TIIE BET:: OMAHA. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1000. WEI' WIN BY BIC MAJORITY Prohibition Defeated in Alabama by About Twenty , Thousand. PERSONAL ELEMENT IN FIGHT It Cannot II- Restarted fHralcht A ntl-Proh Iblt Ion Victory ot ernor oinrr Waa r.IRMIKOIMM. Ala..: Nov. SO. All Indl entlntii ' point to majority of "ttweon lS.cflO and 20 000 In Alabama BKBltint the prohibition constitutional amendment yes terday. Chairman J. Lee Long, who has been In charRe' of the liRht against the amendment, " claims tht the .majority attnlnst the amontlmcnt will be fully 20,000. The early returns Indicated a landslide against the amendment and succeeding bulletins fully bore out the early Indi cation. Jefferson county, In which la lilrmlng ham. the largest city In the state, In spite of the fact that- the' fight haa been con centrated here, pave' a majority of over 1,000 against the amendment. Mobile, Mont gomery and Cullman counties show the lartrext majorities on the victorious aide anil It nppears the amendment baa carried but three counties, Tnl'sdrga, Macon and Sumter, will) Ixe. In doubt. . . IVot a Strnlaht Victory. Today's election cannot be reirardod as straight antl-prohlbitlon victory because of the personal-politics -that haa been In jected Into the Issue. I Its association With; The administration of Oovernor 53. B. Comer and his reported ability to name ' a aiic.cessor to the gov ernorship In Judge 6, V. Weakley, author of the prohibition bills, have figured promi nently In the result.. A significant feature of the result la the fact that sentiment" against the amend ment la so widespread. Mural preclnctB, mall towns and, cities alike, for the moat part returned substantial majorities on the winning aide. Interest la Contest. A fact of special Interest In today's elec tion on a constitutional amendment mak ing prohibition''; effective throughout all Alabama was that' It 'was the first time In the history of the state that an expression of the whole electorate vote had been se cured on a prohibition question. The state wide prohibition bill was passed by a legis lature which had been elected on a local option platform, and while several counties had declared for prohibition under, the local option act, the voters of the entire state had .never bsfor' been called upon to pass on the question direct. The polling places- lri the country pre cincts closed at S o'clock and In the cities at 6 o'clock, and the count was rapid, be cause there was but one proposition sub mitted. Many Finals at rolls. In Birmingham the election was the most exciting ever witnessed. Hundreds of peo ple .'were crowded around each polling place, women and Children . were singing and brass bands, stationed by the anti amendment forces, were playing patriotic airs,' Each polling place was enlivened by Its -quota of fist fights, there being so many- that Htvwaat Jmilbsstble W keep track of them. Feeling was so. high that a few words were sufficient to bring on a blow. Practically every other yoter was chal lenged and required to make affidavit that he was a qualified elector, This delayed the casting of ballots considerably, but In spite o( these handicaps the Vote was heavy. As an Instance of the deep feeling dis played, a minister went to the polls and a young womap attempted to pin a white rib bon upon him. The minister declined, tell ing her thut he considered It Improper for young women to speak to men on the streets, whom they "did not know. The wo man began orylng and the minister apolo gized for hurting her feeling, but he con sidered the polling places Improper places for the young woman to be. The affair was tuk(n up ell oyer the city and parti sans commended or denounced the conduct of the minister accordingly as their senti ments on- the question dictated. Country Counties Asa Inst It. MONTGOMERY, Ala., Nov SO.-Returns in the Alabama election indicated the pro posed amendment to put prohibition In the constitution had been defeated by a de cisive vote. From the country precincts the reports indicated the farmers' vote waa largely against it. The majority In Montgomery county against the amendment may go to 1,500. The indications are that the amendment lost in a majority of the counties. Most of the large counties went heavily Against thelneasure. While women and children were at the polls In many places, their presence did not affect the vote to any extent. Oscar Hall, tax commissioner of Bald win county, fell dead at his home, a few minutes after voting for the amendment, rhysiclans say dxutn was due to heart failure Induced by excltoment. SENATOR DIETRICH'S WIFE .AND DAUGHTER AT BEDSIDE Ills Condition Becomes More derl oua.'nhd; the Women Are Called. Mrs. Herbert Knox Smith of Washington, daughter of Senator. Dietrich, has been called to the bedside of her father because of his moaj: eeriuus condition. She arrived Monday and With Mrs. Lrtetrlch, is stepping at the Rome, Although thuy spend most of their tlm at tfta Methodist hospital, where Mr. Dietrich was taken' when brought to Omaha in his present serious condition. The Delicious Apollinaris Water COMBINED WITH ITS PERSISTENT EFFERVESCENCE And Valuable Digestive Qualities Accounts y Ever Increasing Popularity TMflMM . ' ffcsrj Milling fa Annual Feast of St. Louis Traffic Glub Senator Chamberlain, Judge Dillard and C. w. Post Talk of Eail; roads and the People. ST. LOUIS, Nov. 30 Senator George F. Chamberlain of Oregon, former Judge Mi land of Chicago, and George A. Post of New York were speakers at the annual banquet of the Trafflo club of St. Louis tonight. Senator Chamberlain discussed "Conservation, and The Railroads." Mr. post's subject was "Railway Ituslness As sociations." and Judge Dllland talked on "The Relation Between Corporate Enter prises and the Public." Senator Chamberlain pledged himself to support the waterway legislation proposed by the associations Interested In that 'sub ject, and predicted that the Mississippi val ley will become the manufacturing as well as the producing center of the country. Mr. Post told his hearers of a conference at Washington last Tuesday between repre sentatives of the Railway Business asso ciation, of which he is president, and President Taft and Attorney General Wick ersham. He pleaded with the railroad ex ecutives present to treat the people as cus tomers and asserted that this relation of seller and purchaser Is vital to a solution of the railroad problem. "Let the railroads go to Washington and help construct, rather than obstruct," he urged. CORN IS UNCHALLENGED RING (Continued from First Page.) lsS.000.000; flaxseed. $36,000.0000, and 1,000,-003,-000 pounds of rice, $25,000,000. Comparisons with Cornier Years. The production -of all cereals combined Is 4,711,000,000 bushels, an amount consider ably greater than that for any other year except 1W6. It exceeds the average of the preceding five years by 6.5 per cent. The value of all cereals in 1909 has never been equaled In a previous year. It Is almost exactly' 3,000,000.000, or 34 per cent above the five-year average Compared with the average of the previ ous five years, all principal crops are greater In quantity this year except cot ton, flaxseed, hops and cane sugar; but without exception every crop Is worth more to the farmer than the five-year average. This is the year -.of highest production for potatoes, tobacco, beet sugar, all sugar and rice; next to the highest production for corn, oil's and all cereals. Compared with 1908, gains In value are. found all along the line, the exceptions being bar ley, buckwheat, rye and milk. The Increase In . thei value of farm products thin year over 1908, $869,000,000, 1b enough to buy a new equipment of farm machinery for over 6,000,0u0 farms. The value of the cereal crops to tho farmer would pay .for all of the machinery, tools and Implements of the entire maufacturlng Industry. The value of all crops, 15,700, 000,000 would make a half payment on the value of all steam railroads, according to the valuation of .' 1904. " ' Meat Price Investigation. Retail Meat Prices Secretary Wilson has Just finished a unique Investigation made for the , purpose of this report relating to the increase of wholesale prices of beef wben sold at retail. Through employes of the Bureau of Animal Industry Inquiries were made in fifty cities large, medium, and small in all parts of the country. For the fifty cities the total retail cost charged to customers above the wholesale cost paid by the retailers is 38 per cent. In five cities the rate' of Increase is 20 per cent or under; In ten cities, 21 to 30 per cent; in 12 cities, 31 to 40 per cent; In twelve cities, 41 to 60 per cent; and in eleven cities, over 60 per cent. The lower the grade of beet the greater the percentage of gross profit In Boston, for illustration, the rate of gross profit Is nearly twice as great for beef costing g cents at wholesale as for beef costing 11 and 11V4 cents. Low-priced beef Is marked up nearly twice as much relatively as high priced beef. In other words, perhaps It is a life Inference that the poor people pay nearly twice as much profit as the well-to-do people pay. ' ' Hoc Situation More Fair. The farmer' situation with regard to hogs Is more fair to the farmer than the cattle situation is, but still It Is apparent that during the last three years the price of corn has been too high for the price of hogs. The relative price of hogs on the farm January L 1909, waa 147.3 as compared with 100 for tho mean price of 1196-1900, and the average cost of all hogs slaughtered at principal murketa in tli year before was 148.1, or about the same as the farm price. The price of dressed hogs of 160 pounds In New York in 1908 stands at 145.7. and the carcasses of market pigs at Chicago at 148.4, which is approximately the number representing the relative retail price of fresh pork. There has been a tendency of the animals and crops of the farm to Increase in value per unit at the farm at a faster rate than all commodities have. Increased at whole sale. W Ithln the wholesale trade, also, farm produots .exceed all other clasaes of com modities In relative Increase of prices slnqe 1896, and food Is' exceeded only by farm products and by lumber and building ma terials. The only large exception to the leading place taken by farm products In, irlse of prices is unfed beef cattle, the Flavor of for its Sunkist Flour is the most economical you can buy Sunkist goes farther than most flours each sack makei lour to cue loaves more bread. Sunkist Flour is mads from selected high grade wheat milled very carefully under conditions of sbaoluta cleanliness. Sunkist is richer in gluten the nutritive and bread' making element gives you more and better bread. Sunkist Flour a I way a give good retult farm price of which has barely begun to rise above the price level of 1899-1900 for beef cattle. The Inspection of meat was conducted at 876 establishments located In t40 cities and towns, an Increase of eighty-nine establish ments and twenty-nine cities and towns. There wero inspected at and after slaugh ter,S5.ff71,!OT animals, of which 7,XS.OT7 were cattle, a.04,"13 calves, 85.437.S21 hogs, M.S02.. 903 sheep and 69,193 goats. Of these 141.CW6 carcasses and S99.R28 parts' of carcasses were condemned. Tuberculosis seems to have been the principal cause of the con demnation. - In addition there were con demned' for" sanitary reasons on relnspec tlon more than 11,000,000 pounds of meat products. Meat Inspection. Owing to better observation of the law governing transportation of live stock In cars, only 208 cases of violation were re ported during the year, or less than one third the number In the year previous. Only 5 per cent of the cases resulted adversely to the government. Fines of t7$,4'.H) were collected and costs' of I1L539. Through the vigorous work .of its law officer the de partment Is exercising a powerful influence for the observation or tne severat laws In the enforcement of which It is specially Interested. Soils of forty-five different areas In twenty different states were mapped during the year, at a cont of about 1145,000, In cluding field and office expenses, the area mapped aggregating 100.6H square miles. Since the beginning of the year 1S99, 2S7.6M square miles have been surveyed and map ped. With reference to soil fertility the report states that so far as can be observed at the present time cases of failure on the farm are dud to Individual neglect or mlc Judgment, not fundamental to the soil It self. With regard to abandoned farms In the eastern states, It Is stated that the Idea that the soils have become exhausted Is a mistaken one and the suggestion' Is made that an Increasing production ' can be brought back through a change In farm management and the Infusion of new and active blood In rural communities. Tare Pood and Drugs. The department made a great forward movement In enforcing the food and drugs act. It now has branch laboratories for the examination of samples at twenty-one of the leading commercial centers, about one-half of these being seaport cities. The department solicitor haa prepared and re ported to the attorney general for prose cution 494 cases, and of those tried but two were lost. Convictions and fines ag gregating over $3,000 "were secured in eighty-five cases; and in ninety-eight cases' decrees of condemnation and forfeiture were Issued covering many tons of food and drugs. As a result of these opera tions, mlsbranded and adulterated prod ucts are rapidly disappearing from Inter state commerce. The use of preservatives Which may be injurious to health is one of the largest and most perplexing ques tions arising under the food and drugs act. So far only one experiment has been completed, that with sodium benzoate. The decision which has been published de clares this preservative to be noninjurlous, and it may be used without violation of law, provided the percentage, used appears on the labels attached to the packages. Rise of "Prescription Scheme." Since the passage of the food and drugs act the "prescription scheme" has arisen. Under this plan of selling proprietary medicines, a prescription is sent through the mat:s. The prescription will contain several well known medicinal agents, but also a coined name of some unknown product. To fill the prescription the re cipient must purchase the agent sold under the coined name. Analyses of these prod ucts have shown that they usually consist of the cheapest and commonest of in gredients, though advertised as panaceas for various diseases. Such remedies are plainly fraudulent, since they have no curative properties for the diseases for which they are recommended. Oar National Forests. The forest service manages a gnoat producing property; all to'.d the proclaimed boundaries of the national forests now in clude nearly 196,000,000 acres . of land. Of the three principal resources of the for ests, water, forage and timber, the timber is for the time being the least developed. Vigilant protection is now given the for ests and this will mean the steady im provement of water conditions In the west. Not only the users of water throughout the west, but all who in turn derive a benefit from the prosperity of these users share In the distribution of profits. The forage yield of the forests which suf ficed for nearly 7,700,000 sheep, tSOO.000 cat tle, 90,000 horse and 150,000 cows, was util ized by more than 27.000 Individuals and concerns, besides furnishing free grazing for milch cows and work horses of settlers, prospectors and travelers. The timber cut of last year was small because of general business conditions. In making sales of national forest timber not revenue but the best interests of the consumer furnish the guiding principles. The administration and protection of the national forests cost last year less than $3,000,000, with an ad ditional $500,000 spent on Improvements The cost of national forest administration and protection was less than I cents per acre for all purposes, Including Improvements. Work of 'Weather Burean. An instance of the practical value of the service of the ( weather bureau is found In Its advance warnings of storms, like the Key West hurricane of October 11, 1909. " From the first definite location of the storm over the south central Carib bean sea on October 4, until It procoeded to the southern .extremity of Florida' and panned Into the ocean on the 11th and 12th of October, the bureau gave out dally ad vices regarding Its Intensity and direction In every stage of Its progress, with the result that protective, measures follow ing the receipt of the warnings reduced the loss of both life and property to a minimum. Two new river districts were established, ope at Bismarck, N. D., and the other at Wichita, Kan., for the purpose of fore casting flood stages. Scientific Investigations have been con tinued at the Mount Weather Research observatory, and additional knowledge of conditions In the tipper atmosphere haa been gained by means of kites and captive balloons. The observations are resulting in knowledge which la of practical value In.' weather forecasting. ' Dry Land Farming. Investigations In the great plains area are now under way at thirteen stations. The subjects of crop sequence, green manuring, time and depth of plowing, ef fect of Ullage before and after seeding, and practically all the comMuatlons of crop sequence and tillage methods for the conservation of moisture are being studied. Durum wheat haa ' become firmly estab lished In the middle great p'ains region and is being rapidly extended to the inter-mountain dry-land section. The total production, of durum wheat for 1909 will probably be not less than 50.000,000 bushels. The spread of this type of wheat haa been so great that the care necessary to maintain the highest stand ard of quality has not been given. Prog ress waa made with barley, and rice by the improvement of varieties, the Introduc tion of new varieties, the improvement of cultural methods, etc. Greater interest was shown In all phases of corn, work than in any previous year. Studies are being made of the methods and practices on the moat successful farms, L"'-. - ' ' "jgfi I'lMirm ntumn,t,-hmi( mum ir - r r iintmnn i nil mi n il i mi t i mm iris il t i n"tr Tfc .win rrswr it "-"tni S'l-m,m "mmmm,mlmmmltr r ! ! ! ! '"" " :.-.- -"i Smiiiii unii iMiin mam awiiirifcfcM liMiiini iiwtfliiliifcfMiin i mum iiitmmii irurr " r iimh, tfct.M n mm 'ftrni in mm M,i.),itriiMinii1rt i iiir'j.inniinii nh t infr -inrr r n "" -. -"."- ' n . ' , , M , .im ..i I Oil Hinittceipcesti A recent ruling of the Post Office Department prohibits our awarding in accordance with our advertised prqmise the, prizes in our Golden Anniversary Contest. Our two former contests conducted with such marked success to all concerned set high our hopes for this the third contest. No one regrets more than we our utter inability to comply with the original advertised conditions of this contest. . Our plans for months past have been laid with the object of meeting the heavy demands that we ex pected would be made upon our stocks of high grade Pianos at this season of the year and as an immediate result of this con Goldeo Amisiiversary Commemorating our half century of business existence and to make PRICES and TERMS that will not be passed by. Remem ber when considering this sale that here we show 25 different makes of high grade, world renowned Pianos, including the cele brated: . " i Steiriway, Weber, Steger, Hartman, Emerson, Mehlin, McPhail, A. B. Chase, Wheelock, Stuyvesant, Steck and the Well Known Hand-made Schmoller '(SL Mueller Pianos. High grade makes that are not to be found elsewhere. Pur chased in such great numbers to insure rock bottom prices. We guarantee a saving of from $100.00 to $200.00 on any Piano pur chased during this Golden Anniversary Piano Sale. But we go still further than the furnishing of the highest quality and the No Money Down, 30 Days Free Trial..- Free Stool, Free Scarf, . Free Will bring to any home a Beautiful, Fully Guaranteed, Sweet Toned, High Grade Piano. This sale comes at the best time of the year to secure your Piano, just before Christmas. But act immediately. Note the following list which are only a few of actually hundreds of Piano bargains to be found on each and every floor of our salesrooms. Come tomorrow. Make your selection. If you don't want the Piano delivered immediately we will set it aside, holding it, delivering it a day or two if you desire, before Christmas. The important thing is to secure your instrument before our stocks have been reduced. They will be sold quickly. Music lovers everywhere know that a sale at Schmoller & Mueller's is a genuine sale. A sale which includes the furnishing of the highest quality, the best Piano. Which means the saving of the most money. And as we have shown, the giving of the most liberal, the most unheard-of terms. Note the various instruments here offered. Then come, or if you can't come, write for all particulars. We guarantee as great satisfaction in filling your order by mail as if you were here and per sonally selected the Piano. $250 Story & Camp, Cottage Upright, $G5 $G00 Steinway, Grand Square J75 $300 Kimball, Ebony case 85 $350 Sterling, Walnut case .$95 $150 Columbus, nearly new $105 $300 Singer, Mahogany case 5j115 $350 Ivers & Pond $130 $250 Stetson, Flemish Oak $138 Organs Mason & Hamlin, er Schmoll IPSsiinio 1311-13 Farnam Street. Phones Douglas and the results used by way of dumon strations sjiJ ' experlnif nts. The use of Ugumlnous crops In suitable rotations In the south has been encouraged and Im proved methods of savin- the seed by the usa of machinery have been established In various localities. . !r nionatrat loa Work. Rapid strides have been made In this work throughout the south. It Is an effort to help the farmer to help himself. It reachea and convinces all classes and ap parently is the only means by which raplj and radical changes of methods long es tablished can be secured. From one field agent six years axo the number has In creased 863, and from on farm under TTlHlf (CoffTittestlaimitis F Delivery, Then: SjI a $285 Milton, Mahogany case. . .$145 $225 Norwood, Oak case $155 $350 New Sample Piano $168 $375 Cramer, Walnut case $185 $375 Mueller, Concert Grand. . .$190 $350 Steger $225 $325 Merrifield $235 $700 Checkering & Kimball, Estey, Packard and a score of others $10.00, $15.00, & Established 1625; Iod. A1625 supervision to more than 60.000 farms, In cluding those classed us cooperating. Btate agricultural colleges enrolled more students than In iny preceding year. .The biennial appropriations of several of them have now reached th half-million mark; eight completed expensive buildings dur ing the year. New agricultural colleges were established In Hawaii and Porto Rico. Additional agricultural high schools were founded in four states, and five states pro vided for teaching agriculture la general high schools. Hoys' and girls' agricul tural clubs now have a membership of 150,000. The department proposes to supply literature to pupils oven mora freely In the Mueller! (Co. 1 ft test. We have bought from a score of manufacturers. We have bought heavier than ordinary conditions would warrant. Now with the contest falling short of our original plans we find every foot of floor space on our five floors crowded and crammed to overflowing with the highest grade line of Pianos ever assem bled in the West. Something must be done. Ordinary selling conditions will not help us. Extraordinary measures alone will relieve our di lemma, our over-crowded salesrooms. We have decided to inaug urate a Sal giving of the lowest prices. Money is not our immediate object. We must move our stock and would rather that music lovers in Omaha, in Nebraska and throughout the West should have the advantages of this sale and the opportunity to secure the long desired Piano under terms that may not be approached or granted elsewhere. From now until December 25th these terms: Son $255 FILL Ol'T rOLlt)N AM MAIL TODA V SCHMOLLKH & MUELLEIl 1'IAXO CO., Omaha, Neb. Gentlemen: I am Interested In your Golden Anniversary Piano Sale, and If I can save money, secure a bigh grade instrument at the term" which you name, 1 shall he pleased to have all lnformaton that will enable me to decide whether to authorize you to make L selection for me. Please send catalogues, your complete llat of bargains and all other information. Name Address B. x 1859 1 future than In the past. Itegular farmers' institute meetings num bered 4,928, with 10.210 half-day sessions and total attendance of 2.UX3.663. Ktate appropriations for institutes were $33fi.0u0. There were eight normal Institutes for tlie training of Institute teachers. Twenty-ouie states held Institutes especially for women. Fourteen states ran railroad sped lis In connection with farmers' Institutes, the expense being often borne by the railroads. Movable schools of agrioultore registered 1.W0 studonts. ' ' - ' itee Want Ads Are tne Best Business Boosters. ' ISPs if 4y v r ' .-" "ifL - Vv5 si Week $450 Chase, Walnut case $265 $450 Emerson, San Domingo Mahog. $285 $600 Hardman, Art style $110 $650 Steinway, Mahogany $450 $700 Angelus, Player Piano $150 $750 Steger, Player Piano $400 $750 Electric Player, big bargain. . .$160 $1,500 Steinway, Concert Grand $450 $20.00, $25.00 and Up. EXPRESS TRAIN GOES IN DITCH Dose a Tenons Are Injured In Wreck ou the Pennsylvania. Itnllroad. PlTTSUT'Ita. Nov. aa-More than a dozen persons were injured, a number seriously, when the tlnlontown, and 1'ltU burg express train, No. 101, on-Ute. Jfenn sylvauia railroad left' the track at 8:40 today at Manor, fa., near here, and ran Into a ditch. Th train consisted of a baggag mts mall car, three coaches and a parlor ear. Th caus of th wreck is not known.