoints Counsel for C. Hittle Attorney Amos Thomas haa been appointed by Judge button to defend Charles Hittle, who is charged with the theft of a chain and locket from his sweetheart, Nellie Kloln, while escorting her home. The cas will be called up in district court In a day or two. Colored Mea Get a Haarlng Henry Wil liams, John Logan and Blake Brlnkley, colored, were brought into police court to answer to a charge of breaking and entering a Northwestern road freight car or or about November- 25, and stealing' hides. They demanded an examination, which was fixed for Saturday morning. Beta W. Carson la Arrested Nel.i W. Carson, charged with embezzlement of S119.W- froth the Hong Kong Tea company, has been arrested. He was arraigned in Justice Kastman's court and entered a plea of not guilty. Carson claims that he was held up and robbed of the money collected for tho company. Datamation of Character Story Thomas W. Symonds of Kansas City, a former employe of the Hammond Type writer company, has brought suit In the United States circuit court for 112.000 dam ages against Bert F. 8wabson of Omaha for alleged defamation of character. The suit grows out of a letter written by the defendant to the plaintiff. Chief WU1 Auotion Off Old Stores Un claimed property, valued at between 10 and fc00 will be auctioned off at police headquarters Thursday afternoon at 1 o'clock by Chief of Police Donahue. The property consists of clothing, revolvers, rifles, harness, suit cases, trunks, shoes, tools, lead, brass, bicycles, tables, watches, Jewelry and many other articles. Hotel Clerka to Bay An Organ K. H. Hawks, editor of "The Hummer," a peri odical devoted entirely to the interests of hotel clerks, is to be in Omaha on Decem ber 6 to speak at the banquet of the Iowa Nebraska Hotel Clerks' association, to be held at the Loyal. This meeting has a relation to the movement for the formation of a national organization of hotel clerks. Concert at P.arl Memorial Church- Pearl Memorial Methodist church, Twenty fourth street and Larlmore avenue, will be the scene Wednesday evening of a con cert. The following soloists have been an nounced: Lena Ellsworth Dale, soprano; Mlnnah Weber, contralto; E. S. Travis, baritone; R, 8. Donahey, tenor; Edith Hansen, pianist) Marguerite Ifrown, vio linist. Proceeds from the concert will be devoted to the church budget. She Sho' Sid Bay the Proof Bertha James, colored, tried hard to convince Judge Crawford she was not a disorderly person, but failed. Officer Aughe said the woman had been hanging . around the Third ward for several months. "I was waiting for my old man when they picked me up," said the woman. "How do you support yourself," queried the court. "I takes In washing. If you don't believe it I can have i yoa call up two bartenders who knows me.'' "Ten dollars and costs," was the bench' answer. Can't Stop Wheels of Xw John Bellsh learned to his sorrow In police court thai It doea not pay to Interfere with an offlcei in discharge of his duty, even if he, Bellsh. hud been ask by another man to protect his rights. ' Bellsh Interfered with Con stable SJrln s?ivlng a subpoena on Fred Luts. u saloon rutin, and became so ob it, noxious, witness declared, that the police had to be summoned. Bellsh deo'ared Lutz had asked him to look after his Interests, but the court decided Lutz had sought mighty poor advice. It cost Bellsh $10 and costs. Novelties FKENitJR 15th and Dodge. ST LOIN MINUTI9 A CORRECT watch JT is a time-saver. Its accuracy permits close calculations. It avoids necessity of a 4. u :u margin. The guarantee of precision a timepiece is to find on and works the watchword j T HL. C M. WHEELER. Model 16 Size Pendant Winding and Setting. Scvtntren Jewel. Ruby and sapphire balance and center Jewels. Compensating ba.ance. Brcgurt hair spring, with micrometry regulator. Adjusted to temperature, iiwx'tuonim. Hires powli.mv Pitent recoiling cliclt-and sell-locking setting oevke. Dust ring, flair! dama&keened. En graving inU J witji gold. Open face and Bunting case. In rilled Oold Oum, SO aad na. la Solid Oold Case. SM aad up. Other Elgin models at other price according lo trade oi movement aad case. All fc-lt.B model are sold b jeweler every where, and lie fully guaranteed. ELGIN NATIONAL WATCH COM PANT. A. I. tmllll '' '- '' NEW LOVE TOO FAST FOR OLD Walter Blackett Marries Too Soon and Now Loses Wife No. 2. DIVORCE FROM NO. 1 SET ASIDE Allrr IIhtIbk Ll?ri Dlut Jaly with New Wife He I Foreea to Ulve Her I p ty Order of the Court. Better be off with the old love before you are on with the new. In the light of a decision by Judg Este'le In district court the old proverb Is appealing with peculiar cogency to Walter Blackett Blackett must abandon wife No. I. even If he does not resume living with wife No. 1. Mrs. Blackett No. 1 has won her suit to have declared vacant the decree of divorce which Blackett obtained from her at Christmas time, 190. Consequently Blackett's marriage to Mies MlrmaGus tavson which occured last July Is not legal. Will Blackett cease living with Mrs. Blackett No. f?" his attorney, Tom Donohoe, was asked. "He's lmply got to," replied the lawyer. While the consequences to Mrs. Blackett are serious," said Judge Estelle In giving his decision, "I am here to administer and Interpert the law as It' seems true, and I shall do so. Besides Bckett went Into his predicament with his eyes open. The petition to vacate the decree was "filed last May and personal service obtained on H'ackett. In spite of this he went ahead and married in June or July." Faulty Affidavit Its Cane. A faulty affidavit preparatory to the di vorce hearing of Chrlstmastide, 130R, la the cause of the voiding of the decree. The affidavit declared that service by publica tion was necessary and did not state that the defendant. Mrs. Blackett No. 1 was nonresident. The affidavit being defective the court never acquired Jurisdiction. "Besides," said the court, "this affidavit saying that he did not know her where abouts was sworn to October 6 of last year and filed November 7. October 16, In the Interim, Mrs. BtacKett came to Omaha and the plulntlff saw and talked to her. He could then have obtained the proper personal service. This alone would cause the vacating of the decree If the other ground were not sufficient. The decree being vacated, the original suit for divorce is still on the docket. Mrs. Blackett No. 1 does not want her husband to get a decree even now and will fight. She announced some time ago that If she won this case she would prosecute Blackett for bigamy. Her attorneys do not favor this. .1 Neither Blackett nor wife No. 2 was in the court room when the decree was handed down. CORN SHOW EXHIBITS ARE BEING RUSHED TO OMAHA BaUdlng Are Ilnay Place as Con tractors 2Vrr End of Their Work. With but a week left for the Installation and the completion of exhibits, the Audi torium and the annex are very busy places these days. Both contractors have large forces at work putting the finishing touches on the buildings and exhibits are beginning to arrive. 4 A good many of the exhibit which the railroads are bringing in free of charge have arrived and are being carted to the Auditorium. Tuesday two cars arrived, one from Fresno, Cal., on the Union Paclfio. and one from Klammath Falls, Ore., on the ?jeat Northern. Both these won prizes at the Seattle exposition. Another exhibit which arrived Tuesday morning was that of North Dakota, and it is now being Installed by W. C. Ollbreath, Industrial agent of the state. The Junior exhibit Is installed sufficiently for the Judges to begin work and E. E. Faville, senior Judge of this department is now at work. The government exhibit in the basement room of the Auditorium is nearly all in place. Among the most Interesting ex hibits of the government are those of the department of animal Industry, showing what the government has learned of bene fit to those who raise live stock. THAT GASOLINE STOVE AGAIN Man Iladly Burned When lie Flchts Flames from Explosion in His Home John Lusso of 10 South Seventh street, sustained painful but not dangerous in juries when he attempted to put out a fire from the explosion of a gasoline stove at his home Tuesday afternoon. His face anl hands were badly burned. The loss to the building Is Inconsiderable. The cause of the explosion is unknown. in dial - This Is lh Xwa graceful Engraved Stationery VuitiitM Cmrdi AH oonvct forms ia current toeial mi cuitmh social nun nsraired and nriiilljr ddiwed wbaa Embossed Monogram Stationery ami othar work wcuted at piicaa lower tnaa uaually pravail aiaawnara. ROOT, Incorporated o mO-lJllrUwardSt. PkaD. 104 Some Things You Want to Know The American Congress But once In the history of the t'nlted houses passed measure over his veto wlth Htates haa the congress mnde a deliberate out difficulty. Johnson Immediately at attack upon the integrity of the exeru- traded the support of every democrat lit tlv branch of the government, as sepa- congress, but there was nly a "corporal's rted and defined by the constitution, guard" of republicans who supported tne Many president have used extraordinary administration. The president sought to means to control the legislative branch us the patronage of his office to bolster and have succeeded. Congress, In It one up his strength, but congress promptly dls attempt to dsstroy the preponderant power armed him by passing tha tenure-of-offlce of the president, failed. The war between act, .taking away from the president the President Andiew Johnson andV'c'ongresa right of removing federal officeholders was a bitter personal and partisan Strug- without the consent of the senate. There gle. In which principle had small weight wer many clashes of aathnrtty, but Ihe and consistency none. Had only one sena-Might finally centered about EdJn M. Btan tor changed his vote from "Not guilty" ton, whom Johnson had Inherited with to "Qullty," Andrew Johnson wou'd hav Lincoln's cabinet a secretary of war. been deposed, Ben Wad would have be- Stanton had barely tolerated Lincoln; he come president and the whole subsequent completely Ignored Johnson. The president history of the nation would have been suspended him from offle under the pro changed, visions of the tenure-of-offlce act and re- The bails of the quarrel between John- ported.hls action to th senate, whioh body on and congress was the Instinct of refused to confirm It. Later Johnson took self-preservation In the republican party; the bull by the horns and removed Stan- the Immediate cause ws th difference ton from office. In the plan for the restoration of the Then the wrath of the congressional eleven -sWedlng states to the union, party broke all bounds. A movement to Beu Wade's ambition to be president and Impeach Johnson early In lfT had failed. Thad 6teven deslr to punish the south, But on the very day Stanton was removed, as well as Andrew Johnson's social stand- February 21, 1808, a resolution Impeaching Ing, were considerable factors In the prob- the president wa offered in the house, lem. It Is fortunate for the nation that Next Cay It was adopted by a vote of 120 neither side was able to claim comp'.et to 4". the division being strictly according victory, and thu neither could Impose to party lines, every republican voting upon the nation all of It desires. A It "ay" and every democrat "no." It was Is, the legacy of that period Is now one charged In all gravity that Johns-n was of th chief political trouble of th removing Stanton so that he could get nation, for as yet no man know Just hold of the munitions of war and perpetu- what the fourteenth amendment actually ate himself In the Whit House by force does mean. of arms. Mr. Lincoln held to the theory that th The next day Johnson allayed the fears stales had no right to secede from the of the more conservative element by ap- urloh, that they never had seceded and pointing Thomas Swing to be secretary of that the war was, In fact, an insurrection. war- Men might doubt Johnson, but they Upcn this doctrine he based his scheme of coul1 not doubt Kwlng and his loyalty to reconstruction, which was to permit any tne u,llon- But no one reckoned that the state to re-establish itself as a member of MnRte would soberly try the president on the union when 10 per cent of Its voting the char" Panted. Everywhere It was Population should docile loyalty and elect pr1?,d'ted1: 7" ?Vl hone? Ben Wad' representatives to congres. As early a. W'" " .T Z ."' 1862. when the Issu, of the war wa, In doubt k , P u n ""Ti'J" j , . 1 der the law as It prevailed until 18S6, would and before any steps were taken to free 8UCCa to the pr4-Jdency , CM of ,he the slaves, Mr. Lincoln promulgated his ae,ath or removal of Johnson. 'Louisiana lian" under which he recng- n-i,. .. , ... . ... . The trial In the senate began on March nlzed a loyal state government In Louisiana 5 irkx w. fm.ilv ri.i.i a.. and under wilch two representatives. Flanders and Hahn wrre elected to con- gress. They were received and seated In prosecution, but the hand of death was the house In the Thirty-seventh con- upon him. H was carried In a ohalr to s"ress- the capltol to read hi speech In th argu- Thad Stevens led the opposition to this ment against the president, but he failed scheme and the Thirty-eighth congress de- and was forced to hand the manuscript to cllned to receive representatives from Mr. General Ben Butler. It was Stevens' last Lincoln's "10 per cent states." But the fight. Issue was not pressed, pending the result The first roll call of the senate on thi of the war. The Thirty-eighth congress trial was had on May 16. Thirty-five sen expired by limitation on March t, 1R6S, a ators yoted ' Guilty," and nineteen voted little more thnn a month before Lee sur- "Not guilty." A change of one vote would rendered and the war was over. Lincoln have meant conviction, as It would have did not call a special session, and he was cor"Plted the two-third vote required by proceeding with his plan for a restoration of the southern states upon the basis of the Louisiana plan w hen he wa. murdered. "J" "V"""- "ese seven men a i .i. t ,j . ... were denounced by the r partisans at the Andrew Johnson became president of the . ,. ' . ' " """ "? ...,.,, , . , , . . time as traitors, and the repub can na- Lnlted States. Johnson had been a demo- ,,., .,, ,. . . . . i., ... ,. t ...... , tlonal convention which met on May 20. crat all his life. He had defied Jackson. between tne tlme of ,n& flrgt ro cn and once, and had often manifested great lnde- tho la8t formly excommunicated them, pendencc, but he was nevertheless a party T)e ,even senators who saved Johnson and man. He had been placed on the ticket the prestige of the presidency were William with Lincoln a a war democrat. He was P. Fessiiden of Maine. Joseph 8. Fowler also a southern man. When it became of Tennessee, James W, Grimes of Bur apparent that the union would be victor- llngton, John B. Henderson of Missouri, lous, Johnson voiced some bitterly vlndlc- Edmund G. Ross of Kansas. Lyman Trum tlve threafl against the leader of the con- bull of Illinois and Peter Q. Van Winkle federacy and wa credited with a desire of Weet Virginia. Of ,t,l?ls, number John B. to hang rebels to fve.ry tree. Hut later iie manifested a natural love for his native section, which was. whether the result of his social ambitions, or of htr democratic partisanship, none the less grateful to the defeated followers ot the lost cause. Johnson, upon becoming president, lls- tened to the counsel of William H. Seward, who remained at th head of his cabinet, and adopted the Lincoln plan of recon struction. State governments were organ ized and representative and senators ejected. The franchise was limited by ex ecutive decree and only loyal white men participated In the new governments. John' son declined to call congress together, iml- states woufu have ben received at once tating the example of Lincoln in lCA. Be- Into the councils of th nation, their r?p fore congress met for Its regular session reaentation in congrres would have been In December Johnson had completed the re- Increased because of emancipation, and organization of the southern states on the they would have formed a political coalition general line of Lincoln's "Louisiana with the northern democrats which Plan." would have driven the republican party Congress met and refused to receive the out ot power at once. To prevent this con representatives of the new state govern- gress forced the adoption of the four ments. Thaddeus Steven offered a Joint teenth and fifteenth amendments to the resolution providing for the appointment constitution. of a Joint committee of the two house oi congress to consider the question of reconstruction of the states lately In re bellion. That wa the beginning of the longest debate In the annals of congress. The result was that the Johnson plan of ,,ie 17 V. i " " ' ' vu'iiiwi wi injriai iroopn, ana the nightmare of "reconstruction" had bu gun for the south. Johnson fought a best lie could, but an overwhelming republican majority in both SACRED HEART TO HAVE NEW SCHOOL HOME IN FEW YEARS Ontf rowi Preaeat Quarter and Will I'm IVorth Side Christian Church for Recitation. In a few year Sacred Heart parish win have a new school, with buildings costing about 130,000. TbI announcement 1 made by Father P. J. Judge, pastor. Growth and development have overrun tha facilities of the present building, and it I because of thl that Father Judge bcught the North Hide Christian church property, but thl property Is not to be used for chuioh purposes The present building of tha Christian church will be employed as a lyceum and recitation hall for a time at least. It will be entirely for school and not church purpose. Theie are seven lot In the ground Father Judge has Just bought on Locuot street, covering an area S40xl!4 feet. Watches FRENZER 15th and Dodge. OLD MAN CUT UP BY A CAR Janiea Anderson I CaaaM la Croaalug Track aad Badly lajnred. Fob Jamea Anderson, an aged scissor sharp ener, was sifuck by a street car at Twenty second and Lake streets Tuesday morning shortly after t o'clock and badly Injured. He was crossing the tracks and, owing to th fog, did not see the Car approaching HI right leg wa broken and his head cut and it Is feared his skull fractured. His Injuries were so painful th patrol wagon which went out from th station did not take him to the hospital. Instead an am bulance waa called. The car wa In charge of William Wells, conductor, and John Munson, motorman. Anderson wa taken to St. Joseph' hos pital. K Tun ol Gold could buy nothing better for female weak nesses, lame back and kidney trouble than Electric Bitters. 60c Tor salo by Beaton lru Co. . Johnson Against Congress. Th.j e ... w a.u . . . . u . , u " " w.i V L Ilia UIBIIUKCIH on the Dart of the house charsed with the l" lu""llIullon' " eive or the demo- " "l i ioi gunty, as Henderson J the pnix, auftyJvor. Johnson was acquittal-and Bt?n Wade's hoprB of the presidency .died with the ver dict of the senate. The fourteenth amend ment had been made prerequisite to the readmlsslon of the southern states to the union, and negro suffrage had been as- aured over the protest of the president. Yet the mon radical plan of the Stevens party, such as the confiscation of the land In the south and their div'slon among the freed slaves, had been defeated by the subbornness of Johnson. Had congress not opposed the Johnson cheme of reconstruction, the southern But even these did not suffice long to secure, republican supremacy, for Itv 187t the democrats gained control of the nous of representatives and In 1S7G they con tested the election of president. It wan to meet this condition that republican con- ing for federal control of elections. My ZDUO J. XAaxXBT. Tomorrow TE1 AJfUJtXCAJT COXiQBESS Th Tore Bill" and Cloture. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is no "cure-all" finmfiiirr kiit- ,A- t ..' &) 13 MUC ,ul jUSl onc purpose cure the weaknesses, painful disorders and irregularities of womanly organism. It is Tim OAT? RRMnnv for these aliments, sold by druggists, devised and gotten up by a regularly graduated physician of vast expe rience In treating woman's peculiar diseases and Is carefully adapted to work In harmony with her delicate organization, by an expe rienced and skilled specialist In her maladies. THR ONtl RRMnnv for woman's ailments, sold by druggists, which contains neither al cohol ( which to most women is the rankest poison) or other Injurious or habiutorming drugs. ' thr own nniunnv tn the comtiostmnn , perfect and good I" ; 7, ' 1 ,a,n nilsn on its outside bottle-wrapper, and attest the correctness of the same under oath-thus taking Its ers into their full confidence, and warranting physicians in prescribing It Iti their worst cases, which they do very large. It is foolish as well M dangerous to take medicine the composition of which you know nothing, rherefore, don't let a dishonest druggist prevail on you to accept Secret Z T;lVhlF:0eSll0ny apprVcd .rndicinc OF KNOWN composition. lUVCred" ll ""V . y .u,c L'tai'i, uuuk.. p J F -ocnu p0srai carp request for free Book et of same Everv woman may write fully and confidentially to Dr. R. V. Pierce Buffalo N Y tTon nVtLU tt3trher ,CaSi ."ivc careful, conscientious Snfiden tion and that the best medical advice in the world will be given to her, absolJh flee will send 31 one-cent stamps to pay the cost of mailing only. Dr. Pierre's. P vacant P.1t. - i. j s J k in lrmoriK;,r wum in nirmonv witn "havonte Mrer .u j .j coated, tiny granules, easy Union Pacific Makes Corn Show Rate of One Cnt Applies This to Nebraska and Adopts Cent and a Half for Other SU.ies. The Union Pacific has cut rates for the National Corn exposition to 1 cent per mile In the state of Nebraska and on It lines west. Including Colorado and Wyoming, has made the round-trip rate equal to one and one-half fares. The Hock Island lines, the Burlington route, the Northwest ern line and the Missouri Pacific had al ready announced a fare ofJV cents per mile In the state. William H. Murray, assistant general passenger agent for th Union Paclfio, announced th special low rate of the Har rlman system. The announoeroent I not unexpected, for, at th time of the State fair at Lincoln and the Ak-Sar-Ben cele bration In Omaha, the Union Pacific cut It rates below that of the other lines oper ating In the state. Circulars have been sent out lo the agents of the Union Pacific specifying De cember 7, S, t, 14 and IS as date of sale for special ticket, where th round trip ticket costs $8 or less, and December S, S, 10. 13 and IE. where the rate exceed 6. The return limit on all classe of tickets Is fixed as December 20. Rate cutting by tho Union Pacific will make no difference In the attitude of the other four roads operating weat of Omaha. "Th Rock Island will stand pat for the one and onj-half cent rate," say G. 6. PtntecoKt, division passenger agent of that syHem. "Our line was quick to reply to the request for special rates and we shall stand by our first announcement It I a fair rate and is general, for it applies to Nibraska, Missouri. Kansas, .Wyoming. Colorado and the Dakota. We shall not chrnqe our attitude In any respect." From the Burlington headquarters, the Northwestern ticket office and the Missouri Pacific offices comes similar announce ments. This aotlon by the Union Paclfio comes as good news to the corn show officials. It will mean Increased attendance, and Is bound to swell the crowds at the annual exposition. November Giant Month for Money Shdws Gain in Batik Clearings Thirteen Million Dollars Over Last November. of November, 9u9, has been phenomenal In tha Omaha banking business. Over the corresponding month last year the bank clearings have gained 13.t2.T3.T2. During the eleven mouths beginning In January the banks in their clearances have exceeded the figures for each month of 1908. Com parative figures for the two years are as follows: 190S 1909 So7,lh.7iK.03 4i,i2.7&l.'2 71.7!.iui.!W tXI, So!), i6.87 61.S,K2.71 h2,14M.ii u!,274, 170.16 M.tKJi.) SS l,iiOit,017.7J 71.797. 50S.67 &U87.2J3.V3 January .. SEl,m,tW.7 February , March ... April , May June July August .. September October .. 41.U1.MU3.37 W,727,2M.3i 4V1WO.-i8.94 48.dR,j.57 4!,44a,SU. 65 4.lM,6;i.04 4t.Ut)2.424.3l a0.jM.lUl.3r M,29!),630t)0 50.iW4.U60.0l , 5S,006,8.iS3 November December Totals 002,625, 867.M Totals for the year 1909 will eclipse those ofvall other years. , THREE JUDGES MAY HEAR THE JOSLYN CASTLE CASE Troop and Katetle Have Duplicate Raits, Hence Tie Vote 1 Feared. When and how the Joslyn castle suit shall be hearJ will soon be settled in dis trict court. It 1 possible that Judge Estelle and Redlck will sit with Judge Troup in the hearing of the case. John C. Cowln and W. O. Gilbert ap peared before Judge Troup In the morning and the matter was discussed, though jrfjt being settled. It went over until the after noon. One reason for having th three Judge hear the matter la thlB: -JJ'here are twd similar cults, one before Judge Troup ar.d the other before Judge Estelle. The demurrer of Joslyn has been passed upon by Judge Troup and overruled and this case Is ready for hearing on ita merits. Judge Estelle might sit with Judge Troup but there would be possibility of a dis agreement following a long trial and the vote of a third Judge would solve th'a problem If It arose. General Cowln declared he had no ob jection to going ti head before Judge Troup alone, a statement that evoked Interest In that Its makers are not 8fongt indorsement ot the leading medical men nf ,11 th. i lit- & n m m r r ab?a n i j to uka, candyV " a as Mi vv.vy(; !." 1 m I f l )' it I I It j " -'Is ''j I... Irf- S'J YyttDELs32 J "The House Of High Merit" FPT S H . FISTULA Pay When CURED fir WRITS )aSSB FOR BOOK ON PILES AND RECTAL DISEASES WITH TESTIMONIALS 11 DR. K. R. TARRY. 224 B Building. Omnha, Nehraeka II the light of his remarks anent the decision In the Paul case. Judge Troup has stated that his desire to have the other Judge sit with- him Is due solely to the fact that Estelle has a duplicate case and hence there ought to be a third Judge. General Cowln did not appear in the after noon at the appointed time for resuming the discussion and the matter 1 delayed. Lawyer Loses Client as Juror F. H. Gaines Comes Near Landing H. B. Eyner, by Whom He i Retained. H B. Ryner of the Automatic Blgnal company was disqualified as a Juror In a suit In district court, although F. H. Gaines made a hard fight for him. The dlsquallltratlon wa because Gaines I at torney for the Automatic Signal company. The suit Is that . of Edmund Hans against' the American Transfer company for - personal injury. It was tried last summer and the Jury disagreed in an un usual way. Eleven wished to give Hans 17.600 and tha twelfth Insisted it should not be more than $4,000. To the vexation of Attorneys Moore and Daniel for plaintiff, the Jury neve did get together on what the amount should be. Mr. Moore, examining Mr. Ryner, dls- I covered that he had intimate business re- ' lations with Mr. Gaines, whose firm Is de fending and Moore challenged for cause. Gaines protested, but was overruled. BROOKS. SEES OMAHA MOVE Wyoming; Governor I Impressed vrlth Steady Growth of the Gate City. "Omaha I certainly a bustling city," re marked Governor Brooks of Wyoming. "I've been sitting here In the hotel window for an hour watching the people go by. That Is a good measure, too, for the activity of a city or the value of property can pretty well be estimated according to the number of people passing within a period of time. "The streets are twice as crowded and busy a they were a year ago when I wag here. Omaha Is certainly moving along, and w who see the city only occasionally are best fitted to not her progress." Governor Brooks la on hi way home, but will probably return for the Corn show. ' ' Bee Want ure Buslneua Boosters. to the 1 N '- . SO afraid to print Its J it . j ' Y m'n h . .. "'"."V1 .."' They ' . . . a gentle laxative. ougar- a About Your Raincoat? Ppfms as though the weather-man would have tis wear Raincoats all win ter doesn't It? However, changes In the weather will not affect you. If you've prepared for them with ona of cir really rain proof coats. Of course all Raincoat are supposed to be rainproof, but If you've ever worn one of the many that are not, you'll doubly appreciate the fact that ours are rainproof. , And If style and looks counts with you, you'll quickly cee the remarkable difference between these coats and the ordinary sort. Nor are ) ou restricted In your choice, for we've every correct style from thu popular "Military", to the. equally worthy regular styles. We'll show yoa how to save $2.00 to 15.00 on any coat you select, from $10.00 to $25.00 guiLMiW'1'1' mw 'jlw ' " ' ' 1,11 - "W' " 1,.iiiih BT All Rectal Diseases cnrd without a surgical fe. operation. No ChloroformEther or other genYl eral aneaithetic used. CURE GUARANTEED ll to last a LIFE-TIME. Wbxamihation rir. II ISBS4m-'ilUa Need an Overcoat? oal? R tock and B We are reducing our breaking all Omaha record for overcont making-1 by offering S25 828 and 830 Btrra-ANTi overcoats Made to Measure For $20 Splendid materials : Workmanship guaranteed satisfactory perfect fit warranted. MacCarlhy-Wilson Tailorihfl Co., 304-306 South 10th Bt. DOCTORS REFUSE TO TREAT PATIENTS United Doctors Accent No Incurable) Cases for Treatment. THEIR RECORD IS CLEAR Cure Every Case They Treat. Iowa Man Knows of Cases Refused. The United Doctors, thoae expert medi cal specialists who hav their. Omaha In stitute on the second floor of the Neville block, corner Sixteenth and Harney streets, have extalillnhed a grand reputa tion not only In the .number of cures made, but also in the honesty and straightforwardness of their business methods. Case after case ha bean refused by these specialists because the patient cam too late. It 1 the United Doctors' In variable rule to never accept an Incur able case for treatment. N This fact is brought ut In th follow ing letter from a cured patient: , , Silver City, la., Nov. 27. 1809. The United Doctors: Dear Doctor: 1 lbh -lo tell you how greatly I have improved under yojr treatment. I hnvo been afflicted since I wa 12 years of ng with etomach trou ble, chronic Indigestion, and rheumatism. I would often be so dlssy that I could hardly walk; I never had any appoitll hr.d wan all run down. I was doctored by many ihyslclafts and did not even get any relief, and r. for a cure. 1 had given up nil hope for ttmt.- tine doctor aflHr another tried and foiled and I had be come completely discouraged. I wus fin ally Induced to call on ihe United Doc tors, btiau.-e 1 had hoard of so many of their cure and knew of one or two who had obtained wonderful result from these specially. They Raid after examination that they could cure ine. I did not be lieve It then, but like drowning man grasping at a straw. I commenced th'-lr trfcatinerit and now I know they were tell ing the truth. I might have known that If they could not have cured me they would have said no, for I have known of ch sew they refused -to treat heraue the puiierer non wauea 100 long DeTure con sulting them. After treating for three months I feel Ilk another mn; I sleep and eat better than I have frr years anl nm now nHe. to do a full rlny's work. I know that I will vm he inHselv cured. I'MAMv COiTEI.T, Bllver City, lows. A-W-F SPELL3 COUGH Tb Bst Kamedy or Congas, Cold . T lire at and Luna- Trou ""HOWELL'S anti-kawf Oet a bottlH toflnv. . 9Bo f,ta srio. vnur druiTKiit or Bo.n rtmv rin an fOD . lfth Bt.. Omaiy. s SCHOOLS. Send For Our Big Free Book -"wft-n a. - - v-l Ue hav n-anv -t-u ui w th h gH thlUug-t rr our cli ttsirt 1 .r.u. Co, . "J, 20 H..t DtH Li.!-.. N Rdlnay Hail Examinsiion The eiamlu-.n lor tbo Bttlwur Hull Rprvlf will bi Lt4 nxi iig. Vuu cuo mut prpr tot this tkinloalloa (it Hire inouili. Ju ft fnir rounnom grbool rdurAiluQ t all tbal la ncttdvu. C braMn rtOTvDitrr Ihi, (.ud January 9. Jy0. Tuition oaif ftli uj. We cd itva you ibe full cur alio by ot wwpon&9em. 'J'utilv Vr.Mt Mm r full lafar BiaUoQ. AddMtaa A D$ MokiM. low; 1. -